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Sustainable Development Goals

United Nations - 2030 Agenda
Achieve gender
equality and empower
all women and girls
Gender equality is not
only a fundamental
human right, but a
necessary foundation
for a peaceful,
prosperous and
sustainable world.
According to an article from Globo Group's
Época Negócios website, equal payment for
men and women can take 170 years to be
achieved in the world. The referred article
expressed some graphs from world research
institutes that show data on gender inequality
in the world in different aspects.
1. Labor market
In the USA, between 449
occupations, in 439 of them,
women earn less then men.
The country average is 0.78
cents earned by women for
every dollar earned by men. In
the world, this average is 0.50
cents for women for every
dollar paid to men.
2. Education
Family planning, a right that is
withdrawn from women in some
religions and cultures, is one of the
3. Control of the indicators that says a lot about gender
own body inequality. In Afghanistan, 33% of women
Between 8% and 18% of want to stop having children, but do not
maternal deaths worldwide use safe contraception. This is due to a
are the result of unsuccessful sexist culture that prevents them from
abortions. accessing such methods. The average
number of children per woman in the
➔ Pedophilia country is five. The average number of
➔ Sexual abuse women using contraception in the
country is 27%.
➔ Child marriage
Brazil occupies the 90th place in a
ranking prepared by the World
Economic Forum, which analyzed 144
countries. In 2016, Brazil ranked 79th,
that is, a drop of 11 positions. To
elaborate the ranking, the research
related topics such as remuneration,
sexual harassment, occupation of
political positions, among others. With
strong racial inequality, the criteria
analyzed point out that black women
suffer much more, having, for example,
less access to schooling and
occupying non-specialized
professions that pay less.
4. Other subjects
➔ Paid maternity leave
➔ Household chores (double
working hours)

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