03 18ME45 DOM Unit 5 Gyroscope

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Dynamics of Machines


Sub Code : 18ME45 CIE Marks : 100

Credits (L:T:P) : 3 + 1 + 0 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs. : 39L SEE Duration: 3 Hrs

Unit 5

18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines Syllabus
• Unit 5 > 7 Hrs
• Gyroscope:
 Vectorial representation of angular motion
 Basic definitions.
 Gyroscopic couple
 Effect of gyroscopic couple on plane disc, Aeroplane, Ship
 Effect of gyroscopic couple on stability of a two wheeler and
a four wheeler
18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines

Kinematics of Machines:
• It deals with the relative motions of different parts of a
mechanism without taking into consideration the forces
producing the motion.
• Thus, it is a study from geometric point of view, to know the
displacement, velocity and acceleration of different parts of a

Dynamics of Machines:
• on the other hand, it deals with the study of motion of the
different parts of a mechanism considering the inertia forces
and/or external forces causing the motion.
18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines

If the axis of a spinning or rotating body is given an angular motion about an axis
perpendicular to the axis of spin, an angular acceleration acts on the body about the
third perpendicular axis.

The torque required to produce this acceleration is known as :

the Active Gyroscopic Torque (Applied Torque).

A reactive gyroscopic torque or couple acts similar to the concept of centripetal and
centrifugal forces on a rotating body (Reaction Torque).
The effect produced by the reactive gyroscopic couple is known as Gyroscopic Effect.

Examples: aeroplanes, ships, automobiles, gyro compasses, Y

etc. that have rotating parts in the form of wheels or rotors or
engines experience this effect while taking a turn ie., when the
axes of spin is subjected to some angular motion X


Torque-induced precession (gyroscopic precession) is the phenomenon in which

the axis of a spinning object (e.g., a gyroscope) describes a cone in space when an
external torque is applied to it. The phenomenon is commonly seen in a spinning toy
top, but all rotating objects can undergo precession
Terminologies of Gyroscope:

Angular Velocity : <<Vector representation of angular motion>>

 Figure (a) shows a rotor which rotates in the clockwise direction when viewed from
the end A
 Its angular motion has been shown vectorially in Figure (b).
 The vector has been taken to a scale parallel to the axis of the rotor.
 The sense of direction of the vector is from a to b according to the (right hand) screw
 However, if the direction of rotation of the rotor is reversed, it would be from b to a
(Fig. c)
Angular Acceleration:
Expression for Gyroscopic Couple:

Spin Vector Diagram

Effect of Gyroscopic Couple

From: S S Rattan

Problem 1:


From: S S Rattan
Problem 2:

Magnitude of Gyroscopic Couple:

Effect of Gyroscopic Couple:

Spin Vector Diagram

Effect of Gyroscopic Couple:

Spin Vector Diagram

Gyroscopic effect on Naval Ships:

Spin Vector Diagrams

 Let the plane of spin of the rotor and other rotating masses be horizontal and across
the breadth of the ship.
 And  be the angular velocity of the rotor in the CW direction when viewed from Stern
(aft / rear end).

Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Steering:

 When the ship turns left, the angular

momentum vector oa changes to ob &

 When the ship turn right, it changes

from oc to od as shown in [Fig. (b)]

 The reaction couple Cg is found to be

b’a’ which tends to raise the bow and
lower the stern.

 On turning right, the reaction couple

Cg is reversed d’c’ so that bow is Tends to raise the bow Tends to lower the bow
lowered and the stern is raised. and lower the stern. and raise the stern.
Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Pitching:
 Pitching of the ship usually considered to
take place with Simple Harmonic Motion

 = amplitude (angular) of swing or the max.
angle turned from mean position in radians,
o = angular velocity of SMH and it is given
by (2 / Time period)

 When the bow is raising, the reaction

couple Cg is CW on viewing from the top and
thus the ship would move towards right or
starboard side.
 & when the bow is lowered, the ship
turns towards left or port side as shown
in Fig (c). Ship would move towards Ship would move
right or starboard side. towards left or port side.
Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Rolling:

 As the axes of the rolling of the ship and the of the rotor are parallel,
there is no precession of the axis of spin and
hence, there is no gyroscopic effect.

the effects on steering, pitching or rolling can be observed
the plane of the spin of the rotating masses is
horizontal but along the longitudinal axis of vessel
when axis is vertical.
Gyroscopic Couple & its effect on Ships:
Problem 3:


a) Steering to left at 16 knots:
(Occurs in a horizontal plane
about a vertical axis)

Steering to the left

@ speed of 16
knots @radius of
60m when viewed
from stern
Magnitude of Gyroscopic Couple:

Spin Vector

Effect of Gyroscopic Couple:

 From the Spin Vector Diagram, the reactive couple or
Gyroscopic Couple Cg in CCW direction on the body.
 Hence, it tends to depress the Stern & raise the Bow
a) Pitching Motion with bow
(Occurs in a vertical plane
about a transverse axis)

Magnitude of Gyroscopic Couple:

Pitching up and down

by 6o @ bow and
descending it with
periodic time of 20
Sec (SHM) Spin Vector
Effect of Gyroscopic Couple: Diagram
 As the bow is descending, the new position of spin vector is ob as shown in spin vector
 The applied couple Ca is downward & the reactive couple Cg is upward as shown.
 As per the right hand screw rule, it is CW rotation.
 Hence, effect of Gyroscopic Couple Cg is to turn the ship towards port end (to left).
a) Rolling Motion with
angular velocity 0.3 CW
when viewed from Stern:

Magnitude of Gyroscopic Couple: Rolling with angular

velocity @ 0.3 rad/sec
CW when viewed from

Effect of Gyroscopic Couple:

 In case of rolling motion, as the axis of precession and axis of spin are parallel to
each other, there is no gyroscopic effect due to rolling motion on the ship.
From: S S Rattan

Spin Vector

Cg Tends to
lower the bow
and raise the stern. Ship would move
towards right or
starboard side.
Stability of a two wheeler taking a turn:

In the case of two wheel vehicles, Angle

it is easier to tilt the vehicle inwards of
to neutralize
the overturning effect
the vehicle can stay in equilibrium
while taking a turn.
Stability of a two wheeler taking a turn:

Vehicle in the Vehicle Spin Vector

upright position taking a turn Diagram

The reaction couple b’a’ is CCW when viewed from rear (back) of the vehicle and tends to
overturn it in the outward direction
The reaction couple b’a’ is
CW when viewed from rear
(back) of the vehicle and
tends to overturn it in the
outward direction

Vehicle Spin Vector

taking a turn Diagram
to Left

Vehicle in the upright position

The reaction couple b’a’ is

CCW when viewed from rear
(back) of the vehicle and
tends to overturn it in the
outward direction Vehicle taking Spin Vector
a turn to Diagram
Problem 4:


From: S S Rattan
Stability of a four wheeler taking a turn: Taking
 A four wheeler will have to negotiate a curve Right
at a speed such that no wheel is lifted off the turn
ground and that all the wheels remain in
contact with the road surface
Rw, Rc & Rg Rw, Rc & Rg
 The condition is fulfilled as long as the
vehicle reaction of the ground on any of the
wheels is positive (or upwards) Outer Inner
wheels wheels
 The centrifugal and gyroscopic couple tend
to overturn the vehicle on the outer wheels.

 The road reactions Rc & Rg due to these

couples will be upward at the outer wheels Rw, Rc & Rg Rw, Rc & Rg
while the reactions will be downard at the
inner wheels.
 The weight of the vehicle is downward and
hence the road reaction Rw due to dead Rw  Rc + Rg
weight is upward at all the wheels. The road wheels closer to the
center of curvature are called
Hence, for stability, the net reaction inner wheels
at the inner wheels and those away from the center of
must be greater that or equal to zero curvature are called outer wheels.

Assuming the CG of the vehicle lies at the center of the chassis, the road reaction at all
the four wheels is upward and equal to one-fourth of the weight of the vehicle.
Assuming the axis of rotation and axis of spin of the engine
parts and that of road wheels to be parallel,

Outer wheels

Inner wheels
The effect of gyroscopic couple is
to overturn the vehicle on the outer wheels
ie. Lower or press the outer wheels
& raise the inner wheels

As there are 2 wheels on each side of the wheel track x, Vector
Outer wheels

Inner wheels
The effect of centrifugal couple is
to overturn the vehicle on the outer wheels
ie. Lower or press the outer wheels
& raise the inner wheels

As there are 2 wheels on each side of the wheel track x,

Right Turn
The net reaction at each wheel

Vector Spin
Diagram Vector

At outer wheels, all reactions are upward.

At inner wheels, Rw is upward, Rg & Rc is downward
& the net reaction is (Rw-Rg-Rc) and must be 0 for stability.
ie., Rw  (Rg + Rc)
Problem 5:


Assuming the CG of the vehicle lies at the center of the chassis, the road reaction at all
the four wheels is upward and equal to one-fourth of the weight of the vehicle.

It is given that the axis of rear axle and axis of spin of the engine parts are parallel, and
rotate in the same direction.
For stability,
The net reaction at the inner wheels must be  0

ie., Rw  (Rg + Rc)

=> v = 151 km/h
Solve more number of numerical / problems from the
referred text books specified in the syllabus.
18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines Syllabus
Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the students will be able to

CO1 Define the terms associated with metal cutting tools, cutting
fluids, in both Conventional and Un-conventional Machining
Processes and explain the various Manufacturing Processes.

CO2 Analyze Belt/rope drives, flywheels, rotating and reciprocating


CO3 Evaluate kinematics and kinetics for various mechanisms.

CO4 Design and synthesize industrial mechanisms.

P R Venkatesh Mech Dept RVCE

18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines Syllabus
Reference Books

Theory of Machines, Thomas Bevan, 3rd Edition, 1984,

1 CBS Publishers, ISBN: 9788131729666

Theory of Machines, Rattan S.S., 3rd Edition, 2008,

2 Tata McGraw Hill Publications, ISBN: 9780070144774

Theory of Machines, Sadhu Singh, 2nd Edition, 2007,

3 Pearson Education Publications, ISBN: 9788177581270

Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, P L Ballaney,

25th Edition, 2010, Khanna Publishers, ISBN: 978817409122X
18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines Syllabus
• Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE); Theory (100 Marks)
 CIE is executed by way of quizzes (Q), tests (T) and Experiential
 A minimum of three quizzes are conducted and each quiz is
evaluated for 10 marks adding up to 30 marks. All quizzes are
conducted online. Faculty may adopt innovative methods for
conducting quizzes effectively. The number of quizzes may be
more than three also.
 The three tests are conducted for 50 marks each and the sum of
the marks scored from three tests is reduced to 60.
 The marks component for Experiential Learning is 10.
 The total marks of CIE are 100.
18ME45 : Dynamics of Machines Syllabus
• Semester End Evaluation (SEE); Theory (100 Marks)

 SEE for 100 marks is executed by means of an examination.

 The Question Paper for the course contains two parts: Part – A & B.

 Part – A consists of objective type questions for 20 marks covering

the complete syllabus.
 Part – B consists of five main questions, one from each unit for 16
marks adding up to 80 marks.
 Each main question may have sub questions.
 The question from Units I, IV and V have no internal choice.
 Units II and III have internal choice in which both questions cover
entire unit having same complexity in terms of COs and Bloom’s
taxonomy level.
Reference Books used:

Theory of Machines, Thomas Bevan, 3rd Edition, 1984, CBS Publishers,

ISBN: 9788131729666
Theory of Machines, Rattan S.S., 3rd Edition, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, ISBN: 9780070144774
Theory of Machines, Sadhu Singh, 2nd Edition, 2007, Pearson Education
Publications, ISBN: 9788177581270
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, P L Ballaney,
4 25th Edition, 2010, Khanna Publishers, ISBN: 978817409122X

Prepared by:
Dr. P R Venkatesh , Associate Professor,
Dr. P V Shrihari, Associate Professor,
Dr. B S Suresh, Associate Professor,
Dr. V L Jagannatha Guptha, Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

RV College of Engineering,

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