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(Date of document: July 2021 – Alternative Assessment)

Course Code : EEEB3024/EEEB363
Course Status : Core for BEEE & BEPE
Level : Degree
Semester Taught : 6
Credit : 3
Pre-requisites : Signals and Systems (EEEB223 / EEEB2034)
Microprocessor Systems (EEEB373 / EEEB2044) for BEEE & BEPE
Co-requisites : None
Assessments : Project 20%
Individual Assignments 20%
Test 1 30%
Test 2 30%

Course Description : Signal processing is a method of extracting information from signal
which in turn depends on the type of signal and the nature of
information it carries. Therefore, signal processing is concerned with
representing signals in mathematical terms and extracting the
information by carrying out algorithmic operations on the signal. A
signal can be mathematically expressed in terms of basic functions
in original domain of independent variable or it can be expressed in
terms of basic functions in transformed domain. In this course we
will use tools available in both domains to analyze signals and
systems in discrete time domain.

Course Objectives : This course deals with the processing of discrete signals and systems,
sampling theory, frequency domain analysis, and filters design. At
the completion of the course, students should be able to do the
1. Compute the discrete- time convolution of two signals.
2. Use the concepts of linearity, time-invariance, causality, and
stability to classify a discrete-time system.
3. Evaluate the frequency response of a discrete-time, linear time-
invariant (LTI) system from its impulse response and vice versa.
4. Understand and be able to apply the definition, properties, and
applications of the Discrete-time Fourier Transform (DTFT).
5. Explain and apply sampling theorem, analog to digital and
digital to analog conversion. Understand ideal sampling and
6. Design DSP systems for processing continuous-time signals.
7. Be able to apply definition and properties of Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
8. Use DTFT, DFT, and FFT to analyze discrete time signals and
9. Be able to use the definition and properties of Z-transform to
describe, and analyze the behavior of LTI systems.
10. Describe the input-output characteristics of a LTI system in both
time domain and frequency domain. Relate the poles and zeros
of the system to its frequency response, phase response, and
stability and causality properties.
11. Design and implement different frequency selective Finite
Impulse Response (FIR), and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)
filters to meet frequency domain specifications.
12. Describe engineering trade-offs in filter design. Understand
linear and nonlinear phase response.

Transferrable Skills : Students are required to work in a group of 2 to 3 students to
prepare a report on what they learn in laboratory. Each group is
required to prepare a written report which is assessed based on the
rubric scheme.

Course Outline :
Chapter 1: Signals and Signal Processing (CO1)
• Characterization and Classification of Signals
• Typical Signal Processing Operations
• Examples of Typical Signals
• Typical Signal Processing Applications
• Why Digital Signal Processing?

Chapter 2: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems (CO1)
• Discrete-Time Signals
• Typical Sequences and Sequence Representation
• Discrete-Time Systems
• Time-domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time System
• Correlation of Signals

Chapter 3: Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (CO1)
• The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform
• The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
• Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Theorems
• Band-Limited Discrete-Time Signals
• The Frequency Response of an LTI Discrete-Time System
• Phase and Group Delays

Chapter 4: Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals (CO2)
• Introduction
• Sampling of Continuous-Time Signals
• Sampling of Bandpass SIgnals
• Analog Lowpass Filter Design
• Design of Analog Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop Filters
• Anti-Aliasing Filter Design
• Reconstruction Filter Design

Chapter 5: Finite Length Discrete Transforms (CO3)
• The Discrete Fourier Transform
• Relation Between the Fourier Transform and the DFT and Their
• DFT Symmetry Relations
• Discrete Fourier Transform Theorems
• Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences
• Decimation-in-Time and Decimation-in-Frequency

Chapter 6: Digital Filter Structures (CO4)
• Block Diagram Representation
• Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures
• Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures

Chapter 7: LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain (CO5)
• Transfer Function Classification Based on Magnitude Characteristics
• Transfer Function Classification Based on Phase Characteristics
• Types of Linear-Phase Transfer Functions
• Inverse Systems

Chapter 8: z-Transform (CO5)
• Definition and Properties
• Rational z-Transform
• Region of Convergence of a Rational z-Transform
• The Inverse z-Transform
• z-Transform Properties
• The Transfer Function

Chapter 9: IIR Filter Design (CO4)
• Review of Tolerance diagram
• IIR Filter design procedure
• Analog Filter design

Chapter 10: FIR Filter Design (CO4)
• Filter design criteria
• Frequency Selective Filtering
• Tolerance Diagram
• Designing FIR digital filter

1. Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Based Approach by S. K. Mitra. (Text Book)
Published by McGraw Hill International, Third Edition, Year:2006.
2. Digital Signal Processing - A Practical Approach By E. C. Ifeachor and B. W. Jervis
Published by Addision-Wesley, Year 1996.
3. Discrete Time signal Processing A. V. Oppenheim , R. W. Schafer with J.R.Buck
Published by Prentice-Hall International, Second Edition, Year 1999.
4. Signals and Systems by A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, and H. S. Nawab. Published by
Prentice-Hall International, Second Edition, Year 1997.
5. Signal Processing First by James H. McClellan, R. W. Schafer, and M. A. Yo-der.
Published by Prentice Hall, Year:2003.

Course Outcomes :

Course Outcome PO1 PO2 PO3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PO9 PO10 PO12
PO 7 PO 8 PO11
a b c a b a b c a b c a b a b a b c a b
(CO1) Analyze sequences and discrete-time
systems in the Time-Domain and the X
(CO2) Apply the sampling theorem, analog to
digital, digital to analog conversions, and X
signal reconstruction.
(CO3) Determine the Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) of periodic and finite-
length sequences, and use the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT).
(CO4) Design and realize different frequency
selective Finite Impulse Response (FIR) or
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters to
meet frequency domain specifications.
(CO5) Analyze and describe the behavior of
an LTI system according to its poles and X
zeros, and properties of Z-transform.

(CO6) Study discrete-time signals and

design filters using computational software X
and implement in a project.

Assessment – Course Outcomes Matrix :
Assessment PO2(a) PO2(a) PO2(a) PO2(b) PO2(a) PO5(a)
Test 1 X X X
Assignment X X X X X
Project X
Test 2 X X

PO Emphasis :









Current MQF5


(%) PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

85 15 100

Bloom's Coverage (%) :

Psychomotor Affective Total
Current Coverage (%) Low Med High
70 15 15 100

What is Program Educational Objectives (PEO)?
PEO are objectives that UNITEN graduates should achieve after five (5) years of graduation.

What are Programme Outcomes (PO)?
PO are the expected traits that UNITEN students should have upon graduation.

BCCE/BCE/BEEE/BEPE/BME Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives

No. UNITEN produces Civil/Computer & Communication/Electrical & Electronics/Electrical
Power/Mechanical engineering graduates who:
PEO1 Practicing engineers in civil/computer and communication/electrical/mechanical engineering with the
ability to venture into energy related business.
PEO2 Hold leadership responsibilities and/or establish their own enterprises.
PEO3 Have professional qualifications/certifications in civil/computer and communication/electrical/mechanical
engineering related areas.
PEO4 Engages in activities to enhance knowledge in their professional works.

BCCE/ BCE/ BEEE/BEPE/BCCE/ BME Programme Outcomes (PO)

Program Outcomes
Students graduating from the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE) / Bachelor of Computer & Communication
Engineering (BCCE) / Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (BEEE) / Bachelor of Electrical Power
Engineering (BEPE) / Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) programmes will have the ability to:
PO Statements Sub-attributes
PO1 Apply fundamental knowledge of a) Comprehend the fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science
mathematics, science and civil/ computer and civil/computer and communication/electrical/mechanical
and communication/ electrical/ mechanical engineering (C1,C2)
engineering principles in solving complex b) Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and
problems civil/computer and communication/electrical/mechanical
WA1 (WK1-WK4) [MQF1] engineering principles in solving engineering problems (C3, C4)
c) Solve complex engineering problems by relating/incorporating
fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and civil/computer
and communication/electrical/mechanical engineering principles
PO2 Identify, formulate, analyse and solve a) Identify, formulate and solve civil/computer and
complex civil/computer and communication/electrical/mechanical engineering problems (C3, C4)
communication/ electrical/ mechanical b) Evaluate and synthesize the solution to complex civil/computer
engineering problems and communication/electrical/mechanical engineering problems
WA2 (WK1-WK4) [MQF2] (C5,C6)
PO3 Design solutions for complex civil/ a) Illustrate solutions for civil/computer and
computer and communication/ electrical/ communication/electrical/mechanical engineering problems with
mechanical engineering problems that meet appropriate consideration for public health and safety (C3, C4)
specific needs with appropriate b) Illustrate solutions for civil/computer and
consideration for public health and safety, communication/electrical/mechanical engineering problems with
culture, society, and environment appropriate consideration for culture, society, and environment
WA3 (WK5) [MQF2] (C3, C4)
c) Propose solutions for complex civil/computer and
communication/electrical/mechanical engineering problems that
meet specific needs with appropriate consideration for public
health and safety, culture, society, and environment (C5,C6)
Program Outcomes
Students graduating from the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE) / Bachelor of Computer & Communication
Engineering (BCCE) / Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (BEEE) / Bachelor of Electrical Power
Engineering (BEPE) / Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) programmes will have the ability to:
PO Statements Sub-attributes
PO4 Conduct investigations, interpret data and a) Use research methods for collecting data (C1, C2)
provide conclusions in investigating b) Analyse and interpret data using engineering principles and
complex problems related to civil appropriate techniques (C3,C4)
/computer and communication/ electrical/ c) Design & evaluate solutions to complex engineering problems by
mechanical engineering employing research methods and data interpretation skills (C5,C6)
WA4 (WK8) [MQF2]
PO5 Create, select and apply appropriate a) Usage of modern tools in civil/ computer and communication/
techniques, resources, and modern electrical/ mechanical engineering activities (P1,P2)
engineering and IT tools, including b) Application of modern tool in complex engineering problems with
prediction and modelling, to complex an understanding of the limitations (C3,C4)
engineering problems, with an
understanding of the limitations
WA5 (WK6) [MQF3a, MQF3d, MQF3e]
PO6 Apply reasoning in assessing societal, a) Apply reasoning in assessing societal, legal and cultural issues
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional
the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems
professional engineering practice and (C3, C4)
solutions to complex engineering problems b) Apply reasoning in assessing health and safety issues and the
WA6 (WK7) [MQF5] consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering
practice and solutions to complex engineering problems (C3, C4)
PO7 Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of No sub-attribute (C2,C3)
professional engineering solutions of
complex engineering problems in
environmental contexts and the need for
sustainable development
WA7 (WK7) [MQF5]
PO8 Demonstrate commitment to professional No sub-attribute (A3)
and ethical principles
WA8 (WK7) [MQF5]
PO9 Communicate effectively on complex a) Communicate effectively by means of oral presentation (P3)
engineering activities b) Communicate effectively by means of report writing (P3)
WA10 [MQF3b, MQF3c] c) Communicate effectively by means of oral presentation and/or
report writing on complex engineering activities (P3)
PO10 Function effectively as an individual and in No sub-attribute (A4)
a group with the capacity to be a leader
WA9 [MQF3b, MQF3f]
PO11 Acknowledge the need for, and be able to No sub-attribute (C2)
engage in life-long learning
WA12 [MQF4a]
PO12 Demonstrate knowledge on project a) Demonstrate knowledge on project management principles
management principles, finance and (C2,C3)
entrepreneurship skills b) Demonstrate knowledge on finance and entrepreneurship skills
WA11 [MQF4b] (C2,C3)
Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) 2nd Edition

The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) or the MEB (HE) (Ministry of Higher
Education, 2015) is formulated based on the vision and aspiration of the 11th Malaysia Development
Plan (2015 – 2020).
In 2017, a revision to the current Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) by the Malaysian
Qualifications Agency (MQA) was done in response to the call by Malaysians to make the framework
more responsive to better, higher quality and relevant post-secondary education. The MQF 2nd Edition
remains as an overarching framework for all qualifications from diverse sectors which is based on, and
maintains, the structure of the previous framework.
With the 11th Malaysian Development Plans (2015-2020), the scope of MQF refers to qualifications
types from two sectors, i.e., academic and Technical and Vocation Education and Training (TVET)
sectors. The Framework, a single and unifying framework of all qualifications in Malaysia, describes
the levels of learning, generic learning outcomes, level descriptors, credits and single qualification title
for each level to be applied in both academic and TVET type qualifications.

Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) 2nd Edition
Cluster of Learning Outcome
Cluster Learning Brief Description On Learning Descriptor for Level 6:
Outcome Outcomes Bachelor
1 Knowledge and A systematic understanding of facts, Describe advanced and comprehensive, theoretical and
understanding ideas, information, principles, concepts, technical knowledge and demonstrate relevant skills in
theories, technical knowledge, a specialized field, or of a multidisciplinary nature
regulations, numeracy, practical skills, related to the field of study, work and/or practice.
tools to use, processes and systems.
2 Cognitive skills The thinking or intellectual capabilities Demonstrate intellectual independence in the
and the ability to apply knowledge and application of knowledge within specific field(s) by
skills. applying critical, analytical and evaluation skills in the
field of study/ work/ practice.
Manage, resolve complex applications and handle
unpredictable issues with creative and innovative
Apply skill/ knowledge to a range of approaches in the
field of study/ work/ practice.
3 (a) Practical In study context, it may include study Apply a range of essential methods and procedures to
skills skills and preparations, undertaking solving a broad range of complex problems. Review,
procedures, scientific skills, designs, make adjustments and supervise related practices and
research and so forth. processes concerning field of specialization.
(b) Interpersonal A range of skills which, amongst others, Convey ideas both in written or oral forms using
skills include interactive communications; appropriate and different forms of presentation,
relationships and collaborative skills in confidently, accurately and coherently in appropriate
managing relationships in teams and context in a well-structured manner to a diversity of
within the organizations, networking audiences.
with people of different cultures, as Work together with different people in diverse learning
well as social skills/etiquette. and working communities as well as other groups
(c) The ability to communicate/convey locally and internationally.
Communication information/ideas/reports cogently
skills and professionally in appropriate
(d) Digital skills The ability to use information/digital Use a broad range of information, media and technology
technologies to support studies. applications to support study and/or work.
(e) Numeracy The quantitative skills that require Use and combine numerical and graphical/ visual data
skills learners to acquire increasingly higher for study/ work.
levels of numerical abilities which may
include understanding of basic
mathematics, symbols relating to
statistical techniques and etc.
(f) Leadership, Refers to an individual’s ability to build Work autonomously, and show leadership and
Autonomy and relationships and work with teams professionalism in managing responsibilities within
Responsibility made up of peers or in managerial broad organizational parameters.
capacities with varying degrees of Undertake significant levels of work related
autonomy. responsibilities of others as well as self.
Demonstrate decision-making capacities and
professionalism by working towards pre-determined
goals and outcomes.
Demonstrate accountabilities, especially in professional
4 (a) Personal Life skills that learners are expected to
Engage effectively in self-directed lifelong learning and
skills use daily, which may include
professional pathways.
demonstrating confidence, self-control;
Demonstrate entrepreneurial competency with selected
social skills and proper etiquette, and
commitment to professionalism.
Demonstrate an appreciation of broader sociopolitical
(b) The skills that require relevant
economic and cultural issues at local/national and
Entrepreneurial knowledge, ability, talent and expertise
regional level.
skills in key areas of an enterprise.
5 Ethics and The awareness/ understanding and Demonstrate adherence, and ability to identify ethical
Professionalism respect of ethical, social and cultural issues, make decision ethically, and act professionally
differences and issues, as well as within the varied social and professional environment
professional skills and responsibilities and practice.
(integrity and professional conduct). Demonstrate a deep familiarity and knowledge of local
and global issues relating to science, technology,
business, social, and environmental issues.

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