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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/smj.231


PHILIP CROSSLAND1 and faye l. smith2 *
Henry W. Bloch School of Business and Public Administration, University of
Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.
School of Business, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, U.S.A.

We integrate information cascades and demand queue behaviors as they affect the distribution of
marginal value added in the value chain. We develop a system dynamics model of the relationships
of Edward Marshall Boehm, Inc., a studio that creates hard-paste porcelain pieces of fine art
sculpture. The relationships between information cascades, demand queues, and the distribution
of marginal value added are applicable to other fine art settings and other industries. Copyright
 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The purpose of our paper is to illustrate the dynam- an organization, including the nature of the demand
ics of value creation in a firm that creates and that it faces in the marketplace. By understand-
produces hard-paste porcelain sculpted artwork, ing the assumptions and relationships among key
using system dynamics modeling. We have two components of the competitive environment and
goals: (1) to illustrate the dynamics of information the firm’s resources, researchers and managers can
cascades (Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and Welch, evaluate the probable related effects that may occur
1992) and an inverse demand function (Becker, if, for example, customer preferences shift. Similar
1991) in a setting where the upper bound of prices to a scale model that an architect uses to evalu-
is uncertain; and (2) to illustrate dynamic relation- ate the structural integrity of a building, systems
ships as value is created and as marginal value dynamic modeling allows an evaluation of both the
is distributed in the value chain (Porter, 1985). structure and the dynamic relationships between
The focal organization in this study is Edward components of the organizational system. In the
Marshall Boehm, Inc. (Boehm) as first presented model designed to represent the Boehm organi-
by Quinn (1976) and updated by informant-based zation, the assumptions and dynamic relationships
materials. We provide a summary of key aspects can be tested for their sensitivity and impact on
of the Boehm organization as background for the the cumulative value added in the value chain. The
systems model we present. model demonstrates how managers can identify the
Systems dynamic modeling of the relationships critical components of their organization system
between information cascades and their effects that can be leveraged to add value or to protect
on demand functions and on contributions to existing value.
value within an organization’s value chain pro- Although fine art products such as paintings or
vides an opportunity for representing and studying porcelain objects are tangible goods, they share
some characteristics of intangible products pro-
Key words: cultural industries; information cascades; duced in cultural industries. Intangible products
inverse demand; system dynamics; value chain such as those produced in the performing arts pro-
*Correspondence to: f. l. smith, School of Business, Emporia
State University, Campus Box 4058, 1200 Commercial, Empo- vide expressive value. These types of products are
ria, KS 66801, U.S.A. sensitive to social trends, and demand is difficult to

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 24 April 1998
Final revision received 9 October 2001
418 P. Crossland and f. l. smith

predict (Shamsie, 1997). Similarly, fine art objects (and dining) preferences. Becker (1991) shows that
provide aesthetic value, rely on social trends, and under circumstances such as a very popular restau-
face uncertain demand functions. In addition, such rant, a positively inclined demand curve exists for
products often depend on creative talent that is par- some indeterminate time period.
ticularly difficult to imitate. The Boehm organiza-
tion provides an example of three lines of tangible
Information cascades
products that share many of the characteristics that
describe the unique competitive challenges embed- Localized conformity, where uniform social behav-
ded in cultural industries. ior exists, may be fragile in the sense that small
In the next section we present theoretical issues shocks, or bits of information, may shift behav-
relative to demand queues (e.g., long lines at the- ior rather dramatically (Bikhchandani et al., 1992).
atres) and information cascades (e.g., exponential Informational cascades explain why small bits of
changes in buying behavior triggered by small information can create large shifts in behavior.
bits of information), an overview of the Boehm Informational cascades occur ‘when it is optimal
organization and its environment, and how the pri- for an individual, having observed the actions of
mary activities in Boehm are partitioned based on those ahead of him, to follow the behavior of the
a generalized value chain. Similarly, the meth- preceding individual without regard to his own
ods section is organized to present the relation- information.’ (Bikhchandani et al., 1992 : 994).
ships between demand queues, information cas- According to Bikhchandani et al. (1992), in a
cades, and our model of how marginal value is sequence of individuals in a queue, the first per-
distributed in the value chain of the organization. son in the sequence will adopt or reject based on
his/her information signal. The second individual
can infer the first person’s signal based on that
LITERATURE REVIEW person’s choice, and if his/her information sig-
nal matches the first person’s choice, then he/she
Two related concepts have been presented to will make the same choice. If the second person’s
explain unusual demand characteristics regard- signal is different from the first person’s choice,
ing consumer behaviors. One concept (demand then he/she is indifferent between the choices. The
queues) addresses how consumers react to the third person in the sequence will observe matched
public consumption of a good. The second con- choices by the first two people (either both adopt
cept (information cascades) explains the process or both reject) or that one has adopted and one
by which information affects buyer decisions to has rejected. In the former cases, the observation
purchase products. of the other’s choices will induce the third person
to choose likewise, regardless of his/her indepen-
dent signal, and either an ‘up’ cascade or a ‘down’
Demand queues
cascade is created. In the latter case, the informa-
Sometimes successful restaurants or theaters main- tion signal that the third person has will motivate
tain nonoptimal prices when they experience de- a choice, and no cascade occurs. Further, ‘cas-
mand for tables or seats that is greater than their cades tend to start sooner when individuals have
supply, and Becker (1991) offers an explanation more precise signals of the value of adoption.’
which assumes that demand for certain goods (Bikhchandani et al., 1992: 997).
depends on the demands for those goods by other In the above scenario, the quality (e.g., accuracy)
consumers. Some goods are consumed publicly, of the signal to each individual in the queue is the
and the visibility of their consumption (and of same. If, however, the quality of some individual’s
those who are doing the consuming) affects the signals (leaders) is better than others (followers),
demand for those same goods by other individu- and if leaders occur earlier in the sequence, then
als. For example, the popularity of a new restau- the first person’s choice is likely to be followed
rant, and resulting increases in demand, may be by everyone else. Although the resulting cascade
greater than the quality of the food, by itself, is less informative than when individuals have rel-
could generate. The social interaction of dining at atively equal signal quality, it illustrates that even
a popular restaurant may convince consumers to small differences in quality can shift behavior.
choose that restaurant regardless of the actual food The fashion leader model that Bikhchandani et al.
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
Value Creation in Fine Arts 419

(1992) describe suggests that social change (e.g., helped create information cascades and demand
consumer behavior) can occur faster and easier if queues through her presentations of Boehm objects
early leaders are persuaded to adopt the desired to information leaders. In the next section we
behavior choice. present how Boehm activities can be categorized
Bikhchandani et al. (1992) also discuss the as a value chain (Porter, 1985) for our model.
effects of public information. They find that Although the activities, themselves, add value that
single pieces of public information, even if often can be relatively obvious to observers, the
the information is of lesser quality than an linkages may add value that is subtle and less eas-
individual’s private signal, can reverse a cascade. ily imitated by competitors.
Multiple public information disclosures affect the
probability of an ‘up’ cascade dramatically ‘even Categorizing Boehm activities
when only very few public releases of information
occur on average.’ (Bikhchandani et al., 1992: Edward Marshall Boehm developed a unique mul-
1007). tistep process for producing high-quality porcelain
The relationship between demand queues and from which his detailed sculptures were made. The
information cascades suggests that potential cus- steps of the process were identified from public
tomers may enter a demand queue at different sources of information (Palley, 1976). Each author
times, and at different rates of entry. In other independently categorized the steps according to
words, for example, leaders, especially if they are the value chain (Porter, 1985). The authors agreed
early adopters, may enter the demand queue at on 98 percent of the categorizations, and another
different times and rates than late adopters. This 34 raters categorized the tasks also.1
behavior can have two separate effects on the firm. The inbound logistics activity consists of receiv-
First, it can affect the distribution of marginal value ing, storing, and disseminating inputs. In the case
added within the organization’s value chain. Sec- of Boehm, one of the inbound logistics activities
ondly, when an organization produces different was to observe subjects (i.e., birds) in their nat-
product lines and then markets each line through ural environments, or obtain subjects and house
different channels of distribution, another informa- them at the Boehm estate. From these observa-
tion cascade can occur between the channels. For tions, Edward Boehm (and apprentices) sketched
example, information conveyed by higher-priced the subject and a representative natural environ-
lines of products may serve as a signal to buyers ment (e.g., hummingbirds feeding their young).
of lower-priced products. This type of informa- From the sketch, the artisans make a model that
tion cascade, in turn, affects the distribution of is approximately 13 percent larger than the size
marginal value added in the value chain of each of the desired finished product, and this model is
product line. separated into its component pieces. For our study,
Edward Marshall Boehm, Inc., is an organization we have designated activities that occur after the
that illustrates the upward-sloping demand, infor- scaled-up mold has been separated as operations
mation cascades, the linkages between value-added activities.2
activities, and the distribution of marginal value Operations activities transform inputs into the
added among the primary activities for three prod- final product. The process of making the casting
uct lines of fine art objects. It is located in Tren-
ton, New Jersey, and produces hard-paste porce- After the authors categorized the activities, 34 raters who were
knowledgeable about value chain concepts, artists who worked
lain objects (Quinn, 1976; Boehm, 1985; Boehm with porcelain, and/or who had no knowledge of either the
Porcelain, 1997). In the studio Edward Marshall value chain or porcelain also categorized the Boehm activities.
Boehm researched subjects, particularly flowers Agreement with the authors for 16 tasks was greater than 74
percent, and in the six categories where agreement was less
and birds, and created hard-paste porcelain figures than 74 percent all were on the ‘borders’ between two primary
and objects. Through his attention to detail—in activities, such as inbound logistics and operations. All of the
research, designs, and the porcelain process—he results were consistent with Porter and Fuller’s (1986) simplified
value chain.
earned a reputation for high-quality hard-paste 2
Although the authors agreed on how activities should be clas-
porcelain and aesthetic beauty. Mrs. Boehm pro- sified, two caveats remain: (1) from our reading of public infor-
moted his work to art experts, socialites, and inter- mation and private communications with Boehm representatives,
it appears that the transition from one activity to another is rel-
national dignitaries. Whereas Mr. Boehm provided atively seamless, and (2) first-hand observation of the activities
the technical and artistic knowledge, Mrs. Boehm might alter our classifications.

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420 P. Crossland and f. l. smith

molds, making the clay slip, firing the compo- be necessary to use other means to examine valid-
nents and assembling them, painting the assembled ity. In the next section we present some of the
sculpture, and refiring it are all part of transforming issues surrounding model validation, and then we
the artist’s sketch into a porcelain figure. Much design our system dynamics model of the Boehm
of the process work is done by hand and it may organization and its competitive environment.
require up to several months, and in some instances
years, to conceive an idea, research the subject,
System dynamics modeling
create the sketch, solve anticipated technical prob-
lems, mold, cast, paint, and fire the finished prod- System dynamics modeling allows researchers to
uct. For example, even a relatively simple flower specify stocks and flows of resources, and the relat-
may have more than 20 components, and each edness of decisions about those resources (For-
of these components is quite delicate and frag- rester, 1976; Legasto, Forrester, and Lyneis, 1980;
ile.3 More complex pieces may have hundreds of Morecroft, 1984; Morecroft and Sterman, 1994;
components that must be assembled so that the Senge, 1990). Relatedness may be in the form of
naked eye cannot discern where the components direct or indirect feedback loops (with or without
are attached to one another. In 1995 a commis- time lags) that reinforce or dampen effects from
sioned piece measured over 3 feet high, weighed other decisions. The process of modeling strategic
more than 80 pounds, and it took a dozen skilled decision environments compels researchers to spec-
artisans, craftsmen, and technicians nearly a year, ify assumptions and variables explicitly (Ginsberg,
using 129 separate molds, to create the 829 indi- Larsen, and Lomi, 1996; Gorman et al., 1997; Hall,
vidual parts (Boehm Porcelain, 1997). 1976; Lomi, Larsen, and Ginsberg, 1997; More-
Outbound logistics includes the activities associ- croft, 1984; Porter, 1991; Schoemaker, 1993).
ated with physically distributing the product. For Dynamic models can be classified as white box
Boehm, this involves processing orders, packing and black box (Barlas, 1996). Black-box models
the sculptures, and shipping the product. Market- are data driven, and comparing the forecast out-
ing and sales activities induce buyers to purchase come with actual outcomes can test their valid-
products. Historically, Boehm has capitalized on ity. White-box models are descriptive and theory-
notoriety generated at events such as when pieces like in that they try to explain the behavior of a
are added to museums, when presidents select system. System dynamics models, which are of
Boehm gifts for heads of state, and when the Nobel the white-box type, exhibit validity if their inter-
Committee presents its peace awards. These events nal structure adequately represents the issues rel-
generate repeated recognition of Boehm talent and evant to the behavior being described. Further,
quality products. the internal structure cannot be validated from an
At Boehm, after-sales service is available to entirely objective, formal, and quantitative per-
customers through restoration of damaged pieces, spective (Barlas, 1996). Software designed for
and by providing appraisals and accepting items on building system dynamic models assists in clarify-
consignment at galleries. If heirs wish to sell some ing the internal logic of relationships. The respon-
of a collection from an estate, Boehm studios will sibility for the accuracy of the description of the
display and sell the pieces. system that is being modeled, however, remains
with the researcher. The availability of system
dynamics software facilitates applying concepts,
MODELING VALUE CREATION AT such as the value chain, to case studies. We chose
BOEHM High Performance System’s ithink  (1994) soft-
ware for our study.
One of the issues associated with system dynamics Direct structure tests can examine the structural
modeling is how to test a model’s validity. Since validity of the model either empirically or theoret-
more traditional validity tests may not be appro- ically. If quantitative information is not available
priate for some types of systems models, it may for an empirical test, then the model can be tested
by comparing it with knowledge about the system
(Barlas, 1996; Forrester and Senge, 1980). For a
As one Boehm dealer noted, handling the fragile Boehm
sculptures is like handling thin potato chips; it is easy to break structure-oriented behavior test, the modeler exam-
them. ines parameters that may be particularly sensitive,
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
Value Creation in Fine Arts 421

and questions whether the real system would be early 1700s the technique was finally mastered and
equally sensitive (Barlas, 1996). Once structure the first hard-paste factory established in Meissen
validity is evaluated, the model can also be sub- (Corsentino, 1985; Cushion, 1966). European and
jected to behavior pattern tests. These tests exam- English factories that made bone china satisfied
ine how accurately the model reproduces behavior the market for porcelain in the United States until
patterns, such as frequencies, trends, and lags (Bar- the 1950s, when Boehm helped perfect American-
las, 1996). We examine the validity of the model made hard-paste porcelain. The transfer of tech-
by using public and informant-based knowledge of nical knowledge, combined with Boehm’s artistic
how value is created in the organization to deter- talent and Mrs. Boehm’s marketing skills, was a
mine whether the model reflects upward-sloping turning point in the development of Boehm figures
demand and information cascades. and hard-paste porcelain in the United States. This
illustrates how once the stock of exogenous infor-
mation reaches a threshold, or critical mass, it
Model for Edward Marshall Boehm, Inc.
becomes salient to potential customers.
In our overall model, exogenous information trig-
gers potential customer demand. The potential cus- Potential customers and the information
tomers form a demand queue based on their indi- cascade
vidual demand functions. Demand flows through
marketing channels to the organization, where In our model, there are three types of potential
value is created as represented by the value chain. customers that are most likely to recognize the
We discuss how demand accumulates and flows value of the artwork based on their knowledge of
through the channels and value chain. The model exogenous information, and their prior purchases
is designed for 52 time periods, which we have of artwork. The first group to recognize the value
labeled weeks. The mathematical equations for is cognoscenti, such as museum curators. A sec-
each section of our model are categorized as ond set of customers is investors, who purchase art
stocks (S1. . .S33), flows (F1. . .F46), and auxiliary for its potential monetary appreciation. We expect
(A1. . .A21) variables and presented in Appendices that investors will be less knowledgeable about
1 and 2.4 the aesthetic or technical quality of the artwork
Quinn (1976) suggests three price categories, (Fulford, 1995), but that they will recognize (and
and updated information suggests that in addition follow) the decision behaviors of cognoscenti. A
to the exclusive items Boehm products can be third set of customers is private, wealthy collec-
broadly divided into those products that are lim- tors, who purchase artwork for their personal col-
ited editions and those that are open editions. In lections, and who appreciate the artwork for its
our model the first marketing channel represents intrinsic value (Pollack, 1997). Again, we expect
orders for exclusive, expensive items (the upper that collectors will imitate the decision behaviors
line); the second channel represents those orders of the cognoscenti in terms of their purchase out-
for limited edition items (the middle line); and the comes, but will be motivated to purchase by dif-
third channel represents those orders for open edi- ferent information cues. An information cascade
tion, relatively inexpensive items (the lower line). occurs from the cognoscenti to the investors and
Exogenous information accumulates as a pool collectors, much like Bikhchandani et al. (1992)
(stock) labeled S1, Exogenous Info Stock in and The Economist (1994) describe in discussions
Figure 1. In the case of hard-paste porcelain, of the fashion leader model. This, in turn, generates
exogenous information would include, for exam- the demand queue discussed in the next section.
ple, knowledge about the raw materials and pro- Figure 1 illustrates the relationships between the
cess for making hard-paste porcelain, as well as sets of potential customers.
the artistic value of the piece. The original tech- The three potential types of customers for art
nique was developed in ancient China and even- objects are labeled P-cognoscenti, P-investors, and
tually migrated to Europe and England. In the P-collectors in Figure 1. Exogenous information
about the uniqueness, attractiveness, and value
of the exclusive or one-of-a-kind items motivates
Some equations contain nonlinear temporal values used for the
model. These values are included as graphs of data used in the some potential buyers in each set to take action and
model rather than equations. See Appendix 2. become actual customers for Boehm art objects
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)

Exogenous Info Stock

Exogenous Info

Info Switch 1

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

P Cognoscenti Cognoscenti Stock
Cog Converts Cognoscenti Cognoscenti Orders
P. Crossland and f. l. smith

Cog Convert Rate Cog Loss Pct

P Investors Investor Stock Demand Queue Info Stock 1

Invest Converts Investors Investor Orders

Invest Loss Pct True Upper Line Demand

Invest Convert Rate

P Collectors Collector Stock

Collect Converts Collectors Collector Orders

Collect Convert Rate Collect Loss Pct

Figure 1. Model of exogenous information, potential customers, information cascade, and demand queue

Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)

Value Creation in Fine Arts 423

(labeled A1, Info Switch 1). The cognoscenti, as the market at an accelerated rate as reflected in the
leaders, evaluate the aesthetic and technical quality investor loss percent.
of the artwork more quickly than the other sets, but Private collectors are expected to observe deci-
there are fewer total cognoscenti than there are sions made by the cognoscenti and choose to fol-
other types of potential buyers. In Figure 1 this low those decisions, even though the collectors
behavior is represented by the conversion rate that may not fully appreciate the artistic value of the
regulates the flow of cognoscenti into the stock artwork. To a collector, the artwork may be desired
of cognoscenti. The rate at which each type joins for its beauty, but in addition, it may be valued for
the stock of potential buyers is reflected by con- its ability to convey status. For example, owning
version rates (e.g., A2, Cog Convert Rate). Not a Boehm may be as important to the collector as
all of the stock of buyers will actually purchase, its aesthetic quality. We expect a greater lag time
and the percentage of buyers that do not stay in between cognoscenti purchase decisions and col-
the market is reflected in the loss percentages in lector decisions than we would observe between
Figure 1 (e.g., A3, Cog Loss Pct), such as when cognoscenti and investors. We also expect that col-
some museum curators do not remain as potential lectors will join the stock of potential customers at
customers, or may postpone their decisions until a a slower rate than either cognoscenti or investors,
later date. In our model, the cognoscenti are the but that they will remain in the stock of potential
first to enter the demand queue, and by their tak- customers much longer.
ing action they signal the value of Boehm objects
to investors and collectors, and create an informa-
Demand queue for artwork
tion cascade. For example, once the curator of the
Metropolitan Museum in New York City learned The potential customers generate a demand queue
about Boehm sculpture, the monetary value of the that represents those who are both willing and
sculptures appreciated, making them more attrac- can afford the upper line product (true upper line
tive to investors. This behavior endows the artwork demand). Cognoscenti are the leaders in the infor-
with status attributes and visibility that are attrac- mation transfer about the value of artwork, and
tive features to potential private collectors. they enter the demand queue prior to investors or
Each of the three sets of potential customers collectors. After some time lag, investors reveal
experiences a different rate of accumulation. In their demand preferences, and after a subsequent
the model the conversion rate and the loss per- lag collectors join the demand queue. The model of
cent can be set to reflect expectations about actual the information cascade represented in the poten-
behavior, and adjusted during sensitivity testing tial customers sector generates an upward-sloping
of the model. For example, one might expect demand curve (Becker, 1991) in the demand queue
that the conversion rate regulating the accumula- as illustrated by the graph in Figure 2. The ini-
tion of cognoscenti might be a step function, a tial demand beginning in period 3 represents the
linear function, or a constant, and each can be cognoscenti, the second represents the investors in
tested in the model. The modeler can examine period 6, and the third upward slope represents
the quantitative results to compare them against the collectors beginning in period 9. The sharp
actual quantitative data provided by an organiza- decline in the demand curve represents the return
tion if available, or he/she can examine the out- of demand to a traditional price/quantity relation-
put for its reasonableness relative to forecasted ship. It is this demand curve that the first channel
scenarios. in the next sector of our model faces when orders
We expect investors to convert at a different rate are released from the queue.
than cognoscenti (or private collectors). Investors
are expected to observe the decisions made by
Channel 1 upper line
the cognoscenti and anticipate that the monetary
value of the art will increase. Given their motive, Orders are released from the demand queue and
investors are expected to accumulate relatively move into the first channel for the exclusive items,
quickly, and this would be reflected in their con- such as those that are custom designed for heads
version rate. Once the price of the art pieces of state or for museum collections. Orders flow
reaches a predetermined figure in the model, we into the organization, and we have modeled them
expect investors to divest their holdings and leave to be released on a first-in, first-out basis via a
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
424 P. Crossland and f. l. smith




Coll Orders
Inv Orders
Cog Orders

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49

Figure 2. Positively shaped demand curve, generated by model

conveyor function. The information in Channel 1 (S16, Cumulative Value Added 1) is stored and
represents the orders and preferences received for contributes to the total value.
exclusive items, and we have designated this as
F11, True Upper Line Demand in the model (see
Channels 2 and 3 information cascades
Figure 3). Demand information accumulates (S9,
Info Stock 1), and is released into the value chain The Channel 2 Trigger (A8) in Figure 3 illustrates
when actual orders are placed (S10, Channel 1 the information that cascades from the Channel
Orders). For exclusive items, the conversion rate 1 upper line to the channel 2 middle line. The
(A9, Info Convert 1) regulates the conversion of upper line marketing channel preferences revealed
true upper line demand into actual orders. The through offerings of upper line products, such as
quantity of actual orders is converted by Boehm’s through galleries and museums, are visible to retail
price strategy over time (A10, Unit Price Strategy channels whose managers track and identify trends
1) into what we have designated as price correct and become early followers of the preferences
orders for the value chain. revealed in the upper line channel. This informa-
For the exclusive upper line items, the precision tion cascade attracts and stimulates a second wave
of the research, artistic talent, and working with of distribution for middle line products in the sec-
the hard-paste porcelain process are expected to ond marketing channel.
contribute the greatest marginal value to the over- In Figure 3, the information from Channel 1,
all value of the product. To reflect this, we set based on true upper line demand, is available to
the initial value for inbound logistics as contribut- the Channel 2 retail demand for a middle line
ing 35 percent of the total value contributed by of products, through the Channel 2 Trigger (A8).
the five primary activities. The inbound logistics When modeling this information cascade from
activity stock of value is captured in the stock Channel 1 to Channel 2, the threshold quantity
variable, S11, VC1IL. Similarly, the stocks of at which the organization realizes the need for
marginal value added for each activity are captured products that can be offered as limited edition,
throughout the value chain. In value chain 1, oper- middle line products can be based on demand
ations (S12, VC1OPS), outbound logistics (S13, patterns for the exclusive items. For the purposes
VC1OL), marketing and sales (S14, VC1M&S), of our model of this type of behavior, we set
and after-sales services (S15, VC1SER) contribute the trigger point at 20 units per week, meaning
30, 5, 20, and 10 percent respectively. The cumu- that when the information stock value for Channel
lative value from each activity in value chain 1 1 gets to that point, it will ‘trigger’ the need
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
D Queue
True Upper Line demand IL 1 Activities Mar VA IL 1

Unit Price Strategy 1 OPS 1 Activities Mar VA OPS 1

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Channel 2 Trigger

Info Stock 1
OL 1 Activities Mar VA OL 1
Price Correct Orders 1

Info Flow 1

VC 1 M&S
M&S 1 Activities Mar VA M&S 1
Info Convert 1

Channel 1 Orders SER 1 Activities Mar VA SER 1

Cumulative Value Added 1

Value Creation in Fine Arts

Figure 3. Model of Channel 1, Value Chain 1, and channels information cascade

Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)

426 P. Crossland and f. l. smith

for limited edition, middle line items. A similar contributed more or less proportional value to a
information cascade occurs between the second product line, it could test its new scenario by
channel and the third channel for the open edition, adjusting the initial values in the model. The model
lower line items. can also provide sensitivity testing, for example,
about how the conversion rate of cognoscenti to
the demand queue may affect the cumulative value
Channels 2 and 3 value chains
added for all the product lines. The model gen-
Channel 2 receives information from Channel 1, erates cumulative value and shows how marginal
and enables S17, Latent Demand Middle Line (see value added contributes to the value chain based
Figure 4). Latent demand represents customers on the explicit assumptions built into the model.
who were unaware of Boehm prior to the intro- To illustrate the output from the model, Figure 5
duction of a middle line of products. The flow of depicts the marginal value added in the second
latent demand (F23, Latent D2 Flow) into Chan- value chain to illustrate this feature of the model.
nel 2 depends on the rate at which potential buy- The model will also generate the cumulative value
ers convert into actual buyers. The actual buyers’ for Channels 2 and 3.
demand makes up the stock of Channel 2 orders
(S19). The process of orders entering the value
chain (A14, Unit Price Strategy 2 and A15, Price DISCUSSION
Correct Orders 2) is the same process as occurs
in Channel 1. The marginal value added by each We have presented a system dynamics model of
primary activity, however, is different from Value the relationships between demand queues, infor-
Chain 1. The artistic talent and complexity of the mation cascades, and the distribution of marginal
design content are less than for exclusive items. value added in the value chains of an organiza-
The differences are reflected in the percent of value tion that creates porcelain objects. The demand
added derived from each of the activities. In our queue created by three types of buyers for exclu-
model the value added for the five activities are sive items produces a demand function that slopes
distributed as 30, 30, 5, 30, and 5 percent, respec- upward for some period of time. Further, an infor-
tively, and results in cumulative value added (S25, mation cascade occurs from leaders to followers,
Cumulative Value Added 2). such as from one type of buyer of upper line items
The third value chain represents the lower line, (cognoscenti) to others (investors and private col-
and is constructed in a similar manner as the lectors). Upper line items are marketed through
second value chain. Similar to the second chan- channels such as museums and galleries, and result
nel, there is latent demand for lower line items. in contributions of marginal value added in the
The information cascade from the second chan- value chain that are different from the distribution
nel is reflected in a Channel 3 Trigger (See A16, of marginal value added in middle and lower line
Appendix 1). The values for conversion rates and value chains. The results generated by our model
value added for the activities differ. For example, are consistent with an upward-sloping demand for
we would expect the inbound logistics marginal upper line items, and marginal value-added contri-
value is weighted less heavily for value chain. To butions consistent with upper, middle, and lower
reflect this, the value added for the five activities line value chains. As Barlas (1996) suggests, the
was set at 15, 30, 5, 45, and 5 percent, respec- upward-sloping demand curve, the marginal value
tively.5 contributions, and the information cascades that
The three value chains contribute to the overall occur among potential customers and across prod-
value added within the organization. Each value uct lines demonstrate the validity of our model.
chain in the model can be evaluated by chang- The model adequately represents the issues rele-
ing the initial distribution of expected value added vant to the behaviors being described.
by each activity if desired. For example, if man- Although some of the artistic and technical pro-
agement were to analyze shifting preferences for cesses described in this study are unique to hard-
one line of products and find that artistic talent paste porcelain, many of the demand characteris-
tics and value-creating activities can be general-
The figure for Channel 3 has been omitted, but is structurally ized to other fine arts organizations. For exam-
similar to Figure 4. ple, creative processes often entail a period of
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
Latent Demand Middle Line
IL 2 Activities Mar VA IL 2

Latent D 2 Convert Latent D 2 Flow

Unit Price Strategy 2 OPS 2 Activities Mar VA OPS 2

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

OL 2 Activities Mar VA OL 2
Info Stock 2
Price Correct Orders 2

VC 2 M&S
M&S 2 Activities Mar VA M&S 2
Channel 2 Trigger Info Flow 2

SER 2 Activities Mar VA SER 2

Channel 2 Orders

Cumulative Value Added 2

Value Creation in Fine Arts

Figure 4. Model of Channel 2

Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)

428 P. Crossland and f. l. smith



Mar VA SER 2
Mar VA M&S 2
Mar VA OL 2
Mar VA OPS 2
20000 Mar VA IL 2


1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49

Figure 5. Marginal value added in Value Chain 2, generated by model

reflection and observation before the idea crys- middle line and lower line items. The information
tallizes and is transformed into a product. Addi- overlap between the value chains introduces an
tionally, artists can seldom create fine art, whether information cascade within the organization when
it is a painting or a piece of music or a script, it shares design ideas among various price/quality
without understanding the medium through which categories of products.
their artistic talent will be expressed. The rela- The critical resources appear to fit the criteria
tionships between exogenous information, poten- proposed by the resource-based theoretical per-
tial customers, and demand queues apply to other spective (Barney, 1986, 1991; Black and Boal,
fine art settings, and to other environments where 1994; Wernerfelt, 1984). The technology of the
demand queues occur. complex multistep process for creating the porce-
There are three information cascades that could lain might be replicated if competitors were to
be modeled in this study: (1) from leaders to fol- invest in the process, but the artistic talent is rare
lowers in the upper line; (2) among Channels 1, and unique. The synergy derived from the combi-
2, and 3; and (3) among Value Chains 1, 2, and nation (linkage) of the technological process and
3. In this paper, we elected to model the first the inimitable artistic talent is another source of
two types of information cascades, which repre- competitive advantage. Artistic creators and their
sent the information cascades that occur outside organizations appear to present opportunities for
the organization’s creative and productive organi- further empirical research of the resource-based
zational boundaries. Within the organization, how- view of the firm (Miller and Shamsie, 1996).
ever, artistic and technical knowledge may cas- System dynamics models are of the white-box
cade from one value chain to another. Knowledge type, and exhibit validity if their internal structure
gained by designing upper line products can be adequately represents the issues relevant to the
applied to items that are designed for middle line behavior being described. The system dynamics
and lower line products. In other words, infor- modeling techniques present an alternative to tra-
mation can be transferred from one product line ditional hypothesis testing. Statistical tests allow
to another. For example, if cognoscenti express a researchers to make inferences about the signif-
preference for a different type of bird or animal, icance of their results. Two criteria for testing
this preference would be received in the inbound dynamic models are: (1) analysis of a real sys-
logistics activity of Value Chain 1 so that research tem; and (2) modeling an existing theory (Bar-
could begin about the design characteristics of such las, 1996). Rather than pitting one method against
an item, and then later used for the design of another, we suggest that both methods contribute
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
Value Creation in Fine Arts 429

to our understanding of complex organizations. was used to illustrate the behaviors and to sug-
It is from this perspective that we demonstrate gest the challenge of designing competitive strate-
how dynamic modeling can enable researchers gies that capitalize on tacit knowledge that is a
to capture the nuances and ambiguity of related basis for competitive advantage. We offer the sys-
decisions about resources and their contribution tem dynamics modeling method as one means of
to sustainable competitive advantage. As is true capturing more of the ‘system’ associated with
with any modeling methodology, system dynamics competitive dynamics. Organizations can use sys-
requires that researchers make assumptions about tem dynamics modeling to identify resources and
relationships. These assumptions, however, can linkages between resources to sustain their com-
be expressed with quantitative values so that the petitive advantage. Further, our use of an organiza-
researcher can examine how sensitive the model is tion that has a competitive advantage in its artistic
to changes. design illustrates some of the similarity and differ-
Models allow executives to experiment with dif- ences between cultural industries and traditional
ferent management options to see how those deci- manufacturing industries.
sions might improve their sustainable competitive
advantage (de Geus, 1997). Not only are sources of
value perceived differently by departments or divi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sions in an organization, but also perceptions of
the degree to which value is added throughout the An earlier version of this paper was presented at a
value chain may result in disagreements. Further, conference on Research Perspectives on the Man-
as organizations capitalize on their value-adding agement of Cultural Industries, The Stern School
activities, organization members learn to articulate of Business, New York University. We would like
the unique linkages between the activities that lead to thank Elaine O. Henry, MFA, for sharing her
to competitive advantage. Learning occurs when expertise as a three-dimensional ceramic artist.
the set of potential behaviors is increased (Huber,
1991). Both intentional and unintentional informa-
tion cascades can occur, triggering learning. REFERENCES
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Morecroft JDW. 1984. Strategy support models. Strategic (t − dt) + (Cognoscenti − Cognoscenti
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ing Organizations. Productivity Press: Portland,
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Peterson S, Richmond B. 1994. Technical Reference. Hi- S6: P Collectors(t) = P Collectors(t − dt) + (Col-
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Pollack B. 1997. Buying smart: top collectors share their
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Porter M. 1985. Competitive Advantage: Creating and (Collectors − Collector Orders) * dt
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York. + (Cognoscenti Orders + Investor Orders +
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
Value Creation in Fine Arts 431

Collector Orders − True Upper Line Demand) S13: ValueChain 1 OutboundLogistics(t) = Val-
* dt ueChain 1 OutboundLogistics(t − dt) +
S9: Information Stock 1(t) = Information Stock (OutboundLogistics 1 Activity − Marginal
1(t − dt) + (True Upper Line Demand − ValueAdded OutboundLogistics) * dt
Information Flow 1) * dt S14: ValueChain 1 Marketing&Sales(t) = Val-
ueChain 1 Marketing&Sales(t − dt) + (Mar-
Flows keting&Sales 1 Activity − Marginal Val-
F1: Exogenous Information = 5 ueAdded Marketing&Sales) * dt
F2: Cognoscenti Converts = (P Cognoscenti + S15: ValueChain 1 Service(t) = ValueChain 1
5) * Cognoscenti Convert Rate Service(t − dt) + (Service 1 Activity −
F3: Cognoscenti = P Cognoscenti * Cognoscenti Marginal ValueAdded Service) * dt
Loss Percent * Information Switch 1 S16: Cumulative Value Added 1(t) = Cumu-
F4: Cognoscenti Orders = Cognoscenti Stock lative ValueAdded 1(t − dt) + (Marginal
F5: Investor Converts = P Investors * Investor ValueAdded InboundLogistics + Marginal
Convert Rate ValueAdded Operations + Marginal Val-
F6: Investors = IF Cognoscenti > 1.5, THEN P ueAdded OutboundLogistics + Marginal
Investors * Investor loss Percent; ELSE 0 ValueAdded Marketing&Sales + Marginal
F7: Investor Orders = Investor Stock ValueAdded Service − Cumulative Val-
F8: Collector Converts = (P Collectors) * Col- ueAdded 1 Flow 1) * dt
lector Convert Rate
F9: Collectors = IF Cognoscenti > 2.2, THEN P Flows
Collectors * Collector Loss Percent; ELSE 0 F12: Information Flow 1 = True Upper Line
F10: Collector Orders = Collector Stock Demand * Information Convert 1
F11: True Upper Line Demand = Demand Queue F13: InboundLogistics 1 Activity = Price Correct
Flow Orders * 0.35
F14: Marginal ValueAdded InboundLogistics =
Auxiliary ValueChain 1 InboundLogistics
A1: Info Switch 1 = IF(Exogenous Information F15: Operations 1 Activity = Price Correct Orders
Stock > 10), THEN (1); ELSE (0) * 0.30
A2: Cognoscenti Convert Rate (See Appendix 2) F16: Marginal ValueAdded Operations = Val-
A3: Cognoscenti Loss Percent = 60 ueChain 1 Operations
A4: Investor Convert Rate (See Appendix 2) F17: OutboundLogistics 1 Activity = Price Cor-
A5: Investor Loss Percent = 30 rect Orders * 0.05
A6: Collect Convert Rate (See Appendix 2) F18: Marginal ValueAdded OutboundLogistics =
A7: Collect Loss Percent = 20 ValueChain 1 OutboundLogistics
F19: Marketing&Sales 1 Activity = Price Correct
Figure 3: Model of Channel 1, Value Chain 1, and Orders * 0.20
channels information cascade F20: Marginal ValueAdded Marketing&Sales =
ValueChain 1 Marketing&Sales
Stocks F21: Service 1 Activity = Price Correct Orders *
S10: Channel 1 Orders(t) = Channel 1 Orders
F22: Marginal ValueAdded Service = ValueChain
(t − dt) + (Information Flow 1 − Channel
1 Service
1 Order Flow 1) * dt
S11: ValueChain 1 InboundLogistics(t) = Val-
ueChain 1 InboundLogistics(t − dt) + (In- Auxiliary
boundLogistics 1 Activity − Marginal Val- A8: Channel 2 Trigger = IF (Information Stock
ueAdded InboundLogistics) * dt 1) > 20, THEN (1); ELSE (0)
S12: ValueChain 1 Operations(t) = ValueChain A9: Info Convert 1 (See Appendix 2)
1 Operations(t − dt) + (Operations 1 Activ- A10: Unit Price Strategy 1 (See Appendix 2)
ity − Marginal ValueAdded Operations) A11: Price Correct Orders 1 = Channel 1 Orders
* dt * Unit Price Strategy 1
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
432 P. Crossland and f. l. smith

Figure 4: Model of Channel 2 F28: Marginal ValueAdded Operations 2 = Val-

ueChain 2 Operations
Stocks F29: OutboundLogistics 2 Activity = Price Cor-
S17: Latent Demand2 Middle Line(t) = Latent rect Orders2 * 0.05
Demand2 Middle Line(t − dt) + (− Latent F30: Marginal ValueAdded OutboundLogistics 2
Demand2 Flow) * dt Initial Latent Demand2 = ValueChain 2 OutboundLogistics
Middle Line = 4000 F31: Marketing&Sales 2 Activity = Price Correct
S18: Information Stock 2(t) = Information Stock Orders2 * 0.30
2(t − dt) + (Latent Demand2 Flow − Infor- F32: Marginal ValueAdded Marketing&Sales 2 =
mation Flow 2) * dt ValueChain 2 Marketing&Sales
S19: Channel 2 Orders(t) = Channel 2 Orders(t − F33: Service 2 Activity = Price Correct Orders2
dt) + (Information Flow 2 − Channel 2 * 0.05
Order Flow 2) * dt F34: Marginal ValueAdded Service 2 = Value-
S20: ValueChain 2 InboundLogistics(t) = Val- Chain 2 Service
ueChain 2 InboundLogistics(t − dt) + (In-
boundLogistics 2 Activity − Marginal Val- Auxiliary
ueAdded InboundLogistics 2) * dt A8: Channel 2 Trigger = IF (Information Stock
S21: ValueChain 2 Operations(t) = ValueChain 2 1) > 20, THEN (1); ELSE (0)
Operations(t − dt) + (Operations 2 Activity A12: Latent Demand2 Convert (See Appendix 2)
− Marginal ValueAdded Operations 2) A13: Information Convert 2 (See Appendix 2)
* dt A14: Unit Price Strategy 2 (See Appendix 2)
S22: ValueChain 2 OutboundLogistics(t) = Val- A15: Price Correct Orders 2 = Channel 2 Orders
ueChain 2 OutboundLogistics(t − dt) + * Unit Price Strategy 2
(OutboundLogistics 2 Activity − Marginal
ValueAdded OutboundLogistics 2) * dt Value Chain 3 equations; no diagram included as
S23: ValueChain 2 Marketing&Sales(t) = Val- a figure
ueChain 2 Marketing&Sales(t − dt) + (Mar-
keting&Sales 2 Activity − Marginal Val- Stocks
ueAdded Marketing&Sales 2) * dt S26: Information Stock 3(t) = Information Stock
S24: ValueChain 2 Service(t) = ValueChain 2 3(t − dt) + (Latent Demand3 − Information
Service(t − dt) + (Service 2 Activity − Flow 3) * dt Initial Value of Latent Demand3
Marginal ValueAdded Service 2) * dt Low Line = 50000
S25: Cumulative Value Added 2(t) = Cumula- S27: Channel 3 Orders(t) = Channel 3 Orders(t −
tive ValueAdded 2(t − dt) + (Marginal Val- dt) + (Information Flow 3 − Channel 3
ueAdded InboundLogistics 2 + Marginal Order Flow 3) * dt
ValueAdded Operations 2 + Marginal Val- S28: ValueChain 3 InboundLogistics(t) = Val-
ueAdded Marketing&Sales 2 + Marginal ueChain 3 InboundLogistics(t − dt) + (In-
ValueAdded Service 2 + Marginal Value- boundLogistics 3 Activity − Marginal Val-
Added OutboundLogistics 2 − Cumulative ueAdded InboundLogistics 3) * dt
ValueAdded2 Flow 2) * dt S29: ValueChain 3 Operations(t) = ValueChain
3 Operations(t − dt) + (Operations 3 Activ-
Flows ity − Marginal ValueAdded Operations 3)
F23: Latent Demand2 Flow = Latent Demand2 * dt
Middle Line * Latent Demand2 Convert S30: ValueChain 3 OutboundLogistics(t) = Val-
F24: Information Flow 2 = Latent Demand2 Flow ueChain 3 OutboundLogistics(t − dt) +
* Information Convert 2 * Channel 2 Trigger (OutboundLogistics 3 Activity − Marginal
F25: IL 2 Act = Price Correct Orders2 * 0.30 ValueAdded OutboundLogistics 3) * dt
F26: Marginal ValueAdded InboundLogistics 2 = S31: ValueChain 3 Marketing&Sales(t) = Val-
ValueChain 2 InboundLogistics ueChain 3 Marketing&Sales(t − dt) + (Mar-
F27: Operations 2 Activity = Price Correct keting&Sales 3 Activity − Marginal Val-
Orders2 * 0.30 ueAdded Marketing&Sales 3) * dt
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
Value Creation in Fine Arts 433

S32: ValueChain 3 Service(t) = ValueChain 3 APPENDIX 2: EXPLANATION OF

Service(t − dt) + (Service 3 Activity − NONLINEAR TEMPORAL VALUES
Marginal ValueAdded Service 3) * dt USED IN THE MODEL
S33: Cumulative ValueAdded 3(t) = Cumula-
tive ValueAdded 3(t − dt) + (Marginal Val- Convert Rates: These fractions simulate the three
ueAdded InboundLogistics 3 + Marginal groups of buyers. It is expected that some of each
ValueAdded Operations 3 + Marginal Val- of the groups is converted into actual consumers
ueAdded OutboundLogistics 3 + Marginal of Boehm’s upper line products. The cognoscenti,
ValueAdded Service 3 + Marginal Value- collector, and investor fractions have different
Added Marketing&Sales 3 − Cumulative mathematical relationships over time, as the shapes
ValueAdded3 Flow 3) * dt of the graphs illustrate.
Information Convert: These conversion rates
Flows simulate how quickly or slowly the buyers in
F35: Latent Demand3 = Latent Demand3 Low each channel assimilate information about the true
Line * Latent Demand3 Convert demand for the three Boehm product lines, and
F36: Information Flow 3 = Latent Demand3 * their decision and commitment to order products
Channel 3 Trigger * Information Convert 3 from Boehm.
F37: InboundLogistics 3 Activity = Price Correct Unit Price Strategies: These strategies are the
Orders3 * 0.15 company’s response to demand in terms of its
F38: Marginal ValueAdded InboundLogistics 3 = pricing strategies. For the simulation of the upper
ValueChain 3 InboundLogistics line of products, the unit price begins at $20,000,
F39: Operations 3 Activity = Price Correct and the increments of increasing the price are
Orders3 * 0.30 greater. The middle line of products is simulated
F40: Marginal ValueAdded Operations 3 = Val- at prices beginning with $500. The strategy for
ueChain 3 Operations the lower line of products oscillates between $40
F41: OutboundLogistics 3 Activity = Price Cor- and $60.
rect Orders3 * 0.05 Latent Demand Convert: For the middle line and
F42: Marginal ValueAdded OutboundLogistics 3 lower line of products, even without the existence
= ValueChain 3 OutboundLogistics of an upper line of products where the buyers are
F43: Marketing&Service 3 Activity = Price Cor- categorized as cognoscenti, investors, and collec-
rect Orders3 * 0.45 tors, some homogeneous buyers would like to buy
F44: Marginal Marketing&Sales 3 = ValueChain Boehm products within a price range that they
3 Marketing&Sales consider affordable. Initially, this is an untapped
F45: Service 3 Activity = Price Correct Orders3 market in the simulation model. In other words,
* 0.05 they would not depend on the information trans-
F46: Marginal ValueAdded Service 3 = Value- ferred from the upper line of products. However,
Chain 3 Services the information cascade that occurs as upper line
products are made available and purchased stimu-
Auxiliary lates the latent middle line buyers to place orders
A16: Channel 3 Trigger = IF (Information Stock for a Boehm product that is designed for the mid-
2) > 200, THEN (1); ELSE (0) dle line. The function over time ranges from 0
A17: Latent Demand3 Low Line(t) = Latent to 1. Once the middle line of products is intro-
Demand3 Low Line(t − dt) + (−Latent duced, demand increases until the latent demand
Demand3) * dt has been converted into actual purchase orders and
A18: Latent Demand3 Convert (See Appendix 2) the demand has been satisfied. A similar infor-
A19: Information Convert 3 (See Appendix 2) mation cascade occurs to affect the lower line of
A20: Unit Price Strategy 3 (See Appendix 2) products until that demand is satisfied also.
A21: Price Correct Orders 3 = Channel 3 Orders The graphs for the non-linear temporal relation-
* Unit Price Strategy 3 ships are as follows:

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)
434 P. Crossland and f. l. smith

0.50 0.50
0.40 0.40
0.30 0.30
Series1 Series1
0.20 0.20
0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00

A2, Cognoscenti Convert Rate A4, Investor Convert Rate

0.50 1.50
0.30 1.00
Series1 Series1
0.20 0.50
0.00 0.00


A6, Collector Convert Rate A9, Information Convert 1

80000 1.50
60000 1.00
40000 Series1 Series1
0 0.00


A10, Unit Price Strategy 1 A12, Latent Demand2 Convert

1.50 5000
1.00 3000
Series1 Series1
0.50 2000
0.00 0


A13, Information Convert 2 A14, Unit Price Strategy 2

1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
Series1 Series1
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00


A18, Latent Demand3 Convert A19, Information Convert 3

40 Series1

A20, Unit Price Strategy 3

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 417–434 (2002)

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