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KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR INTERNAL MEMO FROM: Vice-Chancellor DATE: 16% November, 2022 0: All Members of Stall REF: KU/VC/CLN/C29/VOL-4/(395] RE: APPEAL FOR DONATIONS TOWARDS A UNIVERSITY.WIDE RESPONSE ‘70 THE DROUGHT & FAMINE SITUATION IN KERVA ‘The drought situation in the Kenya Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs is currently at a crisis level and continues to worsen in 20 of the 23 ASAL counties, This ie tributed tothe four successive failed rainy seasons. The number of prope in need of humanitarian assistance currently stands al 4.35 milion based 9a 2022 the Long Rains Food and Nutritional Security Assessment Report. Eleven (11) counties namely: Garissa, Isiolo, Kajiado, Kitus, Mandera, Marsabit, Lalkipla Samburs, Tana River, Turkana and’ Waji, are in Alarm Droght Phase ‘while Nine (9) counties “Em, Kiki, Kwale, Maleueri, Meru, Narok, Nrers, Tharaka Nithi and Taita Taveta are in the Alert Drought phase. ‘Acute malnutrition has also been noted across the counties with 942000 cases of children aged 6-59 month acutely malnourished and 134,000 cases o! pregnant oF Jactating women acutely malnourished and in need ‘of teatmest. Kenyatta, Univeraty has identified Sambura County for a coordinated response 10 the ‘tution, The response wil valve all members of the KU community and alma at realising Ksh. 3M which will go towards purchasing foodstuff for the identified community 1 am therefore appealing to all members of the KU community ‘> contribute towards a Kenyatta Univerity response to the Crisis. Collection of donations will be coordinated by heads of Departments, Sections, Directorates, Schools and Divisions assisted by the respective Community Outreach Representatives. The following modes will be used to collect the donations: 1. Cash 2) Pes. ‘Paybill Number- 960506 ‘Account Number- Drought 3, Direct Banke Deposits Bank Account - National Bank ‘Account Number - 0103089002400 4, Checkcoff All donations should be received on or before 250 November, 2022. The University plans to deliver the donations on 2»! December, 2022. ae enor au

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