Cosmic Energy Portals, Vol 1 by Vashisht Vaid

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Table of Contents

Chapter [1]
Chapter [2]
Chapter [3]
Chapter [4]
Chapter [5]
Chapter [6]
Chapter [7]
Chapter [8]
Chapter [9]
Chapter [10]
Chapter [11]
Chapter [12]
Chapter [13]
Chapter [14]
Chapter [15]
Chapter [16]
Chapter [17]
Chapter [18]
Chapter [19]
Chapter [20]
Chapter [21]
Chapter [22]
Chapter [23]
Chapter [24]
Chapter [25]
Chapter [26]
Chapter [27]
Chapter [28]
Chapter [29]
Chapter [30]
Chapter [31]
Chapter [32]
Chapter [33]
Chapter [34]
Chapter [35]
In this Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], there exists certain “Cosmic Energy Portals” known as the
“Nakshatra’s”, which as the vortex of energies emanate from them the cosmic energy radiations,
which come into manifestation due to the occurring of cosmic consciousness expansion also
known as the transmutations of the huge cosmic entities, whose manifested bodies are the great
Solar Systems existing both in Nebulae as well as in the Dense formations.
These Solar Systems which exist in these cosmic energy portals, exist with various geometrical
relationships in between themselves to attain the polarity integration, which is termed as the
Cosmic Harmony or Cosmic electrical Balance of consciousness expansion achieved through
the utilization of the second differentiated Electric Will aspect of the Supreme logos which is
known as the Cosmic Christos or “Maha Vishnu” aspect, which is thus applied in these cosmic
portals as the Cosmic Love and Wisdom, which is scientifically known as the Cosmic process of
attraction and repulsion or the Balancing Electricity [Magnetism].
This Book will give the reader an insider look and understanding of the deep esoteric knowledge
about these cosmic energy portals, which is imbedded in the chapters of this book. By reading
this book again and again a few times, will surely expand his/her evolving consciousness, as
these cosmic energies thus coming to our planet earth through their governing planets of our
solar system known as the “Graha’s”, which act as the energy focal points for receiving these
cosmic energies and then after harmonizing them known as the “Tinting process”, further
distribute them in our solar system as their planetary emissions, which after reaching our planet
earth constantly govern the evolution of all the kingdom evolving upon planet earth, especially
the human kingdom to which we all belong.
Vashisht Vaid
Chapter [1]
The term “Nakshatra” denotes the celestial energy portals, which exist in the ecliptic passageway
of our Milky Way Galaxy, whose objective bodies are those certain stars, who are part of the 12
Zodiacal constellations. These all energy portals exist in our own Milky galaxy and only contain
those objectively manifested stars, who are a part of our milky way galaxy.
These ”Nakshatra’s” are represented by those stars, which are interdependent energy distribution
centers of Infinite Brahmanda [Universe] and are known as cosmic energy centers or wheels
[Antariksh Urja Chakra’s], who are objectively existing as the “Solar Suns” having their own
spherical solar systems [Sor Mandals], which are the objective manifested bodies of those
cosmic entities who are known as the creator “Thinkers”. They consciously affect all those,
entities and beings, who exist in their spherical center of Influence.
But they also receive the circulating cosmic energy forces of Brahmanda [Universe], and after
absorbing them and harmonizing them through consciousness expansion with their own cosmic
attributes, also known as the tinting process, which is technically known as the process of
transmutation, they give them back as Radiation energy to the circulating energy forces of
Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], for its further continuation and circulation throughout the infinite
Brahmanda [Universe].
As far as our planet earth is concerned, due to the precession of equinox caused due to the
rotational tilt of the earth’s axis, the solar sun appears to be moving in the heavens from one
constellation of the zodiac to another, which gives rise to an illusory path known as the solar
ecliptic, in which it covers all the 12 zodiacal signs [Dwadish Rashi’s] in a complete circular
In the ancient past of the earth’s history, this 360 degree ecliptic path was first divided in 8 parts
of 45 degrees each, and then by splitting the one Leo/ Virgo constellation into two, which was
originally represented by the “Sphinx of Giza plateau [Sphinx is the Lion with a Women head,
and later was represented in the Hindu religion as the goddess sitting upon the lion] as two
independent constellations they became 10 constellations of 36 degrees each. Then much later
the joint constellation of Pices/Aquarius was also split as two independent constellations of Pices
[Meen Rashi], and Aquarius [Kumbh Rashi] and were thus related in opposite polarity to the
other two earlier dissected constellations which are Leo [Simha Rashi]and Virgo [Kanya
When the the ecliptic path thus became a group of 12 constellations [Dwadish Rashi’s], then
this 360 degree circular path was divided into 12 equal segments of 30 degree each, which are
known as the 12 constellations [Rashi’s]. This whole process was accomplished by the great
controllers of planetary earth’s evolution, who are known as the members of the planetary earth’s
hierarchy [Shambhalla, Siddhasram, Gyan Ganj Mandi, the great Tibetian Brotherhood etc.],
which is composed of great learned entities and beings known to us as the Rishi’s or Arhats and
Maharishi’s [Adepts and Masters].
This 30 degree segments of the zodiacal ecliptic are also related to the approximate 30 day cycle
of moon’s movement around our planet earth, which is known as the Lunar month. Thus moon’s
movement which affects the evolving consciousness of all kingdoms of planet earth, is also
related to the illusory forms of the ecliptic known as the zodiac or Rashi’s, which were depicted
by the grouping of certain stars, which are found upon the path of ecliptic.
In each of the 30 degree, the 30 degrees was split into 27 + 3, as the final 3 degree was kept as
the final synthetic aspect of the supreme solar logos, related to his three fold differentiation as
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Also in the evolution of human beings , the number 3 is very
important as it related them to the three loka’s [The 3 lokas are Bhu, Bhava, and Svah, or
Physical/Vital, Astral, and Mental planes], who play a major role for its evolution known as the
conscious expansion. This whole process of consciousness expansion is quantumly governed by
the fourth hidden attribute known as the Dark Fire [Kaal Agni].
So the 27 were considered as the duality aspect [Dwaita] of the supreme logos,, and the other
three existing as one were considered as the Non Dual aspect [Adwaita]. So for the conscious
expansion experiment upon planet earth, the whole ecliptic was divided in 27 sections known as
Thus in the ancient times our great Maharishi’s divided the ecliptic into 27 equal sections, which
are the celestial portals of energy called as Nakshatras, and each of these 27 Nakshatra divisions
are further divided into a time quadrant of four equal sectors called the paadas [steps] thus
making them a total of 27 x 4 = 108 time segments. These four quadrant segments are related to
the human evolution in the four lower solar planes, and thus correspond to them which are the
buddhic plane, the mental plane, the astral plane, and the vital/physical planes.
These 108 divisions of the solar ecliptic denotes the 108 time factor steps that the sun and moon
take while moving through these 27 celestial energy portals of the heaven. Each of these 27
celestial energy portals which are known as Nakshatra’s, is associated with a particular type of
energy force coming to our planet earth through their focal points which objectively exist as
planets in our solar system and are known as the grahas[houses], which affects our mind[soul],
body and spirit during our incarnated human lives. Thus there are the 108 steps of celestial
energies between our ordinary human awareness and the divine bluish white light at the center of
our energy lotus formation existence in the mental plane known as our higher self or “Soul”, or
the inner “Sun”.
These four paadas also correspond to the fourfold relationship, which exist between the four
Cosmic planes which are the Cosmic Vital/ Physical plane, The Cosmic Astral Plane, The
Cosmic Mental plane, and the Cosmic Buddhic Plane. These four cosmic planes are objectively
represented by four solar systems of which our own Solar System represents the Cosmic Vital
and cosmic Physical plane, as the first four solar planes known as the Arupa levels [planes]
represent the Cosmic Vital planes, which are composed of cosmic ethereal substance, and the
three lower solar planes are composed of dense matter like cosmic gaseous, cosmic liquid and
cosmic soild.
The Cosmic Astral Plane is the solar system of Pleiades. The Cosmic Mental Plane is the Solar
System of Sirius [Dog Star], and the Cosmic Buddhic plane is the Solar system of Ursa Minor
with the Pole or North star as the main star “Sun”[Dhruv Tara].
Chapter [2]
In our Milky way galaxy, in each of the 27 cosmic energy portal known as “Nakshatra’s”, a
group of star systems exist in a triangular or quadrant energy relationship, according to the
cosmic evolutionary plans, which were established by the supreme Being under the governance
of dark fire [kaal agni], through the quantum energy control of the “Out finite Supreme Council”
[ the Supreme Being is the great cosmic logos, who is also known as the supreme” thinker”].
These evolutionary plans are supposed to be followed by all varieties of conscious[with mind
attributes] and unconscious life [without mind attributes], throughout the infinite spherical
Brahnmanda [universe]. In these various energy relationships which exist between the star
system of these 27 cosmic energy portals, polarity integration is always achieved through the
process of conscious expansion, which is the process of harmonization achieved through the
cosmic second electric “will” aspect of the Supreme Being also known as the “Vishnu or
Christos aspect”, under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni].
In our own “Sor Mandal [solar system], the “grand thinker” who is also known as the “Solar
Logos” or Shri Hari as called by the great Maharishi “Agastiyar”, has his personality
consciousness expansion experiment being conducted through his objectively incarnated Vital
and Physical body which is known as our solar system [Sor Mandal].
To consciously achieve his personality consciousness expansion in time and space, the solar
logos has subdivided his evolving consciousness as 7 “sub thinkers”, through which he focuses
his consciousness on different evolutionary times in space under the governance of dark fire
[kaal agni]. These seven sub thinkers represent his duality aspect and are also known as the 7
creator Scheme logos [Prajapati’s].
So these 7 Sub thinkers exist independently in the conscious body of solar logos, manifesting as
the seven vortex of energy , which are required for consciousness expansion of the solar logos,
thus existing in the form of huge energy lotus formations called the energy distribution centers
[Urja Chakras], or simply objectively manifested organs, known as planetary schemes with
planetary chains and planets, but still interdependent upon the Solar logos through the
governance of kaal agni [dark fire]for energy circulation in time and space, thus existing as the
energy distribution centers in the body of solar logos.
Each of these seven Prajapati’s [creator logos] having an inherent duality aspect objectively
manifest as 7 minor planetary schemes, and each of these planetary schemes are also vortex of
energies, which has seven sub vortex of energies which objectively manifest as the seven
planetary chains, each chain having further seven interdependent planets in it which have
triangular, quadrant and fivefold relationships.
So each of these planetary scheme has 49 planets, which objectively exist both in Arupa [unseen
frequencies] and Rupa [seen] levels.
So in these seven sub thinker’s collective objective spherical bodies which are seven planetary
schemes, thus exist 7 x 49 = 343 planets both in Arupa and Rupa levels, before they get finally
synthesized by the three major schemes, which in sequence are the synthesizing schemes of
Saturn, Neptune and then finally Uranus Scheme.
These 343 planets correspond to the 108 time periods called the Pada’s, as in each pada there are
three controlling planets, who are having a triangular relationship between themselves thus
depicting the differentiated electric energy trinity aspect of the supreme logos, which are the
focal points for the 3 controlling stars of each of these 27 Nakshatra’s, thus a total of 3 planets x
108 pada’s = 324 planets representing the 324 stars of these 27 energy portals.
The difference of the 20 planets[ 343 – 324 = 20 planets], in our solar system represent those
planets which are the final synthesizing planets in each planetary scheme [3 planets x 6 schemes
=18 planets, while the last two planets belongs to the Saturn scheme itself, which is the
synthesizer of the rest six planetary schemes thus equaling to 18 +2 =20 planets or the total
synthesized number of 2+0 = “2”, which is the number of the solar logos conscious entity aspect
of our current solar system, known as the Vishnu aspect, thus consciously depicting love and
wisdom through the process of consciousness expansion which is also known as the Duality or
“Dwaita” aspect.
This Cosmic information about the stars of these 27 energy portals called Nakshatras, and its
correspondence to the solar system planets was kept as a hidden secret, so that it cannot be
misused by any entity or being who was not worthy of it, and who has not followed the universal
law of “Will to do Good”.
The star “Vega” also known as “Abhijit Nakshatra” objectively manifested in the Lyra
constellation is considered as the 28th cosmic portal of energy , thus making the totality number
of the cosmic portals as 2+8 = 10 or 1+0 = 1 or “One” which is the mathematical number of the
supreme logos as the reflection of the “Thinker”.
All the stars of Lyra constellation or the 28th “Abhijeet Nakshatra” directly correspond with the
objectively manifested Solar “Sun” consciousness of our current Solar System, under the
governess of dark fire [Kaal Agni], through the quantum energy control of the “Out finite
Supreme Council”.
Chapter [3]
The 27 cosmic energy portal having certain Star systems, which exist in the ecliptic path of the
12 zodiacal constellations have a tremendous effect upon the evolving consciousness of an
evolving human being, as they correspond to the energy vibration impulses of the manifested
planets of the Sor Mandal [Solar system], which act as their energy focal points or governing
agents in our solar system to receive their cosmic energies, and then tint them with their own
attributes [solar plane vibration frequencies], through the balancing or harmonization process
under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], and then circulate them in our solar system
especially affecting our planetary evolution of various evolving kingdoms, especially affecting
the human kingdom thus having a great impact upon their evolving consciousness.
In each incarnated human being there exists an astral or emotional body composed of Astral
plane elemental deva matter [unconscious low levels elemental angels], and this astral plane
matter is magnetic and liquid in nature, which belongs to the seven sub planes of the astral plane.
So in the astral body of an incarnated human being this magnetic liquid matter corresponding to
the seven sub planes can be found in various mathematical proportions depending upon the stage
of evolution achieved by the evolving “Soul” through previous incarnations, during their
conscious expansion evolutionary process as per the established plan and purpose of the logos.
So the quantity of the higher and lower sub planes magnetic liquid matter existing in certain
mathematical proportions thus determines the evolutionary nature of the incarnated human being,
depicting the emotional state of mind, which is called as the “Personality ‘ aspect of a human
Following the Brahmandic [universal] principle known as “As Above So Below”, the same is
true for an evolving Creator Logos [Prajapati] as well as the Solar logos, who is the conscious
aspect or reflection of the Consciousness of the Supreme “Thinker”.
In the astral bodies of the Prajapati [Creator scheme logos], and the Solar logos such
differentiated magnetic proportions also exist having their own vibration affinities to the various
energy distribution centers [Urja Chakra’s], which exist in the manifested body of the solar logos
consisting of both “Arupa and Rupa” levels, known as the “Sor Mandal’[Solar system].
These magnetic differentiated proportions of matter both consciously and unconsciously
correspond to the vibrations of those energy distribution centers in the body of the logos, from
where they originally originated under the cosmic vibration impulses of the star systems having
various geometrical relationships like triangular, quadrant, pentacle etc., which exist in these 27
cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s”.
In the same way the planets of our solar system, who are representing these energy distribution
star system centers, which are existing in these 27 cosmic portals, and are thus acting as their
focal points, have a sympathetic correspondence to these 27 Cosmic portal star Systems, who
have a tremendous effect on those great entities who embody the collective consciousness of all
the evolving kingdoms upon their objectively manifested planets like our planet earth.
So any alteration of the energy flow upon the cosmic wheel [Antaiksh Chakra] from any of these
27 cosmic energy portals, which is always governed by the dark fire [kaal agni], will be also
reflected in its corresponding planet’s astral body matter, which acts as a focal point or a micro
or macro energy distribution center [urja chakra] in the manifested body of a planetary logos or a
solar logos in our solar system which may be existing in the Arupa [unseen] or Rupa [seen]
This alteration in the cosmic energy flow from any of these 27 cosmic energy portals will thus be
affecting the magnetic or emotional state of the evolving entity or the being existing in our solar
This cosmic understanding of these 27 cosmic energy portals existing in the ecliptic known as
“Nakshatra’s’ which affect the magnetic consciousness of the astral bodies of various entities
and beings existing in the Arupa and Rupa levels our solar system is known as “Astrology” or
the cosmic science or logic of the astral plane matter, which is liquid and magnetic in nature,
which is the basis of all emotional consciousness existence, what is known as feelings and
In the case of an incarnated human being, the different proportions of astral plane matter found
in their astral bodies, which are related to the various energy distribution centers of the creator
logos, and the solar logos, which are the origination points, and from which this astral matter was
originally radiated due to the transmutation process caused by the cosmic energy impulses,
which originated from these 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s”, and thus in their
magnetic liquid astral body certain portions of the astral matter sympathetically respond to any
changes happening in these focal points [planetary energy distribution centers], which is
emotionally felt due to the change in the vibration frequency.
So in their incarnated human lives an evolving human being thus gets emotionally influenced by
this magnetic liquid vibration changes, which are felt through their astral bodies, in which most
humanity of our planet earth is currently polarized constantly running after glamour, which are
due to the tinted energy impulses governed by the dark fire [kaal agni] coming to our planet
earth, which are originating from these 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s”.
Chapter [4]
In our Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], everything which has objectively manifested in the Arupa
and Rupa planes [In Macro to Micro levels], has its own conscious existence usually termed as
the “Soul”. In these conscious soul existences there exist an elaborate hierarchy system which
covers all their objective manifested forms, in which these evolutionary souls exist, from the
lowest form of matter to the highest form of matter. The collective consciousness of these all
hierarchies is known as the world soul or the planetary soul, and the collective consciousness of
all these manifested planetary souls is known as a “star soul of a solar system” or a solar system
soul. This fact is thus also true for all the manifested stars, who are existing in the manifested
Arupa and the Rupa levels of these 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s”.
All such manifested Star Souls, who are existing in both Arupa and Rupa levels of these 27
cosmic energy portals known as 27 “Nakshatras”, follow the Brahmandic [universal] mandates.
The Arupa level consciousness existence of these star entities is composed of more purified and
less gross materials, thus also known as the ethereal existence, which is still subject to the
physical as well as universal mandates of the third aspect of the matter also known as the creator
or Brahma aspect of intellectual activity thus consciously evolving under the governance of dark
fire [kaal agni], based upon the one and only universal law of “Will to do Good”.
In our current “Sor Mandal” [Solar System], which is evolving based upon the cosmic 2nd ray,
which is the reflected conscious aspect of the solar logos known as “Maha Vishnu” or “Shri
Hari” as well as the ‘Cosmic Christos’, who himself is a tiny consciousness reflection of the
Supreme Logos of our Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], all the duality cycles [Dwaita] to balance
the spirit and matter relationships are controlled by him through the “Accumulated Wisdom”
known as intuition under the governance of dark fire [Kaal Agni]. This balancing or
harmonization act by Maha Vishnu’s reflected consciousness existing as our solar logos, takes
place mostly upon the most ethereal or spiritually pure planets of our ‘Sor Mandal” [Solar
System], in which the cosmic energies from the 27 “Nakshatra’s [27 Cosmic energy portals with
star systems], play an important role under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni].
These spiritually pure planets of our solar system are composed of cosmic ethereal matter known
as “Akasha”, as well as they are also existing in the cosmic ethereal frequencies known as the
“Arupa “ levels, and are thus deeply affected in their evolving consciousness and get tinted by
the radiating electromagnetic conscious energy impulses from these 27 “Nakshatras [27 cosmic
energy portals upon the ecliptic], which are emitted from these cosmic energy portals due to their
own consciousness expansion utilizing the attraction and repulsion process in their own
mathematical geometrical ‘Star Soul” relationships, which is known as the transmutation process
or the “Maha Vishnu” aspect of Infinite Brahmanda [Universe].
In our whole Milky Way galaxy, as well as in the whole manifested Infinite spherical Brahmanda
[universe], has various such portals of cosmic energy. In these cosmic energy portals of the
infinite Brahmanda [Universe], various manifested star systems of the Arupa and Rupa levels
exist in the form of elliptical rings, which are cosmically interlinked together through their
energy relationships in the form of elliptical star chains.
But in these elliptical star chain formations existing in these cosmic energy portals, due to the
required polarity integration for their consciousness expansion according to the universal law of
“Will to do Good”, they exist in various geometrical and mathematical relationships [triangular,
quadrant, pentacle etc.], through which the Brahmandic [universal] energies constantly move and
flow through in spiral cyclic rotations, which thus tint each other of these manifested star
systems existing in these cosmic energy portals in their elliptical chain formation, thus achieving
the goal of harmonization, known as the balancing aspect of the “Maha Vishnu”.
In these interlinked Star System chains of the cosmic energy portals, the vital energy cycles
constantly move for the consciousness expansion of these “Star Souls” under the influence of
“Maha Vishnu” aspect, which is actually the utilization of magnetic attraction and repulsion
attributes of the supreme logos. These energy cycles are known as the “Nakshatra Kaal
Chakra’s” or Cosmic Energy Portal Energy Wheels or time cycles.
This whole process of consciousness expansion in these cosmic energy portals through which a
“Star Soul” consciously moves for its evolutionary progress is of an unimaginable duration.
Each of these star system chains of these cosmic portals existing in elliptical energy formations
have two focal points, and these 2 focal points are the true duality [Dwaita] aspects of “Maha
Vishnu”. These 2 focal points existing as the star systems in the elliptical chain, are polar
opposite to each other, one representing the reflected “Spirit’ aspect of the supreme logos of the
infinite Brahmanda, and the other representing the reflected “Matter” aspect of the supreme
logos of the infinite Brahmanda.
In the case of these 27 cosmic energy portals of our Brahmanda [universe], known as
‘Nakshatra’s’, they “collectively” represent the consciousness of all such “Star Soul Elliptical
Chains” which exist in their spherical parameters, and in these 27 Nakshatras [cosmic energy
portals], some are more ethereal or spiritual than the others which are more material and dense,
while most are in between these two opposite focal point portals of energies, showing the mixed
qualities of both opposite polarities in certain mathematical proportions.
Chapter [5]
In the 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatras” situated upon the ecliptic, there exist
various solar systems who have geometrical cosmic energy relations between themselves. These
27 cosmic portals exist upon this oval ecliptic, and due to its oval shape it is two focal points, of
which one is a focal point of causes and the other one is the focal point of effects.
Those other 25 portals of energies, which exist between these two focal points, also get affected
according to their closeness to these two focal points. Those cosmic energy portals
[Nakshatra’s], which are close to the focal point of causes, therefore acts more as the portals of
causes, and those cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s] which are close to the focal point of
“Effect” act more like the portals of effect.
But as the distances grow between the Nakshatra’s [cosmic portals of energies], and these 2 focal
point Nakshatras, then the rest of these cosmic portals start acting as energy portals of both the
cause and effect, which is due to their proportional distance between them and these 2 cosmic
energy focal points, and due to which they then start showing duality aspects, less of one affect
and more of another depending upon their closeness to any these two focal points.
Those cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s], who are situated more or less at an equal distance
from both of these 2 focal points cosmic portals [Nakshatra’s], they in such cases act as the true
dual cosmic portals of energies, having both attributes of causes and effects, simultaneously
being acted upon through attraction and repulsion, by fully utilizing the “Maha Vishnu” aspect of
harmonization under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni].
This elliptical orbit of cosmic energies is divided into two equal parts of 13 cosmic energy
portals, thus 13 + 13 = 26 cosmic energy portals [Nakashatra] or 2+ 6 = 8, which is the number
of infinity as present in the spherical infinite Brahman [universe], while the 27th cosmic energy
portal corresponds to the first or 1st cosmic energy portal thus making the mathematical number
as 1 + 27 or 1+ 2+7 = 10, or 1+0 =1, which is the number of the supreme logos as “1”. At the
conclusion of this grand experiment of consciousness expansion, the 28th cosmic energy portal
plays a most important part, which is represented by the star “Vega” in the Lyra constellation
known as “Abhijeet Nakshatra” utilizing the “Maha Vishnu” aspect of balancing or
harmonization come into play thus having an equal number of 14 portals in two segments on the
elliptical orbit, which balances the mathematical ratio of the supreme logos as 14 +14 = 28 or 2
+8 = 10 or 1+0 = 1, which is the number of the supreme logos.
During the last solar system, these cosmic portals of energy [Nakshatras’s] played an important
role for its manifestation, in which the required matter was received by the implosion of Star
Sirus B, and thus the previous solar system consisted of the glowing nebula matter, which
gradually condensed, which caused the manifestation of physical planets in those spots, which
became the vortex of energies.
These vortex of energies appeared or manifested at those points of energy intersections which
were formed due to the overlapping of energies at the huge peripheries, in the great centers or the
organs of the manifested body of the solar logos [sor mandal or solar system], known as the
planetary schemes, which are the manifested bodies of these “Sub thinkers” who are known as
the “Prajapati’s” or creator logos.
So where these points of energy intersections appeared as the energy vortexes in these planetary
schemes, there also manifested the physical planets with a certain set vibration frequency, which
is also known as the planetary quality of mind [soul], thus reflecting their existence level in a
particular plane of the solar system objective manifestation.
In a planetary chain, which exist in a solar energy distribution organ, which is also known as the
planetary scheme, there exist seven such manifested planets, and all these seven planets differ in
their evolving consciousness, which is scientifically known as their vibration frequency , and
commonly known as their color or planetary quality , which has different effect upon different
group of live elemental essences, which are the basic building blocks of the infinite Brahmanda
These various planets of the planetary chains, which exist in a planetary scheme under the
governance of dark fire [kaal agni], gets affected by the cosmic energy impulses coming from
these 27 energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s”, which causes different affects in the elemental
lives which originate from various distribution centers known as the planetary schemes.
Chapter [6]
The effect of these cosmic energy portals of the ecliptic known as 27 “Nakshatra’s upon the
evolving human beings of the planet earth is many fold, as it affects his various bodies [mental
body, astral body, vital/physical bodies] due to the fact that these cosmic impulses which are
governed by the various planets of our solar system, who thus through these governing planets
thus effect the live elemental essences which compose these various bodies of the human beings
existing in various dimensional vibration frequencies known as planes.
Although this cosmic energy influence of 27 Nakshatra’s impulses [cosmic energy portals] is
exerted upon the live elemental essences of all the planes, their effect is mostly felt by the
evolving human beings of the planet earth in their astral or emotional bodies, which exist in the
desire plane, and this is due to this fact that most of the evolving humans during their
incarnation, are consciously polarized in their astral or emotional bodies in this magnetic plane of
glamour, which thus has a more impact upon the elementals of the astral plane also known as the
“Bhava Loka” or magnetic sea of desires.
So these 27 Nakshatra’s [Cosmic portals of energies], existing as the cosmic vortex of energies
with a combined mathematical number of 2 +7 =9, thus through their radiated energy impulses
effect our manifested solar system in the cosmic vital/physical plane, which are those energy
vibrations which are radiated due to their own transmutation process taking place through
various geometrical energy relation between various solar systems which exist in these cosmic
energy portals, and this cosmic energy radiations are happening due to their own transmutation
process, which is caused by the attraction and repulsion or the utilization of the cosmic Vishnu
aspect of the Cosmic “Thinker”, which thus gets radiated due to their own transmutation process
going on in these cosmic portals, which then as radiated live or vital energy vibrations enter our
solar system thus affecting Nine planetary schemes, which are the nine manifested bodies of the
“sub thinkers” known as the “Prajapati’” or creator logos, who are the manifested organs or
energy distribution centers of the solar logos, existing as huge spheres of energy, thus existing in
the manifested objective body or the spherical elliptical body of the solar logos in the cosmic
physical plane.
In our solar system, similar to the 27 cosmic portals of energy, in each of the manifested
planetary schemes, which are existing as huge spherical vortex of energies, there exists seven sub
organs or energy distribution centers which are known as the planetary chains. In each of these
planetary chains, which consist of seven planets situated in an elliptical orbit, are manifested in
both the arupa and the rupa levels [planes or vibration frequencies].
Each of these planetary chains having a seven planet elliptical orbital existence, also have 2 focal
points, which have opposite polarity, who keep the whole elliptical energy orbit in place utilizing
the differentiated second electrical aspect also known as the Vishnu aspect under the governance
of dark fire [kaal agni].
The Vishnu aspect thus keeps the whole manifested planetary chain with its two energy focal
points, which is an energy distribution center in the manifested planetary scheme, in its
harmonized existence of formation, and thus these 2 focal points manifested as 2 planets in a
planetary chain can never approach each other during their manifested lives, and thus are kept in
balance by the reflected Cosmic Christos aspect also known as the “Maha Vishnu”.
Out of these two focal points, one focal point represent the most dense aspect of the spirit which
is known as “Matter”, and the other focal point represents the most purest or lightest aspect of
the matter, which is known as “Spirit”.
The focal spiritual point, in the manifested planetary chain which is the point of the “spirit”
manifested as a vortex of energy, and thus exist as an manifested planet, is known the planet of
causes or a subjective planet, while the focal dense point, which is the point of “Matter”
manifested as a vortex of energy, is known as the planet of effect, and all other manifested
planets existing as the in between manifested planets of the planetary chain exert both the
properties of cause and effect also known as the magnetic properties or the balancing electricity,
utilizing the Vishnu aspect of attraction and repulsion.
But this focal point arrangement is also vice versa in the manifested planetary chain, which
occurs when the magnetic polarity shift happens in these focal points manifested as a planet. Our
planet earth [Prithvi] in the earth chain of seven planets is currently acting as the planet of causes
or a positive planet, while its polar opposite, the planet Venus [Shukra],is acting as the planet of
effects or a negative planet.
During the planetary evolution, the in between planets act as the planets of transmutation or
gestation, where the evolving souls take rest till the period of their next higher evolution.
These in between planets known as the intermediately planets of a planetary chain are affected
by both the focal points planets of causes and effects. These effects depend upon the relative
distance of the these planets to both the focal points.
The planet which is close to the focal point planet of the “Effects” is affected more by its
negative or “Material” aspect, and thus act more in its quality vibration frequency as a negative
or passive vortex of energy or a receiver planet, and the planet which is close to the focal point of
the “Causes” is affected more by its positive or “Spiritual” aspect, and thus act more in its quality
vibration frequency as a positive or active vortex of energy or a giver planet, in its planetary
chain relationships.
So the 27 Nakshatra’s of ecliptic , known as the 27 cosmic portals of energies thus affect through
their radiated energies, which are caused due to the transmutation process, and which happens
due to the various geometrical relationships of evolving consciousness existing between various
manifested solar systems, which are manifested in these cosmic portals of energies, under the
governance of dark fire [kaal agni], thus affecting the collective consciousness of everything in a
planetary chain as well as the collective consciousness of an individual planet of these planetary
Chapter [7]
In our solar system, which has been objectively manifested under the governance of dark fire
[kaal agni], due to the cosmic impulses coming from the 27 “Nakshatra’s”, which are the cosmic
portals of energies existing upon the ecliptic, which created those points of energy intersections
which later manifested as planets in the planetary schemes, which are the manifested bodies of
“Sub Thinkers” who are known as the creator logos or “Prajapati’s”.
These manifested planetary schemes which exist as 10 evolving planetary schemes, which are
chakra organs or energy distribution centers in the manifested body of the solar logos differ in
their vibration frequencies. Out of these 10 planetary schemes, 3 are the major or synthesizing
planetary schemes and 7 are minor planetary schemes.
These frequency vibrations are known as the affecting qualities of these planets, which are
collectively existing in as planetary chain formations in the planetary schemes, which have
different effect upon the elemental lives, which exist in various planes and sub planes [Arupa and
Rupa levels] of our solar system.
The effect of these 27 cosmic portal impulses coming to our solar system show their affect much
more in the astral or emotional plane frequencies of all the planets, where it affects most all the
elemental lives which compose these magnetic liquid planes and sub planes, which are also
termed as the planes of feelings and glamour.
In the case of evolving human beings of planet earth, these “Nakshatra’s” effects are mostly felt
in their emotional or desire bodies, which are composed of these elemental deva lives of the
astral plane, and the deva’s or angelic essences of the astral plane are known as “Agni Surya”
elemental deva’s. This is for the basic reason that most evolving humans of planet earth are
currently consciously polarized in the life of glamour and desires for which they are thus related
mostly to the astral plane frequencies, currently controlled by the magnetic liquid plane hierarchy
or the astral plane hierarchy also known as the 6th creative hierarchy [which is technically the
11th creative hierarchy, as in the last solar system there have been previously 5 creative
hierarchies, so 5+6 = 11th creative hierarchy].
The human beings stay polarized in their consciousness upon the astral plane, which is a plane of
glamour and emotional desires, during their subsequent reincarnations upon this planet earth, till
the “Spirit” and “soul” start discriminating or repulsing each other, as well as the indwelling
conscious reflection, which is also existing in an incarnated human body known as the
“Personality”, by utilizing the second ray magnetic energy as the electric “Will of attraction and
repulsion” or the Vishnu aspect under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni].
The “Jivatma” or the “Soul mind” indwelling in a incarnated human form is known as the “Linga
Sharira”, which is the animating ego, and this is different than the “Kama Rupa” or the soul ego
with more control due to mind expansion, which gets more affected by the impulses of the
Buddhic or the middle or the 4th plane out of the seven planes, which gets more influenced being
a plane of harmony from the cosmic ray impulses coming from these 27 cosmic energy portals
also called “Nakshatra’s”.
In the human astral body, which is composed of matters belonging to the seven sub planes of the
astral plane which are made up of the live elemental deva essences related to these 7 sub planes
existing in various mathematical proportions, and these seven sub planes correspond to the seven
solar planes which are numerically related to the sub plane number. These astral matter
proportions of various densities existing in the astral bodies are determined by the pitri devas,
also known as the Lunar Pitris, because they belong to earlier planetary chain called the “Lunar
Chain”, and this astral matter, which is composed of various densities is related to that stage of
evolution, which defines the stage of expanded consciousness of the incarnated human being.
These various density proportions of the astral body is the reason behind all the expressions upon
the physical plane, which are termed as the emotional moods of the incarnated human being.
The elemental deva matter of the seven sub planes of the emotional plane differ In its quality or
the vibration frequency for the basic reason that it originated in the different energy distribution
centers [planetary schemes, the manifested objective bodies of the creator logos or “Prajapati’s”]
of the solar logos. So these live elemental deva matter of various sub planes vibrate in
correspondence or close to the vibration frequency of the planetary energy distribution center
[planetary scheme], to which it originally belonged in the first place.
So when any kind of alteration occurs in that energy distribution center’s frequency vibration,
which is a vortex of energy, and which is also a solar organ, that alteration will immediately
affect the corresponding matter in the Astral body of the incarnated human being evolving upon
planet earth, but do not affect other matter which originated from the other planetary scheme
energy distribution centers, who thus do not respond to these alterations in the vibration
frequencies of that particular center.
The exception to this rule is when a center of any higher frequency causes this alteration under
the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], which can thus absorb all the lower frequency vibrations,
which emanate from these cosmic energy portals known as the 27 Nakshatra’s.
Chapter [8]
These 27 cosmic energy portals existing as the cosmic vortex of energies upon the ecliptic, thus
affect the corresponding vortex of energies which exist in our solar system, which being the
energy distribution systems [urja chakra’s],finally effect the evolving planetary conscious life
upon a planet like our planet earth.
The vibration energy impulses of these solar energy distribution centers [planetary schemes,
which are the manifested bodies of Prajapati’s or the creator logos also known as ‘Navagaraha’s”
affects [quality or vibration frequency], are felt by those elemental live deva essences groups,
who originate from these energy centers of our solar system.
Thus each group of elemental lives are affected by its own planetary scheme center vibrations,
but there are various permutation and combinations in these relationships due to various
mathematical and geometrical energy relationships which exist between the 27 cosmic portals
[Nakshatra’s], which are reflected in our solar system as the corresponding relationships of the
solar energy distribution centers, which thus exists between themselves.
These geometrical energy relationships between the solar organs known as the systemic
planetary schemes [energy distribution centers or the vortex of energies], create those situations
which are known as the intensification of one planetary scheme energy over the other planetary
scheme utilizing the magnetic [balancing electricity] or “Vishnu” aspect of attraction and
repulsion under the governance of the 4th hidden aspect of the Brahmanda [Universe], known as
Kaal Agni [Dark Fire].\
In these geometrical energy relationships there exists also those planetary schemes, which act as
the balancer or neutralizer planetary schemes, which are in a true sense the embodiment of the
2nd electric “will” or the Vishnu aspect.
During the solar evolution of all the planetary schemes, which are manifested in the solar system,
and are constantly in a spiral cyclic motion in the space, the give and take of the vibration
frequency energies due to their transmutation process which are emitted as radiation energies,
thus between these planetary schemes constantly goes on, to achieve their consciousness
expansion, which is known as the process of harmonization or the balancing act of electricity
called “Magnetism’, all taking place under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni].
Although these radiating impulses from the solar energy distribution centers [planetary schemes],
which are emitted due to their consciousness expansion known as the “Transmutation Process”
influence the mental and astral bodies of the evolving lives like the human beings of the planet
earth, which are composed of live elemental essences.
The changes occurring due to their consciousness expansion or transmutation process in these
lotus flower shaped great energy distribution spheres [planetary schemes], which are unseen by
the naked human eyes, do cause sure effects in the emotional or mental body, or sometime
affecting both these bodies, which show up as the personality changes in the bodies of the
incarnated human beings upon the physical plane of the planet earth.
These personality changes which occur in the incarnated human beings are due to the fact that
the elemental deva lives which compose their mental and astral bodies gets affected by these
radiation energies, which are emitted due to transmutation or the consciousness expansion of
these great solar entities, who exist in the manifested consciousness body of the Solar Logos as
his “sub thinkers” which is known as the Sor Mandal [Solar System], and are thus known as the
“Prajapati’s” or the creator logos.
These notable changes occurring in the astral and mental bodies of a human being, are due to the
reception of radiation impulses from these solar energy distribution centers. These changes
which occur are according to the certain portions of those elemental deva lives composing their
various bodies, who get affected by these radiating energy impulses, as they originally have
themselves originated from these energy distribution centers [planetary schemes].
These radiation energy impulses affect the least those human beings, whose conscious under the
governance of kaal agni [dark force], has already expanded to those levels of existence which
encompass all the three electrical differentiated aspects of the solar logos [Brahma, Vishnu,
Mahesha or Shiva aspects].
So these transmutation impulses known as the radiation energies due to consciousness expansion
of “Prajapati’s” or creator logos can be easily utilized by such human beings to follow the lines
of least resistance in the “Brahmanda” [Universe], under the governance of the fourth hidden
aspect known as the “Kaal Agni” [Dark fire].
One very important fact to be noted is that the cosmic influences from the 27 cosmic energy
portals known as the “Nakshatra’s” are neither good or bad but neutral energy aspects as far as
an evolving human being is concerned, but as they affect their mental and emotional bodies, the
incarnated human beings indwelling as personalities in their incarnated human bodies, and thus
acting according to these changes which are occurring upon the mental and astral planes, and
which are felt in their emotional or mental bodies, thus consider them bad or good.
Chapter [9]
The cosmic impulses coming from these 27 cosmic portal of energies [these are known as
“Nakshatra’s” which are groups of solar systems existing upon the ecliptic], which enter our
“Sor Mandal” [solar system], finally end up on our planet earth, after getting tinged by the
various planets of the planetary schemes as well as the planetary chains, which exist in their
spherical parameters.
These cosmic energies from the “nakshatra’s” thus reaching our planet earth through their
governing planets gets tinged by the qualities or vibration frequencies of these governing planets
which are known as the Graha’s [houses].
These cosmic portal energies of the 27 Nakshatra’s thus affect the various bodies of the evolving
human being’s which are composed of the elemental deva or angelic lives, which thus affect the
indwelling human consciousness bound in these material bodies, as the evolving human being
considers his body to be really himself under the illusory affect of the distorted astral light
known as “Maya” or the great illusory electrical force of the distorted astral light which after
objectively manifested is known as the “Prapancha”[fivefold illusion of conscious mind].
So these 27 cosmic portal energies have a direct and indirect affect upon the evolving human
beings consciousness expansion during their incarnation upon planet earth. The knower of these
cosmic ray sciences known as the “Infinite Occult sciences” can be hindered or helped by these
cosmic energies in their various evolutionary experiments required for their Brahmandic
[universal] consciousness expansion.
During such Brahmandic [universal] evolutionary experiments, the experimenter [entities and
beings], utilizes his strong electrical “Will” utilizing both the first two differentiated aspects,
which are the “Shiva” and “Vishnu aspects, also known as the first and the second electrical
“Will” aspects of the Solar logos, who is “The grand thinker” of our “Sor Mandal’ [Solar
The first electrical aspect known as the “Shiva aspect” creates the “Will to consciously exist” in
the evolving consciousness of all the entities and beings of our solar system, and the second
electrical aspect known as the “Vishnu aspect” creates the “discrimination power or ability to
choose through attraction or reject through repulsion” in the evolving consciousness of all the
entities and beings of our solar system who are existing in its Arupa and Rupa levels [planes and
sub planes].
So with the proper knowledge and thus acquired wisdom, one can consciously harness these
radiating cosmic energy energies coming from these 27 cosmic energy portals called the
“Nakshatra’s” with the help of the governing fourth hidden brahmandic [universal] aspect known
as dark fire [kaal agni].
This harnessing of the cosmic energies are somewhat similar to the process in which one does his
higher consciousness experiments when the air is heavily charged with electricity, which
consciously affect their mental and emotional levels thus expanding their evolving
consciousness. Similarly under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], one can easily harness
these 27 cosmic portal energies to their advantage for their various consciousness expansion
experiments, if they have the proper “Keys of Brahmandic [universal] Wisdom”.
In the ancient times when the solar consciousness started evolving upon the earth scheme, it
started evolving from the 1st planetary chain out of the group of the 7 planetary chains. In our
earth scheme our planetary earth chain is the 4th planetary chain to which our planet earth
belongs as the 4th or middle planet, existing in the Rupa frequency.
Before the evolution started upon our this planet earth, the consciousness was already evolving
upon the moon which belonged to the third or “Mars Planetary Chain’ which is now currently
our planetary satellite “Moon”, and due to certain upheavals which came in existence due to
corrupt practices of certain hierarchy group leaders who were in charge of the consciousness
expansion experiment, the entire evolving consciousness was slowly transferred to our planet
earth in certain group loads, thus carrying certain number of evolutionary souls in each such
transfer, who were originally transferred to an in between zone, and then from this in between
zone, they were finally transferred to our planet earth, which is the fourth or middle planet
existing in our earth chain. This final and last chance was given to them under the mercy plea of
the universal law of “Will to do Good”.
When this evolving consciousness of the failed planet moon was slowly transferred to planet
earth in segments, then for their proper evolution the “Out finite Supreme Council” who are the
real care takers of all consciousness expansion experiments in the Infinite Brahmanda [universe],
through their governing dark force devised a plan by dissecting the cosmic energies emanating
from the cosmic portals existing upon the ecliptic, into 27 segments [technically 28], and this
information was conveyed through their quantum energy impulses to the related entities and
beings of our solar system, which was further conveyed to the planetary hierarchies of the planet
earth, without their knowledge. This knowledge was thus received by them through the
meditation techniques [deep thinking process for consciousness expansion], as they cannot
consciously conceive the understanding of quantum energy impulses which are related to the
“out finite zones” [without parameters].
During the previous consciousness expansion which was carried on earlier upon the moon, most
of the cosmic energies coming from these cosmic energy portals were directly received by the
moon itself which acted as their focal point.
And when the consciousness evolution again started upon our planet earth, few of these 27
cosmic portal energies came to our planet earth from certain planets like Vulcan or
“Vishwakarma’, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto etc. who used the moon as a blind for the unwary
evolving masters, as these became the new focal points or governing planets for these
“Nakshatra” cosmic energies. Thus the satellite moon which is a dead planet by itself, started
having a big impact upon the evolving kingdoms of the planet earth, due to these other planetary
collective consciousness which use it as their front or a blind. These 27 cosmic portals of
energies mathematically add up as the number “9” [2+7 =9], and this number nine in its triplicate
electrical differentiation of the three cosmic aspects becomes 9 x 3 = 27, which is also the
number of the 27 cosmic energy portals of the ecliptic. So the nine planetary energies known as
the nine or Nav shakti’s who are the “ Nav Prajapati Negative or feminine aspects also known as
the “Nav Durga’s” thus represent the nine planetary schemes which are commonly known as the
nine planets or “Grahas”. These energies representing the nine Prajapati’s of our solar system of
which the Sun and Moon are not considered as planets but blinds are known by names as “Maha
Vidya’s” or great knowledge’s. The Sun energy [Surya Shakti] is known as “Matangi”. The
Moon energy [Chandra Shakti] is known as “Bhuvneshwari”. The Mars energy [Kuja or Mangal
shakti] is known as “Baglamukhi”. The Mercury energy [Budh Shakti] is known as “Tripur
sundari”. The Jupiter energy [Brahaspati or Guru shakti] is known as “Tara”. The Venus energy
[Shukra shakti] is known as “Kamla”. The Saturn energy [Shani shakti] is known as “Dakshin
Kali”. The Uranus energy [Rahu shakti] is known as “Chhinmasta”. The Neptune energy [Ketu
shakti] is known as “Dhumavati”.
The 28 number cosmic portals of energy also correspond to the 28 day lunar cycle, as all the
eastern astrology [Panchanga], is based upon the lunar calendar.
Chapter [10]
In our Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], many Maha Kalpas [Great evolutionary Time periods for
the consciousness expansion] have already passed in which these 27 cosmic portals called
Nakshatra’s had played an important role in its transmutation, through the balancing and
harmonization magnetic cosmic aspect of “Maha Vishnu”, which took place by the release of
radiating vital consciousness energies due to the utilization of this 2nd cosmic magnetic aspect of
infinite Brahmanda [Maha Vishnu aspect] under the governance of 4th hidden aspect known as
dark fire [kaal agni].
During this cosmic consciousness expansion process in the infinite Brahmanda [universe], many
new solar systems come in existence due to the ending of old solar systems, when they finally
fade away into dark zones, known as the black holes under the governance of dark fire[kaal
agni]. According to the fifth veda known as the “Amaratva Veda”, which only exists in the
higher dimensional zone libraries of the “Out finite”, it is stated that the Brahmanda [universe]
has been formed many times before, dissolved and then reproduced again and again in certain
cycles, which are based upon the universal law of “Will to do Good”.
These cosmic portal radiating vital energies, are radiated from them due to the Cosmic
Transmutation process which continuously goes on taking place in them, due to continuous
balancing or harmonization of the mathematical geometrical relationship of the various solar
systems which exist in them, as these solar systems are existing in these cosmic energy portals
under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni] according to their stage of evolution due to the
cosmic electric “Will” energy or cosmic ray aspects of “Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma, which are
commonly known as the cosmic polarity energy portal relationships of Brahmanda [universe].
These radiated cosmic energies coming out of these cosmic energy portals due to the
transmutation or harmonization process are generally magnetic in nature and are known as the
2nd cosmic aspect energies of “Vishnu” [magnetism is nothing but balancing electricity], which
affects all the 3rd cosmic aspect energies of “Brahma” in the infinite spherical Brahman
[universe], thus affecting all the intellectual activity.
This 2nd aspect radiations as the cosmic light vibrations are governed by the dark fire [kaal agni]
in our current solar system, while it was the rotational or third energy or Brahma aspect which
was predominant in the previous solar system.
So in our current solar system, the cosmic light vibrations of the second or Vishnu aspect joined
with the rotational energy of the third or the Brahma aspect thus creates the cyclic rotational
energy, which is known as the Vishnu-Brahma energy, which as the joined electric will of both
the third and second aspects utilize the “Maha Vishnu” aspect of cosmic attraction and repulsion,
which is also known as the differentiating aspect required for the cosmic conscious expansion
achieved through the cosmic magnetic love [attraction] and wisdom [repulsion].
When this 3rd cosmic aspect or the Brahma aspect which is prominently inherent in all the
lower levels matters which are composed of elemental deva essences, and are the basis of the
three lowest planes [Tri lokas or the Bhu, Bhava, and Swah lokas], gets affected or tinted by
these radiated 2nd aspect energies coming from these cosmic portals, then all the internal rotary
fires of manifested solar system as well as of all those which exists in its spherical energy
periphery [planetary schemes, planetary chains, individual planets, including dwarf planets,
comets, asteroids etc.] also gets affected, thus accordingly animating and vitalizing the entire
“Sor Mandal” [Solar System].
In our current solar system the governing dark fire [kaal agni] utilizes “Saturn” [Shani], as the
receiving focal point for the utilization of this 3rd cosmic aspect of rotary fire energy, which is
also known as the Brahma aspect for its utilization in our “Sor Mandal” [Solar System]. Thus
“Saturn”[Shani] representing the “Brahma aspect”, is the reason behind the rotary motion in our
solar system, which is affected upon the rotational axis of all the manifested forms of small and
big indwelling consciousness entities and beings , which exist in micro to macro levels of Arupa
and rupa planes of our “Sor Mandal” [Solar System].
Chapter [11]
In this infinite Brahmanda [universe], which exits between its spherical parameters, and thus
manifested from the macro to micro levels due to the thinking action of “Supreme Logos” is also
known as the “Antaiksh Agni” or the “Cosmic Fire”, which further differentiated itself under the
governance of the 4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni]through the quantum
energy impulses of the “Out finite Supreme Council” into three fold cosmic fires, which are
known as [1] the internal vitalizing fire of all manifestation causing the circular rotation, which is
the expression of the kundalini shakti of all evolving consciousness, and [2] the cyclic fire
creating timely vibrations known as “Cycles”, which is the expression of the solar fire, also [3]
the spiral fire creating the forward motion in the entire manifestation existing within the
spherical parameters, known as the “Spiraling fire of mind, which the expression of the thinker
as the electric “Will “ which is transmuted into desire to consciously exist in time and space”,
which is the basic cause for all manifestations of “Arupa and Rupa” levels.
All the 27 cosmic portals of energies, known as the “Nakshatras” in which various manifested
solar systems exist having their various geometrical relationships, to consciously expand
themselves in these portal areas through these three cosmic differentiating fires by the utilization
of balancing electricity, which is known as the “Magnetism” or the Vishnu aspect, as these
cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s] are really huge vortex of energies of the cosmic scales,
which affect various Cosmic frequency vibration planes of our infinite Brahmanda [Universe],
especially our solar system existing in the Cosmic Vital/Physical plane as well as our planet
In our solar system especially upon our planet earth, the “Solar fire” which is the second cosmic
differentiation of the thinker, who is known as the “cosmic fire”, under the governance of dark
fire [kaal agni], create the required “cycles “,and thus animates the mental body of the Prajapati
[creator logos of earth scheme], who is truly the basis of all the mental bodies of all the souls of
human beings evolving in the three lokas [3 planes, which are mental, astral, and vital/physical].
This second cosmic aspect known as the “Solar Fire” under the governance of dark fire [kaal
agni] is also indirectly supported by the first aspect, which is known as the “Electric Will to Be”,
as well as the “Cosmic Conscious Vital Fire”, which is very much required for the consciousness
expansion of the evolving mind”.
So the cosmic vital fire being the cosmic electric fire, under the governance of dark fire [kaal
agni] thus creates the forward motion, which is regarded as the spiral formation of the cyclic
rotational motion. Upon our planet earth as well as in our solar system, this first aspect known as
the “Cosmic Electric Fire” is known as the “Shiva Aspect”, which upon our planet earth, it is the
sum total of the electric “Will Power” [first aspect] of all the evolving human beings evolving
and thus existing in the three loka’s [planes].
This first differentiation cosmic aspect [Shiva aspect], is truly the real characteristics, the quality
or the vibration frequency of the “Prithvi Prajapati” [earth scheme creator logos], in whose
manifested body we all living evolving beings and entities of this planet earth exists.
So due to this particular quality aspect which is a major cosmic principle, and his major attribute,
the Pithvi Prajapati [creator logos of the earth scheme], affects all the other prajapati’s [planetary
scheme creator logos]of the solar systems, whose manifested bodies are huge planetary schemes.
So the Prithvi Prajapati [Earth scheme creator logos], represent the solar logos “The grand
Thinker” in our Solar system, as being a corresponding part of its head center, and this very
important information unfortunately has been turned and twisted by the corrupt hierarchical
rulers of this planet, especially the 4th, 5th, and 6th creative hierarchies, out of which the 4th
creative hierarchy is the human hierarchy and the 5th and the 6th hierarchies are the most corrupt
deva hierarchies, who have illegally hijacked the true plans and purpose of the Solar logos,
which were originally established in the second solar plane called the “Archetype or Monadic
plane” by the solar logos, whose manifested body is our entire ”Sor Mandal” [Solar System].
So being a part of the head center of the Solar logos, the cosmic radiations first coming to our
solar system and then to our planet earth from these 27 “Nakshatra’s” have a profound effect
upon the other energy distribution centers of our Solar system [vortex of energies], which are
known as the planetary schemes, which are the manifested bodies of the “Sub Thinkers” who are
known as the “Prajapati’s” or the creator logos, as they get further distributed in the solar system
after getting tinted in our earth scheme.
Having this first aspect of “Electric Will” as his major attribute in our current solar system which
is evolving based upon the second cosmic aspect of love and wisdom known as the “Vishnu
aspect”, the “Prithvi Prajapati” [earth scheme creator logos], consciously act like he is totally
unaware of what is taking place in his manifested body, called the “Earth Scheme’, appearing
like sleeping, as depicted in “Shiva’s” depictions, with closed eyes, but fully aware of all what is
happening in the 49 manifested parts of his body known as the planets existing in the formation
of seven planetary chains, and each of these planetary chains having seven planets in them.
Chapter [12]
The Atariksh Agni [Cosmic Fire], which governs all the cosmic energy portals or the cosmic
vortex of energies called “Nakshatra’s” of our Infinite Brahmanda[Universe] in this polarity
harmonization conscious expanding grand experiment, really works under the guidelines set by
dark fire [kaal agni], which follows the universal law of “Will to do Good” as mandated by the
“Out finite Supreme Council”.
The Antariksh Agni [cosmic fire], which exists in a threefold differentiated existence under the
governance of dark fire [kaall agni], from its third differentiated aspect further differentiates
itself into fivefold “Antaiksh Manas [cosmic Mind].
This cosmic mind [Antaiksh Manas], then becomes the animating vital force of all the cosmic
energy portals called the Nakshatra’s, as well as all the entities and beings who are evolving in
its macro and micro levels.
In our current “Sor Mandal” [Solar system], this cosmic mind [Antariksh Mamas], is utilizing the
second differentiated aspect of the Antariksh Agni [cosmic fire], which is the balancing electric
force known as “Magnetism” commonly called as the love and wisdom aspect due to its
attraction and repulsion properties, which is the animating principle for the objective forms in
our current solar system.
The fivefold Antariksh Manas [cosmic Mind] is termed as the “Par Brahm Parmeshvara”, which
is the source of the Antariksh Kundalini Shakti [cosmic serpent power], or the internal vitalizing
force , which being the vitalizing fire is very much required for the objective manifestation of all
the solar systems, which exist in these 27 cosmic energy portals known as the “Nakashatra’s”.
In our own Solar system this Antariksh Mana Agni [cosmic mental fire] is termed as the “Solar
fire”, which has the inherent balancing quality of the love and wisdom attained through the
utilization of attraction and repulsion, which balances the subjective aspect of Shiva with the
objective aspect of Brahma through the involvement of balancer or the “Vishnu aspect”.
The Cosmic fire [Antariksh Agni], through its subjective aspect of Shiva as the “Atariksh Drid
Iccha Shakti” [Cosmic strong Will or the first electric aspect], work in the threefold relationship
of cosmic Atmic plane[Ursa Major Constellation], Cosmic Buddhic plane [Ursa Minor], and the
higher sub planes of the Cosmic Mental Plane [Sirius] , which is known as the threefold cosmic
creator, preserver, and destroyer reflected conscious aspect of “Param Shiva” known as the
During the balancing of the polarity energy relationship, which exist between the various solar
systems of these 27 cosmic portals, and which are having in these 27 cosmic energy portals
[Nakshatra’s], their geometrical energy relationship for the various energy movement formations
in their spherical manifestations, and thus existing as the triangular, quadrant, pentacle, hexagon,
and heptagon, octagon, icosahedrons, dodecahedron etc., geometrical vital energy movement
formations, which are known as the cosmic geometrical energy lines of least resistance, the
cosmic energies cyclically move between them utilizing the “Antariksh Maha Vishnu” aspect
[the balancer cosmic Christos], under the governance of the fourth hidden aspect which is known
as the dark fire [kaal agni] .
The “Atariksh Maha Vishnu” aspect is the Cosmic polarity balancer aspect, which appears as the
balancing electrical energy [Magnetism or the cosmic attraction and repulsion aspect],
technically controls the intellectual activity which is known as the “Antariksh Par Brahma”
aspect throughout the entire egg shaped elliptical sphere of Infinite Brahmanda [Universe] which
is required for the consciousness expansion of all entities and beings existing in the macro to
micro levels of entire Brahmanda [Universe],which follows the principle of “As above so
below”, based upon one and only universal law of “Will to do Good”.
The time period which is required for the polarity balance of these solar systems existing in their
various geometrical relationships in these cosmic energy portals [Nakashatra’s or the cosmic
energy vortexes] is very huge from the human perspective or outlook, but can be calculated as
per the time periods determined since ancient vedic times of ancient India, which has been
termed as the time periods known as the “Yuga’s”, [ the 4 yuga’s or time periods are Kritta or
Satya, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali],
In our own solar system, a period of the four yuga’s, which are the Kritta also called the Satya,
Treta, Dwapara, and Kali yuga’s, which are proportionally divided in the time ratio of 40%
[Satya], 30% [Treta], 20% [Dwapara], and 10% [Kali] time periods respectively, is collectively
known as a “Mahayuga, and 71 such Mahayuga’s commence a period of a “Seed Manu”, who is
the store keeper of all evolving consciousness upon a planet or an in charge of a planetary
evolution. 14 of such “Seed Manu’s” thus control a time period of 994 such “Mahayuga’s”. To
this time period of 994 Mahayuga’s is added the overlapping time period , which is the in
between or intermixing time periods. This in between time period is the time period of change
from one time period to another, and is known as the “Sandya’s or Trikala’s” time period and in
the 994 such Maha yuga’s, this time period amount to such 6 Mahayuga’s. So the total time
period required for the 14 seed Manu’s to carry on this consciousness expansion experiment as
per the established evolutionary plans of the solar logos upon the second solar plane of our solar
system and then followed by the planetary logos thus consist of 994 Maha Yuga’s + 6 Maha
Yuga’s = 1000 Maha Yuga’s, which is the established time period of “1 Kalpa”.
So similarly the time periods for the solar systems of these 27 cosmic portals [Nakshatra’s]
required for their polarity integration, which is part of the cosmic conscious expansion
experiment is very huge.
Chapter [13]
The cyclic energies which are radiated out from these 27 cosmic energy portals and known as the
“Nakshatra’s” are having the duality aspects imbedded in them, due to the transmutation process
which takes place in these cosmic energy portals by the utilization of the “Maha Vishnu” or
duality aspect. This Maha Vishnu aspect is also known as the “Balancing electricity”, or the
“Magnetism” commonly defined as “attraction and repulsion or as the ‘Love and Wisdom’ under
the governance of the 4th hidden aspect known as dark fire [kaal agni].
Similarly in our current solar system which exist both in its subjective and objective
manifestation in the cosmic Vital [Pranic] and cosmic physical plane [Bhautik], the major three
cosmic rays, which come to our solar system as the cosmic energy impulses, are also dual in
their nature and thus dual in their actions [Dwaita], thus depicting the “Maha Vishnu“ aspect as
part of their cosmic attributes, which are thus the basis of all the negative and positive
manifestations and formations in our entire Solar System [Sor Mandal].
In our current solar system, both these positive and negative aspects, being the “Maha Vishnu”
balancing electricity attributes, also known as “Magnetism”, are fully utilized through their love
and wisdom interplay, to achieve the prescribed cosmic balance known as polarity integration,
which is required for the cosmic consciousness expansion of mind known as the “Cosmic
Harmonization”, and is based upon the one and only universal law of “Will to do Good”.
Due to this duality attribute[Dwaita], which is imbedded in these cosmic rays coming from 27
cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s], to our current solar system, a state of harmony exists
between the form giving Vishnu aspect, which is the second of the threefold differentiated
cosmic vital electrical energy provided by the Supreme being known as the “Thinker”, and the
intellectual activity Brahma aspect, which is the third of the threefold differentiated cosmic vital
electrical energy provided by the Supreme being known as the “Thinker” of the Infinite
Brahmanda [Universe] under the governance of the “Maha Kaal Agni” [Supreme Dark Fire].
In the next solar system, which is supposed to come into manifestation many billions of years
from now, all the three cosmic electrical aspects of the supreme “Thinker” are supposed to
manifest simultaneously as a threefold or a triple manifestation of the harmonized cosmic
energies through these three fold balanced major cosmic rays [1st, 2nd, and the 3rd Rays],
which will also be affected and subsequently enhanced by the three fold cosmic energies coming
or radiating out of these 27 cosmic energy portals known as the “Nakshatra’s”.
These energies currently coming from these 27 cosmic energy portals are currently affecting the
seven solar planes of our “Sor Mandal” [Solar System] under the governance of dark fire [Kaal
Agni], as the first solar plane is known as the Adi or the Shiva plane, and the next three
descending solar planes [2nd, 3rd, and 4th] are known as the “Vishnu” planes, and the final three
solar planes in descending order [5th, 6th, and 7th] are known as the “Brahma planes”. All these
seven solar planes have seven differentiations each known as a sub plane, and each of these sub
planes have further many differentiation due to their slight frequency variations, but still existing
as a part of the plane group to which they belong.
These planes and their sub planes known as the “Arupa and Rupa” levels of our Sor Mandal
[Solar system], are composed of ethereal matter, which consist of tiny angelic lives known as the
elemental deva’s, as most of them exist unconsciously and can be put to work with the use of
sound frequencies by the hierarchical intelligences of the solar system, as the universal sound
which is governed by the dark fire [kaal agni], and is also the first aspect of consciousness of the
great “Thinker”, which is related to the third differentiated electrical “Will” also known as the
aspect of Brahma, which is also known as the Intellectual activity, and is very much required for
the consciousness expansion in this grand experiment.
In our “Planetary earth Scheme or the Earth solar scheme”, in which 49 planets exist in both the
Arupa and Rupa levels, they exist in the formation of seven elliptical planetary chains, and each
of these planetary chains are having 7 planets each, and the cosmic vital energies from the 27
cosmic portals known as “Nakshatra’s” cyclically circulate through them, vitalizing them, and
tinting through their cosmic vibration frequencies, all the receiving planetary kingdoms as well
as the their hierarchical rulers, who are existing as the entities and beings, and who are involved
with the planetary involution and evolution, especially those to a great extant who can
cosmically correspond to their conscious frequency vibrations emitted as radiations.
In our planetary earth Scheme the 1st planetary chain of 7 planets, and the 4th planetary chain of
7 planets of which our planet earth is the middle or the 4th planet out of 7 in this chain, as it
belongs to this middle fourth chain known also as the earth chain, and the 7th planetary chain of
7 planets is most important for the grand experiment of consciousness expansion as ordained by
the supreme “Thinker” under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni] to uphold the universal
law of “Will to do Good”.
And our planet earth thus currently hold the most important strategic position in this “Planetary
Earth’s Solar Scheme” as being the middle planet of the middle or 4th planetary chain in this
entire Planetary Earth Scheme, especially in this 4th round which is being greatly affected by the
energies coming out of these cosmic energies portals [Nakashatra’s], and thus the fourth
kingdom or the human kingdom is supposed to greatly expand their evolutionary consciousness
during this time period based upon the universal law of “Will to do Good”, which unfortunately
is not the current situation upon this planet due to the hijacking done by the most corrupt
hierarchical rulers especially the deva’s.
Chapter [14]
In the Infinite spherical Brahmanda [Universe], all the manifestations take place under the
governance of dark fire [kaal agni], first as the abstract Energy Nebula formation, and then later
on as the Various shaped Galaxies which exist as part of the Elliptical spherical energy path
formations which are in existence due to the overlapping or intersection of the two cosmic
energy spheres of opposite polarities.
These elliptical cosmic energy paths thus manifested are in two polarities, half negative in
polarity and half positive in polarity, in which the half elliptic being as the negative belonging to
the periphery of the negative sphere, and half elliptic as the positive belonging to the periphery
of the opposite positive sphere.
These manifested energy peripheries, which come in manifestation in the formation of the
elliptical energy paths, are due to the overlapping of both these positive and negative Energy
spheres. These energy spheres themselves are manifested due to central radiance of influence
emitted from the central point [Bindu] utilized as the starting point by the “Grand Cosmic
Entities”, which exert their influence upon the final limitations known as the Peripheries of the
manifested spherical bodies of the great Cosmic entities known as the “Grand Cosmic Thinkers”,
whose bodies they technically represent.
The elliptical cosmic energy path, upon which these 27 cosmic energy portals known as
“Nakshatra’s” also thus exist, has also come in manifestation due to the interaction of two such
huge positive and negative spheres of cosmic proportions, which exist in our “Milky Way
Galaxy”. So these 27 Cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s], are also thus divided in the cosmic
sense in two opposite polarities, as half of them belong to the overlapping negative elliptical
periphery, and the other half belong to the overlapping elliptical positive periphery.
Upon this manifested energy periphery ecliptic, various other such cosmic energy spheres of the
Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], which are the manifested bodies of similar hierarchical “Cosmic
Thinkers” also cross these periphery elliptical boundaries, and thus intersect to create these
vortex of energies, which are the portals of energies known to all entity’s and beings of this
planet earth as “Nakshatra’s”.
First in these cosmic intersection points of the elliptical energy periphery, which come in
manifestation due to interaction of the cosmic periphery energies, the vortex of energies are
formed known as the Cosmic Energy Portals [Nakshatra’s], which further through their
interaction utilizing the “Maha Vishnu” balancing electricity known as “Magnetism”, thus
balances these cosmic energies to manifest through the formation of Nebulae materials
containing small and tiny specs of vital consciousness known as elemental deva lives in these
Cosmic Vortex of energies, which over the passing of time through the harmonization of the
three differentiated electrical aspects of the “Supreme Thinker” known as “Param Shiva, Maha
Vishnu, and Par Brahma”, under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], start creating the Arupa
and Rupa planes in these vortex of energies, which is finally the materialization of these, which
are known as the Solar Systems [Sor Mandals], thus existing as the huge various organs of these
“Cosmic Thinkers”.
Over the passing of time, these manifested solar systems which are the bodies of the “Cosmic
Sub Thinkers”, thus existing in various stages of evolution in these 27 cosmic portals of energies
representing one of the three electrical aspects of the “Supreme Thinker”, which are known as
“Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva”aspects, under the governance of the 4th hidden aspect known as
dark fire [kaal agni], themselves develop their own geometrical energy relationships to balance
and harmonize to further their own consciousness expansion, while utilizing the Cosmic “Maha
Vishnu” aspect of attraction and repulsion in these cosmic vortex of energies, which can thus be
defined as love and wisdom magnetic aspect in human terminology.
When these polarity integrations go on taking place in the existing energy geometrical
relationships for the consciousness expansions between the various Cosmic Solar Systems of
these cosmic portals [vortex of energies], by the utilization of the “Maha Vishnu” balancing
electrical aspect [Magnetism], the transmutation of vitality or vital energy of mind takes place,
which is the process of consciousness expansion governed by the dark fire [kaal agni].
The transmutation process caused by polarity integration, generates the liberation process of
consciousness from the lower levels [slow frequency vibration], to the higher levels[high
frequency vibration], and this liberation of electrical consciousness is known as the radiation
These radiation energies thus manifested due to the cosmic transmutation of these Solar systems,
which is due to polarity integration, thus similarly gets released from each one of these 27
cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s], and cyclically through the cosmic energy circulation
process following the geometrical paths utilizing the energy lines of least resistance, finally enter
our “Sor Mandal” [Solar System], to which our this planet earth belongs, thus to affect the
evolving consciousness of all evolving entities and beings by tingeing them with their vibration
frequencies, which exist in the Arupa and Rupa levels of our entire Solar System as the macro
and micro existences.
These radiated cosmic portal energies thus affect differently each and every manifested organ
thus affecting them both directly and indirectly, which are the various energy distribution
systems of our solar system, which are known as the planetary Schemes, as these planetary
schemes which are the manifested bodies of the various “Sub Thinkers” of the Solar logos
consciousness, who himself is the “Grand Thinker”, are known as the Prajapati’s [creator
planetary scheme logos], have their own differentiated electrical “Wills” depicted through their
qualities known as the frequency vibrations, and thus are accordingly evolving at different levels
or phases of evolution in our Sor Mandal [Solar system].
So technically these radiating energies from the 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatras”
can either slow down [retard], or enhance the vibration frequency of the evolving entitie’s or
beings who are existing in our solar system, due to having their dual capacities [Dwaita], which
causes such affects which are known as the “Cosmic Tinting”, which can thus have a profound
effect upon the involution as well as the evolution process of the collective planetary
consciousness, thus affecting all the evolving kingdoms of a planet, like those who are evolving
upon this planet earth.
Chapter [15]
Upon our this planet earth, as far as the human beings are concerned, the 27 cosmic energy
portals known as “Nakahatra’s” govern their consciousness expansion during their incarnated
lives. In the Shaunakiya recension, hymn 19.7 of the 4th veda called “The Atharvaveda”, there
are 28 stars listed, of which many correspond to the later cosmic portals of energy called the
“Nakshatra’s”. These stars are mentioned as:
[1]Kṛitika (the Pleiades), (2) Rohini (Aldebaran], (3) Mrigashirsha, (4) Ardra, (5) Punarvasu, (6)
Sunrita, (7) Pushya, (8) Bhanu (the Sun), (9) Aslesha, (10) Magha(Regulus), (11) Svati
(Arcturus), (12) Chitra (Spica), (13) Phalgunis, (14) Hasta, (15) Radhas, (16) Vishakha, (17)
Anuradha, (18) Jyeshtha, (19) Mula, (20) Ashadhas, (21) Abhijit, (22) Sravana, (23) Sravishthas,
(24) Satabhishak, (25) Proshtha-padas, (26) Revati, (27) Asvayujas [Ashvini], (28) Bharani.
In the “Surya Siddhanta” which is an ancient Hindu text on astronomy the term Nakshatra’s
define the vitality radiation time periods. The author of “Surya Siddhanta” named Mayasura,
describes various time units, as he explains that a vitality radiation emission called “prana” is a
duration of 4 seconds. He then continues with a discussion of a number of time units with
progressively long durations made up of the shorter time units all composed of a number of
pranas. Amongst those time units are something he calls “nakshatra.” For example, there are 15
pranas in a minute; 900 pranas in an hour; 21600 pranas in a day, 583,200 pranas in a nakshatra
According to Mayasura, a “Nakshatra” represents a time unit, with a total duration of 27 earth
days. This 27 day time cycle is represented by a particular group of stars existing in these 27
cosmic portals of energy, through which the moon travels upon the ecliptic during the lunar
month as seen from our planet earth, thus crossing the field of these specific stars existing in
these cosmic portals called the Nakshatra’s, and these various star systems of these cosmic
portals are more like the numbers on a clock through which the earth’s satellite Moon
representing the hands of time pass through.
The Vedanga Jyotisha which describes these Nakshatra’s exists in two parts, one of which
contains 36 verses associated with the Rigveda and another of 45 verses associated with the
Yajurveda. There are 29 verses which are in common related to these two veda’s.
Each of these 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic path. And each of these Nakshatra’s is
also further sub divided into time periods known as quarters or padas of 3°20’ duration. The
radiating energy frequency vibrations from these cosmic portals during certain time periods
called as padas are defined as the Sanskrit varna sound in the 7th solar plane known as the
vital/physical plane. Thus the 27 Nakshatra’s, each with the 4 padas, give rise to a total number
of 108, which is the number of beads in a hindu japa mala which technically represent this
cosmic ecliptic, also thus indicating all the elements (ansha) of the Surya known as the “Vishnu
Narayana”, which are discharged from its manifested center as the solar wind.
These 27 Nakshatra’s with their various sound emission vibration frequencies are thus:-
1 Ashwini – Pada1 [Chu], Pada 2 [Che], Pada 3[Cho], Pada 4[La]
2 Bharani - Pada1 [Li], Pada 2 [Lu], Pada 3[Le], Pada 4[Lo]
3 Kritika - Pada1 [A], Pada 2 [I], Pada 3[U], Pada 4[E]… Please Note that the four English
vowel sound frequencies out of five except “O” come out from this third cosmic portal called
“Kritika” or the Pleiades, which are known as the seven mothers or “Sapt Matrika’s’.
4 Rohini - Pada1 [O], Pada 2 [Va/Ba], Pada 3[Vi/Bi], Pada 4[Vu/Bu] … Please Note that the
Cosmic energy portal called “Rohini Nakshatra” because of the “O” sound of the “OM” is also
known as “Brahmi”
5 Mrigashirsha - Pada1 [Ve/Be], Pada 2 [Vo/Bo], Pada 3[Ka], Pada 4[Ke]…Please note the first
Hindi Akshara or letter of the Varnamala “Ka” comes from this cosmic portal called
“Mrigashirsha Nakshatra”.
6 Ardra - Pada1 [Ku], Pada 2 [Gha], Pada 3[Ang/Na], Pada 4[Chha]… Please note the first Hindi
Akshara or letter of the Varnamala “Ka’s” negative derivation “Ku” which is considered as the
depiction for bad sound word comes from this cosmic portal called “Ardra Nakshatra”.
7 Punarvasu - Pada1 [Ke], Pada 2 [Ko], Pada 3[Ha], Pada 4[Hi] … Please note the first Hindi
Akshara or letter of the Varnamala “Ka” further two derivations also comes from this cosmic
portal called “Punarvasu Nakshatra” as well as the “Ha” sound which is the basis of Hrim or
Hring Bija mantra depicting both the “Vishnu” and “Shiva energy aspects as “Hari and Hara”.
8 Pushya - Pada1 [Hu], Pada 2 [He], Pada 3[Ho], Pada 4[Da]…. Please note that the three
derivations of the “Ha” sound which is the basis of Hrim or Hring Bija mantra, depicting both
the “Vishnu” and “Shiva energy aspects as “Hari and Hara” comes from this cosmic energy
9 Ashlesha - Pada1 [Di], Pada 2 [Du], Pada 3[De], Pada 4[Do] …. Please note that these are the
sounds which are governed by the Prajapati of the Venus [Shukra] planetary scheme in our Solar
10 Magha - Pada1 [Ma ], Pada 2 [Mi], Pada 3[Mu], Pada 4[Me]… please note that the sound
“Ma” and its three derivations are representing the matter or the “Mother” aspect, which joined
with the “O” sound of the Rohini Nakshatra create the “OM” vibration sound in our solar
system, thus giving birth to the evolutionary path as prescribed by the Solar logos at the start of
this grand experiment.
11 Purva Phalguni - Pada1 [Mo], Pada 2 [Ta], Pada 3[Ti], Pada 4[Tu] … please note that the
sound derivation of the mother aspect “Ma” as “Mo” or attraction desire sound comes from this
“Purva Phalguni Nakshatra” in its first Pada.
12 Uttara Phalguni - Pada1 [Te], Pada 2 [To], Pada 3[Pa], Pada 4[Pi]
13 Hasta - Pada1 [Pu], Pada 2 [Sha], Pada 3[Na], Pada 4[Tha] … please note that the sound
“Pu” usually considered a good sound like used in the words like “puja”., as well as the sounds
“Na” and “tha” of the third and fourth pada, which when combined or joined becomes “Natha”
meaning the protector comes from this “Hasta Nakshatra” which means in Sanskrit language
“the “Hand”, which is usually shown in the protective “Abhay Mudra”.
14 Chitra - Pada1 [Pe], Pada 2 [Po], Pada 3[Ra], Pada 4[Ri] … please note that the sound “Pe”
representing the father energy, which is also represented by the “Ra’ sound comes from this
“Chitra Nakshatra’.
15 Svati - Pada1 [Ru], Pada 2 [Re], Pada 3[Ro], Pada 4[Ta] …please note that the three
derivations of father energy of “Ra” as “Ru, Re, and Ro” representing the consciousness of solar
sun comes from this “Svati Nakshatra”. Also the sound “Ta” which denotes the “Tat Purusha” or
the “thinker” comes from this “Svati Nakshatra”
16 Visakha - Pada1 [Ti], Pada 2 [Tu], Pada 3[Te], Pada 4[To] … please note that the four
derivations of the sound “Ta” as “Ti, Tu, Te, and To” comes from this “Visakha Nakshatra”, as
the sound “Tu” meaning ‘the other than the self’, thus describes the differentiated stage of the
evolving consciousness.
Chapter [16]
The radiating energy frequency vibrations from these cosmic portals are emitted during certain
time periods which are known as padas, and continuing with the sound frequencies which are
emitted from these cosmic portals “Nakshatra’s”, during these four differentiated time zones
[pada’s] are thus known as the sound frequencies of the Sanskrit “Varna Mala” or the alphabet
letters sound derivations in the physical plane of the planet earth, which are:-
17 Anuradha - Pada1 [Na], Pada 2 [Ni], Pada 3[Nu], Pada 4[Ne]…please note all the emitted
sound energies as radiation from the “Anuradha Nakshatra” relates to the negative or the form
giving energies called “Shakti’s in the three lokas, the sound of the first and second pada thus
combined creates the word “Nani”, which is the ancient Sumerian and Greek name of the mother
goddess, which also means in Hindi the grandmother from the mother side.
18 Jyeshtha - Pada1 [No], Pada 2 [Ya], Pada 3[Yi], Pada 4[Yu]…..please note that the emitted
sound energies as radiation from the “Jyeshtha” Nakshatra” are of totally opposite polarities, the
first pada depicting the total negative vibrations, while the next three padas defining the positive
aspect of the “Jyeshtha Nakshatra’s” radiated energies.
19 Mula - Pada1 [Ye], Pada 2 [Yo], Pada 3[Bha], Pada 4[Bhi]… please note that the emitted
sound energies as radiation from the “Mula Nakshatra” are the differentiating energies, defining
“this or that” and the sound of third and fourth pada combined creates the Hindi word “Bhabhi
meaning brother’s wife.
20 Purva Ashadha - Pada1 [Bhu], Pada 2 [Dha], Pada 3[Bha/Pha], Pada 4[Daa]… please note
that the emitted sound energies as radiation from the “Purva Ashadha Nakshatra” defines all
which exist in the seventh solar plane called the Bhu Loka, so it radiate purely materialistic
frequency vibrations. The sound of the third and fourth pada combined creates the word
“Phaydaa” which depict the material gains upon the physical plane of the planet earth.
21 Uttara Ashadha - Pada1 [Bhe], Pada 2 [Bho], Pada 3[Ja], Pada 4[Ji]…. please note that the
emitted sound energies as radiation from the “Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra” are the differentiating
energies, defining “the feminine and male differentiated aspects” and the sound of third and
fourth pada combined creates the Hindi word “JiJa” meaning the sister’s husband.
22 Shravana - Pada1 [Ju/Khi], Pada 2 [Je/Khu], Pada 3[Jo/Khe], Pada 4[Gha/Kho]… please note
that the emitted sound energies as radiation from the “Shravana Nakshatra” are based on two
sound frequencies due to their major duality aspect [Dwaita] as the differentiating energies,
defining “the feminine and male differentiated aspects” termed as quantities and numbers
existing in perimeters. The second set of sound vibrations representing the “Khi , Khu, Khe, and
Kho” sound frequencies are the principle sound frequencies which take over the subdued sound
frequencies of “Ju, Je, Jo, and Gha”.
23 Shravishtha or Dhanishta - Pada1 [Ga], Pada 2 [Gi], Pada 3[Gu], Pada 4[Ge]… please note
that the emitted sound energies as radiation from the “Shravishtha or Dhanishta Nakshatra” are
based on the musical note vibration frequencies causing evenly proportionally distributed
frequencies, which are known as the melodious rhythms.
24 Shatabhisha - Pada1 [Go], Pada 2 [Sa], Pada 3[Si], Pada 4[Su]… please note that the emitted
sound energies as radiation from the “Shatabhisha Nakshatra” are the consciousness expansion
movement energies, which are affecting greatly the evolution process in our current solar system,
and that is why in Sanskrit language all good things are defined by the second and fourth pada
sounds of this cosmic energy portal “Nakshatra”, which are “Sa, and Su” sound frequency
25 Purva Bhadrapada - Pada1 [Se], Pada 2 [So], Pada 3[Da], Pada 4[Di]… please note that the
emitted sound energies as radiation from the “Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra” are a representation
of the ancient cosmic energy consciousness, So the sound energy vibration of the third and fourth
pada thus combined creates the word “DaDi” a symbol of shakti, which is the ancient Sumerian
and eastern name of the Patriarchal mother goddess, which also means in Hindi the grandmother
from the father side.
26 Uttara Bhadrapada - Pada1 [Du], Pada 2 [Tha], Pada 3[Jha], Pada 4[Da/Tra]… please note
that the emitted sound energies as radiation from the “Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra” are
containing the great sound energy of the fourth pada which represent the high frequency of
“Tra”, which is required in all the mystical formulas known as the “Mantra’s” to be formed in
the three material planes or worlds called the lokas [Bhu, Bhava, and Sva].
27 Revati - Pada1 [De], Pada 2 [Do], Pada 3[Cha], Pada 4[Chi]… please note that the emitted
sound energies as radiation from the “Revati Nakshatra” are the culmination of energies denoted
as the synthesizing or receiving energies, as the sound energy vibration of the first and second
pada thus combined creates the word “DeDo” meaning in hindi language to give , and the sound
energy vibration of the third and fourth pada thus combined creates the word “ChaChi” meaning
in hindi language a symbol of power or “Shakti, which is an eastern name of the Patriarchal
mother goddess, which also means in Hindi the wife of the father’s brother.
During it movement upon the celestial path, the Moon remains in each Nakshatra for
approximately one day. So Each Nakshatra has four Padas and thus four sound vibration
frequencies, and each such Pada is also made up of equal time span.
Abhijit is the 28th nakshatra [cosmic portal of energy] representing the Solar Sun “Vega” in the
Lyra constellation, and starts from 06° 40’ to 10° 53’ 40 in sidereal Capricorn i.e. from the last
quarter of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra to the first 1/15th part of Shravana Nakshatra. Hence, the
Abhijit nakshatra is not considered a regular cosmic portal of energy [Nakshatra] with four Padas
or time quarters, and in the Astrological calculations it serves as an intermediate cosmic energy
portal most of the times. In the codified Puranic stories Chandra [Moon] is said to have 27 and
not 28 wives and with each one of whom he stays for one day in the total time period of a lunar
month composed of 27 days [sidereal], before he circulates himself again. So each of the 27
cosmic portals in this respect are thus considered as the negative or the feminine cosmic energy
portals, and thus only the cosmic portal of “Abhijit” [Star Vega in Lyra Constellation] the 28th
Nakshatra is considered as the masculine, or as the great giver or the starter of consciousness
expansion experiment.
28 Abhijit - Abhijit nakshatra is not considered a regular cosmic portal of energy [Nakshatra]
with four Padas or time quarters like the other 27 Nakshatra’s, …. please note that the emitted
sound energies as radiation from the “Abhijit Nakshatra” are the culmination of energies denoted
as the starter or giver positive energies, existing as the seven sound energy vibration of Sa/Re,
Ga/Ma, Pa/Dha, Ni/Sa.
Chapter [17]
The cosmic forces radiated from these 27 energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s constantly enter
our solar system and through their focal points known as the planetary rulers [Graha’s], which
are the manifested bodies of the sub thinkers known as Prajapati’s, who are the creator logos of
their own planetary schemes, thus come to our planet earth [Prithvi].
Although these cosmic portal energies [Nakshatra’s] constantly affect the evolving kingdoms of
planet earth especially the human beings, which comprise the fourth evolving kingdom of planet
earth, they can never influence any human being without the consent of his own “Free Will”.
If a human being does or does not let these cosmic energy impulses influence him, which are
coming from these 27 cosmic energy portals called “Nakshatra’s”through their governing focal
points of our solar system called the governing planets [graha’s], then he may be accordingly
helped or hindered by these cosmic energies in all his efforts, which he may be doing during his
incarnated life.
So a strong Willed person can thus hardly be influenced by these “Nakshatra” impulses, but all
those with weak “Will Power” , which are the majority of people incarnated upon earth, can
utilize these cosmic impulses , if they figure out with the help of some knowledgeable person,
when these cosmic energies coming through their governing planets to our planet earth can be of
most advantageous to bring forth their desired results, so they can be applied and thus utilized for
the attainment of various benefits.
The cosmic energy impulses coming from these 27 energy portals called “Nakshatra’s” are
neither good or bad, but like any other cosmic energy are thus are also neutral. These cosmic
energies can be utilized to help or hurt, according to their applied use, to obtain the desired
results. Unfortunately the corrupt planetary hierarchy of this planet earth which exists in 5 + 7 =
12 hierarchical groups have not properly followed the established Brahmandic [universal] law of
“Will to do Good”, but instead have “Willfully” followed the illegal path of the failed previous
planetary chain known as the “Moon or the Mars planetary chain” which is the “Survival of the
fittest” also known as “Might is right”.
The first five planetary hierarchies out of the 12 planetary hierarchies known as the “Kumara
hierarchies” were most predominant in the previous solar system, So in our this solar system, the
rest seven hierarchies are controlling our planet earth’s evolution, and currently out of these 7
planetary hierarchies, three are currently in real control of the planet earth’s evolution who are
responsible for all the illegal corruption which have now prevalent all over the world in immense
proportions. Those liable for such illegal hijacking of the evolutionary plans set for this planet
earth are the 4th planetary hierarchy consisting mostly of evolved human souls, and the 5th
planetary hierarchy and the 6th planetary creative hierarchy, mostly made up of deva’s entities
[hermaphrodite angelic entities].
The radiated cosmic energy impulses from these 27 cosmic portals known as “Nakshatra’s”
affect the evolution or reincarnation process upon the planet earth during the life span of an
evolving soul, which is tied up with the precession of equinox of planet earth.
The life span of an evolving human soul has been calculated two separate ways of which one is
the Sumerian or the Asuric way which is currently followed by the descendant of the fifth root
race in India which is known as the “Aryan Race”, and the other from the previous 4th root race
known as the “Atlantian Race” which had been followed by the ancient Egyptians.
In the ancient times it was noted by the great adepts and masters that that the Sun appears to be
passing one degree moving from one constellation to another in about 71.5 earth years period, so
the Sumerians chose to calculate it by rounding it off to 71 years, while earlier the Atlantian’s
had rounded it off to a 72 year’s time period. So according to the Atlantians the time period for
the precession of equinox was 72 x 360 degrees of the ecliptic = 25920 earth years, while
according to the Sumerian calculations it became 71 x 360 = 25560 earth years.
So the difference between these two calculations is 25920 – 25560 = 360 earth years which also
correspond to the 360 degrees of the ecliptic.
In various incarnations upon the planet earth, an evolving human being comes under the
influence of these cosmic impulses, which are radiated out from these 27 cosmic portals of
energies, radiated out due to various transmutations, which take place in the energy geometrical
relationships existing between various Solar Systems of these “Nakshatra’s” , which are passed
on to our planet earth through their governing planets, which are their receiving energy focal
points in our solar system [Sor Mandal], and are thus acting as the energy distribution systems or
organs in our solar system.
So in the case of an evolving human being during their each such incarnated human life upon the
physical plane of planet earth, the cosmic energies from the 27 cosmic portals [Nakshatra’s]
affects the consciousness expansion process of a human being.
During the evolutionary life time of a human being, these 27 cosmic portal energies which are
radiated from these cosmic vortexes called “Nakshatra’s” affect his expanding consciousness
right from his physical birth, and thus continue affecting him till his very end upon the physical
As far as the human beings are concerned, which comprise the 4th creative hierarchy; those
cosmic portals which are related to the five zodiacal constellations out of the 12 Zodiacal
constellations have much more profound effect than the rest of seven Zodiacal constellations.
These five Zodaical constellations are namely [1] Cancer (Karka or Karkata Rashi), which holds
the cosmic energy portals like the ‘Pushya and Ashlesha Nakshatra’, [2] Leo (Simha Rashi)
which holds the cosmic energy portals like “Magha, Purva Phalguni, and Uttara Phalguni
Nakshatra’s”[Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is an in between cosmic energy portal existing between
the Leo [Simha Rashi] and Virgo [Kanya Rashi] Zodiacal constellations and thus plays a very
important role in the evolutionary process of our solar system through the overtone impulses of
cosmic energy, [3] Scorpio (Vrishka Rashi), which holds the cosmic energy portals like
“Anuradha, Jyeshtha, and Mula Nakshatra’s”[Mula Nakshatra, which exist as a cosmic energy
portal, act very strangely due to its geometrical relationship with the Sagittarius [Dhanush Rashi]
Zodiacal constellation so its energies are tinted by the Sagittarius constellation cosmic energies,
[4] Capricorn [Makra Rashi] which holds the cosmic energy portals like “Sharavana and
Dhanishta Nakshatra”[The “Dhanishta Nakshatra” cosmic energy portal exists between the
Capricorn [Makra Rashi] and Aquarius [Kumbha Rashi] zodiacal constellations and thus plays a
very important role in the evolutionary process of our solar system through the overtone
impulses of cosmic energy], and [5] Pisces [Meen Rashi] which holds the cosmic energy portals
like the “Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra”.
Chapter [18]
The rest of the 27 cosmic energy portals “Nakshatra’s”, which belong to the rest of the seven out
of the 12 Zodiacal constellations namely [1] Aries (Mesha Rashi), [2] Taurus (Vrishbha Rashi),
[3] Gemini (Mithuna Rashi), [4] Virgo (Kanya Rashi), [5] Libra (Tula Rashi), [6] Sagittarius
(Dhanus Rashi), and [7] Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi), are important in the enfoldment of the
planetary conscious of various other kingdoms evolving upon the planet earth, in which the
human beings are just incidental playing their parts in the evolution of the evolving collective
consciousness upon the planet earth.
Rest of the cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s], which belong to the five previously mentioned
Zodiacal Constellations of Cancer [Karka Rashi], Leo [Simha Rashi], Scorpio [Vrishka Rashi],
Capricorn [Makra Rashi] and Pisces [Meen Rashi] have a great impact upon the evolving
humanity, which is evolving upon the planet earth. The radiated cosmic energies from the cosmic
energy portals belonging to these five Zodiacal constellations affect the five major continents of
the planet earth by reaching them through their focal points also known as the energy distribution
These Cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s” radiate their energies, which are belonging
to these five zodiacal constellations, and thus affect the fivefold conscious evolution of the
evolving beings upon the five continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and both America’s
which are considered as the one Continent in this respect.
These Radiated energies from the cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s], which belong to these
five Zodiacal constellations, affect all the elemental devas through their governing planets which
work with the five energy vortexes known as the [Chakra’s] in the pranic body of a human being
which exist upon the 4th vital sub plane [last Pranic level] of the physical plane.
These five vortex of energies called “chakra’s” existing in the pranic body of a human being
correspond to the five great lives known as the five prajapati’s [creator logos], who govern the
five mind rays [3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th rays] which are required for the mind expansion of an
evolving human being in the three worlds called lokas [Bhu, Bhava, and Sva lokas], which exist
as different vibration frequency planes of the planet earth.
So technically these five Prajapati’s [five creator planetary scheme logos] consciously respond to
the cosmic vital energy impulses, which are emanated as radiations, due to the transmutation
process which takes place to acquire polarity integration for consciousness expansion between
various Cosmic entities, who are having geometrical relationships, and whose manifested bodies
are manifested as the Solar systems in these “Nakshatra’s” which are technically existing as a
part of the radiance of influence of these five zodiacal constellations, which are Cancer [Karka
Rashi], Leo [Simha Rashi], Scorpio [Vrishka Rashi], Capricorn [Makra Rashi] and Pisces [Meen
Rashi] zodiacal constellations.
Similarly the five Prajapti’s of our solar system, whose manifested bodies are the planets of their
planetary schemes being the focal points or receiver for the radiated Cosmic Energy impulses
coming from these five Zodiacal Constellations consciously respond to their related cosmic
energy portals called “Nakshatra’s”.
So the five lower Solar planes in our solar system [Bhu [Physical] , Bhava [Astral], Sva Mental],
Maha [Buddhic], and Gyana [Atmic], which are governed by the consciousness entities and
beings of the five Prajapati’s [creator logos], and which are very important planes for the
consciousness expansion of the evolving human beings of the planet earth, are thus controlled by
the application of the five mind rays [3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and the 7th rays], which are the
differentiations of the 3rd major ray of their fivefold mind ray group, which creates all the
intellectual activity upon our planet earth as well as in the entire solar system [Sor Mandal], and
this 3rd ray itself is a sub ray of the Cosmic 2nd ray, which represent the second electric “will”
aspect of the supreme being known as the “Maha Vishnu” aspect, upon which the evolution of
our entire current solar system is based upon following the universal law of “Will to do Good”.
As far as the rest of the 27 cosmic energy portals “Nakshatra’s” are concerned, which belong to
the rest of the seven out of the 12 Zodiacal constellations namely [1] Aries (Mesha Rashi) which
holds the cosmic energy portals like the “Ashvini and Bharani Nakshatra’s”, [2] Taurus
(Vrishbha Rashi) which holds the cosmic energy portals like the “Kritika, Rohini, Mrigshirsa,
Nakshatra’s [Mrigashirsa Nakshatra is situated as an in between cosmic energy portal, existing
between the Taurus [Vrishbha Rashi] and Gemini [Mithuna Rashi] Constellations and thus plays
a very important role in the evolutionary process of our solar system through the overtone
impulses of cosmic energy ], [3] Gemini (Mithuna Rashi) which also holds the cosmic energy
portals like “Ardra Nakshatra, Punarvasu Nakshatra” {Punarvasu Nakshatra cosmic energy
portal exists between Gemini [Mithuna Rashi] and the Cancer [Karka Rashi] Zodiacal
Constellations and thus plays a very important role in the evolutionary process of our solar
system through the overtone impulses of cosmic energy } , [4] Virgo (Kanya Rashi) which holds
the cosmic energy portals like the ‘Hasta Nakshatra’, [5] Libra (Tula Rashi) which holds the
cosmic energy portals like the “Chitra, Svati and Visakha Nakshatra’s”. [The “Chitra Nakshatra”
is an in between cosmic energy portal situated between the Virgo [Kanya Rashi] and Libra [Tula
Rashi] Zodiacal constellations, and thus plays a very important role in the evolutionary process
of our solar system through the overtone impulses of cosmic energy. Similarly the “Vishaka
Nakshatra” is an in between cosmic energy portal situated between the Libra [Tula Rashi] and
the Scorpio [Vrishka Rashi] Zodiacal constellations and thus plays a very important role in the
evolutionary process of our solar system through the overtone impulses of cosmic energy , [6]
Sagittarius (Dhanush Rashi) which holds the cosmic energy portals like the ‘Purva Ashadha, and
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra’s’ [Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is an in between cosmic energy portal
situated between Sagittarius [Dhanush Rashi] and Capricorn [Makra Rashi] Zodiacal
constellations and thus plays a very important role in the evolutionary process of our solar
system through the overtone impulses of cosmic energy, and [7] Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) which
holds the cosmic energy portals like the ‘Shatabhisha Nakshatra and the Dhanishta Nakshatra,
and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra’, [The “Dhanishta Nakshatra” cosmic energy portal exists
between the Capricorn [Makra Rashi] and Aquarius [Kumbha Rashi] zodiacal constellations and
thus plays a very important role in the evolutionary process of our solar system through the
overtone impulses of cosmic energy, and the “Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra’ comic energy portal
also exists between the Aquarius [Kumbh Rashi], and Pisces [Meen Rashi] zodiacal
constellations and thus plays a very important role in the evolutionary process of our solar
system through the overtone impulses of cosmic energy.
These cosmic energy portals known as the “Nakshatra’s” thus belonging to the seven Zodiacal
constellations are thus important in the enfoldment of planetary conscious of various other
kingdoms evolving upon the planet earth, in which the human beings are just incidental and
playing a helping role as being part of the evolving collective consciousness of planet earth.
Chapter [19]
The cosmic energies from these 27 cosmic energy portals enter our solar system through the
various energy channels under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], which can also utilize the
quantum energy methods, if they are ever required to sustain the Brahmandic [universal] law,
which is “Will to do Good”.
In our manifested solar System, they get focused through their focal points known as the
“Graha’s” [Houses], before getting distributed throughout the entire solar system, as these focal
points act as the energy distribution vortex centers [organs] of the “Sor Mandal” [Solar System].
These cosmic energies are technically neutral in their nature and their various causing effects
depends upon how they are utilized by the receiving entities and beings, who are evolving upon
the various worlds of the planetary schemes in our solar system [Sor Mandal].
As far as the evolution of our planet earth is concerned, majority of the human beings living
upon the five major continents of the physical plane of the planet earth due to their weak “Will
Power” allow themselves to be governed by these cosmic forces emitted as the cosmic radiations
from the 27 Nakshatra’s [cosmic energy portals] whose energy flows are supposed to be
maintained by the planetary hierarchical rulers, who are composed of various entities and beings
especially the members of the 4th creative planetary hierarchy [Human Hierarchy],the 5th
creative planetary hierarchy [Deva Hierarchy composed of hermaphrodite angels], and the 6th
creative planetary hierarchy [Deva Hierarchy composed of hermaphrodite angels], who are
supposed to maintain the Brahmandic [universal] law of “Will to do Good”, but they have been
unfortunately unable to do so, and thus perform their proper hierarchical duties, which are
supposed to be performed according to the established evolutionary plans of the Solar Logos,
which are based upon the one and only universal law of “Will to do Good”.
These cosmic energies after getting tinted by the qualities of their focal points, [emitted vibration
frequencies], who act as the receiving and the planetary energy distribution centers [graha’s] in
our solar system [Sor Mandal], then are further sent out from them, as the radiated surface
These energy radiations take place as in the tinting process which takes place upon these planets,
the transmutation of these focal points [graha’s] also takes place by the utilization of the cosmic
“Vishnu” aspect as the balancing electricity [Magnetism], which is the real cause of these energy
emissions as the balanced radiated energies [tinted].
They move in our solar system through the planetary energy channels, thus coming to our planet
earth, which are the systemic energy rivers for the free flow of these radiated cosmic energies,
also known as the energy lines of least resistance, and these are also under the governance of the
4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni].
These cosmic radiated energies form the 27 cosmic energy portals [Nakashatra’s] , cannot
actively interfere through their influencing impulses for an event to happen, but under the
governance of dark fire [kaal agni] to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good” can make
the events more likely to occur if required such per the evolutionary plans of the Solar Logos, if
and when such need arises upon this planet earth.
Majority of the evolving humanity of the planet earth, who is living on these five major
continents of planet earth, is currently polarized in the glamour of the magnetic liquid astral
plane, which is known as the illusory reality [Maya], and thus are evolving under the governing
control of the sixth planetary creative deva [angelic] hierarchy , which receives their vital
energies for such control upon our planet earth from the receiving and distributing energy focal
point of the solar system, which is known as the planetary energy distribution center of “Mars
[Mangal Graha], who thus control through these frequency vibrations, which are effected upon
the desire or emotional plane known as the astral plane [ Bhava Loka], which thus create the
passions and desires in an incarnated human being who is evolving upon the planet earth.
The hermaphrodite deva [angelic] members of the sixth creative planetary hierarchy [who
unfortunately have become the most corrupt in the Brahmandic [universal] history], “willfully”
and deceitfully utilized those cosmic portal [Nakshatra’s] radiated energies against the universal
law of “Will to do Good”, which as the cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s]come under the
domain of Sagittarius Constellation [Dhanush Rashi], and thus these cosmic energies are very
powerful due to their being “one pointed” effects, thus causing all the emotional affects in the
evolving humanity, and only those evolving humans who have very strong “Will Power” can
thus be able to properly handle these cosmic radiated energies, by neutralizing them, through
their advance esoteric understandings as to how to neutralize their such effects.
Due to such Nakshatra energy radiations, which are illegally focused upon the evolving
humanity of the planet earth by these most corrupt sixth creative hierarchical deva entities, the
passionate tendencies of sensual nature are stirred, forming a irresistible condition in his astral
body, which do not allow an ordinary human being to escape from their overwhelming effect,
thus by losing his mental balance, as most of them do not have adequate “Will Power” to
neutralize and thus control these astral frequency vibrations, which affect the elemental deva
essence of his astral body, conjoined with the sensual and passionate thought formations in the
mental body, which is composed of lower mental plane elemental devas, thus affecting his
“Kama Manas” or the desire mind to go out of control.
These Sagittarius zodiacal constellation cosmic portal radiations [Nakshatra’s], coming to our
planet earth through their focal point of planet Mars [Mangal Graha], also affect the outside
corresponding physical plane humans, which again react upon his evolving consciousness by
such vibrations by totally empowering his evolving desire mind [Kama Manas] to cause
considerable excitement having undesired results.
These undesired results are thus produced by the interaction of Martian energies under the sixth
creative hierarchy deva’s [angelic entities] illegal control, who are the controllers of these
“Nakshatra” or the cosmic portal energies, which fall under the domain of the Sagittarius
constellation [Dhanus Rashi], which can thus also cause irritability and nervousness, especially
in those humans who are usually always on the verge of losing their temper.
Thus due to these unnecessary provocations, which were illegally caused by these most corrupt
sixth creative hierarchical hermaphrodite deva entities who worked in cohort with the most
corrupt 4th creative planetary hierarchy composed mostly of negative, ruthless and cruel left
hand practitioners, who are responsible for hijacking of the peaceful evolution upon our planet
earth which was established in the ancient past by the most loving creator logos, and which due
to their corrupt and illegal practices has now unfortunately become a planet of sorrows and
Chapter [20]
Since the start of the grand experiment which came in objective manifestation as our current
Solar System, the true knowledge of these 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatra’s’ has
been in the possession of those entities and beings, which work under the domain of the 4th
hidden aspect known as the Kaal Agni [Dark fire], which controls the involution and evolution,
with the form giving 2nd cosmic aspect known as the “Maha Vishnu “ aspect, which govern
through the process of polarity integration, known as the consciousness expansion in the Infinite
Brahmanda [Universe], to always uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good”, which is the
basis of all existence in our Infinite Brahmanda [universe] as well as in all the other higher
existing domains like “Out finite”, Quanta”, “Out Quanta”, “Unknown”, “Beyond, and “Over
Beyond” and so on up to the 13th level of Conscious existence.
The attainment process for the knowledge of Nakshatra’s [Cosmic Energy Portals], is known as
the “Intellectual Astro Analysis”, which is very much required upon the planet earth for the
planetary evolution of all its beings and entities, which are evolving in various frequency
dimensions of the planet earth.
This Nakshatra knowledge thus reflecting the understanding of the star systems, which are
existing in these cosmic energy portals helps to mathematically and geometrically calculate the
position of their governing focal points known as the planetary schemes and their respective
planets, which are existing in the parameters of our solar system, and thus are known as the
Graha’s [energy houses], which are the energy vortexes, existing as the energy distribution
reservoirs of our solar system.
These cosmic portal energies are received from these “Nakshatra’s” by our solar system organs
called the “Graha’s”, which are established as the energy focal points upon the periphery
intersections of these sub thinkers [prjapati’s] radius of influences, which after balancing them
with their own magnetic qualities [vibration frequencies] which is known as the coloring or
tinting process, which also cause their own consciousness expansion known as the transmutation
process, they further radiate them out as their balanced electricity’s [magnetic energy waves] in
time and space as spiraling cyclic rotations, through the lines of least resistance, which are
known as the energy channels or magnetic energy rivers or waterways [the balancing energy,
which is also known as the magnetic energy is liquid in nature].
These cosmic portal energies thus radiated from these “Nakshatra’s” finally reach our solar
system through the cosmic energy channels, through which they magnetically flow following
their energy movements through the universal guidance of geometrical Fibonacci principle
which in fact mimic the “Pie Ratio”, thus utilizing the middle of the 90 degrees, which is the 45
degree movements, thus giving them a form of an energy spiral appearing like a cosmic spiral
shell, which is the basis of the first appearances of the larva lives upon planet earth and these
earlier forms could be easily found in their petrified forms in the Gandaki river in the Himalayan
kingdom of Nepal known as the “Shalagrama”.
These Cosmic energy portal [Nakshatra’s] energies are then received by the Systemic focal
points, which are known to us human’s as the planets [Grahas] of the “Sor Mandal”[Solar
System]. Which after tinting them with their own qualities known as the balancing or
transmutation process, further radiate them out though the systemic energy channels to reach our
planet earth in spiral cyclic rotational motion.
These tinted “Graha” energies as the emanated systemic impulses thus exert their influence
through the planetary hierarchical rulers upon the planetary evolution of planet earth, which are
composed of both the Siddha humans and their counterpart deva entities [Angelic Beings] , and
thus control the passage of these energies by regulating their cyclic flow upon the physical plane,
but unfortunately these controllers became selfish and corrupt and thus started their illegal
energy control depicting the wrong “Might is Right policy , and thus hijacked the proper
evolutionary policy which was put in place by the creator logos, which is to uphold the universal
law of “Will to do Good” and not the illegal and corrupt policy which is currently being
practiced upon this planet earth, which has unfortunately made this planet earth as one of the
planet’s of pain and suffering in our “Sor Mandal” [solar system].
These systemic energy impulses, which are basically the tinted cosmic energies, are technically
supposed to form a proper rule for all the kingdoms for their evolutionary lives having
consciousness expansion upon this planet earth based upon the universal law of “Will to Good”,
which has been unfortunately totally discarded by the most corrupt planetary hierarchical
members who as the rulers of this planet have devolved the “Ausric Vrittis “ [demonic habits]
composed of false pride and totally selfish nature full of “Ahamkara”[False individualized ego
not connected to the collective consciousness of the planet earth], and ruthlessness, thus stopping
all further evolution through consciousness expansion upon this planet earth, but instead put
everyone on the backward path of materialization, which esoterically is known as the
“involution” rather than the spiral cyclic forward motion process of consciousness expansion
known as the “Evolution”, which is commonly termed as “Spirituality”.[Spirituality is the path
of liberation of expanding consciousness from the material bondage, and thus is known as the
evolution, while Religions of planet earth are now based upon the material gains, which is now
unfortunately required for the human form survival upon the physical plane, which is of a short
duration, which is wrong backward path of “Involution” which is totally controlled by the dark
brotherhood consisting of the left hand practitioners and black magicians].
Chapter [21]
The radiated cosmic energies received from the 27 cosmic energy portals called “Nakshatras’s”
are thus focused upon our planet from these receiver focal points of our “Sor Mandal”[Solar
System], which are known as the nine planets [Nava Grahas] thus developing rules of life for the
planetary earth’s evolution.
The whole evolutionary process of planet earth can be termed as the collective consciousness
expansion also known as the polarity integration, utilizing the second major cosmic ray for
harmonization, which is the basis of our current solar system, also known as the “Vishnu” aspect
defined as the attraction and repulsion.
This Vishnu aspect is commonly known as the aspect of “Karma’, which in the case of evolving
human beings of the planet earth, during their incarnated lives brings them in certain
surroundings to deal with , due to energy impulses from these focal points, which are the
systemic energy distribution systems known as the “Graha’s”, and their energy distributions are
controlled by the members of the planetary hierarchy of planet earth, who consciously utilize the
knowledge related to the energy emanations from these 27 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatra’s].
In case of an evolving human being of the planet earth, the knowledge of these “Nakshatra’s”
cosmic energy emanations, which are governed through the various planetary centers of our “Sor
Mandal” [Solar System] called “Graha’s”, can inform and thus forewarn him of the
circumstances in which he may find himself during his incarnated life.
Those humans who do not have a Strong Will Power, but instead have a “Weak Will Power”,
will be surely get affected by these energy impulses, which is the case of majority of human
beings incarnated upon this planet earth, while those human beings who have a “Strong Will
Power”, these cosmic energy impulses thus received through their governing planets [Graha’s],
may not affect them, and thus they can only be termed as the life’s “Probabilities only” in all
such cases.
During ancient time in the evolving races of human being upon the planet earth, the wise priests
used to draw up almanac charts, which in the case of evolving Aryan races of India used to be
the learned Brahmins who drew the almanac called “Panchanga’s”, which were used to regulate
the lives of the evolving races.
Based upon these calculations of the almanacs, they decided upon the cyclic times, at which all
the agricultural plantings and harvestings could be properly done. They also utilized this
calculated knowledge for the breeding of various animals, as well as for the sacred community
rituals, which were required for the mental health and the physical well beings of the human
These ancient priests were the teachers as well doctors and also the law givers for their races, and
thus they knew under what cosmic energy influences governed through the various planets
[Grahas], their various human subjects could be more profited.
These ancient priests divided their followers into separate classes called “Varna’s”, which was
according to their soul ray and personality rays groups, which thus separated in their segregated
groups started the worship of these energy focal points or the energy distribution centers of our
solar system, known as the “Nava Graha’s”.
Thus worshipping of these focal point planets [graha’s], by these evolving human beings who
were segregated in “Varna” groups, thus helped them to perform their duties more easily, and for
that reason physical temples were made in various locations of the planet earth with “circular
domes on the top”, which represented their positions in the hemispheres to which these planets
belonged, Just as if anyone is looking upward from the planet earth glancing upward toward the
The temples of the “Solar Sun” and “Moon” were the most in number, as most people benefitted
from the Inititatory cosmic rays coming from the first cosmic energy portal known as “Ashvini
Nakshatra “, which are the initiating energies coming in the form of a initiating point [Bindu],
thus grown into a spiral cyclic rotational form, due to the utilization of the three cosmic
“Electrical Will Aspects” which are known as the “Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma aspects”.
The reason for the Solar and lunar temples being the most in number were that they affected
tremendously due to their inherent initiatory qualities, the most of the conscious expansion of the
evolving masses of the evolving humanity upon the planet earth in the ancient times.
The first cosmic portal energies as the initiating energies directly affects the solar sun and thus
“exalt it the most” in our Solar System, under the influence of “Antariksh Agni” or the Cosmic
Fire, who is the real “Thinker”, and who is the true controller of the “Ashvini Nakshatra’s”
cosmic impulses, which are easily absorbed by it by utilizing the “Maha Vishnu” aspect of
balancing electricity known as “Magnetism”, before they get again sent out as radiations after
getting tinted by its “Love and wisdom Qualities’ through the systemic channels, after they are
radiated as the surface energy in the form of solar flares and then as the solar wind.
Also the first cosmic portal energies of the “Asvini Nakshatra” as the initiatory impulses are
governed by one of the three synthesizing planets which is the planet “Neptune” of our “Sor
Mandal” [Solar System], whose deity is the “systemic sub thinker” or the creator logos
[Prajapati] known in India also as the Lord Ganesha”[The word “Ganesha” is made up of two
words, as “Gana” means the serving deva’s [angels], and “Esha’ means the lord to be served,
thus Ganesha means the lord of the angels], and for this reason the worship of lord “Ganehsa” is
performed first as the initiatory deity in any kind of new or initiatory work of everyday life, so
that the worshipper can be benefitted from the initiatory impulses governed in our Solar System
by the planet “Neptune”, which thus creates the forward spiral motion in all the planes, which are
related to the evolution of a human being in the three loka’s [Bhu, Bhava, and Sva lokas], to
achieve his desired goals with full success.
Chapter [22]
The energies which come to our solar system from the first cosmic portal known as the “Ashvini
Nakshatra”, which is situated in the Aries Zodiacal constellation [Mesha Rashi], send two types
of cosmic energies as the cosmic radiation emissions of “Dwaita Anahat sound energies”, which
are known in our solar system known as the “Duality Conscious Sound energy” and codified in
the ancient Hindu scriptures as the two sons of lord Shiva known as Lord Ganesha, and
Kartikaya also known as the “Skand Kumara”.
The first being the Ganesha sound is “Im” who is the collective consciousness of planet
Neptune[Ketu], which is one of the planets, which acts as a receiver and also a synthesizing focal
point in our solar System, hidden behind the earth’s satellite “Moon”, which technically acts as a
blind for this planet when we talk about “Grahas”, as well as the ‘Moon’ also represent as a blind
for few other planets like Vulcan [Vishwakarma], as well as Uranus [Rahu], and sometimes also
the dwarf planets like Pluto, who still have large astral and mental bodies due to their
consciousness expansion, which are not seen by the naked eyes.
The second energy sound emission from this “Ashvini Nakshatra” is “Am”, who is the
“Kartikeya [Kumara] Sound of “Being in Existence” known to us as the “Ego or Pride”, who
also represents the consciousness of the Solar Sun and is known by the names “Prachanda, and
Ugra” as narrated by the great Siddha entity “Maharishi Agastiyar”, who is one of the founders
of the “Tamil Shaiva Siddhanta” in the ancient composition of the “Aditiya Hridyam”.
The word “Ganapati” meaning the in charge of the “Gana’s”, who are the form giving devas
[angelic beings], a name which technically depicts “Ganesha”, who represents the second cosmic
aspect of the supreme being known as the “Maha Vishnu aspect, which is the comic fire aspect
[Antariksh Agni] aspect of the balancing electricity [Magnetism], which is also known as the
love and wisdom aspect, and that is why “Ganesha” is a codified symbol of both the love and
Wisdom, which are the qualities represented by the “Buddhic plane as well as the Astral plane”
in our solar system. So the first sound energy of the Ashvini Nakshatra radiated as the Bija
mantra sound represented as “Im” representing the “Vishnu” aspect, is the form giving initiator
energy, as well as the balancing electric energy known as “Magnetism”, which under the
governing control of the dark fire [kaal agni] create all the small and large energy “Cycles” in
our solar system.
The second sound energy emission radiated as the “Am” frequency vibration from this “Ashvini
Nakshatra”, is depicted in the ancient stories as the army chief of the Deva’s and Gods
“Kartikeya”, finally reaches our Solar System, and thus represented by the fierce quality of the
Solar Sun as one of his consciousness aspect, which is known as the “Prachanda and Ugra”,
meaning “Forceful, furious as well as restless” and thus represents the first cosmic “Shiva aspect
“, which is the basis of all energy spiral creations, thus known as the forward motion spiraling
electrical energy.
These both sound energies emanated from the “Ashvini Nakshatra” are known as the “Shakti
Bija Mantras” representing the Vishnu aspect as “IM” and the Shiva aspect as “AM”, which
intermingle before reaching our solar system thus producing a third sound frequency vibration of
“Aam”, which is codified in the ancient Indian scriptures as the god “Aayappa” mostly famous in
south India, who is thus known as the son of both “Vishnu and Shiva aspects” or the combined
electrical “Will “ aspects of the 1st and 2nd cosmic differentiations in the form of Spiral Cyclic
energy .
The story of lord “Aayappa” of Sabarimala destroying the Ausric princess “Mahishi” or
“Meshi” is technically a codified story defining the end of both the “Ashvini Nakshatra energies
as the independent “Im and Am “ sounds which due to their emission from the “Mesha Rashi
[Aries Zodiacal constellation is known as the Mesha Rashi] are known as the Meshi or Mahishi ,
which thus gets absorbed in the “Aam” sound of their combined aspect known as the lord
Aayappa, thus causing their ends under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni]. .
The governing force of the Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], which is the fourth hidden aspect
known as the “Antariksh Kaal Agni” [Cosmic Dark Force], utilizing the “Maha Vishnu” aspect
blends these three cosmic sounds of “Im, Am, and Aam” originating in this first cosmic portal
belonging to the Antaiksh Agni [ Cosmic Fire] or the zodiacal constellation of “Aries” [Mesha
Rashi], to create the “Pranava” sound in its dual form.
The Pranava is the sound which is the source of all objective manifestation in our Solar system
existing both in the “Arupa [Unseen thus considered without a form] and Rupa [Seen thus
considered with a form] levels. In the Christian Bible of western theology this “Pranava” sound
is mentioned by apostle John in chapter John 1.1 in a codified way, which is written as “In the
beginning was the word, and word was with god, and the word was God”.
The Pranva sound for the descending cycle for the materialization or involution purposes is the
cosmic sound, which is represented by the threefold Akshara’s [letters] written as “Aum”, while
the “Pranva” sound for the ascending cycle, also known as the liberation or freedom from the
material levels which is known as the evolutionary process due to the consciousness expansion,
is represented by twofold Akshara’s [letters] written as “Om”.
In the final stages when the liberation of the evolving consciousness from the material levels
[Bhu, Bhava and Sva loka’s] is complete the sound frequency vibration then start oscillating
between the “A and O” sounds in a harmonized way under the governance of kaal agni [dark
Chapter [23]
The Cosmic energies which start from these 27 cosmic portals called “Nakshatra’s” and after
getting tinted by their receiving focal points finally reach our planet earth through the lines of
least resistance which are known as the cosmic as well as the systemic energy channels in spiral
cyclic rotational motions.
They affect the evolving humanity of planet earth by interacting with their energy distribution
centers or the pranic vortex of energies known as “Chakra’s”, existing in their vital bodies,
whichA exist upon the 4th vital or pranic sub plane, which is the middle sub plane out of the
seven sub planes of the cosmic dense plane or the last solar plane also known as the 7th solar
These 27 Nakshatra cosmic energies thus received by these “Chakra’s” increase or decrease the
“Fire aspect”, which corresponds as the reflected differentiated aspect of the “Antariksh Agni”
[Cosmic Fire], which controls the origination point of “Ashvini Nakshatra”, as the “Electric Will
aspect” under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni].
The cosmic radiated impulses from the cosmic energy portal called the “Ashvini Nakshatra”,
which is the first or the origination point for these cosmic energy emanations, are the cosmic
initiatory energies depicting the “Shiva” aspect in its duality [Dwaita] existence, which is defined
in cosmos as the “Will to exist through initiation”, which many know as the preservation or the
Vishnu aspect. This “Vishnu aspect” through the utilization of the balancing electricity
[Magnetism] under the governance of the 4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni],
causes the “Dual initiatory electric Will energy” of this “Ashvini Nakshatra” to perform the
consciousness expansion experiment, which is known as the “Intellectual activity”, or bringing in
the rotational motion, which is the cosmic aspect of third electrical differentiation also known as
the “Brahma aspect”, which is the very cause of the spherical circular rotation.
These cosmic radiated energies from these 27 cosmic energy portals called “Nakshatra’s” are the
vital forces, which in the very beginning as the initiatory impulses manipulate the “Cosmic
Nebulae Matter”, which is composed of elemental deva consciousness, and thus are the cause for
the whirling rotary motion due to their impulse actions, which provides them the spherical forms,
known to us as the “Planets’.
These spherical planets thus come in existence making them an objective expression of the
expanding consciousness, as the “Will to Exist” in time and space, as the objective material
bodies of those “Sub thinkers”, who become individualized entities, who are thus holding this
vortex of energies in their manifested conscious bodies as the energy distribution centers.
This process of objective manifestation is similarly followed upon all the peripheral energy cross
section points in all star solar systems. In a solar system all such “sub thinkers”, who become
individualized entities with manifested objective bodies, which are energy distribution centers in
a solar system are inter connected directly or indirectly , as well as to all other such beings in the
objectively manifested Infinite Brahmanda [Universe].
All these energy distribution centers in our solar system, which are the manifested bodies of the
“Sub thinkers”, are under the influence of the radiated impulses of the great cosmic beings,
whose objectively manifested bodies compose the various star solar systems in these 27 cosmic
energy portals known as the “Nakshatra’s”.
The radiated cosmic energies from the starting point of the 27 cosmic energy portals which are
required for the consciousness expansion of all entities and beings in our solar system, move on
through the cosmic energy lines of least resistance which are also known as the cosmic energy
channels or the cosmic energy rivers, and continue their cosmic journeys going through various
cosmic planes, and before reaching our solar system, they first reach the cosmic mental levels,
which is objectively known to us as the “Star Sirius Solar System”, thus affecting all the energy
focal points [The focal points are the planets existing in these solar systems in Arupa and Rupa
levels], which receive these cosmic energies and harmonize them with their own qualities known
as the “Tinting Process”. Then in this tinting process their transmutation also takes place causing
them to emanate their energies, which are known as the mental plane radiations.
These radiated energies from the Cosmic Mental Plane continue their descending journey
moving through the cosmic lines of least resistance , which are the cosmic energy channels, thus
moving in a spiral cyclic rotational motion to the receiver cosmic plane, which is known as the
“Cosmic Astral Plane”.
The Cosmic Astral plane is objectively known as the “Pleiades Star Solar Systems”, which exist
in the “Taurus Constellation [Vrishbha Rashi also codified as “Nandi the Bull”] as seen from
planet earth, which thus brings in objective manifestation the corresponding focal points , which
correspond to the energy emanating focal points of “Sirius Star Solar System”.
These cosmic energies are then harmonized through the tinting process in the cosmic astral
plane, and through the energy channels of the lines of least resistance further proceed upon the
Descending arc to the cosmic Vital cum Physical plane in which our current solar system exist.
These cosmic radiation energies thus entering our solar system as the cosmic astral plane
energies bring forth the materialization of the corresponding energy focal points in our solar
system upon the 4th solar plane known as the cosmic vital 4th sub plane utilizing the form giver
“Maha Vishnu aspect”, which is the middle solar system plane also known as the Buddhic Plane”
under the governing action of kaal agni [dark fire], which is the last vital energy [pranic] solar
plane composed of the 4th cosmic ether [elemental deva lives].
This above mentioned cosmic energy radiation emanation pattern is similarly repeated in case of
all the cosmic portal energies of the 27 “Nakshatra’s” which affect all the cosmic focal point
entities, who are consciously existing upon the “Buddhic plane “corresponding to the focal
points entities of the Cosmic astral plane of the “Pleiades”, as well as the corresponding focal
point entities of the Cosmic Mental plane entities of the “Sirius”, thus forming a cosmic
triangular energy relationship .
Upon the ascending or the evolutionary arc, these energies start a backward journey going from
our Solar system to Pleiades of the Cosmic astral plane and then to the star Sirius of the Cosmic
Mental plane, and thus continue their backward journey reaching back the ‘Ashvini Nakshatra’
to have an Conscious expansion affect upon all the solar Systems related to the cosmic energy
portal of the Antaiksh Agni [Cosmic fire], known as the “Ashvini Nakshatra”
Chapter [24]
The emanated cosmic portal energies form these 27 cosmic portals [Nakshatra’s], when enter our
solar system radius of influence, they interact under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni],
resulting as the reflected vital energies on the 2nd, 4th, and 7th solar planes.
The second solar plane counting from the center toward the periphery is also known as the
“Archetype or Monadic” plane, which is the form giving pattern center by the utilization of the
2nd cosmic aspect of attraction and repulsion, which is also known as the “Maha Vishnu” aspect,
where the formation patterns for the 7 Prajapati’s [creator logos of our solar system], first come
in manifestation under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni], through the utilization of these
27 cosmic portal energies known as “Nakshatra’s”, and also according to electric “Will” of the
“Grand thinker”, whose consciousness reflection is our “solar Logos”, the lord of our solar
These cosmic energies thus progressing upon the down ward spiraling arc for involution
purposes, under the governing control of the dark fire [kaal agni], then again are utilized upon
the 4th solar plane which happens the middle plane out of the seven manifested solar planes,
which is also known as the “Buddhic Plane”. Upon the Buddhic plane they cause the
harmonization of conscious vitally under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], to form a
rhythm which is known as “Buddhic Frequency vibrations” known as the “Cyclic Energy” which
cause small and large energy cycles in time and space of their own radius of influence, and these
harmonized energy radiations, which create the cycles are thus depicting the second conscious
aspect of Brahmanda [universe], which is known as the “Maha Vishnu “ aspect.
When these cosmic portal energies emanated from the 27 “Nakshatra’s” reach the “Buddhic
Plane”, through the energy lines or the channels of least resistance, they interact again utilizing
the second cosmic aspect of “Maha Vishnu” upon which our current solar system’s evolution is
based upon and under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], and thus form the 49 differentiated
centers in the bodies of the 7 prajapati’s [sub thinkers], due to each one of them getting
differentiated into seven fold [7 prajapati’s x 7 differentiations = 49 centers] just mimicking the
procedure which is also followed by the solar logos himself in this conscious expansion
experiment as established by the “Grand thinker” himself based upon the universal law of “Will
to do Good”.
These 49 centers thus manifested are the focal points, which are the objective organ centers of
the seven “Prajapatis”, and in which are established those conscious entities and being’s, who are
known as the so called enlightened “Masters, adepts, and their initiated disciples”, known as
such upon the physical plane of planet earth.
These great conscious entities and beings, who are the so called enlightened ones and controlling
these 49 centers established upon the 4th cosmic ether of the Solar plane known as the “Buddhic
Plane”, are “The sole cause of the hijacking of the original evolutionary plans in our solar
system” due to their false “Ego” [Pride or the “I am factor”], which being the “true evolutionary
plans’ were established in the ancient past by the “Solar Logos” himself under the governance of
the dark fire [kaal agni], which were based upon the universal law of “Will to do Good”, which
has unfortunately since their hijacking caused so much pain and suffering upon this planet earth.
These cosmic portal radiation energies of the 27 “Nakshatra”, after getting tinted [balanced] by
the various higher planes of all “Star Solar Systems”, which are related to our Solar System for
cosmic energy flow to complete the cosmic consciousness expansion cycle thus finally reach the
“Buddhic plane”,
After utilizing the second “Maha Vishnu” aspect to balance or tint these 49 centers existing upon
the “Buddhic plane”, they further get radiated due to this balancing act, which is also
scientifically known as the “Transmutation Process”, which cause them to emanate again as
radiation energies moving upon the down ward spiral for involution purposes.
These radiated emanations from the “Buddhic Plane” which are really the cosmic radiations from
the 27 cosmic portals called “Nakshatra’s”, thus get reflected to the fourth vital plane of the
cosmic dense plane which is composed of the fourth differentiated elemental deva lives, which
aggregate this ethereal matter, which is also the middle pranic or ethereal sub plane of the 7th
solar plane also known as the dense vital/physical plane, and thus establish upon this 4th dense
ethereal plane the dense bodies of the “Sub Thinker’s” or “Prajapati’s”, who are the creator logos
of all the energy distribution systems [organ chakra’s or vortex of energies], in our current solar
system, which is based upon the second cosmic ray aspect of love and wisdom, which is the
“Maha Vishnu “ aspect also known as “Cosmic Christos”.
Thus these cosmic portal energies of the 27 “Nakshatra’s” finally reach the densest or the 7th
plane of our Solar System, also known as the vital/physical plane, where they also tremendously
affect the evolution of the 4th kingdom, which consist of evolving human beings as well as all
the other kingdom’s evolutions of the vital/physical plane.
In the case of evolving human beings who follow the established pattern of the evolution as set
for the “Prajapati’s” by the “Grand Thinker” himself, their corresponding conscious energy
centers are first formed upon the mental plane due to the interaction of these 27 cosmic portal
energies [Nakshatra’s], which is the fifth solar plane if counting downward or from the center
toward the periphery.
From these mental plane centers known as the “Soul Centers”, which come in existence under
the governance of the 4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni], the conscious
impulses start to originate for their physical plane existence, first coming down to the next lower
denser plane which is known as the “Astral plane”, and then continuing their downward motion
they finally reach the pranic or vital plane in its 4th differentiation, which is also known as the
4th ethereal sub plane of the dense physical or the middle sub plane of the last or 7th solar plane,
through the energy channels which are known as lines of least resistance.
These cosmic radiation energies from the 27 “Nakshatra’s” [cosmic energy portal] interact with
the seven vortex of energies known as “Chakra’s”, which are existing in the pranic bodies of
human beings upon this 4th ethereal sub plane, thus initiating as well as completing the evolution
through the transmutation process causing the radiation of human magnetism achieved due to the
conscious expansion.
These ethereal energy centers, which are the vortex of energies for vital conscious energy
distribution, first distribute the vital consciousness in the vital or pranic body, and then also
affect the energy distribution process in the physical material incarnated body of a human being.
These vortex of energies come into manifestation due to the energy movements controlled by
the corresponding “Soul Center” existing in an energy lotus formation upon the mental plane,
who themselves are the transmitters for the monads, who are existing upon the higher planes, and
which themselves are the tiny reflected conscious parts of their corresponding “Prajapati’s”
[Creator Logos].
These monads are the real originators of energy impulses, which are required for the human
evolution in the three lower dense plains [mental, astral, vital /physical] of our solar system.
They emanate these consciousness expansion impulses by first receiving these 27 cosmic portal
energies, and then utilizing the second cosmic aspect of balancing electricity [Magnetism], also
known as the “Maha Vishnu” aspect, they radiate them out through the energy channels known
as lines of least resistance to the corresponding soul centers existing upon the mental plane.
So in our current solar system, these three solar planes, the 2nd, the 4th, and the 7th solar planes
counting from the center toward the periphery or in the descending order, upon which these 27
“Nakshatra” or cosmic energy portal energies interacts and cause transmutation for the evolution
or consciousness expansion of the collective consciousness of the “Grand Thinker” of our solar
system, and then further emanated in the form of radiation energies, are the most important
planes according to the established evolutionary plans for this current solar system.
Chapter [25]
The origination point of the 27 cosmic energy portals known as the “Nakshatras” is the
“Antariksh Agni” also known as the “Cosmic Fire”, which is the starting point in this grand
experiment of the Conscious expansion in our Brahmanda [Universe], and is known as the
Ashvini Nakshatra, which is the first energy distribution center of the radiated “Pranic or Vital
Energy” known in the “Veda’s” as the “Cosmic Fire” [Antariksh Agni].
The radiated “Cosmic Fire” energies from this “Ashvini Nakstra” [the first cosmic energy portal
of the ecliptic] are the dual fire forces [Dwaita], which represent both the first and second
universal electric aspects, known as the “Vishnu and Shiva aspects”. This dual fire force through
the energy lines of least resistance tinted and balanced by the various universal planes conscious
existences, finally enter our solar system and through their final balancing done by various focal
points[ planets called Grahas], thus come to our planet earth.
In the Brahmanda [universe] there are seven hidden codified meanings of the same symbol,
which are related to the understanding of the “Seven Cosmic Planes”.
Just for example, the seven pointed star which is a codified symbolic representation of the Solar
Logos, when his reflected consciousness as a “Sub thinker” acts as the creator “Brahma” in our
solar system or the “lord of the seven rays”, as well as the Shani Prajapati [Saturn Scheme
creator logos] who is known as “the lord of the seven rings” [The rings represent the seven
spherical planes]. The seven ancient planets [Graha’s], which are the manifested bodies of the
seven “Prajapati’s” in which the “Moon” is codified as our planet earth, they also collectively
used to represent this seven pointed star symbol.
And from the next cosmic level or the higher cosmic plane codification which is the cosmic
astral plane, the same seven pointed star codification describes the Pleiades star system [seven
sister stars], existing in the “Taurus Constellation”, which is the origination point of the “Tau” or
“Tat” sound [Tat in Sanskrit means “That”], which is symbolized by the letter “T”, which is the
geometrical codification for the mathematical “Pie Ratio”.
The next cosmic level codification meant for the cosmic mental plane describes this same seven
point star as a symbolic representation of the “Star Sirius”. Similarly the next cosmic level
codification of the Cosmic Buddhic Plane describes this seven pointed star as a symbolic
representation of the seven stars of the “Ursa Minor Constellation”. The next cosmic level, which
is the “Cosmic Atmic or Spiritual plane”, this same seven pointed star symbol represents the
seven manifested stars of the “Ursa Major” constellation, which are the manifested bodies of
seven cosmic entities, known as the Seven Rishi’s of the “Sapt Rishi Mandal”.
Thus at each cosmic level this seven pointed geometric formation depicted as a seven pointed
star, symbolically represent some other cosmic entity or being, and finally the last symbolic
codification of this seven pointed star is the “Cosmic fire” [Atariksh Agni], whose manifested
objective body is the constellation of Aries [Mesha Rashi], of which our this Solar System is also
a part or an energy organ. The codification of Cosmic Fire [Antariksh Agni] as a seven pointed
star symbol has been mentioned in the ancient Hindu epic “Mahabhartha” in its”Tirath Parva” as
the place of “Sapt Charu”.
The cosmic fire at the very beginning differentiated itself fourfold, out of which the fourth
differentiation became the hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni], which is the
governing force for all involution and evolution in the entire spherical “infinite Univrse”
As the codified mathematical symbolic representation of the “Cosmic Fire” [Antariksh Agni] is
number 7 represented by the seven pointed star, and also due to these four of his Electric “will “
differentiations , the 360 degree ecliptic is divided into 28 parts [7 x 4 = 28] or the 28 portals of
cosmic energies known as the 28 Naksatras.
And because the 28th cosmic portal of star “Vega” known as the “Abhijeet Nakshatra”, existing
in the “Lyre constellation” directly correspond to the 4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire
[kaal agni], that is why it is not generally considered important to be concerned about regarding
its cosmic influences or to be included in the regular cosmic energy calculations, and thus only
27 cosmic portal energies are commonly considered for the conscious expansion or evolution
purposes upon planet earth. But due to its hidden influence being this “Abhijeet Nakshatra”
related to the corresponding energy of the governing dark fire [kaal agni], and thus affecting our
Solar consciousness expansion process , the “Abhijeet Nakshatra” holds one of the most
important cosmic portal positions out of the 28 cosmic energy portals established as energy
vortexes upon the ecliptic.
So for the higher understanding known as the esoteric or spiritual sciences, the requirement of
the understanding of all the codified knowledge is a must, otherwise the true hidden meaning of
a particular symbol may stay hidden for long durations of time in the infinite universe
[Brahmanda], if for some reasons the keys to these codifications are lost.
These symbols , which are the codifications for the true knowledge are the true path for the
understanding of the evolving consciousness of all entities and beings evolving upon the planet
earth, as the evolving humans can “see” them to understand the hidden meaning behind them
which they reflect, while the parallel evolving deva entities [angelic beings], who are having a
parallel evolution upon this planet earth, can “hear” these symbols, from which they get their
required knowledge for their own evolution [Consciousness expansion].
Chapter [26]
The cosmic energies radiated out from the 27 cosmic energy portals finally reach our solar
system flowing through the energy channels thus passing through many planes and sub planes of
the universe.
They enter our solar system thus finding their way under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni]
to reach their corresponding receiving focal point planets known as graha’s, who acts as the
vortex of energies, and thus are the systemic energy distribution systems in our “Sor Mandal”
[Solar System], from where they get further radiated after their cyclic transmutation to reach our
planet earth.
In case of the evolving human beings, these cosmic energies interact with his pranic centers,
Which are originally formed due to their indirect involvement coming through their focal points
[graha’s], in the 4th vital or ethereal sub plane of the dense 7th solar plane. These are known as
the “chakra’s” existing in the pranic body of a human being.
These cosmic portal or the “Nakshatra” energies first impulse the monad existing on its own
plane [Monadic or second solar plane], to transmit his consciousness force as radiations, which is
received by the “soul” existing upon the mental plane, which causes the transmutation process ,
which are further transmitted as radiations to these pranic centers [Chakras], where they create
the balancing activity through circular rotation making them the spheres of fire, and with the
proper blending done by utilizing the second cosmic aspect of attraction and repulsion, which is
known as the “Vishnu or Christos “ aspect, it becomes a body of fire.
This blending of these cosmic energies thus causes the consciousness expansion during the
evolutionary process, under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni], which is known as the
initiation process [Diksha], which thus ultimately destroys the material form, which is composed
of elemental devas, and which then leaves behind the exposed consciousness existence, also
known as the spiritual body, appearing like a burning flame having seven glowing centers, which
come in manifestation as firely centers due to the completion of the polarity integration of the
two opposite polarity poles merging into one point [Bindu].
Out of these seven glowing centers under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], the lower four
flaming centers join to become one flaming center, thus making a triune relationship with the
other two left flaming centers, which thus in a triune relationship correspond to the threefold
cosmic differentiation of the supreme ‘electric will” known as the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh
These final three flaming centers still continue their further polarity integration, and are known
as the head center representing the cosmic “Shiva” aspect, the heart center representing the
cosmic “Vishnu” aspect and the throat center representing the cosmic “Brahma” aspect.
This head center also correspond to the monad, the heart center correspond to the soul, and the
throat center correspond to the personality, as the throat center synthesizes the lower three
centers related to the evolving human personality , as the throat center also known as Vishuddha
Chakra synthesizes the entire personality life of an evolving human being, thus finally liberating
his evolving consciousness from those bindings, which are related to glamour, emotions and
desires, which are technically the bindings of magnetic or liquid currents plane known as the
astral plane.
It is the astral plane in which the three lower centers of the evolving human beings [Muladhara,
Svadishthana, and Manipura [ along with the center related to the infusion of prana in the
physical body next to the spleen area ], are currently polarized due to the their emotions and
sentiments which are related to their personality bindings in the material world. Unfortunately
the astral plane is controlled by the most corrupt 6th creative planetary hierarchy, whose
consciousness is under the control of the “Mars planetary Scheme” [Mangal Graha’s], most
corrupt entities and beings, who are the true cause for making our beautiful planet earth as a
planet of Pain and sufferings”.
The Base Center in the pranic body of an evolving human being known as the “Muladhara
Chakra” is also a synthesizing energy center of the Vitality forces [Pranic ], which are originally
emanated as radiations from these 27 cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatras”.
These synthesized cosmic vitality forces of the “Muladhara Chakra” [Base Center] due to the
required merging process, which is required for conscious expansion, which is also the starting
point for the personality fire finally blend with the fire of Mind, which is the ego or the “I am “
factor, also known as the “Soul, thus blending with the fire of Monad, also known as the fire of
“Spirit”, which finally merge and thus exist in a triune conscious relationship depicting the three
cosmic differentiations of the Electric “Will” of the supreme being, also known as the “Shiva,
Vishnu and Brahma” aspects.
Chapter [27]
The cosmic energies from the 28 cosmic portals which enter our solar system, first interact with
the monads of the seven Prajapati’s , who are the tiny consciousness reflections of the seven
creator logos or the seven “sub thinkers, interacting on the Archetype plane also known as the
monadic plane, which is the second solar plane of our objectively manifested “Sor Mandal”
[Solar System] existing as a synthesizing energy distribution center in the cosmic vital cum
physical plane.
The first four solar planes of our solar system are known as the cosmic vital [pranic] levels, also
known as the ethereal planes or “Arupa levels” which jointly form the Cosmic Vital plane, while
the lower three solar planes of our solar system are known as cosmic dense planes or the “Rupa
levels” .
The three lower solar planes are known as [1] the mental plane which is composed of higher and
lower mental sub planes, [2]the astral or emotional plane composed of 7 sub planes, and[3] the
solid dense plane which is composed of 4 sub planes of ether [vitality required for dense plane
existence], and three dense solid sub planes, which are composed of air, water, and solid
minerals .
These cosmic energies from the 28 Nakshatras [Cosmic energy portals], interact with the monads
of the seven prajapatis in their respective energy cycles, in which each of the 4 Nakshatra
energies in a spiral cyclic rotation interact through their quadrant relationships with each of the
seven types of monads, existing in the monadic plane.
These cosmic energies of the 28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], which are existing in
quadrant relationships interact with the 6 of these Prajapati’s monads [monads of the 6 creator
logos] or the 6 X 4 = 24 cosmic portal energies which interact with these 6 types of monads of
the 6 Prajapati’s, while with the seventh one’s monads, only three cosmic portal energies interact
in a triangular relationship, while the 4th cosmic energy having a quadrant relationship with
these other 3 cosmic energies, thus come in from the 28th portal of “Abhijeet Nakshatra”, who
have a direct relationship with the dark fire [kaal agni], which govern all the consciousness
expansion experiments in the Infinite Brahmanda [universe], and provide a special support to
the required 7th monadic group to attain its evolution in a timely fashion, which are related to the
cosmic energy cycles which go on coming in manifestation as well as go out of manifestation,
under the governing control of the dark fire[kaal agni] which controls all the involution and
evolution in entire infinite Brahmanda [universe] to uphold the universal law of “Will to do
Upon the seventh solar plane, which is the physical plane required for the human existence, these
27 “Nakshatra” energies coming through their energy focal points [graha’s], cause in the vital [
pranic ] body , the flaming fire to move through the energy vortexes called chakra’s, of a forward
triangular relationship motion, which is formed between these centers during consciousness
expansion of an evolving human being, in which these energy centers appearing like the wheels
of fire moving in a circular spiral motion.
The blending action of these forces cause in the increase of flaming action, which affects the
Sahasrara Chakara , which is also known as the “ energy center of thousand energy lotus petal
formation ”, above the head, which starts emitting a flame of fire which represent the color
frequency related to the soul ray of the evolving human being, in an upward motion to have a
polarity integration, which creates a relationship with the monadic force [spiritual force] from its
own higher plane of existence, thus attracting it downward from the higher Atmic or spiritual
plane , from where it gets reflected in downward motion , and this whole process is governed by
the 4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni].
These 27 cosmic energies radiated from these cosmic energy portals, thus become an integral
part of the 7 rays, of which three are the major and four are minor rays. In the cosmic sense these
seven cosmic rays appear to be originating from the Cosmic Atmic plane, whose objective
physical manifestation is known as the Star system of “Ursa Major Constellation” also known as
the “Sapt Rishi Mandal”.
These cosmic rays appearing to be originating from the “Ursa Major constellation are actually
the cosmic differentiations, which are caused by the transmutation process which takes place due
to polarity integrations, which thus become cosmic radiations under the governance of “Maha
Kaal Agni” or the “Supreme dark force”, and are thus emitted to continue their vitality journeys
to cause further consciousness expansion through various polarity integrations in the lower
cosmic planes, thus moving through the cosmic energy channels in spiral cyclic rotational
In case of the evolving human beings of the planet earth, the “I am“ factor known by various
names like the ‘evolving mind’, ‘Soul’, and the “Ego”, depicts the ray upon which a human
being is consciously evolving.
During the evolutionary process, this soul ray interacts with those cosmic energies, which are
radiated out of the 27 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras] and then are received by their focal
points planet’s in our solar system known as the grahas, and primarily utilize those which are
most beneficial for its consciousness expansion.
The “soul” itself is a reflection of the monadic consciousness, which is a tiny reflected conscious
part of the creator logos [Prajapati], the “sub thinker” existing as a part of the solar system [Sor
Mandal], acting as an energy distribution system, in the egg shaped spherical manifested body of
the evolving Solar logos, which gets thus much benefited from these cosmic portal or
“Nakshatra” energies for its evolution in time and space, under the governance of dark fire [kaal
Chapter [28]
These radiated cosmic energies emanate from the 28 cosmic portals, who are divided into 28
segments upon the ecliptic, which exist in this way due to the fact that the number seven is the
number of the cosmic Fire known as the “Sapt Charu” or the “seven faced or flamed Antariksh
Agni” and due to the 4 major cosmic differentiations of the supreme logos [Cosmic Shiva,
Cosmic Vishnu, Cosmic Brahma, and the 4th Hidden aspect known as Cosmic Kaal Agni], they
thus are formulated 7 X 4 = 28 cosmic energy portals.
These 4 differentiations are known as the four fold cosmic desires of the Supreme being, thus
manifested as the four Supreme electric “Wills” in the spherical elliptical Infinite Brahmanda
[universe], which when reflected in our Solar System are known as the four desires of the
consciousness expansion, which become as the question and answer of the expanding mind or as
the questioning intellect or knowledge and answered Buddhi or Wisdom.
These 4 electric differentiations as cosmic desires of the Supreme “Thinker” are also known in
the codified form as the “attributes of Divine” which play a question and answer game for its
mind expansion in the time and space under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni],which are
thus commonly known as the four reasoning’s like [1] the raised question of “Who am I”, [2]
Then to Know the “ I Am”, [3] then finding out “I am that”, [4] and then finally relating to the
supreme “thinker” as “I am that I am”.
The fourth hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni] correspond to the fourth reasoning
which states “I Am that I Am”. The four differentiated aspects also relate to the first four solar
planes which jointly form the cosmic vital plane in our solar system, which are composed of the
four differentiations of the cosmic vitality known as the 4 cosmic ethers or “Chatur Antariksh
The Cosmic Shiva aspect corresponds to the first cosmic ethereal plane of our “Sor Mandal”
[Solar System], which is known as the “Divine Plane or the Adi plane”. The Cosmic Vishnu
aspect corresponds to the second cosmic ethereal plane of our Solar System, which is known as
the “Archetype or Monadic Plane”. The Cosmic Brahma aspect corresponds to the third cosmic
ethereal plane of our solar system, which is known as the “Atmic or Spiritual plane”. The 4th
hidden aspect known as the Cosmic Maha Kaal Agni aspect corresponds to the fourth cosmic
ethereal plane of our solar system, which is known as the “Buddhic or Wisdom plane”.
These four Cosmic Vital or Pranic planes of our solar system are those planes where all the
dense body formation procedures initiate or takes place starting with the pranic body pattern
formations for the Prajapai’s [creator logos, who are expanding their evolving consciousness
through their reflected tiny conscious parts known as monads, who reflections are called the
monadic spirits of the “Atmic or Spiritual plane”.
These first four cosmic vital planes which are the first four cosmic ethereal planes of our “Sor
Mandal” [Solar System], also correspond to 4 dense ethereal sub planes composed of the four
ethers which are formed out of unconscious elemental deva essences, who exist in these four
major differentiations.
They compose the first four sub planes of the last or 7th solar plane, the plane which is most
important for the incarnated human beings, and to them it is known as the physical plane, where
they act to expand their evolving conscious through their personality or physical bodies, which is
made by as well as due to the formation action of the “Agni Chaitanya devas” [material or
physical form giving “fire conscious angels”]who are differentiated into seven major groups,
with seven differentiations in each of these groups thus having a grouping of 49 differentiated
groups, most of whom acquired the intelligence related to matter under the governance of dark
fire [kaal agni] during the evolution of the last or previous solar system which existed in a
nebulae formation, who achieved the material consciousness required for intellectual activity
which is related to the third cosmic differentiation known as the “Brahma aspect”.
In these four dense vital ethers, which are still unseen to a naked human eye, the dense pranic
forms [vital bodies] are created as a framework for the physical dense body of a human being,
upon which the incarnated physical human body is formed. These four vital dense ethereal
planes, which are the first four sub planes of the seventh solar plane, who also correspond to the
four cosmic “Electric Will” differentiations, under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni],
which being the last solar plane is also under the direct quantum energy impulses of the “Out
finite Supreme Council”.
In this seventh solar plane, the first dense vital sub plane also known as the “Pratham Prana”
directly correspond to the “Shiva” or the “Will to be or exist” aspect. This aspect is defined as
the moving forward aspect which creates the spiral formation of energies.
The second dense vital sub plane also known as the “Dwitiya Prana” directly correspond to the
“Vishnu” or “Will to Harmonize aspect” through the utilization of magnetic or balancing
electricity as attraction and repulsion, which is also known as love and wisdom, which is the
basic of polarity integration between positive spirit and negative matter, which is required for the
consciousness expansion, which is thus the basis of all formation through attraction [love] as
well as destruction of all forms through repulsion also known as liberation [wisdom]in both the
Arupa [unseen]and Rupa [seen]levels”. This aspect is defined as the “Cycle’s Creation and
Preservation aspect” in the Infinite. [Infinite technically means having a spherical elliptical or
regular spherical body, thus existing “in the finite”] which technically means that the vibration
energies from the 28 cosmic energy portals comes into cyclic formation due to this cosmic
The third dense Vital sub plane also known as the “Tritiya Prana” directly correspond to the
“Brahma” or “Will to perform intellectual activity in the formed or shaped body composed of
live elemental deva materials, which are the left over nebulae consciousness elemental lives from
the previous solar system and thus utilized to form the dense material bodies of an evolving
human being to experience in the three lower planes called mental plane, astral plane, and the
vital/ physical plane, also known as the “Tri Loka’s [Bhu, Bhava and Sva]. This aspect is defined
as the “Circular rotation creation” aspect, which creates the circular rotation motion in all
unconsciousness to become first sub consciousness and then finally become self consciousness
to perform the intellectual activity to achieve the required goal for consciousness expansion in
the three lowest solar planes.[Mental, Astral, and vital/Physical].
The fourth dense Vital sub plane also known as the “Chaturth Prana” directly correspond to the
4th hidden aspect known as the dark fire [kaal agni], which utilize the energies coming from the
28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], which reach this plane through the 7 solar system energy
focal points [Grahas], which are the true cause for the start of all 7 vortex of energies, [pranic
chakra’s] under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], which exist in the pranic or vital body of
an incarnating human being. This hidden aspect through one of its cosmic attributes is thus also
defined as the motion creation [initiation] and motion stopper [Synthesizing] aspect.
Chapter [29]
In our solar system, the four higher planes which are known as the cosmic vital [pranic ] planes,
are composed of those elemental conscious lives, which interact with the cosmic energies
radiated from these 28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], which react with each of these four
cosmic vital sub planes in the group of 7 super conscious vital “Nakshatra” energies each
causing the super consciousness frequency vibrations in these first 4 highest solar planes [7 x 4 =
These super conscious cosmic energy vibration impulses, act upon the manifested bodies of the
sub thinker “Prajapati’s” [creator logos], who collectively represent the evolving vital life
consciousness of the “Solar Logos” in our manifested Solar System [Sor Mandal].
The 4th solar plane made of 4th cosmic ether [cosmic vital prana in its 4th differentiation], which
is also the middle or the balancer solar plane, which is known as the “Buddhic plane” and also
correspond to the group of 7 cosmic vital energies coming from these cosmic energy portals
[Nakshatras], in which the 28th “Abhijeet Nakshatra” plays an important role, in which the
“Vega” star system of the lyre constellation exist.
The 28th “Abhijeet Nakshatra” directly correspond to the 4th hidden aspect known as “kaal
agni”[dark fire], which is the governing basis for all the energy cycles, to uphold the universal
law which is “Will to do Good”.
The creative or Brahma aspect related to all material objective manifestations is also known as
the “Holy Spirit” in western literatures, who due to interaction of these cosmic portal energy or
“Nakshatra” impulses cause the vitality of the spirit consciousness to join with the dense matter ,
which is composed of elemental devas, and which is required for the reflected spirit [soul], to be
incarnated in a material form for its consciousness expansion.
This joining of the spirit with the matter utilizing the third cosmic differentiated aspect known as
“Brahma”, cause the spiritual conscious to have a material consciousness expansion, which has
till then the awareness of the higher ethereal planes, and more or less unconscious of the 3 lower
dense planes, which are having a negative or receiver aspect as compared to the 4 higher cosmic
ethereal planes of our solar system.
This joining under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], cause the consciousness expansion in
material levels through the transmutation process, which converts the unconscious and sub
conscious vitality first into the self or personality consciousness and then further into super
consciousness to consciously expand in time and space.
In the previous solar system, the consciousness aspect was related to material intellect, which
was attained by the nebulae matter composed of elemental lives, which is an aspect of “Mind”
related to the third cosmic differentiation or the Brahma aspect, which became the basic sub
consciousness for the form giving matter of the lower 3 solar planes [mental, astral, and
vital/physical] in our current solar system.
These 3 lower planes have 18 sub planes which are jointly known as the “Holy spirit “in the
western theology and as “The Kundalini shakti” in the eastern theology, and that is why the 18
lowest sub planes of Sor Mandal [Solar System] belonging to these 3 solar planes , which are the
form giving vital energy planes, which are codified as the goddess “Kundalini Shakti” with 18
hands, who is represented as the “Collective Consciousness” of these 18 material sub planes of
our solar system, and all her operations are governed by “Maha Kaal Agni” [Supreme dark
Force], under the quantum energy control of “Out finite supreme Council”.
Out of these 18 lowest sub planes, counting from the center toward the periphery, the first four
highest sub planes belong to the lower mental plane, which are the 4 highest vibration frequency
sub planes of this 18 sub plane group, and thus termed as the lower Cosmic Gaseous sub planes.
These four mental sub planes are highly electrical in nature because they are utilizing the ”Will
or desire to exist”, due to the effect of the cosmic portal energies or the “Nakshatra “ impulses
through their manifestation in time and space, which is known as the “Shiva” aspect, the first
cosmic “Will” differentiation of the grand “Thinker”.
The next seven sub planes out of this 18 sub planes group belong to the astral or emotional plane,
which are somewhat resonating at the same vibration frequencies with just very slight
differentiations and thus are known as the seven harmonized sub planes in this 18 sub plane
group. These sub planes are very sensitive to outside stimulations, which are affected upon them
by the cosmic energies coming from the 28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], to our planet
earth via their solar energy focal points which are known as the energy distribution planets
[grahas], which first receive and then radiate further after their own transmutations according to
the evolutionary plans, which were originally established by the grand “Thinker”, the solar logos
for our current solar system through his second cosmic differentiation known as the “Vishnu”
aspect under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni] to uphold the universal law of “Will to do
Good”. These seven astral sub planes out of the 18 sub plane group represented as the 18 hands
of the goddess “Kundalini Shakti” who is also codified in certain ancient mythical stories as the
‘Dragon or Serpent force” are termed as the cosmic liquid planes, and are highly magnetic in
nature constantly utilizing the attraction and repulsion process for the energies to attain a polarity
integration, which are the basis of all formations due to this balancing aspect, which is known as
the “Vishnu aspect”.
The next four sub planes of this 18 sub planes group are known as the pranic or vital sub planes
of the four ethers, which belongs to the vital or dense pranic plane of our solar system, which is
the plane required for the incarnation and subsequent sustaining of the pranic and the physical
bodies of the human beings. The matter of these vital sub planes are utilized in various
proportions to create the frame work known as the pranic or the vital body upon which the
physical human body is constructed to incarnate with various character differentiations [like tall,
short, colour of hair, skin and eyes as well as various temperaments etc], which are due to the
numerous various proportions of the vital materials utilized by the formatting devas [angelic
beings], who are indigo or violet in color themselves, and these vital materials are composed of
the unconscious elemental devas of ethers also known as the elemental essences of the 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th vital sub planes, and the original blue print of the vital [pranic] body starts taking shape
on its 2nd vital [pranc]sub plane , which thus allows a human being to physically incarnate and
experience the material physical world.
The last three or the lowest three sub planes of this 18 sub plane group depicted as part of the 18
hands of the “Kundalini Shakti”, are the 3 dense sub planes composed of elemental deva’s, who
belong to the dense gaseous sub plane known as “Air”, and dense liquid sub plane known as
“Water”, and dense solid sub plane known as “Minerals”, which compose the physical human
body during their incarnated physical lives to consciously experience the physical world.
During the material lives of incarnated human beings, these elemental devas which belong to
their own highest hierarchical elemental groups, go on experiencing along with the incarnated
electromagnetic human consciousness, required for their own parallel evolution, which later on
in some next solar scheme helps them to become a human being themselves.
The evolving electromagnetic personality consciousness, which is bound in a form of a human
being known as a “Person”, belong to the seven monadic ray groups, who as the “Sub thinkers”
are the 7 differentiated parts of the solar logos, who is the true “Grand Thinker”.
Chapter [30]
In the previous solar system, various cosmic energies from certain cosmic energy portals
[Nakshatras], played their role by aiding the nebulae matter through the transmutation process
for the attainment of mind consciousness utilizing the third cosmic differentiation or the
‘Brahma’ aspect of the grand “Thinker”, which became the basis to attain the “self
consciousness” for the various evolving kingdoms in our current solar system through the
utilization of the second cosmic differentiation or the “Vishnu “aspect of the grand “Thinker”.
In the next solar system billion of earth years from now, as per the plans and purpose of the
Grand “Thinker” the evolution was supposed to take place under the governance of the “Maha
Kaal Agni”[Supreme dark fire], in which it was supposed to attain the “Super Consciousness “
by these various evolving kingdoms, through the utilization of the first cosmic differentiation or
the “Shiva” aspect of the grand “Thinker”, provided the universal law of “Will to do Good” was
upheld in all realms and frequency vibrations, by all the living entities and beings as well as
their all hierarchical rulers existing in the macro to micro levels of our current solar system, as
the matter harmonized in our current solar system through the utilization of “Vishnu” aspect also
known as love and wisdom was supposed to be basis of all matter in the next Solar Ssytem .
There is a cosmic trinity energy relationship which exist between the three cosmic planes, which
are known as the Cosmic Atmic or Spiritual plane, Cosmic Buddhic or Wisdom plane and
cosmic Mental or intellect plane, which also affects the evolution of our current solar system
evolving in time and space.
In this triangular cosmic plane relationship , the Cosmic Atmic or Spiritual plane represented by
the manifested seven star systems of Ursa Major constellation, which is also known as the Sapt
Rishi Mandal depicts the “Param Shiva aspect”. Similarly the Cosmic Buddhic plane represented
by the manifested seven star systems of Ursa Minor constellation, which has the also the star
system of pole star [Dhruv Tara], as part of this Buddhic plane, depicts the “Maha Vishnu
aspect”. In this cosmic trinity energy relationship , the Cosmic Mental plane represented by the
manifested star system of “Sirius”, which is also known as the dog star, [the word dog when
reflected becomes god] represents the “Par Brahma” aspect in this cosmic trinity energy
relationship. These trinity cosmic energies under the governance of 4th hidden aspect known as
dark fire [kaal agni], are supposed to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good” for all the
evolving entities and beings existing from the macro to micro levels of manifestation in time and
In our current solar system which is evolving in the cosmic vital/physical plane, the second
cosmic differentiated aspect known as the “Maha Vishnu” is dominating the energy distribution
process which is required for the cosmic consciousness expansion for all its entities and beings
evolving in time and space.
The “Maha Vishnu “aspect through the utilization of 2nd cosmic ray with the cosmic attributes
of love and wisdom, dominate the distribution of cosmic energies under the governance of dark
fire [kaal agni], which are radiated from these 28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras].
These radiated vital cosmic energies collectively termed as the “Prana” [consciousness life
force], affect the current evolution of our “Sor Mandal” [Solar System], affecting the pranic or
vital bodies of all the entities and beings, who are evolving in the macro to micro levels of our
solar system following the universal law of “Will to do Good”.
All conscious entities and beings who belong to the heart center of our solar system, which is our
“solar sun”, can easily relate and thus follow the universal law of “Will to do Good”, thus
promoting harmony or balanced living also known as the love and kindness to all other entities
and beings, who are evolving in our current solar system, so that this universal law required for
the evolution through consciousness expansion in our current solar system and reflected through
the “Maha Vishnu” aspect can be properly administered and sustained.
Following the universal conscious impulses under the governance of kaal agni [dark fire], which
are coming from the cosmic trinity, which is the established relationship between the Cosmic
Atmic plane, Cosmic Buddhic plane and Cosmic Mental plane, along with the corresponding 28
“Nakshatra” transmuted radiations, to the heart center of our Solar System, which is the middle
or the Buddhic plane, thus always cause cyclically radiating certain consciousness to come in
existence, as the incarnated existences upon our planet earth who are known as “Avatars”, who
incarnate to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good”, by promoting the second cosmic
aspect of “Maha Vishnu”, which is the aspect of love and Wisdom, and in our earth’s history
they have incarnated in the past as the great personalities of Krishna, Gautama Buddha and Jesus
Christ, and many many other great sages as Guru Nanak, Sai Baba, Muniuddin Chisti of Ajmer
etc., who took a human birth upon this planet earth, and this process has been cyclically
continued since ancient past in every age, race, sub race, and branch race of the evolving
humanity of all the continents of planet earth.
They incarnated themselves to uproot the illegal corrupt practices of “Might is Right” policy
introduced by the corrupt consciousness of the Mars chain entities of our earth planetary scheme,
which is based upon the demonic nature “Ausuric Vritti”, which came in practice due to illegal
hijacking of the evolutionary plans and purpose of the solar logos, which was originally
established upon the second solar plane also known as the archetype or monadic plane of our
solar system by the grand “Thinker”, the solar logos himself under the governance of dark fire
[kaal agni], who is the true upholder of the universal law “Will to do Good”.
But unfortunately they forgave all the corrupt entities and beings who are the cause for such
illegal corruption upon planet earth, without a proper governing position upon the physical plane
which was necessarily required upon the physical plane for such forgiveness to hold during their
incarnated lives, so that the universal law of “Will to do Good” is properly upheld, and no more
corruption can further take place, which has unfortunately made this planet earth as a sorrowful
planet of “pain and sufferings” in our beautiful Solar System [Sor Mandal].
So even thus these great many Avatars had incarnated many times upon our planet earth, and
because no real authoritative governing position was ever given to any one of them in the human
society by the most corrupt planetary earth hierarchical rulers [Asuras], who later on made their
own deceitful stories about these great ones as most did not write much themselves during their
own lifetimes which was later on done by the other brotherhood members under the corrupt
control of these entities to control the innocent evolving humanity against the evolutionary plans
of the solar logos, for the promotion of their own selfish and deceitful agendas.
And even when and if they were given such authority positions like in the case of Pharaoh
Akhenaton of Egypt and Gautama Buddha of India, they were not properly supported during
their lifetimes to “easily obtain” the desired results due to the conniving situations created by the
earth’s planetary hierarchy members of 4th, 5th, and 6th creative hierarchy, who are known as
the patrons of the Dark brotherhood but who call themselves as the members of “The great
white brotherhood”, who are nonetheless thus one and the same, being “The demonic Asuras”.
Most of these Avatars, whom they actually illegally tortured during their incarnated lives instead
of giving any worthwhile positions in the society, later on after their physical deaths, they made
new religions in their name to develop as great religious organizations, which became more or
less the source of more corruption as money generating machines to do their so called spiritual
business, which have thus become a real hindrance to uphold the universal law of “Will to do
Chapter [31]
So far under the Influence of the 28 cosmic portal energy impulses coming to our planet earth
through their focal point planets [grahas], which are controlled by the most deceitful and corrupt
planetary hierarchy of our planet earth to affect its evolution, unfortunately the evolving
humanity has only thus far evolved in the field of so called material sciences only, instead of the
evolution in the spiritual sciences , as these material sciences are related to the lowest sub planes
which are the dense sub planes of the 7th solar plane, known as the physical plane, which are the
dense gaseous [air], dense liquid [water], and dense solid [minerals].
These lowest three material sub planes are collectively known as the negative or receptive sub
planes, and thus are commonly termed as the “mother earth”, about which our material sciences
have very much prospered. For the evolution in spiritual sciences, the understanding of the 4
vital or pranic sub planes, which belong to the lowest or the 7th solar plane also known as the
vital /physical plane, which are also known as the 4 ethereal or pranic sub planes, is also thus
very much required by the evolving humanity of planet earth.
These four sub planes of “Ether” are the first four sub planes of our physical plane, which are
required for the vitality of the incarnated human lives existing in their personality bodies as the
physical bodies are composed of elemental deva essences of air, water and dense minerals, and
these 4 vital sub planes of the dense physical plane [7th solar plane] are collectively codified as
the “Holy Ghost”.
This “Holy Ghost” principle, being the deva [angelic] lives of these 4 vital planes, acting as the
positive giver or male principle interacts with the negative receiver or female principle which
the lowest three dense sub planes of dense matter composed of air, water, and dense mineral
elemental lives which collectively depict as the negative principle of the third or “Brahma”
aspect, during the incarnated human life, which is required for the evolutionary purposes of
consciousness expansion as per the plan and purpose of the creator logos based upon the
universal law of “will to do good”.
Upon the macro levels of our solar system, this same process is supposed to be followed in
which the first four solar planes which are composed of the 4 differentiations of the cosmic ether,
and which are acted upon by the cosmic energies, which are radiated from these 28 cosmic
energy portals [Nakshatras]thus causing an impact acted through the 4 groups of 7 cosmic
energies each, as each of these 7 “Nakshatra” energies interact with each of the 7 sub planes of
each solar ethereal plane composed of cosmic ether, which have thus an interaction with each of
these solar plane vital elemental devas which compose these planes and sub planes.
These macro levels of our solar system being the first four vital or pranic solar planes of our “Sor
Mandal” [Solar System], which are known as the [1] “Adi or Divine plane”, [2] Archetype or
Monadic plane, [3] Atmic or Spiritual plane, [4] Buddhic or Wisdom plane, also correspond to
the first four vital [pranic] sub planes of the last solar plane, which is the 7th solar plane, which
is required for the existence of the incarnated human beings pranic [vital] body as well as the
physical material personality body.
These first four ethereal or Vital solar planes of our Sor Mandal [Solar System], of which the
first ethereal plane under the radiated impulses of the first 7 cosmic portal energies known as the
“Nakshatra Vidyuts’ act out enhancing the first electrical differentiation aspect of the Grand
“Thinker” which is known as the “Shiva aspect”, while the other three ethereal or vital solar
planes under the radiated impulses of the next 21 cosmic portal energies known as the
“Nakshatra Vidyuts” jointly act out enhancing the second electrical aspect of the Grand
“Thinker” which is known as the “Vishnu aspect”. This second group of 21 “Nakshatra Vidyuts”
interact with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th solar vital planes in group of seven “Nakshatra Vidyuts” each ,
during which each “Nakshatra Vidyut” interacts with the each solar vital sub plane causing its
transmutation and subsequent release of energies which are known as solar vital or pranic
These first four planes of the solar system act as a group of the four Solar Vital or ethereal plane
vibration frequencies of positive or giver nature, which jointly are known as the Arupa levels
[unseen or formless] of our “Sor Mandal”[Solar System], and thus jointly act as a reflection of
the combined aspect of the 1st and 2nd cosmic differentiated aspects which are known as the
“Param Shiva and Maha Vishnu” aspects.
These first four solar planes of our solar system thus under the cosmic energy influences of the
28 cosmic energy portals called “Nakshatras’” thus jointly act positive or giver to the rest of the
three lower dense solar planes of our solar system, [Mental plane, Astral plane, and vital/physical
plane], which are collectively known as negative or the receiver solar planes as compared to the
first 4 or higher solar planes of our solar system, which are positive or giver in nature due to the
interaction of these radiated cosmic energies which are radiated as emanations from the 28
cosmic energy portals called “Nakshatras”.
The first three sub planes of the mental plane which are composed of cosmic gaseous matter,
which is consisting of mental plane Fiery Agni Shveta deva essences, are generally considered as
part of the group of 16 solar sub planes, which also consist of the seven sub planes of Buddhic
plane, and seven sub planes of the Atmic plane of our solar system.
These 16 solar sub planes are the planes which are controlled by the initiates, adepts and masters
of the planet earth, who are themselves a part of the planetary hierarchy of the planet earth, and
who were supposed to watch over the evolution of all the evolving kingdoms upon the planet
earth, of which the evolution of humanity is especially of the most importance.
But they all failed to do so as they became selfish and corrupt with no love in their heart for any
one, as they ascended to such positions through the use of left hand demonic practices [Tamas or
Ausuric Vrittis], and by the sheer use of negative “Will Power”, and thus the universal law of
“will to do Good” was totally defiled making this sorrowful planet earth as a planet of “Pain and
sufferings” in the entire Solar System.
Chapter [32]
In our current solar system during this “Mahamanvantra” time period [Mahamanvantra is the
time period required for a solar system to evolve], the grand “thinker” the solar logos is
expanding his “Mind” consciousness under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], through the
second electric “Will” aspect of love and wisdom, also known as the “Vishnu” aspect to attain
the divine wisdom to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good”.
In this mind expansion process, he also utilizes the cosmic energies which are radiated from the
28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], which affect all those entities and beings who are
evolving within the solar system boundaries or within the radius of influence of the grand
“Thinker”, whose objective body manifested as the vital and physical body, is our current solar
During such consciousness expansion process, which is going on in our current solar system , the
evolving humanity of planet earth, is supposed to resonate to the middle solar plane consisting of
harmonized or balanced frequency vibrations, which is known as the “Buddhic” plane.
In our current solar system, the cosmic portal radiated energies from these “Nakshatras” first
interact upon the second solar plane which is known as the “Archetype or Monadic” plane,
composed of the second differentiation of the cosmic ether, and then through the energy lines of
least resistance come down under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni], to the “Buddhic” plane,
which is composed of fourth differentiation of the cosmic ether.
And after affecting all the 49 centers of the Buddhic plane, which are the domains of masters,
adepts and their initiated disciples, they proceed down further through the lines of least
resistance to the last solar plane which happens to be the dense 7th plane, known as the
vital/physical plane, upon which the human beings physically incarnate.
The 4th vital [pranic] sub plane of the vital /physical plane [7th solar plane], is of utmost
importance for the human evolution, as all the vital energy distribution centers of his pranic
[vital] body are located upon this vital sub plane.
This 4th vital plane is utilized in all sorts of pranic [vitality] healing performed for the incarnated
human beings of the physical plane, accomplished through the control of sound energy by an
adept or a master, as the deva entities [angelic beings] can see the sound where as the humans
can hear it.
In our current solar system all the 1st sub planes of all the 7 solar planes are of the utmost
importance as these are the realms of the great deva entities who were originally human beings
themselves in the previous “Kalpa’s” [universal time period of great lengths], who evolved
themselves to these great heights through their consciousness expansion.
In the 7th solar plane or physical /vital plane, which is the dense plane known as the “Bhu Loka”,
and is also most important for the sustenance of the incarnated human beings physical form
existence, the 1st vital [pranic] sub plane consist of 7 such deva entities [angelic beings], who are
the lords of the 7 sub planes of this 7th vital/physical solar plane, which are involved with the
evolution of seven evolving kingdoms upon planet earth.
These 7 devas [angelic beings] collectively reflect the 1st cosmic principle known as the “Shiva”
aspect, which is the first electrical differentiation of the grand “thinker” of our “Sor Mandal”
[Solar System].These seven also correspond to all devas of the 1st sub plane of all the higher
solar planes.
In the 7th solar plane which is the dense vital /physical plane, these 7 devas of the 1st vital sub
plane who also jointly compose the vital body of the lord of the vital/ physical plane [Bhu Loka]
known as “Khisti or Kubera”, are technically the transmitter of sound frequency vibrations which
originate in these 28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], and then through cosmic energy
channels enter our solar system interacting with the seven focal point planets known as
“Grahas”. From these seven focal points they are transmitted to all the solar system planes and
their sub planes. This whole process is governed by the dark fire [kaal agni], whose main
objective is to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good” in the infinite Brahmanda
These sound vibrations moving through the energy channels like the flowing rivers which are
known as the lines of least resistance, thus enter the dense solar planes which are Mental, astral,
and vital/physical planes. The seven deva entities that are established upon the 1st sub plane of
each of these 3 solar planes act as both the receivers and transmitters of these cosmic energies, as
these cosmic energies also form the “pranava” sound of “Aum” upon the descending arc and as
“Om” upon the ascending arc.
These 7 deva entities of our vital/physical plane who exist in the 1st vital sub plane, thus
reflecting the “Shiva” aspect act as the receivers and transmitters of those sound which they
receive coming to them from the plane above, which is the “Astral Plane” [Bhava loka]. These
deva entities pass these sound vibrations from their ethereal bodies, and emit them to next three
vital pranic] sub planes of our physical plane, which are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th vital sub planes
which thus becomes the basis of the vital or pranic bodies of all the incarnated human beings of
the planet earth, as all the pranic bodies [vital energy forms] of all human beings are composed
of these three vital ethers, mixed in various different proportions. So the pranic bodies [vital
bodies] of all human beings stay alive due to the transmitting sound action of these 7 deva
entities upon the physical plane of planet earth.
These 7 devas of the 1st vital plane directly correspond to the seven cosmic deva entities of the
1st sub plane of the 1st solar plane, which is known as the Adi [ancient] or the divine plane, as
well as also is known as the plane of “Shiva” in our solar system, as these entities of the 1st sub
plane of the 1st cosmic ethereal differentiation reflect the “Shiva “ aspect in our solar system,
who form the seven vital centers[pranic chakras], in the body of the prajapatis [creator logos of
planetary schemes], as well as of the solar logos, who himself the reflected image of the grand
“thinker” upon the fourth solar plane of our “Sor Mandal” [Solar System], which is known as
the” intuitional” or the “Buddhic” plane.
All the 7 devas of the first sub planes of the 7 solar planes were themselves humans many kalpas
ago, and were supposed to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good” in all the solar planes
including the Vital/Solar plane, which was utterly neglected by all those, who collectively
illegally hijacked this grand experiment, which was set up by the “Grand Thinker” according to
the evolutionary plan and purpose of his reflection, the solar logos , which are based upon the
universal law of “Will to do Good”.
These 7 devas , which belong to the 1st sub plane of the Adi or divine solar plane compose
themselves as the 7 head centers in “grand thinker’s” manifested objective “Vital body” upon
the Buddhic plane, as well as also the seven head centers in the manifested objective “Vital
body” of the” sub thinkers“ upon the Buddhic plane, who are known as the “Prajapati’s” [creator
logos]of our solar system.
But unfortunately due to the wrong application of the “Free Will”, many of these positions have
been illegally infiltrated by those left hand practitioners who have no love for all the lower
entities and beings, who are also evolving in this current solar system, which is based upon the
second cosmic ray of love and wisdom defining the “Vishnu or Narayana” aspect of the grand
“Thinker”, and thus due to their such illegal activities made a few planets like Saturn, Mars and
our this planet earth as the planets of “Pain and suffering”, which are thus known as the
sorrowful planets in our current solar system.
Chapter [33]
The cosmic energies which are radiated as cosmic energy emanations from the 28 cosmic energy
portals[Nakshatras], play an important role in the manifestation of the pranic body [Body of
vitality] of the solar logos, which is the objective body of the grand “Thinker”, as well as the
creator logos known as “Prajapati’s”, who are the “Sub Thinkers” objectively manifested in our
solar system as the energy distribution systems or the huge vortex of energies of our “Sor
Mandal” [Solar system].
These vital bodies of the solar logos and the creator logos are the organized forms, having the
energy distribution centers which appear like whirling vortex of energies known as the “Urja
Chakras”, which are also termed as the energy focal points. This is true for all the conscious
entities and beings who are existing in the macro to the micro levels of our “Sor Mandal” [Solar
System], and who are having a manifested objective form.
These cosmic vital energies which are radiated from the 28 “Nakshatras”, are received though
their focal points in our solar system which are known as “Grahas”, and are thus the supporting
basis of cosmic and systemic differentiations, which in our manifested solar system act out as the
sevenfold differentiation of the cosmic vital/physical plane.
Our solar system which is the last or the 7th cosmic plane, and is also known as the cosmic
vital/physical plane, existing in the group of seven cosmic planes, and is evolving with the help
of the radiated cosmic energies from these 28 cosmic energy portals [Nakshatras], to properly
correspond through their frequency vibrations to the corresponding solar systems of the seven
cosmic planes.
The Vital or ethereal solar planes [1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th] are affected by the 28 cosmic portal
energies, coming from these “Nakshatras”, to enhance the form building process upon the lower
three solar planes [mental, astral, and physical] under the governance of 4th hidden aspect known
as Kaal Agni [Dark Fire].
In our manifested solar system, there are 3 major groups of receptor and transmitter devas
[angelic beings], who correspond to the 5 constellations existing in 5 cosmic planes [1] [Cosmic
Atmic plane represented by “Star Systems of Ursa Major Constellation”, [2] Cosmic Buddhic
plane represented by the “Star systems of Ursa Minor Constellation,[3] Cosmic Mental plane
represented by the “Sirius Star System”, [4] Cosmic Astral Plane represented by the “Pleiades
Star System”, and [5] our Solar System existing in Cosmic vital/ Physical plane, and these five
cosmic planes are most important for the evolution of all evolving entities and beings existing in
our current solar system.
These five cosmic planes technically correspond to the fivefold differentiation of the cosmic
mind of the grand “Thinker”, who’s vital / physical body is objectively represented by our solar
logos, which is manifested in time and space as our current solar system, to consciously expand
in the material physical body under the governance of the dark fire [kaal agni], to uphold the
universal law of “Will to do Good”.
These 3 major deva groups of our solar system are the receivers and distributors of the sound
energy which originates in these cosmic energy portals known as “Nakshatras”, and is radiated
due to the transmutation process which takes place between various star solar systems having
various geometrical relationships existing in them.
The first major deva group out of these 3 deva [angelic] groups of our solar system includes
those devas, who exist upon the first four sub planes of the first solar plane starting with the first
sub plane known as the “Anu” or atomic sub plane where the cosmic vital energy exist as real
tiny fiery bits formation, in their sub atomic form, thus collectively composing this sub plane as a
“sea of fire” under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni]. This first solar plane is known as the
Adi [ancient] or the Divine plane. These first solar plane devas collectively represent the 1st
electrical differentiation aspect, known as the “Shiva” or the father aspect, a differentiation of the
“Maha Vishnu” in our current solar system, as our current entire solar system is evolving based
upon the second cosmic aspect of the grand thinker, which is known as the cosmic “Maha
Vishnu” aspect utilizing the balancing electricity known as “Magnetism”.
This first major deva group who exist upon the first four sub planes of the Adi [ancient] solar
plane of our solar system also known as the Divine plane consciously respectively relate to the
four cosmic differentiations of the grand “thinker” which are known as the cosmic four electric
differentiations existing as the “Shiva aspect”, “Vishnu aspect”, Brahma aspect” and the hidden
“Kaal Agni” aspect, although the 4th aspect governs all the other three electric” Will” aspects, as
it is supposed to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good” during all involution and
evolution in the infinite Brahmanda [Universe].
But collectively they all represent the father or “Shiva” aspect in our solar system, thus directly
relating to the Star System of “Sirius”, which exists in the cosmic mental plane, although these
1st major group devas are further differentiated, who have differentiated themselves into various
deva sub groups.
The second major deva group which receive and transmit the sound energies from the 28 cosmic
energy portals [Nakshatras], consist of those devas, who exist upon the middle Solar planes,
which are [1] the second solar plane known as the Archetype or the Monadic solar plane,[2] the
third solar plane known as the Atmic or the Spiritual solar plane, [3] the fourth solar plane
known as the Wisdom or the Buddhic solar plane, and in our solar system the Buddhic solar
plane is also known as the intuitional plane.
These three solar plane devas collectively relate to the second major cosmic differentiation of the
grand thinker, which is known as the cosmic balancing aspect, and also is known as the “Maha
Vishnu” aspect of love and wisdom. Thus they collectively correspond to the star systems of two
cosmic planes, so as to acquire love and wisdom and then interrelate them to the 28 Nakshatra
energies, through their balancing act of harmonization. These second major group devas [angelic
beings] collectively correspond to the “Pleiades star system of the Cosmic Astral plane” which
has 7 solar star systems known as the seven sisters, for the attainment of “love” frequency
impulses, and the “Star Systems of Ursa Minor Constellation for the “Wisdom “frequency
impulses, which also has the 7 stars systems like the star system of the Pole star [Dhruv Tara].
The third major deva group which receive and transmit the sound energies from the 28 cosmic
energy portals [Nakshatras], consist of those devas, who exist upon the 3 lowest solar planes,
which are [1] the fifth solar plane known as the Mansa or Mental plane, [2] the sixth solar plane
known as the Emotional or Astral plane, [3] the seventh solar plane known as the Vital/Physical
plane, and these three last solar planes are of utmost importance for the evolving incarnated
human beings, and these 3 are also collectively known as the “Trilokas” or separately as the
“Bhu Loka, Bhuva Loka, and the Sva Loka “.
These three lower solar plane devas collectively relate to the third major cosmic differentiation
of the grand ‘thinker’, which is known as the cosmic intellectuality aspect, also known as the
“Par Brahma” aspect of the cosmic material intelligence. These three solar planes collectively
correspond to the stars systems of two cosmic planes, as to acquire first the cosmic material
intelligence and then interrelate them to the 28 Nakshatra energies, which are required for the
formation of all objective manifestations in these 3 lower solar planes. These third major group
devas [angelic beings] collectively correspond to our own “Solar Sun star system” [including its
focal points called the “Grahas”] which exists in the Cosmic vital/ physical plane” for their
intellectual activity frequency impulses, and the “Star Systems of Ursa Major Constellation for
the “Seven cosmic Ray “frequency impulses for the attainment of absolute mind intelligence,
which has star systems known as the seven father stars of Brahmanda [Universe]or Seven
Maharishi’s, thus is also known as the “Sapt Rishi Mandal”.
Chapter [34]
The 28 cosmic portal energies coming from these “Nakshatra” as sound vibrations are received
by the devas of the 3rd major group, via the physical solar sun of our “Sor Mandal”[Solar
System], who operate primarily upon the the 3 dense solar planes, which are the most important
planes for the human evolution and are known as [1] the mental plane, which is composed of the
cosmic gaseous elemental deva essences, [2] and the astral plane, which is composed of the
cosmic liquid elemental deva essences, [3] and the vital/physical plane, which is composed of
cosmic dense elemental deva essences.
These cosmic sound energies are received by the 7 mental plane devas, who are existing upon
the 1st sub plane of the mental plane, and are the receptor and transmitter devas of these sound
energies, they collectively form the body of the deva entity who is known as the Vedic god
“Agni”, in the ancient Aryan scriptures which are known as the Veda’s.
These sound energies filter down from the solar mental plane being transmitted by the receptor
and transmitter devas entities of this plane, who are established in the 1st sub plane of this 5th
solar plane if counting form the center toward the periphery, thus flowing down to the next solar
plane known as the “Astral Plane”, and are received by the 7 receptor and transmitter deva
entities of this emotional or liquid magnetic solar plane, who are established upon its 1st sub
plane and collectively form the body of the deva entity who is known in the ancient Aryan
scriptures as the Vedic god “Varuna”, which are known as the Veda’s,
These sound energies further filter down being transmitted by the transmitter devas of the astral
plane to the first sub plane of the cosmic dense [vital/physical plane], which is composed of the
1st ethereal prana, and which is the vitality [prana] required for initiating the vital bodies by
these 7 deva entities of this 1st vital sub plane, for the sustenance of conscious life to exist in
material physical bodies, and thus these 1st vital sub plane devas correspond to the deva lives of
the physical solar sun. Thus these sound energies are received by these 7 receptor and
transmitter deva entities of the 1st vital sub plane, who are the creators of the vital [pranic]
bodies of all living beings who are incarnated physically upon this planet earth. These 7 deva
entities collectively form the body of the deva entity who is known in the ancient Aryan
scriptures known as the Veda’s as the Vedic god “Kshiti or Kubera”.
By the way these devas are known as the fallen angels in the western theology, as they rebelled
against the evolutionary plans of the creator logos [Prithvi Prajapati] as well as the Solar logos,
who is the reflected consciousness of the grand “Thinker” manifested in the cosmic physical
plane, which in ancient hindu scriptures like the “Veda’s” are known as the “Asuras”. They are a
group of power seeking deities, mostly sinful [In ancient times the word “Sin” expressed
“Moon”, when moon worship was prevalent in Sumerian culture, as well as in Babylon and the
other parts of the ancient world etc., [The Biblical Mount Sinai of old testament, thus literally
means the mountain of moon], and these devas are also very materialistic due to their origin
point of evolution being the earlier lunar chain, which was the 3rd planetary chain in our Earth
planetary scheme, in which our satellite “Moon” was then a part of that 3rd planetary chain
existing as a dense planet like our earth, upon which evolution was taking place when due to
unfortunate corruption it abruptly ended, and consciousness was transferred later on to our planet
earth which belongs to the 4th planetary chain[Most planets of these planetary chains are not
visible to the naked eyes as they exist in Arupa dimensions [Arupa means unseen thus also called
as “formless”] or unseen frequencies, which our human eyes cannot see .
In the Vedas like in Rigveda 5.63.3 both the devas who are named as “Mitra and Varuna” are
classified as Asuras [Demons]. Varuna is thus the demonic god of liquid desire plane also
known as the Bhava Sagar, and on the physical plane he is represented as the god of the waters
[desires or emotions create the watery tears], which are like the oceans and rivers and he is also
the keeper of the souls of the drowned also, as during the earlier incarnations when most people
move clockwise upon the mutable cross living their ordinary materialistic lives, their deaths
occur through the drowning of consciousness under the ray energies of the “Revati Nakshatra”
existing in the cosmic portal related to the zodiacal constellation of “Pisces” [Meena Rashi], and
then they proceed to the astral plane to spend their time in their astral bodies due to their
polarization in desires , and thus Varuna being the in charge of the astral plane is also a god of
the dead, and he is attended by the 7 Vasus, the devas of the 1st sub plane of the Astral plane,
who form his body. These “Vasus” are also known as the Nagas”, so the demonic god Varuna is
codified as the “Vasuki Naga” and his offsprings or devas of the astral plane are also called as
“Vasus”. The astral plane is also referred to as “patala” or “Nag loka” with its own seven
differentiations [“Vasuki” is the Serpent of knowledge in the Bible mentioned in the story of
Adam and eve], because the astral plane is a plane of polarity integration [male and female
balancing aspect through attraction and repulsion known as love and wisdom, the magnetic
second cosmic aspect related to this liquid plane], and counting them in numbers as this sub
plane leaders along with their chief Varuna, they are the 8 Vasus [Ashtha Vasus] or the “seven
great dragons along with their Raja Lord Vasuki” [The seven grand dragons are the Sapt
Mahanagas or Maha Sarpas which include the Serpent “Takshak”], and their chief demonic god
Varuna when counted along thus making him the eighth]. He is also one of the Guardians of the
directions, representing the direction of west which is related to planet earth which since ancient
times have been codified in esoteric knowledge depicted as its satellite “Moon”, whose worship
technically was put in as a “blind” for the representation of our earth planetary scheme..
Later scriptures depicts Varuna as a lunar deity because the devas of the astral plane are also
known as the” Lunar Pitris” who are the form builders of the incarnating human beings, as a
yellow man wearing golden armor and holding a noose or lasso made from a snake. He is
depicted as riding the sea dragon, which is the dinosaur consciousness depicted as ‘Makara’
Similarly the Kubera, the lord of the vital/physical plane, existing in the first sub vital plane is
the Lord of material wealth, which is because of his being the lord of the material dense plane,
which is composed of the left over nebulae matter from the previous solar system, and he is the
god-king of the semi-divine Yakshas in Hindu mythology. In the ancient Vedic time literature
“Kubera” is mentioned as the demon king, being the chief of evil spirits in the Vedic era texts,
but later on Kubera acquired the status of a Deva mentioned in the Purana scriptures and in the
other Hindu texts like the great epics. The ancient scriptures describe that Kubera once ruled
Lanka, but was overthrown by his demon stepbrother Ravana, later settling in the city of Alaka
Puri in the Himalayas, which is mentioned as the source of river Alaknanda above the holy place
of “Badrinath” in Himalayas . Kubera is depicted as a dwarf, with fair complexion and a big
belly. He is also called Bhutesha or the “Lord of the Bhutas” [Bhuta’s are the spirits of the dead
humans] and like the god Shiva, Kubera usually is drawn by spirits or men [Nara], so he is also
called Nara Vahana, or the one whose vahana [mount] is Nara [a human being].
Kubera assistants who are the the deva entities of vital/physical plane are known as “Agni
chaitnyas” who are also commonly known as the Yakshas and Yakshinis in the ancient puranic
literatures, or the elemntal devas like the various hierarchical groups of Gnomes, Undines,
Sylphs, Salamanders, Fairies etc. in the western occult literature. The male Yakshas are
portrayed either as fearsome warriors or as portly, stout and dwarfs, like the Irish Elves. The
female Yakshas , are known as the Yakshani’s, and are portrayed as the beautiful young women
with happy round faces and full breasts and hips like the angelic beings or the beautiful fairies of
the west. In Tibet they are also depicted in the buddhist religion as well as some parts of India
like Assam and Bengal, and in these depictions they are known as “Dakinis, Bhairvi’s”, etc.
In jain religion of India these vital /physical plane devas are depicted since ancient times along
with the statues of Arihant’s and 24 Tirthankara’s, in which the male Yaksha is generally
depicted on the right-hand side of the Jina idol and Yakshini on the left-hand side, as they were
regarded as the great serving devotees of Jina, having supernatural powers. According to the Jain
religion, these devas are also wandering through the cycles of births and deaths just like the
worldly souls, thus having their parallel evolution, but have supernatural powers than their
counterpart human beings.
Chapter [35]
The 3rd major group of devas [angelic beings], who are the devas of the three lower solar planes
[mental, astral and vital/physical], receive and transmit the cosmic sound energies coming from
these 28 “Nakshatras” through the physical solar Sun in our solar system, which first pass from
the bodies of the 7 mental plane transmitter devas, thus passing on to astral plane and then to the
vital/physical plane passing through the bodies of the receptor and transmitter devas of these
subsequent planes.
These 3rd major group devas act under the governance of the 4th hidden aspect of dark fire [kaal
agni], and operate to control the physical nature of the evolving prajapati’s [planetary scheme
creator logos]during their physical plane incarnation, as their physical nature is related to their
intellectual activity, which is the third differentiated aspect of the “grand thinker” known as the
“Brahma” aspect, whose conscious reflection is our solar logos, who is the “Adipati” or in
charge of current solar system, which is evolving based upon the 2nd cosmic aspect known as
the “ Maha Vishnu “ aspect.
During such incarnation of the prajapati’s [creator logos], who are the manifestations of the “sub
thinkers”, these 3rd major group devas technically constitute and thus control only 1/3rd of the
Prajapati’s [creator logos]nature related only to the third cosmic electrical differentiation known
as the “Brahma” aspect, which is consciously expanding in time and space. This 3rd major deva
group is a part and parcel of the “Personality” nature of an evolving “Prajapati” [Creator Logos]
of our Sor Mandal [solar system].
The 2nd major deva group entities, which are related to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th solar planes of our
solar system, similarly constitute and thus control 1/3rd of the nature of the creator logos
[prajapati’s] which is being manifested as love and wisdom, and which is related to the second
cosmic electrical differentiation known as the “Vishnu” aspect. In our current solar system this is
the “True “ and major basic aspect, upon which is based the evolution of our entire current solar
system, because this aspect as the magnetic balancing aspect is applied throughout the infinite
Brahmanda [Universe] under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni] to uphold the universal law
of “Will to do Good”. This 2nd major deva group thus is a part and parcel of the “Soul” nature of
an evolving “Prajapati” [creator logos]of our Solar System.
The 1st major deva group entities, who are related to the 1st solar plane known as the “Adi
[ancient] plane known as the Divine plane of our solar system similarly constitute and thus
control 1/3rd of the nature of the creator logos [prajapati’s], which is being manifested as the 1st
differentiation known as the “Shiva aspect” or the “Electric will to Exist” and thus Continue to
evolve based upon the second major ray or the “Maha Vishnu” aspect in our current solar system
upholding the universal law of ”Will to do Good”. This 1st major deva group is thus a part and
parcel of the “True Spirit” nature of an evolving “Prajapati” [creator logos] of our solar system,
but the first two major deva groups out of these three major deva groups are loosely termed as
the Shiva/Vishnu groups or the spiritual groups, who thus jointly act upon the first four cosmic
ethereal or vital [pranic] planes also known as the Arupa levels [unseen or formless] of the “Sor
Mandal” [Solar System], to interact with these cosmic sound energies, which are emanated as
cosmic radiations from these 28 cosmic energy portals also known as the “Nakshatras”. They
relate these 28 cosmic portal energies under the governance of dark fire [kaal agni] with the
triangular flow of cosmic plane energies which circulate between the three cosmic planes, which
is [1] the cosmic mental plane represented by the “Sirius Star System”, [2] cosmic astral plane
represented by the “Pleiades Star System, and [3] the cosmic vital/physical, which is the star
system of our own “Solar Sun”
The star system of Sirius in this triangular relationship acts as the giver source first, and our solar
system as the receiver and then our solar system later on as the giver and the star system of the
Pleiades as the receiver , thus making the flow channel of these triangular cosmic plane
There is also is a quadrant cosmic energy relationship which exist between the four cosmic
planes known as the [1] cosmic Buddhic or Intuitional plane existing as the objective
manifestation of “Ursa Minor constellation”, [2] cosmic Intellect or Mental plane existing as the
objective manifestation of “Sirius star system “ or the “Cannes Major Constellation”, [3] cosmic
Astral or magnetic plane existing as the objective manifestation of “Pleiades Star System”, [4]
cosmic Vital/Physical plane existing as the objective manifestation of “Our Solar System
including its planetary organs existing as the planetary schemes”, and in these cosmic energy
relationships, first the cosmic plane energies as the “Ray energies” flow in the down ward
channels upon the descending arc, and then after finally getting balanced in our solar system
upon the middle solar plane which is the 4th solar plane also known as the “ Buddhic Plane”
through the utilization of the 2nd cosmic aspect of the balancing electricity known as
“Magnetism”, which is also known as the cosmic love and wisdom aspect of “Maha Vishnu”,
these cosmic energies start their backward journey upon the ascending arc thus moving back
through the cosmic energy channels upon their onward journies.
Our planet earth is situated at the most important junction in our “Sor Mandal” [solar system],
acting as an energy focal point of great cosmic importance for the continuation of the cosmic
energies flow, as it directly corresponds to the zero Libra point, which exist in the constellation
of Libra [Tula Rashi], through which all the 12 Zodiacal constellation energies of both the
negative and positive polarities pass through during their cyclic movements.
In our current solar System which is the fourth in the cosmic quadrant plane relationship, our
planet earth belongs as the zero or middle point of entire solar system, as it belongs to its middle
or the 4th planetary scheme out of the 7 planetary schemes, which is also known as the “earth
planetary scheme”, which is the manifested body of the middle or 4th “Sub thinker” known as
the “Prithvi Prajapati” portraying the qualities of cosmic “Maha Vishnu” aspect. This middle
planetary scheme known as the “Earth Scheme”, have seven manifested planetary chains , each
of which have seven planets in them, thus the earth scheme itself has 49 planets, of which most
are existing in the Arupa [Unseen] frequency dimensions .
Thus the planetary earth scheme has its 7 planetary chains, each of them having seven planets
each. Our planet earth exists in the middle or the 4th planetary chain which is the 4th planetary
chain out of the seven planetary chains, which is also known as the “Earth Planetary” chain. In
this planetary earth chain our planet earth exists as the middle or the 4th planet, the most
important focal point of the entire “Sor Mandal” [Solar system] as the “Zero Point”, through
which all the cosmic energies entering and leaving our solar system must pass through to attain
their own polarity integration for the attainment of cosmic consciousness expansion known as
the “Cosmic mind and Wisdom”.
This great fact is of most importance in the current 4th round of this planet earth which is also
known as “Prithvi” graha, which is our this current time zone during this current evolutionary
period of planet earth, through which we all are currently passing through in time and space.
This cosmic number “4” as mentioned above is of great importance, which is prevalent during
this time period of our planet earth’s conscious existence, as well as in the entire “Sor Mandal”
[solar system], as it also represents the most important cosmic quadrant relationship existing
between the four cosmic planes of Cosmic Buddhic, Cosmic Mental, Cosmic Astral, and Cosmic
Vital/ Physical , which is represented cosmically by the geometrical shape of a cosmic “Cube”,
which holds all other geometrical shapes “in and around it “ existing as the various geometrical
energy formations.
During this middle or balancing period, which the most important evolutionary period, the
highest cosmic levels send their cosmic conscious impulses to this planet earth to incarnate as
“Agyaat Paduka Avatars” and these special “avatars” are mostly “unknown”[Agyaata means
“unknown”], and thus mostly hidden from all, who are the great cosmic beings incarnated as
human beings upon planet earth, to do great things to achieve the cosmic good for the benefit of
all entities and beings to uphold the universal law of “Will to do Good”, which takes place under
the supervision of “Maha Kaal Agni” coming to this planet via the “Zero Cosmic focal Point”
upon the ecliptic, which happens to be known as the “Zero Libra’ existing in the Zodiacal
constellation of Libra, which is polar opposite to the great initiator constellation of Aries [Mesha
Rashi], which is also codified as the “Atariksh Agni” or the “Cosmic Fire”.
Continued in Book II

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