Wayfarer Things Beyond Wonder

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ISBN: 978-1-312-32828-0
All Rights Reserved
Published by Ill Gotten Games
First Edition
Introduction to Wayfarer........................................................... 6
Character Creation Overview.................................................... 9
Random Aliens.......................................................................... 29
Occupation................................................................................ 34
Personality................................................................................. 39
Equipment................................................................................. 76
Playing Wayfarer....................................................................... 102
Conflicts.................................................................................... 104
Combat...................................................................................... 107
Adventuring Hazards................................................................ 111
The Multiverse.......................................................................... 114
Robots....................................................................................... 125
The Undead............................................................................... 132
Dark Mercy (Sample Module).................................................. 134

Earth has been destroyed... at least, the Earth you You were one of the lucky ones. You were rescued
knew. from sharing your universe's fate and an infinite
breadth of alternate realities have been revealed to
Your world, in fact, your entire universe, is gone you. For better or worse, you are now a pioneer in
forever, collapsed into utter non-existence at the the vast domain between the possible and improbable.
hands of an inter-dimensional terrorist known only as Welcome to the Multiverse. Adventure awaits.
the Arkanite.

Welcome to Wayfarer: Things Beyond Wonder, the All tests a character will make revolve around this
roleplaying game of high adventure through the simple mechanic. The modifier to this roll and the
endless possibilities of the Multiverse. degree of success or failure will determine the
WAYFARER is powered by The Continuum Narrative
Engine, a dynamic and comprehensive roleplaying
system that may be applied to any genre or setting. The difficulty value (DV) of any given test will either
be set by the game master (GM) or, in the case of
The core mechanic: Roll a 10-sided die, add or opposed tests (a test where characters are matching
subtract a modifier, and compare your result with the their abilities against one another), by the test result of
difficulty value of the task at hand. the opposing character.

When the GM sets a DV for a given task, they may do 10/1s: Whenever an opposed test is made, if one party
so by setting a number they find reasonably rolls a ten and the other rolls a one, the party rolling
communicates the difficulty of the task at hand. In the ten may immediately roll another die and add that
some cases, the GM may not have a hard number in value to the test. Further rolls of ten will allow further
mind, and may instead roll for a random DV on the dice to be added to the roll. 10/1 results often become
spot. As a GM, random DVs are a good way of the stuff of legends within a Wayfarer group.
keeping yourself honest when something unexpected
comes up and can make the event all the more In addition to the normal 10-sided die, certain systems
thrilling. Whether you go static or random (or a may call for a “d5” or “d%” roll. This is largely used
combination of the two), the following table serves as in the character creation process, though may also be
a rough guideline for setting general DVs: used for randomized event systems.

d5: When rolling a d5, roll a d10 and divide the result
TASK LEVEL DV by 2 (rounding up).
Easy 5 (1d10)
d%: When rolling a d%, roll two d10s, designating
Moderate 10 (2d10) one as the “10s” and the other as the “1's.” This will
Challenging 15 (3d10) ensure results from one to 100.

Difficult 20 (4d10) Dice Pools: Sometimes, due to special abilities or

situations, a character may roll multiple d10s when
Extreme 25 (5d10)
making a test. Only the highest roll is counted when
rolling this way, though any unused results of ten will
The modifier a character possesses will determine grant a +1 bonus to the test value.
whether or not success is possible. Often times, it is
only necessary that the test equals or exceeds the ASSISTS: Sometimes, a character may assist
value of the DV. With certain tests, however, the another's test with a test of their own. The DV to
degree of that success or failure may be important for assist is generally 15, and for each point the assisting
measuring the outcome. There are numerous character exceeds this DV, the assisted character
examples throughout this codex that illustrate the receives a +1 bonus to their own test.
effects of test differential.

F.Y.I. EXTENDED character succeeds at testing against the DV, the DV

pool is reduced by the differential. Failed tests,
TASKS however, will increase the DV pool by the value
failed. The GM will decide how much time the task
Certain tasks take a long time to accomplish and are will take before it may be attempted again (hours,
fraught with unforeseen difficulties. These could days, etc). Once the DV pool has been reduced to
include curing a disease, inventing new technology, or zero, the task is complete. Assist tests may be very
repairing a damaged building. The GM will establish helpful when testing against an extended task.
a DV pool (a number of points) to the task. When a

The following sections will describe the various In addition to the ten base attributes, there are seven
character abilities. These components serve as the functional attributes that further describe a characters
foundations of a character's capacity to interact with raw abilities. Each of these is derived from a
the game world. combination of two or more attributes, and may be
further modified by other abilities such as tricks and
ATTRIBUTES traits. Always round down when calculating
functional attributes.
The most foundational of all character abilities are the
attributes. These values determine the base for any
skill test and describe the raw potential a character POWER
possesses. (POW): This is a measure of the character's combined
size and strength and is necessary for determining
lifting capacities and an overall ability to exert their
(STR): This is a measure of the character's
(Formula: STR + BUL/2)
musculature and an indication of raw physical might

(FOR): This is a measure of the character's overall
(DEX): This is a measure of the character's ability to
toughness and ability to resist physical damage
manipulate tools and objects, usually through the use
(Formula: POW + BUL/2)
of primary appendages such as hands or tendrils

(CRD): This is a measure of the character's hand-eye
(BUL): This is a measure of the character's physical
coordination and is used for attacks made with
size and build
weapons and the handling of vehicles, among other
AGILITY (Formula: DEX + PER/2)
(AGI): This is a measure of the character's litheness
and flexibility
(ACT): This is a measure of the character's quickness
ENDURANCE to act, and is used to determine initiative order during
(END): This is a measure of the character's physical a conflict as well as the number of actions the
fitness and health character may take within a round of conflict
(Formula: AGI + PER/2)
(REA): This is a measure of the character's SPEED
intellectual capacity and mental quickness (SPD): This is a measure of the character's swiftness
when moving and will determine how much ground
PERCEPTION they may cover during a movement action
(PER): This is a measure of the character's sensory (Formula: POW + AGI)
awareness, such as sight, hearing, scent, et cetera

(MAS): This is a measure of the character's overall
(WIL): This is a measure of the character's mental weight
resolve (Formula: POW + BUL)

(CRE): This is a measure of the character's capacity (APT): This is a measure of the character's overall
for cleverness and innovation intelligence as it applies to learning and problem-
CHARISMA (Formula: REA + 1/3 CRE)
(CHA): This is a measure of the character's overall
social appeal

Traits are special abilities that modify functional
attributes, skills, senses (sight, hearing, et cetera), or
grant entirely new abilities that are otherwise
unattainable. Traits are most often granted by a
character's species, though certain “personal traits”
may be selected by anyone during character creation
or acquired during the game (in the case of injuries,
mental disorders, or similar traits).

For a list of traits and their effects, see the Species

section of Character Creation.

Whereas attributes form the core of a character's
abilities, skills enhance those abilities whenever a
character makes a test that falls under a particular
field. There are two categories of skills: trunks and

Trunk skills (along with a corresponding attribute)

form a foundation for skill tests and cover a wide field
of tasks.

Branch skills cover a highly specialized aspect of a

trunk skill, and combine ranks with a trunk skill to
further modify tests made within this narrowed field. CHARACTER
Trunk and branch skills will be explained in greater
detail in the Occupation section of Character Whether by chance or bold purpose, you have stepped
Creation. beyond your world into the vast, impossible reaches
of the Multiverse. Untold wonders await you on the
TRICKS path ahead, both awe inspiring and dangerous. Your
eyes have been opened to untold possibility, and
Largely an extension of a character's skills, tricks are there's no going back....
minor special abilities that modify the way a skill is
tested or grant some specialized bonus effect under The following system is designed to create characters
specific circumstances. A character's selection of for a game set in the Wayfarer Multiverse. Parties of
tricks will often define them as an individual when adventurers within a Wayfarer game may stretch the
comparing their skill-based abilities to others. boundaries of diversity, and you should feel free to
take these rules as a guideline.
For a list of available tricks and their effects, see the
Occupation section of Character Creation. CHARACTER
The personality system serves as an interpretative PHASE ONE: Species
guide for your character's motivation when making PHASE TWO: Occupation
choices. While not as definitive as the other traits, you PHASE THREE: Generate Attributes
may find this system helpful when telling a story that PHASE FOUR: Generate Personality
relies on dramatic interactions. PHASE FIVE: Generate Skills
PHASE SIX: Bonus Experience

The memory of your evacuation from Earth is still The following entries represent a handful of the major
fresh on your mind as you wait in line for what seems races of the Known Worlds. This list is by no means
like an eternity. Ahead of you, Dominion authorities comprehensive, and you should feel free to design
shuffle a massive, multi-limbed elephantine creature your own species to suit the needs of your story.
into a processing booth. Behind you, a chittering,
bipedal tick-like being picks at its mandibles and Each species entry will include a list of attribute and
grooms its spiny whiskers with multiple hooked personality adjustments, traits common to the species,
pincers. and a table of personal traits. After choosing your
species, keep it in mind when you move on to phases
“Welcome, refugee,” says the spherical greeting three and four, when you will use the attribute and
mech that hovers uncomfortably close to your head. personality adjustments granted by the template.
“If applicable, please be prepared to present proper
documentation designating your world of origin.” PERSONAL TRAITS
The guards stiffly motion your way. “Next!” Personal traits represent variances found within a
given species, and may be taken in addition to traits
Earthers may be new to the trans-universal granted by the species template. If you are using
community, but it has been thriving without them for random character creation, roll on the table below
time immemorial. From the inter-galactic empire of d5-1 times to determine your personal traits. In some
the zyntari, to the kingdoms of Midgard, strange cases, these rolls may grant a further increase or
vistas bring stranger folk, forming the fantastic decrease to one or more of the character's attributes in
melting pot that is the Multiverse. place of a trait.

ADJUSTMENTS 01-06 Acute Sense (d5)
STR DEX BUL AGI END 07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
-1 +1 -1 +2 -2 13-18 Attractive (d5)
+0 +2 -1 +0 +0 25-30 Dull Sense (d5)
TRAITS 31-36 Eidetic Memory
Adaptive 1, Natural Armor 4 37-42 Fleet (d10)

PERSONALITY 42-48 Innovative

O C E A N 49-54 Light Sleeper (d5)

+1 +1 -1 +1 +1 55-60 Natural Armor (d5)

61-66 Phobia (2d10)
LANGUAGE: Broodling* 67-72 Poor Memory (d5)
DIET: Omnivorous 73-78 Strong Memory (d5)

Thought to be the remnants of the once highly- 79-84 Tolerant (d5)

evolved species that built Nexus City, the broodlings
85-90 Unattractive (d5)
now exists as sub-sapient scavengers, hiding and
thriving in the station-city's networks of ducts and 91-95 Wings/BUL -1
long forgotten passages.
96-00 Choose one
Out of every thousand broodlings, however, one is
born with a curious nature and developed mind. If one * Due to constraints of their physiology, broodlings
encounters a broodling outside of the Nexus may comprehend other languages, but may only speak
Undercity, it is likely that it will be one of this gifted their own.
variety. Regardless of their advancement, such
broodlings still trend toward the scavenger, often
salvaging junk into useful or valuable tech and
making their living off the travelers traversing the

raised on Agdivid, magic is part of daily life, and all
dividiki learn at least one of the Chromatic Schools.

After enslaving an alternate version of their own

world to mine its wealth of mystical crystals, the
dividaki were soon enslaved themselves by the
Tartaran Empire. With the recent fall of Tartarus, the
dividaki find themselves free, though many fear they
will return to their imperialistic ways.

01-06 Acute Sense (d5)
07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
13-18 Allergy (d10)
19-24 Attractive (d5)
25-30 Deep Sleeper (d5)
31-36 Dull Sense (d5)
37-42 Eidetic Memory
42-48 Innovative
ATTRIBUTE 49-54 Light Sleeper (d5)
STR DEX BUL AGI END 55-60 Overweight (d5)

-1 +1 +0 +0 -1 61-66 Phobia (2d10)

REA PER WIL CRE CHA 67-72 Poor Memory (d5)

+0 +0 +1 +0 +0 73-78 Strong Memory (d5)

TRAITS 79-84 Thin (d5-2)

Magical Affinity 1, Sense Energy (Magic by Touch) 85-90 Tolerant (d5)

91-95 Unattractive (d5)
O C E A N 96-00 Choose one

-1 +0 +0 +1 +1

LANGUAGE: Dividaki
DIET: Omnivorous

A highly mystical alien species, the dividaki have

developed advancements in the arcane arts in place of
technological achievement. Through spell-weaving,
the dividaki have colonized the stars and even pierced
their way into the Multiverse.

Using their unique ability to detect magical energy by

way of touch, the dividaki mine crystals charged with
magical energy to power their civilization. For those

+0 +0 -1 +0 +2
+0 +0 +0 +0 -1

Magical Being, Magical Resistance 2, Stout

-3 +3 -1 +0 +1

01-06 Acute Sense (d5)
07-12 Allergy (d10)
13-18 Attractive (d5)
19-24 Deep Sleeper (d5)
HOMEWORLDS: Nidaveller, High Hivald 25-30 Dull Sense (d5)
LANGUAGE: Dwarvish
31-36 Light Sleeper (d5)
DIET: Omnivorous
37-42 Overweight (d5)
Once the masters of great halls in the world of
Nidaveller (the Downward Fields), where they 42-48 Phobia (2d10)
guarded doorways between worlds and crafted 49-54 Poor Memory (d5)
powerful, magical artifacts, the dwarven race was
forced to flee the Nine Worlds after the invasion of 55-60 STR +1
the High Engineer and his legions. These refugees
61-66 Strong Memory (d5)
(sometimes identifying themselves as the “Sons of
Balin”) have since made their home in the Multiverse, 67-72 Thin (d5-2)
their love for mechanism quickly adapting them to
wonders of technology. 73-78 Tolerant (d10)
79-84 Tough (d5)
Though culturally insular and generally distrusting of
others, the dwarves have integrated themselves into 85-90 Unattractive (d5)
the commerce of the Known Worlds. A prime source
91-95 WIL +1
of Magi-Tech (technology infused with magical
enchantments), the dwarves have made a name for 96-00 Choose one
themselves in the marketplace. Though they feel
something of a kinship with their fellow species
displaced from the Nine Worlds, they remain
distrustful of the elves, jotun, and even the humans
from Midgard, whom they view as lesser beings.

-1 +0 +0 +1 -1
+0 +1 +0 +0 +0

Fleet 1, Magical Being, Timeless

-4 +4 +0 +0 -4

DIET: Omnivorous

Like their cousins, the dwarves, the elvish people

were forced to flee the Nine Worlds after the High
Engineer invaded and destroyed Yggdrasil, the World PERSONAL
Tree. A proud and noble species, the elves view all d% TRAITS
other races as inferiors, and only the most open-
minded of elves bother to venture outside of their own 01-06 Acute Sense (d10)
community if they can help it.
07-12 AGI +1
Consistently baffled by science and technology, the 13-18 Attractive (d10)
elven refugees interact with such things as little as
possible, a practice that is becoming increasingly 19-24 CHA +1
inefficient. 25-30 END +1
Inherently tied to nature, there are some who 31-36 Fleet (d5-1)
speculate that the elven people will change as they
adapt to their surroundings, and other examples of 37-42 Light Sleeper (d5)
elves displaced from their homeworld (such as the 42-48 Magical Affinity (d5)
Nexus Elves of Nexus City) stand as stark evidence
for such theories. 49-54 Magical Resistance (d5)
55-60 PER +1
61-66 Skill Affinity (Alertness) (d5)
67-72 Skill Affinity (Stealth) (d5)
73-78 STR +1
79-84 Strong Memory (d10)
85-90 Thin (d5-2)
91-95 WIL +1
96-00 Choose one

-2 +0 -2 +3 -1
-1 +3 -1 +2 -1

Magical Being, Skill Adept (Stealth) 2

-1 -4 +0 -4 +2

*To represent a goblin's physical uniqueness, you may

choose to roll 1d10 times on the Personal Traits table

HOMEWORLDS: The Fairy Courts (Unseelie), The

Night Forest, Nexus City (Little Nilbog) d% PERSONAL
LANGUAGE: Dominion Standard, Fairyspeak TRAITS
DIET: Omnivorous (mostly rotten meat and fungus)
01-06 Big Ears: Acute Sense (Hearing) 5
After the Fairy Doors were opened in Nexus City, a 07-12 Big Feet: AGI -1, Fleet (1d5)
host of fey-folk migrated into the Known Worlds. Of
this number, it is surmised that 99.9% of this 13-18 Changeling: Shapeshift (2d10)
population was made up of goblin-kind. 19-24 Darkling: Agreeableness -2, Light
Sensitivity 1, Night Vision 2
Mostly perceived as a plague on the Multiverse,
goblins have infiltrated and infested nearly all of the 25-30 Filthy: Conscientiousness -2
popular hub-worlds. Showing an uncanny knack for Unattractive (1d5)
technological adaptation, the goblin communities
31-36 Hideous: Unattractive (1d10)
seem to breed faster than they can be exterminated,
and have become accepted as a nuisance by everyone 37-42 Hobgoblin: STR +1, BUL +1
but the zyntari, who maintain a harsh “exterminate-
upon-sight” policy. 42-48 Knobby: Tough (1d5)
49-54 Mouthy: CHA -1, Natural Weapon
Despite their natural bent toward evil and mischief, (Fangs) (1d5)
there have been a number of documented Multiverse-
born goblins that trend good or even heroic. Most 55-60 Oafish: STR +1, AGI -1, CRE -1
goblins, however, stick close to their supernaturally
61-66 Piggy Snout: Acute Sense (Scent) 5
tainted nature, and wherever you find a willful but
frugal villain, a bargain-horde of of goblin minions 67-72 Pointy Head: CRE +1
might not be too far behind.
73-78 Runty: STR -1, BUL -1
Due to their magical nature, no two goblins are 79-84 Squat: Overweight (1d5-1), Stout
remotely alike, and the species exhibits a wide array
of features and body types. This has led some scholars 85-90 Unseelie Boon: Magical Reserve (d%)
to believe that there are a number of goblin sub-
91-95 Wispy: AGI +1, Thin (1d5-1)
species, though studies made within the Nexus City
warrens of Little Nilbog have proven otherwise.* 96-00 Roll twice more

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0

Adaptive 1, Lateral Preference 2

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0

01-06 Acute Sense (d5)
07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
13-18 Allergy (d10)
19-24 Attractive (d5)
25-30 Deep Sleeper (d5) HOMEWORLDS: Earth (Multiple Variants),
Dominion City, The Free Territories, Midgard
31-36 Dull Sense (d5)
LANGUAGE: Dominion Standard, Other
37-42 Eidetic Memory DIET: Omnivorous
42-48 Innovative While there are many refugees from the newly
49-54 Light Sleeper (d5) shattered Earth, humanity has long had a presence in
the recorded worlds of the Multiverse.
55-60 Overweight (d5)
The largest source of humans in the known
61-66 Phobia (2d10)
Multiverse comes from the Dominion, a vast
67-72 Poor Memory (d5) organization dedicated to preserving branar stability
by any means necessary. Refugees from an alternate
73-78 Strong Memory (d5) Earth that destroyed their own reality after the
79-84 Thin (d5-2) discovery of branar travel, the Dominion contains
many cultural remnants of a familiar Earth history,
85-90 Tolerant (d5) including their language, Dominion Standard, a
modified version of the English language which has
91-95 Unattractive (d5)
aided some of the Earth refugees in their adaptation.
96-00 Choose One
In addition, many separatist groups have splintered
from Dominion control to forge their own paths.
These humans value personal liberty even in light of
the possible destruction their exploration could incur,
and are often entrepreneurial or reclusive in nature.

HOMEWORLD: Jotunheim
DIET: Omnivorous or Carnivorous ATTRIBUTE
Hardly a proper name for a single species, no two
jotun are quite alike. Whether proud giant warriors or STR DEX BUL AGI END
hideous horned trolls, all were born from the blood of
+2 +0 +2 -1 +0
The jotun are nature's wrath incarnate, imbued with
the traits of beasts, hurricanes, and the very mountains -1 +0 +0 -1 -1
from which they were spawned. Though a young TRAITS
jotun may stand slightly taller than a man from
Midgard, the eldest of their number crack the earth Magical Being, Timeless, Unlimited Growth
where they walk and send tremors with every stride.
Evicted from their homeworld in the same way as the O C E A N
elves and dwarves, these giants have adapted well to
the harsher places found throughout the Multiverse, -1 -2 +0 -2 +0
particularly those places where the strongest rule and
riches may be made by way of savagery.

01-06 Acute Sense (d10)
07-12 Attractive (d5)
13-18 Deep Sleeper (d10)
19-24 Dull Sense (d10)
25-30 Natural Weapon (Horns, Claws, Fangs,
or Tusks) (d5+1)
31-36 Night Vision (d5), Light Sensitivity
37-42 Overweight (d10)
42-48 Phobia (2d10)
49-54 Poor Memory (d10)
55-60 Slow (d5-1)
61-66 STR +1, BUL +1
67-72 Thin (d5-2)
73-78 Tolerant (d10)
*TROLLS' CURSE: Proper trolls are all similarly 79-84 Tough (d5)
cursed. Each round that a troll is directly exposed to
daylight (the light emitted from any star) they must 85-90 Trolls' Curse, Unattractive 2d10
pass a Control test (DV 3d10) or be turned to stone. A
91-95 Unattractive (d10)
troll who has been petrified in this way is essentially
killed, though a disenchantment of this effect (a 96-00 Choose One
successful DV 3d10 use of the Disenchant spell) will
return the troll to life. Savvy trolls know to wear dark
robes or even custom enviro-armor as protection.

oral traditions of religion and mythology. There are,
NEANDERTHAL however, a handful of intrepid neanderthals that have
ATTRIBUTE acclimated to life after the upheaval, though most
ADJUSTMENTS have done so by turning their aptitude for brutality
into profit.
+1 +0 -1 +0 +1 d% PERSONAL
+0 +0 +0 -1 +0 01-06 Acute Sense (d5)
07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
13-18 Allergy (d10)
Lateral Preference -2, Toxin Resistance 2
19-24 Attractive (d5)
25-30 Deep Sleeper (d5)
31-36 Dull Sense (d5)
-2 -1 +0 +0 -2
37-42 Eidetic Memory
HOMEWORLD: The Primal Lands 42-48 Light Sleeper (d5)
LANGUAGE: Tribal Languages
DIET: Omnivorous 49-54 Overweight (d5)
55-60 Phobia (2d10)
Hailing from the Primal Lands, a mysterious, magic-
rich variant of a younger Earth, these tribal people 61-66 Poor Memory (d5)
were discovered by the Dominion during the first
Separation Wars. 67-72 Strong Memory (d5)
73-78 Thin (d5-2)
Many neanderthals were displaced during the years of
conflict, their entire tribes relocated to the relative 79-84 Tolerant (d5)
safety of hub worlds like Nexus City and Cosmopolis.
85-90 Toxin Resistance (d5)
For these people, adaptation was (and continues to be)
a difficult process. Most neanderthals have clung to 91-95 Unattractive (d5)
their tribal structure, attempting to work the strange
new sights and dangers of the Multiverse into their 96-00 Choose One

ADJUSTMENTS 01-06 Acute Sense (Scent) (d10)
STR DEX BUL AGI END 07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
-1 +0 +0 +0 +0 13-18 Allergy (d10)
REA PER WIL CRE CHA 19-24 Attractive (d5)
+0 +1 +0 +0 +0 25-30 Deep Sleeper (d5)
TRAITS 31-36 Dull Sense (d5)
Acute Sense (Scent) 10, Natural Weapon (Bite) 2 37-42 Innovative

PERSONALITY 42-48 Light Sleeper (d5)

O C E A N 49-54 Natural Weapon (Tusks) (d5)/STR

+2/REA -1/CRE -1
-1 -2 +0 +0 +2
55-60 Overweight (d10)
61-66 Phobia (2d10)
67-72 Poor Memory (d5)
73-78 Skill Affinity (Survival) (1d5)
79-84 Strong Memory (d5)
85-90 Tolerant (d5)
91-95 Unattractive (d5)
96-00 Choose One

LANGUAGE: Dominion Standard, Pig-Latin*
DIET: Omnivorous

Though their exact origins are a mystery, scholars

throughout the Multiverse agree that the people of Pig
Earth were likely created for the purpose of
experiments in mass consumerism. However they
came to be, these hyper-evolved pigs now flourish
throughout the Known Worlds.

A constant in any corporate sector, pigman

professionals are often present to exploit any financial
potential the Multiverse has to offer. Viewed as
ambulance-chasers, snake oil salesmen, or corporate
opportunists willing to tow the party line regardless of
overwhelming evidence of corruption, pigman society
also trends chauvinistic, and is particularly hostile
toward its members that aspire to intellectual pursuits
* Due to constraints of their physiology, pigmen may or show natural curiosity. Pigman adventurers have a
comprehend other languages, but may only speak difficult time overcoming this stigma, though the
their own. recent exploits of the hero, Pigdexter, have gone a
long way toward correcting this image.

-1 +0 -2 +1 +0
+0 +1 +0 +0 +1

Acute Sense (Scent) 4, Magical Being

+0 +2 +1 +2 -1

For personal traits, roll on the Human table. Roll once

on (or choose from) the following table to determine
your pookah's sub-species.

01-06 Badger: Skill Adept (Courage) 2 HOMEWORLDS: The Fairy Courts (Seelie)
07-12 Beaver: Skill Adept (Diplomacy) 2 LANGUAGE: Dominion Standard, Fairyspeak
DIET: By animal type
13-18 Fox: Skill Adept (Alertness) 2
Once simple forest animals, the pookah were
19-24 Frog: Skill Adept (Apneic Control) 2 transformed by Titania's powerful magic. For
25-30 Hedgehog: Skill Adept (Acrobatics) 2 generations, this mortal race has served the Seelie
Court, protecting the forests and swamps of the
31-36 Mole: Skill Adept (Lift) 2 kingdom of Gnottwood from the forces of the dark
37-42 Mouse: Skill Adept (Stealth) 2 fey.

42-48 Otter: Skill Adept (Swim) 2 Though technically the same species, there a number
of sub-species of pookah, each created from a
49-54 Owl: Skill Adept (Savvy) 2 different animal found throughout the wilds of the fey
55-60 Rabbit: Skill Adept (Run) 2 lands. A simple folk, most pookah are content in
tending their fields, shops, or otherwise plying their
61-66 Rat: Skill Adept (Contortion) 2 antiquated trades. Some, however, are born with a
powerful curiosity, and take naturally to adventure
67-72 Raven: Skill Adept (Legerdemain) 2
throughout the Multiverse.
73-78 Squirrel: Skill Adept (Climb) 2
In recent years, Titania has sent her Seelie Knights
79-84 Toad: Skill Adept (Toad) 2 on errands throughout the Multiverse. Some have
85-90 Vole: Skill Adept (Barter) 2 speculated that these brave fey folk work to combat
the growing goblin presence, though the knights
91-95 Weasel: Skill Adept (Guile) 2 themselves will claim that venturing into the Known
(and unknown) Worlds are the best way to test their
96-00 Choose One
chivalry, questing for the honor of their Fairy Queen.

Worlds reject quanari refugees out of principle. The
QUANAR Dominion has taken a more altruistic approach, and
ATTRIBUTE their integration has largely been successful.
ADJUSTMENTS In many hub worlds where quanar make their home
STR DEX BUL AGI END (and some where they don't), the marks of Nightworld
assassins' guilds may be found in hidden places.
+0 +0 +1 +3 -2
Those savvy enough may use these marks to draw a
REA PER WIL CRE CHA quanar assassin into a contract, should they be willing
to pay the unthinkable price.
-1 -1 +1 +1 -2

Extra Limbs 2, Serpentine 2 TRAITS
01-06 Acute Sense (Sight) (d5)
07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
13-18 Allergy (2d10)
+1 +1 +0 -3 +2
19-24 Deep Sleeper (d10)
25-30 Dull Sense (d5)
31-36 Eidetic Memory
37-42 Light Sensitivity (d5)
42-48 Light Sleeper (d10)
49-54 Magical Affinity (d5)
55-60 Night Vision (d5)
61-66 Phobia (2d10)
67-72 Poor Memory (d5)
73-78 Skill Affinity (Stealth) (d5)
79-84 Strong Memory (d5)
85-90 Thin (d5-2)
91-95 Unattractive (d5)
96-00 Choose One

HOMEWORLD: Ectis Prime (The Nightworld) * Due to constraints of their physiology, quanar may
LANGUAGE: Quanashi* comprehend other languages, but may only speak
DIET: Carnivorous their own.

Called the Night Worms by those who dare, the

quanar (also named quanashi or qiinshi) are truly
alien beings. Hailing from the Nightworld, a realm of
eternal darkness, the quanar grew from a culture
based on cruelty. As such, they have developed a
well-earned reputation as assassins and torturers.

Though not all quanar have a propensity for such

sadism, it is all too common, and some of the Known

+3 -2 +3 -2 +0
+0 -1 +2 -1 -2

Dense 2, Undifferentiated

+1 +2 -4 +1 -4

HOMEWORLD: Quadra 7 (in the Free Territories)
LANGUAGE: Grevhyz* 01-06 Adaptive (d5-2)
DIET: Photosynthetic
07-12 Attractive (d5)
Discovered accidentally by a Separatist colony 13-18 BUL +1
forging into the unexplored regions of the Free
Territories, the alien, rock-like scilinoids welcomed 19-24 Deep Sleeper (d5)
the newcomers with open (if slightly cautious) arms. 25-30 Dense (d5-1)
At first suspected to be a primitive species, translation 31-36 Dull Sense (d5)
between the scilinoid language and Dominion
37-42 Eidetic Memory
Standard was an arduous undertaking. Once lines of
communication were opened, however, the Separatist 42-48 Extra Limbs (d5-1)
Alliance was allowed into the vast subterranean cities
of the scillinoids, found on multiple planets and 49-54 Light Sleeper (d5)
moons throughout the previously unknown Quadra 55-60 Natural Weapon (Crystal Spurs) (d5)
61-66 Slow (d5-2)
Though appearing to be composed entirely of mineral
67-72 STR +1
matter, the scilinoids are in fact closer to plants. Using
their massive, boulder-like growths both as armor and 73-78 Strong Memory (d5)
as a conduit to absorb and store energy from sunlight,
they may often be found sunning themselves lazily on 79-84 Tolerant (d10)
a planet's surface, and are frequently mistaken for part 85-90 Tough (d5-1)
of the landscape.
91-95 Unattractive (d5)
Though their society is quite advanced, having
96-00 Choose One
established over four-hundred thousand years of
written history, the scilinoid people are unambitious,
generally preferring to remain withdrawn from the * Due to constraints of their physiology, scilinoids
trans-universal community. may comprehend other languages, but may only speak
their own.

-2 +2 -1 -1 -1
+2 +2 +0 -1 +0

Calculative, Disease Resistance 4

-1 +3 -1 -1 +2

01-06 Acute Sense (d5)
07-12 Adaptive (d5-2)
13-18 Attractive (d5) HOMEWORLD: The Zyntari Combine
19-24 BUL -1 LANGUAGE: Zhenyix
DIET: Omnivorous
25-30 Deep Sleeper (d5)
An ancient and prolific species, the zyntari made it
31-36 Dull Sense (d5)
their business to conquer world after world and, over
37-42 Eidetic Memory the millennia, have amassed an empire spanning
multiple galaxies.
42-48 Innovative
49-54 Light Sleeper (d5) Though the forces of Zyntar were able to master
wormhole travel to span great distances, they have
55-60 Phobia (3d10) only recently acquired branar technology. The zyntari
are an extremely technologically advanced species,
61-66 REA +1
though have little understanding of magic and
67-72 Slow (d5-2) similarly supernatural things found throughout the
Multiverse. As such, the Zyntari Empire has
73-78 Strong Memory (d5) approached branar travel with trepidation, resisting
79-84 Thin (d5-2) their normally imperialistic nature and forming a
tenuous alliance with the Dominion.
85-90 Tolerant (d5)
Regardless of their actions, there are many who doubt
91-95 Unattractive (d5)
the sincerity of the zyntari, claiming that many of
96-00 Choose One their so called “explorers” are scouting locales
throughout the Multiverse for future imperial

TRAITS Whenever you make a REA-based test (including all
REA-based skills) you may roll an extra die and
The following compendium of traits covers a wide choose the highest result.
range of those found in known lifeforms. This list is
by no means exhaustive, and you and your gaming COLORBLIND
group may wish to invent your own when creating You see only in gray scale and are unable to discern
new species. Certain traits will refer to a “value.” color.
Such traits are ranked in the same way as attributes or
skills, and will have a numeric value following the DEEP SLEEPER
trait name when listed in the species template. Trait You receive a penalty equal to the value of this trait to
ranks may never fall into negative values. Alertness tests made to awaken from sleep.


You gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait when Your movement cost for rough and difficult ground is
making PER-based skill tests that utilize the chosen increased by the value of this trait.

For each rank in this trait, you gain an additional skill
roll with a +15% bonus during character creation.

When exposed to a chosen allergen, you must pass an
END test with a DV equal to the value of this trait or
receive a penalty to certain tests equal to the
differential until medical treatment occurs (the
particulars of how this penalty apply and what is
needed to treat is dependent on the judgment of the

You may breathe in and out of water.

Your movement speed is not reduced for movement DENSE
made in aquatic environments, though you move at ¼ For each rank in this trait, increase your MAS and
speed on land. You may breathe while under water, FOR by one, reduce your SPD by one, and receive a
but suffocate while outside of it. -1 penalty to Swim tests.

When making Climb tests to traverse trees or similar RESISTANCE
growth, you may roll an extra die and choose the You gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait
highest result. whenever you test END against the effects of disease.

When making a social skill test (Diplomacy, Guile, SUSCEPTIBILITY
Romance, et cetera) against a character that could be You receive a penalty equal to the value of this trait
attracted to you, you gain a bonus equal to the value whenever you test END against the effects of disease.
this trait.


You receive a penalty equal to the value of this trait
Whenever making Athletics tests to dig through earth, when making PER-based skill tests that utilize the
you may do so at twice the speed. chosen sense (sight, hearing, scent, et cetera).

When making memory-based REA tests to recall You are immune to the effects of heat and fire.
hyper-specific details (such as strings of numbers or
text that you have seen in the past), you reduce the FLEET
DV of the test by 1d10. You gain a bonus increase to SPD equal to the value
of this trait.
When testing to resist damage or other effects of a You reduce your FOR equal to the value of this trait.
chosen energy type (electric, thermal, sonic, et
cetera), gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait. FROSTBORN
You are immune to the effects of cold.
When testing to resist damage or other effects of a You cannot move while on land except to adjust.
chosen energy type (electric, thermal, et cetera),
receive a penalty equal to the value of this trait. HOVERING
You move by gliding up to one increment above the
EXTRA HEADS ground (or even liquid surfaces) and are not affected
You gain a number of bonus dice equal to the value of by rough terrain or certain hazards (GM's discretion).
this trait when making APT or PER-based tests,
though must choose the highest value rolled and HYDROPHOBIC
disregard the others. For each day that you spend in wet or humid
conditions, you suffer a -1 penalty to END and will
die once this penalty brings you below zero (Aquatic,
Semi-Aquatic, or Amphibious creatures may not
possess this trait).

You cannot be killed and, provided you are able to
heal, you will do so, regenerating from the largest
portion of your remains (you must possess the
Magical Being trait to qualify for Immortal).

You are unaffected by and may not affect physical
objects or characters (things without the Incorporeal
trait) and also possess the Hovering trait (using WIL
in place of SPD and the Control skill in place of Run
when making rush tests).

EXTRA LIMBS When calculating Aptitude, you use 2/3 of your CRE
When multi-striking or performing similar DEX, in place of 1/3.
CRD, or AGI based tasks, you may make an
additional attack or similar action per rank in this LATERAL
trait. In addition, this trait gives you a bonus equal to PREFERENCE
its value when performing actions where multiple You favor one side of your body (are either left or
hands (or similar appendages) would be helpful right handed) and whenever you make DEX, CRD, or
(climbing, grappling, et cetera). AGI based skill tests using your off-limbs, you
receive a penalty equal to the value of this trait.
You are immune to morale-based effects and LIGHT
automatically pass any Courage tests that you are Reduce your MAS by one for each rank in this trait
required to make. and your FOR by one for each full two ranks.

SENSITIVITY You gain a bonus Protection value equal to the value
For each rank in this trait, you treat light as being one of this trait that stacks with any armor you wear.
degree greater.
LIGHT SLEEPER You have a natural weapon (fangs, claws, horns, et
You gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait to cetera) that inflicts extra damage equal to the value of
Alertness tests made to awaken from sleep. this trait when making unarmed attacks. You should
specify which type of damage (cutting, piercing, et
MAGICAL cetera) the weapon deals when this trait is chosen.
You gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait to any
test made to cast or sustain a magical spell or other You reduce the penalties imposed by conditions of
effect. low light by the value of this trait.


You were created by magic and, as such, have a You gain an increase to your BUL equal to ½ the
natural Magic Point (MP) pool equal to your WIL value of this trait (rounding down). Additionally, your
score x5. AGI and END receive a decrease equal to ½ the value
of this trait (rounding down). These adjustments are
MAGICAL RESERVE removed as ranks from this trait are removed.
You have a natural Magic Point (MP) pool equal to
the value of this trait and you may draw upon this MP PHOBIA
when casting spells. You suffer from an intense fear of a chosen subject
and, when encountered, must make Courage test
MAGICAL against a DV equal to the value of this trait+1d10
(based on circumstances, this value may vary at the
RESISTANCE GM's discretion).
You gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait to any
test made to resist the effects of a magical spell or
similar effect. POISONOUS
One of your natural weapons is poisonous.

You receive a penalty to REA tests made to remember
details equal to the value of this trait.

You gain a bonus to END tests made to heal injuries
equal to the value of this trait, and may even attempt
to regrow lost limbs or similar appendages (see

You are incapable of taking movement actions and
may only use your AGI score to move your arms (or
similar manipulators) to attack, operate, et cetera.

You treat rough and difficult ground as open ground.

Your movement speed is not reduced for movement
made in aquatic environments.

You are capable of detecting the presence of a chosen You reduce your SPD equal to the value of this trait.
form of energy by way of one of your existing senses
(sight, hearing, et cetera) provided you pass an SPELL ABILITY
Alertness test (DV at GM's discretion). You may inherently cast a single spell (chosen when
this trait is selected) using your Control skill,
SERPENTINE expending MP when doing so as normal.
When making Brawl tests to grapple, you gain a
bonus equal to the value of this trait. STOUT
When testing FOR to resist physical damage, you
SESSILE may roll an extra die and choose the highest result.
You are incapable of movement of any kind, and have
effective N/A scores for DEX and AGI. STRONG MEMORY
You receive a bonus to REA tests made to remember
SHAMBLING details equal to the value of this trait.
You are incapable of performing a rush or charge.
SHAPESHIFT Choose a species type when this trait is chosen. When
You have a point pool equal to the value of this trait within Detect range of a member of the chosen
that may be used to add or remove traits (traits species who shares this trait, you may communicate
without values counting as having a value of 5) or simple ideas without speaking.
alter physical attribute values. These total changes
may never exceed the value of this trait, and the TENACIOUS
character may empty this pool and revert to their When making POW tests to maintain a grapple, you
natural form at will. gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait.

Gain a bonus equal to the value of this trait to END
tests made to resist the effects of extreme
temperatures (either heat or cold, chosen when this
trait is taken).

Your BUL is reduced by one for every four ranks in
this trait. Additionally, you gain a bonus to Contortion
tests equal to the value of this trait.

You never age past maturity and will never suffer
penalties associated with old age or die of natural

You gain a bonus to Control tests made to reduce the
SKILL ADEPT penalties inflicted by injury or fatigue equal to the
Whenever you would test a chosen, open branch skill value of this trait.
(Courage, Swim, Alertness, et cetera) you gain a
bonus equal to the value of this trait.
You gain an increase to FOR equal to the value of this
Whenever you would test a chosen open branch skill
(Courage, Swim, Alertness, et cetera) you receive a
penalty equal to the value of this trait.

Whenever you would compare MAS against the You are mechanical in nature or are animated by some
effects of poison, you gain an increase to your form of magical energy and, as such, have no END
effective MAS equal to the value of this trait. score. You are immune to toxins and disease, and the
effects of suffocation, starvation, dehydration, and
TOXIN fatigue.
Whenever you would compare MAS against the
effects of poison, you receive a penalty to your
effective MAS equal to the value of this trait.

When making a social skill test (Diplomacy, Guile,
Romance, et cetera) against a character that could be
attracted to you, you receive a penalty equal to the
value of this trait.

You never suffer penalties to skill tests based on
injuries, double your effective FOR when resisting
Piercing damage, and double your effective MAS
when resisting toxins.

There is no species maximum for STR and BUL, and
you may continue to use EXP to increase these values
as you see fit.

You are capable of flight and may move in any
direction, though must be able to pass Fly skill tests
for aerial maneuvers.

For each day that you are not immersed in water (or
in some way moistened), you suffer a -1 penalty to
END and will die once this penalty brings you below

Alexandra tuned her translation module, hoping that 2 -2
a familiar warble or group of words would come back
at her. Instead, a seemingly random stream of 3 -1
digitized vocals mimicked the muffled utterances of 4-6 +0
the tall, slug-like creatures that slithered around her.
7 +1
“I'm not getting anything, Jane. But whatever they 8 +2
are, they don't seem to be hostile.”
9 +3
Jane stood up from her crouched position near the
damaged medi-mech, kicking several bolts loose in 0 Two more rolls
frustration before taking a deep drag from her
cigarette. STEP TWO:
“Oh, them?” The doctor waved a hand in dismissal,
her brow furrowed. “They're obviously sapient. I Once the species' attributes have been determined,
think we're in some kind of market. I'd say that they're roll a percentile die and consult the following chart to
unamused by our presence at best.” determine the species' means of ambulation. The
locomotor results are detailed under the glossary of
Alexandra put away the translation module, folding adaptations following these charts.
her arms and sighing. “Well, we're going to have to
find a way to communicate with them, whatever they
Due to their relative proximity in the membrane 01-15 Slithering
matrix, the Known Worlds are host to a variety of 16-35 Striding
species. The deeper one travels into the Multiverse,
however (or even further into a single universe), the 36-55 Four-Legged
more alien life becomes. Whether your party is
traveling to an uncharted world, or if you simply need 56-75 Skittering
a unique creature to encounter within a hub world, the 75-90 Tentacles
following charts are useful for generating a new and
interesting species. 91-00 Many-Legged

Like the species found in the player species section

above, the species rolled on the charts below will
have attribute and personality adjustments.
Additionally, each table will determine the creatures'
adaptations, descriptors of biological features that will
impart groups of species traits and further attribute
and personality adjustments.

First, roll once on the following chart for each of the
10 attributes to determine the species' adjustments. If
a 10 is rolled, roll twice more and combine the results.
Multiple rolls of 10 can result in some truly wild
adjustments, which adequately represents the range
within which creatures in the Multiverse may differ.

STEP THREE: 06-08 Beak
MANIPULATORS 09-10 Behemoth
Once you've determined how the creature moves 11-12 Bizarre
about, roll a percentile die on the chart below to
determine what sort of (if any) manipulator limbs the 13-15 Blubbery
species possesses. Multiple forms of limbs may be
16-18 Bounder
acquired through rolling, and each of the results are
detailed within the adaptation glossary following 19-21 Carapace
these charts.
22-24 Clambering
d% 28-30 Concordant
01-05 Armless
31-33 Defensive
06-45 Arms
34-36 Fangs
46-75 Tentacles
37-39 Feelers
76-80 Fine Graspers
40-41 Gelatinous
81-00 Two more rolls
42-43 Hive-Minded
44-46 Horns
47-49 Juggernaut
50-52 Large Ears
53-54 Morphic
55-57 Nocturnal
58-60 Philosophical
61-63 Pincers
64-66 Predatory
67-68 Prehensile Tail
69-70 Primitive
STEP FOUR: EXTRA 71-73 Robust
ADAPTATIONS 74-76 Scales
Once the species' locomotors and manipulators have 77-78 Scythes
been determined, roll 1d5 times on the table below to
determine any extra adaptations the creature may 79-80 Stalk Eyes
possess. This collection of abilities will help to define
81-82 Subterranean
the creatures and set them apart from the myriad
species with which they share the Multiverse. Each of 83-84 Symbiotic
the results are detailed in the adaptation glossary
following these charts. 85-86 Trunk
87-89 Warlike
d% EXTRA 90-92 Water Dweller
93-95 Wooly
01-02 Advanced
96-00 Two more rolls
03-05 Aerial

PERSONALITY The creature possesses a powerful beak.
EFFECT: Natural Weapon (Cutting/Piercing) 2d5
Finally, roll on the table below, once for each of the
five personality traits. Determining the species' BEHEMOTH
personality adjustments is extremely helpful when The creature is ponderously massive.
designing the species' society and culture. EFFECT: STR +4, BUL +6, AGI -4, Shambling


The creature possesses strange or fearful symmetry.
1 -4 EFFECT: Roll again for all of the attributes and
combine the results, increase the number of limbs by
2 -3 1d10 for each type of locomotor and manipulator
3 -2
4 -1 The creature is insulated to survive harsh or very cold
5 +0 EFFECT: BUL +1, AGI -1, Thermal Adaptation
6 +1 (Cold) 2, Tough 1

8 +3 The creature is adapted to moving in great, leaping
9 +4 EFFECT: Skill Adept (Leap) 1d10
0 Roll again and combine
The creature has thick chitinous plating covering its
ADAPTATIONS EFFECT: Natural Armor 1d5+1, Skill Inept
(Contortion) 1d10
The following glossary details all of the adaptations
(components of the locomotor, manipulator, and extra CLAMBERING
adaptations) listed in the tables above. Each entry The creature is adapted to climbing and swinging.
details a basic description and may include EFFECT: STR +1, BUL -1, AGI +1, Skill Adept
modifications to attributes and personality traits, as (Climb) 1d10
well as groups of species traits.
ADVANCED The creature possesses sharp claws on either (roll a
The creature has evolved advanced cognitive abilities. d10) its locomotors (1-5) or manipulators (6-0).
EFFECT: REA +2, Calculative, Openness +1, EFFECT: Natural Weapon (Cutting) 1d5
Conscientiousness +1
AERIAL The creature's culture has evolved via trade or similar
The creature is adapted for flight. co-existence with other cultures.
EFFECT: Light (½ BUL), Skill Adept (Fly) 1d10, EFFECT: CHA +1, Extroversion +1, Agreeableness
Wings +1

The creature does not possess manipulators. The creature uses a frill, spines, puffers, or similar
EFFECT: DEX N/A natural feature as a measure to threaten potential
predators or aid in courtship.
ARMS EFFECT: Skill Adept (Intimidate) 1d5, Skill Adept
The creature possesses a pair of arms and may (Romance) 1d5-2
manipulate objects.
EFFECT: No adjustment

The creature possesses a maw full of sharp teeth. The creature may, to some degree, change its shape
EFFECT: Natural Weapon (Piercing) 1d5+1 and features at will.
EFFECT: Shapeshifter 1d10
The creature possesses two or more longated touch- NOCTURNAL
sensitive organs. The creature is adapted to activity in low-light
EFFECT: Acute Sense (Scent) 1d5-1, Acute Sense conditions.
(Touch) 1d10 EFFECT: PER +2, Colorblind, Night Vision 1d5


The creature possesses a pair of small, nimble arms. The creature's society has developed a long tradition
EFFECT: STR -2, DEX +2 when using these limbs of devotion to esoteric studies and ritual.
EFFECT: WIL +1, Openness +1, Conscientiousness
FOUR-LEGGED +1, Neuroticism -2
The creature ambulates in the same way as a horse or
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Balance) 2, Skill Adept The creature possesses sharp claws on either (roll a
(Run) 2 d10) its locomotors (1-5) or manipulators (6-0).
EFFECT: DEX -4 and Tenacious 4 when using the
GELATINOUS limb, Natural Weapon (Cutting/Smashing) 1d10
The creature possesses no hard tissues similar to an
amoeba or jellyfish. PREDATORY
EFFECT: STR -1, Skill Adept (Contortion) 10, The creature is built for stalking and killing prey.
Undifferentiated EFFECT: STR +1, AGI +2, PER +1, Acute Sense
(Scent) 1d5, Skill Adept (Stealth) 2
The creature plays a valuable role in a networked PREHENSILE TAIL
community that exists and functions similar to a The creature possesses a tail capable of grasping.
singular entity (members of the species do not roll for EFFECT: DEX -4 when using the tail as a
individual personality scores, taking five plus or manipulator
minus the species modifier for each. Roll an
additional time for each personality trait when PRIMITIVE
determining the species' modifiers). The creature is relatively bestial or even non-sapient.
EFFECT: Telepathic Link, Neuroticism -4 EFFECT: REA -1, Acute Sense (Scent) 1d10, Skill
Adept (Fieldcraft) 1d10, Openness -2
The creature has horns or tusks protruding from its ROBUST
skull. The creature is adapted to harsh conditions.
EFFECT: Natural Weapon (Piercing/Smashing) 1d5 EFFECT: END +2, Disease Resistance 1d10,
Regeneration 1d10-1
The creature is built to deliver an unstoppable charge. SCALES
EFFECT: STR +2, BUL +2, Skill Adept (Run) 4 The creature has scales covering its body.
EFFECT: END -1, Natural Armor 2
The creature possesses noticeably pronounced ears. SCYTHES
EFFECT: Acute Sense (Hearing) 1d10 The creature possess sharp blade-like claws on either
(roll a d10) its locomotors (1-5) or manipulators (6-0).
MANY-LEGGED EFFECT: Cannot perform DEX or CRD-based skill
The creature ambulates in the same way as a tests with the limbs, Natural Weapon (Cutting)
centipede or caterpillar. 1d10+1d5
EFFECT: Roughshod, Serpentine 1, Skill Adept
(Balance) 6, Skill Adept (Climb) 6, Skill Inept
(Run) 2

SKITTERING EFFECT: Serpentine 1 and Tenacious 1 per tentacle
The creature ambulates in the same way as an ant or used (Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 when used as
crab. locomotors)
EFFECT: Roughshod, Skill Adept (Balance) 4, Skill TRUNK
Adept (Climb) 4 The creature's snout is elongated into a prehensile
SLITHERING EFFECTS: DEX -4 when using the trunk as a
The creature ambulates in the same way as a serpent manipulator, Acute Sense (Scent) 1d10
or mollusk.
EFFECTS: Serpentine 4, Skill Adept (Balance) 6, WARLIKE
Skill Inept (Run) 4 The creature's society is built on a history of endless
battles and territorial dispute.
STALK EYES EFFECT: Openness -1, Agreeableness -1,
The creature's eyes are perched atop flexible stalks. Neuroticism +1
EFFECTS: Acute Sense (Sight) 1d10, Skill Adept
The creature is adapted to living in and out of aquatic
STRIDING environs.
The creature ambulates in the same way as a EFFECT: Acute Sense (Sight) 1d5, Amphibious,
humanoid or flightless bird. Skill Adept (Swim) 1d10
EFFECT: No adjustment
SUBTERRANEAN The creature has thick fur covering its body.
The creature is adapted to living underground. EFFECT: Thermal Adaptation (Cold) 2d5
EFFECT: Acutes Sense (Hearing) 1d5, Acute Sense
(Touch) 1d5, Burrower, Dull Sense (Sight) 1d10,
Light Sensitivity 1d5
SYMBIOTIC Your players may be intrigued by the prospect of
The creature has evolved alongside another species
playing a creature generated on these tables. Though
with which it shares an interdependent relationship.
potentially unbalanced, committing yourself to rolling
EFFECT: Roll an additional species (with an
a new species, then to playing whatever you roll, can
additional -2 to REA)
open up a breadth of narrative possibilities and make
for a challenging player experience. The GM will be
TENTACLES the ultimate arbiter as to whether a player may choose
The creature possesses 1d5 sets of tentacles that may to be a random species.
be used as manipulators as well as locomotors.

Once you've chosen your species, its time to select
your occupation template. Each character may only
benefit from a single occupation. YOUR OWN
Attributes: Members of an occupation will lean The occupations listed below represent a smattering
certain ways in regard to their attribute distribution. of those common throughout the Known Worlds,
As such, when rolling randomly for attributes, confer though this list doesn't begin to scratch the surface of
with your selected occupation template for modifiers the myriad of occupations available. You are
to each percentile roll. These modifiers will not encouraged to create your own template, provided
increase the maximum value of an attribute (as those you follow these guidelines:
granted by species) though they will ensure that
members of a given occupation generally have higher Attribute bonuses: The template must have no more
values within their species' range. than +70% distributed amongst the ten attributes. No
single attribute may have more than a +20% modifier.
Skills: In addition to modifying a character's
attributes, the occupation templates they select will Skill adjustments: Each template may have nine
determine a list of skills in which they will gain an trunk skills and nine branch skills. For both trunk and
increase when rolling. As with the attributes, these branch skills, you may decide which three skills will
modifiers are not directly to the skills' ranks, but to gain a +15% bonus, which three will have a +10%,
the d% roll made to generate the skill values. and which three will have a +5% (see template
layouts below for examples).

Wherever there's The presence of a skilled engineer
dirty work to be can make or break the success of
done for cold, a trans-universal adventuring
hard credits, party, ensuring that tech is
you'll find a bounty maintained or upgraded to
hunter. suit the need of the moment.


STR +5%, DEX +10%, AGI +10%, END +5%, STR +5%, DEX +20%, REA +15%, PER +15%,
PER +20%, WIL +10%, CRE +10% WIL +5%, CRE +10%
+15% Athletics, Detect, Larceny +15% Mathematics, Natural Science, Technical
+10% Ballistics, Intuition, Presence +10% Language Arts, Social Studies, Survival
+5% Melee, Survival, Technical +5% Detect, Intuition, Visual Arts
+15% Firearm, Savvy, Tactics +15% Advanced Math, Engineering, Operate
+10% Alertness, Stealth, Streetwise +10% Alertness, Handle, Fieldcraft
+5% Barter, Courage, Intimidate +5% Lift, Profession, Study
“Dead or alive, don't matter to me.” “I can fix it or build it, as long as you can buy it.”
- Quain-Quall, Quaran Bounty Hunter - Gudrun Gunnsdottir, Dwarf Engineer

Quick on the draw, the The Multiverse is a strange
gunslinger lives or dies by place where mystery abounds.
the speed of their gun. Luckily, no matter the danger,
Traveling from place to there is no shortage of
place, they owe allegiance investigators willing to take
only to the highest bidder. the case.


DEX+20%, AGI +15%, END +5%, PER +20%, DEX +10%, AGI +5%, REA +15%, PER +20%,
WIL +5%, CRE +5% WIL +5%, CRE +15%, CHA +5%
+15% Athletics, Ballistics, Detect +15% Detect, Intuition, Wordplay
+10% Aerobics, Melee, Presence +10% Athletics, Larceny, Presence
+5% Larceny, Survival, Technical +5% Ballistics, Studies, Technical
+15% Acrobatics, Alertness, Firearm +15% Alertness, Diplomacy, Savvy
+10% Courage, Legerdemain, Savvy +10% Courage, Guile, Stealth
+5% Brawl, Fieldcraft, Tactics +5% Streetwise, Study, Firearm
“You think you're fast enough? Go ahead on...” “Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll take the case.”
- Lindri Silverleaf, Elf Gunslinger - Mikk Remodo, Human Investigator

Exploring the Multierse in search of The Multiverse is a dangerous place,
mystical secrets, the mage is an unending filled with cutthroats, smugglers,
student of all things arcane. Adhering to and every imaginable kind of
the chromatic structure of ne’er do well. While these
spellcasting, many mages individuals can be villainous,
identify themselves with the you would be hard pressed to
color in which they specialize. find a savvier verser.


REA +15%, PER +15%, WIL +15%, CRE +15%, DEX +15%, AGI +15%, REA +5%, PER +15%,
CHA +10% CRE +15%, CHA +5%
+15% Incantation, Language Arts, Social Studies +15% Athletics, Detect, Larceny
+10% Detect, Intuition, Presence +10% Ballistics, Presence, Wordplay
+5% Mathematics, Natural Science, Wordplay +5% Melee, Survival, Technical
+15% Chromatic Magic, Fluency, Study +15% Alertness, Guile, Stealth
+10% Alertness, Control, Legerdemain +10% Acrobatics, Legerdemain, Savvy
+5% Advanced Math, Diplomacy, Tactics +5% Disguise, Game, Streetwise
“Stand back, there are dark forces at work here!” “Skrooooink!” (pushes a gun in your back)
- Drebbin the Blue, Goblin Mage - Jimp Snuffoldi, Pigman Outlaw

Whether working for trans-universal For every commander with a
corporations, or driven by their cause, there are innumerable
natural curiosity, researchers may soldiers ready to fall in line
be found throughout the Multiverse, and take commands. Brave
documenting, categorizing, and commandos and greedy mercs
advancing scientific knowledge. may be found with ease.


DEX +15%, REA +20%, PER +15%, WIL +5%, STR +15%, DEX +10%, BUL +10%, AGI +10%,
CRE +15% END +15%, PER +5%, WIL +10%
+15% Mathematics, Natural Science, Technical +15% Athletics, Ballistics, Presence
+10% Intuition, Language Arts, Social Studies +10% Aerobics, Detect, Melee
+5% Detect, Intuition, Survival +5% Survival, Technical, Throwing
+15% Advanced Math, Operate, Scientific Study +15% Brawl, Courage, Firearm
+10% Study, Engineering, Fieldcraft +10% Alertness, Fieldcraft, Melee Weapon
+5% Fluency, Handle, Profession +5% Handle, Tactics, Run
“This is all very fascinating.” (knots fingers) “You want me march? Me march.”
- Xaondi The Seventh, Zyntari Researcher - Grenn Broken-Tusk, Neanderthal Soldier

In every hub-world, scores of Culled from savage worlds,
traders may be found hocking these warriors were bred for
everything from scrap battle. If you have the
to sapient slaves. Traders coin or a noble cause,
from the corporate sectors, their blade may swing
however, tend to be more at your behest.
careful about their inventory.


REA +15%, PER +15%, WIL +15%, CRE +15%, STR +20%, DEX +5%, BUL +15%, AGI +10%,
CHA +10% END +10%, WIL +10%
+15% Domestics, Social Studies, Wordplay +15% Athletics, Melee, Presence
+10% Intuition, Language Arts, Larceny +10% Aerobics, Survival, Throwing
+5% Ballistics, Detect, Technical +5% Ballistics, Detect, Domestics
+15% Barter, Diplomacy, Profession +15% Brawl, Intimidate, Melee Weapon
+10% Fluency, Guile, Savvy +10% Alertness, Courage, Run
+5% Alertness, Firearm, Streetwise +5% Acrobatics, Lift, Thrown Weapon
“You want Skullfire? I can get you Skullfire...” “By the scales of Nidhogg, you shall die this day!”
- Quintin Perrick, Pookah Trader - Borghild of the Black Hills, Jotun Warrior

01-07 Broodling
The following tables may be used to select a species
and occupation template with the roll of a die. This 08-14 Dividaki
option is ideal when you don't already have a concept.
15-21 Dwarf


d10 29-35 Goblin
1 Bounty Hunter
36-42 Human
2 Engineer
43-49 Jotun
3 Gunslinger
50-56 Neanderthal
4 Investigator
57-63 Pigman
5 Mage
64-70 Pookah
6 Outlaw
71-77 Quanar
7 Researcher
78-84 Scilinoid
8 Soldier
85-91 Zyntari
9 Trader
92-00 Random Alien Species
10 Warrior

Now that you've selected your species and occupation
templates, you're ready to generate your attribute
Going in order from STR to CHA, roll a single d%, Following the formulas, calculate your functional
add any modifier granted by occupation templates, attributes using your final attribute values. All
and confer the result with the chart below: formulas presented below are rounded down.

d% ATTRIBUTE SCORE POW: Add STR + BUL and divide by 2

01-20 2 FOR: Add POW + BUL and divide by 2
21-60 3 CRD: Add DEX + PER and divide by 2
61-85 4
86-99 5
ACT: Add AGI + PER and divide by 2
00 or above 6 SPD: Add POW + AGI
Once your attribute value has been determined, add or MAS: Add POW + BUL
subtract any species modifiers (if applicable) to
determine your final value. APT: Add REA + 1/3 of CRE (round down)

Your character's personality traits will go a long way Extroversion
toward describing their general motivation and The measure of the character's tendency for
attitude throughout the game. You may choose to roll expression, a one representing extreme social
1d10 for each of the traits (adding or subtracting any withdrawal or shyness, while a ten represents the
modifiers from species) though, with permission from consummate people-person
your GM, you may designate whatever values you see
fit, although species modifiers will determine Agreeableness
minimum and maximum values for that species The measure of the character's compassion, a one
(values may never be below 1 or exceed 10). representing hatefulness toward others, while a ten
represents an unyielding desire to put others before
Openness oneself
A measure of the character's acceptance of new ideas
and differing viewpoints, a one represents closed Neuroticism
mindedness, while a ten represents total openness The measure of a character's anxiety and
compulsiveness, a one representing a generally
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS carefree individual, while a ten represents an ego
The measure of the character's organization and crippled with fears or similar obsession
adherence to rules, a one representing a slovenly
nature, while a ten represents dedication to codes and

Whenever your character makes decisions or reacts to
events within the game, their personality scores act as
a helpful guide. Though you shouldn't feel limited by
these values, a good player (or GM) will take them
into account before they commit to an action or social

As a GM, you may choose to ad-hoc bonuses and

penalties to certain social tests based on the
personality scores at play. If, for example, a character
were meeting with a newly discovered culture, you
could apply a penalty to the test if the culture trends
toward low Openness, Extroversion, or Agreeableness
scores, or a bonus to the test if those values tend to be

When you create your character, its a good idea to

take a moment to familiarize yourself with their final
personality scores. Imagine your character in detail
and, if it helps, compare them with people that you've
known or met. Forming this sort of intimacy with
your character's persona will go miles when it comes
time to play them, and investing them with a true
personality will make their involvement in the GM's
story all the richer.

Metal Pig does battle with a horde of advancing techno-ghouls

Once your character's attributes and functional The next few pages describe the compendium of
attributes have been set, you are now ready to available skills. There are several components to
generate your skills. The first step is to choose your skills, each of which are are defined below:
skill list. Select a number of skills equal to your APT
+10. For each chosen skill, roll a d%, adding any Attribute: All skills are attached to attribute (or
modifier granted by your occupation template, and functional attribute) scores. The attribute listed for a
consult the result with the following chart to given skill is the one most commonly combined with
determine the skill's rank. the skill's ranks. In some cases, a skill test will require
the use of a different attribute, though this is not
common and such instances are largely ad-hocked by
01-20 1
Prerequisite: Certain skills require ranks in other
21-50 2 skills before the skill may be learned.
51-75 3
Training: Some skills require a level of training
76-90 4 before they may even be attempted. Skills listed as
being open may be attempted by anyone regardless of
91-99 5
whether or not they possess ranks in the skill. Skills
00 or above 6 listed as being restricted may only be attempted if a
character possesses at least one rank in the skill.

Attribute: END Attribute: AGI
Training: Open Training: Open
Aerobics is a character’s ability to resist fatigue Athletics represents a character’s propensity for
brought on by prolonged athletic exertion (see physical feats, such as running, jumping and
Fatigue). The Aerobics Skill, along with the climbing. Alternatively, the Athletics skill may be
Endurance Attribute, is a good indicator of a used in place of the Melee skill while fighting
character’s overall fitness, and Aerobics may help to unarmed or with natural weaponry such as claws or
modify some basic Endurance-based tests such as horns. Athletics is commonly used to dodge attacks.
holding one’s breath.

Attribute: END Prerequisites: Athletics 1
Prerequisites: None Training: Open
Training: Open Acrobatics governs a character’s general body control
The Apneic Control skill increases a character’s and is employed when attempting feats of agility such
proficiency with holding their breath for prolonged as dodging an attack, rolling to cover, and, in the case
periods of time. This skill is most useful for of an especially skilled practitioner, flips and
swimmers who spend time under water but has other handsprings. While all of theses feats may be
applications as well. attempted by anyone, proficiency in this skill defines
those who have endeavored to master these feats
through practice and often instruction.

Attribute: AGI
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
Balance governs a character’s mastery over their
equilibrium. The Balance skill is used to keep footing
during situations when the environment causes
difficulty in doing so (such as standing during a
tremor or making one’s way across a narrow beam).

CLIMB points by which the test succeeds, your leap covers an
Attribute: AGI increment horizontally. For every full ten points by
Prerequisites: None which your test succeeds, your leap covers an
Training: Open increment vertically.
The Climb skill is used as a means of navigating
severely inclined terrain. While traversing slopes of LIFT
45 degrees or more, a character is most often required Attribute: POW
to climb. The Climb skill is used to overcome the Prerequisites: None
difficulty value of a given slope, and additionally, is Training: Open
used when climbing as part of a Rush action. The Lift skill increases a character’s proficiency when
testing to pick up, carry, or move heavy objects (see
CONTORTION Lifting). For every two ranks possessed in this skill,
Attribute: AGI the character’s press capability is increased by one
Prerequisites: None step (see the Weight section).
Training: Open
The Contortion skill is used to fit through spaces the RIDE (ANY)
character would normally have trouble traversing due Attribute: AGI
to their size and shape and as an alternate means to Prerequisites: None
escape from grapple maneuvers. Training: Open
The Ride skill represents a character’s ability to
When used to fit through tight spaces, the character utilize another creature as a mode of transportation. A
may count their effective BUL as being one less for single species of riding animal is chosen when the
every five points their Contortion test exceeds 15 skill is purchased. This skill may also be branched off
of the Domestics trunk skill based on culture.
When grappled, a character may choose to substitute
a Contortion test in place of a POW test if trying to RUN
escape. Attribute: AGI
Prerequisites: None
FLY Training: Open
Attribute: AGI The Run skill increases a character’s proficiency and
Prerequisites: Wings (or other means of flight) distance when traveling on ground. The Run skill is
Training: Open used when running as part of a rush or charge action.
The Fly skill increases a character’s proficiency and
distance when traveling by flight. The Fly skill is used STEALTH
to determine extra distance when flying as part of a Attribute: AGI
rush or charge action. Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
LEAP The Stealth skill increases a character’s proficiency
Attribute: AGI with avoiding detection (sneaking and hiding). While
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 using the Stealth skill, a character's SPD is reduced by
Training: Open ½. This includes the end result of a rush test and,
The act of Leaping is simply to spring from the when rushing, receive a -4 penalty to your Stealth
ground or other support with a coordinated muscular test. This skill is opposed by the Alertness Branch
effort. For every rank taken in the Leap branch skill, skill, and bonuses to certain senses (sight, hearing, et
the character adds one to the test made to determine cetera) will help to detect different uses of the Stealth
maximum leaping distance (see below). A leap is only skill.
possible with adequate support, so leaping while
swimming or climbing is generally not possible. A SWIM
leap may not add to the character’s movement, but Attribute: AGI
rather is a means of traversing obstacles that would Prerequisites: None
slow or entirely hinder their passage (such as a low Training: Open
wall or a deep fissure). The Swim skill increases a character’s proficiency
and distance when traveling in aquatic environs that
When making a Leap test to determine distance, are too deep to wade in (see Swimming). The Swim
modify the skill with POW in place of AGI, and roll skill is used whenever swimming as part of a rush or
against an effective DV of zero. For every full five charge action.

Attribute: CRD Attribute: PER
Training: Open Training: Open
The Ballistics skill governs a character’s proficiency Detect is an extension of a character’s basic PER,
with ranged weaponry. enhancing their passive observation of the world
around them. A character’s Detect range (their PER +
BALLISTICS Detect in increments) is often used to determine the
effectiveness of certain systems (such as aspects of
BRANCH SKILLS social interaction and ranged combat).
Attribute: CRD
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Bows skill covers any form of bow weapon. Such ALERTNESS
weaponry is uncommon outside of primitive cultures, Attribute: PER
though some still use them for sport or ceremony. Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
CROSSBOWS The Alertness skill constitutes a honing of a
Attribute: CRD character’s passive awareness of their surroundings.
Prerequisites: None This skill is used to determine whether a character is
Training: Open taken by surprise or notices subtle details of their
The Crossbows skill covers any form of crossbow environment
weapon. Though an outdated weapon, many primitive
or impoverished cultures them, especially for the
delivery of poisoned or explosive bolts.

Attribute: CRD
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Firearm skill covers any form of small arms
weaponry. A single group of firearm weaponry
(handguns, long arms, et cetera) is chosen when this
skill is purchased.

Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: None
Training: Restricted
The Emergency Medicine skill enhances a character’s
ability to stabilize a wounded or similarly ailing
character (see Healing) until further medical
intervention or more suitable conditions for healing
can be attained. This skill may alternately be
branched off of the Natural Science or Survival trunk

Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: None
Training: Restricted
The Profession skill represents the knowledge and
general proficiency with the aspects of a the chosen
DOMESTICS profession. This skill may be fairly interpretive in its
Attribute: REA scope though may only be applied to REA based tests.
Training: Open
Domestics ranks determine a character’s proficiency
with the tools and systems common to their native F.Y.I. LIFE IN
society. The areas covered by a character’s Domestics THE KNOWN
skill are entirely dependent upon the world which is
home to the character, and different skill tests may be
made according to the character's background.
Use of the Domestics skill may require a bit of ad-
As a verser traveling the Known Worlds, you
hocking on the GM’s part. As a general rule, anything
generally benefit from a solid infrastructure. Most
that would be considered common knowledge within
menial tasks are performed by service mechs, and
the character’s society may make use of the
computers and motorized transportation are
Domestics skill. For example, ranks the Domestics
commonplace. For the average verser (one who has
skill might cover studies learned in grammar school,
lived in the hub worlds for long enough to adapt),
basic knowledge of laws and customs and the ability
Domestics may always be used to test for the use of
to operate devices such as vehicles and computers.
hover cars, light starcraft, computers, and accessing
the information network.
These uses can vary even within a specific cultures of
a given setting, as factors such as age, status, and
creed can wildly change the skill's us. Again, this is LIFE AS A REFUGEE
where the players and the GM will work to define the
use. As a refugee, use of your Domestics skill will depend
entirely on your homeworld. A refugee from Midgard
(or another of the Nine Worlds) may have common
DOMESTICS knowledge of animal husbandry, hunting, and
BRANCH SKILLS farming, but will know nothing of science or the use
of advanced technology.
The Domestics trunk skill has few consistent branch
skills, though many of the branch skills detailed in Refugees from Earth will have Domestics uses to
this section may be attributed to this trunk as match the region from which they hail. In the case of
determined by the society from which the character earthlings, computer use and the operation of
originated. automobiles will be commonplace.

Attribute: APT
Training: Open
Tactics aids in a character’s ability to assess the
abilities of others and maximize their own potential
within a conflict. Tactics also functions as a general
intuition, and with it, characters may attempt to suss
out clues from the GM (though failure will often lead
to misinformation).

Throughout the Known Worlds, there are a number of
games of skill and chance that are played for sport
and profit.


Attribute: APT
Prerequisites: None Played in seedier locales (by even seedier
Training: Open individuals), the game of Smuggler's Dice originated
The Intuition skill represents a character’s ability to in the far outposts of the Zyntari Combine. Utilizing a
make quick, accurate assessments about what's going number of 8-sided dice with zyntari glyphs in place of
on around them. When a character wishes to make an numeric values, the game encourages its players to
Intuition test, the GM may set a random DV (based use sleight of hand to alter the results or even swap in
on how much knowledge the player already has loaded dice of their own.
attained regarding the subject). If the character
succeeds, they are given a clue for each full five When playing a game of Smuggler's Dice, you may
points of differential by which they exceed the DV. choose to make a Legerdemain test to assist your roll.
Conversely, the character will receive a number of If your test is countered by your opponents' Alertness
points of misinformation for each full five increments tests, however, you receive a penalty to the score.
by which they fail as well.
BRANCH SKILLS Developed by the Sons of Balin (the first dwarven
refugees from Nidaveller), Meta-Tafl is derived from
the chess-like tafl games played throughout the Nine
GAME (ANY) Worlds. Incorporating powerful beings from
Attribute: APT
throughout the Known Worlds in place of the standard
Prerequisites: None
king and foot soldiers, each official piece is ranked,
Training: Open
and players will pay a high price for especially rare or
The Game skill represents a character’s ability to play
powerful pieces.
and win at a specific game. A single game (chess,
poker, mahjong, et cetera) is chosen when the skill is

Attribute: APT
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Savvy skill represents a character’s ability to read
social cues and determine motive behind words.
Savvy is most commonly used to oppose the use of
the Guile branch skill.

Attribute: CRE
Prerequisites: None
Training: Restricted
The Fluency skill determines how well a character
may comprehend a chosen language in its written or
spoken form. A rank of 3 or greater assumes that the
character is competently fluent, while higher ranks
represent a mastery of that language and increased
vocabulary. Characters are often granted this skill for
free in the language or languages most common to
their society. For much of the Known Worlds,
Dominion Standard has become the de facto

LANGUAGE ARTS All characters from the Dominion-controlled worlds
Attribute: REA or CRE gain a free skill roll in Fluency (Dominion Standard)
Training: Restricted with a bonus to this test equal to their APT x5.
Language governs a character’s proficiency at However, this affects each of the species differently,
reading, composition, speech, spelling, and dramatics as some are unable to speak the language with their
within their known language or languages. Basic use natural palette, and may only be able to comprehend
of this Skill may be accomplished by means of the it. In any case, this Fluency skill may be branched
Domestics Skill. This Skill covers your starting either off of Language Arts or Domestics. Characters
language, but to learn multiple languages, select the that are unable to speak Dominion Standard may still
Skill Focus Special Ability for a language of your do so with the aid of a translation module. A character
choice. may or may not gain a bonus Fluency skill (including
the bonus to the roll) based on their species (pending
GM permission). A character may always both speak
LANGUAGE ARTS and comprehend their native language.
BRANCH KILLS The following species may comprehend Dominion
CREATIVE Standard, though may not speak it without the aid of a
WRITING (ANY) translation module (usually a program installed on a
Attribute: CRE personal computer such as a MetaTool): pigman,
Prerequisites: Fluency (Any) 3 broodling, quanar, and scilinoid.
Training: Restricted
The Creative Writing skill grants proficiency in any
single form of creative writing. A single form of
creative writing (fiction, poetry, stage play, et cetera)
is chosen when the skill is purchased. In general, this
skill is tested while crafting a work of creative writing
and the success of the test will dictate the quality of
the work. Modifiers may affect this value depending
on the reader of the work and other skills that the
writer possesses.

Attribute: DEX
Prerequisites: None
Training: Restricted
The Open Lock skill grants proficiency with picking
and disabled mechanical locking mechanisms. The
difficulty of the given lock and the characters ability
to disable it is dependent on the level of technology
used to design the lock.

Attribute: APT
Training: Open
Larceny represents a character’s knowledge gathered
through time spent in willful disobedience of a
setting’s laws and sensibilities or through the study of
such activity (in the case of law enforcement or
private investigators). Like the Domestics skill, the
effectiveness of the Larceny skill may require some
improvisation on the player and GM’s part.
LARCENY Attribute: REA
Training: Restricted
BRANCH SKILLS Mathematics governs a character’s proficiency with
numeric procedures, operations, or properties. Ranks
DISGUISE in Mathematics are often requisite for advancing
Attribute: CRE skills that require a level of systemic thinking or
Prerequisites: None procedural expertise such as forms of engineering or
Training: Open theoretical sciences.
The Disguise skill enhances a character’s attempts to
alter their appearance by means of costumes and
mannerisms. This skill is most often opposed by MATHEMATICS
Savvy, though in some circumstances (such as when a BRANCH SKILLS
particularly shoddy disguise is employed), this skill
may be opposed by Alertness. ADVANCED
Attribute: DEX Prerequisites: Mathematics 3
Prerequisites: None Training: Restricted
Training: Open The Advanced Mathematics skill represents a
The Legerdemain skill enhances a character’s ability character’s grasp of sophisticated mathematical
to manipulate and conceal small objects (anything concepts. A character with 1 rank in Advanced
able to be held). Use of this skill is opposed by the Mathematics will be familiar with basic concepts of
Alertness branch skill. algebra and geometry while a character with 4 ranks
likely has a graduate-level understanding of topics
exceeding calculus in sophistication.

Throwing a punch or swinging a weapon, while
effective, aren't the only options when fighting in
close combat. The following maneuvers may be
performed in place of a regular attack. You must
attack using Melee as your trunk skill to perform
these maneuvers.

Make a regular Brawl or Melee Weapon attack (as
long as the weapon's Heft equals or exceeds the
target's BUL). If the attack succeeds, don't roll for
damage. Instead, the enemy must make a Balance test
against a DV equal to your damage value +1d10
(rolling extra dice and choosing the highest as per a
MELEE regular hit). If the Balance test fails, the character is
Attribute: CRD knocked prone.
Training: Open
Melee governs a character’s proficiency with knives, PUSH/THROW
swords, clubs, and similar forms of weaponry, as well
as a more complete ability in unarmed combat than Make a regular Brawl attack. If the attack succeeds,
that offered by the Athletics skill. don't roll for damage. Instead, make an opposed POW
test. For every degree of success (full increment of
MELEE BRANCH five) you may move your opponent back one full
increment. The pushed/thrown character must also
SKILLS succeed at an Acrobatics test (DV 2d10) or be
knocked prone.
Attribute: AGI
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
Make a regular Brawl attack. If the attack succeeds,
The Brawl skill enhances a character’s ability to fight
don't roll for damage. Instead, make an opposed POW
and defend themself while unarmed or while
test. If one side wins, the other side will be unable to
employing natural weapons (such as claws, horns, et
take any actions without first passing a POW test. The
cetera). This skill may alternately be branched off of
losing side may attempt a POW test to free
the Athletics trunk skill.
themselves or control the grapple as a two AP action.
If the controlling side succeeds their POW test by five
MELEE WEAPON or more, the grappled party is at a -2 penalty to further
(ANY) POW tests until the hold is broken. Both parties will
Attribute: CRD be considered defenseless (see Combat) from outside
Prerequisites: None parties while involved in a grapple.
Training: Open
The Melee Weapon skill grants proficiency with any DISARM
single group of hand-to-hand weaponry. A single
weapon group (swords, axes, polearms, et cetera) is Make a regular Brawl or Melee Weapon attack. If the
chosen when the skill is purchased. attack succeeds, don't roll for damage. Instead, make
an opposed POW test (adding your respective
weapons Heft values if applicable). If you succeed,
your opponent drops their weapon. If you did so
unarmed, you may make a DEX test (DV 1d10) to
grab the weapon yourself.

Attribute: DEX
Prerequisites: Emergency Medicine 3, Natural
Science 3, Medical Study (Any) 3
Training: Restricted
The Surgery skill grants proficiency in a field of
surgery. A single field of surgery (Elective,
Replantation, Cybernetic, et cetera) is chosen when
the skill is purchased. Note that a given form of
surgery will often require multiple Medical Study
skills as prerequisites.

As Natural Science branch skills represent collected
knowledge within a given field, a different field is
chosen each time the skills are purchased. The more
NATURAL SCIENCE specific your chosen field, the more knowledgeable
Attribute: REA you will be when called upon to make a test with the
Training: Restricted given skill. As GM, you are encouraged to grant ad-
Natural Science governs a character’s knowledge and hoc bonuses to Medical Study and Scientific Study
categorization of the physical world gained through tests when the field is narrow.
empirical observation. A character with ranks in
Natural Science has at least a basic grasp of the For example, if the characters were to encounter a
scientific method. Natural Science is often used in sapient humanoid species that evolved from fungal
tandem with Mathematics. growths on an alternate Earth, a character who had
taken ranks in Scientific Study (Mycology) should
NATURAL have an easier time studying the creatures than an
academic devoted to general study.
Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: Natural Science 3
Training: Restricted
The Medical Study skill grants proficiency in a field
of medicine. A single field of medicine (diagnostics,
pediatrics, oncology, et cetera) is chosen when the
skill is purchased.

Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: Natural Science 2
Training: Restricted
The Scientific Study skill grants knowledge of a
subject of scientific learning. A single field
(astronomy, geomorphology, xeno-biology, organic
chemistry, et cetera) is chosen when the skill is

Attribute: DEX
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Musical Instrument skill grants proficiency with
any single instrument group. A single instrument
group is chosen when the skill is purchased.

Attribute: CHA
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Vocals skill grants proficiency with any single
style of vocalized performance art. A single style
(singing, storytelling, et cetera) is chosen when the
skill is purchased.

Attribute: Variable (see below)
Training: Open
Performance includes the practice of any form of Largely in thanks to the trans-universal broadcasts of
artistic expression performed before an audience. the Teledrome, and the rampant consumerism of the
These could include, but are not limited to: acting, denizens of Pig-Earth, entertainers of all stripes have
music, dance, and storytelling. The attributes used a place in the Known Worlds.
with this skill vary widely, depending on the art form
being performed.
Though they don't always make for
PERFORMING the best adventurers, there is no
ARTS BRANCH discounting the power of
celebrity within a populous
SKILLS hub world, and world-savvy
entertainers can make
ACTING excellent makeshift diplomats
Attribute: CHA
Prerequisites: None ATTRIBUTE BONUSES
Training: Open
The Acting skill represents a character’s ability to AGI +15%, END +15%, PER +5%, WIL +5%,
portray a scenario through performance. This skill is CRE +15%, CHA +15%
commonly used by thespians, though in certain TRUNK SKILLS
circumstances, the acting skill may take the place of
many existing social skills (Command, Diplomacy, +15% Athletics, Performing Arts, Wordplay
Guile, Romance, et cetera) though may prompt extra
+10% Language Arts, Presence, Visual Arts
Savvy tests when used in this manner.
+5% Detect, Domestics, Technical
Attribute: AGI
Prerequisites: None +15% Acting, Dance, Vocals
Training: Open
The Dance skill grants proficiency with any single +10% Diplomacy, Musical Instrument, Romance
style of dance, chosen when the skill is purchased. +5% Acrobatics, Confidence, Visual Art
“Rock n' Roll means never having to say goodbye.”
- Black Ice, Human Entertainer

Attribute: WIL
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Confidence skill represents a character’s belief in
their own capacities, especially when applied to social
situations. A character might make use of the
Confidence skill when speaking in front of an
audience or when speaking with an intimidating
personality (such as a king or celebrity).

A character with a high Confidence score may also

use this skill to bolster social interactions in which
they engage. A character wishing to do this tests their
Confidence skill before making an Acting, Command,
Courage, Diplomacy, Guile, Insult, Intimidate or
Romance test. For each point the test result exceeds
15, the character gains a +1 bonus to the modifier of
their following skill test. For each point that the test
result is lower than ten, the character receives a -1
PRESENCE penalty to the modifier of the following skill test.
Attribute: WIL The Confidence skill is used to resist the effects of the
Training: Open Insult branch skill.
Presence is a measure of a character’s gravitas and
psychological constitution. Presence is the primary CONTROL
skill employed by animals to communicate with one Attribute: WIL
another and is the most basic form of all sentient Prerequisites: None
communication. Common uses of Presence include, Training: Open
but are not limited, to the intimidation of others and The Control skill represents a character’s mental
the resistance of fear or similar psychological effects. discipline and is typically used to resist the effects of
compulsion. A character might make use of the
PRESENCE Control skill when resisting the urge to fall asleep,
powering through the effects of a drug addiction or to
BRANCH SKILLS keep from giving up classified information under the
pain of torture.
Attribute: WIL
Prerequisites: None F.Y.I. MIND
Training: Open OVER BODY
The Command skill enhances a character’s ability to One common use of the Control skill is to use one's
bolster morale and motivate others to action. This will to overcome penalties inflicted by injuries or
skill is most commonly used to grant bonuses to allied similar trauma. When doing so, make a Control test
Courage skill tests (see Morale) though may be used (at the beginning of your turn during conflicts) against
to enhance other skills, especially by way of tricks. a DV of 1d10+your current damage penalty. If you
equal or exceed this DV, you may ignore the penalties
until the beginning of your next turn. Should you fail
the test, until the beginning of your next turn, you will
suffer additional penalties equal to the value by which
you failed.

Attribute: WIL
Prerequisites: None The character receives a -2 penalty to all tests.
Training: Open
The Courage skill represents a character’s ability to COWED
function in the face of threatening circumstances.
Courage is commonly used in combat (see Morale) The character must flee from the source of their fear
and is also used to oppose use of the Intimidate skill. or otherwise avoid it (counting as being Shaken as
Attribute: WIL
Prerequisites: None The character is helpless, falling prone or supplicating
Training: Open themselves to the source of their fear, and may not act
The Handle Animal skill represents a character’s until they are able to re-test their Courage (GM's
ability to calm and control a non-sentient species. A discretion)
specific family of animal (canine, equine, feline, et
cetera) is chosen when this skill is purchased. This TRAUMATIZED
skill may also be branched off of the Domestics or
Survival trunk skills. The character is helpless, falling prone or supplicating
themselves to the source of their fear, and may not act
INTIMIDATE until they are able to re-test their Courage (GM's
Attribute: WIL discretion). In addition, their Neuroticism is
Prerequisites: None permanently increased by one.
Training: Open
The Intimidate skill represents a character’s ability to INSANITY
cause fear through their force of personality.
Successful use of the Intimidate skill can cause others If a character's Neuroticism would ever rise above 10,
to cower, flee or even supplicate themselves. Use of they gain a permanent disorder. The most common
the Intimidate skill is opposed by the Courage Branch disorder is a phobia (see the Phobia trait) though the
skill. GM may tailor-fit a disorder to the afflicted character
based on the event that triggered their trauma.
F.Y.I. MORALE These disorders may be removed with the expenditure
AND SANITY 10 EXP and a successful Control test (DV 3d10). If
the traumatized character seeks counseling, a Study
The rigors of branar travel may play havoc on one's (Psychology) and Diplomacy test (each DV 2d10)
psyche and overall emotional well-being (especially may be made on the behalf of the traumatized
for a novice verser). To be a successful adventurer in character in place of their Control test, though the
the Multiverse, it can be argued that Courage is an traumatized character must still expend the EXP
essential skill. (which is lost regardless of success in either case).
Whenever a Courage test is failed, consult the
following chart with the differential to determine its
effect on the character's morale:

1-5 Shaken
6-10 Cowed
11-15 Demoralized
16+ Traumatized

Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Streetwise skill represents a character’s
familiarity with a given urban environment. A single
city (or similar construct of civilization such as a
populated space station) is chosen when the skill is
purchased. Characters within a similar city may
sometimes attempt use of this skill, though usually at
a penalty. This skill may also be branched off of the
Domestics, Larceny, or Survival trunk skills.

Having ranks in a Study skill essentially means that
you have, at one point, learned and retained
SOCIALSTUDIES information about a given subject. Most of the time,
Attribute: REA when a Study skill is called upon, you're testing to
Training: Restricted remember something useful that you learned. In many
Social Studies govern a character’s knowledge of the cases, the Domestics skill will allow a character to
geography, history and civics of the world (or worlds) make this test, especially if the knowledge in question
on which they live. Basic use of this skill may be would be within the realm of their culture or
accomplished by means of the Domestics skill, experiences. However, the DV for this test should be
though usually this will only apply to the fundamental made considerably lower if the character is making
aspects of the character’s local region or planet. the test using a Study skill appropriate to the subject
or even just using unmodified Social Studies. The
SOCIAL STUDIES following chart shows some example knowledge
(It should also be noted that this table may work for
STUDY (ANY) any skill that may be used to recall knowledge. You
Attribute: REA could easily replace Social Studies and Study with
Prerequisites: None Survival, Fieldcraft, Natural Science, Scientific Study,
Training: Restricted or similar skills that would cover a bank of
The Study skill represents a character’s knowledge knowledge)
within a specific field of study. A single field (World
History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology,
Psychology, et cetera) is chosen when the skill is


Common 6 (or 1d10) 3 (or 1d5) 1
Mainstream 9 (or 1d10+1d5) 6 (or 1d10) 3 (or 1d5)
Slightly Obscure 12 (or 2d10) 9 (or 1d10+1d5) 6 (or 1d10)
Obscure 16 (or 2d10+5) 12 (or 2d10) 9 (or 1d10+1d5)
Foreign 20+ (or 2d10+10) 16+ (or 2d10+5) 12 (or 2d10)

Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Fieldcraft skill represents a character’s familiarity
with a given environment. A single type of
environment (jungle, desert, tundra, et cetera) is
chosen when the skill is purchased.

Surviving in wild expanse can be a difficult proposal,
especially considering the varieties of biomes one
SURVIVAL may encounter throughout the Multiverse.
Attribute: APT
Training: Open The following chart should give you a general idea of
Survival governs a character’s ability to find shelter, the DV value for Survival-based tests in such wild
water and food, or otherwise negotiate wilderness or places (should such a thing even be possible):
similarly harsh environs, including inhospitable urban
locales. Unlike the Domestics skill, which may cover
tests to thrive in familiar surroundings, characters
with ranks in Survival have a better chance at
adapting to novel surroundings (such as foreign lands
and alien worlds).


Fashion Basic Tools 10 (or 2d10)* 14 (or 3d10) 18 (or 4d10) 20 (or 4d10)
Find Water 10 (or 2d10)* 14 (or 3d10) 18 (or 4d10) 20 (or 4d10)
Find/Build Shelter 8 (or 1d10)* 12 (or 2d10) 20 (or 4d10) 20 (or 4d10)
Forage 12 (or 2d10)* 18 (or 4d10) 24 (or 5d10) N/A
Track prey** 15 (or 3d10)* N/A N/A N/A
*Has at least one rank of Fieldcraft pertaining to the biome
**Requires the Tracker trick (the prey may choose to substitute it's own Fieldcraft test in place of the standard
DV if it is aware it is being tracked)

Attribute: DEX or CRD
Prerequisites: None
Training: Restricted
The Handle skill represents a character’s ability to
utilize or otherwise interface with a specific form of
technology. A single technology (hovercars, fighter
pods, power tools, agricultural equipment, et cetera) is
chosen when the skill is purchased. Vehicles are often
modified by CRD, while hand-operated tools are
often modified by DEX.

Attribute: PER
Prerequisites: Technical 1
Training: Restricted
The Heavy Weapons skill covers any form of
personalized, high caliber or explosive munitions. A
single group of heavy weaponry (rocket launchers,
TECHNICAL flame throwers, miniguns, et cetera) is chosen when
Attribute: REA this skill is purchased.
Training: Restricted
Technical governs the character’s intimacy with the OPERATE (ANY)
technology of their age. Characters with lower ranks Attribute: REA
in the Technical Skill are savvy when it comes to the Prerequisites: None
operation of machinery or devices common to their Training: Restricted
setting, while characters with higher ranks may use The Operate skill represents a character’s ability to
their intuitions to operate devices with which they utilize or otherwise interface with a specific form of
were previously unfamiliar. technology. A single technology (computers, lab
equipment, security systems, industrial equipment,
TECHNICAL starships, et cetera) is chosen when the skill is
BRANCH SKILLS purchased.


Attribute: REA
Prerequisites: Variable (see below)
Training: Restricted In nearly any high-tech society found throughout the
The Engineering skill represents a character’s ability Known Worlds, the InfoNet will be accessible to tech-
to craft the tools and technology of their age. A single savvy versers. Provided one has a personal computer,
form of Engineering (computer, military, robotics, et Operate (Computer) tests may be made in place of
cetera) is chosen when the skill is purchased. In any Natural Science or Social Studies skill test to
addition to crafting, Engineering ranks are required to retrieve knowledge on a given subject. Whether or not
make repairs. Most engineering skills require at least the character will be able to comprehend or use that
three ranks in Mathematics, Advanced Math, and information is entirely up to the GM.
Natural Sciences, and may have further prerequisites
at the GM's discretion.

Attribute: CRD Attribute: CRE
Training: Open Training: Open
Throwing governs a character’s proficiency with Arts includes the practice of any form of artistic
javelins, darts, and similar forms of weaponry. expression that conveys itself in material form. These
could include, but are not limited to: painting, graphic
THROWING design, sculpture, and illustration.
Prerequisites: None Attribute: DEX or CRE
Training: Open Prerequisites: None
The Thrown Weapon skill grants proficiency with any Training: Open
single group of thrown weaponry. A single weapon The Visual Art skill represents a character’s ability to
group (knives, spears, boomerangs, et cetera) is express an idea of emotion in a given artistic medium.
chosen when the skill is purchased. A single medium (illustration, sculpting, painting, et
cetera) is chosen when the skill is purchased.

Attribute: CRE
Prerequisites: None
Training: Open
The Guile skill represents a character’s ability to
deceive others. Successful use of the Guile skill can
cause others to believe falsehoods or alter their
opinion against their better judgment. Use of the
Guile skill is opposed by the Savvy Branch skill.
Guile may also be branched off of the Larceny trunk

In combat situations, the Guile skill may be used to
feint opponents. As a 2 AP action, you may make a
Guile test against an opponent and, if successful, you
(or an ally) may follow the feint with an attack against
which the opponent may not defend.
Attribute: CHA
Attribute: CRE
Training: Open
Prerequisites: None
Wordplay is a character’s ability to manipulate
Training: Open
language to alter social interactions. Wordplay may be
The Insult skill represents a character’s ability to
used to win an argument, barter, deceive, or otherwise
demoralize an opponent through slander or damage
alter another person's opinion or outlook.
their standing within a social situation. Generally, if
the character wishing to insult another character
WORDPLAY succeeds at an Insult test opposed by the target
BRANCH SKILLS character's Confidence, the insulted character will
receive a penalty to any following Presence or
BARTER Wordplay tests within that situation.
Attribute: CHA
Prerequisites: None Additionally, a character may slander an opponent in
Training: Open regard to a particular skill, inflicting a penalty to a
The Barter skill represents a character’s ability to single use of that skill following the insult equal to ½
haggle for the prices of goods or services. As a the differential.
general rule, two or more parties will test their Barter Use of the Insult skill is opposed by the Confidence
skill against one another, the winner of that test branch skill.
reducing or increasing the cost by a percentage equal
to the value by which they exceed x5 (though this ROMANCE
may depend on how friendly the interaction is to Attribute: CHA
begin with). Barter may also be branched off of the Prerequisites: None
Domestics trunk skill. Training: Open

DIPLOMACY The Romance skill represents a character’s ability to

Attribute: CHA manipulate the affections of others who would be
Prerequisites: None attracted to the character. Successful use of the
Training: Open Romance skill can cause others to give in to passions.
The Diplomacy skill represents a character’s ability to Use of the Romance skill is opposed by the Savvy
favorably influence or persuade others. Successful use branch skill (if opposed at all).
of the Diplomacy skill can cause others to improve
their opinion of the character, their organization, or
their cause.

F.Y.I. CHANGING To change another character's attitude, choose an
ATTITUDE attitude you wish to achieve and check the chart
below to determine the DV.
Use of the Diplomacy skill can drastically alter the
way an NPC (or PC, should you choose to roleplay To positively affect a character's attitude, make a
faithfully to the character) views your character and Diplomacy test against the target DV. To change their
their position. attitude for the worse, make an Insult or Intimidate
When interacting with another character, first
determine their attitude toward you: When failing a Diplomacy test, drop one attitude
category for every five points by which the test was
HELPFUL: The character is willing to failed.
help you, even go out of their way to do so
In many circumstances, the GM may choose to
FRIENDLY: The character is open to further modify this DV. Hastily made Diplomacy tests
speak with you and hear your ideas (such as trying to talk an enemy out of attacking you
mid-conflict) should be increased by 2d10. In the case
NEUTRAL: The character has no of differing ideals, religions, or other cultural factors,
opinion of you one way or the other the GM may wish to increase the DV by a value equal
to the opposing character's Openness divided by 2
UNFRIENDLY: The character (rounding down). Similarly, the GM may choose to
doesn't like or trust you lower the DV by a value equal to the opposing
character's Agreeablemess divided by 2 (rounding
HOSTILE: The character wants to harm down).
or humiliate you


HOSTILE 0 10 15 25 30
UNFRIENDLY 10 0 10 15 25
NEUTRAL 15 10 0 10 15
FRIENDLY 25 15 10 0 10
HELPFUL 30 25 15 10 0

Now that you've determined your character's core When increasing attributes, you may never exceed the
build, you may now roll for bonus experience points maximum value for your species (6 plus or minus
and spend them to personalize your character to your species modifiers). Skills may never exceed 6 ranks.
In this standard version of character creation, each
character gains a pool of bonus experience points Attribute Next value x4
(EXP) to spend on raising attributes and skills, or to
Trunk Skill Next value x3
purchase tricks. To determine the value of this pool,
roll a number of d10s equal to your APT value and Branch Skill Next value x2
combine the result.
Trick Variable (see tricks)
Further EXP may be gained throughout your game, Spell DV/2
and it will be spent in the same manner as during
character creation. However, only the EXP granted at
character creation may be used to increase your DEX, F.Y.I. POINT-BUY
BUL, REA, or CRE. Once these values are set, they
may never be altered (except through special, in-game
events). In addition, increasing your REA or CRE In place of rolling randomly, you may choose to build
during this phase (thereby increasing your APT) will your character from scratch. When doing so, begin
not alter the number of skill rolls you get or the bonus with species average attributes and spend from a pool
EXP pool, though will affect future EXP accrual. of EXP to purchase skills, tricks, et cetera.

In general, characters test their APT at the end of each
gaming session. Divide the result of that test by five
(rounding down) to determine how many EXP will be
awarded. The GM may also choose to reward
characters with bonus EXP points at their own
discretion (usually for an amazing success or even an
astounding failure... live and learn) though this value
shouldn't exceed one per reward.

Whenever you roll a die to make a skill test, the value
on that die represents a number of things, including
sheer luck. The value your skill grants indicates how
easily you may shore up that uncertainty. As such, an
alternate way you may use unspent EXP is on “Luck

Whenever you would fail a skill test (provided you

have at least one rank in the skill), you may spend an
EXP point to roll another die, choosing the highest of
the dice rolled. You may do this any number of times
though, for each luck roll, you permanently lose one
experience point. While harsh, this may seem an
attractive option if failure means that your character is
facing death.
Ex-Ec, CEO Of the Teledrome

Tricks are a natural extension of a character's set of ARBOREOUS ANCESTRY
skills, and are an opportunity to further define your Cost: 2
character's abilities. Prerequisites: Human or Neanderthal, Climb 2+
When making Climb tests to traverse trees or similar
Each trick is listed with a cost (a number of EXP growth, you may roll an extra die and choose the
points that must be spent to purchase it) and a list of highest result.
prerequisites (conditions a character must satisfy
before they are eligible to purchase the trick). ARCING STRIKE
Cost: 4
AGILE ASSAULT Prerequisites: Melee 2+
Cost: 2 You may simultaneously attack two or more adjacent
Prerequisites: Athletics 2+ opponents with a single melee attack roll, taking a -1
You may substitute your CRD with your AGI when penalty to your attack roll for each opponent added
making attacks with a melee weapon provided the this way.
Heft value doesn't exceed your POW.


Cost: 2
Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Melee 1+
Prerequisites: Quanar, Swim 2+ When parrying with a weapon with the Balanced
When making Swim tests, you may roll an extra die feature, you may roll an extra die and choose the
and choose the highest result. highest result.

Cost: 6 Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Presence 4+ Prerequisites: Melee 3+, Tactics 1+
You may enter a frenzied state as a free action. While After making a melee attack against a single
in this state, you automatically pass any morale-based opponent, any following attacks within the same
tests and reduce penalties from wounds equal to your round count as coming from multiple attackers
total Control score. However, you may only move (imparting a cumulative -2 penalty to defense tests)
toward or attack the nearest enemy and must pass a provided the attack is made with a different
Control test (DV 2d10) at the beginning of each round weapon/limb.
to differentiate between enemies and allies. You must
pass a Control test (DV 2d10) to exit the state, and COUNTER FEINT
suffer the differential as light trauma each time you Cost: 2
fail. Prerequisites: Tactics 2+
Whenever you successfully defend against a feint
BURST CONTROL attempt, you may immediately attempt a free feint.
Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus COUNTERSTRIKE
When using the Burst feature with a weapon for Cost: 4
which you possess the Weapon Focus trick, you may Prerequisites: Melee 3+
reduce the imposed penalty by ½ (rounding down). Whenever you successfully parry an opponent's melee
attack with a differential greater than 5, you may
CAREFUL AIM immediately make a free Melee attack against your
Cost: 4 opponent.
Prerequisites: Detect 2+
You gain an additional die roll each time you perform CROWD FIGHTER
an aim action, as well as an additional bonus to the Cost: 6
aimed attack equal to size differential when attacking Prerequisites: Melee 3+
larger targets You reduce the defense penalty for being surrounded
by a value equaling your PER score .
Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Melee 3+, Weapon Focus
After making a melee attack against a single opponent
with a weapon for which you possess the Weapon
Focus trick, each following attack within the same
round made against that opponent confers a
cumulative -1 penalty to defense tests.

Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Wordplay 3+
You gain your CHA score as a bonus to Command
Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skill Expertise (Operate: Omnisphere),
Prerequisites: Apneic Control 1+ Tech Adaptation (Bygones), Advanced Mathematics
As long as you have at least one unspent AP, are able 4+, Technical 4+
to breath, and did not perform a rush action, your When operating an Omnisphere, you may choose to
Aerobics DV to resist fatigue will not increase. re-roll any number of dice in the random DV pool,
though must accept the second result.
Prerequisites: Melee 2+ Cost: 2
You are not required to pass grapple tests to make Prerequisites: Melee 1+
attacks with weapons with a Heft value lower than You increase the Penetrating feature of melee
your STR while in a contested grapple. weapons you wield by 1.

Cost: 2 Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Melee 2+ Prerequisites: Alertness 4+
When fighting a single opponent in close combat, you During conflicts, you may perform Interruptions
may choose one of their attack or defense dice and without having to pay an additional AP.
force them to re-roll it before values are compared.
Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Presence 4+
Prerequisites: Detect 3+ When making Presence-based skill tests, you may roll
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against targets an additional die and choose the highest value.
whose BUL exceeds your own by at least 5.
GUN DOWN Cost: 4
Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Language Arts, Social Studies, and
Prerequisites: Firearm (Any) 2+ Technical 4+
When testing ACT to interrupt with a firearm attack, You may attempt any Language Arts, Social Studies,
you may re-roll one of your opponent's dice. or Technical branch skill test even if you don't possess
ranks in the skill.

Cost: 4
Prerequisites: REA 4+
You may add your REA score as a bonus to Courage
tests made to face the unknown.

Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus
You gain a +2 bonus to range with ranged weapons
for which you possess the Weapon Focus trick.

Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus
You reduce the penalties for fighting with multiple
weapons by two provided you possess the Weapon
Focus trick for the weapon being wielded.

Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Diplomacy 3+, Presence 2+
When attempting to change attitude favorably during
a conflict, you may reduce the random DV by one die.
Cost: 10
Prerequisites: Presence 6, Control 6, Courage 6, Skill Cost: 2
Mastery (Courage) Prerequisites: Detect 2+
You gain the Fearless trait. While defending, you may roll an additional die per
defend action and gain a bonus to your next defense
HULKING DREAD test equal to the BUL differential between you and
Cost: 2 your attacker (provided you are smaller).
Prerequisites: Presence 1+
When making intimidate based Presence tests, you
gain a bonus equal to the value by which your MAS
exceeds that of your opponent.

Cost: 2 Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Fieldcraft (Urban) 4+, Streetwise Prerequisites: Melee 3+
(Cosmopolis) 4+ Whenever you successfully parry an opponent's melee
The DV for navigating the city of Cosmopolis is attack with a differential greater than 5, you may
halved when testing Fieldcraft and Streetwise to do make a free disarm attempt.
Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Athletics 2+
Prerequisites: Mathematics, Natural Science, and When testing FOR to resist physical damage you may
Social Studies 4+ roll an extra die and choose the highest result.
You may attempt any Mathematics or Natural Science
branch skill test even if you don't possess ranks in the SHARPSHOOTER
skill. Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Detect 4+
QUICK DRAW When aiming, you negate the penalty for shooting
Cost: 2 targets that are smaller than you and reduce cover by
Prerequisites: Athletics 1+ two.
You reduce the ACT cost to ready items by one and
may draw a weapon for free when attacking with it.

Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Athletics 1+
You reduce the ACT cost to stand from a prone
position by one.

Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus
When reloading weapons for which you possess the
Weapon Focus trick, you reduce the ACT cost by one,
though may not reduce this cost below one.

Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus
You reduce the ACT cost to attack with ranged
weapons for which you possess the Weapon Focus
trick by one, though you may not reduce this cost
below one.


Cost: 4 Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus Prerequisites: Romance 2+
You reduce the ACT cost to attack with melee You gain a bonus equal to your DEX modifier to
weapons or unarmed attacks with which you possess intimate Romance tests.
the Weapon Focus trick by one, though you may not
reduce this cost below one. SKILL EXPERTISE (ANY)
Cost: 2
REACTIVE Prerequisites: Any Branch Skill 3+
Cost: 2 Choose a branch skill in which you possess at least
Prerequisites: Alertness 3+ three ranks. Whenever you test that skill, you may roll
When testing ACT for initiative or to interrupt you an additional die and choose the highest result.
may roll an extra die and choose the highest result.

Cost: 4 Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Any Branch Skill 6 Prerequisites: Any Weapon Skill 3+
Choose a branch skill in which you possess six ranks. Choose a single variety of weapon (short sword,
Whenever you test that skill, you may roll an energy pistol, assault rifle, et cetera) covered under a
additional die and choose the highest result. weapon skill for which you possess at least three
ranks (swords, pistols, rifles, et cetera). When making
STARBOUND tests to wield that weapon, you may roll an extra die
Cost: 4 and choose the highest result.
Prerequisites: Operate (Starship) 3+
When making a Operate (Starship) test as an assist, WILDERNESS FOCUS
you may roll two extra dice and choose the highest (ANY)
result. Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Fieldcraft 3+
STEADY STEP Choose an environment (desert, forest, space, et
Cost: 2 cetera) in which you have at least three ranks in
Prerequisites: Balance 1+ Fieldcraft. When making Athletics, Detect, or
When walking across rough (but level) ground, you Survival-based tests in your chosen environment, you
may treat it as open ground. may roll an extra die and choose the highest result.

Cost: 2 Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Athletics 2 Prerequisites: Brawl 2+
When making Athletics-based tests to rush, you may Whenever you make a POW test to control or break a
roll an extra die and choose the highest result. grapple, you may roll an extra die and choose the
highest result.
Cost: 2
Prerequisites: Dividaki or Quanar, Brawl 2
For the cost of an additional AP, you may make a
special attack with your tail, dealing damage as
normal and making a free trip attempt if successful.


Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Technical 3
You are able to operate technologies native to a
different culture of your choosing without penalty
(characters generally begin adapted to the technology
common to the Galactic Concordance).

Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Wilderness Focus
You may make Alertness tests to follow tracks left in ZERO-G ADAPTATION
environments for which you possess the Wilderness Cost: 2
Focus trick. Prerequisites: Fieldcraft (Space) 3+
When making Acrobatics tests to move in zero-
TRICK SHOT gravity conditions, you may roll an extra die and
Cost: 4 choose the highest result.
Prerequisites: Detect 4+, Ballistics (or Throwing) 5+
When making a ranged attack with a skill in which
you possess at least five ranks, you may take a free
aim action.

Though technology and scientific advancement reign
supreme throughout much of the Known Worlds, the
presence and influence of magic in undeniable.

Many scholars believe that magic is a form of sentient INCANTATION
energy occupying a massive pocket universe deep Attribute: REA
within the branar matrix. This theorized universe Training: Restricted
(which has yet to be found or accessed in any official The Incantation trunk skill serves as a foundation for
capacity) is known as the Source of Mana, and the a spell caster's magical prowess. Invocation, or “Rote
closer a world is within the matrix, the more magical Casting,” is a system by which casters study the
energy may be found. “science” of magic, diving into dusty old tomes and
scrolls to learn verbal ritual that, if performed
Whatever the origin, it has been proven that magical correctly, will produce a specific spell (provided the
energy responds to sapient will, reshaping reality to caster also has access to MP).
fit whims and desires. Entire sub-universes and
pocket worlds have been created from of the dreams In addition to modifying Incantation branch skills, a
and myths of adjacent, unaware civilizations. character with ranks in Invocation may purchase rote
spells as though they were tricks (see Spells),
SPELLCASTERS committing the spell to memory and casting it without
having to reference the scripted version.
Throughout the Multiverse, beings that harness and
direct magic are not an uncommon sight. The rarest of
these are known as True Casters, and wield a god-like
ability to channel magical energy and shape reality to BRANCHES
their will.
The most common form of casters are the Chromatic MAGIC (ANY)
Mages. Utilizing a ritualistic system codified in an Attribute: REA
ancient language called Godstongue, these casters Prerequisites: Fluency (Godstongue) 3, Incantation 1
devote their lives to the discovery and mastery of Training: Restricted
spells. The Godstongue spells are coveted secrets, Each time the Chromatic Magic skill is chosen, you
shared only within the confines of strict magical must select a color (Black, White, Red, Green, or
colleges, or hoarded by miserly sorcerers who covet Blue). Each color represents access to a grouping of
this knowledge, often taking it with them to the grave. spells sharing in common themes. A caster must have
ranks in a given chromatic school before they may
PLAYING A cast a spell belonging to that school, and uses the
SPELLCASTER appropriate Chromatic Magic skill to do so.

The following rules are necessary for any mage

character utilizing the Chromatic Magic system.
Though other systems exist (and you should be
encouraged to design your own), this system will give
you a fundamental grasp of the way magic functions Most of the spells found throughout the Known
within a game of Wayfarer. Worlds are written in a strange language known as the
“Godstongue.” The Godstongue is particularly
difficult, as the words shift and distort as they are read
or spoken. There is much debate as to the origin of the
language, though many scholars believe that it was
left behind by the gods themselves (of course, the
pantheon to which these gods belong changes
drastically depending on whom you ask).

Regardless of its origin, most mages (including all TARGETING SPELLS
those belonging to the magical colleges found
throughout the Known Worlds) must possess at least 3 Each spell will designate a way to target (TRGT) the
ranks in the Fluency (Godstongue) skill before they object of the spell. Automatic targeting means that the
may read or write magic spells. chosen target is automatically affected by the spell
effects. Ray targeting means that the caster must
LEARNING SPELLS perform a ranged attack against their target using their
casting skill modified by sight-based PER (in place of
When spending EXP to learn new spells (not REA). Touch targeting requires that the caster succeed
including those purchased at character creation) you at a successful Brawl test to physically touch the
must first succeed at a Fluency (Godstongue) test target of the spell, and may only be used with spells
against a DV equal to that necessary to cast the spell that cost 2 or more ACT (the basic ACT cost for
(spells without a set DV count as 20). If this test is making an unarmed attack).
failed, the EXP is still lost though the spell is not
learned. In addition, the target must be within range of sight,
and the DV to cast the spell will be increased by +2
SCRIBING SPELLS per full Detect range (the caster's sight-based Detect
score in increments).
You may attempt to copy any spell you know or have
in your grimoire. To do so, however, you must first Once your spell has reached your target, the target
succeed at a Fluency (Godstongue) test against a DV may either resist with their Fortitude (in the case of
equal to that necessary to cast the spell. directed damage effects such as fire, lightning, hurled
stones, or similar effects) or, in the case of certain
If you designed your character as a spell caster, you're spell effects (such as mind control, polymorphing, or
going to want to purchase spells. other effects that change or control the target's self)
the target may resist the casting test with an opposed
Spells are purchased in the same way as tricks, the Control test (opposed by your own Control test),
EXP cost of each spell equal to the casting DV negating the spell's effects against them if successful.
divided by two (rounding down, and excluding any
die values). These purchased spells represent spells SPELL DURATION
that the caster has committed to memory and,
provided they have available magical energy, may be Spells that refer to a “duration” in their effects may
cast at will. Spells may also be cast from a grimoire or last for a number of rounds equal to the value by
scroll, and the cost for such spells are detailed under which the caster exceeds the casting DV (with a
the magical equipment section. minimum of one round). Certain tricks, such as
Lasting Enchantment and Magical Permanence may
CASTING SPELLS alter this (see below)

When casting a spell (whether a “known” spell or one COUNTERING SPELLS

from a scroll or grimoire), the caster must expend a
number of ACT detailed in the spell's entry to do so. Magical duels are common within arcane societies,
Making an appropriate Chromatic Magic test (Red for and can be as competitive as any sport.
red magic spells, Blue for blue magic spells, etc.), the
caster must meet or exceed the DV listed in the spell's Whenever a rival caster begins casting a spell that you
entry. Whether or not the DV is met, the caster must know, you may attempt an interrupt action (for a total
expend the MP (Magic Points) cost from their MP of two ACT points) to counter the spell before it is
pool. If a caster does not have enough MP available to finished.
them, they may not attempt to cast the spell in the first
place. (For more information on Magic Points, see the Should your interrupt succeed, both you and the
Magical Equipment section). In addition to the ACT caster must make an opposed Chromatic Magic test
expenditure, a caster must be able to speak the (the skill corresponding to the color of the spell you
Godstongue and gesticulate for the spell to work. wish to counter). Should you succeed, the spell is
canceled and the rival caster's action is lost, though
the MP cost is still deducted from their pool as if they
had successfully cast the spell.

TRICKS Prerequisites: Incantation 3+
Whenever casting spells that deal physical damage,
The following tricks may be used to alter the way in the damage value is increased by one for each full
which your character casts spells. five points by which your casting test exceeds the DV

Cost: 4
Prerequisites: Incantation 3+
When casting from your grimoire, the spell ACT cost
is not increased

Cost: 10
Prerequisites: Incantation 4+
Whenever casting spells that have a duration, you
may increase the DV and MP expenditure to increase
the time the effects will last, changing the duration
from rounds to minutes, hours, days, or even years

Minutes +2 x2
Hours +4 x4
Days +6 x6
Weeks +8 x8
Months +10 x10
Years +12 x12
Decades +14 x14
Centuries +16 x16
Millennia +18 x18
Chester casts a small circle of protection
Cost: 10
When casting a spell with a duration, you may choose
to make the effects permanent, though any MP used to
cast the spell is also permanently removed from its The following compendium is a list of common spells
pool and will only be returned if the spell is learned in the chromatic schools, and the entries are
disenchanted (via the Unbind spell) or otherwise listed in order of color (Black, White, Red, Green,
canceled and Blue).

SPELL FOCUS (ANY) This list is far from complete, and you are encouraged
Cost: 2 to create your own spells for your campaigns.
Prerequisites: Chromatic Magic (Any) 3+
Choose a spell you have learned in which you have at The cost to purchase a spell is the casting DV divided
least three ranks in the appropriate casting skill. When by two (rounding down). When purchasing spells at
casting that spell, for every full five points you exceed character creation, there is no need to make a Fluency
the DV, you may increase (or decrease) a single (Godstongue) test (see Learning Spells above). For
aspect of that spell's effect (damage, duration, area of spells with a randomized element to their DV, count
effect, ) by one each die as being 5, and for spells without a set DV
(such as Unbind or World Door) count as 10.


The domain of diabolists and necromancers, black TRGT Auto ACT 36

magic is often associated with evil and death. EFFECT
CURSE You summon a magical construct into existence for
the duration of the spell. The construct is humanoid,
DV 9+1d10MP 12 composed of flesh and is animated with magic to
possess the following properties:
TRGT Auto ACT 2 STR/4, DEX/3, BUL/6, AGI/3, END/N/A,
Athletics 3 (+6), Melee 3 (+6)
The target must successfully resist your casting test The being is otherwise treated as an inanimate
with their Control skill or must roll an extra die with object and will be compelled to follow and defend
every test and take the lowest result for the duration you (Control test to oppose at the GM's discretion).
of the spell.


DV 6+1d10 MP 10
DV 10 MP 12
TRGT Touch ACT 3
Provided you successfully attack the target of this
Provided you successfully touch the target of this spell, they must resist your Black Magic casting test
spell, they must resist your Black Magic casting test with their Control skill or have their STR drained by
with their Control skill or fall into a deep sleep for a 4 points for the duration of the spell.
number of rounds equal to the value by which you
exceed the spell's DV. For each round the target is
unconscious, they must test END against a damage GHOST BLADE
value of 4.
DV 2+1d10 MP 6


DV 18 MP 10
You may touch a bladed weapon with a MAS of 2 or
TRGT Ray ACT 3 less and place it in a state of partial-phasing. For the
EFFECT duration of the spell, the weapon may affect both
corporeal and incorporeal beings and objects.
Provided you successfully attack the target of this
spell, they must resist your Black Magic casting test
with their Control skill or test their END against a SHADOW MIST
10 damage attack.
DV 19 MP 52


DV 12 MP 70
Beginning with a point that you are able to
TRGT Touch ACT 25 successfully touch, you may decrease the degrees of
EFFECT brightness by 5 in a 10 increment area. This area
may be shaped however you like, though each
You gain the Wings, Unliving, and Natural Weapon increment must be connected. This effect will last
(Horns) 2 traits, and a +6 bonus to STR and BUL for for the duration of the spell.
the duration of the spell.

DV 4+2d10 MP 20 DV 9+1d10MP 12
TRGT Touch ACT 25 TRGT Auto ACT 2
Provided you successfully touch the target of this The target may roll an extra die with every test and
spell, they must resist your Black Magic casting test choose the highest result for the duration of the
with their Control skill or test their END against a spell. The target may choose to resist this effect with
10 damage attack. If the target suffers damage, you a Control test opposed by your casting test.
may add a number of MP to your reserves equal to
the value by which your casting test exceeded the
spell DV, though this value may not exceed the CIRCLE OF
damage dealt to your target. PROTECTION
DV 13 MP 40
The domain of seers and thaumaturgists, white magic Any enemy attempting to harm anything within a 2
is often associated with good and life. increment radius centered on a point you touch (9
increment area) during the duration of the spell must
ASTRAL PROJECTION pass a Control test opposed by your casting test or
stop and lose their action.
DV 0+2d10 MP 59+2d10
EFFECT DV 6+1d10 MP 20
You summon a misty, incorporeal version of TRGT Touch ACT 2
yourself. You may see and hear from its location and
it will go where you direct it to. The projection will EFFECT
remain for the spell's duration and has the following
If touched, the target of the spell must succeed at a
abilities (though is otherwise treated as an inanimate
Control test opposed by your casting test or lose
their Unliving trait. Demons, undead, constructs,
STR: 1, AGI: 1, REA: *, PER *
and similar creatures benefiting from the Unliving
WIL: * , BUL: *
trait are instantaneously destroyed. Demons (and
Traits: Fleet 9, Incorporeal, Skill Adept (Stealth) 12,
similar creatures composed of magical energy) are
Wings (*Attribute equal to caster's)
dispersed entirely when this effect occurs, torn apart
by the effects of entropic backlash. This spell has no
BLADE OF LIGHT effect on living creatures (creatures with an END
DV 6+1d10 MP 14
EFFECT DV 6+1d10 MP 10
You may touch a bladed weapon and cause it to emit TRGT Touch ACT 2
a pulse of bright light, increasing the level of
brightness by 6 and dealing an additional 6 points of EFFECT
damage to enemies with a weakness to light
If touched, the target of the spell may immediately
(creatures or objects that possess the Light
make a single END based heal test with a +10
Sensistivity trait) for the duration of the spell.
bonus. The target may choose to resist this effect
with a Control test opposed by your casting test.

DV 10+1d10 MP 6 SPELLS
TRGT Auto ACT 2 The domain of sorcerers and conjurers, red magic is
EFFECT often associated with chaos and destruction.

You may force the target of this spell to perform a AIR SLASH
rush as their next move action, moving directly
away from you as fast as possible and as soon as DV 7+d10 MP 24
they are able. The target may choose to resist this
effect with a Control test opposed by your casting
test. EFFECT
Enhancing the power of a close combat attack (made
UNBIND with the same ACT used to cast the spell) the caster
deals the damage of the attack +2 to everything
Variable Variable within a 5 increment area extending from
TRGT Auto ACT 3 themselves (shaped however they wish).

By targeting a spell currently in effect, the caster
may expend the MP value used to cast that spell and DV 12 MP 20
make a casting test opposed by the skill of the caster
of the target spell. If successful, the spell is undone
TRGT Touch ACT 3
and its effects end immediately. EFFECT
The target is engulfed in flames that deal 6 heat
damage for the duration of the spell.

DV 17 MP 78
You may transform your breath into a gout of super-
heated air, burning anything within a 9 increment
area (shaped as you like, but beginning with an
A half-demon mage casts Words of Power adjacent increment). Anything within the area
suffers a 10 damage heat based attack.
TRGT Auto ACT 3 DV 10+1d10MP 22
For the duration of the spell, you may converse with EFFECT
a single target regardless of language barrier. You
may even communicate with sub-sapient species, You grant the target of the spell the Fireborn trait.
though they are only able to comprehend and This effect may be resisted with a Control test
communicate ideas that their APT will allow. This opposed by your casting test.
effect may be resisted with a Control test opposed
by your casting test.

DV 9+1d10MP 24 DV 16 MP 46
The caster may attack a point within line of sight, The caster enhances a noise to deafening levels,
causing everything within one increment to suffer a dealing 3 sonic damage to everything within a 9
10 damage fire attack. increment area (beginning with the origin of the
sound and shaped as the caster chooses). In addition,
creature within the are must test their Control
ICY EMBRACE against the casting test or receive 4 stun damage.
DV 21 MP 25

If the target of the spell fails a Control test opposed TRGT Touch ACT 3
by your casting test, they will be paralyzed and EFFECT
suffer a 6 damage cold based attack each round for
the duration of the spell. For the spell's duration, the caster may designate a 4
increment area (originating from a point they touch
and shaped as they like) to be filled with intense
heat, dealing 8 points of heat damage to anything
within it.

LIGHTNING BOLT The domain of shamans and druids, green magic is
DV 10+1d10MP 26 often associated with order and nature.


You hurl a bolt of electricity at your opponent,
dealing 6 points of electrical damage if it hits. After
the first bolt hits, you may immediately arc it to
attack a second opponent, rolling for a ray attack as
with the first. This effect may be used to strike the
same target twice in a row. If damage is sustained
from this spell, the target (or targets) also suffer 6 BEAST FORM
stun counters per successful hit.
DV 15 MP 52


DV 4+1d10MP 16 EFFECT
TRGT Touch ACT 2 For the duration of the spell, you may transform the
target into a bestial creature, granting them a +4
EFFECT bonus to STR, BUL, and AGI, along with the traits
The caster enhances a close combat attack (made Natural Weapon 3, Fleet 4, and Acute Sense (Scent)
with the same ACT used to cast the spell) granting a 6. This effect may be resisted with a Control test
+8 increase to damage. opposed by your casting test.

DV 14 MP 32 DV 10+1d10MP 48
TRGT Auto ACT 3 TRGT Touch ACT 2
You cause a 2 increment-deep section of earth You stomp your foot, causing everything standing
(mineral) to become incorporeal. Anything standing within a 10 increment area (starting with the point
on the earth must keep from falling in (interrupting that you touch and shaped as you like) to test against
the spell to move out of the way or succeeding at a physical damage with a value equal to your POW+4
3d10 DV Acrobatics test) or they will be fused and succeed at a Balance test against the same DV
(pretty much dead or destroyed) with the earth when or fall prone.
it returns to corporeal form at the end of the casting.
DV 14 MP 42
TRGT Touch ACT 3
TRGT Touch ACT 9
EFFECT For the spell duration, you may grant the target use
For the spell duration, the target gains the of the Regeneration (5) trait and they may attempt to
Undifferentiated trait. This effect may be resisted heal at the beginning of their round. This effect may
with a Control test opposed by your casting test. be resisted with a Control test opposed by your
casting test.
DV 14+1d10 MP 28
DV 2+2d10MP 4+2d10


You may increase the strength of the wind within a

single increment you can detect, causing everything You may touch a tree, creating a two-increment tall
within to be pushed (see Brawl) by an effective portal in its surface that you may immediately enter
POW of 12 (or higher if the wind is already blowing (performing a move action as part of the spell) and
at considerable strength). You may choose the exit from another tree visible to you.
direction in which the wind blows.
DV 13 MP 38
TRGT Touch ACT 8
EFFECT For the duration of the spell, you may grant a single
For the duration of the spell, you may transform the beast or plant a +3 bonus to both REA and
target's skin into a tough, rocky substance, granting CRE(though their total REA and CRE may not
them the Natural Armor trait with a Protection value exceed your own). During this time, you may
of 8 and coverage from 1-10. This effect may be converse with the being as you would a sapient life
resisted with a Control test opposed by your casting form (provided that the creature has a helpful
test. disposition). This effect may be resisted with a
Control test opposed by your casting test.

DV 20 MP 10
The domain of magicians and tricksters, blue magic is
associated with change and travel. TRGT Auto ACT 3
ALLURE Provided the target of the spell fails a Control test
DV 12 MP 26 opposed by your casting test, for the spell's duration,
they will obey any (understood) verbal command
TRGT Touch ACT 3 you give them and may not attempt to harm you
EFFECT (unless ordered to do so).
For the spell's duration, the target gains the
Attractive 6 and Skill Adept (Romance) 6 traits. This
effect may be resisted with a Control test opposed
by your casting test.

DV 12 MP 32
TRGT Touch ACT 3
For a single move action (made with the same ACT HORROR
used to cast the spell), you may grant yourself the
Incorporeal trait. This spell only works if your total
DV 14 MP 42
MAS (including carried equipment) is 6 or less. TRGT Touch ACT 9
INVISIBILITY For the spell duration, you may project and control
DV 12 MP 26 the image of a terrifying monster with a BUL score
of up to 30. You may make a Visual Art (Illusion)
TRGT Touch ACT 3 test against a 2d10 DV, granting the illusory creature
EFFECT a bonus to Intimidate equal to the value by which
you exceed the test (though it may also suffer a
For the spell's duration, the target gains a +16 bonus penalty equal to the degree of failure). The creature
to Stealth tests made against sight-based detection is an illusion and may not truly interact with or harm
(Alertness). The target may still be detected anything. Anyone detecting the creature will see
normally by hearing, scent, or any other applicable through the illusion with a successful Control test.
sense, though will remain unseen until a sight-based
Alertness test is passed.
MAGIC LEAP DV 6+3d10MP 4+1d10
DV 13+1d10 MP 10 TRGT Auto ACT 3
EFFECT You may locate an inanimate object in your memory
with a MAS of 2 or less and teleport it into your
Provided your MAS (including weight from any hands.
carried items) does not exceed 12, you may teleport
to a distant location within your line of sight, though
must successfully “hit” the increment in which you
wish to end up with a ray attack.

DV 6+1d10 MP 4
You may create an illusory image masking the target
of the spell as another being, provided that both the
target and the illusory image have a BUL of 10 or
less. In addition, the caster may make a Visual Art
test against a 2d10 DV to grant the target a bonus to A quanar death priest opens a World Door
Disguise equal to the value by which the test
succeeds (which will last as long as the illusion
holds). The target may choose to resist this effect WORLD DOOR
and others may see through this illusion by DV * MP *
successfully passing a Control test opposed by the
casting test. TRGT Auto ACT 10
WIZARD'S HAND For the spell duration, you may create a portal to
DV 14 MP 42 another world. The world (and the location the
portal leads to) must be one with which you are
TRGT Auto ACT 9 familiar, and the portal may be up to three
increments tall and three increments wide. A
EFFECT successful Visual Arts test (DV 2d10) will allow you
For the spell duration, you gain a POW score of 4 to craft the portal's appearance to your liking,
that may be used to manipulate anything within your though this effect is largely cosmetic. *Both the DV
line of sight. You may use any skill that would and the MP to cast World Door are equal to the
otherwise by modified by DEX, AGI, or CRD to combined Travel DVs of the worlds you are linking
utilize this POW score, modifying them instead with (see the Universes section for examples and further
sight based PER. instructions for travel between worlds).

A wily pigman adept uses the Magic Leap spell to escape a duo of bounty hunters

Your character's abilities define them but equipment, OCCUPATION CREDITS*
in its various forms, often makes the difference
whether your character succeeds or fails at their given Bounty Hunter 6d10 x Tactics
Engineer 8d10 x Engineering
GENERATE CREDITS Gunslinger 4d10 x Firearm
Investigator 5d10 x Savvy
Commerce within many of the Known Worlds
revolves around Universal Credits. Although much of Mage 6d10 x Chrom. Magic
the commerce in uncontrolled regions default to the
trading of goods and services, many versers buy their Outlaw 6d10 x Guile
equipment from corporate outfitters who take Researcher 8d10 x Sci. Study
advantage of the relative freedoms offered in hub
worlds outside of Dominion control. Soldier 6d10 x Courage

To determine the credits your character begins play Trader 10d10 x Barter
with, consult the following chart: Warrior 3d10 x Melee Weapon
*Multiply roll by the total skill modifier

All technology is labeled with a Tech-Level (TL).
This value indicated the general state of advancement
for the tech and the culture that created it. Modern
day Earth (before it was destroyed, of course)
represented a world at a TL of 8 (though perhaps on
the low end). When encountering a world or culture,
you may use a TL as a general means to surmise the
kinds of science and technology that will be present.
Hardly definitive, the TL system is there to give you a
basic guideline and, in many cases, the TL is used as
an aggregate, as advancement may occur differently
from world to world. In the Multiverse, worlds of any
TL imaginable may be encountered.

0 Stone tools, fire
1 Bronze, ships
2 Iron, paper
3 Books, crossbows
4 Gunpowder, printing press
5 Telegraph, automobile
6 Airplanes, radio
7 Computers, nuclear power
8 Cybernetics, nanotechnology
9 Star travel, energy weapons,
Baldev, jotun prince of Utgard
10+ Highly speculative at best....

TECH-LEVEL (TL): This value describes the TL at

PURCHASES which the item may be manufactured and purchased.
In hub worlds, equipment of all TLs may be found.
The following sections provide tables that detail the
average costs for a wide array of items available for POWER RESERVE (PR): This value determines
purchase. Should you wish, you may attempt a Barter how much energy an item (usually a high-tech device)
test for each item at a DV of 3d10. has stored to power its use.

GENERAL TERMS POWER DRAW (PD): This value determines how

much power is taken from the item's energy reserves
Under each item's description, you will see a number (PR). Each PD entry will consist of a number
of common terms. following a letter. D = per day, H = per hour, R = per
round, and U = per use. Whenever the terms are met,
reduce the PR by the value listed. If the PR is
depleted, the item cannot function until it is

DAMAGE (DAM): This value describes a weapon's
ability to inflict damage. In the case of melee or
thrown weapons, this value is combined with the EQUIPMENT
wielder's POW. For all other weapons, the damage
value is not combined with any attribute. When adventuring through the Multiverse, you will
more than likely encounter technology designed for a
TYPE (TYP): This is the type of damage a weapon species alien to your own. Aliens throughout the
will inflict. The four types are Cutting (C), Piercing Multiverse will vary widely, and using equipment
(P), Smashing (S), and Energy (E). Different types made for an alien creature can be difficult or
may affect materials and even some creatures downright impossible.
differently, though this is largely up to the GM to
deliberate. In general, it will be up to the GM to ad-hoc penalties
for using alien equipment. The first step is to look at
HEFT (HFT): This value is compared with the the similarities between the species. Humanoid
wielders POW to determine how well they may wield creatures with hands shouldn't have much trouble
the weapon. If the HFT exceeds the wielder's POW, using weapons or other hand-held devices designed
the wielder will receive a penalty equal to the for like species, though depending on the BUL of
differential when making attacks, defending with the these creatures, weapons and devices may be too
weapon, or to ACT tests made to attack out of turn large or small to be properly utilized (see HFT).
sequence during a conflict (“interrupting”). When
wielding a weapon in two hands, double your Armor and clothing is rarely compatible, as it needs to
effective POW value to determining this penalty. For be fitted to the species' physiology, not to mention the
each additional hand beyond that (hey, it happens), specific BUL value of the individual. Similarly,
add a +1 to the effective POW value. furniture and the interiors of vehicles are dependent
on physiology and size.
RANGE (RNG): This value is a modifier (added to
the wielder's Detect modifier) to determine the As a rule of thumb, apply a penalty equal to a single
weapon's range increment (accuracy for ranged d10 roll whenever you encounter a novel alien
attacks). When attacking a target with a ranged incompatibility.
weapon, for each full range increment that target
stands beyond the first, your attack will suffer a -1

PROTECTION (PROT): Armor grants protection

from attacks and other sources of damage. When
suffering damage in an armored location, you reduce
the damage value by the value of PROT. If the PROT
value would reduce the damage value below zero, no
damage is rolled and the attack is averted.

COVERAGE (COV): This value determines how

much of your body (and which parts) will benefit
from the armor's PROT value, and ranges from one to
ten (one being the feet and ten being the head).

PENALTY (PEN): This value represents a penalty to

Athletics-based tests when wearing armor. The
heavier/bulkier the armor, the higher the PEN. The
value listed is a fraction, and when calculating the
total PEN value, add this value for each point of COV
(rounding up).

FEATURES: Features are to equipment what traits

are to living creatures, and will impart useful abilities
(or sometimes penalties) to the character using the
Quiloitis, dolophonos of the Tartaran Empire

CLOTHING “snobs versus slobs” penalty, try wearing something
that will appeal to the blue bloods. Be warned,
Depending on your character's species (quanar have however, that fashion trends are a fickle business, and
no compunction with running about in the buff), there's no shortage of unscrupulous merchants trying
you're likely going to want to purchase clothing. The to unload excesses of yesterday's items.
following prices are for an entire outfit of a given
style, though you and your GM are welcome to break PIONEER
that down into individual items, depending on how in- Rugged wear for the ruggedest of space explorers,
depth you wish to go. this durable material is the next best thing to enviro-
armor, granting its wearer a Thermal Adaptation (both
As they say, the clothes make the verser, and wearing heat and cold) trait of 5 when worn and a Protection
different kinds of clothing may add or subtract a value of 1.
situational modifier to social skills such as Romance
or Diplomacy, and will often be integral to Disguise

Citizen 10
Corporate Employee 14
High Society 20
Pioneer 6
Traveler 8
Uniform 16
Vagabond 2

Civilian wear denoting citizenship of an established
world, these clothes differ in appearance depending
on their world of origin. By a successful DV: d10
Streetwise (appropriate to the origin), or DV: 2d10 TRAVELER
Study (Known Worlds) test, the origin of the clothing Though nearly identical to the Pioneer wear in
(and possibly its wearer) may be identified. Wearing function, the Traveler will identify you as a free-
familiar clothing may generally grant you a +2 bonus wheeling verser, and will generally grant you a +2
to Diplomacy tests when dealing with citizens that bonus to Diplomacy and Barter tests with other
find themselves out of their element. versers who recognize your impeccable tastes.

EMPLOYEE Never infiltrate a heavily guarded military compound
The trans-universal corporations often have strict without one! Usually only purchasable through black
guidelines on formal wear. Wearing such corporate markets, uniforms are a necessity when you want to
wear may be necessary when dealing with corporate use your Disguise skill to get you into Dominion
representatives, and will negate a standard -4 penalty strongholds, Tartaran slave pits, or similarly guarded
to Barter tests when dealing with such individuals as a places. Just make sure you trust your vendor to sell
private entity. you something authentic.


From the noble houses of the Zyntari Combine, to the If you want to get by in the criminal underworld of
wealthy He-3 barons of the Free Territories, members the hub worlds, you're going to need to blend in. In
of the upper crust tend to look down indignantly upon general, criminal versers gain a +2 bonus to Savvy
the lower class, often granting a general -1d10 penalty tests to sniff out do-rights, and wearing this piecemeal
to tests made in social interactions. To counter this gear will help assuage their distrust.

A useful accessory common to most travelers. Makes
From hand-held personal computers to highly
carrying things on one's person a heck of a lot easier.
specialized tool kits, these items are staples for any
adventurer or professional found throughout the
Known Worlds. This list is by no means BRIFECASE/
comprehensive, though it should give you an idea of SUITCASE
the range of products and, as per usual, you and your TL: 4
GM are encouraged to design your own to suit the When traveling (or making high-value exchanges)
needs of your character or story. you're probably going to want one of these.

Auxiliary Power Pack 45
Backpack 2
Briefcase/Suitcase 8
Dampener 210
Datapad 50
Digital Assistant 100
Engineering Kit 110
Grappling Gun 55
Holo-Fade 255
Med Kit 10
MetaTool 360
Mister Medic 365
TL: 9 PR: 16 PD: 1/H
Night Vision Goggles 45 This small device fastens to the user (usually by belt)
and projects a disruption field that masks their life
Omnicase 40,000 signs and power signatures of carried tech, adding
OmniTool 15,000 1d10+5 to the DV of any scanners testing to detect the
Personal Force Field 800
PortoLab 450 DATAPAD
TL: 8 PR: 10 PD: 1/H
Power-Booster 170 Including only the most essential features of a
personal computer, the datapad is larger and more
Rope 2 fragile than the sleeker, more portable models. Such a
Stealth Field Generator 460 device is necessary for accessing the local
information network (InfoNet, or IN).
TL: 9 PR: 50 PD: N/A
TL: 8 PR: 15 PD: 1/H
This hefty device fastens to the user (usually by belt)
An upgrade on the datapad, the digital assistant will
and provides an extra PR from which any tech that is
fit in a pocket or may even be worn on one's wrist
networked to this device may draw. Because of its
(depending on the model). The efficiency of design
ungainliness, the wearer will receive a -1 penalty to
and user-interface grants a +2 bonus to Operate
Athletics-based tests.
(Computer) tests.

ENGINEERING KIT species section are recognized). Delicate servo-arms
TL: 8 will allow the patient to make an END test to heal
This case contains the tools of the trade for a specific each round, granting a +1d10 bonus.
type of Engineering (Robotics, Computer, ) and is
necessary for making most Engineering tests while in NIGHT VISION
the field. GOGGLES
TL: 7 PR: 24 PD: 1/H
GRAPPLING GUN While worn, these goggles grant the wearer use of the
TL: 8 Night Vision trait (with a value of 5), though the
Often fired from a gun-like device, a grappling line wearer will suffer a -2 penalty to any sight-based
may be used to attach a climbing line to hard to reach Alertness tests.
places. It may also function as a single-shot weapon
(usually with ½ the power of a revolver) and has a
RNG modifier of +1 (with a max range of fifty
increments for the standard model).

TL: 9 PR: 20 PD: 1/R
This small device fastens to the user (usually by belt)
and projects layered holographic images around the
wearer, making them more difficult to hit in combat.
Anyone wishing to attack the wearer will receive a -5
penalty on all attempts to do so while the device is OMNICASE
active. TL: 9
By all accounts, this item appears as a normal
MED KIT briefcase. However, when operated, it opens a trans-
TL: 6 branar portal into a remote storage facility from which
A staple found in any civilized world. When making the user may withdraw any item stored within
an Emergency Medicine test, use of a med kit grants a (provided it will fit through the case's opening).
+4 bonus. Often, the initial purchase is separate from a yearly or
quarterly fee to rent the storage space, and Pig-Earth
is known for a number of such facilities. Use of an
Omnicase is prohibited by Dominion law as (aside
from the obvious reasons) the device, if hacked,
(Operate: Omnicase DV 3d10+10) may be turned
into a devastating bomb that can tear the fabric of
space and time (the exact effect at GM's discretion).

TL: 10 PR: 60 PD: 1/H
Backward-designed from deconstructed Geosian tech,
the OmniTool is a rare item, and is superior to the
METATOOL MetaTool in every respect. The efficiency of design
TL: 9 PR: 20 PD: 1/H and user-interface grants a +10 bonus to Operate
The MetaTool (designed exclusively by Circle-Tech) (Computer) tests. An OmniTool may be used to scan
is a standard for many versers. The efficiency of for and analyze energy signatures (including life
design and user-interface grants a +4 bonus to signs) at short ranges (usually within a few miles).
Operate (Computer) tests. A MetaTool may be used to
scan for and analyze energy signatures (including life PERSONAL
signs) at short ranges (usually within a few miles). FORCE FIELD
TL: 9 PR: 100 PD: 5/R
MISTER MEDIC This small device fastens to the user (usually by belt)
TL: 8 PR: 40 PD: 2/R and projects a force field around the user that will
This case-like device may be opened and placed protect them from incoming attacks. As long as the
adjacent to an injured (or poisoned or diseased) device is active, any damage the character would
biological organism (all species listed under the receive is instead subtracted from the device's PR.

PORTO-LAB player, and keeping a running tally of shots fired or
TL: 8 arrows loosed is going to be important to keeping
This case-like device contains compact version of the integrity within the story.
many useful equipment found in laboratories. When
used in combination with any personal computer
device, the Porto-Lab will grant the user a +1d10
bonus to any applicable Natural Science-based tests.

TL: 9 PR: N/A PD: N/A
This hefty device fastens to the user (usually by belt)
and increases the power reserve of any tech on the
user's person that is networked to this device by
+10%. Because of its ungainliness, the wearer will
receive a -1 penalty to Athletics-based tests.

TL: 1
Whether made from hemp or nylon, rope can be an
essential item in any adventurer's inventory. Each
purchase of rope is for 10 increments worth.

TL: 9 PR: 28 PD: 6/H
This small device fastens to the user (usually by belt)
and projects a distortion field that muffles sound and
helps to hide them from onlookers, granting a +1d10
bonus to any Stealth tests made while activated. The
stealth field will have no effect on attempts to locate
the wearer by scent.

F.Y.I. Tracking Hedd Retardo rounded the curve of the tunnel, his
faithful Daisy Pushers hot at his heels, armed with an
BATTERY AND array of pipes, chains, and other makeshift melee
AMMUNITION weapons that jangled and clanked on the walls and
metal grating as they ran. There, at the end of the
Most sufficiently advanced technology (generally hall, stood Pigdexter, fiddling with a hand-held
devices above a TL of 4) will have an associated PR controller, a massive form beneath an oily tarp
and PD. Keeping track of remaining power in all of looming beyond him.
your devices can get awfully cumbersome, but keep
in mind that it may not be necessary to do so all of the “Your pal Henry ain't here to save you, Piggy,” Hedd
time. laughed, lifting his sledgehammer and pointing it
toward Pidexter. “Get him, boys! Let's make bacon!”
If your players are spending the bulk of an adventure
in a civilized hub worlds, it can be reasoned that they Pigdexter's ears stood on end and he hiccuped out of
have access to power outlets during downtime. fear. Squealing beneath his breath, he slapped his
palm on the large red button dominating the center or
When dealing with crisis situations, however, it may his control module.
be necessary to keep track of these details, as a
draining battery on a crucial device could become a As the Daisy Pushers charged forward, the tarp
matter of life and death. slipped away from the bulky form behind the pigman.
A gigantic, robotic pig with an ape-ish build stood up,
Similarly, ammunition should be tracked for any smashing its burly fists together in a deafening clang.
weapons carried by the players or NPCs. In the player The gangers came to a halt. Hedd soiled himself.
character's instance, this responsibility lies on the

Comprised of interwoven rings of metal, this
somewhat primitive armor offers extra protection
Adventures in the Multiverse can be met with all
from broad-headed piercing weapons such as arrows
manners of physical danger. As such, most
and spears.
adventurers will wish to purchase some form of
armor. From low-tech varieties meant to deflect
blades and arrows, to advanced exploration suits that ENVIRO-ARMOR
protect from energy beams and cosmic rays, any sort Top shelf armor for space explorers and soldiers who
of protection may be obtained, provided the price can fight in hostile environments, enviro-armor is often a
be met. sign of means.

The very best armor credits can buy, exo-suits almost
function as a vehicle, and are used for everything
from specialized combat missions to manual labor.

The ultimate in civilian protective wear, the heartsuit
not only grants unhindered movement, but provides
basic life support functions and even uses
pressurization and nanotechnology to heal wounds the
wearer may incur.

Ballistic Armor 60
Chainmail 25
Enviro-Armor 640
Exo-Suit 2,400
Heartsuit 325
Hides 5
Impact Armor 120
Junkmail 15
Leather Armor 8
Plate Armor 50
Power Armor 1,200
Pressure Suit 140
Reinforced Clothing +20*
Scale Mail 15

Commonly used by light infantry and law
enforcement, these plates of ballistics-resistant fibers
are worn over vitals and have minimal impact on the
wearer's ability to move and fight.

Stripped from the backs of some savage beast, hides Worn by elite troopers or wealthy bounty hunters, this
offer some protection against primitive weapons and armor functions similarly to enviro-armor though uses
can keep you from freezing to death. integrated servos to enhance the wearer's physical
A solid compromise between mobility and protective PRESSURE SUIT
capacity, this hard-plated plasti-ceramic armor is an The option of choice for the frugal astronaut colonist,
affordable way to outfit your futuristic militia. this suit offers protection from space and other
environmental hazards, though is not optimized for
JUNKMAIL combat situations.
Piecemeal armor made from scrap (and sometimes
garbage), the quality of which can vary wildly. REINFORCED
LEATHER Appearing as a normal uniform or civilian wear, this
Made from plates of cured leather, this primitive armor is comprised of a resistant, hyper-flexible
armor offers minimal protection, but also allows for fabric, and is often worn by officers and dignitaries. A
freedom of movement. successful Alertness test (DV 2d10) may be required
to identify the clothing as armor.
Like the armor worn by chivalrous knights, plate SCALE MAIL
armor provides a high protection value, though comes Made from interlocking plates of metal or reinforced
at a great cost to the wearers speed and mobility. material, this armor is often found predating the
invention of chainmail or similar armor.


Ballistic Armor 8 .3 5 N/A N/A Impenetrable 4
Chainmail 5 .2 3 N/A N/A Woven
Enviro-Armor 6 .2 9 30 2/H Energy Resistance 10, Impenetrable 4, Life
Exo-Suit 10 N/A* 9 100 6/H AGI/DEX/CRD-based tests made with
Handle skill*, Energy Resistance 10,
Impenetrable 8, Life Support*, POW 14*
Heartsuit 3 N/A 9 40 1/D Energy Resistance 4, Impenetrable 6, Life
Support (Basic)*, Medical Assistance 4*
Hides 1 .2 1 N/A N/A Thermal Adaptation (Cold) (equal to ½
Impact Armor 5 .2 8 N/A N/A Energy Resistance 4, Impenetrable 6
Junkmail 2d5 .1d10 6 N/A N/A Impenetrable 1d5-1
Leather 2 .1 2 N/A N/A
Plate 6 .5 3 N/A N/A
Power Armor 8 9 24 4/H Energy Resistance 6, Impenetrable 8, Life
Support*, POW +4*
Pressure Suit 3 .2 8 30 1/H Energy Resistance 2, Life Support*
Reinforced Clothing 2 N/A 8 N/A N/A Impenetrable 2
Scale 4 .3 2 N/A N/A
*These features require an active PR to function

WEAPONS Battleaxe 6
Great Axe 8
Though warfare beyond TL 4 is largely a game of
ranged weaponry, close combat is always something Hand Axe 3
to consider. At higher TLs, melee weapons may be Stone Axe 2
especially devastating, and often function as powerful
cutting tools.
Combat Knife 5 Phase-Glaive 515
Dagger 2 Pike 6
Katar 3 Shiver-Glaive 235
Phase-Knife 350 Spear 5
Shiver-Knife 60 Staff 2
Stone Knife .5 Stone-Headed Spear 2
Switchblade 3
Throwing Knife .5 SHIELDS
Shields are usually used in combination with a hand
CLUBS COST weapon, and require the use of at least one hand.
Attacks may be made with a shield, though doing so
Club 1
forfeits the defensive bonus they grant for the
Flail 7 duration of that round.
Mace 4
Maul 8
Force-Shield 120
Nightstick 10
Medium Shield 4
Shock Baton 220
Riot Shield 35
Warhammer 6
Small Shield 2
Tower Shield 10
Broadsword 8
Greatsword 10
Phase-Blade 425
Rapier 6
Sabre 7
Shiver-Blade 110
Short Sword 4

Combat Knife +4 C/P 2 / 5 Balanced 1, Penetrating 1
Dagger +3 C/P 1 / 1
Katar +3 C/P 2 / 3 Penetrating 1
Phase-Knife +5 C/P 1 / 9 Balanced 1, Disruptor 2,
PR: 45, PD: 5/U
Shiver-Knife +5 C/P 2 / 8 Balanced 1, Penetrating 4,
PR: 30, PD: 1/U
Stone Knife +2 C/P 1 / 0
Switchblade +2 C/P 0 / 6 Concealable 2
Throwing Knife +2 C/P 1 +1 1
Club +3 S 3 / 0 Bludgeoning
Flail +5 S 3 / 2 Bludgeoning, Dangerous
Mace +4 S/P 3 / 1 Bludgeoning
Maul +7 S 7 / 3 Bludgeoning
Nightstick +4 S 2 / 5 Balanced 1, Bludgeoning,
Shock Baton +4 S/E 2 / 8 Bludgeoning, Electroshock 2,
Warhammer +6 S 4 / 3 Bludgeoning


Broadsword +6 C/P 3 / 3 Balanced 1
Greatsword +7 C/P 5 / 3 Balanced 1
Phase-Blade +8 C/P 2 / 9 Balanced 2, Disruptor 4,
PR: 65, PD: 5/U
Rapier +4 C/P 2 / 4 Balanced 2
Sabre +5 C/P 3 / 4 Balanced 2, Penetrating 1
Shiver-Blade +7 C/P 3 / 8 Balanced 1, Penetrating 4,
PR: 50, PD: 1/U
Short Sword +5 C/P 2 / 1 Balanced 1

Battleaxe +7 C 4 / 3 Penetrating 1
Great Axe +8 C 6 / 3 Penetrating 1
Hand Axe +6 C 3 / 1 Penetrating 1
Stone Axe +5 C/S 4 / 0 Dangerous
Glaive +7 C/P 7 / 3 Reach 1
Phase-Glaive +9 C/P 4 / 9 Disruptor 4, Reach 1,
PR: 85, PD: 5/U
Pike +6 P 3 / 2 Reach 2
Shiver-Glaive +8 C/P 7 / 8 Penetrating 4, Reach 1,
PR: 40, PD: 1/U
Spear +6 P 3 +1 1 Reach 1
Staff +2 S 6 / 0 Balanced 2, Suppressor
Stone-Headed Spear +5 P 4 / 0 Reach 1
Force-Shield +1 S 1 / 9 Defender 4, PR: 100, PD: 5/R
Medium Shield +0 S 3 / 1 Defender 2
Riot Shield +0 S 3 / 7 Defender 4
Small Shield +0 S 2 / 1 Defender 1
Tower Shield +0 S 4 / 1 Defender 4

KNIVES action of punching. As such, a wielder may choose to

use their Brawl skill in place of Melee Weapons
Light, bladed weapons that double as slashing and
stabbing weapons, the following entries all utilize the (Knives) when attacking with a Katar..
Melee Weapon (Knives) branch skill.
COMBAT KNIFE A highly technologically advanced version of the
Useful in combat, hunting, and general wilderness combat knife, the blade is composed from a special
survival, the combat knife is an indispensable utility material that rapidly “phases” in and out of reality
for adventurers everywhere. when activated, disintegrating any matter through
which it passes.

Though not as advanced as the phase-knife, shiver-
knives use a rapidly vibrating blade to afford extra
cutting power


Less balanced than a standard combat knife, a dagger One of the earliest weapons, this sharpened piece of
is also lighter and ideal for thrusting attacks. stone (obsidian or flint) often means the difference
between living or dying on primitive worlds
The katar, or “push dagger” is designed to mimic the

A favorite of assassins and Undercity gangers, the A collapsible, electrified version of the nightstick,
switchblade is easily concealable and may be shock batons are standard issue for Dominion
especially intimidating when flipped. Enforcers.


Though optimized for throwing, these short, broad- A late medieval weapon often identified with military
bladed knives can be just as deadly in hand to hand heroics, the warhammer provides a happy medium
combat. When thrown, use the Thrown Weapon between skilled fighting and blunt mayhem.
(Knives) branch skill.

Long, balanced bladed weapons, the following entries
Weighted, bludgeoning weapons, the following all utilize the Melee Weapon (Swords) branch skill.
entries all utilize the Melee Weapon (Clubs) branch
A generic term to describe any long, straight, broad-
CLUB bladed sword, such as the cruciform blades wielded
A thick cudgel, often made from wood or bone, the by the knights of the Seelie Courts or the viking
club is relatively easy to find or fashion. swords of Midgard.

A spiked weight tethered to a handle by a chain, the An enlarged version of the broadsword, greatswords
flail is swung to deliver devastating (if clumsy) are often wielded in two (or more) hands, and
blows. sacrifice a bit of speed for higher damage output.

A longer and more deadly version of the phase-knife,
these weapons serve as the default choice for duels
between highborn of the Zyntari Combine.

A long, slender-bladed sword ideal for thrusting
attacks, this is the weapon of choice for low-tech
MACE swashbucklers, duelists, and other swordsmen who
A medieval weapon with a heavy (sometimes spiked favor speed over strength.
or spaded) head fashioned to a solid shaft.
MAUL A curved, single-edged blade ideal for slashing
A massive, two-handed hammer, the maul is one of attacks, the sabre is a common cavalry weapon (this
the slowest weapons, but also one of the deadliest entry may also be used for the scimitar, a similar
when properly wielded. sword that predates the sabre).

A go-to for law enforcement operatives, the nightstick A longer and more deadly version of the shiver-knife,
can be used defensively and is useful in non-lethal these weapons are often carried by star-faring
take-downs. mercenaries and are doubly useful for clearing brush.

A shorter version of the broadsword, this weapon
skirts the bridge between knives and long blades, and
may also be wielded using the Melee Weapon
(Knives) branch skill.

AXES attack at a pace away, be set against a charging
opponent, or even be thrown using the Thrown
Heavy hacking blades weighted on shafts, the
following entries all utilize the Melee Weapon (Axes) Weapon (Javelins) branch skill.
branch skill.
BATTLEAXE Often as simple as a long shaft of unhewn wood, the
A large, often double-bladed axe that is usually staff is a practical (and free) weapon and may also
wielded with two (or more) hands. assist with numerous tasks while journeying through
the wilderness.
An even larger version of the battleaxe, only the
fiercest of warriors bring a great axe into battle. SPEAR
An early version of the spear, this weapon is used for
HAND AXE hunting as well as in warfare. Like the standard spear,
A single-bladed axe designed to be wielded in a single the weapon may be thrown using the Thrown
hand, the hand axe delivers high damage and armor Weapons (Javelins) branch skill.
penetration without sacrificing as much speed as the
larger designs. SHIELD
A piece of personal armor that may be carried and
STONE AXE even wielded as a weapon, the following entries all
Whether affixed to a wooden shaft or held in the palm utilize the Melee Weapon (Shields) branch skill.
of the hand, these are some of the earliest developed
tools or weapons. FORCE-SHIELD
A small device which, when activated, projects a disk-
POLEARMS shaped force field, this shield is often fastened to the
Utilizing a long shaft, the following entries all utilize
the Melee Weapon (Polearms) branch skill.
GLAIVE Ranging from the kite shields carried by knights to
A broad blade at the end of a long shaft, the glaive the round shields used by the vikings of Midgard,
can make sweeping slashes at opponents standing a these shields offer good protection though require a
pace away. strong and steady arm.


Essentially a phase-blade affixed to the end of a pole, Made from a lightweight, durable material, riot
this deadly weapon is often carried by royal guards in shields offer generous protection from ranged and
the relative close-quarters of their masters' palaces. close combat assaults and are often employed by law
enforcement during crowd control situations.
A small, pointed blade on an especially long pole, the
pike is an easily produced weapon that is often Almost exclusively for protection against hand-to-
standard issue in primitive fighting forces. hand attacks, this light, usually round shield does little
to hinder its user's mobility while wielded.
Essentially a shiver-blade affixed to the end of a pole,
this weapon is often too bulky to justify being carried, A tall, rectangular shield, the tower shield offers the
though is no less intimidating. best protection against ranged attacks, though is
heavy and ungainly.
A pointed blade on a long pole, the spear is one of the
most practical and commonly used weapons as it may

These weapons are designed to be thrown at
opponents (or, in the case of grenades, areas full of Boomerang Blade 10
opponents). When determining the range value, use Darts .5
POW in place of Detect.
Grenade, Concussion 50
Grenade, Flash 45
Grenade, Frag 80
Grenade, Phase 350
Grenade, Plasma 220
Javelin 1
Shuriken 2
Sling .5

Thrown Weapon (Atlatl): An early hunting tool, the
atlatl consists of a shaft with a cup or spur at the end
and acts as a lever to assist with throwing a large dart.

Thrown Weapon (Boomerang): Another early hunting
tool, the boomerang is designed to spin about an axis
perpendicular to its flight and deliver a crushing blow.


Atlatl +5 P 2 +5 0 Capacity 1, Reload 2
Boomerang +3 S 3 +3 0 Returning
Boomerang Blade +3 C 3 +3 3 Dangerous, Returning
Darts +1 P 0 +1 0
Grenade, Concussion 14 Ex 0 +1 7 Blast 2
Grenade, Flash N/A N/A 0 +1 8 Blast 3 (Ablative), Stun 2d10
Grenade, Frag 16 Ex/P 0 +1 6 Dangerous, Blast 2 (Ablative),
Penetrating 4
Grenade, Phase N/A E 0 +1 9 Dangerous, Blast 6,
Disruptor 14
Grenade, Plasma 18 E 0 +1 8 Dangerous, Blast 4 (Ablative),
Javelin +4 P 2 +2 0
Shuriken +2 C 0 +1 3
Sling +2 S 0 +4 0 Capacity 1, Reload 2

BOOMERANG BLADE PLASMA: Exploding with a burst of super-heated
Thrown Weapon (Boomerang): Similar to the gas, plasma grenades burn everything in their kill-
standard boomerang, though this version is fashioned zone, turning enemies to ash and metal to smoldering
from a composite of metal and plastic and is designed slag.
for maximum aerodynamics. This weapon also has a
well-earned reputation for being just as dangerous to
the wielder as it is to the intended target.
Thrown Weapon (Darts): Small, sharp implements
meant to be thrown with a snapping gesture, darts are When suffering damage from an explosion (including
often used to deliver poison. attacks from grenades, missile launchers, and the
like), halve the Protection value of any armor aside
GRENADES from that which has the Impenetrable feature.
Thrown Weapon (Grenades): A small explosive that Additionally, though it can be a lot to track, keep in
may be thrown by hand, grenades, while expensive, mind that when damage occurs in a radius, all objects,
are an important part of many trans-universal mercs' including terrain and carried equipment, may be
arsenals. There are a number of varieties of grenades, affected by the damage.
each suited to different situations:
CONCUSSION GRENADE: Designed to kill using Thrown Weapon (Javelins): Short spears, javelins are
explosive power alone, concussion grenades have a often carried in bundles and have been used for
relatively small kill-zone and are useful when you hunting, as well as for warfare, for time immemorial.
want to mitigate destruction or unintended casualties.
FLASH GRENADE: Meant to pacify rather than Thrown Weapon (Shuriken): Small, bladed disks,
kill, the flash grenade creates bright light and loud shuriken are often used to weaken or distract
noise to assault the senses and disorient its target. opponents and supplement close-combat assaults.

FRAG GRENADE: Ejecting a cloud of shrapnel SLING

upon exploding, the frag grenade is a devastating anti- Thrown Weapon (Slings): Often fashioned from a
personnel weapon, useful for taking out crowds of simple strip of cloth, slings are swung to give deadly
enemies at once. momentum to bullets of stone or metal.

PHASE GRENADE: One of the deadliest forms of

personal weaponry, phase grenades create a brief,
branar rift, disintegrating much of the matter caught
in their blast radius.

Bow 3
Bows are found in nearly all primitive cultures, and
are equally useful in hunting as they are in warfare. Longbow 6
The relative silence of a bow makes it an attractive Arrows (x20) 1
option to some who kill by stealth, though there is no
disputing that modern firearms are superior weapons.

Crossbow 6
Handbow 8
Repeating Crossbow 10
Bolts (x20) 1

A flexible shaft supporting a string, the bow is drawn
and released to fire an arrow. Though considered a
primitive weapon, the bow continues to find use
throughout the Multiverse.

A militaristic improvement on the standard bow
design, the longbow is capable of flinging arrows
even greater distances, though this advance comes at
the expense of the wielder's mobility.


Bow 9 P 4 +4 1 Capacity 1, Reload 2, Two-
Longbow 9 P 5 +5 2 Capacity 1, Penetrating 1,
Reload 2, Two-Handed
Crossbow 10 P 5 +6 3 Capacity 1, Penetrating 1,
Reload 3
Handbow 8 P 1 +1 4 Capacity 1, Reload 3
Repeating Crossbow 6 P 6 +3 3 Capacity 6, Penetrating 1,
Reload 3

A mechanized version of the bow, the crossbow has CROSSBOW
improved range and armor penetration, and may be Though it deals less damage and has reduced
fired by just about anyone once the bolt has been accuracy, the repeating crossbow fires from a drum of
loaded (a potentially time-consuming process). pre-loaded bolts, and is ideal for shooting into an
onslaught of enemy warriors.
A smaller version of the standard crossbow, this
weapon is often something of a novelty, and can
either be held like a pistol or strapped to one's wrist.

Light firearms that feature a pistol grip and are
Ever since the invention of black powder weaponry, generally held in a single hand, all of the following
personal combat has evolved into a competition of entries utilize the Firearm (Handguns) branch skill.
who can throw the most projectiles the hardest,
fastest, and furthest. Each advance renders previous LIGHT MACHINE
armors obsolete and, with these advances, the death GUN
toll has risen monumentally. A compact, fully-automatic weapon, this is the
weapon of choice for syndicate criminals.
Light Machine Gun 120
Pistol, Assault 75
Pistol, Energy 335
Pistol, Flintlock 20
Pistol, Phase 870
Pistol, Rail 450
Pistol, Revolver 60
Clip/Cell *


Machine Gun 195
Musket 35
Rifle, Assault 250
Rifle, Bolt-Action 110
Rifle, Energy 590
Rifle, Phase 1,220
Rifle, Rail 845
Shotgun 80
Shotgun, Assault 215 The feared assassin, CopperMouth
Clip/Cell *


Favored for their lightness and because they are easily
Energy Cannon 2,015 concealable, pistols are the most popular weapon
Grenade Launcher 1,200 carried in the Known Worlds.

Heavy Machine Gun 670 ASSAULT PISTOL: Designed to fire either a rapid
spray of bullets or controlled, aimed shots, the assault
Minigun 1,835
pistol is the most common sidearm.
Missile Launcher 2,600
ENERGY PISTOL: Also called a PPG (Particle
Clip/Cell * Projection Gun), energy weapons are an advanced
*Ammo costs 1/10th of the cost of the weapon weapon which may be adjusted to scale the lethality
of its shot.

Light Machine Gun 10 P 3 +4 7 Capacity 30, Burst 30
Pistol, Assault 12 P 3 +3 6 Burst 2, Capacity 10,
Penetrating 4, Reload 2
Pistol, Energy 5-13 E 2 +6 8 Adjustable, Burst 6, Capacity
30, Penetrating 6, Reload 2
Pistol, Flintlock 10 P 3 +1 4 Capacity 1, Penetrating 2,
Reload 3
Pistol, Phase 16 E 2 +5 10 Capacity 10, Disruptor 4,
Reload 2
Pistol, Rail 14 P 4 +4 9 Capacity 5, Penetrating 8,
Reload 2
Pistol, Revolver 11 P 3 +2 5 Capacity 6, Penetrating 4,
Reload 3


Machine Gun 11 P 4 +8 7 Capacity (Belt-Fed), Burst 40
Musket 11 P 6 +3 4 Capacity 1, Penetrating 2,
Reload 3
Rifle, Assault 12 P 6 +10 6 Burst 30, Capacity 30,
Penetrating 4, Reload 2
Rifle, Bolt-Action 12 P 6 +20 5 Capacity 1, Penetrating 4,
Reload 2
Rifle, Energy 5-15 E 2 +50 8 Adjustable, Burst 6, Capacity
30, Penetrating 6, Reload 2
Rifle, Phase 20 E 7 +8 10 Capacity 20, Disruptor 4,
Reload 3
Rifle, Rail 14 P 4 +30 9 Capacity 10, Penetrating 8,
Reload 2
Rifle, Sniper 13 P 7 +40 7 Capacity 5, Penetrating 4,
Reload 2, Scope
Shotgun, Scattergun 14 P 6 +1 5 Ablative 3, Burst 2, Capacity 2,
Reload 3
Shotgun, Assault 14 P 6 +2 7 Ablative 2, Burst 12, Capacity
16, Reload 2

FLINTLOCK PISTOL: A primitive firearm that RIFLES
fires a smooth bore metal ball, the flintlock pistol is Featuring a long barrel and designed to be fired from
used by duelists and pirates on worlds that have the shoulder, rifles are standard issue for soldiers,
recently discovered gunpowder. hunters, and mercenaries.

ASSAULT RIFLE: Mixing the automatic bullet-hell

of the machine gun with the precision firing of the
rifle, assault rifles are the ultimate in pre-energy
weapon warfare.

BOLT-ACTION RIFLE: Seen on the battlefields of

WWI, these weapons are ideal for carefully aimed
PHASE PISTOL: Originally engineered by the shots.
zyntari, these deadly pistols use phase-tech to fire a
beam-shaped branar rift that disintegrates any matter ENERGY RIFLE: A standard in futuristic armed
in its path. forces, these energy weapons are an improvement
over their predecessors in every way and may even be
RAIL PISTOL: Using an electromagnetic launching adjusted to scale the lethality of their shots.
mechanism, the rail pistol is a marvel of
miniaturization. Though not quite as deadly as the rail
rifle, the rail pistol sacrifices the automatic options of
other pistols for extreme range, accuracy, and armor

PHASE RIFLE: A larger, more destructive version

of the phase pistol, phase rifles deal such damage that
little (if anything) is left of the intended target.

RAIL RIFLE: The first implementation of personal

rail weaponry, the rail rifle is unmatched in accuracy
and armor piercing capability, and is often employed
REVOLVER: A less advanced but still widely used to take out crew operating tanks and gunships.
sidearm, the revolver carries a reputation as a “serious
gunslinger's weapon.”

Long arms are firearms that are generally fired in two
(or more) hands and are less concealable than
handguns. All of the following entries utilize the SNIPER RIFLE: Used in assassinations and to pin
Firearm (Long Arms) branch skill. down enemy forces, the sniper rifle is a weapon of
deadly precision.
A dangerous, fully automatic weapon, the advent of
the machine gun forever changed the lethality of Similar in form to the rifle, shotguns are meant for
warfare. close-range combat and boarding operations.

SCATTERGUN: Designed primarily for hunting,

these weapons fire a blast of small, metal pellets.
Gang enforcers often carry sawed off versions which
may be concealed under a long coat (reduce heft by
two, but suffer a -2 penalty to attacks).
MUSKET ASSAULT SHOTGUN: Carried by law enforcement
A pre-rifling long arm that fires a smooth-bore ball,
the musket is difficult to load, meaning that most and military personnel stationed on spacecraft, assault
wielders only get a single shot before combat shotguns rapid-fire thick slugs and are ideal for close-
devolves into to hand-to-hand. quarters shooting.

Energy Cannon 18 E 7 +60 9 Adjustable, Blast 2, Capacity
60, Penetrating 6, Reload 6
Grenade Launcher * Ex 6 +2 6 Capacity 8, *Damage and other
feature as grenade type (See
Thrown Weapons)
Heavy Machine Gun 14 P 9 +12 7 Capacity (Belt-Fed), Burst 40
Minigun 15 P 8 +8 8 Burst 50, Capacity 400,
Penetrating 6, Reload 6
Missile Launcher 24 Ex 8 +10 8 Blast 4, Capacity 6,

HEAVY auxiliary grenade launcher suffer a -2 penalty and

have a Capaciy of 1).
Carried by the biggest and baddest of combat HEAVY MACHINE
specialists, heavy weapons stress the limits of
personal firearms. All of the following entries utilize
Heavy Weapon (Heavy Machine Gun): A massive,
the Heavy Weapon (Any) branch skill.
belt-fed machine gun, the heavy machine gun may be
braced and fired using a tripod mount, eliminating
ENERGY CANNON any penalty from Heft.
Heavy Weapon (Energy Cannon): Either braced over
the shoulder or hung by a thick strap, the energy
cannon fires a destructive beam of accelerated
Heavy Weapon (Minigun): A high-tech machine gun
with rotating barrels, the minigun is slung from the
shoulder and fires from a heavy ammo-drum.
Heavy Weapon (Grenade Launcher): Launching a A shoulder-mounted weapon that fires rocket-
grenade cartridge further than most soldiers are able propelled explosives, the missile launcher is one of
to throw, the grenade launcher may also be attached to the most feared weapons, both for its anti-vehicle and
a rifle as an auxiliary unit (attack rolls with an anti-personnel capabilities.

EQUIPMENT covering an area with a swath with bullets, energy
bolts, et cetera. When doing so, each point spent
FEATURES allows an adjacent increment (and any occupying
characters or objects) to be affected by the attack. For
each such use, the attack roll will suffer a -1 penalty.

However your Burst Points are spent, each point used

also drains the weapon's Capacity by one. You may
not spend more Burst Points than the weapon is
allotted within a single round, though may spread
them out over multiple attacks as you see fit.
The following is a compendium of the features
included with the various items listed in the above CAPACITY
sections. The weapon requires ammunition to attack with it and
may be used a number of times equal to the value of
ABLATIVE this feature before the ammo must be replenished (see
Each time a target's distance exceeds a number of the Reload feature below).
increments equal to the value of this trait, the
weapon's damage value is halved. COLD RESISTANCE
While worn, this armor provides the wearer with
ADJUSTABLE protection from the cold equal to the value of this
Using an operate action, the damage value of an feature.
Adjustable weapon may be set anywhere within the
stated values before attacking. CONCEALABLE
The wielder gains a bonus to Legerdemain tests made
BALANCED to conceal the item equal to the value of this feature.
When parrying with a Balanced weapon, you gain a
bonus to your defense test equal to the value of this DANGEROUS
feature. Whenever an attack roll with a Dangerous weapon
fails by five or more, the wielder immediately suffers
BLAST a strike from their own attack.
The weapon or ammunition explodes in an increment
radius equal to the value of this trait. Any character or DEFENDER
object in the direct radius is automatically hit and As long as the item is actively held and directed,
must test against damage inflicted by the attack. If the attackers receive a penalty to their attack test equal to
weapon also has the Ablative feature, the damage the value of this feature.
continues past the radius, though the damage is
reduced by five per increment past the radius. DISRUPTOR
A disruptor weapon deals damage at the molecular
BLUDGEONING level, and that anything struck will automatically
Whenever an attack with a weapon with this feature suffer extra damage equal to the value of this feature.
succeeds by six or more, the target becomes staggered
(provided the combined HFT and POW of the wielder ELECTROSHOCK
exceed the target's MAS). The weapon inflicts electrical damage and on a
successful hit, the target must pass an END test
BURST against a DV equal to the damage roll or receive stun
When making an attack with a Burst weapon, you damage equal to the difference by which they fail.
have an effective pool of “Burst Points” equal to
value of this trait. You may spend these Burst points ENERGY
in any combination in these two ways: RESISTANCE
The armor will offer extra PROT against attacks or
1: A Burst Point may be spent to gain a +1 bonus to other damage sources with the E (Energy) type equal
the attack roll. For each two points spent this way, to the value of this feature (though this may vary
you gain a +1 bonus to damage as well. based on the type and the armor), including
environmental effects like cold and heat.
2: Burst Points may be spent to make a spray attack,

original attack exceeded the rolled DV as well).
IMPENETRABLE Catching a Returning weapon costs a single AP.
The armor reduces the Penetrating feature equal to the Returning weapons with the Dangerous feature should
value of this feature when calculating damage apply those affects to throwing and catching.

If damage is inflicted by an incendiary weapon, When fired, the weapon attacks everything within an
flammable materials will continue to burn, causing increment-wide line.
half damage until the fire is put out.
LIFE SUPPORTS When aiming with a Scope weapon, you may ignore
As long as the equipment has a PR, the user may penalties from range.
breathe in oxygen-depleted environs.
PENETRATING The weapon assaults the eyes and ears of the target
Damage inflicted by a Penetrating weapon reduces who must then pass an END test equal to the dice
the effective Protection of armor (worn, natural, or value of this feature (rolled when the attack is made)
otherwise) equal to the value of this feature. or suffer stun damage equal to the differential.

When this weapon's Capacity has been depleted (see The weapon may be used to inflict non-lethal damage
the Capacity feature above) it must be reloaded by at its wielder's option.
performing an operate action with an AP cost equal to
the value of this feature. TWO-HANDED
The weapon requires at least two hands to wield.
When the weapon is thrown and misses its target, the WOVEN
wielder may attempt a DV 3d10 Thrown Weapon test The armor's PROT value is increased by two against
to catch the weapon the following round (provided the arrows, spears, or similar weapons.

Henry Cobb dispatches a shambling corpse with his trusty shiver-blade

MAGICAL Repel 12

Words of Power 8
The Multiverse is a place of strange wonders. Here,
magic is very real, and those who wield it may alter RED MAGIC COST
the very fabric of reality to suit their whim. To do so,
Air Slash 48
however, a caster must have a collection of spells and
magical energy (MP) with which to power them. Blazing Aura 12
Breath of Fire 156
Dragonskin 44
Fireball 48
Icy Embrace 50
Lightning Bolt 52
GRIMOIRE Power Strike 32
Spells that have not been memorized (see the spell Thunder Clap 92
section) may be collected in a grimoire (or similar
method). These spells may be cast by reading them. Wall of Flame 68
This process increases the ACT cost of the spell by GREEN MAGIC COST
one, as it requires the caster to give their attention to
the page (or tablet screen). The following tables detail Beast Form 104
the standard cost in credits for a given spell page.
Earth's Embrace 64

SPELLS Flora Body 84

Curse 24 Mountain Skin 76
Deathly Slumber 24 Quake Stomp 96
Death Tendril 20 Serpent's Gift 64
Demon Form 140 Tree Stride 30
Demonic Guardian 136 Wild Voice 32
Enervation 20 BLUE MAGIC COST
Ghost Blade 12 Allure 52
Shadow Mist 104 Ghostwalk 64
Siphon Life 50 Invisibility 52
Astral Projection 129 Mental Domination 20
Blade of Light 28 Phantasmal Horror 84
Bless 24 Return Object 10
Circle of Protection 80 Semblance 8
Exorcism 40 Wizard's Hand 84
Healing Hand 20 World Door 20

To cast spells, mages must have a source of Magic Through the use of the Magical Permanence trick,
Points (MP) on their person. This is often a small, certain spells may be bound into objects so that they
crystalline object imbued confer their effect upon the wearer or enhance the use
with a reserve of magical energy, however, many of a weapon. You and your GM should work together
objects may be enchanted to contain MP. Such objects to combine spells into objects. In general, enchanted
are called “talismans” and are necessary for most objects are worth their regular price multiplied by the
mages. price of the bound spell.

In general, a talisman will be worth a number of

credits equal to half the number of MP they hold
(rounding down).

Adventuring through the Multiverse is risky business,
and not every adventurer makes it back in one piece.
Lucky for these unfortunates that a good cyber-doc is
never too far off.

Whether replacing lost limbs or “upgrading” the

goods that mother nature gave you, cybernetic
implants are available if you've got the grit (and, of
course, the credits).

In addition to the details below, a full cybernetics

suite will require power. All cybernetics have a PD
(Power Draw) of 1/H. A PR (Power Reserve) of any
amount may be purchased when cybernetics are
installed, increasing the cost by that value. For
example, a PR of 100 would increase the cost by 100.


Cybernetic Arm STR +2, DEX +1 4 3 or 4 Natural 120
Weapon 2
Cybernetic Leg STR +1, AGI +1 4 1 or 2 Fleet 1 110
Cybernetic Brain REA +2, PER +1, WIL -1, CRE -1 2 10 Calculative 340
Wired Senses PER +2 1 10 Night Vision 4 160
Dermal Plating BUL +1, AGI -1, END -1 6 1-10 360
Skeletal Brace DEX -1, AGI -1, END -1 N/A 1-10 Tough 2 425
Wired Reflexes STR +1, DEX +1, AGI +2, PER +1 N/A 1-10 655
Stim Injector REA -1, WIL +2, CRE -1 2 10 75
Medical Nanites END +1 N/A N/A Regeneration 5 990

Whenever an implant is installed, the doctor installing
it must succeed at both a Medical Study (Cybernetics)
and Surgery (Cybernetics) test (DV 2d10+5). If either
test is failed, the implant is still installed, though the
patient suffers damage equal to the differential by
which the tests were failed. For every five full points
by which the tests were failed, the patient's END is
permanently reduced by one.

THE game should not come only from revealing this
information to the players, but from seeing how it will
NARRATIVE play out yourself. Where there is uncertainty, truly
engaging drama can flourish.
Once characters have been created, it's up to the GM
to tell a compelling, interactive story. Doing so is KEEP THINGS
often a delicate balance between creating a virtual INTERESTING
playground for the players and keeping the integrity
of the vision the GM has in mind. The Continuum Don't be afraid of putting your players in difficult or
Narrative Engine is a powerful device for creating an dangerous situations. The best drama comes from
interactive story and, whether prepared ahead of time conflict, and without risk, there can't be much of a
with meticulously detailed maps and stat blocks, or reward. On the flip side, too much conflict can turn
GM'd on the fly, there are a few important things to into a slog, and your players will appreciate being
remember when dealing with players. rewarded with well-earned periods of rest and safety.

Though the information in this section may benefit When designing conflicts for your story, keep your
anyone playing the game, it is intended for the GM. PCs' back stories in mind. By customizing conflicts
and story arcs to your characters, each player will feel
FREEDOM OF like they have stake in the story being told. The GM
CHOICE may orchestrate events and act as the arbiter, but a
game of Continuum is a collaborative effort, and the
For your players, the characters they make give them narrative belongs to all participants.
agency within the world you have built. While you
may wish to see events unfold the way they did in IT'S ONLY A GAME
your head, players and their motivations are always
an x-factor, and while their sometimes “deviant” A Wayfarer game can be a fairly intense experience,
behavior can keep you on your toes, its often and its perfectly natural to become invested in the
important to resist railroading them into events or story to the point where you care about the outcome.
bringing in “deus ex machina” to get your story out of Characters will come and go, succeed and fail, and
a bind. live and die. When things don't go the way you wish
they did, try to remember that if you followed the
It often helps to go in without anything too concrete rules and made what you thought were the right
in mind (at least in context with interactive events). decisions for your characters (PCs and NPCs both),
As the GM, you are coming into the story armed with there are no winners and losers. At the end of the day,
a vast amount of information to which the players you're left with a rich, honest narrative that lives and
wish that they were privy. For you, enjoyment of the breathes.

A roster line-up of the Lost Agency, a renowned organization of trans-universal troubleshooters

Henry Cobb and Thaldur the Inkillable square off against the Jeweled Prince


Once a character's turn has arrived, they may act as
CONFLICTS they see fit. Each round, a character will have a
number of AP equal to their ACT modifier. Once
Inevitably, conflicts will occur within a story. spent, these AP will not be available until the
Whether social disputes, natural disasters, or all-out character's turn comes back around in the following
combat, these conflicts fuel the dramatic weight of a round.
narrative. Whenever your players enter a time
sensitive event, it becomes necessary for you, the ACTION AP COST
GM, to structure a conflict.
Move 2
When a conflict begins, each party involved must Attack 2
make an ACT test. Record the results, listing the
Charge 3
highest value and moving down to the lowest. This is
the initiative queue and will be used to determine who Aim 1
may act and when.
Defend 1
THE ROUND Adjust 1

Beginning with the highest result, each character Use V*

participating in the conflict will take a turn, spending Communicate V*
their action points (AP) to perform actions of their
choosing (see below). Once all characters within the Cast V*
queue have acted, a round has passed and the cycle
may begin anew, starting over with the highest result Interrupt +1
on the initiative queue. Each round represents *these values vary depending on the action
approximately three seconds of time in the game.

RESOLVING TIES test. The winner of the test may then perform their
action at that time. The loser (or losers) of this test
It is common for multiple characters to end up with then finish their interrupted actions in order.
the same initiative result. When this occurs, their
actions will technically occur at the exact same time. USING OBJECTS
This will be important when factoring the effects of
their actions, though for the sake of order, have the In general, readying an object for use or performing
characters with the highest ACT value go first. If actions like opening doors or pulling levers costs two
these are tied, simply roll a die to determine order. AP. This may vary depending on the complexity of
the task (actions such as operating a computer could
SURPRISE take multiple rounds worth of AP). It will largely be
up to the GM exactly how many AP will be needed
In many cases (such as sudden events like an for a task, but as a rule of thumb, think about how
ambush), a character will not be prepared when a much of that task you could accomplish within a
conflict begins. Usually, this is due to a failed three-second period.
Alertness test. When this occurs, the surprised
character will automatically be placed at the bottom COMMUNICATION
of the initiative queue. Once the character becomes
aware of the conflict, they may roll ACT for their Similar to using objects, there is no strict guideline for
place in the initiative queue and begin taking their communicating with others. In general, refer to the
turn on the following round cycle. three-second rule (how much could your character say
in three seconds?). You may choose to converse
INTERRUPTING during other actions for free, though suffer a -2
penalty to all tests to represent general distraction
Any character may delay their actions and save their when doing so.
AP. Those who do are eligible to use an interrupt
action at any time before their turn comes back CASTING SPELLS
When casting magic spells (or using similar powers)
When interrupting, the character spends an extra AP. refer to the magic section for the AP cost of a given
The characters involved then make an opposed ACT spell (or spell-like ability).

Rooster narrowly avoids death at the hands of the infamous Lady Centipede

Open Ground 1
When staging a conflict, the scene in which it takes
place is extremely important. In the game world, each Rough Ground 2
increment represents a cubic space roughly equal to Difficult Ground 3
five feet (or 1.5 meters). It often helps to make maps
of your conflict scene or, if you're sufficiently Aquatic (Swimming) 4
ambitious, use miniatures and model terrain. In any
case, movement values (and similar effects) are Vertical (Climbing) 4
executed in terms of increments, one point of a mod
or total result equating to a single increment moved. Open Ground: Generally a relatively flat terrain,
characters may move across such surfaces without
MOVEMENT difficulty, expending one point of SPD per increment
ACTIONS moved.

Move (AP 2): The standard move action allows a Rough Ground: Accounting for steep, rocky, or
character to move a number of increments equal to otherwise uneven terrain, characters may move across
their SPD. Multiple move actions may be performed, such surfaces with slight difficulty, expending two
though a character may not exceed their SPD value in points of SPD per increment moved.
a single round unless rushing or charging (see below).
Difficult Ground: Truly prohibitive terrain such as
Rush (AP 2): A rush action means that the character bogs, ice, or deep snow, characters may move across
is moving in a hurried fashion (running, sprinting, et such surfaces with difficulty, expending three points
cetera). When rushing, the character must test an of SPD per increment moved.
appropriate Athletics-based skill (Run, Swim, Fly, et
cetera) against a DV of 7. For each point they exceed Swimming/Climbing: These modes of travel
the test, they may increase their effective SPD by one, generally cost four SPD points for every increment
then move up to that many increments. After rushing, moved, and may require skill tests (see Athletics).
a character is at a -2 penalty to all defense tests until
the start of their next turn. Only one rush action may
be performed per round, and it may not be performed
in conjunction with other movement-based actions.

Adjust (AP 1): In place of a standard move action, a

character may choose to make an adjust. An adjust
moves the character a single increment, though only
costs a single AP. An adjust may also be used to fall
prone, crouch, or stand from a prone or crouched

Charge (AP 3): A charge functions exactly as a rush

action, though the charging character may make a
single attack at the very end and the charge must be
performed in a straight line. For more on the effects
of charging, see Combat below.

Whichever way you choose to move, the landscape
will be a consideration. Different kinds of terrain may
slow movement or cause other difficulties.

COMBAT roll is opposed with the target's defense test (see
Defending below).
SAFETY DISCLAIMER: The Continuum Narrative RANGE: When making an attack, it's important to
Engine treats combat with a level of brutality that note the target's distance from you. For close combat
reflects real life. In Wayfarer, the stakes are even attacks (melee weapons, unarmed attacks), the target
higher, with magic, monsters, and advanced must be in an adjacent increment. If your attack
technology elevating combat to new levels of possesses the Reach feature, you may attack targets
lethality. Players should know that jumping into the up to that many increments away.
fray willy-nilly may often result in character death. For ranged assaults (those made with ballistic
All that being said... let's fight! weapons), consult the weapon's total Range value
(Detect modifier + base weapon Range). If the target
ATTACKING is within a number of increments equal to this value,
you may test your attack as normal. However, when
When making an attack, test your appropriate weapon attacking targets beyond this range, confer a
skill (or Brawl, if you're fighting unarmed). There are cumulative -2 penalty for each Range value beyond
a number of variables detailed below that will modify the first.
or create the DV for your attack roll. If the attack test
equals or exceeds the target DV, your attack is

MOTIONLESS TARGET: Whenever attacking an

inanimate or unaware target, the base DV is 10 minus
the target's BUL score.

DEFENDING TARGET: When the target of your

attack is actively defending against you, your attack

AIMING: For each aim action taken prior to an you suffer a penalty to the test equal to the difference.
attack, you may roll an additional die, choosing the Parry tests suffer an additional penalty equal to the
highest and disregarding the rest. The number of dice difference in Heft of the weapons being used, if
added to your test pool may not exceed your PER applicable (Brawl-based parry tests always receive a
score. penalty equal to the attacker's weapon's Heft value).

MULTI-WIELDING: Provided a character has COMBAT

multiple weapons readied (or unarmed attack sources MODIFIERS
such as an off-hand punch or a kick), they may
choose to make an attack with each for the cost of a However you choose to attack or defend, there are a
single attack action. For each additional weapon the number of environmental factors that may modify
character attacks with, apply a -2 penalty to all attacks your test:
made during the action. Additionally, should the
character be interrupted and attacked, the penalty will COVER: Whether ducking behind boulders, barrels,
apply to any defense test they are called to make. This or around the corner of a wall, taking cover from
tactic can be especially devastating when used by a attacks is often your best defensive measure during a
skilled, multi-limbed warrior. The Multi-Strike trick fight. When an attacker strikes a part of their target
reduces these penalties. (coverage point) that lies behind cover, they must
damage the cover before any damage may be inflicted
CHARGE ATTACKS: When making a melee or upon the target. This often functions like an extra
thrown weapon attack at the end of a charge (see Protection modifier (see Armor) and the attack will be
Movement above) the damage value of the attack is reduced by this value before it is applied to the target
increased by one per two increments moved before (if at all).
the attack. This movement must be in a straight,
uninterrupted line before the attack is made. The OUTNUMBERED: Defending against multiple
damage added in this manner may not exceed ½ of opponents can be difficult. Whenever a single target is
your BUL score (rounding down). Regardless of attacked by more than one opponent within a given
whether the attack is successful, a character who has round, each attacker beyond the first incurs a
charged receives a -2 penalty to all defense tests until cumulative -2 penalty to the Target's defense tests.
the start of their next turn (following the standard
rules for rushing). HIGHER GROUND: An opponent who has higher
ground gains a +2 bonus to all attack and defense
DEFENDING tests made against opponents below them.

SIZE DIFFERENCE: When making an attack

against larger targets, you receive a +1 bonus to the
attack roll for every full four points by which the
target's BUL exceeds your own. A penalty is applied
when making attacks against smaller targets.

Whenever an attack exceeds a target's defense test (or
When you are attacked, you may choose to defend in a static DV, in the case of attacking an inanimate
one of two ways: object or target that is not actively defending), you
may then test to inflict damage.
DODGE: The most universal method for avoiding
physical attacks. When dodging, make an Acrobatics Roll a die and add the damage value of the weapon
test (or Athletics, if you don't possess Acrobatics (or other source of damage). For every full five points
ranks) to oppose your opponent's attack roll. by which your attack succeeded, you may roll an
additional die, choosing the highest value rolled. The
PARRY: When assaulted in close combat, you may defender opposes this test with a FOR test of their
attempt to use your own weapon skill (Melee Weapon own. If the damage test succeeds, the defender
or Brawl) to block or divert the attack. When parrying sustains a number of points of damage equal to the
attacks from an opponent with a higher POW score, differential (see Damage Effects below).

When an attack is successful, roll a single die to
determine which part of the target's body (or
equivalent) was hit. This location may have Some weapons (or other sources) deal damage with
repercussions if the opponent is wearing armor or if the E (Energy) type. As a general rule, reduce your
you are inflicting an Injury (see Injuries below). The armor's Protection value by half (rounding down)
following diagram may be useful for translating a when resisting energy damage. Armor designed with
general coverage-to-hit location to most creatures, the Energy Resistance feature will provide special
though your GM may choose to ad-hoc based on the protection against energy weapons and similar
anatomy of the creature or object being struck. attacks. Certain materials may be naturally resistant
(or susceptible) to different forms of energy and, as
GM, you should feel free to ad-hoc to accommodate

In addition, energy types may have further effects in

addition to to the damage they inflict. For example,
the fire from a dragons breath could continue to burn
flammables, the freezing damage from an icy wind
could slow movement, and the electric shock from an
exposed conduit could inflict stun damage. The GM,
you should be the final arbiter, and may look to spells
and equipment with approximate effects for

While damaged, a character receives penalties to
further tests. Thus, as a character or object sustains
damage, their ability to resist further damage (or do
much of anything) exponentially degrades.

When a character receives damage that is equal to or

lower than their FOR score, the damage goes into the
Light Trauma section. This value will act as a penalty
to any further FOR tests to resist damage.

Whenever a character has aimed prior to a succeeding Any damage points that exceed the character's FOR
at an attack roll, they may choose to shift the hit score are placed into the Heavy Trauma section, and
location +1 or -1 a number of times up to the number in addition to acting as a penalty to further FOR tests,
of aim actions they took. will penalize all physical tests (at the GM's
ARMOR When Heavy Trauma is sustained, consult the table
When a character or object is struck at a Coverage below to determine the effect of the damage.
point which is covered by armor (or cover), the
damage value is reduced by the Protection value of HEAVY TRAUMA EFFECTS
the armor before tests are made. If the damage value DAMAGE EFFECT
would be brought below zero, no damage is tested.
1-3 Staggered
If an attack exceeds 10, the character's armor provides
4-6 Unconscious
no protection. This represents an attack getting
through a visor, between plates, or otherwise avoiding 7+ Death/Destruction
the armor's influence. Armor with the Sealed feature
cannot be bypassed in this manner.

STAGGERED: When Staggered, a character loses deals non-lethal damage.
any AP they have queued and will be considered
helpless until the beginning of their next action. STUN DAMAGE
UNCONSCIOUS: The character is rendered Certain attacks or special effects (such as electric
unconscious and may take no further actions until shock) can inflict stun damage. Stun damage is
they awaken (usually when they next pass a healing recorded under Light Trauma, but may be healed by a
test). one-for-one expenditure of AP. The catch is that while
a character has stun damage on them, they are unable
DEATH/DESTRUCTION: The character is killed to act or even defend themselves (except to spend AP
(or otherwise destroyed). Tough luck. Depending on to clear the damage). A character inflicting non-lethal
the hit location, however, this result may mean that a damage may choose to make any portion of light
non-vital body part (such as a limb) was destroyed. trauma into stun damage instead, though should
announce they are doing so before attacking and will
F.Y.I. DAMAGE suffer a -2 penalty to the ensuing attack roll.
(Characters with no END score cannot be stunned.)
In the case of inanimate objects (or characters without
an END score such as robots and the undead) treat
When considerable damage is suffered (any Heavy
Unconscious as a second Special Effect result.
Trauma beyond a single point), the GM may wish to
impose a customized injury to the character. This can
NON-LETHAL depend on the type of damage inflicted (cuts,
DAMAGE punctures, burns, et cetera) and the location of the hit.
This could be a further penalty to use of a limb or
Certain sources of damage are considered to be non- sensory organ, bleeding (further point of damage each
lethal damage. Punches, kicks, and similar unarmed round until a DV: 2d10 END test is passed), or similar
attacks fall into this category. When testing for non- effects. The effects of an Injury will remain until the
lethal damage, roll a d5 in place of a d10. Ultimately, Trauma that inflicted it is healed.
it is up to the GM to determine whether an attack

HEALING Diseases work in the same way as poison, though are
resisted by END rather than MAS. When testing to
When damaged, a character may make an END test resist disease, the character must continue to make the
each day to heal (characters without an END score test once per day until the DV has been exceeded by
must rely on repairs or magical means of healing). five or more.
The DV to heal is equal to the current total trauma. A
character heals a number of points of damage equal to In either case, its important to remember that
the amount by which they exceed the DV. Light physiology may differ from species to species. A
Trauma points are healed before Heavy. disease or poison harmful to a human being is
unlikely to be harmful to a creature from another
Rest is a very important factor when healing. planet (or other reality, for that matter).
Whenever a character tests to heal after a day when
they were unable to rest, roll an extra die and choose
the lowest.
A character with the Emergency Medicine skill (or SUFFOCATION
appropriate Medical Study skill) may assist a healing
character with a skill assist (DV 15). Such medical FATIGUE
attention may be required to heal particularly grievous
injuries. Prolonged activity can wear down even the hardiest
adventurers. During prolonged conflicts or treks
ADVENTURING across vast distances, you may wish to track your
character's level of fatigue. Essentially, beginning
HAZARDS with a DV of zero and raising that DV by one each
round, a character must test their Aerobics at the start
Outside of combat, there are a seemingly infinite of each round, suffering non-lethal damage equal to
number of ways an adventurer can sustain injury or the differential by which they fail this test. For a few
meet their ultimate demise while tromping about the rounds, taking this test won't be necessary, as most
Multiverse. The following section will explore a few characters will automatically pass it. In extended
of these hazards. conflicts (usually those lasting longer than three or
four rounds) you may wish to keep track.
DISEASE A helpful way to do this is to set a pair of d10s aside
as a “fatigue counter,” setting each die to zero. This
Toxins and sickness are a common hazard for represents the DV of the turn-based Aerobics test. At
adventurers. Unlike regular damage, these ailments the end of each round, increase the fatigue counter by
attack the character's attributes directly, temporarily one, allowing the DV to escalate as time passes. This
(or sometimes permanently) reducing physical or should only affect characters who actively participate
mental attribute scores. Poison is resisted by a in the conflict.
character's MAS, while disease is resisted by END. A
character without an END score is immune to both SLEEP
poison and disease. DEPRIVATION
Each poison has a route by which it attacks its victim Another less urgent form of fatigue is sleep
(inhaled, ingested, contact, or via piercing or cutting deprivation. For each day that a character goes
damage, for example). Once the victim has been without sufficient rest, make an END test against a
exposed to the poison, they must test their MAS DV equal to the number of days x5. If this test is
against the DV attributed with the poison. For each failed, the character will suffer non-lethal damage
point by which the MAS test is failed, the character equal to the differential.
suffers a penalty to whichever attributes the poison
affects. This poisoned value is recorded under Heavy SUFFOCATION AND
Trauma (separate from any damage values there). If DROWNING
this value would reduce an effective attribute below
zero, that attribute may no longer be used while the Many situations may require a character to hold their
poison is in effect. In the case that END is reduced breath. At the beginning of each round they are
below zero, the character will succumb to the poison. deprived of oxygen (or an equivalent), a character

must test their Apneic Control skill. This DV starts at
zero, though increases by one each round (much in
the same way as fatigue). Any failed tests will result DAMAGE
in physical damage equal to the differential. The GM
may allow this damage to be healed quickly as soon Whenever a character fails their climb test by more
as the character is free to breath or (in the case of than five, they fall. Falling inflicts damage equal to
drowning) expunge their lungs. the distance in increments +1d10. For the most part,
armor offers little or no protection against falls,
though the GM may choose to grant partial protection
F.Y.I. in certain circumstances.
The following are some examples of common DVs
when testing certain Athletics-based skills. These Consider a well-lit room to be a lighting condition of
tables aren't comprehensive, though they should give “zero.” For each degree beyond this (light or dark), a
you a basic idea. character will receive a penalty to their Detect range
and to any skill which would require the character to

Characters making Climb tests use a move action to PENALTY LIGHT DARKNESS
do so (though may not use a rush action). In addition,
each increment moved this way costs four movement 0 Well Lit Well Lit
1-4 Bright Dim


Ladder 4 1d10
Fence 8 1d10+1d5
Tree/Cliff 12 2d10
Building 16 3d10
Sheer Wall 20+ 4d10

Characters making Swim tests use a move action to
do so. In addition, each increment moved this way
costs four movement points.


Placid 4 1d10
Running 8 1d10+1d5
Ocean 12 2d10
Choppy 16 3d10
Rapids 20+ 4d10

A demonic warrior from the Realm of Eternal Battle

WEIGHT 33 5,801-6,600

34 6,601-7,400
When adventuring, you're going to want to determine
how much your character may carry and whether or 35 7,401-8,200
not they are able to move a given object. Weight is 36 8,201-9,800
determined by a character or object's MAS score. The
following table gives a rough conversion of MAS to 37 9,801-11,400
pounds (lbs). 38 11,401-13,000 African Elephant

39 13,001-14,600
MAS LBS. EXAMPLE 40 14,601-16,200
1 1-20 Human Infant
41 16,201-19,400
2 21-40
42 19,401-22,600
3 41-60
43 22,601-25,800
4 61-80
44 25,800-29,000
5 81-100
45 29,001-32,200
6 101-140 Average Human
46 32,201-38,600
7 141-180
47 38,601-45,000
8 181-220
48 45,001-51,400
9 221-260
49 51,401-57,800
10 261-300
50 57,801-64,200
11 301-380
51 64,201-77,000
12 381-460 Peak Human
52 77,001-89,800
13 461-540
53 89,801-102,600
14 541-620
54 102,601-115,400
15 621-700
55 115,401-128,200
16 701-800 Grizzly Bear
56 128,201-153,800
17 801-900
57 153,801-179,400
18 901-1,000
58 179,401-205,000 Blue Whale
19 1,001-1,100
59 205,001-230,600
20 1,101-1,200
60 230,601-256,200
21 1,201-1,400

22 1,401-1,600 LIFTING AND

23 1,601-1,800 DRAGGING
24 1,801-2,000
To lift an object, the DV is equal to 10 plus the
25 2,001-2,200 object's MAS. Dragging an object is easier, and the
26 2,201-2,600 DV to do so is 5 plus the object's MAS.
27 2,601-3,000
28 3,001-3,400 CAPACITY
29 3,401-3,800
In general, a character may carry a number of MAS
30 3,801-4,200
worth of equipment or other objects equal to their
31 4,201-5,000 own POW score without being encumbered. For each
32 5,001-5,800
point the carried MAS exceeds the character's POW,
the character suffers a -2 penalty to all physical tests
and to SPD.

A skyline view of Nexus City

Ray picked himself up from the cold, dusty stonework, The tall man put a firm, assuring grip on Ray's
brushing off the knees of his corduroys. The strange, shoulder. “That's a long story, kid. Thankfully, we've
spherical robot was gone, but so was Olive. Nearby, also got a long walk ahead of us.”
the tall, red-headed stranger stepped out from the
shadows, his panama pork-pie hat in one hand, a “You're going to help me?” Ray was perplexed by the
smoking revolver in the other. stranger's confidence and collection in the face of the
bizarre and horrifying display they had just
“Thanks, whoever you are,” Ray shouted, “But I witnessed.
have to go after her.”
The stranger shrugged. “Seems like the decent thing
“Not so fast, kid,” the stranger called back. “That to do, provided you don't mind if I make a detour or
was a retriever mech. She won't be harmed, at least two to take care of some business along the way.”
not yet, but I would advise that you come up with a
plan before you follow it.” Ray laughed nervously. “I'm not really in a position
to turn you down. I'll take what I can get.”
Ray drank in a labored breath, pausing to let the
reality of his situation sink in. He looked up, past the “Alright then.” The stranger winked, offering his
dark, crumbling walls of the ruins to a sky filled with hand. “They call me Mister Jackson.”
scintillating colors and three massive moons, one
green, two pink. Cautiously, Ray shook the man's hand. “Rayston. Er,
“Where the hell are we?” Ray looked back to the
stranger kneeling casually to pick up a briefcase, his “Well, Ray, welcome to the Multiverse. Brace
hat resting on his head and gun sheathed in an under- yourself, kid. Things are about to get weird.”
arm holster. “Last thing I remember, we were on a
train... there was this noise, and everything...” Ray's
eyes went blank. “How did we get here? What is this
place? We're... we're not on Earth, right?”

dramatically. On many of the Known Worlds, time
Beyond our own existence, countless other realities progresses at the same pace. However, there are a
thrive in a Multiverse teeming with breathtaking good number of documented worlds with an
marvels and unimaginable horrors. In Wayfarer, accelerated or decelerated time stream.
players may take the role of a “verser,” a special
breed of adventurer who cuts their path between When adventuring in one of these worlds, time will
worlds. Almost nothing is off limits within a Wayfarer move at a percentage of the standard rate. It is entirely
story. Nearly any sort of world can be visited, and possible to travel to such a world, live an entire
your adventuring parties will often represent the very lifetime, and return to find that only a few minutes
picture of diversity. have passed in their home time stream. Such cases
have led to more than one adventurer encountering
The following section details some of the major their own, distant descendants (an awkward moment,
elements of the Known Worlds. As for the unknown to say the least).
worlds, well, that's entirely up to you.
A world's tech level describes the aggregate
Each universe has its own set of statistics that are an technological advancement of a world or culture.
important factor when adventuring within them. The While this may not be useful to describe an entire
following are the most common considerations that universe, it is when traveling to a specific place
any verser worth their omni-credits should keep in within that universe.
Depending on its proximity to the Source of Magic, a
Piercing the membranes between realities can be a reality will be more or less receptive to the influence
dangerous affair, not just for the traveler, but for the of magical energy.
entire, connected universes.
Adjacent: The DV to cast spells is reduced by 1d10
Each universe has a stability numeric represented by a (rolled each time a spell is cast) and no MP must be
percentile. Whenever traveling from one universe to expended to do so. In such universes, magical energy
another, roll a percentile die for each universe. is infused within all things, and the very fabric of
Provided the rolls are equal to or under the stability reality may be subject to sapient will.
value, no mishap occurs. However, should the test
fail, roll again on the Branar Mishap table below: Close: The DV and MP cost for all spells are reduced
by 1d10 (rolled each time a spell is cast). In such
d% EFFECT universes, magical energy is available in abundance,
and may be harvested by a savvy arcanist.
01-75 The portal is closed and, on a 2d10 roll Additionally, MP reserves regenerate twice as fast.
of 20, the Branar Stability of the linked
Universes are permanently decreased by Mid-Range: The universe is in a magically neutral
one state and spells may be cast as normal. Pockets of
magical energy may be found and harvested, though
76-98 As above, but everything within
may be rare.
d% x d% increments of the portal is
Distant: The DV and MP cost for all spells are
99-99 The portal becomes a singularity (bad increased by 1d10 (rolled each time a spell is cast). In
news) such universes, magical energy is scarce and
extremely difficult to find and MP reserves regenerate
00-00 The linked universes collapse into non- half as fast.
existence (really bad news)
Obscure: The universe is so far removed from the
TIME STREAM Source of Magic that the DV and MP cost for all
spells are increased by 2d10 (rolled each time a spell
After tromping around the Multiverse, one's is cast). MP reserves may not regenerate and anything
perception of time and the way it passes changes with an MP reserve automatically loses a single MP

per day. Creatures with the Magical Being trait that The size of a small house, an Omnisphere's entrance
are unable to lose an MP in this way instead lose a may accommodate creatures and objects with a BUL
single, permanent point of WIL, fading into non- score of 10 or less (although a successful use of the
existence when their WIL drops below zero. Contortion skill may allow larger characters to
Enchanted objects that are drained of any MP reserve squeeze through).
lose any magical properties and similarly fade away if
they were created by magical means in the first place.

This represents the DV of the appropriate skill test
when attempting to travel to a given world. There are
four common ways of traveling between realities,
brane ships, Omnispheres, Brane Gates, and magic
portals. Each Omnisphere is, to the extent of all tests, an
immutable object, and is impervious to damage or
Brane Ships: An advent of higher technological alteration. The structure is rooted in the space it
innovation, brane ships function as standard starships occupies, and may not be moved, even if the ground
with one exception: they are able to pierce and travel around it has been removed (there are documented
between the membranes that separate alternate cases of seemingly free-floating Omnispheres). There
realities. Doing so requires an Operate (Brane Ship) is some conjecture that all Omnispheres are in fact a
test, calling upon the operator's familiarity with the single structure, fixed in time and space across
branar navigation computer associated with the brane multiple realities and are self-attuned to the
drive. gravitational field of whichever celestial body to
which they have been affixed. Some Omnispheres
Piercing a universal membrane is an incredibly have been found drifting intact through asteroid
dangerous act and, depending on the level of fields, the remnants of their long-destroyed host
technology used to do so, the effect on the DV and world.
branar stability (see above) may differ.
When failing to use an Omnisphere, consult the
Brane drives invented at a TL of 9 represent the first following table with the differential by which the test
forays into trans-universal travel. Increase the travel was failed:
DV by 1d10 and reduce the Branar Stability by 3d10
whenever using a TL 9 brane drive. FAILURE EFFECT
Brane drives invented at a TL of 10 are slightly more 1-5 Travel is not possible from the
stable. Increase the travel DV by 1d5 and reduce the Omnisphere for 3d10 hours
Branar Stability by 2d10 when using a TL 10 brane 6+ The occupants are sent to a
drive. random Omnisphere and further
use of the Omnisphere is locked
Brane drives invented at TL 11+ are assumed to be out for 3d10 hours
completely clean, and confer no additional DV
increase or Branar Stability reduction. The technology
left behind by the Bygones (a long-gone, extremely Brane Gates: Another example of Bygone
advanced species) are examples of TL 11 (or perhaps technology, the Brane Gates are a series of stable
higher) brane drives. These are the brane drives used wormholes that allow safe passage between realities
(but not fully understood) by the Dominion, and are a (or just different locations within a single reality).
high commodity throughout the Known Worlds. Any starship may traverse a Brane Gate though it
helps to have a navigator who knows precisely where
Omnispheres: Left behind by the mysterious it will take you).
Bygones, these strange, spherical structures allow
perfect travel between a vast network of worlds. By Magic Portals: These magical rifts in the fabric of
interfacing with a holographic projection console in space (such as those created with the World Door
the center of the sphere, the operator (often known as spell) are the least stable way to travel. When creating
a “Doorman”) may make an Operate (Omnisphere) a magic portal, reduce Branar Stability by 4d10
test to travel to another Omnisphere. before tests are made.

As the Nemesis drifted through the great cloud of dust BRANAR STABILITY: 190%
and mechanical debris, a great, spherical shape soon TIME STREAM: Standard
came to sight, dominating the breadth of the view- TECH LEVEL: 10
screen. MAGIC PROX: Mid-Range
“There it is,” said Junos, still idly working at the OMNISPHERES: 6
control panel, the monitor's light refracting off his
high-end power-armor. One of the most famous of the known hub worlds,
Nexus City has exchanged multiple rulers over the
Prince Aric tensed, the force-manacles straining at years. Regardless of governance, it has retained its
his wrists. “So this is Nexus City. I've heard stories, status as a place of free trade and passage.
but I've long wanted to see it for myself.”
Currently under Dominion control, Nexus City is a
Junos laughed. “I'm sure you have, your highness. massive, mechanical sphere. In its center is the Star
Though I'm guessing this wasn't the way you expected Core, a small, artificial star that both powers the
to get here?” structure and gives a simulated day/night cycle to the
dense cityscape that covers the inside of the sphere.
Aric smirked. “Quite right, bounty hunter. You know, I
can still make freeing me worth your while. I don't Beneath this sprawling metropolis is the Undercity.
know what the Zero Syndicate is paying you, but I Remains of the old city that have been built over in
assure you, I can double it.” the ages that have passed interconnected by vital
networks of maintenance tunnels that honeycomb the
The muscular Olimyoo mercenary standing at Prince artificial world, the Undercity is inhabited by
Aric's back let out a warbling trumpet from its dangerous gangs and scavengers, and serves as a
massive trunk before nudging the prince forward with breeding ground for criminals and black marketeers.
the butt of its rail rifle.

“I didn't know he understood us,” said Aric, bemused

but cowering from the massive, four-armed creature.
“Are the Dominion the bad guys? Depends on who
you ask. I think we're great, but I might be sort of
Junos entered his landing codes and a massive pair of
biased. Personally, I never shied away from
bay doors opened in the outer hull of Nexus City.
bureaucracy. Also, you know, protecting entire
“Oh, him? He's always surprising me.”
universes from imploding appeals to my pragmatic
side. Next!”
If a verser were to be compared to a truck driver, then
-Protocol Officer Orabela Bai, Cybernetic Human
truck stops are an excellent analogue for hub worlds.
In hub worlds, adventurers may barter, resupply, and
POPULATION: 2.345 Billion
hire help. More importantly, however, hub worlds act
as gateways to multiple realities, allowing versers to
travel the Multiverse in relative safety, usually for a
steep price. (The going rate is generally 100 credits,
give or take, per brane jump.)
“Before I drank deeply from Mimir's Well, I believed
only the Nine Worlds hung from the branches of great Standing vigilant over the Known Worlds, the vast,
Yggdrasil. Even those waters of wisdom, however trans-universal enforcement agency known as the
potent, could not prepare me for the wonders of Dominion are both feared and respected (though
Nexus City.” never ignored).
-Viddar, Undead Trollspawn Doorman

Villains to some and heroes to others, the Dominion Of all the myriad of wonders of the Multiverse, few
uses advanced technology (and magic, in the case of are as strange as the living city of Cosmopolis.
its highly specialized Arcane Division) to combat Composed of elements copied (or possibly torn) from
reckless trans-universal travel and offer fair countless worlds, Cosmopolis is an ever-shifting
governance to the worlds beneath its protection. Built patchwork of clashing architecture and alien
around an Omnisphere by refugees from a version of inhabitants.
Earth with a greatly accelerated time stream, the
people of the Dominion once paid a horrible price for Because of the city's chaotic nature, no path is ever
reckless branar travel, and work tirelessly to ensure the same. Highly specialized versers known as
that other worlds escape a similar fate. Though Pathfinders may be hired to navigate the labyrinth,
operating off of a lower tech level, the Dominion is though their price is often steep. (Use the Pathfinder
capable of relatively clean branar travel thanks to when designing a competent guide.)
advanced technology inherited from a long-gone
species that once served as their benefactors. Though To successfully navigate Cosmopolis, a character (or
they do not fully understand this tech (and are unable party) must make a successful Fieldcraft (Urban) and
to reproduce it) many of these devices are used to Streetwise (Cosmopolis) test against a DV of 2d10. If
power their brane ships and trans-universal gateways, either of these tests fail, consult the following chart
each device a priceless, irreplaceable artifact. with the lowest of the results:

1-5 Become lost, test again and add
an additional d10 to the DV
6-10 Become lost (as above) and, in
addition, each character must
pass a Control test (DV 2d10)
or lose a number of permanent
WIL points equal to the amount
by which they fail
The center of Dominion operations is Dominion City,
a massive, meticulously organized metropolitan 11+ Wander into a random reality
sprawl hovering in an otherwise empty pocket- (probably a scary one)
dimension. Here, representatives from any world
imaginable may be found, either striking deals within For all of its dangers, when it comes to opportunities,
their respective embassies or milling about as they Cosmopolis has those in abundance. If you're looking
work through the rigors of Dominion protocol. for something, chances are it can be found there.
Unregistered versers may find Dominion city to be a Cosmopolis is especially attractive to seekers of the
difficult detour, as one can get lost in the seemingly arcane due to its proximity to the Source of Magic
endless lines and digital paperwork that pock the long (and its own magical nature).
road to legitimacy.
Fearfully whispered stories of the true nature of
COSMOPOLIS Cosmopolis abound. Some say that it is a place
created from the grafted dreams of long-lost worlds.
“You want to go to Cosmopolis? Yeah, I can get you Others fear that Cosmopolis is a sentient world, a god
there, but you'd better know a good Pathfinder.” sleeping and dreaming of the day it will wake and
-Duggin Durinson, Dwarven Pilot claim the lives of those who walk upon its back.
TIME STREAM: Fast (x 3)
TRAVEL DV: 10+3d10

THE KNOWN testing, the world of Pig Earth has come into its own
as a trans-universal way point. Though still beholden
WORLDS to corporations such as Circle-Tech and Solaron
Industries, the pigmen of Pig-Earth have bred in such
Baldev stood against the fierce, biting winds, his numbers that much of the trans-universal economy
sword clenched in his fist. Far below his rocky perch, revolves around and is catered to pigman sensibilities.
the world of Midgard lay pocked and scarred by the If its cheap, bad for you, and harmful to infants, it
invading machines of the High Engineer, great clouds likely comes from (or was designed for consumption
of acrid black smoke rising from the embers of the on) Pig-Earth.
troll-forest of Jarvindr.
Pigman culture is often looked down upon by more
Once enemies to his people, the men of Midgard now evolved civilizations. On Pig-Earth, curiosity and
felt as allies, brothers suffering at the hands of these intellectualism are largely seen as character flaws.
malevolent outsiders. This world now belonged to the Regardless of their attitude toward learning, there is a
Techno-Sovereigns, and Baldev knew that it was only thriving educational system, albeit one that almost
a matter of time before Jotunheim would suffer a exclusively produces majors in business, advertising,
similar fate. and copyright law.

The following represent only a handful of the What brane travel exists to and from Pig-Earth is
recorded worlds, as there are far too many to tightly controlled by the corporations established on
document in this codex (and countless more that have the planet and in the surrounding star system. It is
been uncharted by the Dominion Universal Registry). widely understood that should the pigmen themselves
Go forth, and adventure at your own peril. gain control of branar traffic, it would be a matter of
weeks before the entire universe would collapse.
“Walked I did with the old ones. The sky people came
with powerful magic. The old ones left, but still they
-Stalks-the-Hills, Mutant Neanderthal Shaman

POPULATION: 5.956 Million

TIME STREAM: Slow (x 2)
“The porcine inhabitants of Pig-Earth represent the TECH LEVEL: 0
most boorish and unrefined aspects of the humans MAGIC PROX: Mid-Range
after which they've modeled their so-called society. I TRAVEL DV: 6+2d10
was stuck there during a layover once and I'm still OMNISPHERES: 12
trying to purge the memory.”
-Aeolith Silverhand, Elven Artist An alternate version of Paleolithic-era Earth where
homo-sapiens never evolved, leaving tribes of
POPULATION: 12.815 Billion neanderthals to thrive. Under the guidance of
GOVERNMENT: Corporate mysterious animal totems, powerful shamans guided
NATIVE SPECIES: Pigman their tribes through war, peace, feast, and famine.
TIME STREAM: Standard During the first Separation Wars, the Primal Lands
TECH LEVEL: 8 became a pivotal point of contention between the
MAGIC PROX: Obscure Dominion and the Allied Separatist States. During this
TRAVEL DV: 10+1d10 period, many neanderthals were uplifted, either as a
OMNISPHERES: 1 protective measure or to be conscripted into Separatist
militias. Though the wars in the Primal Lands have
Suspected to be an artificially created world been over for some time, they have left horrible scars
engineered for the purpose of corporate product on both the land and the people.

Worlds. As such, the Zyntari Combine has entered a
tentative peace agreement with the Dominion, though
the two are constantly at odds due to the “dirty brane
travel” employed by zyntari-manufactured ships.

There are several Omnispheres dotted throughout

Combine space and, until recently, the zyntari
leadership was completely unaware of their existence.
Since the discovery, zyntari doormen have become a
relatively common sight.


“I've known my share of Midgard refugees. They've
got a funny notion of the way the worlds work, but
they fight well, and they drink even better.”
-Katarijn Zofie, Separatist Soldier

POPULATION: 10.111 Million

TIME STREAM: Fast (x 10)

“Yeah, the big-heads came and conquered my planet, A gestalt creation born from the dreams of mortals,
but so what? I have a good job, a family, and they the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology exists in a
even let me pray at the high temple like my ancestors remote pocket of the Multiverse. Comprised of
did.” multiple pocket-worlds connected by the World Tree,
-Gorf, Koga Contractor Yggdrasil, the Nine Worlds are bound by the rule of
sword and sorcery.
POPULATION: 7.082 Trillion
TRAVEL DV: 10+2d10

The galactic empire of the conquering zyntari is

composed of countless worlds, all interconnected by
an intricate web of stable wormholes. Having only
recently discovered branar travel, the zyntari moved
quickly to infiltrate the Known Worlds, surveying for
potential conquest.

Since infiltrating the Multiverse, the zyntari have

learned to proceed with caution. Though a
scientifically advanced culture, the zyntari have little
understanding of magic and other seemingly
supernatural forces found throughout the Known

Crafted from the remains of the cosmic giant, Ymir,
the Nine Worlds are divided into Asgard (world of the
aesir), Vanaheim (world of the vanir), Alfheim (world
of the light elves), Svartalfheim (world of the dark
elves), Nidaveller (world of the dwarves), Jotunheim
(world of the jotun), Midgard (world of humans),
Muspelheim (world of the fire giants), and Niflheim
(world of the dead and the frost giants).

In recent years, the Nine Worlds were invaded by an

alliance of the Tartaran Empire and the cybernetic
hive-forces of the High Engineer. Refugees from all
nine worlds managed to escape into the Multiverse With the schism that began the first of the Separation
before their homeworlds were stripped of resources Wars, multitudes of Dominion citizens fought to be
and left as barren, lifeless husks. With the help of the free to explore and settle throughout the Multiverse as
trans-universal community, many of these refugees they saw fit. Since those days, countless settlements
have adapted to life “beyond the Nine,” aided by the and Separatist States have been established, though
fact that previous communities of displaced elves and none so expansive as the galactic frontiers known as
dwarves had already been established in some of the the Free Territories.
known hub worlds.
Free from any oversight, the planets, moons, and
The Nine Worlds have since regenerated thanks to the asteroid belts of the Free Territories are populated by
efforts of the jotun demigod, Baldev Utgardson, and pioneers, prospectors, pirates, and enterprising
the god-like Norn, who weave upon the loom of fate corporate entities looking to make a profit without the
for all who dwell within the Nine. This knowledge, Dominion breathing down their necks. At their best,
however, is limited to few, and for several decades (in the territories are a place where men and women (and
the Nines' time stream) the worlds have flourished whatever else) may carve out a new life for
without any outsider presence. themselves. At their worst, however, the Free
Territories are a haven for bloodthirsty criminals.
All of the denizens of (and those descended from) the
Nine Worlds are “god-born” (created from magic), THE FAIRY COURTS
and therefore possess the Magical Being trait.
“Hiiiiiisssk! They sssay there isss good fairy and
THE FREE there isss bad, but all isss trickssstersss sure as
TERRITORIES Otyk'sss blood isss thin.”
-Otyk O'tshi, Alien Explorer
“I understand where the Dominion is coming from, I
really do. But... look. It's human nature to want to POPULATION: Unknown
explore, to innovate, and yes, to make a little money GOVERNMENT: Monarchy
in the process. You just can't keep something like that NATIVE SPECIES: Assorted Fey Species
caged for very long.” BRANAR STABILITY: 290%
-Cynerik Ofek, Circle-Tech Public Relations TIME STREAM: Fast (x 5)
Specialist TECH LEVEL: 4
MAGIC PROX: Adjacent
POPULATION: 6.284 Billion TRAVEL DV: 16+2d10
BRANAR STABILITY: 111% Ruled by Titania and Oberon respectively, the twin
TIME STREAM: Standard worlds of the Seelie and Unseelie fey are a place of
TECH LEVEL: 9 magic and deep mystery.
TRAVEL DV: 10+2d10 Home to an array of powerful and immortal fey, the
OMNISPHERES: 115 twin realms are also home to fey-blooded (but mortal)
races such as the pooka of Gnotwood and the goblin
hordes of the Night Forest.

Though the fey folk claim to be older than time itself, unknown alien species ravaged the planet and, as a
there is much speculation that the Fairy Courts exists precaution, the A.I. that ran Eden 2's infrastructure
as a psychic construct due to the dreams of mortals, selected those from its population deemed capable of
and that this is but one variation of the fairylands, as rebuilding the world and put them in deep-stasis
interpretations vary wildly from legend to legend. hibernation in labyrinthine underground facilities.
Whatever their origin, all beings from the Fairy Thousands of years passed, and the time stream
Courts are “godborn” and therefore possess the “cooled” to match the Dominion standard. Some of
Magical Being trait. the chosen few (or “ancestors”) awoke from stasis to
find the world above a hellish desert landscape
EDEN 2 populated with mutant raiders.

“Skrooooink... {BEGIN TRANSLATION} Da' planet The world of Eden 2 is composed of three very
is fulla' scum-bums and mutey-toots, but dey gots da different settings. The first, known as “Tunnelworld,”
Teledrome, an' dere ain't no betta' way ta' spend yer is the vast network of underground structures left by
looty-lootz. {END TRANSLATION} Squee-ooooink!” the ancestors. Aside from housing the ancestors
- Finn “Bellyboy” Delano, Pigman Bounty Hunter themselves, it is also home to communities of humans
who have adapted to subterranean life. There is a
single Omnisphere that may be found in a cavern
within Tunnelworld, and it is through this that many
versers gain access to Eden 2.

The wastes above are a bleak, poisonous desert. Some

small communities of un-mutated humans live on the
surface of Eden 2, though life here is difficult and
brutal. Anyone caught in the poison winds is mutated
and driven mad, and raiding parties of such mutants
are a constant threat.

Finally, high above in Eden 2's orbit, you will find the
Teledrome. A sentient, evolved version of the
ancestral civilization's governing A.I. now known as
“The Omega Head,” watches over the world below.
Still prioritizing the continued safety of the ancestors,
the Omega Head has also dedicated itself to
producing high-quality entertainment that is broadcast
throughout some of the more advanced of the Known
Worlds. Pig-Earth represents the highest market for
Teledrome viewership, and the station itself serves as
a sort of amusement park, its programs' studio
audiences composed primarily of wealthy or
extremely lucky pigmen (contest winners, for the
POPULATION: Unknown most part).
TRAVEL DV: 12+2d10

When the pre-Dominion refugees were fleeing their

collapsing reality, a single seedship was lost in a
hyper-accelerated time stream. Landing on a paradise
world they came to name Eden 2, the survivors built a
civilization. As the decades passed, war with an The Smears rock out at a hub-world cantina

UNCHARTED The following tables are useful for generating a world
on the spot should a mishap occur or for when you
WORLDS want to travel to a new location and would like to be
as surprised as your players.
The Omnisphere doors slid wide with a hiss. Mister
Jackson stepped out onto the landing, taking a deep STEP ONE: TRAVEL
breath of the cool, blessedly oxygenated atmosphere. DV
“I don't think this is Cosmopolis, Prof.”
When rolling on the following table, the Static DV is
The Professor fiddled one last time with the control rolled once and set, while the Random DV (if
panel, again being met with the holographic error applicable) is rolled each time travel to the world is
display. “Well, I seem to have... miscalculated.” attempted and added to the Static DV.

“You? Miscalculated?” Mister Jackson looked back TRAVEL DV

and winked in an attempt to leaven the hyper-sapient
plant's frustration. D10 STATIC RANDOM
1 1d10 None
“Cosmopolis is a difficult destination, Mister
Jackson,” the Professor answered, throwing up all six 2 1d10 +1d10
of his robotic exo-pod's arms. “I may be a Phyto-
Processor, but even I make mistakes.” 3 1d10 +2d10
4 1d10 +3d10
Mister Jackson cupped his hand over his eyes,
blocking the purple sunlight to peer over the vast 5 1d10 +4d10
forest of gelatinous, tubular trees, their great limbs
6 2d10 None
whipping and whistling in the howling wind.“Well,
like you said, Prof, we're locked out for a couple of 7 2d10 +1d10
days anyway. Did you get any readings on this
place?” 8 2d10 +2d10
9 2d10 +3d10
“Uncharted, according to the Doormans' Registry,
I'm afraid,” said the Professor, worry evident in his 0 2d10 +4d10
vocal modulators.

“Hm...” Mister Jackson looked over his meta-tool,

drawing various readings from the alien environment.
Next, roll three percentile dice and combine the
“Well, there's an Omnisphere here for a reason, and it
results to determine the world's branar stability.
seems habitable. I'm getting some exotic energy
readings, so maybe we can find ourselves a wizard
here instead.” STEP THREE: MAGIC
The Professor lifted the menacing stone casket from
the floor of the Omnisphere. The eyes in the demonic Roll on the following chart to determine the world's
relief glowed like hot coals and the casket shook to proximity to the Source of Magic:
free itself from the Professor's powerful grasp.
“Then let's not waste any time, Mister Jackson.” D10 MAGIC PROXIMITY
The Known Worlds represent a miniscule sampling of 1 Adjacent
the possibilities found throughout the Multiverse. 2-3 Close
Every time a Doorman steps into an Omnisphere or a
navigator punches a seemingly random string of 4-7 Mid-Range
coordinates into a brane ship's navigation computer,
8-9 Distant
there are numbers of possible destinations adjacent to
the target, and the slightest mishap could shunt you 0 Obscure
and your crew into an unintended destination.

To determine the world's time stream, roll on the Finally, provided the biome is something other than
following table: Asteroid Field or Dead World, roll on the following
table to determine what form of life the planet or
D% TIME STREAM pocket-dimension will contain:

01-05 Slow (d% x d%) D10 INHABITANTS

06-25 Slow (d10 x d10) 1 None
26-75 Standard 2-4 Plant life
76-95 Fast (d10 x d10) 5-8 Plant and animal life
96-00 Fast (d% x d%) 9-0 Sapient lifeforms

STEP FIVE: BIOME If sapient lifeforms are present, you may choose to
create a random alien species from the tables in the
Most often, a mistaken brane jump will land a brane following section or choose an existing species to
ship in empty space. However, a failed attempt at inhabit this newly discovered world. To determine the
Omnisphere travel will almost always result in a level of advancement (TL), roll a 2d10, subtracting
habitable world. The Omnispheres, presumably the second result from the first, and add the resident
placed by the Bygones long ago, were positioned at species' average APT.
strategic locations, most often those with an oxygen-
rich environment. When entering a random world
through an Omnisphere (or magic portal), the
following table will be helpful in determining what
the party will encounter when they exit into their new

01-05 Asteroid Field
06-10 Dead World (no life or atmosphere)
11-15 Wasteland
16-25 Desert
26-30 Arctic
31-40 Forest
41-50 Jungle
51-55 Swamp
56-65 Ocean
66-70 Subterranean
71-80 Mountainous
81-90 Grassland
91-95 Alien Biome
96-00 Construct World (man-made world)

ADDITIONAL the similarly mechanical thing watching from the
darkness was a Stargazer, filming Henry's exploits
CHARACTER with its singular, camera eye. Henry Cobb was in the
Teledrome, and his humiliation was being broadcast
TYPES live and commerical-free to the Known Worlds.

From lifter mechs to scout drones to entire android

civilizations, robots can be found in a multitude of
shapes throughout the Multiverse.

Robots differ from organic characters in the following


-All robot characters have the Unliving trait, and do

not benefit (or suffer) from an END score.

-Robots do not contribute their POW score to their

MAS. Instead, a robot's MAS score is equal to its
BUL x3.

-Robots do not contribute their POW score to their

FOR. Instead, a robot's FOR score is equal to its

-Robots have a Natural Armor feature equal to their

BUL score

-Robots do not heal, and must be repaired by way of

an Engineering (Robotics) skill.

The natural and magically created species found As with alien species, there are far too many models
throughout the Known Worlds aren't the only forms of of robots to detail at length. The following charts may
life a verser will encounter. The following section be used to randomly generate a robot, or you can
details a number of creatures that make the Multiverse cherry-pick components to build a robot suited to
the strange and dangerous place that it is. your story needs.


The bongos pounded in time with the wail of an The first step is to determine your robot's core
unseen guitar. All around the driftwood-fueled programming. Roll a percentile die and consult the
bonfire, bikini and board shorts-clad youth twisted chart below:
and go-go'd alongside their iconic monster
counterparts. D% A.I.
“Come on in, Henry!” Drac pleaded in his phony 01-95 Functionary
Transylvanian accent. “This party is to DIE for!”
96-00 Sapient
Henry stood perplexed, scanning the darkness
surrounding the impromptu, midnight soiree. There, Functionary: The robot does not possess WIL, CRE,
in the night sky, just beyond the hovering crimson title or CHA scores and will only do as commanded or to
sequence that read 'Monster Beach Party,' something otherwise fulfill its programming. The robot may not
stirred. Pushing a jovial Frankenstein's monster aside gain or spend EXP.
to get a better look, Henry's suspicions were
confirmed. Sapient: The Robot thinks and feels in the same (or
largely similar) way as its organic counterparts. The
The people surrounding him were automatons, and robot rolls for WIL, CRE, and CHA scores and may
be built using an occupation template. The robot may

also gain and spend EXP as a regular character, STEP THREE:
though may only do so to purchase skill ranks, tricks, ATTRIBUTES
spells, or to increase their WIL or CHA scores.
Roll once for each of your robot's attributes, adding
STEP TWO: any bonus from the robot's function(s) or occupation
FUNCTION template (if sapient) to the percentile roll.

Once your robot's A.I. is determined, it is time to ATTRIBUTE SCORE

determine their function. Functions are similar to
occupation templates, granting your robot a suite of 01-30 1
skills and modifiers to its attribute rolls. Listed
parenthetically next to each function is an occupation 31-40 2
template. If your robot is sapient, you may choose 41-50 3
either the function or the occupation template
(ignoring any bonus to END). 51-60 4
61-70 5
Each function offers a number of trunk skills. Grant
the robot an automatic 6 ranks in each of the trunk 71-75 6
skills listed. If you are using an occupation template,
ignore these and generate skills by your occupation. 76-80 7
81-85 8
D10 FUNCTION 86-90 9
1-2 Labor (Engineer)
91-95 10
3-4 Recon (Investigator)
96+ Roll twice, combine attribute values
5-6 Science (Researcher)
7-8 Warfare (Mercenary) STEP FOUR:
9-0 Roll twice more and combine
Next, you will need to determine the means by which
Labor: The robot is programmed for hard labor or your robot moves about. Full descriptions for each of
menial tasks the movement types may be found in the programs
STR +35%, DEX +35% glossary below.
SKILLS: Athletics, Domestics, Technical, Throwing

Recon: The robot is programmed surveillance or law

enforcement 01-15 Wheels
AGI +35%, PER +35%
SKILLS: Athletics, Ballistics, Detect, Technical 16-30 Treads
31-45 Striding
Science: The robot is programmed to perform
medical tasks, scientific analysis, or act as a translator 46-50 Tripod
DEX +20%, REA +30%, PER +20% 51-60 Four-Legged
SKILLS: Language Arts, Natural Science,
Mathematics, Social Studies 61-70 Skittering

Warfare: The robot is programmed for combat 71-75 Many-Legged

STR +20%, DEX +20%, AGI +10%, PER +20% 76-85 Tentacles
SKILLS: Athletics, Ballistics, Detect, Melee
86-95 Hoverpads
96-00 Flying

01-03 Analyzers
Once you've determined how the robot moves about,
roll a percentile die on the chart below to determine 04-07 Armor Plating
what sort of (if any) manipulator limbs the robot
08-09 Auxiliary Locomotion
possesses. Multiple forms of limbs may be acquired
through rolling, and each of the results are detailed 10-11 Calculator
within the adaptation glossary following these charts.
12-13 Combat-Mech
d% MANIPULATORS 14-17 Compact
01-05 Armless 18-21 Engineering Suite
06-65 Arms 22-25 Exploratory
66-75 Tentacles 26-28 Heavy Tactical Suite
76-80 Fine Graspers 29-30 Infiltrator
81-00 Two more rolls 31-34 Integrated Weaponry
35-38 Knowledge Banks
STEP SIX: BATTERY 39-42 Light Tactical Suite
Like other technology, robots require power to 43-46 Long-Range Sensors
function. As such, every robot has a PR and PD value
(see Equipment). 47-50 Mag-Locks

PR: To determine a robot's power reserve, roll 2d% 51-52 Medi-Mech

and combine the results. A robot recharges 10% of its 53-57 Network Adapter
PR per hour spent charging.
58-59 Omni-Purpose
PD: Roll on the table below to determine the robot's 60-61 Power Lifters
power draw:
62-65 Scanners
d10 POWER DRAW 66-68 Self-Repairing
1-3 10/H 69-71 Solar Chargers
4-6 5/H 72-74 Solid Construction
7-9 1/H 75-77 Storage Compartment
0 1/D 78-79 Superior Programming
80-83 Surveillance Suite
PROGRAMS 84-87 Technical Suite

Roll 1d5+2 times on the program table. Programs, 88-91 Translator

like the adaptations found in the alien species tables, 92-95 Weapon Arm
are groupings of traits and attribute adjustments.
Additionally, the robot may acquire hard-wired 96-00 Roll twice more
equipment that will become part of its body.
The following glossary details all of the programs
(components of the locomotor, manipulator, and
function-based programs) listed in the tables above.

Each entry details a basic description and may include EFFECT: Calculative, Skill Adept (Advanced
modifications to attributes and personality traits, as Mathematics) 1d10+5
well as groups of species traits. Programs listed as
traits should be recorded under the robot's traits COMBAT-MECH
section. (TRAIT)
The robot is adaptable to any kind of weaponry.
ANALYZERS (TRAIT) EFFECT: The robot counts as having 6 ranks in all
The robot is able to sample materials to determine the Firearm, Heavy Weapon, and Melee Weapon branch
chemical composition. skills.
EFFECT: The robot may, from a sample of material,
make a PER test (DV 1d10) to discern its COMPACT
composition. The robot has a squat or boxy design.
The robot does not possess manipulators. ENGINEERING
The robot is programmed with the ability to build and
repair technology and possesses special servo-arms
with an array of tools necessary for its trade (if this
program is rolled multiple times, add an additional
Engineering skill, but do not roll for the other traits).
EFFECT: Natural Weapon
(Energy/Cutting/Piercing/Smashing) 1d10, Skill
Adept (Advanced Mathematics) 1d10, Skill Adept
(Engineering*) 1d10. (Roll on the table below to
determine which Engineering skill the robot

1 Aeronautical
2 Architectural
3 Computer
The robot possesses 1d5 arms and may manipulate 4 Electronic
5 Mechanical
EFFECT: No adjustment.
6 Medical
The robot is heavily armored.
EFFECT: Dense 1d5, Impenetrable 1d5-1, Natural 8 Nautical
Armor 1d10, Slow 1d5-1
9 Robotics
AUXILIARY 0 Starship
The robot possesses an alternate form of locomotion.
EFFECT: Roll again on the Locomotors table (you (TRAIT)
may switch between locomotion modes as a one AP The robot is built to explore and record its findings.
action). EFFECT: The robot counts as having 6 ranks in
every Fieldcraft skill.
The robot's processors are designed for quick
calculations. The robot possesses 1d5 small, nimble arms.
EFFECT: STR -2, DEX +2 when using these limbs

FLYING chassis.
The robot flies about via jets or a similar anti-grav EFFECT: Roll once on the Integrated Weapon table
system (though it has the Wings trait, the robot does and gain Skill Adept 1d10 in the appropriate weapon
not necessarily possess actual wings). branch skill (the robot modifies this skill with PER in
EFFECT: AGI +1, Grounded, Skill Adept (Fly) place of CRD when using the integrated weapon).
1d10-4, Wings Roll on the table below to determine the weapon.

The robot ambulates in the same way as a horse or WEAPON
01-04 Energy Cannon
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Balance) 2, Skill Adept
(Run) 2 05-08 Force-Shield

HEAVY TACTICAL 09-12 Grappling Gun

SUITE 13-16 Grenade Launcher
The robot is programmed for dangerous combat
operations. 17-20 Heavy Machine Gun
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Alertness) 1d10-4, Skill 21-24 Light Machine Gun
Adept (Brawl) 1d10, Skill Adept (Firearm: Handguns)
1d10, Skill Adept (Firearm: Long Arms) 1d10 25-28 Machine Gun
29-32 Minigun
33-36 Missile Launcher
37-40 Phase-Blade
41-44 Phase-Knife
45-48 Pistol, Assault
49-52 Pistol, Energy
53-56 Pistol, Phase
57-60 Pistol, Rail
61-64 Rifle, Assault
65-68 Rifle, Energy
69-72 Rifle, Phase
73-76 Rifle, Rail
HOVERPADS 77-80 Rifle, Sniper
The robot hovers just above the ground and may glide
over water as well as land. 81-84 Shiver-Blade
EFFECT: Hovering
85-88 Shiver-Knife
INFILTRATOR 89-92 Shock Baton
The robot is able to transform itself to appear as an
inanimate piece of technology. 93-96 Shotgun, Scattergun
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Disguise*) 2d10+5
97-00 Shotgun, Assault
*The Disguise skill is only used to appear as a single
piece of technology with a BUL value equivalent to
INTEGRATED The robot is programmed with the collected scientific
WEAPONRY (TRAIT) knowledge of its society
The robot is built with a weapon integrated into its EFFECT: The robot counts as having 6 ranks in every
Scientific Study and Study skill.

SUITE The robot may scan for lifeforms and other energy
The robot is programmed for light combat operations. signatures.
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Alertness) 1d10-4, Skill EFFECT: The robot may detect and identify energy
Adept (Brawl) 1d10-4, Skill Adept (Firearm: signatures within their Detect range.
Handguns) 1d10-4, Skill Adept (Firearm: Long Arms)
LONG-RANGE The robot has internal systems that work to analyze
SENSORS (TRAIT) and address damage.
The robot has a heightened field of perception. EFFECT: Roll a d10 to determine the value of this
EFFECT: Roll a single d10 to determine the value of trait. The robot may remove this amount of physical
this trait: Multiply Detect range equal to the value of damage per hour spent otherwise idle (removing light
this trait. trauma first) provided materials are available.


The robot may magnetize its limbs to adhere to The robot ambulates in the same way as an ant or
metallic surfaces. crab.
EFFECT: When in contact with a magnetically EFFECT: Roughshod, Skill Adept (Balance) 4, Skill
conductive object or surface, you may activate this Adept (Climb) 4
trait as a one AP action and gain a +10 bonus to POW
tests made to hold on to that object or surface. SOLAR CHARGERS
MANY-LEGGED The robot has solar panels incorporated into its design
The robot ambulates in the same way as a centipede that allow it to recharge in direct sunlight.
or caterpillar. EFFECT: The robot recharges 5% of its PR per hour
EFFECT: Roughshod, Serpentine 1, Skill Adept while exposed to sunlight.
(Balance) 6, Skill Adept (Climb) 6, Skill Inept
(Run) 2 SOLID
MEDI-MECH (TRAIT) The robot has been engineered to resist damage.
The robot is programmed to perform life-saving EFFECT: Tough 1d5
surgeries and act as a general practitioner.
EFFECT: The robot counts as having 6 ranks in STORAGE
every Medical Study and Surgery skill. COMPARTMENT
The robot is built to store objects internally.
(TRAIT) EFFECT: Roll 1d10 and record the value next to this
The robot is able to connect to the InfoNet. trait. Increase the robot's BUL by this value. In
EFFECT: The robot may communicate telepathically addition, the robot may transport up to the value in
with any other network adapted robot within Detect BUL within its compartment.
range and, whenever the robot is within range of an
InfoNet signal, it gains a +10 bonus to any knowledge STRIDING
recall tests, even for branch skills in which it has no The robot ambulates in the same way as a humanoid
ranks. or flightless bird.
EFFECT: No adjustment.
The robot is adaptable to any kind of technology. PROGRAMMING
EFFECT: The robot counts as having 6 ranks in all
Handle, and Operate branch skills.
The robot's programming is tightly constructed
ensuring less errors in its operation.
POWER LIFTERS EFFECT: The robot counts any die result lower than
The robot is built for lifting and hauling heavy cargo. a 5 to be a five.
EFFECT: STR +1d5, Skill Adept (Lift) 10

The robot is programmed and built for covert The robot knows all languages recorded in known
operations. registries.
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Alertness) 1d10, Skill Adept EFFECT: The robot counts as having 6 ranks in all
(Stealth) 1d10 Fluency skills for languages that have been recorded
throughout the Known Worlds.
The robot is programmed to use specialized TREADS
equipment. The robot moves via a pair of tank-like treads.
EFFECT: Skill Adept (Handle*) 1d10, Skill Adept EFFECT: BUL +1, Fleet 1d10-4, Roughshod, Skill
(Operate*) 1d10 (Roll on the tables below to Inept (Climb) 6, Skill Inept (Swim) 12
determine which Handle and Operate skills the robot
possesses.) TRIPOD
The robot moves awkwardly via a trio of legs.
D10 HANDLE EFFECT: Skill Adept (Balance) 1d5, Slow 1d5

1 Aircraft WEAPON ARM

2 Automobile (TRAIT)
The robot has a weapon in place of one of its arms.
3 Fighter Pod EFFECT: Replace one of the robot's manipulators
4-5 Hovercar with a weapon rolled from the Integrated Weapon
table. (If the robot is Armless, it gains an arm for this
6 Hovercycle purpose.)
7 Industrial Tools
8 Motorcycle The robot zips around on a set of wheels.
EFFECT: Delicate Gait 1d10-4, Fleet 1d10, Skill
9 Skiff Inept (Climb) 10, Skill Inept (Swim) 10
0 Tank
1 Branar Navigator CHARACTERS
2-5 Computers Should your GM allow it, you may consider playing a
robot in place of one of the standard biological
6 Industrial Equipment
species. Robot characters come with a lot of
7 Medical Tech advantages that may unbalance the game in regard to
player equality. In the hands of a responsible player,
8 Security Systems however, a robot character can be a massive boon to
9-0 Starships an adventuring party.

The robot possesses 2d5-1 tentacles that may be used
as manipulators as well as locomotors.
EFFECT: Serpentine 1 and Tenacious 1 per tentacle
used, Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 (when used as

Animated by mysterious (and often evil) magic, the
living dead, in their many forms, are (more often than
not) a threat to those who live in the Multiverse.

Each curse of unliving is different, and as such, it

would be difficult to recount all varieties of undead
here. The tables in this section may be used to
generate undead characters at random or, if you
prefer, you may choose components to build the
undead monster suitable for your story.

Undead differ from living characters in the following


-All undead characters possess the Unliving trait, and

do not benefit (or suffer) from an END score.

-Undead gain a +4 bonus to STR. This increase (and

any further increases to STR) are applied to POW and
FOR but are not applied to increase MAS.

-All undead characters possess the Undifferentiated


-All undead characters possess the Tough trait equal

to 1/3 of their BUL score (rounding down).

-All undead possess the Magical Being trait.

-Undead do not heal, and must be repaired through

special surgical procedures or through magical means. D% CURSES
01-05 Claws
-When spending EXP, undead may not increase their
STR score 6-20 Decayed
21-25 Eternal
GENERATION 26-30 Evil Incarnate
31-35 Fangs
When designing a random undead character, follow
all of the normal character generation steps, deviating 36-45 Haunter
only to establish species. Choose a base species and
modify the species template with all of the changes 46-60 Mindless
listed above. When that's finished, roll 1d5 times on 61-70 Nightbeast
the table below to determine the undead's curses.
71-80 Sorcerous
Curses (like adaptations in the random alien section
81-90 Spectral
and programs in the random robot section) are
groupings of traits and attribute adjustments that will 91-95 Vampiric
further modify the undead's abilities.
96-00 Roll two more curses
A complete list of undead curses and their effects
follow the table. Curses listed parenthetically as traits
are recorded as unique traits.

01-06 Allure
CLAWS 07-12 Curse
The undead possesses sharp claws on its manipulators
(if applicable). 13-18 Deathly Slumber
EFFECT: Natural Weapon (Cutting) 1d5
19-24 Death Tendril
DECAYED 25-30 Enervation
The undead is rotting or desiccated to a terrifying
degree and carries with it the stench of death. 31-36 Phantasmal Horror
EFFECT: Light 1d5-1, Skill Adept (Intimidate) 1d10
37-42 Repel
ETERNAL (TRAIT) 43-48 Semblance
The undead cannot be permanently destroyed except
through magical means. 49-54 Shadow Mist
EFFECT: The undead possesses the Immortal trait 55-60 Siphon Life
and automatically restores one point of damage per
round (starting with light trauma). 61-66 Invisibility
67-72 Ghostwalk
The undead possesses a diabolical will. 73-78 Magic Leap
EFFECT: PER +1d5-1, WIL +1d5-1, Agreeableness
-10 79-84 Mental Domination
85-90 Wizard's Hand
FANGS 91-96 World Door
The undead possesses sharp teeth in its mouth (if
applicable). 97-00 Roll twice more
EFFECT: Natural Weapon (Piercing) 1d5

The undead is bound to a location and is not permitted The undead is ghostly and immaterial.
by its curse to leave. EFFECT: Incorporeal, Hovering
EFFECT: Each round an undead with this trait
spends outside of the boundaries of its haunting VAMPIRIC (TRAIT)
grounds, it must succeed at a Control test (DV 3d10) The undead may drain life from the living.
or immediately flee until it has returned. EFFECT: If the undead possesses a natural weapon,
the undead drains one point of END from a living
MINDLESS enemy for every five points of damage inflicted. If the
The undead is a minion of a powerful entity, or undead does not possess a natural weapon, the undead
wanders aimlessly, attacking any living being it drains one point of END from a living enemy for each
encounters. round it maintains skin-to-skin contact. Either way
EFFECT: The undead's REA may not exceed 1 and life is drained, the undead may store points of drained
its WIL, CRE, and CHA scores are N/A. In addition, END and spend the points to remove damage it has
the undead has the Shambling trait. sustained, removing up to five damage per END point
The undead is a creature of the night.
EFFECT: Light Sensitivity 1d5, Night Vision 1d5

The undead is imbued with magical powers.
EFFECT: Magical Affinity 1d5-1, Magical Reserve
1d%, Magical Resistance 1d5-1, Spell Ability (Roll
once on the following table to determine the spell):

The following is an example module designed for
three to five players. Contained within are examples
of game rules, scenarios, and other game material,
and should serve as an example of how to run a
Wayfarer game.

The players have boarded a passenger vessel to travel
through a remote expanse of space in the Free
Territories, their destination a hub-city known as
Zadoc Station.
The ship is climate-controlled and adjustable based
It is recommended that the player characters begin the on species, and features standard artificial gravity.
game unacquainted with one another, simply strangers
booking passage on the same vessel. With any luck, 1: OBSERVATION DECK
the events that will unfold may galvanize the Featuring a four increment-long, shielded view-port,
characters to form an adventuring party. this room acts as the common area where passengers
may recline in a number of comfortable booths, take
THE WANDERING their meals, mingle, and watch the stars stream past
JOHNNY the ship.

Built from a decommissioned trading vessel, the 2: ENGINE ROOM

Wandering Johnny has been refitted for the transport Housing the Johnny's massive ion drive, the engine
of passengers and light cargo. Possessing zero room features a second-story balcony accessible by
firepower, the ship has been optimized for speed runs. ladders which is used to access power conduits and
to enter the ventilation ducts.

3: COMMAND ROOM strange idols and tapestries, and any characters
This dim, boxy chamber is lit by the glow from passing by the quarters may detect a pungent, sickly-
various console screens and holographic projectors. sweet incense with a successful scent-based Alertness
Exposed wires hang haphazardly from the ceiling, and test (DV 3d10).
a rickety, rib-lined captain's chair sits on a swivel in
the center. From here, the captain and pilot oversee 8: SEREN SUHA'S
the ships operations, and monitor the rest of the ship QUARTERS
via the security computers. The doors to the command These are the quarters occupied by Seren Suha, the
center remain locked for anyone without a crew ship's engineer. Smaller (and more narrow) than the
access key (Operate: Computers DV: 10+2d10 to passenger quarters, Seren's quarters are a mess of
override). dirty laundry, spare parts, and moldering food
Piled with titanium drums and reinforced plastic 9: RUDO BALDU'S
crates, movement through this room may require a QUARTERS
Contortion test for characters with a BUL 7 or higher. These are the quarters occupied by Rudo Baldu, the
The room features a ramp that runs to the cargo doors ship's security officer. Smaller (and more narrow)
underneath the ship. than the passenger quarters, Rudo's quarters are spare
and covered in a layer of dust and shed skin. Rudo is
5: KITCHEN highly protective of his space and will become hostile
The kitchen area features a full bank of bio-material if anyone enters without his permission.
and a state-of-the-art nutri-printer capable of
configuring rations to meet the nourishment needs of 10: LOTARO ZOL'S
over 1,000 different species. The kitchen area also has QUARTERS
four common area bathroom stalls, a large sink, oven, These are the quarters occupied by Lotaro Zol, the
several refrigerators, and counters for food prep. The ship's pilot. Smaller (and more narrow) than the
ship's jukebox (which pipes music into the passenger quarters, Lotaro's quarters are kept clean
observation deck) is also located here. and empty aside from a large duffel bag containing
his few possessions.
Complete with a bed, closet space, storage drawers, QUARTERS
bathroom, and shower, these quarters function as a These are the quarters occupied by Marten Sungh, the
home away from home and are, despite the overall ship's captain. Smaller (and more narrow) than the
scratch-built look of the vessel, quite comfortable. passenger quarters, Marten spends most of his time in
The quarters at the aft and bow of the ship are access the command room, even sleeping in his captain's
points for the ventilation ducts. The two quarters at chair at times. A successful Alertness test when
the ships bow are split into two separate rooms, and searching the room (DV 3d10) will uncover a stash of
are reserved for families or passengers willing to hyper-stims and an injection gun.
share for a reduced boarding fee.
F.Y.I. PAYING FOR If a character is in a room with ventilation access,
PASSAGE they may attempt a DV 10 Technical test to open the
It may be assumed that the players have already access port. The vent shafts run throughout the ship,
payed for their passage on the ship, and it is not though any character with a BUL 3 or higher will
necessary to deduct the cost from their starting need to attempt a Contortion test to move through
credits. If you are running this module as part of an them. While in the ventilation shafts, characters may
ongoing campaign, the passage fee is 50 credits per spy into any room through the slotted vents and will
head (though only 35 if taking one of the adjoined gain a +10 bounus to Stealth tests while doing so,
rooms at the bow). In either case, players should provided they move slowly. Each section of
designate which quarters their characters have chosen. ventilation is compartmentalized and, should a room
be sealed due to a breach or a command from the
7: CHULA KALN'S ship's operator, the shaft segment will be sealed with
QUARTERS an airtight door as well.
These passenger quarters are identical to the others
and currently house the only NPC passenger, the alien F.Y.I. THE AIRLOCKS
mystic, Chula Kaln. The quarters are decorated with There are two airlocks located on the ship. Each

airlock consists of two sets of doors that are separated TRUNK SKILLS
by an increment wide chamber. A spare pressure suit
(sized for BUL 3-6 humanoids) may be found in each Detect 2 (+5), Domestics 3 (+6), Intuition 2 (+6),
airlock. The airlocks are controlled from the Presence 3 (+6), Social Studies 2 (+5), Technical 2
command center, though may be operated locally with (+5), Wordplay 4 (+8)
a successful Operate (Computer) or Operate BRANCH SKILLS
(Starship) test (DV 22).
Barter 3 (+11), Alertness 1 (+6), Command 3 (+9),
THE CREW Diplomacy 4 (+12), Guile 2 (+10), Fluency
(Dominion Standard) 3 (+10), Operate (Starship) 2
(+7), Profession (Shipper) 4 (+10), Savvy 5 (+11)
Energy Pistol, Hearing Aid*, Pioneer Outfit,
MetaTool, Robot Control Module, Crew Key

As captain of the Wandering Johnny, Marten feels

responsible for the safety all of his crew and
passengers. Marten is approachable and receptive to
passenger suggestions or complaints, and will bend
over backwards to accommodate as long as the
request is reasonable.

STIM ADDICTION: A successful sight-based

Alertness test (DV 2d10) will reveal that Marten in
covered in track marks. If asked about them, Marten
will lie (Guile) and say that the marks are from recent
medical procedures. In truth, Marten has become
addicted to hyper-stims, and will go into withdrawals
if he is not able to access them every 12 hours.
A tall, gaunt human man in his mid-forties, the ship's A highly addictive substance, hyper-stims are injected
captain has a kind, though weathered look about him. into the blood stream and grant a human (or member
Marten has dusky skin, brown hair, and blue eyes. of a human-compatible species such as an elf or
dwarf) a 1d5 increase to STR, AGI, END, PER, and
MARTEN SUNGH WIL for a period equal to 20-MAS hours.
Addiction and Withdrawals: There is a 10% chance
ATTRIBUTES per use that the user will become addicted to the
STR DEX BUL AGI END substance. Once addicted, a character must succeed at
2 3 6 5 6 an END test (DV 2d10) or suffer a single point of
light trauma. If the END test is failed by more than
REA PER WIL CRE CHA five, the character suffers a single point of heavy
3 3 3 4 4 trauma instead.
Overdose: Each extra dose will allow you to re-test
POW FOR CRD ACT SPD MAS APT the attribute boosts, taking the highest value, and will
4 5 3 4 9 10 4 ensure that the high lasts twice as long. However, the
user must test their END against a DV equal to 1d10
TRAITS times the number of extra doses and, if failed, check
Adaptive 1, Dull Sense (Hearing*) 4, Lateral the result against the Damage Effects table.
Preference 2, Thin3
Marten is a proud veteran of the Separation Wars, and
PERSONALITY won't tolerate pro-Dominion viewpoints. If a
O C E A N character expresses these opinions, he will make a
Control test (DV 8+1d10) and, should he fail, will
3 7 4 8 3 resort to insults or give the silent treatment.

A massive adult male voolan covered in scars. Rudo
has alabaster skin and milky yellow eyes. Like all
members of his species, Rudo has a bulky, reptilian
appearance. A cobra-like hood hangs flaccidly about
his jowls, though will inflate and expand with anger.

SEREN SUHA 4 5 6 2 6
A large, stocky human woman in her early sixties, REA PER WIL CRE CHA
Seren Suha has cropped silver hair, narrow gray eyes,
3 4 3 3 5
and a ruddy complexion.
SEREN SUHA 5 5 4 3 7 11 4
STR DEX BUL AGI END Acute Sense (Scent) 12, Adaptive 2, Light Sleeper 4,
5 3 5 2 2 Natural Weapon (Claws) 1, Prehensile Tail, Skill
Adept (Fieldcraft: Jungle) 4, Skill Adept
REA PER WIL CRE CHA (Intimidate) 2, Skill Adept (Leap) 8, Strong Memory
4 2 5 3 3 1
5 5 2 2 7 10 5 O C E A N
TRAITS 1 4 2 1 2
Adaptive 1, Lateral Preference 2, Overweight 2 TRUNK SKILLS
PERSONALITY Athletics 2 (+4), Ballistics 5 (+9), Detect 2 (+4),
O C E A N Intuition 3 (+7), Melee 6 (+10), Presence 2 (+5),
Survival 6 (+10)
8 2 4 1 3
Acrobatics 2 (+6), Alertness 3 (+7), Brawl 4 (+12),
Athletics 2 (+5), Detect 3 (+5), Domestics 1 (+5), Courage 2 (+7), Fieldcraft (Stony Jungles of Vool) 3
Mathematics 5 (+9), Melee 5 (+7), Presence 1 (+6), (+17), Firearm (Long Arms) 3 (+12), Fluency
Technical 5 (+9) (Dominion Standard) 2 (+5), Fluency (Vool) 4 (+7),
Intimidate 5 (+12), Leap 2 (+14), Melee Weapon
BRANCH SKILLS (Axes) 5 (+15), Savvy 6 (+13)
Courage 3 (+9), Engineering (Electronic) 4 (+13),
Engineering (Mechanical) 5 (+14), Engineering
(Robotic) 6 (+15), Engineering (Starship) 4 (+13), Balanced Defense, Duelist, Skill Expertise (Melee
Fluency (Dominion Standard) 3 (+8), Lift 4 (+10), Weapon: Axes), Weapon Focus (Voolan War-Axe)
Melee Weapon (Clubs) 5 (+12), Operate (Starship) 2
EQUIPMENT Voolan War Axe, Impact Armor, Assault Shotgun

Wrench, Engineer's Tool Kit, Goggles, Pioneer's

Rudo is extremely temperamental, preferring to be
Outfit, Cutting Laser
left alone when he can help it. Currently under the
Cutting Laser: Seren's cutting laser functions as an employ of the Wandering Johnny, Rudo is a warrior
Energy Rifle with a +5 damage and a max range of 2 for hire, and has fought in countless battles.

The pilot is a short but well-built man in his early
twenties. Lotaro has a quiet presence, preferring to
keep to himself or the company of Marten Sungh.

3 3 2 3 5
3 6 3 4 4
F.Y.I. THE VOOLAN 2 2 4 5 11 5 4
beyond the fringe of the Free Territories is the humid TRAITS
jungle-world of Vool. Inhabiting the planet and three Adaptive 1, Lateral Preference 2, Attractive 4,
of its surrounding moons are the Voolan, a war-like Overweight 1, Phobia 17 (The Dead)
race that has long defended its territory from
Separatist and Dominion incursion. PERSONALITY
Though displaying features common to reptiles, the
voolan have a completely alien physiology and share 2 7 3 5 1
more similarities with earth mammals in the way they TRUNK SKILLS
Athletics 6 (+9), Ballistics 4 (+8), Detect 5 (+11),
Domestics 1 (+4), Intuition 5 (+9), Larceny 2 (+6),
VOOLAN Melee 2 (+6), Presence 3 (+6), Technical 3 (+6)
ADJUSTMENTS Acrobatics 3 (+12), Alertness 2 (+13), Control 6
STR DEX BUL AGI END (+12), Courage 5 (+11), Disguise 3 (+9), Fieldcraft
(Space) 3 (+7), Firearm (Handguns) 4 (+12),
+0 +1 +2 -2 +0
Fluency (Dominion Standard) 3 (+8), Guile 5 (+11),
REA PER WIL CRE CHA Melee Weapon (Knives) 1 (+7), Operate
(Computers) 2 (+8), Operate (Starship) 6 (+12),
+1 +0 +0 -1 +1 Savvy 3 (+12)
Acute Sense (Scent) 8, Natural Weapon (Claws) 1, Skill Expertise (Operate: Starship), Skill Mastery
Skill Adept (Fieldcraft: Jungle) 4, Skill Adept (Operate: Starship), Starbound
(Intimidate) 2, Skill Adept (Leap) 8, Prehensile Tail
PERSONALITY Auto-Pistol, Combat Knife, Pioneer Outfit, Pressure
O C E A N Suit, Robot Control Module, Crew Key
-6 -3 -4 -3 -1
Pirate Tattoos: A successful sight-based Alertness
test (DV 9+1d10) will reveal that Lotaro is hiding
F.Y.I. VOOLAN WAR AXE tattoos that cover the majority of his body. If the
The weapon of choice for Voolan warriors, the war tattoos are noticed, a successful Study (Known
axe is used in battle and for ritualistic duels. Worlds) or similar skill test (DV 3d10) will reveal that
DAM: +8, TYPE: C, HFT: 6, TL: 3, Lotaro once belonged to the Void Eaters, a notorious
FEATURES: Balanced 2, Penetrating 2 collective of space pirates that plague the Free

Territories. If this test exceeds the DV by more than EIGHTY-8
five, the player will know that, according to lore, the
only way to leave the Void Eaters is through death, ATTRIBUTES
and deserters are relentlessly pursued and tortured. STR DEX BUL AGI END
4 10 3 4 N/A
1 4 N/A N/A N/A
3 7 7 4 1 20 1
Analyzers, Battery (PR: 40, PD: 10/H), Dense 4,
Natural Armor 10, Network Adapter, Scanners, Self-
Repairing, Skill Adept (Balance) 1, Skill Adept
(Firearm: Brawl) 6, Skill Adept (Firearm:
Handguns) 5, Skill Adept (Firearm: Long Arms) 5,
Skill Adept (Handle: Skiff) 2, Skill Adept (Operate:
Medical Tech) 5, Slow 2, Translator, Unliving
Athletics 6 (+10), Domestics 6 (+7), Technical 6
(+7), Throwing 6 (+13)
Balance) 0 (+11), Brawl 0 (+16), Firearm
(Handguns) 0 (+12), Firearm (Longarms) 0 (+12),
If confronted about this, Lotaro will deny any history
Handle (Skiff) 0 (+15), Operate (Medical Tech) 0
with the Void Eaters (Guile) and claim that the
character is mistaken. Though he would prefer
otherwise, Lotaro is willing to murder to keep his
secret, provided he thinks he can do so without being Eighty-8 is programmed with defensive skills and,
caught. though it doesn't carry weapons, it may use any
weapons given to it (having plenty of spare arms to do
EIGHTY-8 so).

The Wandering Johnny's service mech is a strange

and seemingly haphazardly assembled robot. Scratch-
built and programmed to cover a range of on-board
tasks, Eighty-8 also functions as the ship's medic, and
may operate the basic medical equipment stored in the
cargo room.

Eighty-8 belongs to Marten Sungh, and is

programmed to only follow commands given by him
or the ship's pilot, Lotaro Zol, both of whom are
carrying control modules. If either of these modules
are stolen, they may be reprogrammed with a
successful Engineering (Robotics) test (DV 10+2d10).
Once reprogrammed, the module will scan in the THE OTHER
user's bio-signature and Eighty-8 will treat the new PASSENGER
holder of the module as its master.
Aside from the player characters, only one other
When not recharging in the command room, Eighty-8 character has booked passage on the Wandering
wanders the ship's hallways on a continuous loop. Johnny; an alien mystic named Chula Kaln.

Chula is extremely introspective and will spend as
much of the journey possible meditating in their
chambers or the observation room. Once the
supernatural nature of the events that will unfold are
revealed, Chula will do what they can to help, though
will be cautious when dealing with the crew and
other passengers.

Chula kaln
5 5 3 8 -1
3 5 4 8 4
4 3 5 6 12 7 5
Allergy (Chlorine) 10, Skill Adept (Balance) 6, Skill
Adept (Climb) 6, Skill Adept (Stealth) 1, Skill Inept
(Run) 2, Natural Weapon (Horns:
Piercing/Smashing) 2, Phobia (Outer Space) 11, AMERATHEAN
Poor Memory 4
7 7 1 9 5
+2 +1 +0 +3 -3
Athletics 3 (+11), Detect 4 (+9), Incantation 5 (+8),
Intuition 3 (+8), Language Arts 2 (+10), +0 -1 -2 +2 +1
Mathematics 3 (+6), Natural Science 4 (+7),
Presence 3 (+7), Social Studies 2 (+5), Wordplay 3
(+7) Skill Adept (Balance) 6, Skill Adept (Climb) 6, Skill
Adept (Stealth) 1, Skill Inept (Run) 2, Natural
BRANCH SKILLS Weapon (Horns: Piercing/Smashing) 2
Brawl 1 (+12), Chromatic Magic (White) 6 (+15),
Control 6 (+13), Diplomacy 3 (+10), Fluency PERSONALITY
(Amerath) 3 (+13) Fluency (Dominion Standard) 3 O C E A N
(+13), Fluency (Godstongue) 4 (+14), Study
(Arcane) 4 (+9) +2 +4 -1 +3 -3
Hailing from a subterranean civilization on the world
SPELLS of Arok, the ameratheans resemble something of a
Astral Projection, Bless, Circle of Protection, crimson mammalian centipede with a humanoid upper
Exorcism, Healing Hand body. They are bald, with sharp, horns protruding
from their chin and skull. Devoted to a mystical code,
EQUIPMENT many traveling ameratheans are warrior monks,
Utility Knife, Datapad, Pioneer Outfit, Sigil of the championing the “cosmic balance.” Ameratheans
Ancestors (Talisman with 150 MP) reproduce asexually, and do not have gender.

On the second night of travel (night being a relative 1-20 The scan fails
term), the Wandering Johnny will pass through a 21-25 The scan determines that the
stretch of nebulous space (hoping to bypass a popular mysterious ship has suffered
trading route and avoid pirates who might mistake the tremendous damage
ship for a cargo hauler). Following a brief and
unexplainable power surge, the ship's systems will 26-30 The scan also reveals that there
return and will detect a Class 3 ship (the Dark Mercy) is no functional life support and
looming ominously nearby. a visual of the ship is obtained
31+ The scan also reveals that there
If any characters are currently in the observation
are no life signs aboard the ship
deck, the ship will be visible through the view-screen.
Any characters viewing the ship must pass a Courage
test (DV 2d10) or be taken with a strange feeling of As soon as there are visuals on the vessel, Lotaro Zol
dread. must pass a Courage test (DV 3d10), or attempt to
flee regardless of the captain's orders. If he passes
Anyone viewing the ship may make out markings this test, he will await orders, though will try to hide
belonging the the Void Eaters with a successful sight- his fear with a Guile test. In any case, he will be a
based Alertness test (DV 3d10) and a successful vocal opponent to any idea aside from leaving the
Study (Known Worlds) (also DV 3d10). A similar ship and continuing on the journey to Zadoc Station.
skill that would grant knowledge of the pirates may
be used instead, if applicable. As soon as the Wandering Johnny tries to return
power to its engines and leave, the Dark Mercy will
If there is no intervention on the part of the players, fire grappling lines. Roll 6d10. For each die that rolls
Captain Sungh will urge the passengers to remain a 3 or higer, a grapple hook has successfully pierced
calm before attempting to hail the vessel. There will the Wandering Johnny's armor and tethered it to the
be no response. The captain and pilot will make Dark Mercy. As long as a single line is attached, the
further scans, assisting one another with an Operate Wandering Johnny will be unable to flee.
(Starship) test (gaining a +10 bonus from the ship's
scanners). Check the table below to determine the If the Wandering Johnny is able to retreat (because all
results: of the lines missed or have been cut), the pilot will

need to make a successful Operate (Starship) test (DV
30) every hour or the Dark Mercy will catch up and
the grappling lines will be fired again. Zadoc Station
is 12 hours away and, should the Wandering Johnny
reach their destination, the Dark Mercy will disappear
and the crew will be out of danger.


Characters wishing to cut the grapple lines will need
to attempt a space walk on the Wandering Johnny's
hull to do so. The lines have a FOR of 15 and a PROT
value of 10. Once they are destroyed, they will snap.

For each approximate minute there are crew members

walking on the hull, there is a cumulative 20% chance
that the undead pirates (see below) will float over and
assault whoever is trying to cut the lines.
The pirates have been dead for several years, though STR DEX BUL AGI END
their undead corpses haunt the Dark Mercy. They
want to kill Lotaro, who was once a member of their 9 2 4 5 N/A
crew, and will leave the rest of the Wandering REA PER WIL CRE CHA
Johnny's crew alone once he's been returned to them.
Until then, they will make sneak attacks. Each attack, 3 5 8 3 2
1d5 pirates will float to the Wandering Johnny and POW FOR CRD ACT SPD MAS APT
use their Ghost Walk spell ability to enter the ship. 6 9 3 5 11 9 4
THE VOID Brittle*, Magical Being, Magical Reserve 70 (total
MP 10), Skill Adept (Intimidate) 5, Spell Ability
*The undead space pirates are animated by an
(Ghostwalk), Undifferentiated, Unliving
inhuman will (powerful magic from the haunted
nebula in which their ship was breached by asteroids). PERSONALITY
Their bodies are frozen and cracked and as such, they
have a special trait (Brittle*). When resisting
smashing attacks, reduce their effective FOR by 2. 1 1 1 1 1

Each pirate encountered may be differently equipped.

Provided in the equipment section of their NPC entry Athletics 3 (+8), Ballistics 3 (+6), Detect 3 (+8),
are percentile chances for each type of equipment Melee 4 (+7), Presence 6 (+12), Technical 3 (+6)
they might carry.
Though not mindless, the pirates are singularly Acrobatics 3 (+11), Alertness 3 (+11), Brawl 4
possessed with killing Lotaro and anyone who stands (+13), Control 6 (+18), Courage 6 (+18), Intimidate
in their way. They will never speak and may not be 6 (+23), Melee Weapon (Knives) 4 (+11), Operate
reasoned with unless an attempt is made to bargain (Starship) 3 (+9), Stealth 3 (+11)
with Lotaro's surrender.
There will be 1d%+30 pirates in total aboard the Dark Energy Pistol (32%) or Auto-Pistol (55%), Shiver-
Mercy. As GM, you will want to keep track of how Knife (45%) or Combat Knife (70%), Pressure Suit
many are destroyed. You may also wish to add some (70%) or Enivro-Armor (15%), 1d5 Fragmentation
variation to the pirates, granting different skills, Grenades (20%), Access Card
equipment, or even changing species.

EXPLORING THE Mercy. While dangerous, there are some solutions to
DARK MERCY the dilemma that may be discovered in the ruins of the
pirate vessel, not to mention a treasure trove of loot,
If the party and crew make some particularly brave which may serve as impetus to assault or sneak onto
(or poor) decisions, they may end up on the Dark the ship in the first place.

Entering the Dark Mercy may prove difficult. There Each room will have a percentage chance that undead
are several breach points that will allow entry pirates will be encountered when it is explored. This
(detailed below), though the undead are watching. will include a dice value to determine the group size.
Anyone approaching the ship must succeed at a
Stealth test, otherwise a group of 1d10 undead pirates 1: BRIDGE
will reveal themselves and attack the character or ENCOUNTER: 75% (1d10 pirates)
party making the move. A circular, two story chamber, the bridge features a
massive holographic projector and control consoles.
F.Y.I. LOCKED DOORS From here, the ship may be controlled with a
successful Operate (Starship) test (DV 3d10 due to
Most of the doors on the Dark Mercy are locked, and the damages). The operator may open and close any
will either require an access card (carried by the doors, view other parts of the ship, and even section
pirates) or a successful Operate (Computer) test (DV off undamaged sectors and return life support and
15+1d10) to open. gravity systems.

Once inside the ship, the characters will find that it is A successful Operate (Starship or Computer) test (DV
running on auxiliary power (and has been for some 18), will allow the operator to view the Dark Mercy's
time). As a result, there are no life support systems final moments via holographic projection. Doing so
active (not that the multiple breaches would allow will reveal that a sinister nebula engulfed the ship,
them to function) and the artificial gravity has been and the sound of disembodied, inhuman cackling can
disabled. The interior of the ship is dark, the only be heard throughout the ship. As the ship is suddenly
light being the remaining back-up lights that function and violently pummeled with asteroids, one of the
and the glow emanating from flashing consoles. pilots, revealed to be a younger Lotaro Zol, makes for
Sight-based tests suffer a -4 penalty. the shuttle against his captain's orders to stay his
position, killing two of his crew mates to make his

Whether going out onto the hull of the Wandering The second story of the bridge is a balcony accessible
Johnny, or entering the haunted ruins of the Dark by several ladders. Additional consoles (those
Mercy, characters may very well find themselves in controlling the ships sub-systems) are located on the
zero-gravity environments during the course of this balcony.
When operating in zero-gravity, characters will need PROJECTILES ON THE
to make Acrobatics tests to move (generally at a DV STARSHIPS
of 2d10). Any tests that fail by more than five mean
that the character moves off course (determine a Firing projectile weapons (anything that fires a
random direction). Once in motion, characters and physical round) on the Wandering Johnny or the Dark
objects will move at the same speed until they are Mercy is dangerous, and most everyone (aside from
stopped by a surface or grabbed by another stabilized the undead) will be extremely hesitant to do so.
character. Additionally, when in zero-gravity, use your
STR score in place of your SPD. If a shot with such a weapon misses, the bullet (or
similar round) will ricochet and there is a 10+BUL%
All objects in zero-gravity are weightless, and chance per character that they will be struck.
therefore have an effective MAS value of zero.
Characters in zero-gravity use their STR score in 2/19: CHOKEPOINT
place of POW. ENCOUNTER: 90% (1d5 pirates)
A hallway in the shape of a half-circle that separates
Finally, space is extremely cold. Living creatures the bridge from the rest of the ship. Guards armed
(without the Frostborn trait) must make END tests with rail rifles are almost always posted at this
against a DV of 2d10+5 each round they are exposed position, taking cover behind piles of metal crates.
or suffer physical damage equal to the value by which
they fail the test. This may affect a number of other 3: SUPPLY STORAGE
materials, though this is at the GM's discretion. There ENCOUNTER: 30% (1d10 pirates)
is no air in the vacuum of space, and if a character is A large storage space, this chamber is filled with
somehow able to withstand the damage (which is crates, barrels, and other containers filled with
highly unlilkey), they will quickly suffocate. supplies and fuel pilfered from countless ships and

settlements. A massive hole has been blown through auxiliary power. A large industrial lift may be found
the hull, granting access from the outside. Each near the entrance. The ship's engineers may be
missed shot in this room has a 5% chance of hitting encountered here, and each uses a massive wrench in
an explosive fuel container. place of the melee weapons favored by other pirates
(counting as maces for attack and damage purposes).
ENCOUNTER: 40% (1d10 pirates) 14: MESS
A large storage space, this chamber is filled with an ENCOUNTER: 25% (1d10 pirates)
arsenal of pilfered weapons and ammunition. To The mess hall is littered with frozen body parts and
determine if a weapon is available, choose any bits of food, the result of a direct hull breach by a
weapon or armor from the Equipment section of the cluster of small asteroids. The mess is accessible from
Codex and there will be 1d10-2 of the items available. the outside, though characters with a BUL 5 or higher
If a weapon is available, there will be 3d10 ammo must succeed at a Contortion test to do so.
clips/energy cells compatible with the weapon as
well. 15: KITCHEN
ENCOUNTER: 45% (1d10 pirates)
5/18: LIFT STATION The mess is haunted by the ship's cook, and he will be
ENCOUNTER: 50% (1d5 pirates) here in addition to any other undead. Larger and
The lift station is a circular room with a control stronger than most of the pirates (+1 STR and BUL),
station and a large, industrial elevator in the center. the cook also wields a massive cleaver (functions as a
The lift requires an operator at the console to function hand axe, though is wielded as a knife). The cook will
(Operate (Computer) DV 15). There is a service hatch hide and assault any intruders by surprise, if possible.
that will allow a single character (BUL 5 or lower) to
climb a ladder to the second floor. 16: TREASURY
ENCOUNTER: 100% (3d10 pirates)
6/7: BATTLE STATIONS Guarded at all times (provided there are dead left to
ENCOUNTER: 60% (1d10 pirates) guard it) is the massive horde of valuables that the
The battle stations each feature two torpedo bays and pirates have accumulated over their years raiding the
a large supply of torpedoes, along with a lifter suit stars. Bundled here in storage chests are over 2d% x
(exo-suit with an additional +12 bonus to Lifting 1,000 credit chits and over 1d10 x 5,000 credits-worth
tests). One of the battle stations (6) has sustained of various valuables (gems, art, jewelry, and tech).
major damage and access may be granted from the
outside. 17: RUINED TREASURY
ENCOUNTER: 25% (1d10 pirates)
8: HANGAR The chamber has been breached and is accessible
ENCOUNTER: 50% (1d5 pirates) from the outside. Frozen body parts and a handful of
Featuring two airlocks and a pair of open shuttle credit chits (5d10) float in the stillness of what was
doors where the shuttle once stood, the hangar is wide once a treasury filled with goods. Ruined medical
open to the outside. A console will allow the hangar equipment shows that this room also functioned as the
doors to be closed with a successful Operate (Starship ship's medical bay.
or Computer) test (DV 15).
ENCOUNTER: 90% (2d10 pirates)
Filled with bunks and storage lockers full of personal This adventure takes place in the Separatist controlled
effects, the barracks are where the pirates once slept regions of the Free Territories and, as such, the Magic
in shifts. Many of the pirates died here and have not Level is Distant (see Known Worlds). While in the
moved since... until now. Between the rows of bunks haunted nebula, however, magic use will function as
and floating sheets and blankets, there is a large if the Magic Level were Mid-Range.
amount of cover in these rooms which pirates may
use to ambush intruders, gaining a general +1d5
bonus to Stealth tests.


ENCOUNTER: 100% (1d5 pirates)
The Dark Mercy's engines have remained intact and
are fully functional, currently running the ship on

10/1s: Critical success or Dominion: A trans-universal NPC: Non-player character
failure police force
PC: Player Character
Branar: Having to do with DV: Difficulty value
the travel between the Player: A person playing
membranes that separate GM: The game master Wayfarer who is not the GM
Hub World: A place where Separatist: One rebelling
d%: Two 10-sided dice trans-universal adventurers against the Dominion
representing 1-100 gather and make provisions

d10: A 10-sided die Known Worlds: The world

explored and categorized by
d5: A 10-sided die divided the Dominion
by 2

Water Dweller, 33
Wooly, 33
Adaptive, 24
Dexterity (DEX), 8
Endurance (END), 8
Functional Attributes, 8
Acrobatics, 42
Acting, 51
Advanced Mathematics, 48
Abilities, 8 Additional Character Types, Perception (PER), 8 Alertness, 44
Attributes, 8 125-133 Strength (STR), 8 Apneic Control, 42
Personality, 9 Robots, 125-131 Reason (REA), 8 Balance, 42
Skills, 9 Undead, 132-133 Willpower (WIL), 8 Barter, 58
Traits, 9 Adjust, 104, 106 Auxiliary Power Pack, 80 Bows, 44
Tricks, 9 Adjustable, 97 Axes, 87, 89 Brawl, 49
Ablative, 97 Advanced, 31 Battleaxe, 89 Climb, 43
Acrobatics, 42 Advanced Mathematics, 48 Great Axe, 89 Command, 52
Acting, 41 Aerial, 31 Hand Axe, 89 Confidence, 52
Action (ACT), 8, 38 Aerobics, 42 Stone Axe, 89 Contortion, 43
Actions, 104-108 Agile Assault, 61 B Control, 52
Adjust, 104, 106 Agility (AGI), 8 Backpack, 80 Courage, 53
Aim, 104, 108 Agreeableness, 39 Balance, 42 Creative Writing (any) 47
Attack, 104, 107 A.I., 125 Balanced, 97 Crossbows, 44
Cast, 104, 105 Functionary, 125 Balanced Defense, 61 Dance (any), 51
Charge, 104, 108 Sapient, 125 Ballistic Armor, 83 Diplomacy, 58
Communicate, 104, 105 Aim, 104, 108 Barter, 58 Disguise, 48
Defend, 104, 108 Air Slash, 71 Ballistics, 44 Emergency Medicine, 45
Interrupt, 104, 105 Alertness, 44 Battery, 82, 127 Engineering (any), 56
Move, 104, 106 Alien Equipment, 78 Power Draw (PD), 127 Fieldcraft (any), 55
Rush, 104, 106 Allergy, 24 Power Reserve (PR), 127 Firearm (any), 44
Use, 104, 106 Allure, 74 Battleaxe, 87, 89 Fluency (any), 47
Action Points (AP), 104 Amerathean, 140 Beak, 31 Fly, 43
Acute Sense, 24 Amphibious, 24 Beast Form, 72 Game (any), 46
Adaptations, 31-33 Ammunition (Tracking), 82 Behemoth, 31 Guile, 58
Advanced, 31 Apneic Control, 42 Berserk, 62 Handle (any), 56
Aerial, 31 Aptitude (APT), 8, 38 Biome, 124 Handle Animal (any), 53
Armless, 31 Aquatic, 24 Bizarre, 31 Heavy Weapon (any), 56
Arms, 31 Aquatic Ancestry, 61 Black Magic Spells, 69-70 Insult, 58
Beak, 31 Arboreous Ancestry, 61 Curse, 69 Intimidate, 53
Behemoth, 31 Arboreal, 24 Deathly Slumber, 69 Leap, 43
Bizarre, 31 Arcing Strike, 61 Death Tendril, 69 Legerdemain, 48
Blubbery, 31 Armless, 31 Demon Form, 69 Lift, 43
Bounder, 31 Armor, 83-84 Demonic Guardian, 69 Medical Study (any), 50
Carapace, 31 Ballistic Armor, 83 Enervation, 69 Melee Weapon (any), 49
Clambering, 31 Chainmail, 83 Ghost Blade, 69 Musical Instrument (any) 51
Claws, 31 Enviro-Armor, 83 Shadow Mist, 69 Open Lock, 48
Concordant, 31 Exo-Suit, 83 Siphon Life, 70 Operate (any), 56
Defensive, 31 Heartsuit, 83 Blade of Light, 70 Profession (any), 45
Fangs, 32 Hides, 84 Blast, 97 Ride, 43
Feelers, 32 Impact Armor, 84 Blazing Aura, 71 Romance, 58
Fine Graspers, 32 Junkmail, 84 Bless, 70 Run, 43
Four-Legged, 32 Leather Armor, 84 Blubbery, 31 Savvy 46
Gelatinous, 32 Plate Armor, 84 Bludgeoning, 97 Scientific Study (any), 50
Hive-Minded, 32 Power Armor, 84 Blue Magic Spells, 74-75 Stealth, 43
Horns, 32 Pressure Suit, 84 Allure, 74 Streetwise (any), 54
Juggernaut, 32 Reinforced Clothing, 84 Ghost Walk, 74 Study (any), 54
Large Ears, 32 Scale Mail, 84 Invisibility, 74 Surgery (any), 50
Many-Legged, 32 Arms, 31 Magic Leap, 74 Swim, 43
Morphic, 32 Arrows, 92 Mental Domination, 74 Tactics, 46
Nocturnal, 32 Athletics, 42 Phantasmal Horror, 74 Thrown Weapon (any), 57
Philosophical, 32 Athletics DVs, 112 Return Object, 74 Visual Art (any), 57
Pincers, 32 Climbing, 112 Semblance, 75 Vocals (any), 51
Predatory, 32 Swimming, 112 Wizard's Hand, 75 Branar Stability, 115
Prehensile Tail, 32 Assault Pistol, 93 World Door, 75 Branar Travel DV, 116
Primitive, 32 Assault Rifle, 95 Bolt-Action Rifle, 95 Brane Gate 116
Robust, 32 Assault Shot-gun 95 Bolts, 92 Brane Ship 116
Scales, 32 Assists, 7 Boomerang, 90 Brawl, 49
Scythes, 32 Astral Projection, 70 Boomerang Blade, 91 Breath of Fire, 71
Skittering, 33 Atlatl, 90 Bounder, 31 Briefcase/Suitcase, 80
Slithering, 33 Attack, 104, 107 Bounty Hunter, 35 Broadsword, 88
Stalk Eyes, 33 Attractive, 24 Bow, 92 Broodling, 11
Striding, 33 Attribute Bonuses, 34 Bows (Skill), 44 Bulk (BUL), 8
Subterranean, 33 Attributes 8, 38 Bows (Weapon), 92 Burrower, 24
Symbiotic, 33 Agility (AGI), 8 Arrows, 92 Burst, 97
Tentacles, 33 Bulk (BUL), 8 Bow, 92 Burst Control, 62
Trunk, 33 Charisma (CHA), 8 Longbow, 92 C
Warlike, 33 Creativity (CRE), 8 Branch Skills, 9, 41-59 Calculative, 24

Capacity, 97 Concealable, 97 Deep Sleeper, 24 Fairy Courts, 121-122
Carapace, 31 Concordant, 31 Defend, 104, 108 Fangs, 32
Careful Aim, 62 Confidence, 52 Dodge, 108 Fatigue, 111
Carrying Capacity, 113 Conflicts, 104-105 Parry, 108 Fearless, 25
Cast, 67, 104, 105 Action Points (AP), 104 Defender, 97 Features, 78
Casting Spells, 67, 105 Actions, 104 Defensive, 31 Ablative, 97
Countering Spells, 67 Interrupt, 105 Delicate Gait, 24 Adjustable, 97
Learning Spells, 67 Initiative, 104 Demon Form, 69 Balanced, 97
Scribing Spells, 67 Resolving Ties, 105 Demonic Guardian, 69 Blast, 97
Spell Duration, 67 Round, 104 Demoralized, 53 Bludgeoning, 97
Targeting Spells, 67 Surprise, 105 Dense, 24 Burst, 97
Cell, 93 Turn, 104 Design Your Own Capacity, 97
Chainmail, 83 Conscientiousness, 39 (Occupation), 34 Cold Resistance, 97
Chain-Strike, 62 Contortion, 43 Attribute Bonuses, 34 Concealable, 97
Changing Attitude, 59 Control, 52 Skill Adjustments, 34 Dangerous, 97
Friendly, 59 Controlled Breathing, 62 Detect, 44 Defender, 97
Helpful, 59 Coordination (CRD), 8, 38 Dexterity (DEX), 8 Disruptor, 97
Hostile, 59 Cosmopolis, 118 Dice, 6-7 Electroshock, 97
Neutral, 59 Counter Feint, 62 10/1s, 7 Energy Resistance, 97
Unfriendly, 59 Countering Spells, 67 d5. 7 Impenetrable, 98
Character Abilities, 7-9 Counterstrike, 62 d10, 7 Incendiary, 98
Character Creation, 9-101 Courage, 53 d%, 7 Life Supports, 98
Phase One: Species, 10 Coverage (COV), 78 Dice Pools, 7 Penetrating, 98
Phase Two: Occupation, 34 Cowed, 53 Difficulty Value (DV), 6-7 Reload, 98
Phase Three: Generate Creative Writing (any), 47 Digital Assistant, 80 Returning, 98
Abilities, 38 Creativity (CRE), 8 Diplomacy, 58 Scattershot, 98
Phase Four: Generate Credits, 76 Disarm, 49 Scope, 98
Personality, 39 Crisis Casting, 68 Disease, 111 Stun, 98
Phase Five: Generate Skills, Crossbow, 44 Disease Resistance, 24 Suppressor, 98
41 Crossbows (Skill), 44 Disease Susceptibility, 24 Two-Handed, 98
Phase Six: Bonus Crossbows (Weapon), 92 Disguise, 48 Woven, 98
Experience, 60 Bolts, 92 Disruptor, 97 Feelers, 32
Phase Seven: Gear Up, 76 Crossbow, 92 Dividaki, 12 Fieldcraft (any), 55
Charisma (CHA), 8 Handbow, 92 Dodge, 108 Fine Graspers, 32
Charismatic Leader, 62 Repeating Crossbow, 92 Domestics, 45 Fireball, 72
Charge, 104, 108 Crowd Fighter, 62 Dominion City, 117-118 Firearm (any), 44
Chromatic Magic (any), 66 Curse, 69 Doorman, 62 Firearms, 93-96
Circle of Protection, 70 Curses, 132-133 Dragging, 113 Handguns, 93-95
Clambering, 31 Claws, 133 Driving Strike, 62 Heavy Weapons, 96
Claws, 31 Decayed, 133 Dragon Skin, 71 Long Arms, 94-95
Climb, 43 Eternal, 133 Duelist, 63 Fireborn, 25
Clip, 93 Evil Incarnate, 133 Dull Sense, 24 Flail, 86, 88
Close Assault, 62 Fangs, 133 Dwarf, 13 Fleet, 25
Close Combat Maneuvers, 49 Haunter, 133 E Flintlock Pistol, 95
Disarm, 49 Mindless, 133 Earth's Embrace,73 Floral Form, 73
Grapple, 49 Nightbeast, 133 Eden 2, 122 Fluency (any), 47
Push/Throw, 49 Sorcery, 133 Eidetic Memory, 25 Fly, 43
Trip, 49 Spectral, 133 Elf, 14 Flying, 129
Clothing, 79 Vampire, 133 Electroshock, 97 Force-Shield, 89
Club, 86, 88 Cybernetics, 101 Emergency Medicine, 45 Fortitude (FOR), 8, 38
Clubs, 86, 88 D Enchanted Items, 100 Four Legged, 32
Club, 86, 88 Dagger, 87 Endurance (END), 8 Frail, 25
Flail, 86, 88 Damage, 108 Energy Cannon, 96 Free Territories, 121
Mace, 86, 88 Damage Effects 109 Energy Resistance, 25, 97 Friendly, 59
Maul, 86, 88 Inflicting Damage 108 Energy Pistol, 93 Frostborn, 25
Night Stick, 86, 88 Damage (DAM), 78 Energy Rifle, 95 Function, 126
Shock Baton, 86, 88 Damage Effects, 109-110 Energy Susceptibility, 25 Functional Attributes 8, 38
Warhammer, 86, 88 Heavy Trauma, 109 Enervation, 69 Action (ACT), 8
Cold Resistance, 97 Injuries, 110 Engineer, 35 Aptitude (APT), 8
Colorblind, 24 Light Trauma, 110 Engineering (any), 56 Coordination (CRD), 8
Combat, 107-109 Nonlethal Damage, 110 Engineering Kit, 81 Fortitude (FOR), 8
Attacking, 107 Stun Damage, 110 Entertainer, 51 Mass (MAS), 8
Combat Modifiers, 108 Dampener, 80 Enviro-Armor, 83 Power (POW), 8
Damage, 108 Dance (any), 51 Exo-Suit, 83 Speed (SPD), 8
Defending, 108 Dangerous, 97 Exorcism, 70 G
Hit Location, 109 Dark (Penalty), 112 Experience (EXP), 60 Game (any), 46
Combat Knife, 87 Dark Mercy, 134-145 Extra Adaptations, 30 Game Master (GM), 6,
Combat Modifiers, 108 Darts, 91 Extra Heads, 25 Gelatinous, 32
Combo-Strike, 62 Datapad, 80 Extra Limbs, 25 Ghost Blade, 69
Command, 52 Deathly Slumber, 69 Extroversion, 39 Ghost Walk, 74
Communicate, 104, 105 Death Tendril, 69 F Giant Killer, 63

Glaive, 89 Hydrophobic, 25 Locomotors, 29, 126 Natural Weapons, 26
Goblin, 15 I Long Arms, 93-95 Neanderthal, 18
Godstongue, 66-67 Icy Embrace, 72 Cell, 93 Negotiator, 63
Grapple, 49 Immortal, 25 Clip, 93 Neuroticism, 39
Grappling Gun, 81 Impact Armor, 84 Machine Gun, 95 Neutral, 59
Great Axe, 87, 89 Impenetrable, 98 Musket, 95 Nexus City, 117
Greatsword, 88 Incantation, 66 Rifle, 95 Night Stick, 86, 88
Green Magic Spells, 72-73 Incantation Branches, 66 Shotgun, 95 Night Vision, 26
Beast Form, 72 Chromatic Magic (any), 66 Longbow, 92 Night Vision Goggles, 81
Earth's Embrace, 73 Incendiary, 98 Luck Rolls, 61 Nine Worlds, 120
Floral Form, 73 Incorporeal, 25 M Nocturnal, 32
Gust, 73 Infonet, 56 Mace, 86, 88 Non-Lethal Damage, 110
Mountain Skin, 73 Inflicting Damage, 108 Machine Gun, 95 O
Quake Stomp, 73 Injuries, 110 Mage, 36 Occupation, 34-37, 51
Serpents Gift, 73 Initiative, 104 Magic, 66-75 Bounty Hunter, 35
Tree Stride, 73 Innovative, 25 Incantation, 66 Design Your Own, 34
Wild Voice, 73 Insult, 58 Incantation Branches, 66 Engineer, 35
Grenade, 90-91 Interceptor, 63 Godstongue, 66-67 Entertainer, 51
Grenade, Concussuion, 91 Interrupt, 104, 105 Spellcasting Tricks, 68 Gunslinger, 35
Grenade, Flash, 91 Intimidate, 53 Spell List (see Spell List) Investigator, 35
Grenade, Frag, 91 Intuition, 46 Magic Leap, 74 Mage, 36
Grenade, Phase, 91 Investigator, 35 Magic Proximity, 115 Outlaw, 36
Grenade, Plasma, 91 Invisibility, 74 Magical Affinity, 26 Random Selection, 37
Grenade Launcher,96 Iron Will, 63 Magical Being, 26 Researcher, 36
Grimoire, 99 J Magical Equipment, 99-100 Soldier, 36
Grounded, 25 Jack Of All Trades, 63 Enchanted Items, 100 Trader, 37
Guile, 58 Javelin, 91 Grimoire, 99 Warrior, 37
Gunslinger, 35 Jotun, 17 Talismans, 100 Omnicase, 81
Gun Down, 63 Junkmail, 84 Magical Permanence, 68 Omnisphere 116
Gust, 73 Juggernaut, 32 Magical Reserve, 26 OmniTool, 81
H K Magical Resistance, 26 On Guard, 63
Hand Axe, 87, 89 Katar, 87 Manipulators, 30, 127 Open Lock, 48
Handbow, 92 Knives, 85-88, 87 Many Legged, 32 Openness, 39
Handguns, 93-95 Combat Knife, 87 Marksmen, 63 Operate (any), 56
Cell, 93 Dagger, 87 Mass (MAS), 8, 38 Outlaw, 36
Clip, 93 Katar, 87 Mathematics, 48 Overweight, 26
Light Machine Gun, 93 Phase-Knife, 87 Maul, 86, 88 P
Pistol, 93 Silver Knife, 87 Med Kit, 81 Parry, 108
Handle (any), 56 Stone Knife, 87 Medical Study (any), 50 Pathfinder, 64
Handle Animal (any), 53 Switchblade, 88 Medium Shield, 89 Penalty (PEN), 78
Healing Throwing Knife, 88 Melee, 49 Penetrating, 98
Heartsuit, 83 Knowledge Recall, 54 Melee Weapon (any), 49 Perception (PER), 8
Heavy Trauma, 109 Known Worlds, 119-122 Melee Weapons, 85-89 Performing Arts, 51
Heavy Weapon (any), 56 Eden 2, 122 Axes, 89 Personal Force Field, 81
Heavy Weapons, 96 Fairy Courts, 121-122 Clubs, 88 Personality, 39-40
Cell, 93 Free Territories, 121 Knives, 87 Agreeableness, 39
Clip, 93 Nine Worlds, 120 Polearms, 89 Conscientiousness. 39
Energy Cannon, 96 Pig-Earth, 119 Shield, 89 Extroversion, 39
Grenade Launcher, 96 Primal Lands, 119 Swords, 88 Neuroticism, 39
Heavy Machine Gun, 96 Zyntari Combine, 120 Mental Domination, 74 Openness, 39
Minigun, 96 L MetaTool, 81 Phantasmal Horror, 74
Missile Launcher, 96 Language Arts, 47 Minigun, 96 Phase-Blade, 88
Heavy Machine Gun, 96 Larceny, 48 Missile Launcher, 96 Phase-Glaive, 89
Healing Hand, 70 Large Ears, 32 Mister Medic, 81 Phase-Knife, 87
Heft (HFT), 78 Lasting Enchantment, 68 Modifier, 6 Phase Pistol, 95
Helpful, 59 Lateral Preference, 25 Morale and Sanity, 53 Phase Rifle, 95
Heroic, 63 Leap, 43 Cowed, 53 Philosophical, 32
Hides, 84 Learning Spells, 67 Demoralized, 53 Phobia, 26
Hit Location, 109 Leather Armor, 84 Shaken, 53 Pig-Earth, 119
Hive-Minded, 32 Legerdemain, 48 Traumatized, 53 Pigman, 19
Holo-Fade, 81 Level Headed, 63 Morphic, 32 Pike, 89
Horns, 32 Life Supports, 98 Mountain Skin, 73 Pincers, 32
Hostile, 59 Lift, 43 Move, 104, 106 Pistol, 93-95
Hovering, 25 Lifting, 113 Movement, 106 Assault Pistol, 93
Hover Pad Light, 25 Multi-Strike, 63 Energy Pistol, 93
Hub Worlds, 117-118 Light (Penalty), 112 Musical Instrument (any), 51 Flintlock Pistol, 95
Cosmopolis, 118 Light Machine Gun, 93 Musket, 95 Phase Pistol, 95
Dominion City, 117-118 Lightning Bolt, 72 N Rail Pistol, 95
Nexus City, 117 Light Sensitivity, 26 Narrative Plate Armor, 84
Hulking Dread, 63 Light Sleeper, 26 Natural Armor, 26 Poison, 111
Human, 16 Light Trauma, 109 Natural Sciences, 50 Poisonous, 26

Polearms, 85, 87 89 Step Four: Extra Sense Energy, 27 Disease Resistance, 24
Glaive, 89 Adaptations, 30 Serpentine, 27 Disease Susceptibility, 24
Phase-Glaive, 89 Step Five: Personality, 31 Serpents Gift, 73 Dull Sense, 24
Pike, 89 Random Selection, 37 Sessile, 27 Eidetic Memory, 25
Shiver-Glaive, 89 Range (RNG), 78 Shadow Mist, 69 Energy Resistance, 25
Spear, 89 Ranged Attacks, 78 Shaken, 53 Energy Susceptibility, 25
Staff, 89 Rapier, 88 Shambling, 27 Extra Heads, 25
Stone-Headed Spear, 89 Rapid Reload, 64 Shapeshift, 27 Extra Limbs, 25
Polymath, 64 Rapid Shot, 64 Sharpshooter, 64 Fearless, 25
Pookah, 20 Rapid Strike, 64 Shield, 89 Fireborn, 25
Poor Memory, 26 Reactive, 64 Force-Shield, 89 Fleet, 25
PortoLab, 82 Reason (REA), 8 Medium Shield, 89 Frail, 25
Power (POW), 8, 38 Red Magic Spells, 71-72 Riot Shield, 89 Frostborn, 25
Power Armor, 84 Air Slash, 71 Small Shield, 89 Grounded, 25
Power-Booster, 82 Blazing Aura, 71 Tower Shield, 89 Hovering, 25
Power Draw (PD), 127 Breath of Fire, 71 Shiver-Blade, 88 Hydrophobic, 25
Power Reserve (PR), 127 Dragon Skin, 71 Shiver-Glaive, 89 Immortal, 25
Power Strike, 72 Fireball, 72 Shock Baton, 86, 88 Incorporeal, 25
Predatory, 32 Icy Embrace, 72 Short Sword, 88 Innovative, 25
Prehensile Tail, 32 Lightning Bolt, 72 Shotgun, 95 Lateral Preference, 25
Prerequisite, 41 Power Strike, 72 Shotgun, Assault, 95 Light, 25
Presence, 52 Thunder Clap, 72 Shuriken, 91 Light Sensitivity, 26
Pressure Suit, 84 Wall of Flame, 72 Silver Devil, 64 Light Sleeper, 26
Primal Lands, 119 Reflexive Disarm, 64 Silver Knife, 87 Magical Affinity, 26
Primitive, 32 Regeneration, 26 Siphon Life, 70 Magical Being, 26
Profession (any), 45 Reinforced Clothing, 84 Skills, 9 Magical Reserve, 26
Programs, 127-131 Reload, 98 Skill Adept, 27 Magical Resistance, 26
Analyzers, 128 Repeating Crossbow, 92 Skill Adjustments, 34 Natural Armor, 26
Armor Plating, 128 Repel, 71 Skill Expertise (any), 65 Natural Weapons, 26
Auxiliary Locomotion, 128 Researcher, 36 Skill Inept, 27 Night Vision, 26
Calculator, 128 Resilient, 64 Skill Mastery (any), 65 Overweight, 26
Combat-Mech, 128 Returning, 98 Skittering, 33 Phobia, 26
Compact, 128 Return Object, 74 Slithering, 33 Poisonous, 26
Engineering Suite, 128 Ride, 43 Sleep Deprivation, 111 Poor Memory, 26
Exploratory, 128 Rifle, 95 Sling, 91 Regeneration, 26
Heavy Tactical Suite, 129 Rifle, Assault, 95 Slow, 27 Rooted, 26
Infiltrator, 129 Rifle, Bolt-Action, 95 Small Shield, 89 Roughshod, 26
Integrated Weaponry, 129 Rifle, Energy, 95 Social Studies, 54 Semi-Aquatic, 26
Knowledge Banks, 129 Rifle, Phase, 95 Soldier, 36 Sense Energy, 27
Light Tactical Suite, 130 Rifle, Rail, 95 Spear, 89 Serpentine, 27
Long-Range Sensors, 130 Riot Shield, 89 Species, 10-33, 138, 140 Sessile, 27
Mag-Locks, 130 Robots, 125-131 Amerathean, 140 Shambling, 27
Medi-Mech, 130 Step One: A.I., 125 Broodling, 11 Shapeshift, 27
Network Adapter, 130 Step Two: Function, 126 Dividaki, 12 Skill Adept, 27
Omni-Purpose, 130 Step Three: Attributes, 126 Dwarf, 13 Skill Inept, 27
Power Lifters, 130 Step Four: Locomotors, 126 Elf, 14 Slow, 27
Scanners, 130 Step Five: Manipulators, Goblin, 15 Spell Ability, 27
Self-Repairing, 130 127 Human, 16 Stout, 27
Solar Chargers, 130 Step Six: Battery, 127 Jotun, 17 Strong Memory, 27
Solid Construction, 130 Step Seven: Programs, 127 Neanderthal, 18 Telepathic Link, 27
Storage Compartment, 130 Robust, 32 Pigman, 19 Tenacious, 27
Superior Programming, 130 Romance, 58 Pookah, 20 Thermal Adaptation, 27
Surveillance Suite, 131 Rooted, 26 Quanar, 21 Thin, 27
Technical Suite, 131 Rope, 82 Random Aliens, 29 Timeless, 27
Translator, 131 Roughshod, 26 Scilinoid, 22 Tolerant, 27
Weapon Arm, 131 Round 104 Voolan, 138 Tough, 27
Protection (PROT), 78 Run, 43 Zyntari, 23 Toxin Resistance, 28
Push/Throw, 49 Rush, 104, 106 Species Traits, 24-28 Toxin Susceptibility, 28
Q S Acute Sense, 24 Unattractive, 28
Quake Stomp, 73 Sabre, 88 Adaptive, 24 Undifferentiated, 28
Quanar, 21 Savvy, 46 Allergy, 24 Unlimited Growth, 28
Quick Draw, 64 Scales, 32 Amphibious, 24 Unliving, 28
Quick Stand, 64 Scale Mail, 84 Aquatic, 24 Wings, 28
R Scattershot, 98 Arboreal, 24 Xenophobic, 28
Rail Pistol, 95 Scientific Study (any), 50 Attractive, 24 Soldier, 36
Rail Rifle, 95 Scilinoid, 22 Burrower, 24 Space Walking, 144
Random Aliens, 29-33 Scribing Spells, 67 Calculative, 24 Speed (SPD), 8, 38
Step One: Attributes, 29 Scope, 98 Colorblind, 24 Spell Ability, 27
Step Two: Locomotors, 29 Scythes, 32 Deep Sleeper, 24 Spellcasting Tricks, 68
Step Three: Manipulators, Semblance, 75 Delicate Gait, 24 Crisis Casting, 68
30 Semi-Aquatic, 26 Dense, 24 Lasting Enchantment, 68

Magical Permanence, 68 Boomerang, 90 Crowd Fighter, 62 Turn 104
Spell Focus (any), 68 Boomerang Blade, 91 Doorman, 62 Two-Handed, 98
Warcaster, 68 Darts, 91 Driving Strike, 62 Type (TYP), 78
Spell Duration, 67 Grenade, Concussuion, 91 Duelist, 63 U
Spell Focus (any), 68 Grenade, Flash, 91 Giant Killer, 63 Unattractive, 28
Spell List, 68-75 Grenade, Frag, 91 Gun Down, 63 Unbind, 71
Black Magic Spells, 69-70 Grenade, Phase, 91 Heroic, 63 Uncharted Worlds, 123
Blue Magic Spells, 74-75 Grenade, Plasma, 91 Hulking Dread, 63 Undead, 132
Green Magic Spells, 72-73 Javelin, 91 Interceptor, 63 Curses, 132
Red Magic Spells, 71-72 Shuriken, 91 Iron Will, 63 Undifferentiated, 28
White Magic Spells, 70-71 Sling, 91 Jack Of All Trades, 63 Unfriendly, 59
Staff, 89 Thrown Weapon (any), 57 Level Headed, 63 Universes, 115
Stalk Eyes, 33 Thunder Clap, 72 Marksman, 63 Unlimited Growth, 28
Starbound, 65 Timeless, 27 Multi-Strike, 63 Unliving, 28
Steady Step, 65 Time Stream, 115 Negotiator, 63 Use, 104, 106
Stealth, 43 Tolerant, 27 On Guard, 63 V
Stealth Field Generator, 82 Tools and Utilities, 80-82 Pathfinder, 64 Visual Art (any), 57
Stout, 27 Auxiliary Power Pack, 80 Polymath, 64 Vocals (any), 51
Streetwise (any), 54 Backpack, 80 Quick Draw, 64 Voolan, 138
Strength (STR), 8 Briefcase/Suitcase, 80 Quick Stand, 64 W
Striding, 33 Dampener, 80 Rapid Reload, 64 Warcaster, 68
Stone Axe, 87, 89 Datapad, 80 Rapid Shot, 64 Warhammer, 86, 88
Stone-Headed Spear, 89 Digital Assistant, 80 Rapid Strike, 64 Wall of Flame, 72
Stone Knife, 87 Engineering Kit, 81 Reactive, 64 Warlike, 33
Strong Memory, 27 Grappling Gun, 81 Reflexive Disarm, 64 Warrior, 37
Study (any), 54 Holo-Fade, 81 Resilient, 64 Water Dweller, 33
Stun, 98 Med Kit, 81 Sharpshooter, 64 Weight, 113
Stun Damage, 110 MetaTool, 81 Silver Devil, 64 Carrying Capacity, 113
Subterranean, 33 Mister Medic, 81 Skill Expertise (any), 64 Lifting, 113
Suffocation and Drowning, 111 Night Vision Goggles, 81 Skill Mastery (any), 65 Dragging, 113
Suppressor, 98 Omnicase, 81 Starbound, 65 Wheels, 131
Surgery (any), 50 OmniTool, 81 Steady Step, 65 White Magic Spells, 70-71
Surprise, 105 Personal Force Field, 81 Swift, 65 Astral Projection, 70
Survival, 55 PortoLab, 82 Tail Sweep, 65 Blade of Light, 70
Swift, 65 Power-Booster, 82 Tech Adaptation (any), 65 Bless, 70
Swim, 43 Rope, 82 Tracker, 65 Circle of Protection, 70
Switchblade, 88 Stealth Field Generator, 82 Trick Shot, 65 Exorcism, 70
Swords, 88 Tough, 27 Weapon Focus (any), 65 Healing Hand, 70
Broadsword, 88 Tower Shield, 89 Wilderness Focus (any), 65 Repel, 71
Greatsword, 88 Toxin Resistance, 28 Wrestler, 65 Unbind, 71
Phase-Blade, 88 Toxin Susceptibility, 28 Zero-G Adaptation, 65 Words of Power, 71
Rapier, 88 Tracker, 65 Tread Wilderness Focus (any), 65
Sabre, 88 Trader, 37 Trip, 49 Wilderness Survival, 55
Shiver-Blade, 88 Traits, 9, 10, 24 Tripod Wild Voice, 73
Short Sword, 88 Personal Traits, 10 Trunk, 33 Willpower (WIL), 8
Symbiotic, 33 Species Traits, 24 Trunk Skills 9, 41-58 Wings, 28
T Traumatized, 53 Aerobics, 42 Wizard's Hand, 75
Tactics, 46 Tree Stride, 73 Athletics, 42 Weapon Focus (any), 65
Tail Sweep, 65 Trick Shot, 65 Ballistics, 44 Wooly, 33
Talismans, 100 Tricks, 61-65 Detect, 44 Wordplay, 58
Targeting Spells, 67 Agile Assault, 61 Domestics, 45 Words of Power, 71
Task Level, 7 Aquatic Ancestry, 61 Intuition, 46 World Door, 75
Tech Adaptation (any), 65 Arboreous Ancestry, 61 Language Arts, 47 Woven, 98
Tech-Level (TL) Arcing Strike, 61 Larceny, 48 Wrestler, 65
Technical, 56 Balanced Defense, 61 Mathematics, 48 X
Telepathic Link, 27 Berserk, 62 Melee, 49 Xenophobic, 28
Tenacious, 27 Burst Control, 62 Natural Sciences, 50 Y
Tentacles, 33 Careful Aim, 62 Performing Arts, 51 Z
Terrain, 106 Chain-Strike, 62 Presence, 52 Zero-G Adaptation, 65
Thermal Adaptation, 27 Charismatic Leader, 62 Social Studies, 54 Zero Gravity, 144
Thin, 27 Controlled Breathing, 62 Survival, 55 Space Walking, 144
Throwing, 57 Close Assault, 62 Technical, 56 Zero-G Adaptation, 65
Throwing Knife, 88 Combo-Strike, 62 Throwing, 57 Zyntari, 23
Thrown Weapons, 90-91 Counter Feint, 62 Visual Art (any), 57 Zyntari Combine, 120
Atlatl, 90 Counterstrike, 62 Wordplay, 58

Ever since he was zapped in the eye by a ray from a mischievous UFO,
Austen has been feverishly putting pencil to paper in hopes of ridding
his mind of the images that now haunt his brains.You can typically find
him watching the skies of Houston, wearing a tin-foil pickelhaube,
listening to Art Bell radio broadcasts, while sipping on Shiner beer.

Salutations, ladies and gentle-creatures of the Multiverse. I’m Cameron
Croft, kid sibling to our very own glorious leader, Arian ‘Dutchmogul’
Croft. I hope to be a permanent fixture here at Ill-Gotten Games, creating,
play testing, and helping our ideas take form with my visual
interpretations. I couldn't be more pleased, and honored, to be a part of this

Gustavo Cosio is a professional cartoonist living and working in
Mexico City. A long-time friend of Ill Gotten Games, Gustavo has
been contributing his brilliant work to help conceptualize Wayfarer
characters since 2006.


Ingmar Edmund Freske was born in San Diego some time ago. When he
was only two years old he relocated to the lovely Pacific Northwest when
he realized that it was far too hot in Southern California. The trip took a
while, as he was too young to drive. He presently rattles about an old
house with two weirdos with four legs each and whiskers.

J.Wagnaar is a freelance artist and graphic designer, based out of
Manito, Illinois, where he lives and co-directs Egypt Station Gallery &
Studios, a community based art gallery and learning center. He has
worked with Victoria Miniatures, Black Knight Games, and


Arian “Dutchmogul” Croft – Lead Developer, Writer, Art Director
Jeremy Larsen – Developer
Dan Pettit – Developer
Ben Toomey – Developer
Nate Stephens – Editor, Play Tester
Laurel Larsen – Editor

Special thanks to Douglas Zwick, Kalan Nutsford, Ted Blackford, Seth Nickerson, Janio Suppini, and to all of
our Kickstarter backers!















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