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Metodo de punto fijo n°5 4 de julio

mtodo de la falsa posicion programacion n°4 5 de julio

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

xo = Cells(16, 3)
ini = Cells(16, 6)
fin = Range("f17")
toll = Range("c17")

Cells(26, 3) = xo
Cells(26, 4) = Exp(-xo)

For h = inicio To fin

Cells(26 + h, 2) = h
Cells(27 + h, 3) = Cells(26 + h, 4)
Cells(27 + h, 4) = Exp(-Cells(27 + h, 3))
Cells(27 + h, 5) = Abs((Cells(27 + h, 4) - Cells(26 + h, 4)) / Cells)

If Cells(27 + h, 5) <= tol Then

Cells(27 + h, 6) = "---fin---"

Cells(27 + h, 6) = "continuar"

End If

Next h

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

ini = Cells(16, 6)
fin = Range("f17")

For h = inicio To fin

Cells(26 + h, 2) = ""
Cells(27 + h, 3) = ""
Cells(27 + h, 4) = ""
Cells(27 + h, 5) = ""
Cells(27 + h, 6) = ""

Next h

End Sub
Private Sub LIMPIAR_Click()

i = Range("E12")

fin = Range("E10")

For j = i To fin

Cells(14 + j, 2) = ""

Next j

End Sub

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