KLS 8 K.13

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Kurikulum 13 SRI R

Kelas VIII
Getting One's
In this unit, you will learn how to
 respond to transactional and interpersonal
dialogues about Getting One's Attention,
Checking One's Understanding, Showing
Appreciation to Others
 produce transactional and interpersonal
dialogues about Getting One's Attention,
Checking One's Understanding, Showing
Appreciation to Others
Getting One's Attention


Activity 1
Listen to the teacher reading the conversation and repeat after her/him
Activity 1

Practice the dialog with a friend.

Hesty : Excuse me, Dad. Are you busy now?

Mr. Kian : No. What’s up, dear?
Hesty : I would like to go hiking, but I need you to sign this letter.
Mr. Kian : Let me see.
Hesty : Here it is, Dad.
Mr. Kian :It will be held next week. Are you sure you’re fit enough?
You have just recovered from illness.
Hesty : Yes, Dad. I’m totally fine.
Mr. Kian : Sorry, it will be a long journey and I’m not sure you are
fit enough. I can’t allow you to go.

Activity 2

Answer the following questions.

1.When do you usually get one’s attention?

2.What expressions do you usually use to get one’s attention?
3.Which expressions in the dialog is used to get one’s attention?

Here are expressions of getting one's attention.


Checking One's Understanding

Activity 1

Listen to the teacher reading the conversation and repeat after her/him
Activity 1
Practice the dialog with a friend.

Mr. Rahadian : I have to finish this proposal today. Will you please
help me, dear?
Erlin : Sure, Dad. What can I do for you?
Mr. Rahadian : Please make the cover and insert this logo on the
top of the page.
Erlin : O.K., Dad.
Mr. Rahadian : When you have finished, please print the proposal.
Print each page three times, using letter-sized paper. For its cover,
use this green-colored paper. Do you understand?
Erlin : Yes, Dad.

Activity 2
Answer the following questions.

1.What is the dialog about?

2. Which expressions in the dialog is used to check one’s understanding?

3. When do you usually check one’s understanding?

4. Mention the expressions of checking one’s understanding.

Here are expressions of checking one's understanding.


Showing Appreciation to Others

Activity 1
Listen to the teacher reading the conversation and repeat after her/him
Activity 1

Practice the dialog with a friend.

Renny : You said that you will enter the school drawing contest.
Ray : Yeah.
Renny : May I see your drawing, please?
Ray : Sure. Here it is.
Renny : Wow! Wonderful! You’re really talented!
Ray : Thanks.
Renny : Who taught you to draw?
Ray : My uncle. You know, he is a designer.
Renny : No wonder.

Activity 2
Answer the following questions.

1. Why does Renny show her appreciation?

2. What does Renny say to show her appreciation?

3. When do you usually show your appreciation to others?

4. Mention the expressions of showing appreciation to others.

Here are expressions of showing appreciation to others.

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