2nd English Exam

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College of Agriculture, MSU-main

Exam #2

Name: . .


Direction: Choose the word that means the same, or most nearly the same, as the underlined word or words and write
your answers on the spaces provided.

. . 1. Maria was too obstinate to admit she had been wrong.

a. stubborn c. frightened
b. selfish d. cautious
. . 2. I knew the teacher would discipline me for my actions.
a. reward c. reprove
b. congratulate d. punish
. . 3. Lea’s writing ability has been obscured by her other accomplishments.
a. revealed c. hidden
b. exposed d. popularized
. . 4. Before taking such test, one had better brush up on his or her vocabulary
a. outline c. translate
b. revise d.review
. . 5. To everyone but the expert, the sculptor’s defects were invisible
a. unable to be heard c. unable to be understood
b. unable to be seen d. unable to be touched
. . 6. The boy groped for the light’s switch.
a. reached confidently c. searched blindly
b. stretched up d. listened attentively
. . 7. The client handed the lawyer his fee.
a. medicine c. money
b. bag d. instrument
. . 8. The driver tried to avert the accident by swerving the car to the right.
a. cause c. control
b. minimize d. prevent
. . 9. The warmth of the room made the audience doze.
a. yawn widely c. fall asleep
b. sweat profusely d. faint
. . 10. When they heard the news, they were overcome with grief.
a. sorrow c. terror
b. rage d. emotion


Directions: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the best answer.

Almost unnoticed, scientists are reconstructing the world of plants. A new technique using colchicine, a poisonous
drug, has allowed scientists to remodel many kinds of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and trees, creating new varieties with
unexpected frequency. Even plants native to other countries are used to obtain the desired effects.

1. The title that best fits this passage is

a. Concern for Plant Life c. Dangers in Plant Drugs
b. Reconstructing Plant Life d. Renewing the Earth
2. One can conclude from this passage that
a. the remodelling of plants is the controversial activity
b. the creation of new varieties of plants rarely happens
c. the new strains of plants that are produced are often better in some way

Directions: Encircle the correct answer.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Abdul, my cousin’s only son is a student of Mindanao State University. In this school, he is taking a course that may
someday bring 1. (a. he b. him c. his d. them) to other places of the globe. Motivated by 2. (a. its b. him c.their
d. his) father, a local farmer, he is determined to prove to 3. (a. himself b. his self c. itself d. themselves) that in a
span of four years, he can be called a successful young professional.
One schoolmate close to Abdul is petite, brainy, and brown-complexioned lady named Kristina Camilla. Drawn to
Abdul’s company through 4. (a. theirs b. his c. their d. her) interactive school activities, the young lady has
developed closeness with 5. (a. them b. her c. his d. him).
KC, the name fondly calls her takes pride in relating with his future plans in life. The truth is, it’s not 6.( a. she
b.her c. he d. his) who finds Abdul as a nice person to be with, but also others who have been mingling with him. KC
as well as the other people close to Abdul knows every well that 7. (a. they b. he c.she d. it) has to be real or genuine
to be able to enjoy 8. (a. his b. her c. their d. its) relationship with 9. (a. him b. her c. it d. them)
What is friendship? I often ask 10. (a.it b. them c. these d. this) question to people. For me, friendship is this
loving and respectful relationship between one and another.

(Source: Final departmental Exam of the Department of English, CSSH, MSU-main)

Subject-Verb Agreement

Television shows 1. (a. is b. are. c. have) expensive to produce. The production costs show meticulously
2.(a.are b. is c. have) extremely high due to many production variables. The television equipment alone 3. (a. are
b.have c.is) very expensive and must be maintained expensively for optimum life service. The sets for the complete
high-tech stage 4. (a. command b. commands c. have commanded) high budgets. The performers 5. (a. are b. have
c.is) paid very large salaries for their talents and mass appeals. A very large budget 6. (a. are b. have c. is) also set
aside for directors, cameramen, musicians, planners, writers, editors, coordinators, agents, talents, scouts, designers, and
other technical people who 7. (a. is b. are c. have) customarily behind the curtain. The stations still 8. (a. pay b. pays
c.have paid) large amounts of money for promotion and rights to broadcast. All these high costs 9. (a. have required
b.require c. requires) the stations to gather as much capital for every single show that they 10. (a. have dreamed
b.dreams c. dream) would be popular enough to gain the most income in the endeavour.

(Source: Agalabia, U.F. et.al. (2004). College freshman English. Espana, Manila: UST Publishing House.)


Direction: You are given two choices (a,b) for each sentence. Choose the word that correctly completes the following
sentences. Write your answer on the spaces provided.

1. Rotation refers to the turning of the earth (a. and b. in addition to) revolution to the movement of the earth around

the sun.

2. There are several means (a. for b. to) determine latitude and longitude.

3. (a. Likely b. Like) the tiger, the lion is a member of the cat family.

4. Botanists are not sure where the first plant was grown or even what plant (a. was b. it was).

5. The moon is not a planet (a. which b. although it) resembles the planets in many ways.

6. If the star seems to be moving in a wavy line (a. that we suspect b. we suspect it) of being a double star.

7. Determining the mineral content of soil samples is an exacting process (a. for example b. therefore), experts must

perform detailed tests to analyse soil specimens.

8. One of the most obvious characteristics of the moon is the way in which it continuously changes (a. it is appearing

b. its appearance).

9. Natural resources provide the raw material (a. are needed b. needed) to produce finished product.

10. (a. Alike b. Like) Australia, Canada conducts a complete census of its population every ten years.

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. A
1. B
2. A
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D
Subject-Verb Agreement
1. B
2. C ?
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. B

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