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1. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D.

1. Made : Hello, guys! May I have your attention please?

The class : Yes, please!
Made : We are going to have a study tour to Bandung next week. So please
let’s start our preparation today.
The Class : Okay.

When Made said, “May I have your attention please?”

What does it mean?
a. He asks his friends a question. c. He tries to get his friends’ attention.
b. He shows attention to his friends. d. He tries to pay attention to his friends.

2. Lia : Sorry to bother you, Sir.

Mr. Yudi : ………………., what can I do for you?
Lia : Is it okay if we use dictionary to do the task?
Mr. Yudi : Of course. Go ahead.
What is the best expression to fill the blank in the dialogue?
a. Don’t bother me. c. Yes, please.
b. What happened next? d. You are welcome.

3. Bella : I think Mario is the nicest student in our class. What do you think?
Putu : ……………. He is always helpful to everyone.
What is the best expression to fill the blank in the dialogue?
a. I don’t think so. c. Impossible.
b. I don’t agree. d. I think so.

4. Daddy : You look so happy, Putri. What happened?

Putri : Guess what? I got a perfect mark. 100 for Math test.
Daddy : Wow, …………….. You always study hard, you deserve it.
Putri : Thanks.
What is the best expression to fill the blank in the dialogue?
a. Well done. c. Really?
b. It’s really nice. d. Don’t bother me.

Read the dialogue and complete the sentence number 5 – 7.

Andi : (5) …………., Sir.
Mr. Christ : It’s alright. What can I do for you, Andi?
Andi : Actually, I just want to ask for your permission.
Mr. Christ : I’m not sure I get your point. (6) ……………….
Andi : Well, do you mind if I come late tomorrow?
Mr. Christ : Why?
Andi : Because I’m not sure I can get up early tomorrow.
Mr. Christ : Are you going to watch tonight’s football match?
Andi : Yes, I am. The final match will be tonight.
Mr. Christ : Well, Andi, in that case (7) ………………. I’m really sorry.

5. a. Sorry to bother you c. There you are

b. Good morning d. Hello

6. a. I understand what you mean. c. I see what you are saying.

b. Please, tell me more clearly. d. Please, sit down.

7. a. It’s okay. c. I cannot give you permission.

b. It’s a good idea. d. You can come late to school

Read the text and answer the questions number 8 – 12.

Dear Alice,
Congratulations on your new book. I went to the book store yesterday and bought one. I
really like it because of your vivid description of all the places. The way you explain how
to get to the places is also interesting. As for me who don’t travel a lot and don’t know
many places, by reading your book, I feel like I have visited those laces. Keep doing the
great work, Alice.

8. What is Alice’s job?

a. A book store manager. c. An author.
b. A tour guide. d. A teacher.

9. What does Rena think about the book?

a. It’s very good. c. It’s boring.
b. It’s expensive. d. It’s thick.

10. From the text we can conclude that Alice …

a. like traveling very much. c. lives in Jakarta.
b. has many hobbies. d. is Rena’s sister.

11. What can the readers get from the book?

a. A recipe to prepare instant food. c. Descriptions of places and directions
to get to them.
b. Instructions on how to work hard. d. The list of things a traveler should
bring for his journey.

12. “I really like it because of your vivid description ……..”

The underlined word has a similar meaning to …
a. brilliant. c. long.
b. vogue. d. dim.

Read the dialogue and complete the sentence number 13 – 14.

Olivia : Listen up! I’ve got news for you.
Diana : (13) …………
Olivia : The famous basketball player is going to visit my neighborhood.
Diana : Really? When?
Olive : This afternoon.
Diana : (14) …………… I’ll come to your neighborhood. It will be a great opportunity
to see him with my own eyes.

13. a. What’s up? c. When?

b. Where? d. Why?

14. a. Good afternoon. c. You are right!

b. It’s my house. d. Terrific!

Read the dialogue and complete the sentence number 15 – 16.

Rudi : (15) ……………….. China will win the Uber Cup?
Anna : Definitely. They play beautifully. Why? Don’t you think so?
Rudi : Well, (16) ……………… They should play better. I think Indonesia will beat

15. a. Do you know c. Do you understand

b. Do you think d. Don’t you understand

16. a. I don’t think so. c. I’m sure.

b. I’m not happy. d. Definitely.

17. Selvia : Is it your new bag that you bought yesterday?

Nina : Yeah. What do you think?
Selvia : It’s amazing, for sure.
Nina : ………….., Selvia.
What is the best expression to fill the blank in the dialogue?
a. For sure c. My pleasure
b. I think so d. Thanks

18. Stefie : Did you write this poem?

Jack : Yes, I did.
Stefie : Your poem is absolutely great. I like it.
Jack : Thank you.
The underlined words imply that …
a. Jack appreciates Stefie’s work. c. Stefie wrote the poem.
b. Stefies compliments on Jack’s d. Jack likes Stefie’s poem.

Read the dialogue and answer the questions number 19 – 20.

Doni : June, what about going cycling tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon?
June : I’m afraid I can’t. I have to help my mother doing chores.
Doni : You can do the chores after it.
June : Umm, I think it’s impossible. Before leaving, the floor in each room must have
been cleaned. Do you know what I mean?
Doni : Of course.
June : What if we go at 5?
Doni : Sounds great!

19. What is Doni’s purpose by saying “June, what about going cycling tomorrow at 3 in the
a. He checks June’s understanding. c. He wants June’s attention
b. He doesn’t understand what d. He asks June’s opinion about going
June’s saying. cycling.

20. June says, “Umm, I think it’s impossible. Before leaving, the floor in each room must
have been cleaned. Do you know what I mean?”
The underlined sentence means ….
a. June checks Doni’s understanding. c. June asks for Doni’s attention.
b. June doesn’t understand Doni’s d. June understands Doni’s opinion.

2. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable expressions you have learnt.
21. A: Hey, Clarissa, look at me!
B: __________________________ .
22. A: __________________________ .
B: Yeah, what’s wrong?
23. A: __________________________ .
B: Sorry, I don’t get it. Could you please repeat it once again?
24. A: Wow, what a fantastic car!
B: __________________________ .
25. A: What do you think of Indonesia?
B: __________________________ .

3. Make sentences showing compliments using ‘What’

26. Adjective : bright
Noun : lamp
Compliment : _________________________________________________
Meaning : _________________________________________________
27. Adjective : dirty
Noun : floor
Compliment : _________________________________________________
Meaning : _________________________________________________

4. Make sentences showing compliments using ‘How’

28. Adjective : cold
Noun : water
Compliment : _________________________________________________
Meaning : _________________________________________________
29. Adjective : sweet
Noun : apples
Compliment : _________________________________________________
Meaning : _________________________________________________
30. Adjective : big
Noun : house
Compliment : _________________________________________________
Meaning : _________________________________________________

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