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Natasha's perspective

I walked over and sat on the lonely bench, on the lonely street as rain poured
down around me. It had been another long depressing day. This time it was a
young girl. She was on the edge of a building. I tried to get out there, to have
some chance to save her, but she had jumped. She died on impact. And, I
could go home right now, but I wouldn't be able to sleep, so now I'm out here
outside my partners house at 11 pm, wondering why I didn't take the ride from
him. But I know why I didn't. Because he would have asked me if I was ok,
and if I needed anything, and I can't cry in front of him and I sure as hell can't
lie to him and reassure him I'm fine. So I drove home, then I walked to his
house. So now what the hell am I supposed to do? Shit. He just saw me. "Hey,
get over here Natasha. What's wrong?" He yelled to me as he walked across
the empty road to where I was sitting. "Jay, please don't. I'm just gonna go
home, I'm so sorry for bothering you. I'm so sorry Jay." I whispered while
shivering. As he came over to the bench, he had his jacket on. An FBI
windbreaker. The same I was wearing. He must not have had time to change
yet. As he sat down next to me, I remembered the first time we had met.
Imagine this. The FBI headquarters, Washington, DC.
I walked into the gigantic entrance, I looked around and thought, *this is
insane. Will I work here? How will I get a house? What am I going to be
assigned to?*. I kept walking, and bumped into a 6'4 white man, black hair
that was well styled, with chilling gray eyes, dressed in jeans and a tight white
shirt. The first thought I had was to observe the dog tags around his neck, and
his muscles. He was very well toned. I immediately asked who he was and
what was his purpose as if I actually worked at the building. His reply came
easily and with an apology. "Hey, so sorry, my name is Jason Wolfe. I'm a new
agent, told to report to the Training Commons to meet SSA Mark Jones.
Although I'd doubt you would be much help since your a new agent also." My
shock was displayed on my face as I quickly asked asked him how the hell he
knew I was a new agent also. "Well, it's quite obvious" he began, "You are
wearing black combat boots and black jeans. You are also wearing a black
leather jacket with a white shirt. Unless you are an undercover biker who
happens to have the exact same training folder with instructions as me, you
would have to be a new agent. What's your name anyways as you never
introduced yourself?" "Natasha Johnson. I need to find the same man. And, I
have no idea where the room is, but I can find out." I walked up to the front
desk with Jason next to me. I asked the lady where we could find the Training
Commons and if SSA Mark Jones would be there. She informed us that he
was a tough agent, but one of the best and that the Commons were on the 5th
floor, and that entire floor was for new agents. Since the elevator was out of
commission, we took the stairs. As we walked, I learned that he was from
California, San Diego area, and he played football in high school and was
usually called Jace or Jay. Eventually I asked about his dog tags, and what
branch he was from. "I was actually a Marine sniper, what about you?" I was
surprised he had noticed my dog tags, as they were pretty well hidden, and I
answered, "Oh, I was an EOD tech for the Navy." We finally made it to the
room and standing there in the middle of the room was a man and a woman
arguing. One had an Australian accent, and the other had a mix of a British
one and Scottish one. Finally after they had gotten increasingly louder, I
cleared my throat and yelled "State your names, and your purpose or shut
up!" They both jumped, visibly surprised, and started laughing as if I had said
something hilarious. After
she had finished laughing, the Australian woman stated she was named Olivia
Smith, or just Liv, and the Scottish man was named Calum Williams or just
Will. I asked them again what their purpose was, and they replied "oh,
purpose? We're your pair of geniuses." I asked them what exactly they meant,
and they informed me that collectively their IQs were over 400. Almost
immediately after figuring out one was a mechanical prodigy and the other
was a doctor, our SSA walked in. Mark Jones was a terrifying man, simply
because he looked like some sort of villain from a clichéd movie. Dressed in a
black trench coat, with a suit underneath, and a scar that ran diagonal right to
left across his face, with a height of 6'2, he strode in as if he owned not only
the building but every life inside was also his to control. As he walked in he
barked "Stop staring and grab a seat, this isn't a circus, y'all are agents, so
lemme tell ya what this team is supposed to be!" As we grabbed seats, he
informed us we were the newest part of the FBI. "This team is supposed to be
a mixture team. Y'all will go wherever needed, helping a mixture of LEO's.
You! Younglings" he yelled addressing Will and Liv, "you two teenagers are
gonna be staying back at our office in Richmond all the time since you guys
are almost useless to this team!" Then, turning to us, he yelled, "and you,
shorty and muscles, you two are gonna be the field team. Your missions will
be anywhere and everywhere. Most of the time y'all will feel as if you aren't
Fibbies, but hey, at least you've got a job. As for me, I'll be in charge. I handle
that dumbass paperwork the idiots up at Legal want me to do. For this first
week, y'all will be staying here, so get started on house hunting or whatever
HGTV sorta shit you kids do nowadays to find a house. And make sure you
report here at 0730 every morning. You got that dimwits? Good, now shoo. I'm
nursing an awful hangover." That speech began the most interesting job I
would ever have, one that would turn into more than just a job. A coping
mechanism. A way to deal with my past. A way to bury the skeletons I had in
my deep dark crypt of a past, and God knows I had more skeletons than the
Italian catacombs.
"Nat, Nat, Nat! Hey, are you ok? I was calling your name a bunch." As I came
back to reality, my face was inches away from Jace's as he had leaned down
to see if I was still breathing. "Yea yea yeah, Jace, I'm fine. Was just
remembering our first day... so much has changed since 3 months ago..."
looking concerned, he replied, "Nat, your not ok. Your sitting outside of my
house in the pouring rain at 11 pm cuz a kid off themselves. You've disarmed
nukes and fought your way out of a terrorist cell, so want to tell me why this is
hurting you so badly? But before you do, do you want to go inside and you
can grab a warm shower and change and have some tea and pizza ?" "Thatd
be good. I'm so sorry for bothering you Jace." "Nat, it's not bothering when
you need help."
We went inside, and I changed and took a shower. And no, we're not in a
relationship, yes, I keep some of my clothes at his apartment. When I came
out into his living room, he had our favorite pizza, cheese and bacon, and
some tea made for us. As we lounged on his couch he turned on football,
within 15 minutes, I was sobbing. He held me in his arms as I stammered,
"she... she had dreams... was smart... girls... bullying... why? She didn't need
to die... why are we so fucked up... how could parents not notice... she didn't
deserve this... I shoulda saved her... not good enough... why?" As Jason held
me, for the first time all day I felt safe. Like I wasn't a horrible person. Then, as
I curled up in his arms, my head against his chest, he started speaking. "Nat,
there was nothing you could have done. Wait wait wait, hear me out. The
ledge she was on crumbled. But before that, she jumped off. She saw the girls
who had bullied her below, and she didn't think she could survive that. Also,
she had the
exact time she was about to jump written on her arm. Plus, you could never
have gotten to her in time since noone was alerted until 7 minutes beforehand.
The girls that were bullying her made sure noone knew. Now, I am here, and
we don't have work tomorrow, so we're just gonna stay here and I'll make
breakfast in the morning, but I'll stay here for as long as you need me to."
A few seconds passed before I spoke again. "The worst part is nobody can tell
me that she died without pain. Because she was hurting for so long before she
died. She was dying way before then. I need to see her body..." after I said
that, Jay looked at me with surprise. "No. Not happening. I don't know what in
your past is coming back up, but seeing that body will make it worse. I can't let
u look at it." Rage filled my eyes as I looked at him and said "I am going to see
that body whether I have to go through 10 or a 100 people. You can come with
me, or you can stay. I'd rather you accompany me, but if I have to fight you to
see it, I will." Giving me the weirdest look, he conceded and decided he'd go
with me. Eventually, we fell asleep, watching TV. At 2 am, I woke up, crying.
His arms were still around me. I looked at him, and decided no matter what I
could not ruin this friendship. I knew almost nothing about his past, or what he
wanted in the future, but I knew that I had noone. Or at least everyone I had,
they didn't want me. My best chance for happiness had his arms around me,
and was laying next to me on a couch because I had had a moment of
weakness. This man shouldn't have to be stuck with me. He had walked with
me out of that desert, and had stayed by my side during the nuke. If I messed
this up like everything else, I am not sure if I would be able to go on. If I mess
this friendship up, I might go jump off that building myself.
Jason's perspective

At 5 am, I woke up. My arms were still around her. Natasha Johnson. A
mystery wrapped in a conundrum wrapped in a paradox. I knew less about her
than she knew about me. Maybe it was better this way though. As I carefully
removed myself from being next to her, I realized I'd be totally fine if I never
moved again. But I had promised her breakfast. Waffles. Her favorite. My
favorite. So much in common, yet I still didn't know if she even had family or
anything. She probably knew very little about me as well. We are so close,
and yet so far. I am so worried about her. She speaks as if she has some
personal experience with the pain that girl is going through. And the way she
looked when she said she'd fight through anyone to see that body... that's the
look she gave me when we made it out of the hole we were in back in
Afghanistan. Those are some bad memories. Yet for some reason, I feel like
she's suffered so much worse mentally. Eh, those are for another day. As
much as I worry about her, it's a wonder we get anything done. I am letting my
personal feeling interfere with my job. I could get her hurt. I mean, I could get
the team hurt. Honestly, I have no idea who I am. When I went out to her on
the bench last night and saw her... so broken. All I wanted to do was make her
hurt go away. I can't fail her like I failed my mother and sister and brother. My
mom was always obsessed with Greek mythology. She named my sister
Thalia after one of the Muses. My brother, he's named... he was named...
Perseus. He shouldn't have died. It was my fault. I realized Nat was waking
up, so I decided to wait for her. Since it seemed it would be another half hour
based on her sleep schedule, I decided to take a shower and make us some
tea. Another thing we had in common. The love of tea. Most of our coworkers
loved coffee. But the two of us both just disliked the taste of the stuff. I still
remembered that day I had met her. She was so oblivious to the fact that she
didn't even look remotely like an FBI agent. But she felt like it. In her old job
she had faced down death everyday. Hell, probably even before her old job
she had faced down death but I wouldn't know since last night was the first
time I had seen her break. No, not break, fold. Bend. Because she is like a
rose bush. But one dipped in silver. Beautiful, but preserved. Because it will
die so soon. She reminds me of that Robert Frost poem, the one in The
Outsiders. "Nature's first green is gold; her hardest hue to hold" I have a
feeling she was forced to grow up far faster than a normal kid. I had some
experience with that... I went to go take my shower. As I stood there just letting
the hot water run over me, I realized that I would do anything for the woman
sleeping on my couch. And, that scared me. Bevause the last time I had
thought that... no... no... no... I can't...
Natasha's perspective

It was 7 am when I woke up. I realized I needed a shower, but first I decided to
look for the man I had spent the night curled up next to. He was nowhere to be
found. As I tried to calm the panic that entered my mind, I realized he's
probably just in his room doing something so he wouldn't disturb me after he
made breakfast. So, I walk into the bathroom because the door is open, and I
just see him on the floor. Only wearing shorts, against the wall shaking. I rush
over to his side as I hear him murmuring "no... no... please no... need to be
stronger..." and I wrap my arms around him and say, "I'm here, Jace I'm here.
It's ok, your stronger. The strongest. You kept me safe. Your strong. Your
safe." He leaned into me and said, "please, please, I don't want to talk about
it. Just hold me. Stay with me. Don't leave me Thalia. Please... don't leave..." I
looked at him, as worry filled my eyes. My man, my partner, the indestructible
rock I depended on had cracked. And what was spilling out was as blue as his
eyes, and he was being almost as transparent as the tears that ran down his
face. I hugged him even tighter until he finally said, "ok, I think I'm ok for now...
thank you so much Nat. I owe you everything." I had no idea who the hell this
Thalia was, but if she was stealing my mans she has another thing coming. A
mysterious girlfriend would explain the trips he took most weekends on
Saturday. No. He's not my mans. Just a friend. A coworker. I must have been
squeezing tighter because he looked at me and said, "hey, Nat, you can let
go" "oh shit, I'm so sorry Jace. I'm sorry" "eh, it's ok, you know I love your
hugs. You want to go eat breakfast?" "Sure." In all this excitement, I had
forgotten he was shirtless. A fact I was reminded of when he stood up, his
back muscles moving with the motion. He had insanely defined shoulder
blades. Ok, being hot aside, I need to figure out who the hell this Thalia is.
She might hurt him. I need to find out more about his past. But, that can wait
for tomorrow. "Hey, Jace, what do u want to do today? Other than put on a
shirt of course haha" looking back at me he smiled wide and shook his hips
"oh nat, you know you like to see me shirtless. Maybe we could go shopping
for groceries or something. I need to restock. Or, we could just stay here and
watch movies or whatever you want to do. We could always call up Liv and
Will and see if their bored. But I am still perplexed how you could possibly be
bored withe these abs around haha." As I looked at him mess around, I pulled
a fucking Peggy Carter. I walked up to him, bent down (not much as I'm only
5'6) and closely inspected those gleaming abs. I felt them then jokingly
exclaimed, "what abs? I can't feel a single ab on this stomach. Delusional are
we?" " how cruel nat, how cruel." He let out a fake groan as he
smiled. "These are the real deal. Clearly you've never seen such amazing
merchandise." I almost burst out laughing as I said "the only place their selling
these abs are in the 11 pm TV ads." "Buy now for free, since these won't last
long" he said in an announcers voice. While we drank our tea and ate our
waffles, we texted Will and Liv and asked them if they wanted to go shopping
with us for fun. Honestly, I hate shopping, but an entire day with Jace? I'll take
any time with him I can get. Maybe this will be a good opportunity to find out
about this 'Thalia' bitch. Of course Liv and Will said yes, cuz their a couple,
and they were bored also. I honestly don't know how I feel about those two.
They are hilarious to watch argue, but a bit hard to keep up with. Them having
over 200 IQs apiece and all. Like, I'm no idiot, but I could never dream of
being on the same level as them. We finished up our tea and got changed to
go meet them at their house.
Jason's perspective

As I looked over at Nat, she looked really weird. Not weird as in bad, but weird
as in she was kinda dreading this. I grabbed her hand and asked her if she
wanted to stay home instead. She looked as me and said "Nope, I'm fine, just
have never really liked shopping, but I think I'll have fun this time." Smiling I
replied "oh, your gonna have fun alright." We walked out to the car. It had all
the best security features but I still couldn't forget that day. No... no... I felt a
sudden squeeze on my hand and realized that Nat was right beside me and
we'd be ok. Nothing bad was gonna happen. As we hopped in the car, she
immediately turned on her favorite music. She had interesting taste to say the
least. "Hey, Nat, why don't we turn on some country?" "Oh, I forgot. You have
the worst ears in the history of anything ever haha" she grinned as she looked
at me and switched it. As we arrived at Will and Liv's house, I was reminded
they were millionaires. Eh, they deserved it. As they got into the car, they
looked a bit rushed so I asked if they had had breakfast yet, and they replied "
of course not no, we've been busy" I knew better than to ask, so we went to
Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. Nat and I shared a muffin, and the wonder kids
had donuts. As we got to the mall and walked in, the geniuses walked off to go
to some sciency thing, and I grabbed Nats hand, and walked with her off
towards groceries. As we started shopping, it felt natural. Like we were meant
to be together.
Will and Liv's perspective

Ok, so we are will and Liv. We're basically twins, but we're not in any way
shape or form related. We ran the tests. They thought we went off to the
science section, but we were just watching them. They are so cute together
and just don't even know it. They are clearly in love. They each have lots of
trauma, but we actually know nothing about it other than what we have from
medical records. Natasha has insane fractures and breaks all over, and a
bunch of mysterious scars. Jason has mysterious scars and a tattoo that
reads "I love you Thalia" underneath his arm. Whoever Thalia is, she'd best
watch out for Natasha. He also has a brand on his opposite arm, same spot,
that was a phoenix with Percy on it. Whatever their pasts were, they got
injured multiple times during it. And this isn't even including the scars they got
from that hole they were in for 3 weeks. Anyways, now they shop like their
meant to be together. Maybe they are. Complete opposites, but both with
violent pasts they are desperately trying to outrun. Maybe they can help each
other to heal, or maybe the Phoenix and the bomb will collide and explode
with neither surviving. Who knows what will or could happen when these two
come clean about their feelings and their pasts?
Natasha's perspective

We just shopped together. It felt so natural. The days almost over, but first
those two crazy kids got us to take them to McDonald's. The cashiers look as
we ordered was interesting. I almost fought her. She made one to many sassy
remarks about the geniuses. You mess with them, you mess with me and my
ability to make bombs that vaporize everything within a very specific area. A
special human shaped area. But, when I informed this whore of that, I was told
by Jace, "Nat, you've made your point, don't prove it." Then, we got our order
and left. It reminded me of the bullies back in school. Anna didn't have to die
like that... when I heard that girl speak, it brought back to many memories. I
failed Anna. I failed that girl. Who will I fail next? I looked to my left and
realized Jace had put his hand on mine. While he was driving. He always
kept his eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. He was always a stickler
about that like he had some sort of issues with it. Would I fail Jason next? I
had already failed my parents. Or had they failed me? Who was Percy and
why was he on the phoenix tat? And, not to mention that trash tat with Thalia's
name in it.
Jason's perspective

As we unpacked the groceries, I looked at her. She was so perfect and I was
so messed up. But, for the first time in days, I had slept. Sleep was rare since
the incident... but, with her in my arms, I felt better. Happy. Safe. I needed her
near me all the time. I was able to take my hand off the wheel for once. I
decided to ask her to stay at my place for the foreseeable future. "Hey,
Natasha?" "Yea Jay? What's up?" "Do you want to stay here? Like, live with
me? If you don't... that's fine you know, no pressure" she made her way over
to me before saying, "yes, I would love to" as she hugged me with her head
on my chest. Then we finished the groceries.
Natasha's perspective

1) why the hell did I just say yes?!?! And fucking hug him also?!?!?
2) why do I feel so strongly about him?
3) why was I able to sleep?
Ever since childhood, sleep is rare. It's helpful for an EOD tech or someone
from where I grew up to be able to go without sleep and still be alert. But, I'm
actually confused as to where I'm gonna sleep. "Wait, Jace, where am I gonna
sleep?" I said as I sat down next to him on the couch. "Welll, Nat, you have
choices. You can sleep in my bed with me, without me, or on the couch. I'd
much rather you sleep with me since you help me sleep, but you chose
because I don't want to pressure you into anything." My shock must have
been evident on my face since he put his arms around me and asked for my
answer. Quickly composing myself, I said "I'll sleep in your bed with you
because you also help me sleep"
and I curled into his chest. That night he made dinner, and we invited Liv and
Will over for movie night also. For the second time in my lifespan, I felt
completely safe.
Will and Liv's perspective

So, we got invited over to their house for dinner... it really wasn't that bad.
When we got there, they were just finishing up making dinner, and they were
flirting a bunch. It was nice to see them opening up with each other, but it was
quite obvious that they never talked about the deep things. They may comfort
each other through them, but they didn't share the details. Apparently, they
were making steak and a salad. As they worked in the kitchen, we observed
them dancing around the kitchen laughing. They looked so happy. They did
deserve happiness no matter what had happened in their past... it was a
wonder either of them had been in the jobs they had. A world renowned EOD
tech, and a well known sniper. Well, he was well known in the classified circles
with the rest of the spooks. Both of their pasts were covered so deep in red
tape it was almost as if they were born into the spy trade. But maybe... no,
that's ridiculous. They couldn't possibly... no. Anyways, after our beautiful
dinner, we went to watch a movie. It was the Lord of The Rings. Amazing film.
But, we noticed something after 15 minutes. Little miss explosive was curled
up on Mr One shots chest. She was smiling. We've never seen Nat smile. She
grins, chuckles, stops frowning, but she never smiles. She looked so happy.
And Jason, he whispered to us, "I don't deserve her. But I'm happy she's here
with me right now." After the movie, he carried Natasha to her bed (which
apparently they share? Eh, they shared a bed shaped hole for 3 weeks so...)
and said goodbye to us as we headed home. Whatever those two had, we
sincerely hope it lasts because they need each other. And maybe they not
only will feel better, but they'll learn something they needed to. But, there's
also the chance they dig up the old scars, and as we all know, they have not
yet healed. So they bleed. On each other. They bleed out. And they both
suffer. So either it will be a love story, or a tragedy. And with Jason being
named after a Greek hero, and Natasha's namesake being a child who was
murdered, we fear these two will have an interesting story to say the least.
They will not have many touching moments. They must cherish the ones they
have left. Some people don't get the happy ending. They help others get
Natasha's perspective
When I woke up in the morning to the alarm clock, I rolled over on my side. I
felt muscles next to me and I felt trapped. Instincts kicking in, I grabbed my
combat knife from underneath the pillow and rolled over on top of his body
held the knife against the man's throat and yelled "Name, purpose, and what
the hell I'm doing next to you!" Since he was on his stomach, I lifted his head
up to allow him to speak. The response embarrassed me. "Well Nat, my name
as I have stated before is Jason, or Jace, or Jay. But, if this is you just being
special, i don't know how to help ya. And, your next to me cuz remember our
agreement? Now we have work to do so if you would like to get off my back
even though I kinda like it, that'd be nice." As I rolled off him, I hastily offered
an apology. "Oh my God Jay I'm so sorry. I thought you were a threat..." as he
rolled over to put his arm around me, he said "Nat, you know I'd never hurt
you, but it's ok you reacted like that." I moved out from his grasp, and sat up to
look at him. "Wait, Jason. What are we? I really want to know our boundaries.
I want to
be able to define what we are. Otherwise it'll mess up our work dynamic." I felt
so bad. Jace looked so uncomfortable. Then finally he spoke. "Well, what do
you want to be? Do you want to keep staying in the same bed but keep it
totally platonic? Do u want to sleep in different beds? Are we allowed to date
others? Are you like my sister? What do you want to be? I'm fine with
whatever you decide." I suddenly flashed back to my last relationship. Pain
and suffering. It didn't last long. My ex tried to pipe bomb me, and I was a
bomb tech so.... "ok Jace. Can we just keep everything platonic? Like, I'll
sleep on the couch from now on. Nothing against you, I just see you as a
super close friend. Almost a sort of brother." My heart twisted into two pieces
as I lied to him. It was for my safety and protection I reminded myself. It didn't
help though. The look on his face as he realized what I was saying was
heartbreaking, but it needed to be done. "Well, ok then Nat if that is what
you'd like. I need to go change now." Honestly, I had a couple of reasons for
doing this. 1) Thalia. Who the hell was she?!?! 2) I always hurt what I love the
most so... maybe I just don't deserve love. Whoever this Thalia is, she can
have him back. She probably makes him far more happy than I do or ever will.
Jason's perspective
What the hell did she just do? She's gone. And I don't know why. I love her.
Was it me? What? Why do I do this? Everyone I love gets hurt. Maybe she's
better off this way? I have no idea. She deserves so much more than me. If I
couldn't save Thalia and Percy, how can I expect to keep her safe? To keep
the team safe? I'm just a coward with aim. A fraud. Oh, there she comes.
Maybe if I'm humorous, it'll be better. "OK, so can we discuss why there's
knifes under my pillows Nat? It's kinda funny not gonna lie." "Oh, sorry Jason,
you wouldn't have to worry about that again, and there's multiple guns stashed
in your house. I'll be out by Tuesday. I'm sorry if I ever made it seem as though
I have romantic interest in you. I didn't." As she said that, she looked so sad. It
could be because of the lie she was telling, or because she was trying to
protect herself from pain. I knew she liked me because I had heard her
whisper it during her sleep. "Oh, Nat, you don't have to move out right now,
your welcome to stay." "Jason, it's best we forget about this all." "Ok Nat " just
like that. I was out of her life, and she was moving on. With her was the only
time I had slept. But now? Would I ever sleep? Sleep that wasnt me just
passing out from exhaustion? I needed her, but she had casually tossed me
aside. But no matter what, I'd be there for her. Eh, it was already time to leave
for work, so...
Will and Livs perspective
When we arrived at work, Nat and Jason were already there. The closeness
we had witnessed the night before had been replaced by a sort of strange
vibe. We wondered if they had had sex and it didn't work out. So, what do we
do when we have a question? We ask it. So we did. "Hello Natasha, and
Jason. Did you two have sexual intercourse last night and it did not work out?"
Natasha exhibited the weirdest reaction "haha, no sex, but basically
everything else. We just needed to take a break so we wouldn't be distracted
from work. It was a mutual decision." Jason's reaction proved most of her
statement false. "Uhmmm, yeah, wonder kids, we... mutual decision... what
she said." [Observation #1 the two got to close and Natasha probably backed
out for fear. Most likely due to her past]. To keep our cover, we replied "Ah, if
that's all it was. Nice job for trying. Just one question though. Have
both of you been sleeping well?" The replies confimed our suspicions. Jason-
"oh uhmmm, fine. Yeah, fine. Why?" Natasha- "Why do both of you need to
know?" Our reply was very clear. "Oh, just wondering as the two of you matter
to us." At that moment, SSA Jones walked in. "OK you youngsters, time for
work. Stop the chitchat, I'm not y'all's teacher."
Natasha's perspective

Ok, before y'all go and get mad at me, I'm destined to hurt him. It's a fact. I
hurt everyone I love. That's life. So, no, I'm not gonna go and get into a
relationship with him because he's to good. I don't deserve him. "HEY!" came
the booming voice of Jones. "Yes sir?" I replied. "Were you paying any fucking
attention to anything that just came out of my mouth Johnson?!"
"Sorry sir"
"Sorry jonesy".
"Urghhh, I give up. Anyways, we have a bomb case. A threat was called into
HQ today at 0650. HQ had to check if it had credibility, and it did. There's no
real info, just that it will be in Roanoke, Virginia. We'll drive down there right
now. Probably in the van. Wonder kids, I need you to to come with us on this
Oh God, it's another bomb case. I'm screwed. "Wait, boss, what type of
"Well, the person didn't tell us, just told us it was gonna be 'fucking big' "
"Ok.." I felt Jason's hand on my shoulder as we walked to the car. I didn't

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