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Facilitator’s Guide


Bible Verse: “It is the Lord!” (John 21:7)
Date: July 7-10, 2022
Time: 6 - 10 pm
Event Objectives:
For the YES CAMP 2022 Formation Program, the participants are expected to:
● Recognize their active role in the synodal church;
● Relate the experiences of the disciples’ encounter to Jesus after resurrection on their
community / ministry; and
● Respond to the challenge of the synodal church by participating in the mission of the
disciples who brought the light amidst the darkness.
General Guidelines for Facilitators:
1. The Formation Team will have an initial briefing at 5:30pm, since the program
starts at 6:30 pm. Attendance is a must.
2. Make sure your Zoom Application is updated to the latest version.
3. When entering the zoom, do not forget to change your name to the format:
4. Make sure to have a copy of the powerpoint presentation together with the
background music to be used. You may get these files through this gdrive link:
a. After downloading the file, open it and check if it is working.
b. Test the background music
c. Browse the content and familiarize yourselves with the slides
d. You may add notes, to help you remember key points in explaining each
5. Use the virtual background provided. You may download a copy through this link:
6. Do not forget to pray and have fun.


1. Once you have entered your assigned breakout room, update through our group chat
using the message format: CLUSTER NAME: IN; and CLUSTER NAME: OUT once
you’re finished and already back in the plenary.
2. Always keep your cameras open for the whole duration of the session.
3. Keep your microphones muted, when somebody is sharing.
4. Encourage the participants to use the reaction buttons: virtual clap, heart, thumbs
5. In case an internet failure occurs, send a message directly to the overseer (Nikko)
and to your Cluster’s group chat with the format: “Sorry for the interruption, but I’m
having internet connection problems at the moment. Kindly remain in the breakout
rooms, until given further instructions.”
a. You may use the messenger group chat to continue the call.
b. You may send a picture format of the powerpoint slides for them to be


1. Take note of the important things that you’ve encountered from your session that
needs to be continued and further improved.
2. We will have our post evaluation and feedback right after the program has ended.
3. Tap yourself on the shoulder and congratulate yourself for a job well done!

Day 1 - RYD 2021 Green or any Green Shirt
Day 2 - Star Games 2021 Black or any Black shirt
Day 3 - Ignis White 2019 or any White shirt
Day 4 - Yes Camp 2022 shirt


Day 1: Getting To Know Activity (Break out Rooms)

Date: July 7, 2022
Attire: RYD Shirt Green or any Green Shirt
Time: 9:10 PM - 9:35 PM
1. The Facilitator will start the introduction using the format:

Name and Nickname

Parish and District

2. He/She will ask one participant the question “Do you Love Me?”

3. The Participant shall answer yes or no, once the answer is given the person who
asked the question will choose a number among the fishes

4. Each fish corresponds to a word that the person who asked the question will use to
relate it to themselves.

5. If the person asked answered yes, he/she will also pick the number from the
selection of the fishes in the yes column

6. If the person asked answered no, the person introducing themselves will pick the
number from the selection of the fishes in the no column.

7. Automatically, the person asked with the question “Do you Love Me?” will be the
next person to introduce themselves.

8. After they introduce themselves, encourage the participants to use the “virtual
clap” reaction button.

Note: Remind the participants that they don’t need to explain further how they relate the
word to themselves – one liner will do.

● Assign a leader for the cluster to coordinate for the cluster presentation and Mr and
● Send a copy of the Guidelines through your Clusters Messenger Group Chat
● Remind participants to download and print a photo to the device that they will use
for the YES Camp that shows the people whom they treat as their “comfort zone” or
simply those people who they see as a safe place.



1 Time (Oras) Hands (Kamay)

2 Disciple (Alagad) Grow (Paglago)

3 Night (Gabi) Third (Pangatlo)

4 Dawn (Madaling Araw) Feed (Pakainin)

5 Boat (Bangka) Revealed (Nabunyag)

6 Eat (Kumain) Breakfast (Almusal)

7 Sheep (Tupa) Torn (Hati)

8 Lead (Mamuno) Net (Lambat)

9 Follow (Pagsunod) Bread (Tinapay)

10 Garment (Kasuotan) Fire (Apoy)

11 Fire (Apoy) Garment (Kasuotan)

12 Bread (Tinapay) Follow (Pagsunod)

13 Net (Lambat) Lead (Mamuno)

14 Torn (Hati) Sheep (Tupa)

15 Breakfast (Almusal) Eat (Kumain)

16 Revealed (Nabunyag) Boat (Bangka)

17 Feed (Pakainin) Dawn (Madaling Araw)

18 Third (Pangatlo) Night (Gabi)

19 Grow (Lumago) Disciple (Alagad)

20 Hands (Kamay) Time (Oras)


Day 2 - Session 1: Returning to Our Old Ways: Comfort Zone  (Plenary)

Date: July 8, 2022
Attire: STAR Games 2021 Black or any Black Shirt
Duration: 7:20 – 8:20 PM
Materials Needed: 
Participants Facilitators
● Gadget with functional microphone ● Gadget with functional microphone
and camera (Laptop, tablet, smart and camera (Laptop, tablet, smart
phone) phone)
● Headset ● Headset
● Internet Connection ● Internet Connection
● Downloaded Picture of their Comfort

Session Flow:

Time Activity

6:55-7:00 ● Settling down

7:00-7:05 ● Evening praise/prayer

7:05-7:15 ● Recap Day 1

7:15-7:20 ● Emcee spiel

● Introduction of speaker

7:20-8:00 ● Session 1

8:00-8:20 ● Activity

8:20-8:30 ● Processing and transition to

breakout rooms for Session 2

Activity: 8:00-8:20 PM
Note: To be conducted by emcee

My Haven
The goal of this activity is to reminisce and rekindle the moments that they shared
with the persons with whom they shared their “comfort zones”. They are individuals or
groups that they personally see as their go-to, one call away friend/s, resting place, a group
where they are free to be themselves. These may be their family, best friends, barkada, or
youth ministry ate’s and/or kuya’s.
● Photo (downloaded)
● as tool (
● The facilitator/emcee will send a link for a padlet activity.
● The facilitator/emcee will explain the activity.
○ The participants will access the link shared to them.
○ In this activity, they will be requested to look for a picture that they wish to
○ The photo should show the people whom they treat as their “comfort zone”
or simply those people who they see as a safe place.
○ They will then post this photo in the padlet and also answer a question “Why
do you see them as your comfort zone?”.
○ They will also include their Name, Group, and Parish-District.
○ They are also encouraged to give words of affirmation by commenting on
other participants’ posts and by liking them or clicking the heart (♡).

Additional note:

● Encourage participants to answer the padlet activity.

● Participants will be requested to bring a printed copy of the photo that they will use
in this activity during Day 4 (size 3”x5” landscape or portrait).

Process of activity (emcee) - Transition to Breakout Room: 8:20-8:30 PM


Day 2 - Session 2: From Nothingness in the Night to Fullness of Light : Fear Zone
(Break Out Rooms)
Date: July 8, 2022
Attire: STAR Games 2021 Black or any Black Shirt
Duration: 8:30 -9:30 pm
Materials Needed: 
Participants Facilitators
● Gadget with functional microphone ● Gadget with functional microphone
and camera (Laptop, tablet, smart and camera (Laptop, tablet, smart
phone) phone)
● Headset ● Headset
● Internet Connection ● Internet Connection
● Short Bond Paper (Scratch) ● Timer (10 minutes)
● Pencil/Ball pen ● Powerpoint presentation/canva (for
pictures and for processing)
● Attendance of Participants

Session Flow:

Time Activity

8:30 - 8:35 ● Facis Check In

● Welcoming of Participants
● Zoom Etiquette

8:35 - 8:45 ● Reading of the Gospel

● Brief explanation of the Verse
● Instruction Giving for the Activity:
Faith ID

8:45 - 8:55 ● Activity Proper

8:55 - 9:15 ● Small Group Sharing

9:15 - 9:25 ● Processing

9:25 - 9:30 ● Final Instruction for the Take Home

Reflection Questions

Activity: FAITH ID

Note: To be given by Facilitators

1. The facilitator will ask the participants to prepare the materials.
2. Once the participants are already settled down, the facilitator will ask the participants to
draw on their respective papers a picture on how they perceive God.
3. They can put different symbols on their drawings to further explain their perception of
4. The participants will be given 5 mins to draw their respective drawings
5. Afterwards, they will share their outputs to their respective clusters.

Processing Points:
● Our God from the Past is still the same God in the Present and in the Future - God
has never left us, even during his passion and death He was with us. He knows our
struggles and emptiness.
● We recognize God’s presence in the most unexpected ways - We feel God’s
presence when we ask for help, We feel His presence when He answers our prayers,
through our joyous moments. We experience His loving presence, even in the
simplest of ways because He is always with us.
● God always provides - He watches us, and knows exactly what, how and when to
provide our needs.
● God always helps us feel his presence through our friends or loved ones - In the
gospel, St. John the beloved disciple was the one who easily recognized Jesus
through the casting of the net, because he’s one of the eyewitnesses of Jesus' passion
and death. Just like in our lives, God reminds us through our friends/loved ones that
we are not alone in this journey. Our friends will always be there to help us
recognize His presence in the most difficult times.
● It’s okay to feel lost and weak at times, and we must learn to acknowledge these
feelings in this journey of serving God - serving God through the youth ministry is
not full of ups. It is not an assurance that everything in your life will go exactly as
planned. God teaches us to acknowledge these moments of spiritual dryness and
reflect among ourselves the reasons behind these experiences for us to be able to
put our Trust in Him more by strengthening our prayer lives. In this way we improve
our connection with God

Reflection Questions (at least 3):

1. Have I ever felt moments of emptiness and weariness?
2. Am I still at that moment? or was I able to overcome it?
3. a. In what ways will I be able to overcome these moments of emptiness (Sa paanong
paraan ko ito malalampasan?)
b. How did I overcome it?
4. Recall a specific moment in your life when you felt the presence of God (Balikan mo
ang isang pangyayari sa iyong buhay na masasabi mo ang mga salitang “Si Lord

1. Check the attendance of the participants through the Participants List of your
assigned Cluster. 
○ Take a screenshot before ending the sessions for attendance and documentation
2. Start the session at exactly 8:35 pm (5 mins grace period for those who are having
connectivity issues)
3. Remind the Participants of the following house rules for a fruitful and meaningful
zoom interaction:
a. Turning on your camera is very much appreciated. (If the internet connection
b. Keep your microphones muted unless allowed or requested to speak.
c. Follow the appropriate name format: Cluster_Name
d. Participate in the activities. 
e. Use appropriate words when using the chat feature of the zoom meeting. 

Day 3 - Session 3: Yes, you know that I love you! : Learning Zone  (Plenary)
Date: July 9, 2021
Attire: IGNIS Shirt White or any white shirt
Duration: 1:00 to 4:30 pm
Materials Needed: 
Participants Facilitators
● Gadget with functional microphone ● Gadget with functional microphone
and camera (Laptop, tablet, smart and camera (Laptop, tablet, smart
phone) phone)
● Headset ● Headset
● Internet Connection ● Internet Connection
● 2 Short Bond Paper (clean) ● Powerpoint presentation
● Pencil/Ball pen (quadrants, reflection questions,
points for deepening)

Session Flow:

Time Activity

1:00 - 1:15 ● Zoom sign-in

● Welcoming of Participants
● VO: Instructions for settling down /
Zoom Etiquette

1:15 - 1:20 ● Prayer (Animation)

1:20 - 1:25 ● Recap of YES Camp Day 2

1:25 - 1:30 ● Video of the Bible Scripture (Do you

love me?)

1:30 - 1:45 ● Ice Breaker - Anong Label ‘nyo?


1:45 - 1:50 ● Introduction of the 5 sharers

1:50 - 2:05 ● Sharer 1: Philia (Eduard Ong)

2:05 - 2:20 ● Sharer 2: Storge (Zyrnan Lim)

2:20 - 2:35 ● Sharer 3: Eros (Marwin and Fatima

Nona Alon)

2:35 - 2:50 ● Sharer 4: Philautia (Princess Ruth


2:50 - 3:05 ● Sharer 5: Agape (Rev. Fr. Reynald


3:05 - 3:10 ● Settling down on Breakout Rooms

3:10 - 3:30 ● Activity: Who do I love?

3:30 - 3:50 ● Small Group Sharing

3:50 - 4:00 ● Deepening

4:00 - 4:10 ● Activity: Love Letter of God to Me

4:10 - 4:20 ● Prayer Ritual (Plenary)

4:20 - 4:30 ● Final Instructions

1. Be participative on plenary activities especially on Ice Breaker.
2. Listen to the sharing of the 5 speakers. If possible, take down notes of the points you
may highlight in the Breakout Room.
3. Check the attendance of the participants through the Participants List of your
assigned Cluster. 
4. Start the session at exactly 3:10 pm (5 mins grace period for those who are having
connectivity issues)
5. Remind the participants of the following house rules for a fruitful and meaningful
zoom interaction:
a. Turning on your camera is very much appreciated. (If the internet connection
b. Keep your microphones muted unless allowed or requested to speak.
c. Follow the appropriate name format: Cluster_Name
d. Participate in the activities. 
e. Use appropriate words when using the chat feature of the zoom meeting. 
6. Request the participants to prepare the 2 bond papers and writing materials and put
it beside or near them. These materials should be prepared ahead before giving
instructions of the activity.

Activity 1: Who do I love? (Break out Room)

1. Prepare 1 piece of bond paper and a pen or pencil.
2. Fold the paper into 4. You should have 4 quadrants. (Show the quadrants on the
3. On the 1st quadrant, write Philia. On the 2nd one, write Storge, On the 3rd, write
Eros and on the last quadrant, write Agape. (Show the quadrants with labels of types
of love on the slide)
Note: Philautia is NOT included since this is for self-love.
4. At this point, let’s think of the people surrounding us. Our family, friends, ministry,
organization, community, classmates, officemates… (Start of mood-setting)
5. Let’s now ask ourselves the following question: From whom these people or
groups/communities do I feel/receive these types of Love? Philia? Storge? Eros?
6. You may now begin to write down those names that came to your mind.
There is no limit on the names to be written down. Give a maximum of 10 minutes for
the participants to complete the quadrants.
7. At this point, please flip your paper and write again the 4 types of Love.
8. We will again, think about the people surrounding us.
9. Write the names of the person / group / organization whom you WISH to receive
these types of love.
There is no limit on the names to be written down. Give a maximum of 10 minutes for
the participants to complete the quadrants.

Processing Points:
● There are different types of love but the one that covers it all is Agape. All of the
types of love are important but we must remember that the one expressed to us by
our Creator is Agape. It is the greatest form of love that we may give to the people
around us and most especially to God and the Church. It is written that we should
love one another as He has loved us.
● We are challenged by Jesus to brave the deep waters by leaving the shore. Jesus
asked Simon Peter three times if he loves Him. This is a representation that Jesus
wanted us to go far beyond our comfort zones by removing our doubts, fears and
uncertainties that may hinder us to be His disciples.
● Out of His Love, God has given His only begotten Son to the world to be with
mankind. Through the Eucharist, we remember that Jesus has given His body
and blood for us to be saved from our sins. Just like God and Jesus, we need to
know how to sacrifice in order to truly give. It is when we know how to die before
others that we truly learn the real meaning of living for others.

Activity 2: Love Letter of God to Me (Break out Rooms: Closing activity)

1. Prepare 1 piece of bond paper and a pen or pencil.
2. Ask yourself: Yun bang mga relationships ko, nagli-lead sa akin to love God or love
myself / be selfish? Baka ‘yung connections ko sa ibang tao ay pag-feed lang pala sa
ego ko? Baka kaya ako nakikipagkaibigan sa mga kakilala ko ay dahil may makukuha
kasi ako?
What type of love am I expressing to the people surrounding me / important to me?
Am I able to share the love I am receiving especially to those who really need it? Do I
love God unconditionally? Am I willing to sacrifice worldly things in order to fully
submit myself to him?
3. At this point, you may begin writing a love letter addressed to yourself. Feel as
though you are writing a love letter written by God to you. What are the things you
think God will be saying to you?
Note: We will give the participants 8 minutes to write their letters. Once all is done,
give a few insights from the sharers and the activities to warm-up the tone then remind
the participants that these letters shall be brought tomorrow during the face-to-face
Overseer: Kuya Nikko

Cluster Facilitator 1 Facilitator 2 Facilitator 3

1 Ate Angel Oaperina Kuya Ben Kuya Pio

2 Ate Ghe Ate Dali Kuya Mark

3 Kuya Marlon Ate Fae

4 Ate Angel Maldo Kuya Ernest

5 Kuya Erwin Ate Rochelle

6 Ate Gla Kuya Gabby

7 Kuya Doms Ate Therese Ate Bica

8 Ate Jogie Kuya Marius

9 Kuya AC Ate Bea

10 Kuya Jonine Kuya Rodge

11 Ate Mae Kuya Jim

12 Kuya Popoy Kuya Jude

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