Chapter 1

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In this chapter the researcher discuss background of the study, objective of

study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, specification of

the product, and the definition key terms.

1.1. Background of The Study

English is international language in the world. Almost people use English

for their daily activities, education, work and many professions such as medicine

and businessman. As a result speaking English is really needed. But many people

still difficulty speak English well as like in Indonesia itself because English is a

foreign language. So English is the most important to learn but it is not used for

daily activities. In Indonesia English only become one of the subjects in the

school and only focuses in four skills including reading, speaking, writing, and

listening, and teaching English in school will help students to follow the

development of English in the world.

Of course, learning English in the school will have difficulty to learn four

skill especially speaking skill. Speaking is a means of communicating with others

and become process of sharing. For the definition speaking can share our ideas

with oral communication also sometimes we can share our feeling although only

speak up. So the student should study hard for speaking skill.

In this case, there is a difference process of learning between an ordinary

formal school and an extraordinary school not only for speaking skill but all of the
subjects of learning in the school. The learning method of extraordinary school

must be adapted to the needs of the student and should pay more attention to

them. In a study concluded that teaching children with special needs includes one

of which is communication. The teacher must focus on their flaws and give them

a good teaching. Especially for deaf students how to communicate using sign

language and body movements according to sign language that has been agreed

upon by international standards. Deaf students tend to be visual in their learning.

There are many types or identification of deaf students such as unable to

hear, late language development, Frequent use of gestures in communication less

or not responsive when spoken to, and speech is not clear, strange/monotone

sound quality. So we can conclude from the identification that deaf students really

need to develop or improve their speaking skill to get a good communication with


For the reason, after understanding about the problem of deaf and know

about what their need now, the researcher conduct research by making a learning

media product that can used by students to help them in the learning process

especially English for speaking skill, where this product can useful for Deaf

students. The research make a study to help students learning English in

understanding speaking skill students by Games from power point media by title

Designing SIAGA (Speaking Skill Games) for deaf students as a media more

effective and interesting.

1.2. Objective of The Study

This research is intended to design SIAGA to help deaf Students on speaking

skill in learning English at SMPLB Muhammadiyah.

1.3. Significance of The Study

SIAGA application is expected to have positive impacts for teachers, students,

and further researcher.

1. For teachers, with this application will help learning speaking skills in it more

easily and effectively. He or she can improve learning of speaking skill for deaf


2. For students, the SIAGA application is expected to help their learning speaking

skill and make a learning more easily and fun.

3. For further researches, After doing this research, it will help other researchers

who have the same topic in terms of theory. Also can give other researcher more

information about the condition of deaf students speaking skill and useful

references as data information for conducting further research.

1.4. Scope and Limitation of the study

The research is conducted on the extraordinary of deaf Students at SMPLB

Muhammadiyah Jombang. The researcher will limit this research focuses on

measure speaking skill with many games, including : alphabet, word, and sentence

using audio and sign language video.

1.5. Specification of The Product

The media is made from Microsoft Power Point Hyperlink learning

application product with the name “ SIAGA (Speaking Skill Games)”. Power
point a Microsoft office that has several interesting features that can be used for

presentations in teaching, business and office activities. The learning media

created by the researcher made use of the facilities in the power point. On each

slide there will be an attractive display which deaf children really need learning

media in the form of visuals.

And also the researcher using I-Spring Suite 10 in the product. I-Spring

Suite 10 is a power point based authoring toolkit that can use for media of

learning, bussines, and interactive learning also provide menu such as quiz, video

lecture and animation. So after published, the result of I-spring will be HTML-5.

The content of this games includes some materials and exercises. The

materials are about alphabet, words, and sentences which using audio and sign

language video. The exercise will focus on sign language videos so students can

interactive with that video and also in the games there are many levels.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms


SIAGA apps is an application become media of learning for deaf students

that will be focus in speaking skill. Then will discuss about word, vocabulary, and

sentence about greetings for eight grade deaf students of SMPLB Muhammadiyah

that will help learning for deaf students more easily and interactive in the speaking


2. Speaking Skill
Speaking is one of important thing for people to communication with

others also have a good social spirit. Then Deaf students have difficulty to speak

well, so this skill should hard to learn for them.

3. Games

Games is one of a media of learning English that will make a students

interesting and fun. So this researcher used Microsoft Power Point to help design

this media until become a fun games, which is focus on visual and audio.

4. Deaf Students

Deaf children are children who have a deficiency in their hearing which

cannot hear sounds and may not hear at all. Then Deaf students about their

communication or language need to learn more and more. For the reason the

researcher made this media to help Deaf students in learning English especially

about speaking skill

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