EO BusinessPlan Group12 SectionE

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2022 – 24






Sr. No. Contents Contributed by
1 Idea and Valuation Ayush Behl
2 Industry Attractiveness Rishika Goyal
3 Road to Market Ayush Behl
4 Potential Customers Rishika Goyal
5 Potential Competitors Raunaq Walia
6 Marketing Strategy Raunaq Walia
7 Source of finance Aayush Kumar
8 Scale-up plan Aayush Kumar


The plan is to create a one stop platform for content creators and brand managers to manage their branding
and marketing campaigns.
Such a platform will help connect marketers, consultants, brand managers to interested influencers based on
their reach, profile, fan following and followers, category in which they command the most loyalty etc.

The main aim of ‘Meet n Media’(a potential name of the company, short form ‘MM’) is to:

● Bring multiple stakeholders on a single platform to increase engagement

● Help budding creators realize their potential and turn into a successful social media influencer
● Provide insights into product marketing campaigns to the brands & content creators

Such a platform will fulfill the following requirements - Connecting content creator with brands to get brand
deals which help both. Consulting them as per their requirement to design a customized growth roadmap to
increase their audience. Business consultancy to large creators to setup their own business line like selling
apparels, jewelry, electronics etc.

MM will mainly serve two type of customers

1.) All type of Social Media Influencers who will be on boarded onto the platform by paying a one-time fee.
2.) Brands looking to hire influencers for their media campaigns. Such brands will pay a monthly
subscription to operate on the platform and will pay a %based commission of each successful

Valuation & Market Size
Currently there are no/very few companies operating directly in this space. There are some companies which
will be indirect competitors for eg - Trell, Roposol etc. India’s Influencer Market is projected to be INR 2200
crore in 2022. Since there are very few competitors in this space and no directly operating in this space, we
expect that we would be able to onboard 30-40% of influencers very rapidly and this number will grow quite

There are a number of factors that can impact how much an influencer charges for their services and it’s rare
to find an influencer who charges a flat rate. Influencer marketing is a legitimate business and influencers set
their rates based on what brands will pay. While our list doesn’t cover everything that goes into determining
how much an influencer might charge, these are the things you can count on to have an impact:

● The influencers reach and engagement

● The channel they use
● How many posts you want and if they include things like images, videos, and audio
● How much effort it will require from the influencer
● Where the ad will be promoted/cross-posted
● Agency fees (if the influencer is with an influencer marketing agency)

Also we’ll make the following assumptions while estimating the market size and potential annual revenue.
Firstly, all the influencers are charging money for single post/video/engagement and no long term fees are
included in this. Secondly, the rates which influencers charge for various categories and platform they are
operating on is different, so we’ll assume a fixed price of Rs10k for each successful collaboration between
brands and influencer.

40% Market Share of Rs 2200 crore = Rs 900 crore

Rs 900cr/Rs10000 = 900000 engagements between influencers
Out of this 900000, 100000 would be number of influencers and rest will be repeat customers
Assuming a Rs 1000 one-time fee for influencer and 1% commission for each engagement

Total Revenue from influencers = Rs 1000 * 100000 + 1% of (Rs 900 cr)

= Rs 19 crore

Revenue from Brands = Assuming 1000 brands sign up with MM in the first year of operation (2022)
Brand monthly subscription fee = Rs 1000
Total Revenue from Brand Subscription = 1000*1000*12 = 1.2 crore
Revenue from Brand-Collaborator Engagement = 1% commission charged from brand as well on Rs 900
crore = Rs 9 crore

Total Revenue in first year = Rs 19 crore + Rs 9 crore + Rs 1.2 crore = Rs 30 crore approximately

Assuming 5x multiple of revenue

Valuation = 150 crores


The creator economy has been growing at a rapid pace, even more so after the push to digitalization fueled by
the pandemic. In India, according to new studies, the influencer marketing spends in 2022 would be around Rs
1,300 crore, witnessing a skyrocketing growth of 40 per cent from 2021. With the growing relatability of
influencers, influencer marketing has become central to a brand’s media mix. Over the last six years, influencer
marketing has grown exponentially and is currently the fastest growing segment within digital marketing in India.
In the last couple of years with many small, medium, and even some multinational brands opting for social
media influencers to promote their products. Around 36.9% of brands rely on Instagram for their dedicated
influencer marketing efforts. YouTube, has 20.6% of brands relying on long-form video content on the platform.
Facebook continues to be popular, with 18.7% of brands using it for influencer marketing. According to a report
by a digital marketing company, Social Beat. The influencer marketing industry’s value is estimated to grow at a
compound annual growth rate of 25% over the next 5 years to reach Rs 2,200 crore by 2025 from Rs 900 crore
in 2021. Today, 61.2% of all brands recognize the power of influencer marketing to tap into a newer audience
pool to boost brand awareness. Larger organizations have recognized influencer marketing as integral to their
digital marketing strategies, while smaller organizations recognize its importance, but are yet to invest
significant resources into influencer marketing. Owing to this huge growth in this industry, there has been a
huge influx of new budding creators. Brands thus, find it difficult to discover and look for specific content
creators with appropriate reach and engagement.


Influencer marketing enables large brands to attract more customers while also allowing small businesses to
scale up by increasing visibility, which provides a higher ROI than other marketing channels. As a result, the
platform will be a two-sided marketplace, with both influencers and brands as customers.

Potential customers for the brand would be as follows:

● Brand managers of large established brands are primarily interested in targeting through digital and
influencer marketing. Brands, particularly those in the beauty, skincare, and haircare industries, are
active in this space because they want to reach customers through real-time product demonstrations.
D2C brands looking to target urban, tech-savvy youth can be found on social media platforms such as
boAt electronics, online apparel stores, and so on.
● Digital marketing agencies are also increasingly looking for social media influencers and campaign data
to recommend the best influencer for their campaigns.
● Small business owners looking for local or niche influencers to expand their reach
● Other influencers - This could be a small but growing target segment for influencers looking for
collaboration with other influencers.

On the influencer side, we will initially only be a listing platform for influencers, listing their data from various
social media platforms. For example, data on followers, likes, average engagement on each post, the space in
which the influencer exists, and so on.

The major influencer categories to be targeted in this space are:

● Micro-influencers: Influencers with a few thousand followers who are looking to be discovered by
● Macro influencers:
○ Comedians and entertainers: Prominent figures in the sce
○ Beauty influencer: o Healthcare influencer - Pages devoted to specific topics such as female
health, haircare, and fitness
● YouTube channels dedicated to specific topics such as tech reviews, cooking content, skincare content,
gamers, and so on.

Although there are many startups in the influencer marketing space, they are mostly focused on influencers.
They help influencers in creating engaging campaigns for brands, provide a platform to connect with brands,
help increase followers and manage their offline presence. Very few startups are in this space and focusing on
brands. Wobb and GetEvangelized are two direct competitors, as is Aer Media. ClanConnect and InfluencerHai
are two indirect competitors, as are traditional artist management companies like OML, which offer brand
collaboration deals to social media influencers and are established competitors in this space.
Detailed information on the competitors in this space:

Wobb: Wobb is an influencer marketing automation platform with over 1Mn searchable verified social media
influencers, across 100 categories. Wobb makes it easy for brands to find influencers, standardize payments,
automate campaigns, clearly measure effectiveness and reduces the time to complete a campaign by 80%

Get Evangelized: GetEvangelized helps micro celebrities (key opinion leaders and influencers) get discovered
for digital endorsement opportunities by relevant brands. It presents brands with the right set of data points to
pick the most engaging influencers to activate and measure people powered campaigns.

Aer Media: Helps not only discover the right influencer but also helps plan influencer campaigns with in-depth
insights on their platform. They have an influencer database has more than 20,000 influencers across verticals
and demographics and aim to ease influencer discovery and aid in scaling up your brand story on social

OML: Only Much Louder (OML) is an Indian artist management, event management company and a content
production house. It manages a roster of artists which include comedians and musicians and also ran a
ticketing and technology platform, Insider.in earlier. This gave the company a leverage over existing and
budding artists.

ClanConnect: ClanConnect helps brands discover the right influencers, it also helps influencers & content
creators identify & connect with the right brands to improve their

Instagram & YouTube: Going forward, instagram and youtube may forward integrate to provide the
feature of directly listing, sorting and searching for influencers along with detailed information on their
reach and engagement.

Our idea is an app that allows brands to connect with influencers. It will show a list of influencers and brands
and provide both with an option to choose. Thus, our target audience would be brands and influencers.
To build an image around the app, we will need a tagline that represents what we aspire to provide. Our tagline
would be “CREATE, CONNECT, CAPTIVATE”. This would highlight the vision of our app and it also resonates
with people who wish to connect and create together.

The marketing strategies that we would use to build an image and reputation would be:

1. Social media marketing:

Influencers looking to connect with brands would definitely find them online and, likewise, brands would also do
the same. The three main platforms to be used would be:
- Instagram: This would be used to build our image. Every post would highlight the benefits of our app
and also user experiences.
- Facebook: We would target the various interest groups on the app and send them an invite to our app
along with certain joining benefits.
- LinkedIn: Direct messages would be sent to various people who are looking for or have the potential to
market a brand based on their interests, followers and reach. This would help in audience building.

2. SEO optimization and digital promotion:

There would be three things that we would ideally do to boost our reach organically:
- Ask bloggers/vloggers who have gained collaborations from us to write about us on their page.
- Use the right keywords to make sure that we are at the top of the search engine after every search.
This will make various brands aware about an easy way to find collaborations with celebrities.
- Focus on testimonials and promote them on relevant websites like buzzfeed, scoopwhoop etc. so as to
make ourselves more visible.

Unconventional marketing that focuses on pull-strategy would be our way to go to create a community of
influencers and brands. This can be done through:
- Having a campaign called “Connectathon” where for a week, various influencers can send us videos
showcasing their talents and through a poll, various winners will be selected.
- “BrandVerse” where we talk about the best influencer marketing strategies of the month.

We will also be holding a festival called “WE ARE VIRAL” inviting influencers and their fans from all over the
country to meet, interact and celebrate together.
Along with this, profiles of various famous influencers will be shared on our page so that brands have a better
idea in realising the connect we provide and the ease in collaborations through our app.


As a startup, we have identified several avenues through which we can acquire funds for the pre-seed
stage of our company.
a. We have observed that crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter have shown huge success
to many up and coming startups and we see our app as having a similar value to the people
who will contribute to our seed-funding round through first-access benefits.
b. We have currently also set up a donation page on our website so that we can have people who
are loyal to our mission an avenue to fund us.
c. As being very fresh in the market, we find that having Business Incubators like Y Combinator
will help us in not only providing us the seed capital but also giving us the much needed
mentorship and access to resources that we might need now and in the future.
d. Angel Investors and Venture Capitals are always there as options if we decide to pursue the
traditional route to finance our startup.
e. We currently plan to join as many funding contests as possible so that we have a fighting
chance and are able to present in front of esteemed and distinguished investors and also
observe the current trend regarding what other startups are doing.
f. Currently, we are also willing to sell a part of our company’s equity to bring in strategic partners
who can provide their expertise in how we can expand our company and its operations so that it
is profitable in the future.
g. We plan on talking to various companies if they are open to collaborating with us or are ready to
promote themselves through our app so we can get seed funding and promise them prime slots
in our app.
h. If the above avenues somehow don’t work out, we plan as founders to collaborate to bootstrap
this venture to keep it afloat till the time we find people who are willing to finance us and join us
in the journey.
After having initiated a successful seed funding round, we plan on going with the traditional flow of
obtaining further funding. After utilizing the money and proving ourselves on the ground, we plan on
going ahead with the Series A, Series B, Series C rounds and they going for an IPO where we plan to
be able to pay back to our investors if they wish to dilute their stake.


In this section, we will mainly discuss the market entry strategy, how will the “MM” acquire customers.
The company would need to target two types of customers and acquire them after starting operations. First
one is the social media influencers and secondly would be the brands looking to collaborate with the
influencers on our platform.

And what better place to engage with social media influencers other than social media itself. The company
would use digital marketing to expand its reach and influence among customers . There will also be a network
effect at play as once the regular consumers and influencers would find other people flocking to get
collaborations on “MM”, others will follow.

Regarding brands, a B2B strategy of directly reaching out to brands along with expanding digital presence of
the company will be put to use. Brands usually reach out to celebrity managers and PAs to set up
collaborations. But eventually, companies will do this via our platform where they can search for various
influencers and sort them out on the basis of various filters such as reach, followers, category etc.

Apart from customer acquisition, a successful market entry plan requires a financial plan, which is discussed
separately in the previous section.


According to estimates, over the next five years, the value of the influencer marketing sector would increase at
a compound annual growth rate of 25%, from Rs 900 crore in 2021 to Rs 2,200 crore in 2025. The industry is
expected to grow rapidly because to the rapid increase in the number of creators and the growing
collaborations between brands and creators to provide the target audience with engaging, relatable story

Today, 61.2% of all brands are aware of the potential of influencer marketing to increase brand awareness by
reaching out to a younger audience. Influencer marketing is now considered to be essential to larger
companies' digital marketing strategy, whereas smaller companies are aware of its significance but have not
yet made major investments in it.

The survey found that annual spending on influencers might reach up to 10% of digital marketing budgets for
half of the respondents. 10% of those polled spend more than 40% of their total digital marketing expenditure
on influencer marketing each year.

This growth of the social media marketing industry will be the key driver for the growth of the company, as with
robust industry growth, the revenues generated by this division of the company will also shoot up.

To keep with the fast paced world, and keeping in mind VUCA & BANI, the company would also diversify into
other income streams in the future. There are several options for that

1.) The company becomes a pure campaign management company for the brands. It will then become a
one-stop solution for various companies to launch & manage their campaigns. This will also provide the
benefits of backward integration as the company will now be managing everything related to ad &
media campaigns for brands.
2.) With this, the company also aims to become a one-stop solution for influencers , to manage their
personal engagement , social media and various other aspects of their public image. With this, we aim
to replace single-person celebrity managers in the process.


1. https://www.moneycontrol.com/storyboard18/how-it-works/indias-influencer-marketing-industry
2. https://angel.co/startups/l/india/influencer-marketing-2


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