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Project Risk Register

<Project Name>

Risk Identification Qualitative Rating Risk Response

Risk Risk Category Probability Impact Risk Score Ranking Risk Response Trigger Risk Owner
Sudden mass order of certain products or
Incorrect pricing/type of information or other forms of entry of the items on the website Human neligence 9 6 54 1 Stop online web services and rectify error. customers' feedback. Web administrator
Verify order authencity and recfiy error upon double
Multiple confirmation of the same order, deliberate or unintentional Human neligence 8 5 40 2 checking with customers Customers' feedback Web administrator

Accidental aborting from a transaction while it is being processed Human neligence 5 5 25 3 Ensure that the system voids all transactions once aborted. Customers' feedback Web administrator
Incorrect calculation of prices within the shopping cart Software flaws 4 5 20 4 Check for software bug under shopping cart module Customers' feedback System Developer
Presence of bugs in the coding which prevents customer from proceeding on to the next step of
transaction Software flaws 3 6 18 5 Check for software bugs in website coding Customers' feedback System Developer
User unable to add/remove/modify items in the shopping cart Software flaws 3 6 18 5 Check for software bug under shopping cart module Customers' feedback System Developer
Failure in order tracking system Software flaws 3 6 18 5 Check for software bug under tracking module Customers' feedback System Developer
Customer login failure Software flaws 6 3 18 5 Check for login system error Customers' feedback System Developer
Activate cooling system contractor and ensure maintenance Sudden system failure or data centre
Poor maintenance of cooling system which leads to overheating and malfunction Environment factors 3 4 12 7 is done rightfully and on time temperature alert. Facilities manager
Sudden system failure or data centre
Power failure or surge causing damage or loss of service to the system Environment factors 2 6 12 7 Activate backup power or UPS. temperature alert. Facilities manager
Sudden system failure or data centre
Poor maintenance of the cabling causing it to be exposed and vulnerable to accidental cuts Environment factors 1 6 6 10 Activate cablers contractor to rectify issue temperature alert. Facilities manager
Natural Disasters like floods and earthquake damaging the system Environment factors 1 6 6 10 Proceed with DR procedures News, Data centre alert IT Manager
Rectify it and ensure installation are carried out in proper
Poor installation procedure that may cause the system to not function properly as intended Installation errors 4 4 16 6 procedures Software system malfunction IT Manager
Rectify it and ensure installation are carried out in proper
Proper analysis not carried out before installing latest software/firmware patches from vendors Installation errors 4 4 16 6 procedures Software system malfunction IT Manager
Database/ server hardware component failure System failure 4 5 20 4 Active vendors to perform RMA if necessary System failure IT Manager
Network equipment failure causing unavailability of the website. System failure 4 5 20 4 Active vendors to perform RMA if necessary System failure IT Manager
Active vendors to perform corrective configuration if
Network routing configuration issues causing unavailability of the website. System failure 4 5 20 4 necessary System failure IT Manager
Slowness or high load usage on server System
High CPU or memory utilization causing degrading of system performance System failure 2 5 10 8 Check server logs for unusual traffic load monitoring software Administrator
Check server logs for unusual traffic load and also anti virus System
Trojan horse infection through accidental downloading of files and the Trojan was hidden in the file Security vulunerabilities 4 4 16 6 logs Unusual spam emails , high cpu utilization Administrator
Cracking passwords and gaining unauthorized access to the system and causing disruption to the System
system and network Security vulunerabilities 3 4 12 7 Check IPS, firewalls and network equipment logs Unusual traffic activities Administrator

Key Terms

Risk: The risk stated in a complete sentence which states the cause of the risk, the risk, and the effect that the risk causes to the project.
Risk Category: Categorization of risks by area of project affected, source of risk or other useful category.
Probability: The likelihood that a risk or opportunity will occur (on a scale from 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest).
Impact: The impact of the risk on the project if the risk occurs (scale from 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest).
Risk Score: Determined by multiplying probability and impact (scale from 0 to 100).
Risk Ranking: A priority list which is determined by the relative ranking of the risks (by their scores) within
the project with the number one being the highest risk score.
Risk Response: The action which is to be taken if this risk occurs.
Trigger: Something which indicates that a risk is about to occur or has already occured.
Risk Owner: The person who the project manager assigns to watch for triggers, and manage the risk
response if the risk occurs.

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