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Go Analysis hub –Explore - blank/ path analysis- we choose blank

3 tabs appear – variable, tab settings, actual output (report )


Name of exploration – untiled analysis

Custom – set date

Segments –Eg: paid traffic , mobile traffic , tablet traffic etc-

Dimensions – Event name , gender, country , device category, user medium etc-

metrics – only 3 metrics available for path analysis – Active users, event count & total count

Tab Settings – directly responsible for visualization

Technique – select path analysis

To view user traffic details, choose paid traffic from segments (variables) and move to segment in tab

Data of paid traffic appear in the blank report tab

Node type affect what is available in the drop down in visualization eg: event name we select

Click on the event name to go one level deeper (i.e step 1 to step 2 – detailed analysis)

Breakdown – eg add device category

Filters – available for dimensions and metrics

Default report is loaded



2. Exploration – Start a new exploration
3. New console window will open – It has # tabs – Variables , Tab Settings , Free form (for actual
4. Variables Tab – Choose the segmets, metrics & dimensions. Also adjust date, name of
5. Tab settings – Choose path exploration
Visualization type can also be changed to pie chart, bar chart , table etc-
Default report is loaded

6. Define starting point in the next steps of path exploration report

Go to start over on top right of report page –>chose a dimension under starting point or drag from tab
settings>node type list and drop on the starting point

Eg: event name, page title, page screen title selected from node type & dropped to the starting point

To create path exploration report –

Choose eg event name or screen name node types

Path Analysis– session_ start>page view>add to cart>purchase

7.Session start – Select session start from events overlay on the right side & select the nodes drag to
start point i.e event name, page title, page screen title

8. Click on the pencil icon next to step one to add the next event i.e page view

9.Page view - choose page view from the check box. select page title and screen name (for this

10. Add to cart – step+2 here …i.e rite after page view. Click on add_ to _cart checkbox

11. No purchase happened after adding to the cart. However, people have visited the pages . Hence
add step +3- choose page title & screen name from events.

Check the shopping cart from the checkbox. There are 15 more events in this step +3 which are not
described the blog. They have directly gone to purchase event

12- Add a new step – Step +4- Select the event name

*********This is how path exploration report is created **********

If we are not finding event in subsequent steps, reverse report is created

1.Reverse Exploration report – drag the nodes to end point instead of start point

2. Choose the purchase event first.

3. Report begins with Step -1 & then purchase details

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