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• Jobs of a Manager:
• Hiring and staffing.
• Training new employees.
• Coaching and developing existing employees.
• Dealing with performance problems and
• Supporting problem resolution and decision-
Jobs of a Manager
• Conducting timely performance evaluations.
• Translating corporate goals into functional and
individual goals.
• Monitoring performance and initiating action to
strengthen results.
• Monitoring and controlling expenses and budgets.
• Tracking and reporting scorecard results to senior
• Planning and goal-setting for future periods.
Essential Skills of a Manager
• Leadership— Manager must be able to set priorities
and motivate your team members. This involves self-
awareness, self-management, social awareness and
relationship management. Be a source of energy,
empathy, and trust. And remember that effective
leaders work daily to develop team members through
positive feedback, constructive feedback, and coaching.
• Communication—Become a student of effective
communication in all its applications, including one-on-
one, small group, large group, email and social media.
Realize that the most important aspect of
communicating is listening.
Essential Skills of a Manager
• Collaboration—Serve as a role model for working together.
Support cross-functional efforts and model collaborative behaviors
to set the example for your team members.
• Critical Thinking—Strive to understand where and how your
projects fit into the bigger picture to enhance your effectiveness.
Review priorities in light of larger goals. Translate this
understanding into meaningful goals and objectives for your team
• Finance—Learn the language of numbers. Managers must strive to
understand how company funds are invested and to ensure that
these investments earn a good return for the firm. While you do
not need to be an accountant to be a manager, it is imperative that
you learn and apply the basics.
• Project Management—Everything that we do that is new in an
organization is created in the form of projects. Today’s managers
understand and leverage formal project management practices to
ensure timely completion and proper control of initiatives.
types of managers

• There are six widely agreed-upon types of

management styles commonly used in today’s
business world.
• Each of these styles has their own strengths and
weaknesses, and a person can use more than one
style, depending on the situation.
• Autocratic managers make decisions unilaterally,
without much (or any) input of subordinates.
• This unilateral format can be perceived as a good
management technique if the right decisions are
made, and it can lead to faster decision-making,
because only one person’s preferences need to be
• However, this style of management can drive away
employees who are looking for more ownership of
decisions, and more autonomy.
• In times of crisis where time is limited, use of
autocratic management is permissible, but extended
periods could lead to high turnover.
• This form allows for more discussion than an
autocratic method, but is essentially dictatorial.
• As the name suggests, a leader in this form consults
his or her employees, but ultimately the leader
makes the final decision.
• Decisions attempt to take the best interests of the
employees in account but also focus on the business.
• This type of management style often leads to loyalty
from employees included in decision-making
processes, but those who are left out are more likely
to move on.
• It can also lead to a dependency of the employees on
the leader.
• Also similar to autocratic management styles, a
persuasive leader maintains the final decision-making
• However, he or she makes choices based on the
persuasion of subordinates.
• Employees will convince their manager of the
benefits of a decision and the manager will make the
final decision.
• This is a great option for managers who need input
from experts, but still can keep the final decision-
making up to them.
• This does not work when employees do not support
management and choose not to provide input or do
not trust decisions that have been made.
• As its name suggests, democratic managers offer
employees an opportunity to engage in decision-
• This means all decisions are agreed upon by the
• The communications go from both the manager
down to employees and from the employees up
to the managers.
• This style works when complex decisions must be
made that have a variety of outcomes.
• However, democracy does slow down decision-
making and could be inefficient at times.
• This style is the complete opposite of autocracy;
employees are allowed to make the majority of
decisions, with management providing guidance
when needed.
• The manager in this case is considered a mentor
rather than a leader.
• This style of management is popular in startups
and technology companies, where risk taking is
• However, it can lead to difficulties in making
Management By Walking Around (MBWA)
• This classic technique involves management by
• Managers gather information by listening to the
thoughts of employees that can stop problems at
their source.
• When using this type of management style,
managers must be counselors and not directors.
• A good decision will be well received and
respected by all.
• When employees do not support management
there can be problems in MBWA management.
Contingency Management/Leadership Style
• This model contains the relationship between
leadership style and the favorable-ness of the situation.
Situational favorable-ness is described in terms of three
empirically derived dimensions:
• Leader-member relationship – high if the leader is
generally accepted and respected by followers
• Degree of task structure – high if the task is very
• Leader's position power – high if a great deal of
authority and power are formally attributed to the
leader's position
• Situations are favorable to the leader if all three of
these dimensions are high.

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