Ee8703-Res Question Bank New

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Panimalar Engineering College

Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Question Bank
Academic Year:2022-2023
IV Year/ VII Sem EEE
Vision of the College
To Transform the budding engineers into academically excellent, highly intellectual and self-disciplined
engineering graduates to mould them as good citizens with the spirit of integrity and morality that would cater
to the needs of our Nation.

Mission of the College

To Impart quality education with high standards of excellence in engineering and technology, to provide an
excellent infrastructure in a serene and conducive atmosphere that would motivate the students in their pursuit
of knowledge in the field of engineering and technology.

Vision of the Department

To Provide our engineering graduates with the tools, skills and competencies necessary to understand
and apply today's technologies and become leaders in developing and deploying tomorrow's technologies.

Mission of the Department

M1: To empower graduates with sophisticated knowledge and technical skills and to develop innovations in
electrical engineering and technology.
M2: To develop the students to face the technological requirements of the industry and make them
employable and to impart the entrepreneurship skill for their successful career.
M3: To infuse graduates with positive attitude and ethical values.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

1. To prepare under graduate students to be competent in technical profession/ industry and/or higher
education by providing a strong foundation in analytical skills.
2. To transform engineering students to be an expert engineer to comprehend, analyze, design and innovate
new products and solutions to Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
3. To produce ethically & socially responsible and technically skilled engineers who are looked for by
industries to provide engineering solution.
4. To acquire job in Research and Development organizations, Power sector, IT and ITES.
5. To develop communication skills, team work and to nurture multidisciplinary approach for solving the

Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Engineering Knowledge :Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
an engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis :Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health
and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool Usage :Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The Engineer and Society :Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics :Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
9. Individual and Team Work :Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large. Some of them are, being able to comprehend and write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project Management and Finance :Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Lifelong learning :Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs)
1. Apply the basic knowledge of mathematics, science, electrical and electronics engineering to analyze and
solve the complex problems in Electrical Machines, Control Systems, Instrumentation, Power Systems
and Power Electronic Systems.
2. Design and develop hardware and software requirements to meet the needs of Electric drives,
Automation, Power Systems and Embedded systems based industries.
3. To take up roles in a team, develop managerial skills, and contributes towards the electrical community
3 0 0 3
To impart knowledge on the following Topics
 Awareness about renewable Energy Sources and technologies.
 Adequate inputs on a variety of issues in harnessing renewable Energy.
 Recognize current and possible future role of renewable energy sources.
Environmental consequences of fossil fuel use, Importance of renewable sources of energy, Sustainable
Design and development, Types of RE sources, Limitations of RE sources, Present Indian and international
energy scenario of conventional and RE sources.


Power in the Wind – Types of Wind Power Plants(WPPs)–Components of WPPs-Working of WPPs- Siting
of WPPs-Grid integration issues of WPPs.


Solar Radiation, Radiation Measurement, Solar Thermal Power Plant, Central Receiver Power Plants, Solar
Ponds.- Thermal Energy storage system with PCM- Solar Photovoltaic systems : Basic Principle of SPV
conversion – Types of PV Systems- Types of Solar Cells, Photovoltaic cell concepts: Cell, module, array
,PV Module I-V Characteristics, Efficiency &Quality of the Cell, series and parallel connections, maximum
power point tracking, Applications.


Introduction-Bio mass resources –Energy from Bio mass: conversion processes-Biomass Cogeneration-
Environmental Benefits. Geothermal Energy: Basics, Direct Use, Geothermal Electricity. Mini/micro hydro
power: Classification of hydropower schemes, Classification of water turbine, Turbine theory, Essential
components of hydroelectric system.


Tidal Energy: Energy from the tides, Barrage and Non Barrage Tidal power systems. Wave Energy: Energy
from waves, wave power devices. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC)- Hydrogen Production and
Storage- Fuel cell : Principle of working- various types -construction and applications. Energy Storage
System- Hybrid Energy Systems.
 Prepare a detailed analysis of the difficulties and concerns related to the usage of different energy
sources, including fossil fuels, in terms of future supply and the environment.
 Determine the power of wind energy, identify the various types of wind power plants, locate wind
power plants, and analyse the grid integration problems connected with wind power plants.
 Utilize our technical knowledge to harness the thermal and electrical energy generated by solar
energy sources.
 Utilize our technical expertise to harvest electrical energy from renewable sources such as biomass,
geothermal, and hydropower.
 Utilize our technological expertise to gather electrical energy from a variety of sources, including
ocean energy, fuel cells, hybrid energy systems, and hydrogen production and storage.
Justify the fundamentals of the various ocean energy systems, including the fuel cell.
T1. Joshua Earnest, Tore Wizeliu, ‘Wind Power Plants and Project Development’, PHILearning Pvt.Ltd,
New Delhi, 2011.
T2. D.P.Kothari, K.C Singal, RakeshRanjan “Renewable Energy Sources and EmergingTechnologies”,
PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi, 2013.
T3. Scott Grinnell, “Renewable Energy & Sustainable Design”, CENGAGE Learning,USA, 2016.
R1. A.K.Mukerjee and Nivedita Thakur,” Photovoltaic Systems: Analysis and Design”,PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011
R2. Richard A. Dunlap,” Sustainable Energy” Cengage Learning India Private Limited,Delhi, 2015.
R3. Chetan Singh Solanki, “ Solar Photovoltaics : Fundamentals, Technologies andApplications”, PHI
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011
R4. Bradley A. Striebig,AdebayoA.Ogundipe and Maria Papadakis,” EngineeringApplications in
Sustainable Design and Development”, Cengage Learning IndiaPrivate Limited, Delhi, 2016.
R5. Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable energy”, Open University, Oxford University Press in
association with the Open University, 2004.
R6. ShobhNath Singh, ‘Non-conventional Energy resources’ Pearson Education, 2015.
1. Discuss the role of renewable source. (NOV/DEC 2021)[R]
Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources that are essentially inexhaustible. Ex:
wind power, solar power, geothermal energy, tidal power and hydroelectric power

2. List various renewable energy resources. [R]

Solar energy ,Wind energy ,Biomass, Geothermal energy, Ocean energy,Tidal Power
Ocean Wave Power ,Ocean Thermal energy conversion

3. Discriminate spring and neap tides? [A]

The difference between spring and neap tides is that spring tides are much higher than
normal and neap tides are lower than normal. Spring tides occur because of the combined
effects of the sun and moon, whereas neap tides happen when the sun and the moon are at
right angle

4. Explain the principle of power generation using tides? [U]

Tide or wave is periodic rise and fall of water level of the sea. Tides occur due to the
attraction of sea water by the moon. Tides contain large amount of potential energy which is
used for power generation. When the water is above the mean sea level, it is called flood tide.
When water level is below the mean level it is called ebb tide

5. Compose various ocean tidal energy conversion schemes available. [R]

Tidal energy – from gravitational fields of sun and moon Thermal energy (OTEC) – from
solar radiation Marine current – by thermal and salinity differences in addition to tidal
effects. Ocean waves – by winds blowing over the ocean surface. Salinity gradient

6. List out the major factors influencing the amount of GHG emissions. [R]
Industrial revolutionsDeforestation Fluorinated gases such as hydro fluorocarbon, per
fluorocarbon, sulphur hexafluoride Release of Carbon dioxide Depletion of fossil fuel
7. What is green house effect? [U]
Carbon dioxide (CO2) envelope present around the globe in the atmosphere behaves similar
to a glass pane and forms a big global green house. This tends to prevent the escape of heat
from earth, which leads to global warming. This phenomenon is known as greenhouse effect

8. What is mean by global warming? [U]

Global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere
and ocean’s surface due to greenhouse effect

9. What are the advantages of Renewable Energy source? [U]

Non conventional sources are available in nature free of cost.
They produce no or little pollution. Thus by and large, they are environment friendly.
They are inexhaustible
They have a low gestation period
10. What are the limitations of Renewable Energy source? [U]
•The energy available in dilute form from these sources.
•Though available freely in nature, the cost of harnessing energy from
•a non conventional source is generally high.
•Availability is uncertain; the energy flow depends on various
naturalphenomena beyond human control.
11 What is meant by commercial energy? [U]
The energy sources that are available in the market for a definite price are known as
commercial; energy. The secondary usable energy forms such as electricity, petrol, diesel,
gas etc., are essential for commercial activities and are categorized as commercial energy
resources. The economy of the country depends on its ability to convert natural raw energy
into commercial energy
12 What is meant by non –commercial energy? [U]
The energy derived from nature and used directly without passing through a commercial
outlet is called anon-commercial sources.E.g., wood, animal dung cake, crop residue, etc.,

13 List the non-conventional energy sources.(Nov.2020) [U]

Non- conventional energy sources are Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal. ocean,
hydrogen and biomass.
14 What are the factors causing winds? [U]
Winds are caused from two main factors:
•Heating and cooling of the atmosphere which generates convection currents. Heating is
caused by the absorption of solar energy on the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere.
•The rotation of the earth with respect to atmosphere, and its motion around the sun

15 What are the features of wind energy? [U]

The characteristics of wind energy are:
•It is renewable source of energy
•Like all forms of solar energy, wind power systems are non-polluting, so it has no
adverse influence on the environment.
•Wind energy systems avoid fuel provision and transport.
•On a small scale, up to a few kilowatt system, is less costly

16 Define energy efficiency.(Nov.2020) [R]

It is a measure of how efficiently an appliance , building, organization or country uses
energy. Being energy-efficient is the opposite of wasting energy. It simply means using less
energy to perform an action. A example of an energy-efficient device is the simple light
bulb. Traditional 60W incandescent bulb wastes most of its energy in heat, but
modern, energy-saving LED light bulbs use far less energy to create the same amount of
light – with 90% of the energy being used for light.

1. Explain in details about the Fossil fuel usage and its crisis in the World.[U]
2. Examine the impact of environmental consequences of fossil fuel usage (13) [A]
3. Demonstrate the importance of renewable sources of energy[A]
4. Explain about the different types of Energy sources.(7) [U]
5. Discuss about the non-Conventional Energy Sources.[U]
6. Summarize about the various types of Non-Conventional energy sources (13) [U]
7. List the Advantage and Disadvantages of conventional energy system[U]
8. Summarize about Indian energy scenario[U]
9. Explain in detail the Sustainable Design and development. (13) [U]
10. Explain about the different types of Renewable energy(RE) sources and its potential to
supplement the conventional energy sources.(NOV/DEC 2020) [U]
11. Discuss the present status of world energy scenario.(NOV/DEC 2020) [U]
12. 10.Criticize the energy planning issues aiming to bridge the gap between the energy demand
andsupply situation in India .(NOV/DEC 2020) [E]
13. Summarize in details about different types of hydro Electric Energy systems with neat diagram.
14. Briefly explain the Limitations of Renewable Energy (RE)Sources.[U]
15. Explain in details about the Geothermal Energy sources. [U]
16. Compose the necessity of sustainable design and development for the prosper growth of human
life in the world. (NOV/DEC 2021) [C]
17. Explain about the different types of Renewable energy (RE) sources.(NOV/DEC 2021) [U]
18. Examine the impact of environmental consequences of fossil fuel



1. What is wind power? [U]

Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into more useful forms, such as electricity, using
wind turbines. Wind power is used in large scale wind farms for national electrical grids as well
as in small individual turbines for providing electricity to rural residences or grid-isolated
2. Express the equation for the maximum output power (Pm) of wind turbine.(NOV/DEC2021) [U]
The wind power equation is expressed as follows:
P = 0.5*ρ*A*V³*E
Where: P = Power in Watts; ρ= Air Density in Kg/m³ (about 1.225Kg/m³ at sea level, less higher up);
A = Rotor Swept Area in m² = πr² (r= radius or blade length); V = Wind Speed in m/s (cubed); E
= Efficiency in percent

2. What is the type of generator used in wind power plant? [U]

Several different types of generators which are used in wind turbines are as follows. Asynchronous
(induction) generator and synchronous generator. Squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) and
wound rotor induction generator (WRIG) are comes under asynchronous generators. Wound rotor
generator (WRSG) and permanent magnet generator (PMSG) are comes under synchronous
3. Define Tip speed ratio. [R]
The Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) is an extremely important factor in wind turbine design. TSR refers to
the ratio between the wind speed and the speed of the tips of the wind turbine blades.
TSR (λ) = Tip Speed of Blade /Wind Speed
TSR is the speed of the blade at its tip divided by the speed of the wind. For example, if the tip of a
blade is traveling at 100 mph (161 kph) and the wind speed is 20 mph (32 kph or 9 m/s), then the TSR
is 5 (100 mph/20 mph). Simply put, the tip of the blade is traveling five times faster than the speed of
the wind.
5. Define Power Co-efficient. [R]
The fraction of the free-flow wind power that can be extracted by a rotor is a called thepower
co- efficient. Thus
Power Coefficient = Power of wind rotor / Power available in the wind
Where, power available is calculated from the air density, rotor diameter and free windspeed
as discussed earlier. The maximum theoretical power coefficient is equal to 16/27
or 0.593. This value cannot be exceeded by a rotor in free-flow wind-stream

6. What are the conversion losses available in wind energy conversion system? [U]

A 100% efficient aero generator would able to convert up to a maximum60% of the available energy
in wind into mechanical energy. Well-designed blades will typically extract 70% of the theoretical
maximum, but losses incurred in the gearbox, transmission system and generator or pump could
decrease overall wind turbine efficiency to 35% or less.

7. What are the factors determine the output from a wind energy converter? [U]
The wind speed,
The cross-section of wind swept by rotor, and
The overall conversion efficiency of the rotor, transmission systemand generator or pump.

8. List out the points to be consider while erecting a wind energy conversion system?[R]
 High annual average wind speed:
 Availability of anemometry data:
 Availability of wind V(t) Curve at the proposed site:
 Wind structure at the proposed site:
 Altitude of the proposed site:
 Terrain and its aerodynamic:
 Local Ecology.

9. Give the relationship between wind speed and height. [U]

Wind speeds increase with height. They have traditionally been measures at a standard height of 10m
where they are found to be 20-25% greater than close to the surface. At height of 60m they may be
30-60% higher because of the reduction in the day effect of Earth’s surface.

10. Define Stalling. [R]

When lift decreases and the drag increases quite substantially; this phenomenon is known as Stalling.
For efficient operation, a wind turbine blade needs to function with as much lift and as little drag as
possible because drag
dissipates energy

11. Define Airfoil. [R]

Lift forces are produced by changing the velocity of the air stream flowing over either side of the
lifting surface. Speeding up the air flow causes the pressure to drop, while slowing the air stream down
leads to increase in pressure. This pressure difference produces a force that begins to act on the high
pressure side and moves towards the low pressure side of the lifting surface which is called an airfoil.

12. What are the different types of forces acting on propeller type wind turbine? [U]
There are two types of forces which are acting on the blades. They are
Circumferential force acting in the direction of wheel rotation that provides the torque, and
Axial force acting in the wind stream that provides an axial thrustthat must be countered by proper
mechanical design.
13. Why are Induction generators preferred over DC generators? [U]
The Induction generator is preferred over DC generators for the following reasons:
 It is less expensive and more readily available than a synchronous generator.
 It does not require DC field excitation voltage
 It automatically synchronize with the power system, so its controls are simple and less
14. How the turbine is rotated at variable speed? [U]

Most wind turbines run at almost constant speed with direct grid connection. With indirect
grid connection, the wind turbine generator runs in its own AC-grid. This grid is controlled by an
inverter, so that the frequency of the alternating current in the stator of the generator may be
varied. In this way it is possible to run the turbine at variable rotational speed.
15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-excited Induction generator? [U]

a) It has robust construction requiring less maintenance. Also it is relatively cheaper b) It has
small size per kW output power
c) It runs in parallel without hunting
d) No synchronization to the supply line is required like a synchronous generator.
a)It cannot generate reactive volt amperes from the supply line to furnish its excitation.
17. What are the main site selection consideration foe WECS? [U]
Some of the main site selection consideration are given below:
High annual average wind speed:
Availability of anemometry data:
Availability of wind V(t) Curve at the proposed site:
Wind structure at the proposed site:
Altitude of the proposed site:
Terrain and its aerodynamic:
 Local Ecology
18. Mention the factors which determine the power in wind.(Nov. 2020) [R]

Power in the wind is given by the equation,

P = 0.5*ρ*A*V³
Where: P = Power in Watts; ρ= Air Density in Kg/m³ (about 1.225Kg/m³ at sea level, less higher up);
A = Rotor Swept Area in m² = πr² (r= radius or blade length); V = Wind Speed in m/s (cubed)
The factors which determine the power in the wind are the air density, rotor swept area, wind

19. Define Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). [R]

A vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT) is a type of wind turbine where the main rotor shaft
is set transverse to the wind (but not necessarily vertically) while the main components are
located at the base of the turbine. This arrangement allows the generator and gearbox to be located
close to the ground, facilitating service and repair. A vertical axis wind turbine has its axis
perpendicular to the wind streamlines and vertical to the ground.
20. What is meant by pitch angle? [U]
The angle of pitch is the angle between the main body axis and the horizon. Wind turbines use
this to adjust the rotation speed and the generated power. The pitch angle is a potential parameter
to enhance the performance of VAWTs.
21. What are some of the main points of installation? [U]
Dig a hole . The depth of the hole will depend upon your location and soils. Hard rock
obviously needs a smaller hole than sandy or loose soils.
Place the anchor bolts, rebar and pour concrete.
Unload the turbine, bolt the pole together, assemble ladder, platform, blades, wiring, tail

Run the wiring through the center of the pole, dig a trench, put wire in conduit, run to building,
Rent a Crain and they will lift the pole up so it can be bolted onto the anchors. Use the Crain to
lift the turbine up, screw on the blades
Hook the electric lines to your inverter (grid tie) and attach controller, inverter and dump load
to system, turbine and breaker box.
Some utilities require a contract, the owner will need to fill this out and deal with them, or ask
the electrician to do so.

22. What is called teethering? [U]

The tethered wind turbine uses an aerodynamic, flow-concentrating shape and lighter-than-air
construction utilizing a lifting gas and an electrically conductive tether fixed to ground to reap energy
from the wind at low or high altitude. The process of adding above features to conventional wind
turbine is known as teethering.
23. How the turbine is rotated at variable speed? [U]

Most wind turbines run at almost constant speed with direct grid connection. With indirect
grid connection, the wind turbine generator runs in its own AC-grid. This grid is controlled by an
inverter, so that the frequency of the alternating current in the stator of the generator may be
varied. In this way it is possible to run the turbine at variable rotational speed.

24. Compare the VAWT and HAWT. [AZ]

1. What is Wind power and derive the equation of power in wind[U]
2. Explain in detail about the pitch control and Yaw control. [U]
3. With a neat diagram, explain how wind energy can be converted into electrical energy. NOV 2020 [A]
4. Explain with a neat diagram the working of various types of wind generators. [U]
5. Explain briefly about the horizontal wind mills with neat sketch? [U]
6. Explain briefly about the vertical wind mills with neat sketch? [U]
7. Write short notes on (a) Application of wind energy (b) Savonius rotor (c) Darrieus rotor (d) Wind
energy storage. [U]
8. What are the most favorable sites for installing of wind turbines? [U]
9. Summarize the Grid integration issues of WPPs (NOV 2020)(13) [A]
10. Distinguish the difference between vertical Axis Wind Turbine and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine. [A]
11. Classify the various types of rotor used in the wind turbine. [AZ]
12.Summarize the environmental impact due to installation of Wind Power Plant. [U]
13Explain about the various types of Wind Power Plant (WPPs). NOV 2021[U]
14.Explain in detail the vertical axis wind turbine and horizontal axis wind turbine. (13) NOV 2021[U]
1 Explain the concept of collector? [U]
The principle usually followed in collection device; it is to expose a dark surface to solar
radiation so that radiation is absorbed. A part of the absorbed radiation is then transferred to a fluid
like air or water is an optional.

2 Define solar collector. [R]

A solar collector is a device for collecting solar radiation and transfer and the energy to a
fluid passing in contact with it. Utilization of solar energy required solar collectors.

3 Give the classification of solar collector? [R]

i. Flat plate collector
ii. Liquid flat plate collector
iii. An evacuvated tube collector
iv. Parabolic concentrating collector
v. Cylindrical parabolic concentrating collector

4. Define flat plate collectors. [R]

Solar collectors for home heating usually called flat plate collectors, almost have one or
more glass covers, although various plastic and other transparent materials are often used instead
of glass.
5 What are the thermal applications of solar energy? [U]
i. Water heating
ii. Space heating
iii. Power generation
iv. Distillation
v. Cooking

6 Define Solar Constant? [R]

The solar constant ISC is define as the rate at which energy is received from the sun on a
unit area perpendicular to the rays of the mwan distance of the earth from the sun. The value
of solar constant is 1367 w/m2.
7 Write the formula for calculate the solar radiation? [U]
The earth revolves around the sun in elliptical orbit, so consequently the distance between
the earth and the sun varies a little, because of this variation, the extraterrestrial flux also varies.
The value of any day can be calculated from  the equation360n 
I 'sc  I 'sc 1 0.033cos 

 
ISC  Solar Constant = 1367 w/m 2 365 
N  Days of the year

8 Define the following terms. [U]

(i). Direct radiation (ii). Diffuse radiation(iii). Global radiation

i. Direct radiation: Solar radiation received at the earth’s surface without change of
direction, i.e., in the direction with the Sun, is called Beam or Direct radiation.
ii. Diffuse radiation: The radiation received of the Earth’s surface from all parts of the
sky’s hemisphere, after being subjected to scattering in the atmosphere is called Diffuse
iii. Global radiation: The sum of the Beam radiation and Diffuse radiation is referred as
Total or Global radiation.

9 Define Air Mass (AM) [R]

Air Mass (AM) is often used as a measure of the distance travelling by beam radiation
through the atmosphere before it reaches a location on the earth surface. It is defined as the ratio
of the mass of the atmosphere through which the beam radiation passes to the mass it would pass
through if the Sun directly overhead (i.e., at its zenith).

10 What are types of the Flat- plate solar collectors? [U]

Flat plate solar collectors may be divided into two main classification
based on the type of heat transfer fluid used. They are,
i. Liquid Heating Collector
ii. Solar Air Heater

11 Give the main components of Flat-Plate Collector. [U]

The majority of the Flat-Plate Collector have five main components as follows:
i. A transparent cover.
ii. Tubes, fins, passages or channels.
iii. Absorber plates
iv. Insulation
Casing or Container.

12 State the Advantages and Disadvantages of Concentrating Collectors. [U]

(1) No Fuel Cost
(2) Predictable 24/7 Power
(3) No Pollution and Global Warning Effects:
(4) Using existing industrial base:
(1) High Costs
(2) Future Technology has a probability of marking CSP obsolete
(3) Water Issue
(4) Ecological and Cultural Issue.

13 Name some of the measuring device for measure the radiation? [U]
The instruments used to measure the solar radiation flux with the help of Pyranometer or
14 Define Transmissivity absorbtivity product? [R]
The Transmissivity - absorbtivity product is define as the ratio at the flux absorbed in the
absorber plate to the flux incident on the cover system and is denoted by the symbol ( Tα )
T 
NetAbsorbed 
1 1 d
15 Define overall loss Coefficient? [R]
Heat losses from the collector in terms of overall loss coefficient is defined by the equation

q1  U1 Ap T pm  Ta 

U1  Overall loss coefficient
Ap  area of the absorber plate
Tpm  average temperature of the absorber plate
Ta  temperature of the surrounding air
q1  heat lost from collector
q1 = qt + qb + qs
qt  rate at which heat is lost from top
qb  rate at which heat is lost from bottom
qs  rate at which heat is lost from sides

16 Define collector efficiency factor? [R]

F'   1 a
wu1   1 
u w  D   D  K D  D h 

 1 0 0 a 0 i f 

F’  Length between the two collector tubes

W  Overall loss coefficient
D0  outer diameter of the collector tube
Di  inner diameter of the collector tube
a  average thickness of the collector tube
Ka  Thermal conductivity of the adhesive material
Hf  Heat transfer coefficient

17 Define term aperture in concentrating collector. [R]

The aperture is the plane opening of the concentrator through which the solar radiation
passes and it is denoted by “ω”

18 Define term “area concentration ratio”? [R]

Area concentration ratio is the ratio of the effective are of aperture to the surface area of the
absorber values of concentration ratio varies from unity to some thousands for a paraboloid dish.
It is denoted by “C”

19 Define intercept factor? [R]

It is the function of radiation which is reflected or refracted to the surface from the
concentratorand is incident on the absorber it is denoted by “” and the Value is generally close to
20 Define accept angle? [R]
The accept angle (2a-) is the angle over which beam radiation may deviated from the
normal to the aperture plane and it reach the absorber.
Collector with large acceptance angle requires only occasional adjustment

21 Give the classification of concentrating collectors? [U]

a. Flat plate collector
b. Compound parabolic collector
c. Cylindrical parabolic collector
d. Collector with fixed circular concentrator and moving receiver
e. Fresnor lens concentrating collector
f. Paraboloid dish collector
22. Explain the difference in the working of Pyrheliometer and pyranometer. [R]
Pyranometer is a dome like structure that measures diffused sun energy while Pyrheliometer
is an instrument that measures direct sun's energy. While Pyranometer measures global solar
radiation, Pyrheliometer measures direct solar irradiance

23. Explain about VIcaracteristics of solar cell. [R]

24. What is solar pond. [R]

A solar pond is a solar energy collector, generally fairly large in size, that looks like a pond. This type
of solar energy collector uses a large, salty lake as a kind of a flat plate collector that absorbs and stores
energy from the Sun in the warm, lower layers of the pond.

25. Define cell,module and arrays[R]

Cells, Modules, and Arrays. Photovoltaic cells are connected electrically in series and/or parallel circuits
to produce higher voltages, currents and power levels ..... A photovoltaic array is the complete power-
generating unit, consisting of any number of PV modules and panels.

26. What does Thermal Energy Storage (TES) mean? [U]

Thermal energy storage (TES) refers to the technology that allows the transfer and storage of
heat energy or, alternatively, energy from ice or cold air or water. This method is built into new
technologies that complement energy solutions such as solar and hydro.

27. Definition of PCM. [R]

Phase change materials (PCMs) for TES are materials supplying thermal regulation at particular
phase change temperatures by absorbing and emitting the heat of the medium ..... PCMs possesses the
ability of latent thermal energy change their state with a certain temperature.

28. What is meant by solar photo voltaic? [U]

The direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by means of the photovoltaic
effect, that is, the conversion of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) into electricity. The
photovoltaic effect is defined as the generation of an electromotive force as a result of the absorption
of ionizing radiation

29. List the application of solar PV system. [R]

Water pumping sets for micro irrigation and drinking water supply Radio beacons for ship
navigation at ports Community radio and television sets Cathodic protection of oil pipe lines Weather
monitoring Railway signaling equipment Battery charging Street lighting.

30. Mention the ways of solar energy can be utilized.[R]

Solar energy can be utilized directly in two ways:

 By collecting the radiant heat and using it in a thermal system

 By collecting and converting it directly to electrical energy using a photovoltaic system

31. What are the indirect forms of solar Energy? [U]

Wind energy Biomass energy Tidal energy Ocean wave energy Ocean thermal energy Fossil fuels and
other organic chemicals Hydro energy

32. What is meant by Solar Energy? [U]

The energy received in the form of radiation, can be converted directly or indirectly into other forms of
energy, such as heat and electricity, which can be utilized by man.


1. Explain in detail about the solar radiation Phenomena. [U]
2. With the neat diagram explain the working of solar water pumping system( NOV 2020) [R]
3. With the neat diagram explain the working of medium temperature solar power plant( NOV
2020) [R]
4. Tabulate the different types of solar energy measuring instruments. [A]
5. What are the reasons for variation in the amount of solar energy reaching earth surface. [R]
6. Discuss the construction and working principle of Central Receiver Power Plants. [R]
7. Examine the Environmental impact of solar power generation. [A]
8. Explain the working of Thermal Energy storage system with PCM. [R]
9. Discuss in detail about the principle of Solar Photo Voltaic(SPV) conversion. [R]
10. Explain the various types of Photo Voltaic (PV) Systems. [R]
11. Explain in detail about the construction of solar cell, solarmodule and solar array. [U]
12. Describe in detail about the PV Module equivalent Circuit and its I-V Characteristics. [R]
13. Discuss about the working operation of Photovoltaic (PV)system in series and parallel
connections. [R]
14. Explain in detail about the various MPPT controllers in the PV System. [R]
15. Formulate the application of Photovoltaic system in various field. [R]
16. Evaluate the series and parallel connection of Solar Photovoltaic system with neat sketch. [R]
17. With a neat sketch explain the construction and the principle operation of solar photovoltaic
18. summarize in detail about the construction and working principle of Solar Thermal Power
Plant. [U]
19. Explain about concentrating type collectors. [U]
20. What are solar ponds? Explain the applications of solar ponds. [U]
21. Explain about thermal storage system using PCM. [U]
22. Describe about concentrating and non-concentrating collectors. [R]
23. Explain about the flat plate collector? [U]
24. Describe the working modes of cylindrical parabolic collector? [A]
25. Describe the in detail about cylindrical parabolic collector? [A]
26. Explain the basic phenomenon of solar energy conversion with suitable diagram. [U]
27.Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15°C temperature has a velocity of 10 m/sec. The
turbine has diameter of 120 m and its operating speed in 40 rpm at maximum efficiency, Calculate : i)
The total power density in the wind stream ii) The maximum obtainable power density assuming η =
40% iii) The total power produced in kW iv) The torque and axial thrust.)
(Nov. 2020)
For air, the value of has constant is R =0.287kJ/ kgK
1atm = 1.01325*105 Pa, T=273+15 =288k
Air density ρ =P/RT =(1.01325*105)/287*288 =1.226kg/m3
i)Total Power = Ptotal = ρA(V1)3 /2
Power density will be Ptotal/A =(1/2) ρA(V1)3 =(1/2)*1.226*103 = 613W/m2
ii) Maximum power density
= Pmax/A
= (1/2)(16/27)AV1 3 = (1/2)(16/27) x 1.226 x 103
= 363.25 W/m2
(iii)Efficiency = 40%
Power density, P/A = η(Ptotal/A) = 0.40 x 613 = 245.2 W/m2
(iv) Total power P = Power density x area = 245.2 x ( /4)D2 watt = 2771.740 kW
(v) Torque at maximum efficiency Tmax
Tmax = (2/27)(DV1 3 /N) = (2/27)(1.226 x 120 x 103/(40/60) = 16347N
(vi) Maximum axial thrust Fx,max = ( /9)D2 V1 2
= (/9)(1.226 x 1202 x 102 ) = 615942 N
28.Discuss in detail about the principle of Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) conversion. (13)
(Nov. 2021) [U]

29. Describe in detail about the PV module equivalent circuit and its I-V characteristics.
(Nov. 2021) [U]

1. What is meant by biomass energy and biomass energy resource? [U]

Organic matters derived from biological organisms are called Biomass. The energy obtained
frombiomass is called biomass energy. The raw organic matter obtained from nature for
extracting secondary energy is called biomass energy resource
2. Classify the biomass resources. [U]

Biomass resources are broadly classified into two categories:

Biomass from cultivated fields, crop, forest and harvested periodically.
Biomass derived from waste e.g., municipal waste, animal excreta/dung, forest waste, agricultural
waste, bioprocess waste, butchery waste, fishery waste/processing waste etc
3. What is meant by biomass gasification? [U]

The word gasification (or thermal gasification) implies converting solid fuel into a gaseous fuel by
thermo chemical method without leaving any solid carbonaceous residue
4. Write any two benefits of cogeneration[R]

Increased efficiency of energy conversion and use

Lower emission to the environment in particular of co2, the main greenhouse gas
Biomass fuels and some waste materials such as refinery gases, agricultural wastes are used.
Theyserve as fuels for cogeneration schemes increases the cost effectiveness and reduces the
need for waste disposal
5. What are the types of cogeneration system? [U]

 Steam turbine cogeneration system

 Gas turbine cogeneration system
 Reciprocating engine cogeneration system
6. What is meant by incineration? [U]
Organic matter can be burnt in presence of oxygen/air to produce heat and byproducts. This is the well
known process called combustion. Complete combustion to ashes is called incineration.
7. What are the types of Gasifiers? [U]

In down draft gasifier fuel and air move in a co current manner.

In updraft gasifier fuel and air move in a counter current manner. But the basic
reaction zones remain the same.

8. What are the types of biomass resources? [U]

 Forests
 Agricultural crops residues
 Energy crops
 Vegetable oil crops
 aquatic crop
 Animal waste
 Urban waste
 Industrial waste
9. What is meant by biogas plant? [U]

The plant which converts biomass to biogas (methane plus carbon dioxide) by the process of anaerobic
digestion is generally called a biogas plant
10. Mention advantages of biomass energy. [U]

 It is a renewable source.
 The energy storage is an in-built feature of it.
 It is an indigenous source requiring little or no foreign exchange.
 The forestry and agricultural industries that supply feed stocks also provide substantial
economic development opportunities in rural areas.
 The pollutant emissions from combustion of biomass are usually lower than those from fossil

11. Mention disadvantages of biomass energy. [U]

 It is a dispersed and land intensive source.

 It is often of low energy density. It is also labour intensive and the cost of collecting large
quantities for commercial application is significant.
 Most current commercial large quantities for commercial application are significant.
 Most current commercial applications of biomass energy, use material that has been collected for
other reasons, such as timber and food process in residues and urban waste.
 Capacity is determines by availability of biomass and not suitable for varying loads.
 Not feasible to set up at all locations.

12. What is meant by biomass gasification? [U]

The word gasification (or thermal gasification) implies converting solid fuel into a gaseous fuel by
thermo chemical method without leaving any solid carbonaceous residue
13. What are the applications of bio mass? [U]

• Cooking

• Lightning

• Mechanical power

• Generation of small electricity

14. Write the disadvantages of floating drum plant. [U]
• It has higher cost, as cost is dependent on steel and cement. Heat is lost through the metal gas
holder, hence it troubles in colder regions and periods Gas holder requires painting once or twice a
year, depending on the humidity of the location. Flexible pipe joining the gas holder to the main gas
piper quires maintenance, as it is damaged by ultraviolet rays in the sun. It may be twisted also, with
the rotation of the drum for mixing or scum removal.
15. Mention some advantages of fixed dome type plant [R]
It has low cost compare to floating drum type, as it uses only cement and no steel. It has no
corrosion trouble. Heat insulation is better as construction is beneath the ground. Temperature will
be constant. Cattle and human excreta and long fibrous stalks can be fed. No maintenance.
16. Mention some disadvantages of fixed dome type plant. [U]
This type of plant needs the service of skilled masons, who are rather scarce in rural areas. Gas
production per cum of the digester volume is also less. Scum formation is a problem as no stirring
arrangement. It has variable gas pressure.

17 What are the techniques or methods of maintaining biogas production? [U]

The methods for maintaining biogas production are insulating the gas plant Composting Hot
water circulation Use of chemical solar energy systems

18. Classification of Hydro-Electric Power Plant[A]

19. What is Biomass cogeneration? (Nov 2020) [U]

Cogeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat using a single primary fuel. Biomass
cogeneration uses waste wood and horticultural materials as fuel. These are plants that derived their
growth and energy from the sun, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

1. List out the classification of biogas plants and explain anytwo with neat sketch. [U]
2. With the neat diagram the working of a co generation plant NOV-2020. [U]
3. Describe in detail how does biomass conversion take place? [AP]
4. Describe in detail the various factors affecting bio digestion of a gas? [U]
5. Differentiate between the following methods of biogas
Anaerobic Digestion [A]
6. With a neat sketch explain the operation dry steam geothermal power plant. [U]
7. Describe in detail the operation dry binary cycle geothermal power plant. [A]
8. Explain the analysis of the energy content and its extraction for a hot dry rock type
Geothermalresource. [U]
9. With a neat sketch explain the operation impoundment hydro power plant. [U]
10. Describe in detail the operation pumped storage hydro power plant. [A]
11. Demonstrate the following Impulse
turbine:Pelton [E]
12. Explain the operation of the following Reaction
13. Discuss the propeller type of turbine used for hydroelectric projects with diagram. [A]
14. Explain with a neat sketch explain the operation flashed steam geothermal power
plant.(NOV2020) [U]
15. Discuss with a neat sketch the bioenergy generation through fermentation. [E]
16. Explain the impacts of biomass construction, production and operation. [U]
17. With the neat layout explain the working of hydro electric power plant NOV 2020[U]
18. Discuss the propeller type of turbine used for hydroelectric projects with diagram. .
(NOV2021) [U]
19. Describe in detail the various factors affecting bio digestion of a gas. (13) NOV 2021[A]
20. Describe in detail the operation pumped storage hydro power plant. NOV 2021[A]
1. How tidal energy is generated? [U]
Tidal power or tidal energy is the form of hydropower that converts the energy obtained from tides
into useful forms of power, mainly electricity. Although not yet widely used, tidal energy has the
potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than the wind and the sun.
2. Mention the four generating methods of tidal power. [U]
Tidal stream generator, Tidal barrage, Dynamic tidal power and Tidal lagoon.
3. What is tidal stream generator? [U]
Tidal stream generators make use of the kinetic energy of moving water to power turbines, in a
similar way to wind turbines that use the wind to power turbines. Some tidal generators can be built
into the structures of existing bridges or are entirely submersed, thus avoiding concerns over the impact
on the natural landscape. Land constrictions such as straits or inlets can create high velocities at
specific sites, which can be captured with the use of turbines. These turbines can be horizontal, vertical,
open, or ducted.
Stream energy can be used at a much higher rate than wind turbines due to water being denser than air.
Using similar technology to wind turbines converting the energy in tidal energy is much more efficient.
Close to 10 mph (about 8.6 knots in nautical terms) ocean tidal current would have an energy output
equal or greater than a 90 mph wind speed for the same size of the turbine system.
4. What is tidal barrage? [U]
Tidal barrages make use of the potential energy in the difference in height (or hydraulic head)
between high and low tides. When using tidal barrages to generate power, the potential energy from a
tide is seized through strategic placement of specialized dams. When the sea level rises and the tide
begins to come in, the temporary increase in tidal power is channeled into a large basin behind the dam,
holding a large amount of potential energy. With the receding tide, this energy is then converted into
mechanical energy as the water is released through large turbines that create electrical power through
the use of generators. Barrages are essentially dams across the full width of a tidal estuary.
5. What is dynamic tidal power? [U]
The Dynamic tidal power (or DTP) is a theoretical technology that would exploit an interaction
between potential and kinetic energies in tidal flows. It proposes that very long dams (for example: 30–
50 km length) be built from coasts straight out into the sea or ocean, without enclosing an area. Tidal
phase differences are introduced across the dam, leading to a significant water-level differential in
shallow coastal seas – featuring strong coast-parallel oscillating tidal currents such as found in the UK,
China, and Korea. Induced tides (TDP) could extend the geographic viability of a new hydro-
atmospheric concept 'LPD' (lunar pulse drum) discovered by a Devon innovator in which a tidal 'water
piston' pushes or pulls a metered jet of air to a rotary air-actuator & generator.
6. What is Tidal lagoon? [U]
A new tidal energy design option is to construct circular retaining walls embedded with turbines
that can capture the potential energy of tides. The created reservoirs are similar to those of tidal
barrages, except that the location is artificial and does not contain a pre-existing ecosystem. The
lagoons can also be in double (or triple) format without pumping or with pumping that will flatten out
the power output. The pumping power could be provided by excess to grid demand renewable energy
from for example wind turbines or solar photovoltaic arrays. Excess renewable energy rather than
being curtailed could be used and stored for a later period of time. Geographically dispersed tidal
lagoons with a time delay between peak productions would also flatten out peak production providing
near base load production though at a higher cost than some other alternatives such as district heating
renewable energy storage.
7. What are the disadvantages of tidal power? [U]
The various disadvantages of tidal power are High initial capital investment, Effect on marine life,
Difficulty in transmission of tidal electricity and Long gestation time.
8. Brief on tidal barrage flood generation. [R]
A Tidal Barrage Flood Generation uses the energy of an incoming rising tide as it moves towards
the land. The tidal basin is emptied through sluice gates or lock gates located along the section of the
barrage and at low tide the basin is affectively empty. As the tide turns and starts to come in, the sluice
gates are closed and the barrage holds back the rising sea level, creating a difference in height between
the levels of water on either side of the barrage dam.

Tidal barrage flood generation.

9. Brief on tidal barrage Ebb Generation. [R]
A Tidal Barrage Ebb Generation uses the energy of an outgoing or falling tide, referred to as the “ebb tide”,
as it returns back to the sea making it the opposite of the previous flood tidal barrage scheme. At low tide, all the
sluice and lock gates along the barrage are fully opened allowing the tidal basin to fill up slowly at a rate
determined by the incoming flood tide.
Tidal Barrage Ebb Generation
10. Give the diagram of power generation during ebb tide. [R]

11. What is Two-way Tidal Barrage Generation Scheme? [U]

A Two-way Tidal Barrage Scheme uses the energy over parts of both the rising tide and the falling
tide to generate electricity.
12. What is wave energy? [U]
Wave energy (or wave power) is the transport and capture of energy by ocean surface waves. The
energy captured is then used for all different kinds of useful work, including electricity generation,
water desalination, and pumping of water. Wave energy is also a type of renewable energy and is the
largest estimated global resource form of ocean energy.
13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wave energy? [U]
Wave energy has a lot of potential. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth, so it's very accessible. Wave
energy also has many different positive aspects. First, the energy is green. Harnessing wave energy
doesn't emit any harmful gases, and it can easily replace energies that do, such as using fossil fuels.
Second, the energy is renewable. Ultimately, the energy is caused by heat which is emitted from the
Sun, and this energy will not be disappearing any time soon. Third, there is an incredible potential in
wave energy.
However, as with any energy resource available, there are negatives as well. Wave energy effects the
environment. As with wind farms being an eye-sore, wave energy could cause conflicts with
appearance of oceans, which in turn could conflict with tourism and local acceptance. It is also
currently unclear on how harvesting wave energy affects marine life. Because of these, installations on
the coast and land facilities are held to higher restriction on size and location for wave energy farms.
Wave energy also has issues in terms of cost. It still is in the early stages of development, so costs of
wave power are still fairly high compared to other forms of technology. Wave energy devices also
require regular maintenance which isn't cheap
14. What is Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) cycle? [U]
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a process that can produce electricity by using the
temperature difference between deep cold ocean water and warm tropical surface waters. OTEC plants
pump large quantities of deep cold seawater and surface seawater to run a power cycle and produce
electricity. OTEC is firm power (24/7), a clean energy source, environmentally sustainable and capable
of providing massive levels of energy.
15. What is thermodynamic efficiency? [U]
A heat engine gives greater efficiency when run with a large temperature difference. In the oceans
the temperature difference between surface and deep water is greatest in the tropics, although still a
modest 20 to 25 °C. It is therefore in the tropics that OTEC offers the greatest possibilities. OTEC has
the potential to offer global amounts of energy that are 10 to 100 times greater than other ocean energy
options such as wave power. OTEC plants can operate continuously providing a base load supply for
an electrical power generation system.
16. What are the two different types of OTEC power plants? [U]
The two different types of OTEC power plants are closed cycle systems and open cycle systems.
17. What is closed type OTEC system? [U]
Closed-cycle systems use fluid with a low boiling point, such as ammonia (having a boiling point
around -33 °C at atmospheric pressure), to power a turbine to generate electricity. Warm surface
seawater is pumped through a heat exchanger to vaporize the fluid. The expanding vapor turns the
turbo-generator. Cold water, pumped through a second heat exchanger, condenses the vapor into a
liquid, which is then recycled through the system.

18. What is open type OTEC system? [U]

Open-cycle OTEC uses warm surface water directly to make electricity. The warm seawater is
first pumped into a low-pressure container, which causes it to boil. In some schemes, the expanding
vapor drives a low-pressure turbine attached to an electrical generator. The vapor, which has left its salt
and other contaminants in the low-pressure container, is pure fresh water. It is condensed into a liquid
by exposure to cold temperatures from deep-ocean water. This method produces desalinized fresh
water, suitable for drinking water, irrigation or aquaculture.
19. Explain the principle of fuel cell. [U]
A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical potential energy (energy stored in molecular bonds)
into electrical energy. A PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) cell uses hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen
gas (O2) as fuel. The products of the reaction in the cell are water, electricity, and heat.
20. What is PEM fuel cell? [U]
Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, also known as polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel
cells (PEMFC), are a type of fuel cell being developed mainly for transport applications, as well as for
stationary fuel-cell applications and portable fuel-cell applications. Their distinguishing features
include lower temperature/pressure ranges (50 to 100 °C) and a special proton-conducting polymer
electrolyte membrane. A proton exchange membrane fuel cell transforms the chemical energy liberated
during the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to electrical energy, as opposed to the direct
combustion of hydrogen and oxygen gases to produce thermal energy.
21. What are the chemical reactions of fuel cell? [E]
22. What is the efficiency of PEM fuel cell? [U]
The maximal theoretical efficiency applying the Gibbs free energy equation ΔG = −237.13 kJ/mol and
using the heating value of Hydrogen (ΔH = −285.84 kJ/mol) is 83% at 298 K

The practical efficiency of a PEMs is in the range of 50–60%

23. What are the main factors to create losses in fuel cell? [U]
The Activation losses, Ohmic losses and Mass transport losses.
24. Mention few applications of fuel cell. [U]
Some portable fuel cell applications include laptops, cellular phones, power tools, military
equipment, battery chargers, unattended sensors, and unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles
25. What do you mean by energy storage system? [U]
Energy storage is the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time. A device that
stores energy is generally called an accumulator or battery. Energy comes in multiple forms including
radiation, chemical, gravitational potential, electrical potential, electricity, elevated temperature, latent
heat and kinetic. Energy storage involves converting energy from forms that are difficult to store to
more conveniently or economically storable forms.
26. Brief some types of energy storage. [R]
Mechanical: Spring, Compressed air energy storage (CAES), Fireless locomotive
Flywheel energy storage, Solid mass gravitational, Hydraulic accumulator
Pumped-storage hydroelectricity (pumped hydroelectricstorage,PHS, or pumped storage
hydropower, PSH),Electrical, electromagnetic: Capacitor, Super capacitor, Superconducting magnetic
energy storage (SMES, also superconducting storage coil)
27. What is hybrid energy system? [U]
A hybrid energy system, or hybrid power, usually consists of two or more renewable energy
sources used together to provide increased system efficiency as well as greater balance in energy
28. Give examples of hybrid energy systems. [R]
A hybrid energy system, or hybrid power, usually consists of two or more renewable energy
sources used together to provide increased system efficiency as well as greater balance in energy
supply. The basic types of hybrid energy systems are
Biomass-wind-fuel cell, Photovoltaic and wind, and Completely Renewable Hybrid Power Plant
(solar, wind, biomass, hydrogen)
29. What are the drawbacks of standalone systems? [U]
Solar panels, are expensive to set up, and are peak output is not obtained during the night or
cloudy days. Similarly, Wind turbines can’t operate safely in high wind speeds, and low wind speeds
produce little power. Biomass plants collapse at low temperatures.
30. What is solar hybrid systems? [U]
Solar hybrid power systems are hybrid power systems that combine solar power from a
photovoltaic system with another power generating energy source. A common type is a photovoltaic
diesel hybrid system, combining photovoltaics (PV) and diesel generators, or diesel gensets, as PV has
hardly any marginal cost and is treated with priority on the grid. The diesel gensets are used to
constantly fill in the gap between the present load and the actual generated power by the PV system.
31. List the peculiarities of ocean thermal energy conversion system. (Nov 2020) [R]
Ocean thermal energy conversion system (OTEC) is a process that can produce electricity by
using the temperature difference between deep cold sea water and warm tropical surface waters. OTEC
plants pumps large quantities of deep cold sea water and surface water to run a power cycle and
produce electricity.
 OTEC is a firm power (24/7) system
 It is a clean energy sources
 It is environmentally sustainable
 It is capable of providing massive levels of energy.
These are the peculiarities of OTEC Systems.
32. Mention various types of fuel cells with their electrochemical reactions. (Nov 2020) [R]
Fuel cell Charge carrier Anode reaction Cathode reaction
(DCFC – O2− C + O2− → CO2 + 2e− ½O2 + 2e− → O2−
H+ H2 → 2H+ + 2e− ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e− → H2O
(PEFC or
H+ H2 → 2H+ + 2e− ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e− → H2O
acid (PAFC)
Alkaline H2 + 2OH− → 2H2O +
OH− ½O2 + H2O + 2e− → 2OH−
(AFC) 2e–
H2 + CO32− → H2O +
CO2 + 2e−
carbonate CO32− ½O2 + CO2 + 2e– → CO32−
CO + CO32− → 2CO2 +
H2 + O2− → H2O + 2e−
Solid oxide CO + O2− → CO2 + 2e−
O2− ½O2 + 2e− → O2–
(SOFC) CH4 + 4O2− → 2H2O +
CO2 + 8e−
1. Explain the different economic and environmental considerations of tidal power plant. [U]
2. Explain the working of tidal power plant with neat layout and specify the site
requirements(NOV2020) [U]
3. Describe in detail the operation of double basin type tidal power plant. [A]
4. Discuss, what is the minimum tidal range required for the working of tidal plant. Explain
howmuch is the potential in tides. [U]
5. Explain with a neat sketch the operation of OTEC plants. (NOV2020) (13) [U]`
6. Explain the operation of hydrogen energy system with schematic diagram. (13) [U]
7. Describe the future fuel of the world that is hydrogen obtained by electrolysis of water
with theenergy. [U]
8. Discuss in detail the various fuel cells and its applications[R]
9. Derive an expression for emf, free energy, potential, power output and efficiency of a fuel
cell. [E]

10. Describe working principle of fuel cell with neat sketch and draw the performance
characteristicsof hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell? [U]
11. Describe the different methods of energy storage system[U]
12. Explain the necessity of energy storage in renewable power harnessing? Give the
diagram andexplain the operation of a pumped energy storage system. [U]
13. Define hybrid system? Discuss the need for hybrid system, its range and its types. [E]
14. With the help of neat diagram, explain the working of geo thermal energy
15. Explain the ‘single-basin’ and ‘two-basin’ systems of tidal power harnessing. Further,
discusstheir advantages and limitations. [U]
19.The hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell operates at 25°C. Calculate the voltage output of the cell, the
efficiency and the electric work output per mole of H2 consumed and per mole of H2O produced.
Also compute the heat transferred to the surroundings. [E]
Given ΔH˚298°K = – 285838 kJ/kg mole
ΔG˚298°K = – 237191 kJ/kg mole (Nov 2020)
Efficiency of Fuel Cell η = (ΔG/ΔH) = (-237191 / -285838) = 82.98%
Heat transferred to the surroundings
ΔS=(ΔH- ΔG)/T = (-285838+237191)/25= 1946 KJ/mole
Voltage of Fuel Cell
ΔG=-nFEcell = -2*96485*Ecell
Ecell = (-237191 / (-2*96485)) = 1.23V
20. Describe working principle of fuel cell with neat sketch and draw the performance characteristics of
hydrogen oxygen fuel cell. (Nov 2021)
An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
CHENNAI -600 123
Seventh Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Regulation 2017)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A (10×2=20 Marks)
1. Discuss the role of renewable source.
2. Point out the importance of solar energy in the present day energy crisis.
3. Express the equation for the maximum output power (Pm) of wind turbine.
4. Compare the VAWT and HAWT.
5. List the different types of PV Systems.
6. Draw the equivalent circuit of practical solar cell.
7. Summarize various biomass feedstock used for bioenergy generation
8. Prepare the list of various application of geothermal energy.
9. Explain the factors determines the maximum length and height of ocean waves
10.Demonstrate the factors affecting the fuel cell performance.
PART – B (5x13 = 65 Marks)
11. a. Explain about the different types of Renewable energy (RE) sources. (13)
b. Examine the impact of environmental consequences of fossil fuel usage. (13)
12 a. Explain about the various types of Wind Power Plant (WPPs). (13)
b. Explain in detail the vertical axis wind turbine and horizontal axis wind turbine. (13)
13 a. Discuss in detail about the principle of Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) conversion. (13)
b. Describe in detail about the PV module equivalent circuit and its I-V
14 a. Describe in detail the various factors affecting bio digestion of a gas. (13)
b. Describe in detail the operation pumped storage hydro power plant. (13)
15. a. Explain with a neat sketch the operation of OTEC plants (13)
b. Describe working principle of fuel cell with neat sketch and draw the
performance characteristics of hydrogen oxygen fuel cell.
PART – C (1x15 = 15 Marks)
16 a. Compose the necessity of sustainable design and development for the
prosper growth of human life in the world. (15)
b. Discuss the propeller type of turbine used for hydroelectric projects with
diagram. (15)
Question Paper Code : X10408
B.E./B.Tech. DegreeExaminations, november/december2020
Seventh Semester
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE 8703 – Renewable Energy systems
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part– A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Define energy efficiency.

2. List the non-conventional energy sources.

3. State the different types of wind mills.

4. Mention the factors which determine the power in wind.

5. Give the types of solar pond.

6. Why the efficiency of solar thermal power generation is lesser than other systems ?

7. What is Biomas cogeneration ?

8. What are the factors that affect the generation of biogas ?

9. Mention various types of fuel cells with their electrochemical reactions.

10. List the peculiarities of ocean thermal energy conversion system.

Part– B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Describe the various renewable energy resource available in India and its potential
to supplement the conventional energy sources.
b) i) Discuss the present status of world energy scenario. (6)
ii) Criticize the energy planning issues aiming to bridge the gap between the energy
demand and supply situation in India. (7)
12. a) i) Clearly explain the principle of WECSwith neat block diagram. (6)
ii) Discuss the various considerations taken into account for site selection of a wind energy
system. (7)
b) i) Explain the peak power tracking scheme in WECS. (6)
ii) Explain the working of grid tied WECSwith neat diagram. (7)

13. a) i) With a schematic diagram explain the structure of medium temperature solar power
plant. (6)
ii) Explain the working of solar water pumping system. (7)
b) Explain the algorithm for maximum power point tracking. Also discuss the necessary
conditions while synchronizing the PVsystem with grid supply.

14. a) i) Explain briefly the components of a biogas plant. (6)

ii) Explain with neat diagram the working of a cogeneration plant. (7)
b) i) Explain with neat diagram the working of a geothermal power plant. (6)
ii) With neat layout explain the working of hydroelectric power plant. (7)

15. a) Explain the principle of operation of open cycle OTECsystem.

b) Explain the working of tidal power plant with neat layout and specify the site

Part– C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15°Ctemperature has a velocity of 10

m/sec. The turbine has diameter of 120 m and its operating speed in 40 rpm at
maximum efficiency, Calculate :
i) The total power density in the wind stream
ii) The maximum obtainable power density assuming η = 40%
iii) The total power produced in kW
iv) The torque and axial thrust.
b) The hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell operates at 25°C. Calculate the voltage output of the cell,
the efficiency and the electric work output per mole of H2 consumed and per mole
of H2Oproduced. Also compute the heat transferred to the surroundings.
Given ΔH0298°K = – 285838 kJ/kg mole
ΔG0298°K = – 237191 kJ/kg mole

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