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18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam 1996
6.1.6: Heart-rate Variability - Methods and Applications



Liang-Yu Shyu, Chen-Feng Huang, Yen-Sung Wu, Wei-Chih Hu and Kuan-Chong Chao*

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, 32023, Taiwan
*Division of Gynecology, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, 11217, Taiwan
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Abstract The technique that uses the thoracic abdominal frequency residual signal that can be as large ds FECG [3]
transfer function for fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) To ovcrcome dcficicncics and improvc thc pcrformaiicc of
extraction is proposed and tested. Signals obtained hy means current methods. we propose a new signal processing
of curfacr electrodes during non-invasive FECG monitoring technique. specifically the thoracic-abdominal trmsfcr
are contaminated hy maternal electrocardiogram (MECG). function, to cstiniatc the MECG 111 the contaminated signal
The proposed method calculates the transfer function between
thoracic and abdominal MECG. Upon acquiring this Method
transfer function, the abdominal MECG can be estimated
using simultaneously recorded thoracic MECG for
Thoracic-abdominal transfer function
cancellation. Both simulated and real signals were used to
Although the shape and amplitude of the thoracic and
evaluate thc performance of this method. It is concluded
abdominal MECGs are different, they are originated from
that this method provides good to excellent results depend on
the same source, the maternal heart. Causes of these
the quality of incoming signals.
differences are distinct electric pathways from the heart to
electrode leads. It is impossible to obtain the characteristic
of these pathways directly. Thc relationship bctwccn thcsc
pathways, however. can be estimated.
Tlic non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram (FECG)
nronitoring by means of abdominal surface electrodes
In time domain, the thoracic and abdominal MECCs can
provides a valuable information about lhe cardiac electrical be represented as
activity of fetus. It has bcen illustratcd that FECG can i ; ( r ) = h,(f)*,?(t)
inonitor {he abnormality in arrhythmia and assess the fetal & ( I )= h , ( t ) * S ( f )
acidosis. ln addition, the central nervous system function where * denotes the operation of convolution. In addition.
GIII be euluated by the analysis of fetal heart rate variability s(t), ft(t), fa(t), ht(t) and ha(t) are the electric activity in the
11 I. However, the low signal-to-noise ratio and the heart, the thoracic MECG. the abdominal MECG. and
contaniiilation of maternal electrocardiogram (MECG) and
transient responses of electric pathway from the heart to
clcctrotuyography introduce an unique challenges in signal
thorax and abdomen, respectively. In frequency donlain.
processing. Equation 1 can be rewritten as
The tecliiiique developed by Reichert et. al., [2] a linear
F; ( J M: ) = Z?, ( .jw ). S ( ,;w)
coinbiiiatioii of thoracic MECG was used in the estimation (2)
of abdominal MECG. Due to the lack of coincidence in e, ( .;w) Ha( ./ w ). S' ( ./U,, 1
phase and amplitudc. this method i s fraught with problem. where Fa(jw) and Ft(jw) are the Fourier transformed
Aunong scvcral other signal processing techniques proposed abdominal and thoracic MECGs, respectively. The
to extract FECG from the contaminated signal, the thoracic-abdominal transfer function, Hta(jw). is defined as
correlation nnalysis has been the most successful and widely
used niethod. However. the amplitude as well as the shape
of ECG arc niodulatcd by the respiratory activity. By
subtracting an averaged MECG from the incoming signal,
i n spite of perfectly aligned. this method results in low s'( I M )
Bv rearranging equation 3. the spectrurii of abdoini nal
Thls work is supported by National Science Committee MECG can be calculated as
of ROC under the grand of NSC85-2213-E-033-023. Fa ( / w 1 = N ,( / w ) Ff( IM.' ) (4)

0-7803-3811-1/97/$10.00 OIEEE 1644

18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam 1996
6.1.6: Heart-rate Variability - Methods and Applications

Thus. the abdominal h4ECG can be obtained from thoracic- Notes thdt there is no low frequency residual signal in the
abdominal transfer function and thoracic MECG. Since extracted FECG signal during the period when inaternal
H,,[jw) includes both magnitude and phase information, the QRS complexes occur [n addition the signal-to-noise
problcm of coincidence in Reichcrt’s nicthod is eliminatcd. ratio IS maintained
m IT1
The estimated abdominal MECG is then subtracted from the
inconling signal for FECG extraction.
I n order to obtain better spectrum representation, ensemble
averaged MECG‘s were used in the calculation of thoracic
abdominal transfer function. At high frequencies, however,
this transfer fiinction becomes the ratio of noises. Thus, a
Hamming window was applied to suppress the high c
rrcquency noise above 150 Hz.

Subject and Data acquisition Pipre 2 The result of FECG extraction, where trace A,
Five subjects at their late pregnancy ( 38.2 f 1.9 weeks) B, and C are the abdominal signal, the estimated
were recruited for this studv. Two ECG electrodes. in maternal ECG and the extracted FECG, respectivelv
addition to the three Lead I1 electrodes, were placed at the Additionally, m and f represent the maternal and fetal
lower abdomen for abdominal signal acquisition. Both ECG, respectively
thoracic and abdominal signals were amplified
simultaneouslv by a custom made two channels ECG system Discussion
\\,ith bandwidths of 150Hz. Signals were digitized at a
sampling rate of 1000Hz and stored in an IBM cotnparable To estimate the maternal ECG continuously, fiftj percent
computer for off-line processing. over-lapping triangle windows were used in the calculation
of spectra. This results in twice amount of computational
Result time. Thus, off-line processing has to be performed. For
potential clinical usage. an alternating real-time approach
For the purpose of evaluation, simulated FECGs were using lhe same principle has to be found in the future.
d d c d to thc rccorded abdoin~nal ECG signal Both Additionally. as it is illustrated in the result section. the
,~niplitiideand time of occurring of these simulated FECGs proposed method does not atteiiuate high frequency noises.
,ire knoit B priori The result of extraction depends heavily on the qualie of
The simulation results are depicted in figure 1 The incoming signal.
proposcd method successfiilly estimates the abdominal
signal The artificial FECG can be clearly identified i n Conclusion
thc cutracled signal
The proposed thoracic-abdominal transfer hnction shows
great potential in FECG extraction. The large amount of
computational time it required, however, limits the current
approach to off-line processing. Both dedicated hardware
and finitc inipulsc rcsponsc digital filtering are under
investigating to achieve rcal-time FECG extraction.

P i p r e I The result of simulation. where trace A, B, C,
and D arc thc artificial abdominal signal, thc cstiniatcd
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