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Scala 5.

Part 2 – Extended Functionality

 Copyright 1999 - 2001 Scala ECE (Overseas) Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction Without Permission.
This material is the sole property of Scala ECE (Overseas) Ltd., and is under the protection of the Berne
Convention and other applicable local laws. Any duplication, reproduction, copying or usage of this material or the
software programs and other protected material described herein without the expressed written permission of Scala
ECE (Overseas) Ltd. is illegal and any person or company in violation will be prosecuted for damages.
All other trademarks are registered to their respective owners.
This edition describes version 5.1.

Publication number: EN-2002-C-0301 2


Preface ___________________________________________________________________________9
Project Management _______________________________________________________________10
License Protected Features _______________________________________________________10
Currency in Projects ____________________________________________________________10
ZIP Code Validation Availability _________________________________________________10
Deleting Main Project __________________________________________________________11
Activity Prices Recalculation _____________________________________________________11
No Sorting on Report Code ______________________________________________________12
Activities _____________________________________________________________ 12
Parameters for Non-Chargeable Activities ___________________________________________12
Sub-Project Level Invoicing ______________________________________________________13
Invoice Planning____________________________________________________________13
Parameters ____________________________________________________________ 13
Invoice Plan at Sub-Project Level __________________________________________ 14
Ongoing Invoice Plan ___________________________________________________ 15
Fixed Price Invoice Plan _________________________________________________ 15
Invoice Numbers for Normal Invoices ______________________________________ 16
Invoice Numbers for Invoice Specifications __________________________________ 16
Adjusting Invoice Proposal _______________________________________________ 16
Closing Project Invoices _________________________________________________ 16
Invoice History _____________________________________________________________16
Project Level Invoice History _____________________________________________ 17
Sub-Project Level Invoice History _________________________________________ 17
Accounting Effects __________________________________________________________17
Queries ___________________________________________________________________17
Main Project/Project Level Queries_________________________________________ 17
Sub-Project Level Queries ________________________________________________ 17
Project Details _________________________________________________________ 17
Reports ___________________________________________________________________17
Project Report _________________________________________________________ 17
Internal Debiting _______________________________________________________ 18
Percentage of Completion ________________________________________________ 18
Closing Project _____________________________________________________________18
Purchase Order Connectivity from Project Management ________________________________18
Purchase Order for a Material Activity __________________________________________18
Settings ______________________________________________________________ 18
Purchase Order Counter__________________________________________________ 18
Purchase Order Markup __________________________________________________ 20
Purchase Order Planning for Material Activity ________________________________ 20
Purchase Order Entry____________________________________________________ 21
Order Head ___________________________________________________________ 22
Accounting Dimensions__________________________________________________ 22
Updating Actual Values of Purchase Order in Project Management________________ 22
Accounting Effects _____________________________________________________ 22
Queries in Purchase Order Module _________________________________________ 22
Queries in Project Management____________________________________________ 23
Purchase Order for a Cost Activity______________________________________________23
Purchase Order Planning for a Cost Activity__________________________________ 23


Purchase Order Entry____________________________________________________ 24

Entering Cost Activity in Purchase Control Invoice ____________________________ 24
Actual _______________________________________________________________ 24
Reports and Documents__________________________________________________ 25
Queries in Purchase Order Module _________________________________________ 25
Queries in Project Management____________________________________________ 25
Commitment Accounting _____________________________________________________25
Estimates at Sub-Project Level_________________________________________________25
Special Processing of Invoices ____________________________________________________26
Service Management _______________________________________________________________27
Using Accruals in Service Contract ________________________________________________27
The Service Contract Line Data File ____________________________________________27
Setting Up New Programs on Scala Menu ________________________________________27
Accrue by Invoice Period Service Contract Parameter_______________________________27
Create Accruals Program _____________________________________________________28
Create Accruals Option __________________________________________________ 28
Setup and Limitations of Create Accruals Program_____________________________ 29
Checking whether Contract has any Outstanding Accruals_______________________ 29
Calculating Period Accrual Amounts _______________________________________ 30
Creating Accrual Journal Transactions for Accruals ____________________________ 32
Deleting Contracts and Contract Lines___________________________________________33
Adjusting Contract Line ______________________________________________________34
Closing Service Contract Invoice _______________________________________________35
Creating Accruals ______________________________________________________ 35
Setup and Limitations of Close Contract Invoice Program _______________________ 35
Calculating Period Accrual Amounts _______________________________________ 35
Creating Accrual Journal Transactions for Accruals ____________________________ 38
Creating Accrual Agreements _____________________________________________ 38
Printing Accrual WIP Journal _________________________________________________38
Notes on Accruals __________________________________________________________41
Actions to Be Done _________________________________________________________43
SM1041.BAS Close Service Contracts program _______________________________ 43
SM1060.BAS Contract Parameters program__________________________________ 43
SM1044.BAS Create Accruals program _____________________________________ 43
Changed Files _________________________________________________________ 43
Index Clause __________________________________________________________________44
Summary _________________________________________________________________44
Prerequisites to Index Clause __________________________________________________45
Service Contract Parameters ______________________________________________ 45
Index Values __________________________________________________________ 45
Activating Index _______________________________________________________ 46
Contract Index Clause ___________________________________________________ 46
Transaction Example ________________________________________________________46
Calculation Formula _________________________________________________________47
Market Database __________________________________________________________________48
Rebuilding User-Defined Data Files _______________________________________________48
Exporting User-Defined Data Files ________________________________________________48
Additional Options for Copying from Customer and Supplier Files Routines ________________49
Additional Options when Defining Attributes ________________________________________49
Promissory Notes __________________________________________________________________50
Manual Unlocking of Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques ____________________________50
WIP Changes _________________________________________________________________51
Additional Date Selection when Creating WIP Transactions ____________________________51
Payroll __________________________________________________________________________52
Statistical Calculation Model _____________________________________________________52


Wage Type____________________________________________________________ 52
Calculation Model ______________________________________________________ 52
Calculating Payroll in Statistical Calculation Model____________________________ 53
Conversion____________________________________________________________ 54
Q Command___________________________________________________________ 54
K Command___________________________________________________________ 54
Wage Type Counter for Results in the Accounting Currency ____________________________56
Precision Tables for Payroll Additional Tables _______________________________________56
Additional Tables Default Decimals Parameter________________________________ 56
Additional Tables Rules _________________________________________________ 56
Exporting Additional Tables ______________________________________________ 57
New Wildcard for Fixed Wage Types ______________________________________________57
Posting Social Benefits _________________________________________________________58
Currency Handling _____________________________________________________________58
Currency Codes for Counters 1-8 __________________________________________ 58
Currency Commands ____________________________________________________ 58
Control Commands _____________________________________________________ 59
New Wage Type Commands______________________________________________________59
Extracting Dictionary Values _________________________________________________59
Calling Chain Wage Types ___________________________________________________60
Multi-Model Payroll Calculation __________________________________________________60
Printing Wage Types/Wage Type Specifications/Wage Type Specifications in Words _ 60
Currency Codes in Enquiries _____________________________________________________61
Currency Codes in Reports ______________________________________________________62
Currency Codes when Adjusting Payroll Calculation __________________________________62
Russian Social Security Number Validation _________________________________________62
Length of Numeric Fields for User-Defined Screens ___________________________________62
pa040000.fld __________________________________________________________ 62
Enhanced Validation of Employee Fields ___________________________________________63
pa040000.fld __________________________________________________________ 63
Importing employee data _________________________________________________ 63
Printing Professional Reports _____________________________________________ 63
Extended Billing Functionality _______________________________________________________64
Terms and Definitions___________________________________________________________64
Periodical Billing ___________________________________________________________64
Tax Rounding and Calculation Methods _________________________________________65
Holiday Shifting ____________________________________________________________66
Billing Routines Overview _______________________________________________________66
Setting Up_________________________________________________________________67
Working with Sales Invoices __________________________________________________68
Invoice Types ______________________________________________________ 68
Working with Sales Orders ___________________________________________________69
Working with Billing Statements _______________________________________________69
Working with Consolidating Goods Received Note_________________________________71
Due Date Calculation ________________________________________________________71
Setting Up ____________________________________________________________________71
Planning Calendar __________________________________________________________71
Entering/Adjusting Holidays __________________________________________ 71
Deleting Holidays ___________________________________________________ 72
Number Series _____________________________________________________________72
Payment Terms_____________________________________________________________72
Billing Terms ______________________________________________________________72
Customer File ______________________________________________________________75
Supplier File _______________________________________________________________76
Billing Slips Printing Parameter ________________________________________________77
Invoice Menu Customisation __________________________________________________77


Querying Invoices___________________________________________________ 77
Working with Sales Invoices______________________________________________________77
Credit Note/Debit Notes ______________________________________________________77
Changing Invoice Type and Included In Billing Flag________________________________78
Working with Sales Orders _______________________________________________________79
Entering/Adjusting Sales Orders _______________________________________________79
Working with Sales Orders of Type 9 ___________________________________________79
Printing Billing Slips ________________________________________________________80
Working with Billing Statements __________________________________________________80
Deleting Billing Statement Proposal ____________________________________________80
Printing Slips Ready for Billing ________________________________________________81
Setting Up Selection Criteria __________________________________________________81
Creating and Printing Billing Statement Proposal __________________________________83
Reprinting One Billing Statement from Billing Statement Proposal ____________________83
Adjusting Billing Statement Proposal ___________________________________________83
Adjusting Proposal’s Statement Header __________________________________ 83
Adjusting Proposal’s Statement Contents_________________________________ 84
Adjusting Proposal’s Total Tax Amount _________________________________ 85
Printing/Reprinting Billing Statement ___________________________________________85
Converting Billing Statement Proposal to Billing Statements _________________________85
Enquiring Billing Statement Invoices____________________________________________86
Enquiry Routines ___________________________________________________ 86
Reports ___________________________________________________________ 86
Adjusting Billing Statement ___________________________________________________87
Settling Up Billing Statement__________________________________________________88
Settling Up Billing Statement in Sales Ledger ________________________________ 88
Selecting Billing Statement____________________________________________ 88
Settling Up Billing Statement __________________________________________ 89
Settling Up Billing Statement in General Ledger ______________________________ 90
Menu Customisation _________________________________________________ 90
Deleting Paid Billing Statement ________________________________________________91
Working with Consolidated Goods Received Note_____________________________________91
Creating Consolidated Goods Received Note _____________________________________92
Adjusting Consolidated Goods Received Note ____________________________________92
Reprinting Consolidated Goods Received Note ____________________________________92
Deleting Consolidated Goods Received Note _____________________________________93
Billing Statement ___________________________________________________________93
Structure of DDF-File ___________________________________________________ 93
Terms and Definitions ___________________________________________________ 94
DDF Codes ___________________________________________________________ 95
Header Block ______________________________________________________ 95
Body0 Block _______________________________________________________ 96
Body1 Block _______________________________________________________ 96
Body2 Block _______________________________________________________ 96
Body3 Block _______________________________________________________ 96
FLOATEND Block__________________________________________________ 96
Example of DDF-File ___________________________________________________ 97
Sales Order Reports _________________________________________________________97
Extended Promissory Notes Functionality ______________________________________________98
Setting Up Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques _____________________________________98
Parameters ________________________________________________________________98
Entering/Adjusting Transactions Definition_______________________________________98
Portfolio Data ________________________________________________________________100
Entering/Adjusting Portfolios_________________________________________________100
Partner Data__________________________________________________________________100


Entering/Adjusting Partners __________________________________________________100

Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques Data_________________________________________100
Entering/Adjusting Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques __________________________100
Operational Proposal___________________________________________________________101
Selecting Proposal _________________________________________________________101
Creating Proposal __________________________________________________________101
Adjusting Proposal _________________________________________________________102
Reprinting Proposal ________________________________________________________103
Printing Covering Documents ________________________________________________103
Deleting Proposal __________________________________________________________103
Approving Proposal ________________________________________________________103
Exporting Proposal _________________________________________________________103
Proposal File Definition _____________________________________________________103
Data Update Block CLEARLIST _________________________________________________104
Information from Master File _________________________________________________104
Partner File _______________________________________________________________104
Inquiries ____________________________________________________________________104
Customer/Supplier Payments ____________________________________________________105
Entering Payments _________________________________________________________105
Promissory Notes General_______________________________________________________105
Entering/Adjusting Transactions ______________________________________________105
Reports _____________________________________________________________________106
Printing Reports ___________________________________________________________106
PN/PDC Deemed Settlement ____________________________________________________106
Creating Proposal __________________________________________________________106
Proposal for Draft PN/PDC Receivable (SL) ________________________________________107
Setting Up Parameters ______________________________________________________107
Reminders, Statements, and Interest _______________________________________ 107
Entering Invoices/Credit Notes _______________________________________________107
Adjusting Other Invoice Details __________________________________________ 107
Automatic Payments________________________________________________________107
Selecting Automatic Payment Proposal_____________________________________ 107
Creating Automatic Payment Proposal _____________________________________ 108
Adjusting Automatic Payment Proposal ____________________________________ 109
Approving Automatic Payment Proposal ___________________________________ 109
Draft Notes (Payment Methods 4 and 5) ____________________________________ 109
Setting Up Parameters_______________________________________________ 109
Printing Draft Note _________________________________________________ 110
Printing Transfer List _______________________________________________ 110
Storing Draft PN/PDC ______________________________________________ 110
Deleting Automatic Payment Proposal _____________________________________ 111
Update with Note Payments _____________________________________________ 111
Payments by PN/PDC in SL Reports ______________________________________________112
Printing Payment Receipts ___________________________________________________112
Enquiring Customer Statements _______________________________________________112
Enquiring Customer File ____________________________________________________112
Invoices__________________________________________________________ 112
Printing Reminders and Statements ____________________________________________112
Reminders/Statements/Statements by Date_______________________________ 112
Balance List ______________________________________________________________112
Balance Summary__________________________________________________________113
Automatic Payment Methods with PN/PDC (PL)_____________________________________114
Automatic Payments by PN/PDC (Methods C1 and C2) ____________________________114
Selecting Automatic Payment Proposal_____________________________________ 114
Creating Automatic Payment Proposal _____________________________________ 114
Adjusting Automatic Payment Proposal ____________________________________ 114


Reprinting Automatic Payment Proposal____________________________________ 114

Deleting Automatic Payment Proposal _____________________________________ 114
Approving Automatic Payment Proposal ___________________________________ 114
Printing Payment Notice ________________________________________________ 115
Setting Up Parameters_______________________________________________ 115
Printing Note/Cheque _______________________________________________ 116
Printing Transfer List _______________________________________________ 116
Updating _________________________________________________________ 116
Deleting Payment Proposal ______________________________________________ 116
Payments by PN/PDC in PL Reports ______________________________________________116
Enquiring Supplier File _____________________________________________________116
Invoices _____________________________________________________________ 116
Enquiring Supplier Statements ________________________________________________117
Supplier Statement _________________________________________________________117
Balance Lists _____________________________________________________________117
Detailed Balance List for Purchase Ledger __________________________________ 117
Balance List for Unauthorised Invoices_____________________________________ 117
Balance List for Payment Blocked Invoices _________________________________ 117
Balance Summary for Purchase Ledger_____________________________________ 117
Exception List_____________________________________________________________117
List of New Features and Corrected Bugs ______________________________________________118


This addendum includes descriptions of Scala 5.1 features and corrected bugs that were not included in
Scala mainstream manuals in the following modules:
• Project Management
• Service Management
• Market Database
• Promissory Notes
• Payroll
• Extended Billing Functionality
• Extended Promissory Notes Functionality
The respective service pack and bug log numbers are given in brackets alongside headings.
 All screen shots and reports are included for visualisation purposes only and contain dummy data.


Project Management
License Protected Features (SP12)
The following features are license-protected:
• Entering a purchase order from material activity
• Entering a purchase order from cost activity
• Invoicing at the sub-project level
 (SP13) (#34227)
Since SP13, Invoicing at the sub-project level is not license-protected.
 To obtain relevant licenses, contact your Scala local representatives.

Currency in Projects (SP01)

Search path:
Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Project Parameters – Terms/Parameters
Two fields were introduced to support the EMU
6. Currency
Enter the currency code for the project. The invoice customer’s currency is displayed by default
and can be adjusted only for new projects.
? (currencies)
7. Invoice Currency
Enter the currency code for the project invoices. The invoice customer’s currency is displayed by
default and can be adjusted. If the invoice currency differs from the project currency, the invoices
printing routine will convert the project currency to the invoice currency using the system date’s
selling exchange rate.
? (currencies)

ZIP Code Validation Availability (SP06)

The ZIP code validation is activated after filling in:
• The Project file Delivery Address field
The next to Deliver Cust field when the delivery address is temporary. (Project Management –
Project File/Enquiries – Project File)
For more information, see the Scala Project Management User’s Guide.
Search path: Project File/Enquiries – Project File
1. Delivery Customer
If the country code (set up in the company file) is 1 (USA), the attempt to enter the fourth line of
this field will result in appearance of a pop-up screen where you can enter ZIP code (5 digits),
city/town name and state code (2 symbols). Query options are available.

DDF codes used in the following Project Management documents:

• Invoices/Invoice Proposals
• Quotations/Confirmations


• Project Specifications
• Work Order/Purchase Request
The following DDF numbers should be used for extra address information:
170 invoice customer state code
171 ordering customer state code
172 delivery address state code

Deleting Main Project (#25391)

Search path:
Project Files/Enquiries – Main Project File
1. Main Project
To delete a main project, enter a minus (–), the code of the main project to be deleted, confirm
deletion and press Esc to return to entering/adjusting main projects routine.

Activity Prices Recalculation (SP01)

Search path:
Project Codes/Prices – Activity Prices – General Price Adjustment
Use this routine to adjust the activity prices according to the selected activity codes, activity types,
price lists (with respective currencies) and price codes. The adjustment is done along the following
lines: if the source and target price lists currencies differ, the new currency price will be recalculated,
using the system date’s selling rate; then the amount obtained will be multiplied by the conversion
factor, and the absolute amount will be added. The activity prices with specified target price lists and
price codes will be created or updated depending on the already existing entries (Project Codes/Prices
– Activity Prices – Enter/Adjust Price). The cost prices for the cost activities (in the accounting
currency only) can be adjusted in the same way. You can also specify the rounding off rules for the
general price adjustment routine.
1. Activity Codes
Enter the activity codes range to select the activities to process. If the range is not defined, all time
and cost activities will be involved.
? (activities)
2. Activity Type
Enter the activity types range to select the activities to process.
? (activity types)
3. Price List to Update
Enter the target price list to be linked with the calculated price and the currency for new activity
prices to be got from. To adjust the cost prices for the cost activities, enter c. If so, you proceed to
the Conversion factor field.
? (price lists)
4. Price Code to Update
Enter the target price code to be linked with the calculated price. To calculate the activity prices for
all price codes linked with the source price list (Based on Price field), enter an asterisk (*). If so,
the source price code in the Based on price code field is disabled.
? (price codes)
5. Based on Price
Enter the source price list the activity price in the respective currency will be taken from.
? (price lists)
 This price list must have already been linked to the respective activities.
To run the routine based on the cost price (in the accounting currency), enter c.


1. Based on Price Code

Enter the source price code of the activities to run the routine for.
? (price codes)
 This price code must have already been linked to the respective activities.
 The field is disabled, if all price codes have been selected in the Price Code to Update field.
2. Conversion Factor
Enter the value the calculated activity price is to be multiplied by. For example, the conversion
factor 1.25 will increase the price by 25%, the conversion factor 0.9 will reduce the price by 10%,
and so on. The conversion factor 1 (displayed by default) rounds the calculated price according to
the rules defined in the Rounding Off fields.
3. Absolute Amount
Enter the amount to be added or subtracted from the calculated price (positive or negative values
4. Rounding Off
Enter the price rounding rules within the intervals displayed. For no rounding, enter 0 (a zero). For
example, if you enter 5.00 for the interval 1000.00 -4999.99, the prices in this interval will be
rounded to the nearest 5.00 (e.g., 3467.45 will be rounded to 3465).
5. Update prices?
y the new activity prices will be calculated and updated;
the report will be printed
n the new activity prices will be calculated, and the report
will be printed; but not updated

6. Confirm to start the general price adjustment routine.

No Sorting on Report Code (#23706)(#24857)

Search path:
Project Codes/Prices – Project Templates
5. Report Code
Enter a code for reports on this activity. The codes can be used to summarise and select
information for reports.
 The codes must have been entered in the code file.
? (report codes)

Parameters for Non-Chargeable Activities (#24693)

Search path:
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Default Values Project
• Print Non-Chargeable Activities
Enter the value as required:
0 Non-chargeable activities are not printed on Invoice
Proposal and Invoice.
1 Non-chargeable activities are printed only on Invoice
2 Non-chargeable activities are printed on both Invoice
Proposal and Invoice.
 The default value is 0.


Search Path:
Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Project Parameters – Terms/Parameters
2. Print Non-Chargeable Activities
Enter the number as required:
0 Non-chargeable activities are not printed on Invoice
Proposal and Invoice.
1 Non-chargeable activities are printed only on Invoice
2 Non-chargeable activities are printed on both Invoice
Proposal and Invoice.
 The default value set up in the Project Default Values can be overwritten here.

Sub-Project Level Invoicing (SP11)

The feature is license-protected; for license, contact your Scala local representatives.
 (SP13) (#34227)
Since SP13, Invoicing at the sub-project level is not license-protected.
This feature has been provided so that there is flexibility in invoicing while executing a large project.
You can now plan and create invoices at the sub project level.
In the existing Project Management module of Scala you can define four levels in the project hierarchy,
namely, main project, project, sub-project and activity. For large projects that extend over a long period
or for those being completed in several phases, some flexibility may be required in the invoicing to
enable the project to be executed smoothly.
The changes made in the Project Management module enable invoicing at the sub-project level instead
of the project being invoiced as a whole. You can now define multiple invoice plans for different sub
These enhancements eliminate the possibility of duplication of effort. Irrelevant and unwanted
information is also filtered out.

Invoice Planning
The invoice plan can be defined at either the project or sub-project levels. The parameter to enable
invoicing at the sub project level can be defined at Project Management global parameters level as well
as at each project specific level.

Search path:
Project Management – Miscellaneous – Parameters
• Invoice Plan on Sub-Project Level
y Invoice plan can be generated at sub project level.
n Only one invoice plan can be generated at project level.


The value specified for this parameter becomes default at the project management level and is carried
over to each project. You can change this default parameter in the project specific parameters. This
means that you can choose to indicate which projects will have invoice plans at the sub project level.
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Enter/Adjust Project – Project
Parameters – Terms/Parameters
The specified value as described above will be carried over to the field Invoice Plan on Sub-Project
Level for the project. You can change this value for a particular project.

Invoice Plan at Sub-Project Level

If you have selected yes for the parameter Invoicing plan on Sub-Project while defining project
parameters, the invoice plan can be created at the sub project level.
Search path:
Project Management – Project file/Enquiries – Project File – Invoicing Plan
If the parameter Invoicing Plan on Sub Project Level is yes, the invoice plan can be defined at the
sub project level. When you select Invoicing Plan, a list of sub projects will be displayed.

You will see the Invoice Plan screen after selecting a sub project from this list. You can also define an
invoice plan while entering a new sub project by following the routine:
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Sub Projects – Enter/Adjust Sub
Projects – Invoice Plan
You can specify the invoice plan for the new sub project.


Ongoing Invoice Plan

Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Invoicing Plan – Price Model (Ongoing)
In the first screen for entering advance and ceiling price, the following invoice events will now directly
consider the sub project for which the invoice plan is being generated.
• Sub Project Started
• Activity Started
• Sub Project Ended
• Activity Ended
• Hours on Sub Project
• Hours on Activity
In the second screen where the invoice events are decided, the following invoice events will directly
show the sub project in Sub Project field for which the invoice plan is defined.
• Sub Project Started
• Activity Started
• Sub Project Ended
• Activity Ended
• Hours on Sub Project
• Hours on Activity
Fixed Price Invoice Plan
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Invoicing Plan – Price Model (Fixed)
In the screen where you enter the advance and retention amount, the following invoice events will now
directly consider the sub project in which the invoice plan is defined.
• Sub Project Started
• Activity Started
• Sub Project Ended
• Activity Ended
• Hours on Sub Project
• Hours on Activity

Search path:
Project Management – Invoicing – Create Invoice Proposal
• Sub Project
You can select sub projects for invoicing by specifying the range in the Sub Project field:


 Specify only one project in both project fields. Only then you will be able to see a list of all sub
projects. If you specify a range of projects, the sub project list will be unavailable.
Similarly, for printing, if you select a project and a range of sub projects, the system will print separate
invoices for every sub project.

Invoice Numbers for Normal Invoices

The same logic of invoice number increment will work for sub projects.

Invoice Numbers for Invoice Specifications

Search path:
Project Management – Miscellaneous – Parameters
• Invoice Specification Counter
The invoice specification counter can be used to separate the numbers for invoices and invoice
specifications. If you select yes in this field, you can specify the counter for invoice specifications.

Adjusting Invoice Proposal

Search path:
Project Management – Invoicing – Adjust Invoice Proposal – Invoice Proposals
There is a Sub Project column on the screen containing the list of invoice proposals. You can select a
sub project to adjust a particular invoice proposal.

Closing Project Invoices

Search path:
Project Management – Invoicing – Close Invoices/Credit Notes – Closing of Project Invoices
• Project Number
Select a project by entering the same number in both the Project Number fields. You will get a
list of all sub projects.
 If you specify a range in the Project field, the sub project list will be unavailable.

Invoice History
The invoice history details are available at both project and sub project levels.


Project Level Invoice History

Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Enter Adjust Project – Invoice History
The list of all the invoices for the project will be seen. The sorting of these invoices will be by sub
projects. A new Sub Project column has been added.

Sub-Project Level Invoice History

Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Sub Projects – Invoice History
There is an additional option to reach the sub project invoice history from here.

Accounting Effects
Search path:
Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Print Invoice Journal
If the invoicing plan has been defined at the sub project level and if it is an advance invoice, the
accounting dimensions, for example, cost centre, product, etc., will be taken from the sub project level.
This is also applicable for stage/on account invoices on fixed price projects and repeating invoices.

Main Project/Project Level Queries
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Enquire Projects – Query Projects – Project
This query is by main project/project. The invoiced value is the addition of all invoices on the project.
In the full view screen, the column Invoiced will be the addition of all sub project invoices since it is a
project level query.

Sub-Project Level Queries

Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Enquire Projects – Query Projects – Sub Project – Sub
Project Cost/Revenue
The invoiced column will show the total of all the sub project invoices in the project.

Project Details
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Enquire Projects – Query Projects – Project Details
The changes are the same as described in the section Invoice History. This is a read only mode. For a
sub project, you can see the invoice plan and invoice history of the sub project.

Project Report
Search path:
Project Management – Reports/Statistics – Project Reports – Print Project Reports
Since the sub projects in a project may have different invoice plans, the invoice plan for a sub project is
displayed at the start of every sub project.


Internal Debiting
If there are different cost centres on a sub project and on time transaction, then internal debiting report
will give a list of those transactions.

Percentage of Completion
The program calculates the recognised income from sub project fixed price. A sub project field has
been added to the screen. When you select a sub project, the fixed price of that sub project will be
displayed under Estimated in Revenue.
 If you select a project and there is no invoice plan at the sub project level, the sub project field will
be disabled.

Closing Project
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Close Project
After selecting the Project and Sub Project, type c in Activity. You can clear all WIP for a sub

Purchase Order Connectivity from Project

Management (SP11)
You can enter purchase orders directly from Project Management for material and cost activities.
Currently, material handling in Project Management is done through the Sales Order module with the
help of Material Activity.
An additional Purchase Order option has been given with Material and Cost activities from Project
Management to simplify the process.
 Only Quotation and Direct order types are handled through Material and Cost Activity. Also, if
you create a project with status quotation, only a purchase order proposal can be made. The
system will automatically convert all purchase order proposals into direct purchase orders while
converting project quotations to normal project orders.

Purchase Order for a Material Activity

The feature is license protected; for license, contact your Scala local representatives.
There is direct connectivity from Project Management to the Purchase Order module.

Purchase Order Counter
You can specify a counter for purchase orders in the Purchase Order Counter field.


Search path:
Project Management – Miscellaneous – Parameters

The value specified here for the Purchase Order will be carried to the templates and can be used for
Search path:
Project Management – Project Codes/Prices – Project Templates


Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Enter/Adjust Project – Project
Parameters – Terms/Parameters

Purchase Order Markup

Unlike a sales order, you cannot get the price for a purchase order. If you want to invoice the order, you
will have to decide how much mark-up is to be added. To do this you will have to specify a percentage
mark-up in the following screen for the particular activity.
Search path:
Project Management – Project Codes/Prices – Activities – Enter/Adjust Activity
• Purchase Order Markup
Specify the percentage mark-up to be used for marking up the purchase order.

The mark-up value specified here will be carried over to the planning screen. You can change the value
while planning. If you want a different mark-up for different stock items, then you will have to do the
material activity planning separately for these stock items.

Purchase Order Planning for Material Activity

The order counter will be the default from the global project management parameters/project templates.
You can change this in order counter for project specific parameters.
After specifying which order counter to use for purchase order, you can plan for the purchase order.


Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Enter/Adjust Project – Project Activities
– Material Activity

After planning, you will be able to enter the purchase order directly from Project Management. The
following options will be provided:

On selecting Purchase Order from the above options, you will reach the Purchase Order screen
 If a Purchase Order is linked to a particular material activity, a Sales Order cannot be used for
the same material activity and vice versa.

Purchase Order Entry

Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Enter/Adjust Project – Project Activities
– Material Activity – Purchase Order
After selecting Purchase Order, you will be taken directly to the Order Date field in the Purchase
Order entry screen. It is not possible to change the Order Number and Type.


The details of purchase order entry are as follows:

Order Head
Specify the Purchaser Code and Supplier Code. The delivery address will be taken from the Project
Entry file. You can change this address from the Order Head option. The Remark field will get filled
with the details about the Project, Sub project, Activity and Activity Line as shown in the above figure.

Accounting Dimensions
Account is taken from the supplier file in Purchase Ledger. Cost Center, Product etc. are taken from the
linked activity line. If this is blank, they are taken from the Supplier file. If the fields in both linked
activity line and Supplier file are blank, nothing appears in the field in Cost Center, Product, etc. You
can overwrite accounting dimensions and accounting code at the order line level.

Updating Actual Values of Purchase Order in Project Management

Search path:
Purchase Order – Deliveries/Invoices – Enter Delivery Note
If you want to withdraw a purchase order that you have created, you can use the existing function in the
Purchase Order module.
The updating of actual values will be done at the time of updating invoices in purchase order (Purchase
Order – Deliveries/Invoices – Enter Invoices).

Accounting Effects
The entries remain the same in Purchase Order and Project Management (Material Activity).
On updating the purchase order invoice the following entries will be created in Purchase Ledger and
Project Management.
Purchase Ledger (Purchase Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Print Invoice Journal)
Account from PL Supplier file Standard account Dr.
Account from Supplier file Payable account Cr.
For example,
1212 (Accruals) Dr.
2210 (Accounts Payable from Supplier file) Cr.
Project Management (Project Management – Reports/Statistics – General Ledger Journal)
Automatic accounting schedule on activity level – Material activity.
For example,
PR01 (WIP Account AAS 8) Dr.
1212 (Cost Contra Account AAS 9) Cr.
The net effect is:
WIP Account Dr.
Supplier’s Payable Account Cr.
Queries in Purchase Order Module
In the following locations, you will see all the purchase orders linked to Project Management by
specifying the equal to sign (=) while querying.


Search path:
Purchase Order – Order Entry/Enquiry – Enter/Adjust Order
Search path:
Purchase Order – Order Entry/Enquiry – Enquire Order File
Search path:
Purchase Order – Deliveries/Invoices – Enter Delivery Notes
Search path:
Purchase Order – Deliveries/Invoices – Enter Invoices – Accept Entry – Entry of Purchase Order
Queries in Project Management
You can make a query on a linked purchase order for a material activity.
Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Enquire Projects – Project Details – Project Activities
If you select a material activity from the project activity list and if the activity has a linked purchase
order, you will see the options list from which you can choose a purchase order. This will enable you to
directly reach the Enquiry Purchase Order program.

Purchase Order for a Cost Activity

The feature is license-protected; for license, contact your Scala local represantative.
You can create a purchase order with the existing cost activity as material activity of Project
Management. You can use this to effect separate cost transactions attached to the purchase order.

Purchase Order Planning for a Cost Activity

You can use the purchase order counter for purchase orders to be created for a cost activity.
 Refer to Purchase Order for a Material Activity described earlier in this chapter.
When you select a cost activity from the list of activities, you will be able to enter a purchase order
directly from Project Management.

Search path:
Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Project File – Enter/Adjust Project – Project Activities
– Cost Activity – Purchase Order

The following fields were introduced:


• Link Purchase Order

y The cost activity will be linked to the purchase order.
n The cost activity will not be linked to the purchase order.

• Linked Order
Displays the Linked Order Number.
• Update Estimates
Specifying yes will update cost from purchase order. You will have to enter the estimated revenue
After entering the details on this screen, you can directly reach the purchase order by selecting the
Purchase Order button.

Purchase Order Entry

You can reach the Purchase Order Entry screen directly from the Cost Activity.
 Refer to the section Purchase Order Entry for a Material Activity described earlier in this chapter.
The cost will be updated to the estimates. If you want revenue in the estimates, it should be entered
manually in the planning screen.

Entering Cost Activity in Purchase Control Invoice

You can select the sub project and activity line while entering an invoice in purchase order. This option
is only available with additional cost in the purchase order invoice.
Search path:
Purchase Order – Deliveries/Invoices – Enter Invoices – Accept Entry – Entry of Additional Cost
After you have selected a project from the list, you will see the following screen where you will be
able to select a sub project and activity line.

The entry here will directly go to Purchase Ledger.

The updating for cost activity will not be done like material activity. When the purchase order is
invoiced, only entry to Purchase Ledger will be made. If you want to update the actual values to the
project, you will have to import the transaction from the General Ledger with the help of account rule.


Reports and Documents

In the project report, the purchase orders and stock codes are also printed for a cost activity.
 For more information, refer to the explanation on Reports and Documents for a Material Activity
described earlier.
The options Print Delivered transactions and Print Sales Order lines are now available for a cost

Queries in Purchase Order Module

Refer to Queries in Purchase Order Module for a Material Activity described earlier.

Queries in Project Management

Refer to Queries in Project Management for a Material Activity described earlier.

Commitment Accounting
The commitment accounting functionality is now available from the Project Management module at
sub project level. That is, when you create a purchase order in Project Management the commitments
get updated at sub project level.
 Ensure that you have specified yes in the Commitment Accounting field in the Parameters
(Purchase Order – Miscellaneous – Parameters).
1. Enter a purchase order through the Project Management module.
2. Update the commitments in General Ledger – Transactions – Update Commitments. Run the
Update Commitments routine.
3. Make a query on this project code in Project Management – Project File/Enquiries – Enquire
4. On the first screen, you will see that the Committed field is updated with the order value at both
the project and sub project levels.
5. Now update the invoices in the Purchase Order module.
6. Go back to General Ledger – Transactions – Update Commitments and update the commitments.
7. In the Project Management module, follow the procedure described in step 3.
8. You will see that the commitment is reversed on updating the invoice at both project and sub
project level.

Estimates at Sub-Project Level

The Estimates functionality is now available from the Project Management module at sub project level.
Search path:
Project Management – Project File – Enquiries – Project File – Estimates
To enable entry of Estimates at the subproject level, a special parameter is given for creating new user
defined estimates.
After you have selected Estimates from the Project File, the following screen will be displayed:


• Estimate entry at Sub–Project Level?

y Estimate entry is possible only at the Sub-Project level
n Estimate entry is possible only at the Activity level

 The Estimate entry at Sub-Project Level? field will be enabled only when you define the Enable
upwards updating? field as yes.

Special Processing of Invoices (SP13)

With the special invoice processing functionality activated, printed Invoice Proposals cannot be
adjusted and/or reprinted.
To use this option, activate the Special Processing of Invoices in DI and PR feature in the feature
setup option (System Utilities/Office Autom. – Miscellaneous – Feature Activation set-up – Edit
Feature set-up).


Service Management
Using Accruals in Service Contract (SP08-10)

The Service Contract Line Data File

The Service Contract Line Data file, SM13cc00.DAT (where “cc” stands for the appropriate Company
Code), has been extended by adding the following new fields:

Field Field Field Description

Number Length Positions
33 20 [356-375] Previous Accrual Price per month [System Currency]
34 8 [376-383] Date Accruals Created
35 8 [384-391] Date Contract Closed
36 20 [392-411] Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount [System Currency]
37 8 [412-419] Previous Accrual Start Date
38 8 [420-427] Previous Accrual End Date

Therefore, this file must be rebuilt so that the database server knows about the new file length. If an
SQL database is being used, please check that the fields 34 to 39 exist in the SM13cc00 table. These
fields, in any existing records converted from a previous version of Scala, should be blank on the first
use of the system.
Additionally, the file SM31ccyy.DAT (where “yy” represents the year), which is the Service
Management Accrual Transaction Journal, will need to be created for all years in which accruals can be
created for.

Setting Up New Programs on Scala Menu

Two new programs have been created with the purpose of controlling accruals. SM1044.DLL will look
through all Service Contracts on file and create accrual transactions where necessary (this program
should only be used if you need to create accruals before the Contract’s Invoice is closed).
SM1045.DLL enables the accrual transaction WIP journal to be posted to the General Ledger.
These options should be set up on the Service Order Management \ Service Contract
Invoicing menu screen [Menu Code 'EH']. The following is an example set-up for these two new
programs based on the contents of the MENUTRA.ENG file.
"00EH05","Create Accruals ","* ","SM1044 ",0,0,0," "
"00EH06","Print Accrual WIP Journal ","* ","SM1045 ",0,0,0," "
These new programs have been first created for Scala 5.1 Service Pack 8 and later underwent a major
change for Scala 5.1 Service Pack 10.

Accrue by Invoice Period Service Contract Parameter

A new Parameter exists, on the Service Contract Parameter \ PARAMETERS &
SWITCHES window, called ”Accrue by Invoice Period”. This Parameter will determine how Scala will
calculate the Monthly Accrue Amount.


“Yes” means that Scala will accrue an equal amount for each whole month within the Invoicing
Interval. “No” means that the Accrual Amount is based on the number of days in each Accounting
For example, for a contract that spans an entire year, and the parameter switch ”Accrue by Invoice
Period” is “No”, the months containing 31 days will receive a slightly higher accrue figure than
months containing only 30 days. If the switch is “Yes”, all months will accrue the same figure.
If the switch is “No”, the General Ledger must be set to use 12 periods, one for each month. This is due
to the fact that Scala posts one Accrue Amount to each Accounting Period within the General Ledger.
If the General Ledger Accounting Periods does not depict whole months, the amount posted to each
period cannot be called an “Equal Monthly Amount”. The same restrictions do not apply if “Accrue by
Invoice Period” is set to “No” as, in this case, the actual number of days within the Accounting Period
will be taken into account when the Accrue Amount for each period is calculated. Therefore, an
amount will be calculated based on the number of days in the Accounting Period and the Monthly
Contract Amount.

 The name of this new parameter switch is likely to be changed for “Accrue by Book-Entry
Period.” in a later service pack, as it is felt that the new name describes the function of the
parameter more accurately.

Create Accruals Program

Create Accruals Option
This program provides extra flexibility when creating accrual and will only be required by a small
number of Scala users. The majority of Scala users should use the Close Contract Invoice program to
create accruals. The Close Contract Invoice program only creates accruals if they have not been created
by this Create Accruals function.
The only purpose of the Create Accruals program is to allow accruals to be created for the
expected Invoice amount before the Invoice is issued to the client. This functionality is only required
by clients who issue the Invoice at the end of the Contract’s Invoicing Period (instead of at the
beginning of the period). Most clients send out the Invoices to the clients at the start of the Contract’s
Invoicing Period, and on closure of the Invoice Scala will create accruals over future Accounting BE
periods for the life span of the Contract’s Invoicing Period. However, for Scala users who do not
invoice their clients until the end of the Contract’s Invoicing Period, Scala is unable to create any
accruals as the Accounting BE periods, where the Invoice amount is to be accrued over, have already
been closed. This program enables accruals to be created in such circumstances by allowing the
creation to the accruals to occur at any time between the contract being entered into the system and the
Contract Invoice being closed. Accruals will occur when this program is executed instead of at the
Close Contract Invoice stage.
Users, who invoice at the start of the Contract’s Invoicing Period, should not use this program and
should remove it from their Scala menu.


When the Create Accruals program [SM1044.DLL] is selected, Scala will check whether
accruals are active (as defined in the Service Contract Parameters); if they are not active, the following
CONTRACT PARAMETERS, and Scala will return to the main menu.

If accruals are active, the following window will appear:

This is a confirmation prompt; entering “No” will bring you back to the Scala menu without creating
any accrual transactions. Entering “Yes” will search all Contracts that are on file and create any
outstanding accrual transactions for the contracts. This process is described in the upcoming sections.
If no outstanding accruals are found, no transactions are created in the SM Accrual Journal, and the
This program may be run as often as required, there are no limits on how often if can be used. During
each run, only outstanding Accrual amounts will be created as transactions.
This program can take a very long time to execute, as all contracts in the Contract file are checked. All
contracts are checked to ensure that none are missed; however, this assumes that the Scala user will
handle all contracts in the same way (i.e., always invoice at the end of the invoicing period). Currently,
this program cannot be used for only one particular contract, or for a range of contracts. A future
enhancement to this program, that is being considered, is to allow the selection of a Contract Number
Range on entry to this program, only contracts within this range will be checked and accrued if

Setup and Limitations of Create Accruals Program

When the Create Accruals program is selected, Scala will attempt to read the General Ledger
Book-Entry periods, from the GL10ccyy.DAT file (where “yy” stands for the year) for the past 6 years,
the current year and the next 6 years in the future. If the GL10ccyy.DAT file does not exist for a
particular year, Scala will skip that year and try the next year.
The time-span limitation for the generation of accrual transactions is therefore 6 years in the past, the
current year and 6 years in the future; a total of 13 years. Any accrual transactions that need to be
generated, but fall outside of this time-span constraint, will be reported as errors, or booked to the
current period (for past accruals) or the last valid period found (for future accruals).
The BE periods for all years, that were successfully read, will be merged together to form the Valid
Accrual Periods. The “Last Period Found” will refer to the latest period of the Valid Accrual Periods.
No accruals can be posted to a date that is after the last period found.
 The BE periods for the years that exist, must represent all dates within the years specified (e.g.,
year 1998 is from 01/April/1998 to 31/March/1999, and year 1999 is from 01/April/1999 to
31/March/2000). Any gaps or overlaps within the date ranges could cause problems.
The previous and future years do not have to be active years in the Company File. Instead, only the
GL10ccyy.DAT data file (GL Parameters & BE periods) needs to be present for previous years, and the
GL10ccyy.DAT and SM31ccyy.DAT (SM Accrual Transaction Journal) data files need to be present
for current and future years. ”x” number of future years will need to be set-up, depending on the
maximum Invoicing Period Length (number of months) of the contracts on the system.

Checking whether Contract has any Outstanding Accruals

Can this Contract have Accruals?


In the following cases accruals cannot be created for the contract; so the current contract will be
skipped, and the next contract will be processed:
• The Contract is a Quotation
• The Customer on the Contract is not found in the Customer file (SL01cc00.DAT)

Checking whether any Accruals Need to be Created

If the Date Accruals Created field on the Contract Line file is blank (or zeroed), no accruals have been
created for the current invoice; therefore, accruals need to be created for the Contract’s Current
Invoicing Period.

Checking whether Accruals need to be corrected

If accruals have been created (the Date Accruals Created field on the Contract Line file is not blank)
and the Contract Line Monthly Price fifferes from the Previous Accrual Price (per month, local
currency), a correction is required. The way the accruals are corrected is:
• firstly the originally created accruals (for the current Invoicing period) are reversed (in full)
• and secondly the accruals (for the current Invoicing period) are recreated (in full)

The reversal process is described in section 5.0. The creation of accruals is described in section 4.4.
Accrual agreement transactions (transactions that cancel out the Invoice amount against the accruals
created for the Invoicing Period) are always created by the Close Contract Invoice program
only. This is because the agreements need to be posted to the same period as that which the Invoice
was closed for.

Calculating Period Accrual Amounts

Accrual Start Date
The Accrual Start Date is set to the Contract Line’s Next Invoicing Date, or the Contract Line Start
Date if the Start Date is later than the Next Invoicing Date.

Accrual Until Date

The Accrual Until Date is set to the Next Invoicing Date plus the Invoicing Interval (number of
months). If the Contract Line End Date is earlier than this date, the Accrual Until Date is set to the
Contract Line End Date. If the Contract Header End Date is earlier than this date, the Accrual Until
Date is set to the Contract Header End Date.

Processing Accrual Periods

The period number and year for the Accrual Start Date and Accrual Until Date is found, these are
referred to as the Accrual Start Period and Accrual Until Period. The current General Ledger period
(based on the System date) will be referred to as the Current Period. If the period for the Accrual Start
Date or Accrual Until Date is not found (and the until date is less than the date of the last period found
(as described in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section)) the following
ACCRUALS CREATED FOR CONTRACT LINE. No accruals will be created for the Contract

 XX/XX/XXXX represents the date that couldn't be found in any of the Valid Accrual Periods
calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section.
If the Accrual Start Period starts before the Current Period, the Accrual figures are calculated as
described in the Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section for the Book-Entry
periods between the Accrual Start Period and the period before the Current Period (or the Accrual Until
Period if this is less than the Current Period). The calculated Accrual Amounts for these periods will be


brought forward to the first open period of the current year, or the current period, whichever is the
If the Accrual Until Period finishes after the Current Period, the Accrual figures are calculated as
described in section Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period for the Book-Entry
periods between the Current Period (or the Accrual Start Period, if this is later than the current period)
and the Accrual Until Period (or the Last Period found, if the Accrual Until Date is after the last date in
the Valid Accrual Period range (as calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals
program section)). The calculated Accrual Amounts for these periods will be placed into the
appropriate periods.
If the Accrual Until Date is after the last date in the Valid Accrual Period range (as calculated in the
Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section), an accrual transaction will be
created in the Last Period found for the remaining days (the days which occur after the Last Period
found). This Accrual Transaction will be based on the Accounting Period method, as we do not know
the Book-entry period set-up that would occur after the last period found. The number of days between
the next date after the End Date of the last found period and the Accrual Until Date, will be multiplied
by the Daily Accrual Amount and the resulting value will be booked as an Accrual Transaction in the
last period found (calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section).
Any rounding differences between the total Accrual Amount and the amount accrued for each period
(rounded to the number of units specified by the currency), will be posted to the Accrual Start period.
Therefore, the Accrual Start period may show a slightly different result than the other Accrual periods.
The total Accrue amount will be added to the Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount field of the
Contract Line file.
If accruals have been created for a previous Invoicing Period, these accrual transactions are no longer
adjustable. In particular, any price differences will only be applied to the current Invoicing Period.
After the accrual transactions have been created, the following fields on the Service Contract Line file
will be updated:
• The Previous Accrual Price per Month field will hold a copy of the current Price per Month on
the Contract Line (The price that was used for the accrual transactions). This enables the
detection of later changes in the Price, should the user adjust the Monthly value at a later date.
If changes are made, the accrual transactions will need to be corrected. It also enables the
accruals to be correctly reversed if they need to be removed.
• The Previous Accrual Start Date field will be set to the Accrual Start Date. This field enables
any later changes in the Start Date to be detected. If date changes are made, the accrual
transactions will need to be corrected. It also enables the accruals to be correctly reversed if
they need to be removed.
• The Previous Accrual Until Date field will be set to the Accrual Until Date. This field enables
any later changes in the Until Date to be detected, as if changes are made, then the accrual
transactions will need to be corrected. It also enables the accruals to be correctly reversed if
they need to be removed.
• The Date Accruals Created field is set to today's date.

The accruals for the Contract Line have now been created. The SM31 Accrual journal file will be
updated as per the functionality described in the Creating Accrual Journal Transactions for the
Accruals section.

Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period

Accrue by Accounting Periods
If the Service Contract parameter “Accrue by Invoice Period” is set to “No”, then Accruing by
Accounting Periods will take place. This Accrue method will base its Accrue Amount figure on the
number of days within the period. The Accrue amount per day will be calculated, and this figure will
be multiplied by the number of days to form the Period Accrue Amount.


If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Start Period, then this is the first period for the
Accrual, therefore the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The number of days to Accrue
over is calculated as the number of days between the Accrual Start Date and the End Date for the
period. If the Accrue Until Period is also in this period, the number of days to Accrue will be reduced
by the number of days between the Accrual Until Date and the Period End Date. The number of days
calculated will be multiplied by the Daily Accrue Amount to obtain the Period Accrue figure.
If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Until period, then this is the last period for the
Accrual, therefore the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The number of days to Accrue
over is calculated as the number of days between the Period Start Date and the Accrual Until Date. The
number of days calculated is multiplied by the daily amount to obtain the Period Accrue figure.
If the current accrue period is not the first or the last period to accrue over, the whole period is to be
accrued over. The number of days between the Period Start Date and the Period End Date is multiplied
by the daily accrue amount to obtain the period accrue amount figure.

Accrue by Invoice Periods

If the Service Contract parameter “Accrue by Invoice Period” is set to “Yes”, then Accruing by
Invoicing Periods will take place. This Accrue method will post an equal Period Accrue Amount for
each whole period that is accrued over.
If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Start Period, then this is the first period for the
accrual, therefore the accrue amount may not cover the entire period. The Accrual Start Day (e.g., for
12th November 2000 the day is 12) is subtracted from the total number of days in the current Accrue
month to give the actual number of days Accrued over. If the Accrue Until Period is also in this period,
the number of days Accrued over will be reduced by the number of days between the Accrual Until
Date and the Total number of days in the current Accrue month. The actual number of days accrued
over will be calculated as a percentage of the total number of days in the current Accrue Month, this
percentage is multiplied by the Monthly Accrue Price to obtain the Period Accrue Amount.
If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Until period, then this is the last period for the
Accrual; therefore, the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The number of days to Accrue
over is the Accrual Until day (e.g., for 12th November 2000 the day is 12). The actual number of days
Accrued over will be calculated as a percentage of the total number of days in the current Accrue
Month, this percentage is multiplied by the Monthly Accrue Price to obtain the Period Accrue Amount.
If the Current Accrue period is not the first or the last period to Accrue over, the whole period is to be
Accrued over. Therefore, the Period Accrue Amount is the Monthly Accrue Amount.

Creating Accrual Journal Transactions for Accruals

All periods within the Valid Accrual Period range will be searched. Any period for which a transaction
has been entered will be updated as a transaction to the SM Accrue (WIP) Journal.
Each transaction within the journal will be processed as follows:
The SM31ccyy.DAT file, which is the Service Management Accrual Transaction Journal, will be
opened where 'yy' is the year that contains the period in which the transaction is to be posted to. If the
SM31ccyy.DAT file is not found, the error message: NEXT YEAR WIP JOURNAL SM31ccyy
shown, and the accruals will be posted to the last period of the previous year, e.g., if SM310103.DAT
cannot be found, transactions will be posted to the last period of year 2002 (Journal file
If the SM31ccyy.DAT file is found, the Journal Transaction will be posted to the end of this file with
the next available Transaction Number.
If no Contract Invoice Number is available, the Contract Number will be placed in the journal
transaction’s Text field instead of the Invoice Number.


Deleting Contracts and Contract Lines

When a Contract or Contract Line is deleted, any accruals made by the Create Accruals program
are reversed. As the Contract has been cancelled and we are not expecting the monthly income any
more. If the Create Accruals routine is not used (see the “Create Accruals” Option section),
the information contained in this section is not relevant.
All Contract Lines that are to be deleted are processed one by one. Each Contract Line is processed as
If no accruals have been created for the Contract Line, no accrual transactions are reversed for that line.
Accruals will be reversed for all periods between the Previous Accrual Start Date and Previous Accrual
End Date.
The period numbers and years for the Previous Accrual Start Date and Previous Accrual End Date are
found, these are referred to as the Accrual Start Period and Accrual Until Period. The current General
Ledger period (based on the System date) will be referred to as the Current Period. If the period for the
Accrual Start Date or Accrual Until Date is not found (and the Accrual Until Date is less than the Date
of the last period found (as described in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals Program
section )) the following message will appear: DATE XX/XX/XXXX IS NOT A VALID GENERAL
reversed for the Contract Line.
 XX/XX/XXXX represents the date that couldn't be found in any of the Valid Accrual Periods
calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section.
If the Accrual Start Period starts before the Current Period, the accrual figures are calculated as
described in the Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section for the Book-Entry
periods between the Accrual Start Period and the period before the Current Period (or the Accrual Until
Period if this is less than the Current Period). The calculated Accrual Amounts for these periods will be
reversed (to cancel out the Accrues created by the “Create Accruals” function) and brought forward to
the first open period of the current year, or the current period, whichever is the latter.
If the Accrual Until Period finishes after the Current Period, the Accrual figures are calculated as
described in the Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section for the Book-Entry
periods between the Current Period (or the Accrual Start Period, if this is later than the current period)
and the Accrual Until Period (or the Last Period found, if the Accrual Until Date is after the last date in
the Valid Accrual Period range (as calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals
Program section)). The calculated Accrual Amounts for these periods will be reversed (to cancel out
the original accrual transactions generated by the “Create Accruals” function) and placed into the
appropriate periods.
If the Accrual Until Date is after the last date in the Valid Accrual Period range (as calculated in the
Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section), an accrual transaction will be
created in the Last Period found for the remaining days (the days which occur after the Last Period
found). This accrual transaction will be based on the Accounting Period method, as we do not know the
Book-Entry period set-up that would occur after the last period found. The number of days between the
End Date of the last period found plus 1, and the Accrual Until Date, will be multiplied by the Daily
Accrual Amount and the resulting value will be booked as an Accrual Transaction in the last period
found (calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Create Accruals program section).
The total Accrue Reversal Amount will be subtracted from the Unreversed Accumulated Accrual
Amount field of the Contract Line file, as we are not expecting an agreement transaction to be created
for this amount.
Any previous Invoicing Periods will not be reversed (only the current Invoicing period will be
reversed), as they have already been closed. Deleting a Contract or a Contract Line only affects the
current and future Invoicing Periods.
The Service Management Accrual Transaction Journal will be updated as described in the Creating
Accrual Journal Transactions for the Accruals section.


Adjusting Contract Line

When the Start Date, Next Invoicing Date or End Date of a Contract Line is adjusted, the Adjust
Contract Line program immediately and automatically corrects any accruals made by the
Create Accruals program. If the Create Accruals routine is not used (see section “Create
Accruals” Option), the information contained in this section is not relevant.
When a Contract Line is adjusted, and if the Contract Price is changed, the next time the Create
Accruals or Close Contract Invoice programs are used, these changes will be detected
and the appropriate adjustments to the accruals will be made. No immediate changes will take place for
Price adjustments.
If the Contract Start Date is changed to be later than the previous Contract End Date, and the Contract
has been closed, Scala will assume that the Contract has been renewed. Scala will set the Contract
Close Date and Accruals Created Date to “000000”, to specify that accruals need to be created, and that
the renewed contract is yet to be closed.
If the Contract Line Next Invoicing Date has been made later than the Previous Accrual Start Date, any
accrual transactions that have already been created between the Previous Accrual Start Date and the
new Next Invoicing Date will be reversed. New transactions will be created between the Previous
Accrual End Date and the new Next Invoicing Date + Invoicing Interval (months).
If the Contract Line Next Invoicing Date has been made earlier than the Previous Accrual Start Date,
any accrual transactions that have already been created between the new Next Invoicing Date +
Invoicing Interval (months) to the Previous Accrual End Date will be reversed. New transactions will
be created between the new Next Invoicing Date (if later than the Contract Line Start Date) and the
Previous Accrual Start Date.
If the Contract Line End Date has been extended to be later than the Previous Accrual End Date, extra
accruals will be created for the extra days, if they are within the current Invoicing Period.
If the Contract Line End Date has been shortened to be earlier than the Previous Accrual End Date,
accruals will be reversed for the cancelled days if they are within the current Invoicing Period.
If the Contract Line Start Date has been brought forward to be later than the Previous Accrual Start
Date, accruals will be reversed for the cancelled days if they are within the current Invoicing Period.
If the Contract Line Start Date has been brought back to be earlier than the Previous Accrual Start
Date, extra accruals will be created for the extra days if they are within the current Invoicing Period.
When performing daily price calculations for the Accrual adjustments, the Previous Accrue Monthly
Price (stored on the Contract Line file) will be used to obtain the price. This is because the Create
Accruals and Close Contract Invoice programs are used to correct any price changes.
After correction of the accruals, the Previous Accrual Start Date and Previous Accrual End Date fields
on the Service Contract Line file (SM13cc00.DAT) will be updated with the changed values. This
ensures that these fields always specify the exact date range for the accruals, which have been created
for the current Invoicing Period.
When calculating daily prices for the cancellation accrual transactions, the Previous Accrual Start and
End dates are used to obtain the correct number of days that the original accruals are based on, so that
the correct values can be reversed. However, as we only have access to the Previous Start and End
dates, any further changes to the Contract Line period will only have the previous values as reference.
Therefore, they will have no idea about the Accrual period for the first accrual transactions made for
the Contract Line during the Invoicing Period. This will cause future changes in the period dates to
create different reversal values than those originally created.
For example, a Contract Line covers the period 16th December 1999 to 15th December 2000. Scala will
accrue based on a period of 366 days. If the Contract Line End Date is later changed to 14th December
2000, Scala will reverse the Accrual Amount for 1 day, the Accrual Amount for 1 day will be
calculated based on the Accrual period length of 366 days. The correct value will be reversed. If the
Contract Line End Date is changed again, this time to 13th December 2000, Scala will calculate the
Accrual Amount to reverse based on an Accrue Period of 365 days (16-Dec-99 to 14-Dec-00). This


will result in a different amount being reversed than the amount originally accrued for the day 14th
December 2000. This will cause the Accrual values to be incorrect; however, the Accounts will still
balance, as the Accrual Agreement Amount (processed by the Close Contract Invoice
program) is based on the actual amount accrued, instead of recalculating the amount.
There currently isn’t a fix for this problem, as Scala does not hold all of the information required for
such a fix. This is a limitation to the Create Accruals program, which Scala Users need to be
aware of.

Closing Service Contract Invoice

Creating Accruals
Accruals are created when either a Service Contract is closed or when the new program Create
Accruals is used. If accruals have been created using one method, the other method will not
duplicate the same accrual transactions. Both of these programs produce the same results; however, the
Create Accruals program should only be used in special circumstances. These circumstances are
when Contract Invoices are not sent to the client until after the Invoicing Period has been completed,
please refer to the Create Accruals Program section for more details.
Accrual agreement transactions (transactions which cancel out the Invoice Amount against the accruals
created for the Invoicing Period) are always only created by the Close Contract Invoice
program. This is because the agreements need to be posted to the same period as that which the Invoice
was closed for.

Setup and Limitations of Close Contract Invoice Program

When the Close Contract Invoice program is selected, Scala will attempt to read the General
Ledger Book-Entry periods, from the GL10ccyy.DAT file (where yy is the year), for the past 6 years,
the current year and the next 6 years in the future. If the GL10ccyy.DAT file does not exist for a
particular year, Scala will skip that year and try the next year.
The time-span limitation for the generation of accrual transactions is therefore 6 years in the past, the
current year and 6 years in the future; a total of 13 years. Any accrual transactions that need to be
generated, but fall outside of this time-span constraint, will be reported as errors.
The Book-Entry periods for all years, that were successfully read, will be merged together to form the
Valid Accrual Periods. The “Last Period Found” will refer to the latest period of the Valid Accrual
Periods. No accruals can be posted to a date that is after the last period found.
 The BE periods for the years that exist must represent all dates within the years specified (e.g.
year 1998 is from 01/April/1998 to 31/March/1999, and year 1999 is from 01/April/1999 to
31/March/2000). Any gaps or overlaps within the date ranges will cause problems.
 The previous and future years do not have to be active years in the Company File, instead only the
GL10ccyy.DAT data file (GL Parameters & Book-Entry periods) needs to be present for previous
years, and the GL10ccyy.DAT and SM31ccyy.DAT (SM Accrual Transaction Journal) data files
need to be present for future years. “x” number of future years will need to be set-up, depending
on the Invoicing Period Length (number of months).

Calculating Period Accrual Amounts

Accrual Start Date
The Accrual Start Date is set to the Contract Line’s Next Invoicing Date, or the Contract Line Start
Date, if the Start Date is later than the Next Invoicing Date.

Accrual Until Date

The Accrual Until Date is set to the Next Invoicing Date plus the Invoicing Interval (number of
months). If the Contract Line End Date is earlier than this Date, the Accrual Until Date is set to the


Contract Line End Date. If the Contract Header End Date is earlier than this Date, the Accrual Until
Date is set to the Contract Header End Date.

Processing Accrual Periods

The period number and year for the Accrual Start Date and Accrual Until Date is found, these are
referred to as the Accrual Start Period and Accrual Until Period. The current General Ledger period
(based on the System Date) will be referred to as the Current Period. If the period for the Accrual Start
Date or Accrual Until Date is not found (and the Until Date is less than the date of the last period found
(as described in the Setup and Limitations of the Close Contract Invoice Program section)) the
following message will appear: DATE XX/XX/XXXX IS NOT A VALID GENERAL LEDGER
DATE, NO ACCRUALS CREATED FOR CONTRACT LINE. No accruals will be created for
the Contract Line.
 XX/XX/XXXX represents the date that couldn't be found in any of the Valid Accrual Periods
calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Close Contract Invoice Program section.
If the Accrual Start Period starts before the Current Period, the Accrual figures are calculated as
described in the Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section for the Book-Entry
periods between the Accrual Start Period and the period before the Current Period (or the Accrual Until
Period if this is less than the Current Period). The calculated Accrual Amounts for these periods will be
brought forward to the first open period of the current year, or the current period, whichever is the
If the Accrual Until Period finishes after the Current Period, the Accrual figures are calculated as
described in the Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section for the Book-Entry
periods between the Current Period (or the Accrual Start Period, if this is later than the current period)
and the Accrual Until Period (or the Last Period found, if the Accrual Until Date is after the last date in
the Valid Accrual Period range (as calculated in the Setup and Limitations of the Close Contract
Invoice Program section)). The calculated Accrual Amounts for these periods will be placed into the
appropriate periods.
If the Accrual Until Date is after the last date in the Valid Accrual Period range (as calculated in the
Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section), an accrual transaction will be created
in the Last Period found for the remaining days (the days which occur after the Last Period found).
This Accrual Transaction will be based on the Accounting Period method, as we do not know the
Book-Entry period set-up that would occur after the last period found. The number of days between the
End Date of the last period found plus 1, and the Accrual Until Date, will be multiplied by the Daily
Accrual Amount and the resulting value will be booked as an Accrual Transaction in the last period
found (calculated in the Calculating the Accrual Amount for Each BE Period section).
Any rounding differences between the total Accrual Amount and the amount accrued for each period
(rounded to the number of units specified by the currency), will be posted to the Accrual Start period.
Therefore, the Accrual Start period may show a slightly different result than the other Accrual periods.
The total Accrue amount will be added to the Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount field of the
Contract Line file.
If accruals have been created for a previous Invoicing Period, these accrual transactions are no longer
adjustable. In particular, any price differences will only be applied to the current Invoicing Period.
After the accrual transactions have been created, the following fields on the Service Contract Line file
will be updated:

• The Previous Accrual Price per Month field will hold a copy of the current Price per Month on
the Contract Line (The Price that was used for the accrual transactions). This enables the
detection of later changes in the Price, should the user adjust the Monthly value at a later date.
If changes are made, the accrual transactions will need to be corrected. It also enables the
accruals to be correctly reversed if they need to be removed.
• The Previous Accrual Start Date field will be set to the Accrual Start Date. This field enables
any later changes in the Start Date to be detected. If date changes are made, the accrual


transactions will need to be corrected. It also enables the accruals to be correctly reversed if
they need to be removed.
• The Previous Accrual Until Date field will be set to the Accrual Until Date. This field enables
any later changes in the Until Date to be detected, as if changes are made, the accrual
transactions will need to be corrected. It also enables the accruals to be correctly reversed if
they need to be removed.
• The Date Accruals Created field is set to “00000000” as the current Invoicing Period has been
closed, and no accruals have been created for the next Invoicing Period.

When a Contract is closed, the Date Contract Closed field in the Contract Line file, SM13cc00.DAT,
will be updated with the current system date.
The accruals for the Contract Line have now been created. The SM31 Accrual journal file will be
updated as per the functionality described in the Creating Accrual Journal Transactions for the
Accruals section.

Calculating Accrual Amount for Each BE Period

Accrue by Accounting Periods
If the Service Contract parameter 'Accrue by Invoice Period' is set to “No”, Accruing by Accounting
Periods will take place. This Accrue method will base its Accrue Amount figure on the number of days
within the period. The Accrue amount per day will be calculated, and this figure will be multiplied by
the number of days to form the Period Accrue Amount.
If the Current Accrue Period is the same as the Accrue Start Period, this is the first period for the
Accrual, therefore the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The number of days to Accrue
over is calculated as the number of days between the Accrual Start Date and the End Date for the
period. If the Accrue Until Period is also in this period, the number of days to Accrue will be reduced
by the number of days between the Accrual Until Date and the Period End Date. The number of days
calculated will be multiplied by the Daily Accrue Amount to obtain the Period Accrue figure.
If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Until period, then this is the last period for the
Accrual, therefore the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The number of days to Accrue
over is calculated as the number of days between the Period Start Date and the Accrual Until Date. The
number of days calculated is multiplied by the daily amount to obtain the Period Accrue figure.
If the Current Accrue period is not the first or the last period to Accrue over, then the whole period is to
be Accrued over. The number of days between the Period Start Date and the Period End Date is
multiplied by the Daily Accrue Amount to obtain the period Accrue Amount figure.

Accrue by Invoice Periods

If the Service Contract parameter “Accrue by Invoice Period” is set to “Yes”, Accruing by Invoicing
Periods will take place. This Accrue method will post an equal Period Accrue Amount for each whole
period that is accrued over.
If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Start Period, then this is the first period for the
Accrual, therefore the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The Accrual Start Day (e.g., for
12th November 2000, the day is 12) is subtracted from the total number of days in the current Accrue
month to give the actual number of days Accrued over. If the Accrue Until Period is also in this period,
the number of days Accrued over will be reduced by the number of days between the Accrual Until
Date and the Total number of days in the current Accrue month. The actual number of days accrued
over will be calculated as a percentage of the total number of days in the current Accrue Month, this
percentage is multiplied by the Monthly Accrue Price to obtain the Period Accrue Amount.
If the Current Accrue period is the same as the Accrue Until period, then this is the last period for the
Accrual; therefore, the Accrue Amount may not cover the entire period. The number of days to Accrue
over is the Accrual Until day (e.g., for 12th November 2000, the day is 12). The actual number of days


Accrued over will be calculated as a percentage of the total number of days in the current Accrue
Month, this percentage is multiplied by the Monthly Accrue Price to obtain the Period Accrue Amount.
If the Current Accrue period is not the first or the last period to Accrue over, the whole period is to be
accrued over. Therefore, the Period Accrue Amount is the Monthly Accrue Amount.

Creating Accrual Journal Transactions for Accruals

All periods within the Valid Accrual Period range will be searched. Any period for which an accrual
transaction has been entered will be updated as a transaction to the SM Accrue (WIP) Journal.
Each transaction within the journal will be processed as follows:
The SM31ccyy.DAT file, which is the Service Management Accrual Transaction Journal, will be
opened where 'yy' is the year that contains the period in which the transaction is to be posted to. If the
SM31ccyy.DAT file is not found, the error message: NEXT YEAR WIP JOURNAL SM31ccyy
shown, and the accruals will be posted to the last period of the previous year, e.g., if SM310103.DAT
cannot be found, transactions will be posted to the last period of year 2002 (Journal file
If the SM31ccyy.DAT file is found, the Journal Transaction will be posted to the end of this file, with
the next available Transaction Number.
If no Contract Invoice Number is available, the Contract Number will be placed in the journal
transaction’s Text field instead of the Invoice Number.

Creating Accrual Agreements

An Accrual Agreement is a transaction that will post the reversal amount for all of the accruals
generated for a particular Contract. This reversal transaction is posted to the period of the Contract
Close Date (i.e. the current system period).
If the Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount (on the Contract Line file) is not zero, a reversal
transaction will be generated.
If the Contract Close Date is not a date within the Valid Accrual Periods list (calculated in the Setup
and Limitations of the Close Contract Invoice Program section), the following error message will
CREATED FOR CONTRACT LINE, and the reversal transaction will not be created. “XX/XX/XX”
specifies the Contract Close Date.
The amount specified in the Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount [System Currency] field (on the
Contract Line file) specifies the amount that needs to be reversed. A reversal transaction will be
generated for this amount, after which the Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount [System
Currency] field will be set to zero. This means that the whole of the (closed) Invoicing Period’s
Accrual Amount has now been reversed.
The Service Management Accrual Journal will be updated as specified in the Creating Accrual
Journal Transactions for the Accruals section.

Printing Accrual WIP Journal

If no accrual transactions exist in the Service Management Accrual Transaction Journal,
SM31ccyy.DAT, the following message will appear: NO ITEMS ON FILE, and you will be brought
back to the Scala main menu.
If accrual transactions do exist in the Journal, the following prompt will appear:


If “Yes” is entered to adjust the transactions, the user will be prompted to adjust the Transaction
Number. These Transaction Numbers are only the numbers used by the Accrual Journal file, the
General Ledger Transaction Numbers are, as of yet, unknown.
The selected transaction will be shown on the Transaction Adjustment window, shown below, and the
user can make adjustments to the Transaction Lines. The Transaction Number, Service Contract
Number, Customer and Book-Entry Date fields are not adjustable. The Text field will default to the
Service Contract Number and Customer Code.
After adjusting a transaction, the “Adjust of Transactions Required” prompt is brought back.
When the user enters “No” to adjust transactions, the following “WIP JOURNAL” window will
appear. The Transaction Number and BE Date fields are not enterable as these are not relevant for
accruals. The Date Selection can specify a particular date range to restrict which accruals are updated
to the General Ledger during this update.

If any errors are found during the processing of the Accrual Journal, for instance, an Account or
Account Segment doesn't exist in the General Ledger, an Adjustment window will pop up for the user
to enter the correct Account or Accounting Segment value.
The Accrual Journal Transaction that have been selected for update will then be printed. The
Transaction Numbers shown in this printout still reflect the Accrual Journal Transaction Numbers, as
the actual General Ledger Transaction Number is unknown at this stage.
The following is an example printout of the Service Management Accrual Transaction Journal.
TEST * * SERVICE MANAGEMENT WIP-JOURNAL * * 08/10/99 10:52:39 Page 1
COMPANY 01 FIN.YEAR 99===============================================================================/Scala/SM1047/5
000001 01/09/99 03 19.80- 0000000032 STEVE01
05 19.80 0000000032 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000002 01/10/99 03 20.46- 0000000032 STEVE01
05 20.46 0000000032 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000003 01/11/99 03 19.80- 0000000032 STEVE01
05 19.80 0000000032 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000004 01/12/99 03 20.46- 0000000032 STEVE01
05 20.46 0000000032 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000005 01/10/99 03 17.16- 0000000033 STEVE01
05 17.16 0000000033 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000006 01/11/99 03 19.80- 0000000033 STEVE01
05 19.80 0000000033 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000007 01/12/99 03 20.46- 0000000033 STEVE01
05 20.46 0000000033 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000008 01/10/99 03 15.84- 0000000036 STEVE01
05 15.84 0000000036 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000009 01/11/99 03 19.80- 0000000036 STEVE01
05 19.80 0000000036 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000010 01/12/99 03 20.46- 0000000036 STEVE01
05 20.46 0000000036 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000011 01/10/99 03 225.72- 0000000036 STEVE01
05 225.72 0000000036 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000012 01/11/99 03 19.80 0000000036 STEVE01
05 19.80- 0000000036 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000013 01/12/99 03 20.46 0000000036 STEVE01
05 20.46- 0000000036 STEVE01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



COMPANY 01 FIN.YEAR 99===============================================================================/Scala/SM1047/5
ACC ------ DESCRIPTION--------------
03 03
000001 01/09/99 0000000032 STEVE01 0.00 19.80
000002 01/10/99 0000000032 STEVE01 0.00 20.46
000003 01/11/99 0000000032 STEVE01 0.00 19.80
000004 01/12/99 0000000032 STEVE01 0.00 20.46
000005 01/10/99 0000000033 STEVE01 0.00 17.16
000006 01/11/99 0000000033 STEVE01 0.00 19.80
000007 01/12/99 0000000033 STEVE01 0.00 20.46
000008 01/10/99 0000000036 STEVE01 0.00 15.84
000009 01/11/99 0000000036 STEVE01 0.00 19.80
000010 01/12/99 0000000036 STEVE01 0.00 20.46
000011 01/10/99 0000000036 STEVE01 0.00 225.72
000012 01/11/99 0000000036 STEVE01 19.80 0.00
000013 01/12/99 0000000036 STEVE01 20.46 0.00
----------------- -----------------
SUB-TOTAL 40.26 * 419.76 *

05 05
000001 01/09/99 0000000032 STEVE01 19.80 0.00
000002 01/10/99 0000000032 STEVE01 20.46 0.00
000003 01/11/99 0000000032 STEVE01 19.80 0.00
000004 01/12/99 0000000032 STEVE01 20.46 0.00
000005 01/10/99 0000000033 STEVE01 17.16 0.00
000006 01/11/99 0000000033 STEVE01 19.80 0.00
000007 01/12/99 0000000033 STEVE01 20.46 0.00
000008 01/10/99 0000000036 STEVE01 15.84 0.00
000009 01/11/99 0000000036 STEVE01 19.80 0.00
000010 01/12/99 0000000036 STEVE01 20.46 0.00
000011 01/10/99 0000000036 STEVE01 225.72 0.00
000012 01/11/99 0000000036 STEVE01 0.00 19.80
000013 01/12/99 0000000036 STEVE01 0.00 20.46
----------------- -----------------
SUB-TOTAL 419.76 * 40.26 *

----------------- -----------------
T O T A L 460.02 * 460.02 *
COMPANY 01 FIN.YEAR 99===============================================================================/Scala/SM1047/5
ACC ------ DESCRIPTION--------------
----------------- -----------------

----------------- -----------------

TEST * * ACCOUNTING TOTALS - WIP-JOURNAL * * 08/10/99 10:52:39 Page 4

COMPANY 01 FIN.YEAR 99===============================================================================/Scala/SM1047/5
03 03 40.26 419.76
05 05 419.76 40.26
----------------- -----------------
T O T A L 460.02 460.02

TEST * * ACCOUNTING TOTALS - WIP-JOURNAL * * 08/10/99 10:52:39 Page 5

COMPANY 01 FIN.YEAR 99===============================================================================/Scala/SM1047/5
----------------- -----------------

* * * * * * * * * * * * E N D O F R E P O R T * * * * * * * * * * * *

Scala will then prompt for “reprint of the journal printout”. The user can reprint this printout should it
be necessary.
If the Service Order parameter switch “Integrated with General Ledger” (in program SERVICE
the General Ledger will be updated, and the accrual transactions will be lost once update is over.
After entering “No” for reprint, Scala will ask the user to confirm updating to the General Ledger. On
confirmation, Scala will update all selected Accrual Journal Transactions (within the specified date
range) to the General Ledger. The Transaction Numbers for the General Ledger Transactions will come
from the “General Ledger Periodised Transaction Number” series. This series can be manually adjusted
via the General Ledger Parameter program, shown below.


The following General Ledger enquiry shows how a Journal Transaction looks in the General Ledger.
The BE date for the accruals is the first date within the Accrual Period.

Notes on Accruals
• Any previous period accruals are posted to the current period.
• Any accrual transactions before the General Ledger open period are added up and posted to the
General Ledger open period
• The program SM1044.BAS creates accruals in addition to the Close Program, SM1041.BAS. The
SM1044.BAS program should only be used in specific circumstances; SM1041.BAS is the
prevalent Service Contract Accrue creation program.
• Accruals are no longer posted to the Sales Ledger Journal (SL04ccyy.DAT) (they are posted to the
Service Contract Accrual Journal (SM31ccyy.DAT) instead).
• On Deletion of the Contract or a Contract Line, Reversal accrual transactions are automatically
posted to the SM WIP Journal. This will only happen if accruals have been created for the Contract
Line(s) using the Create Accruals (SM1044) program.
 If accruals were produced, then Reversals will be done even if the current setting of the
Create Accruals Parameter is set to “No”.
• There is a new Contract Parameter Accrual Method, which specifies whether accruals should be
produced based on the Book-Entry period or the Number of Days in the Accounting period.


• Accruals can be created (using SM1044.BAS) at any time. When closing a contract, Scala will
post the corresponding reversal (return) accrual transactions, for the created accruals, to the Invoice
• Each Contract Line is Accrued separately, and the accruals are based on the Start and End Dates
set up on the Contract Line, not those set on the Invoice Header.
• Accruals are created based on the periods between the Next Invoicing Date and Next Invoicing
Date plus Invoicing Interval (months). This is referred to as the current Invoicing Period.
• Accruals can be created for a maximum of 13 years. 6 years in the past, the current year, and up to
6 years in the future. Accurate Book-Entry dates must be set up in the General Ledger Parameter
file(s) for all years where accruing should take place.
• If a Book-Entry period cannot be found that matches the current Invoicing Period, then either r
message will be displayed, and accruals will not be done for the Contract Line (if later General
Ledger dates have been set up). Or, the accruals will be posted to the last period found (if the
Accrual Date is after the last Book-Entry period set-up in Scala).
• Menu items added: Service Management \ Service Contract \ Invoicing \ Create Accrues
[SM1044]; Service Management \ Service Contract \ Invoicing \ WIP Journal [SM1045].
• Fields added to SM13cc00.DAT database (Needs rebuilding):

Field Number Field Length Field Positions Description

33 20 [356-375] Previous Accrual Price per month [LCU]
34 8 [376-383] Date Accruals Created
35 8 [384-391] Date Contract Closed
36 20 [392-411] Unreversed Accumulated Accrual Amount [LCU]
37 8 [412-419] Previous Accrual Start Date
38 8 [420-427] Previous Accrual End Date


Actions to Be Done
SM1041.BAS Close Service Contracts program
This program no longer posts its accruals to the Sales Ledger Journal (they are posted to the Service
Contract Accrual Journal instead). Therefore, it needs to be altered so that the Invoice transactions
updated to the Sales Ledger journal are booked at the current date – Not the first date of the current
period – as is currently done.

SM1060.BAS Contract Parameters program

Switch 13 has been added to this program, for the new Accrual Method parameter. The program will
need to be tidied up when Switches 11 and 12 are added, as these Switches have been defined in the
Parameter file, but are, as of yet, unused. The switch’s description should be changed to “Accrue by
Book-Entry period?”.

SM1044.BAS Create Accruals program

This program is to be considered being altered so that a Contract Number range can be specified.
Accruals will only be created for Contracts in this range.

Changed Files
PGM\SM\SM1044.DLL New program for the Creation of Accruals
PGM\SM\SM1045.DLL New program for WIP Journal Transactions


PGM\SM\SM1046.DLL New program to adjust WIP transactions

PGM\SM\SM1047.DLL New program to Print & Update the WIP Journal
<<SMACCRUE.BAS New Include file for accruals>>
<<SMF15ST.BAS >>
<<SMFAD.BAS New Period Allocation temporary array>>

Index Clause (#28163)

The index clause is designed to supply accurate indexed values at the time of printing. The index
values and dates are assumed to be correct at the time of printing. No credit notes are created if an
invoice was printed and the indexed value was lowered afterwards.
If the Service Contract Index clause as default parameter in the Parameters is set to yes, the index
clause window is shown as default for new contract entries.
Index and index values must have been entered in the Index Value routine. Update the index values
The index clause applies only to price type 0, when pricing is based on contract lines rather than on
price file.
The index clause described as follows:
Section Short description Program


Prerequisite to Settings required in the Parameters SM1061

index clause
Transaction An example of the transaction with index number SM1010
example used
Calculation Formula The formula for calculation of the index numbers --

Prerequisites to Index Clause

Service Contract Parameters
Search path:
Service Contract – Parameters – Parameters
Set the Index clause as default parameter to yes.
 If this parameter is set to no, the index clause has to be called from the contract header menu.

• Index Clause as default

y The index clause is used as default when new contracts are entered.
When you enter a contract header, the entry window for the index
clause is automatically displayed.
n The index clause is not proposed when new contracts are entered.
You may still enter an index clause for individual contracts.

Index Values
Search path:
Service Contract – Parameters – Index File
Enter the indices in the Index File routine in the Parameters. You can enter up to four indices
weighted according to meaning.
Set the indices applicable for various dates.
 It is possible to set up to 9 different types of indices (for example, for several countries).
1. Index
Enter the index that you want to use from 0 to 9. Enter 0 for no index.
F4 (indices)
2. Date
Enter the base date for the index calculation. The date does not govern calculations and is for
information only.
F4 (index history dates)
 The list shows the date the index was entered or changed and the corresponding index value.
If you select a date from the list, the index value for that date is automatically entered in the
Value field. Select the last date from the list to enter the most up-to-date index value.

3. Value
Enter the base value for the index. Each index increase is based on this value.
The monthly price for a contract is 100, and the current base value for the index is 125. For a
future index increase, the index value is changed to 130, and the new price is:
(130 − 125) * 100
100 + = 104
6. Weighting
Enter a weight for the calculation as percentage. For example, if you enter 80, the price is amended
by 80 % of the index change. Applied to the above example, the result is:


(130 − 125) * 100

100 + 0.80 = 103.20
7. To enter more indices on the contract, follow the same procedure as for lines 2 to 4.

Index\date 01.08.99 01.09.99 01.10.99

Standard price index 100 110 140
UK price index 125 130 145

Activating Index
Search path:
Service Contract – Parameters – Index File
Activate the index for 01.08.99 by selecting this index in the index file
• In the field Index values from press F4 to list the dates for which the indices have been entered.
• Choose the date required.
• Click Enter once, then Escape or Page Down to quit the screen.

Contract Index Clause

Search path:
Service Contract – Enter Service Contract
You can select the 4. Index Clause option to change the information in the contract header.
1. Index Clause
Indicate whether or not the contract prices are subject to an index clause.
y Move on to the remaining fields to enter details of the index clause.
n Move on the to the remaining options for the contract.
2. Index Months
Enter the month for index reconciliation. You can set up to four reconciliations a year; for
example, enter 3 in the first field for reconciliation in March. For further reconciliation, enter the
months in the following fields; alternatively leave these fields blank. Each reconciliation is based
on the index values in force at the time. If no periods are entered here, the reconciliation is based
on the index values at the invoice date. If months are entered here, the reconciliation takes place
only at times when the month of next invoice printing is the same as one of the months indicated.

Transaction Example
Search path:
Service Contract – Parameters – Index File
1. Enter Transaction;
2. Change the system date as 01.08.99;
3. Enter a contract with monthly invoicing interval;
4. In the screen for index clause, select the index 1and index 2 for 01.08.99 (Scala allows the
combination of indices);
5. The month number for index reconciliation can be left 0;
6. Enter the contract line (for example, 200);
7. Print the invoice;
8. The invoice amount will be 200;


9. Close the invoice;

10. Change the system date to 01.09.99;
11. In the Parameters – Index File, activate the index for 01.09.99;
12. Print the invoice;
13. The invoice amount reflects changes that take place due to the index price.

Calculation Formula
The calculation is as follows:
(Change in the index value/base index, set in the contract) * contract price for the invoicing interval

110 - 100 130 - 125

200 + * 200 + * 200 = 228
100 125
Similarly change the system date to 01.10.99 and activate the index for 01.10.99. The invoice for
01.10.99 will be:

140 - 100 145 - 125

200 + * 200 + * 200 = 332
100 125


Market Database
Rebuilding User-Defined Data Files (SP05)
Search path:
Miscellaneous – Special Utilities – Rebuild User Database
 The utility is applicable for Btrieve database only.
 Only the system manager (SYS) can run this routine.
Use this routine to rebuild user-defined database files.
 User Database files are defined in Miscellaneous – Parameters – Definition of User Database
To rebuild user-defined database files:
1. Select the User Database for rebuilding files.

To move between User Databases.
space To select/deselect User Databases.
* To select all User Databases.
– To cancel all previous selections.
Esc To return to the previous screen.
Enter To continue.
2. Confirm starting the rebuilding routine.
The user-defined database files for current company and database as well as the company-independent
files (Common For All Companies switch in the user-database defining option set to “yes”) will be

Exporting User-Defined Data Files (SP05)

Search path:
Miscellaneous – Special Utilities – Export User Database
Use this routine to export user-defined database files to external text files in accordance to the defined
file structure.
1. Select the User Database for exporting data.

To move between User Databases.
space To select/deselect User Databases.
* To select all User Databases.
– To cancel all previous selections.
Esc To return to the previous screen.
Enter To continue.
2. Enter the selection criteria for exporting:
• Prospect Code range
Enter the code range for prospects for exporting.


?* (prospects by code)
?. (prospects by name)
?+ (prospects by telephone number)
?– (prospects by post code)
• Line Number range
Enter the range of User Database file lines for exporting
3. Output File
Enter the name of the external file for data exporting.
4. Confirm exporting.
The data will be exported according to the specified selection criteria for current company and current
Even for company-independent files (Common For All Companies switch in the user-database
defining option set to “no”), the code of the company, set when entering data, will be considered.

Additional Options for Copying from Customer and

Supplier Files Routines (#22981)(#24413)(#25347)
Search path:
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Parameters – Switches
4. Customer Code = Prospect Code
If the switch is set to “yes”, when running Copy from Customer File routine (Miscellaneous –
Special Utilities), the prospect code will be set to the respective customer code; otherwise, the code
from the Next Prospect Code counter will be used.
6. Supplier Code = Prospect Code
If the switch is set to “yes”, when running Copy from Supplier File routine (Miscellaneous –
Special Utilities), the prospect code will be set to the respective supplier code, otherwise, the code
from the Next Prospect Code counter will be used.

Additional Options when Defining Attributes (#25544)

Search path:
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Names for Attributes
Attribute names can be entered in any sequence; blank fields are allowed. When one or more blank
fields between the entered attribute names exist, you can compress data (i.e., delete one blank field and
move all subsequent fields one position up). To this end, press Enter in the blank field and confirm


Promissory Notes
Manual Unlocking of Promissory Notes/Post Dated
Cheques (SP09) (#26971)
Search path:
Promissory Notes File – Unlock Note/Cheque
The Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques Unlocking routine allows you to manually unlock a
PN/PDC after a system crash. Specify the type and the internal number of the PN/PDC to be unlocked
and OK unlocking.

The locked PN/PDC can be released only by the user who locked the record or by the system
• Type
Enter the type of a PN/PDC to be unlocked.
• Internal Number
Enter the internal number of a PN/PDC to be unlocked.
? (locked records by internal number)
?. (locked records by due date)
• OK
Confirm unlocking of the selected PN/PDC.


WIP Changes (SP11)
• Special Work Order costs are stored on WIP receipt transaction and used for calculation instead of
reading from Stock file when creating account transactions.
• All costs debit WIP are summarised on the Work Order. When closing Work Order this sum is
used to credit WIP.
• When the Valuation of Receipt parameter from WIP is set to 0, any unaccounted differences are
accounted as material quantity difference on accounting code 40.
• The Overhead [%] from Work Center Cost Code is implemented and adds to Fixed Machine Cost.
• New update program is created to update WIP Amount on Work Orders for WIP transactions.

Additional Date Selection when Creating WIP

Transactions (SP12)
Search path:
Actual Costs/Statistics/WIP – WIP – Create Acc. Trans. for WIP
• Date
You can specify the date range for WIP transactions to be created.


Statistical Calculation Model (SP13) (#34261)
Wage Type
Search path:
Payroll Set-up – Wage Types
• Social Benefit fields (1-10)
0 social tax is not calculated
1 social tax percentages are taken from the Payroll parameters
2 social tax amounts are calculated by the other wage type
 Used in the statistical calculation model.

Calculation Model
Search path:
Payroll Set-up – Calculation Models
• Model Type
0 regular model
 Timesheet’s wage types (see below) will be based on
employees’ timesheets.
 With the regular mode, resigned employees and
employees with the payment basis other than the
calculation model’s payment basis are ignored.
1 statistical model
 Timesheet’s wage types (see below) will be based on the
employees’ statistics.
 With the statistical mode, all employees within the
selected payment period (including resigned and with the
payment basis other than the calculation model’s payment
basis) are included in calculation.
 With the statistical calculation model, the transactions of
type 6, which do not update employees’ statistics, will be
generated in the work calculation file
(in the report after payroll calculation, these
transansactions will be marked with the number sign – #)
 See the Calculating Payroll in Statistical Calculation
Model section for details.

Wage Type Sections

Enter the range of wage type for wage type sections; while payroll calculation, the wage types will be
calculated in the specified order of the wage type sections.


• Company Header range

Enter the range of the wage types to be calculated once for the selected range of employees.
 The Company Header’s wage types ignore commands with employees’ data and do not
generate transactions, only warnings (transactions of type 8) are included into the work
calculation file.
• Employee Header range
Enter the range of the wage types to be calculated for each employee.
 The reported wage types will be calculated after Employee Header’s wage types.
• Timesheet range
Enter the range of the fixed and automatic wage types to be calculated for each employee based on
employee’s timesheets or based on employee’s statistics depending on the Model Type parameter
• Employee Footer range
Enter the range of the wage types to be calculated for each employee.
• Company Footer range
Enter the range of the wage types to be calculated once for the selected range of employees.
 The Company Footer’s wage types ignore commands with employees’ data and do not
generate transactions, only warnings (transactions of type 8) are included into the work
calculation file.
On the screen, the section colours are displayed along with the wage type; red is for wage types that are
included in more than one section; black is for wage types that are not included into any section.
In the reports the sections are marked as follows:
CH Company Header’s wage types
EH Employee Header’s wage types
TS Time Sheet’s wage types
EF Employee Footer’s wage types
CF Company Footer’s wage types
DBL wage types that are included in more than one section
OUT wage types that are not included into any section

Calculating Payroll in Statistical Calculation Model

In the payroll calculation, statistical calculation model, when calculating the Timesheet section:
1. From the employee’s statistics, the wage types within the selected payment period, that have at
least one of wage type’s social taxes set to 2, are selected.
ST_WT1: social taxes: 2221100000
ST_WT2: social taxes: 1111100000 → not selected
ST_WT3: social taxes: 2111100000
ST_WT4: social taxes: 1111200000
 The statistics’ wage types store the last values of counters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and the accounting
2. For each of the selected statistics’ wage type, within the Timesheet’s wage type range, the wage
type is selected if:
it has at least one of the wage type’s social taxes set to 1 or 2 at the same places where the statistics
wage type’s social tax is set to 2.


For ST_WT1: social taxes: 2221100000:
Timesheet’s wage types:
TS_WT1: social taxes: 0000000000 → not selected
TS_WT2: social taxes: 1100000000
TS_WT3: social taxes: 0001122222 → not selected
TS_WT4: social taxes: 1200000000
TS_WT5: social taxes: 2222200000
3. In the selected Timesheet’s range wage types (TS_WT2, TS_WT4, TS_WT5 in the example
above), the counters and the accounting string from the statistics’ wage type are copied; and these
wage types are calculated.

To set up calculation models the same way as in Scala service packs prior to SR13, enter the wage type
ranges as follows:
Time Sheet’s wage types: 000000 [Last Timesheet’s WT]
Employee Footer’s wage types: [Last Timesheet’s WT] + 1 999999

Q Command
Syntax Command Description
Q XX YY Add the value of counter XX (01–99) to the value of run-time variable YY,
place the result in the run-time variable YY (01–99)
Q 00 YY Execute all Q XX YY commands of the selected wage type from the
employee’s statistics file where YY is the same as in the Q 00 YY command
(can be used for tax recalculation).

 Q 00 YY works in Timesheet’s wage types of the statistical calculation

 See the Calculating Payroll in Statistical Calculation Model section for

K Command
The K commands are used to distribute the wage type amount by accounting dimensions
proportionately to the calculated amounts associated with these accounting dimensions; the K
commands are ignored during the payroll calculation and work when updating the work calculation file
to the Payroll Journals.

Syntax Command Description


K 01 00 When updating payroll, the work calculation file is scanned.

If the work calculation file’s wage type contains the K 01 00 command, for
each employee, the virtual matrix Mtx_K01 containing accounting string,
and amount columns is created/updated:
• accounting string
is taken from the work calculation file
• amount
If the Mtx_K01 matrix already contains the record with this accounting
string, the amount from the counter 1 in the work calculation file is
added to the amount in the Amount column, otherwise a new record is

K 02 00 The K 02 00 command is used to distribute the amount from the transaction

source counter (usually counter 3) by accounting dimensions
proportionately to the Mtx_K01 matrix (created by the K 01 00 command)
and to create the respective transactions; all accounting dimensions except
the account for the transaction are taken from the Mtx_K01 matrix; the
account is taken from the accounting string of the wage type with the
K 02 00 command.

K 01 XX The K 01 XX and K 02 XX commands differ from the K 01 00 and K 02 00

K 02 XX commands as follows:
• Eleven Mtx_K01_XX matrixes can be created (instead of one
Mtx_K01 matrix)
• With the K 01 XX command, the amount from the transaction source
counter (usually counter 3) is used for the Mtx_K01_XX matrix
(instead of the counter 1)
• With the K 02 XX command, the matrix Mtx_K01_XX is used to
distribute the amount from the transaction source counter (usually
counter 3) by accounting dimensions.
• With the K 02 XX command, all accounting dimensions including the
account for the transaction are taken from the Mtx_K01_XX matrix.
• in the working file wage type that contains the K 02 XX command,
the % and $ wildcards (if any) in the accounting string from this
wage type definition are replaced as follows:
the dollar signs ($) are replaced by the relevant data from the
Mtx_K01_XX matrix;
the percent signs (%) are replaced by the relevant data from the
respective employee card
• the Mtx_K01_XX matrix row’s accounting string is replaced by the
modified accounting string from the wage type definition

K 02 00 For the wage types that contain both the K 02 00 and K 01 XX commands,
+ the operation sequence is as follows:
K 01 XX 1. The K 02 00 command is executed, the distribution amount matrix is
2. The K 01 XX command is executed using all the distribution matrix
amounts (created at step 1) for the virtual matrix Mtx_K01 (instead of
the transaction source counter amount).


Wage Type Counter for Results in the Accounting

Currency (SP08)
Search path:
Payroll Set-up – Payroll Parameters – Standard Parameters – Payroll Counters
• Transaction Source Counter
If the accounting currency differs from the payroll currency, enter the counter (1-8) for payroll
calculation result in the accounting currency. The amounts stored in this counter will be used for
General Ledger transactions, employee contributions, and cost calculations.
The counter 3 is used by default (when the accounting and payroll currencies coincide).
 If other than counter 3 is entered, in the wage type the commands converting the amount in the
counter 3 to the accounting currency and storing this amount in the selected counter have to
be added.

Precision Tables for Payroll Additional Tables


Additional Tables Default Decimals Parameter

Search path:
Payroll Setup – Payroll Parameters – Standard Parameters – Enter/Adjust Standard Parameters –
Payroll Counters
• Number of decimals for additional tables
The default number of decimals for additional tables (0-9).

Additional Tables Rules

For the first 1000 (0–999) additional tables, you can specify the number of decimals for each table’s
column by creating the corresponding precision tables.
Search path:
Payroll Setup – Additional Tables – Enter/Adjust Additional Tables
To create the precision table for the additional table nnn, enter *nnn in the Additional tables number
The following rules apply when entering precision tables in both the entering/adjusting and importing
routines (Payroll Setup – Additional Tables – Enter/Adjust Additional Tables and Miscellaneous –
Import/Export parameters – Import/Export parameters – Additional tables respectively):
• When you create the precision table prior to the corresponding additional table, the number of
decimals for each additional table’s column can be 0-17.
 The number greater than 17 will be automatically reduced to 17.
• When you create the precision table after the corresponding additional table has been created, the
number of decimals for all additional table’s columns except the first one can be 0-17; the number
of decimals for the first column is taken as it was in the additional table.
• When you delete the precision table (Delete Additional Tables option), the number of decimals for
all additional table’s columns except the first one is defined by the Payroll Number of decimals
for additional tables parameter; the number of decimals for the first column is retained.
• When you reduce the number of decimals in the precision table, the values in the corresponding
additional table will be rounded accordingly.


• When you delete the additional table (Delete Additional Tables option), the corresponding
precision table is deleted automatically.
 When importing, in order to set the number of decimals for all additional table’s columns
properly, first import the precision table and afterwards the corresponding additional table.

Exporting Additional Tables

Search path:
Miscellaneous – Import/Export parameters –Export parameters – Additional tables
• Export Codes range
The default range does not include the precision tables.

New Wildcard for Fixed Wage Types (SP08) (#23402)

A new wildcard – $ is implemented for wage types’ accounting string entries to allow the interactive
substitution of the wage type’s accounting string entry by the employee card/time sheet’s accounting
string entry when calculating wage type.
Search path:
Payroll Setup – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wage Types
9. Account
10. Accounting Dimensions (1-9)
The following wildcards are available:
% A percent sign (%) is replaced by the relevant data from the respective
employee card or time sheet (depending on the calculation model’s
Last Time Sheet’s WT parameter) when entering wage type.
A partial substitution (e.g., 123%%%) is allowed.
$ For fixed wage types:
A dollar sign ($) is replaced by the relevant data from the
respective employee card or time sheet (depending on the
calculation model’s Last Time Sheet’s WT parameter) when
calculating wage type.
For other than fixed wage types:
The $ wildcard is the same as the % wildcard.
A partial substitution (e.g., 123$$$) is allowed.
Let us assume the following:
1. Employee card/time sheet’s accounting string entry is: 200 000
(files pa04/pa33 respectively)
2. Wage Type’s accounting string entry’s settings (file pa03) are:
Fixed Wage Types:
Wage Type Fix1: %%%%%%
Wage Type Fix2: $$$$$$
Reported Wage Types:
Wage Type Rep1: %%%%%%
Wage Type Rep2: $$$$$$


Automatic Wage Types:

Wage Type Aut1: %%%%%%
Wage Type Aut2: $$$$$$
1. Once the Wage Types are entered and saved, the Wage Types' accounting string entries (for
fixed and reported Wage Types) are:
Wage Type Fix1: 200 000 (file pa05)
Wage Type Fix2: $$$$$$ (will be substituted when calculating)
Wage Type Rep1: 200 000 (file pa07)
Wage Type Rep2: 200 000
2. If the Employee card/time sheet’s accounting string entry remains 200 000, after calculation:
all Wage Types’ Payroll transactions (file pa09) are posted to the accounting string entry 200 000.
If after the Wage Types had been saved, the Employee card/time sheet’s accounting string entry
has changed, for example, from 200 000 to 300 000, then after calculation:
the Wage Type Fix2's Payroll transaction is posted to the accounting string entry 300 000 (taken
from the employee card/time sheet's accounting string);
the other Wage Types’ Payroll transactions are posted to the accounting string entry 200 000.

Posting Social Benefits (SP01)

Search path:
Payroll Set-up – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wages Types
1. Social Benefits
y To post any social benefits to the given wage type. A
dialogue window with the social benefit names, defined
in the Payroll standard parameters (Payroll Set-up –
Payroll Parameters – Standard Parameters – Standard
Parameters Names), will appear; you can indicate
which of 10 possible social benefit types will be
derived from the given wage type.
n No social benefits are linked with the wage type

Currency Handling (SP01)

Currency Codes for Counters 1-8
Search path:
Payroll Set-up – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wages Types
24. Currency Codes for Counters 1-8
Enter the currency codes for the counters 1-8 to use in the $ command or leave the field blank.
? (currency codes)
 The $ command will treat the blank field in the counter 3 as the currency code 0 (accounting
currency); the $ command with the blank field in other counters will generate the error flag.
25. Commands
Currency Commands
Syntax XX and YY Description Example


$ XX YY 01 08 The value in the counter YY in the $ 03 05

currency code of the counter XX
will be converted into the currency
of the counter YY using the
exchange selling rate for the
Payroll module’s system date.
 The values in the counters XX
and YY before the $
command to be executed must
be the same.
 The error flag will be
generated if the currency
codes for counter XX and/or
counter YY are not defined,
except for the counter 3,
whose undefined currency
code will be treated as the
currency code for the
accounting currency.

Control Commands
Syntax Description Example
T 00 00 Check the status of the ERROR FLAG ( The T 00 00
ERROR FLAG is set up if errors take place
during execution of the O, G, X, @, # and $
commands and is cleared if these commands
are executed correctly. The error flag status is
not changed during the execution of another
command. The error flag is cleared upon
completion the current wage type calculation). If the
flag is set up, execute the next command. If the
flag is set down, skip the next command

New Wage Type Commands

Search path:
Payroll Setup – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wage Types
Extracting Dictionary Values (SP10) (#28570)
To read a dictionary value, use the following command:
% 03 XX
When running, the command reads the dictionary value the number of which (1-10) is contained in the
counter XX; the counters XX+1 and XX+2 must contain the dictionary and record codes respectively.
Let us assume that the counters are filled in as follows:
Counter 1: 5
Counter 2: 2
Counter 3: 1


Thus, the command % 03 01 reads the 5-th value from the dictionary 2, record 1.

When the contents of counters XX+1 and/or XX+2 are not specified, the error flag is set on.
 For reported wage types, in this case, you are prompted to select dictionary and/or record codes.

Calling Chain Wage Types (SP10) (#29308)

To call the other (chain) wage type that will execute after the current wage type calculation is
completed, use the following command:
! XX 01

1. When the calculation of the chain wage starts, the counters are initiated by current wage type’s
calculation results.
2. The chain wage type calculation results are saved in the payroll calculation file.
3. When calculating payroll, the calculation model’s wage type containing the ! XX 01 command
calls the wage type chain parallel to the calculation model’s wage type chain. The calculation
returns to the next (after the wage type containing the ! XX 01 command) calculation model’s
wage type when in the parallel wage type chain there is no ! XX 01 command to be executed or the
value in the counter XX is 0.

Multi-Model Payroll Calculation (SP10) (#30049)

To be able to use more than one model during one payroll calculation, do the following:
1. In the Scala directory, LAN/PA/PA040000.fld file, assign the validation code 24 to the required
2. In the employees entering routine (Employees/Inquiries – Employee Data – Enter/Adjust Employee
Data), for the field defined at step 1, you can assign the registered (Payroll Set-up – Calculation
Models) calculation model code or leave this field blank.
3. When calculating payroll (Payroll Calculation – Payroll Calculation), you can choose between
using the calculation model specified in the payroll calculation selection criteria (CALCULATION
MODEL field) and in the employee record (step 2). If there is no validation code 24 specified for
any employee or the employee’s calculation model is not specified or wrong, the payroll
calculation selection criteria’s calculation model is used.

Printing Wage Types/Wage Type Specifications/Wage Type Specifications in

Search path:
Payroll Set-up – Wage Types – Print Out Wages Types
Payroll Set-up – Wage Types – Print Out Wages Types – Print out Wage Type Specification
Payroll Set-up – Wage Types – Print Out Wages Types – Print out Wage Type Specification in Words
If the counter currency code of the wage type was defined in the wage types entering routine (Payroll
Set-up – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wages Types), the counter’s currency will be printed in reports in
the following format: xx_yyy, where xx is the currency code in the currency dictionary, and yyy is 3-
letter currency acronym (System Utilities – Miscellaneous – Currency File – Add/Change Currency

An example of the Wage Types printout is as follows.

Demo Company WAGE TYPE LISTING 19-08-98 09:33:22 Page 1
COMPANY ZZ FIN.YEAR 98=========================================================================/Scala/PA0021/5
TYPNO- NAME--------------------- DESCRIPTION-------------- ACC CC PROD PRJ
REPORTED FIXED AUTOMATIC SOC.CONTRIBUT.- ST.ACC.----- Coun.1 Coun.2 Coun.3 Coun.4 Coun.5 Coun.6 Coun.7 Coun.8
100000 Base salary 200000 PAYROL
No No 99-000 Yes +--------- 990001
100011 Currency salary


Yes No No No 01_USD 02_RUB 03_Eur

150000 Previous bonus 200000 PAYROL
No No 04-052 Yes +---------
160000 Flexible bonus 200000 PAYROL
No Yes No Yes +---------
170000 Fixed bonus ------ ------ ------ ------
Yes No No Yes +---------
600000 Employee Tax 680000 PAYROL
No No 99-000 No
700000 Alimony deduction ------ ------ ------ ------
No Yes No No
750000 Advance deduction 680000 PAYROL
No No 04-155 No
800000 Previuos debt deduction 680000 PAYROL
No No 04-070 No
850000 Current debt 680000 PAYROL
No No 99-000 No
999999 Rounding 680000 PAYROL
No No 99-000 No

* * * * * * * * * * * E N D O F R E P O R T * * * * * * * * * * * *

An example of the Wage Type Specification printout is as follows.

Demo Company WAGE TYPE SPECIFICATION 19-08-98 10:30:46 Page 1
COMPANY ZZ FIN.YEAR 98=========================================================================/Scala/PA0021/5

Wage No: 100011 Name : Currency salary Soc.Benefits : No Currencies
Description: Soc.Ben. 1 : No C1: 01_USD
Const.1:0 0 Query 1: Amount Decim.: 3 Soc.Ben. 2 : No C2: 02_RUB
Const.2:0 0 Query 2: Set Date Decim.: D Soc.Ben. 3 : No C3:
Const.3:0 0 Warn. 1: Currency is not defined, Soc.Ben. 4 : No C4: 03_Eur
Const.4:0 0 Warn. 2: New conversion Soc.Ben. 5 : No C5:
Connec.: Soc.Ben. 6 : No C6:
Reported : Yes Sum : No Union : Soc.Ben. 7 : No C7:
Fixed : No Print out : Yes Fixed Tax : Soc.Ben. 8 : No C8:
Automatic : No Only Tax : No User Group : Soc.Ben. 9 : No
Stat.Acc. : Counter : 0 Reference : 0 Soc.Ben. 10 : No
Accounting header : ACC CC PROD PRJ
Accounting values :
C O M M A N D S :
01: F 02 04 11: $ 01 02
02: W 21 04 12: T 00 00
03: F 01 03 13: V 01 00
04: A 03 01 14: A 03 05
05: V 02 00 15: V 02 00
06: $ 03 01 16: $ 03 05
07: T 00 00 17: T 00 00
08: V 01 00 18: V 01 00
09: A 01 02
10: V 02 00

* * * * * * * * * * * E N D O F R E P O R T * * * * * * * * * * * *

An example of the Wage Type Specification in Words printout is as follows.

Demo Company WAGE TYPE SPECIFICATION 19-08-98 10:38:06 Page 1
COMPANY ZZ FIN.YEAR 98=========================================================================/Scala/PA0021/5

Wage No: 100011 Name : Currency salary Soc.Benefits : No Currencies
Description: Soc.Ben. 1 : No C1: 01_USD
Const.1:0 0 Query 1: Amount Decim.: 3 Soc.Ben. 2 : No C2: 02_RUB
Const.2:0 0 Query 2: Set Date Decim.: D Soc.Ben. 3 : No C3:
Const.3:0 0 Warn. 1: Currency is not defined, Soc.Ben. 4 : No C4: 03_Eur
Const.4:0 0 Warn. 2: New conversion Soc.Ben. 5 : No C5:
Connec.: Soc.Ben. 6 : No C6:
Reported : Yes Sum : No Union : Soc.Ben. 7 : No C7:
Fixed : No Print out : Yes Fixed Tax : Soc.Ben. 8 : No C8:
Automatic : No Only Tax : No User Group : Soc.Ben. 9 : No
Stat.Acc. : Counter : 0 Reference : 0 Soc.Ben. 10 : No
Accounting header : ACC CC PROD PRJ
Accounting values :
C O M M A N D S :
01: F 02 04 Load value of answer to the question N 02 'Set Date' into the counter N 04
02: W 21 04 Set system date equal to date in counter N 04
03: F 01 03 Load value of answer to the question N 01 'Amount' into the counter N 03
04: A 03 01 Add value of counter N 01 to value of counter N 03. Result is in counter N 01
05: V 02 00 Display warning N 02 'New conversion'
06: $ 03 01 Convert value of counter N 01 to its currency from currency of counter N 03. Result is in counter N 01
07: T 00 00 If error flag is switched off after execution of commands O,G,X,@,# , then skip next command
08: V 01 00 Display warning N 01 'Currency is not defined, shit'
09: A 01 02 Add value of counter N 02 to value of counter N 01. Result is in counter N 02
10: V 02 00 Display warning N 02 'New conversion'
11: $ 01 02 Convert value of counter N 02 to its currency from currency of counter N 01. Result is in counter N 02
12: T 00 00 If error flag is switched off after execution of commands O,G,X,@,# , then skip next command
13: V 01 00 Display warning N 01 'Currency is not defined, shit'
14: A 03 05 Add value of counter N 05 to value of counter N 03. Result is in counter N 05
15: V 02 00 Display warning N 02 'New conversion'
16: $ 03 05 Convert value of counter N 05 to its currency from currency of counter N 03. Result is in counter N 05
17: T 00 00 If error flag is switched off after execution of commands O,G,X,@,# , then skip next command
18: V 01 00 Display warning N 01 'Currency is not defined, shit'

* * * * * * * * * * * E N D O F R E P O R T * * * * * * * * * * * *

Currency Codes in Enquiries (SP01)

Search path:
Employees/Inquiries – Inquiries on Employees – Statistics/Employees
Employees/Inquiries – Inquiries on Employees – Statistics/Employees
If the counter currency code of the wage type was defined in the wage types entering routine (Payroll
Set-up – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wages Types) and only one wage type is selected in the selection
criteria, the counter’s currency code acronym will be printed in the screen header for the respective
counter’s column.


Currency Codes in Reports (SP01)

Search path:
Employees/Inquiries – Reported Wage Types – Print Reported Wage Types – Specification of Wage
Payroll Calculation – Print Standard Payrolls
Reports – Print Reports – Print Statistics
If the counter currency code of the wage type was defined in the wage types entering routine (Payroll
Set-up – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wages Types), the counter’s currency code acronym will be
printed in the report header for the respective counter’s column.

Currency Codes when Adjusting Payroll Calculation


Search path:
Miscellaneous – Adjust Payroll Calculation
If the counter currency code of the wage type was defined in the wage types entering routine (Payroll
set-up – Wage Types – Enter/Adjust Wages Types), the counter's currency code acronym will be
displayed alongside the respective counter.

Russian Social Security Number Validation (SP09) (#28569)

Search path:
Employees/Inquiries – Employee Data – Enter/Adjust Employee Data
• Identity No.
If the Payroll standard parameters Mandatory Identity Number and Check Digit Control I.D. No.
are set to “yes”, for the companies registered in Scala with the country code 7 (Russia), the validity of
identity number will be checked according to the Russian legislation for social security (pension fund)
The social security number is checked as follows:
the value entered must contain 11 digits, where last 2 digits represent the check sum.

Example of valid social security number:

112-233-445 95

Length of Numeric Fields for User-Defined Screens


NN – field length
For numeric fields:
When the field length exceeds 8, one digit will be reserved for the number sign. Therefore, for these
field lengths, specify the incremented value; i.e. for n-digit-length field, enter n + 1.
Example: if the required length 9, enter 10.


Enhanced Validation of Employee Fields (SP10)


The checks of types 01 – 22 and the social security ID uniqueness are checked in the following
• Entering employees (Employees/Inquiries – Employee Data – Enter/Adjust Employee Data)
• Importing employee data (Employees/Inquiries – Employee Data Import/Export)
• Updating when printing professional reports (Reports – Print Reports – Print Professional
 In addition, accounting string validation is performed in all above routines.
 The checks defined in the pa0011xx.lan file are performed in the entering employees routine only.

Importing employee data

Employees/Inquiries – Employee Data Import/Export
When errors occur while importing employee data, the error report is displayed, and the errors are
logged in the pa02cc77.bad, pa02cc77.bup, and pa02cc77.err files.
The error report is displayed in the following format:
• import file’s line number
• field name (as specified in the Define External File routine)
• error text (as specified in the paf04com.lan and pa0277.lan files)

The pa02cc77.bad file contains invalid records resulting from 01 – 22 type checks.
The pa02cc77.bup file contains invalid records resulting from social security ID uniqueness check.
The pa02cc77.err file contains error texts.

Printing Professional Reports

Reports – Print Reports – Print Professional Reports
When errors regarding 01 – 22 and social security ID uniqueness checks occur while printing
professional reports, the error report is displayed, and the errors are logged in the pa02cc77.err file.
 The update is unsuccessful for error-record employees only.
The error report is displayed in the following format:
• employee number
• DDF code <04:###> in the CLEARLIST block where an error occurs
 DDF code <96:000> (when the date is not in the YYYYMMDD format) is also displayed.
• error text (as specified in the paf04com.lan file)


Extended Billing Functionality


Extended Billing Functionality is designed in addition to the standard Scala functionality to meet the
specific Japanese billing requirements.

Terms and Definitions

This section describes the definitions and terms of the extended billing functionality based on Japanese
billing requirements.
 Where available the respective Japanese terms are given.
The Japanese billing requirements include the following:
• Periodic billing functionality
• Tax calculation and rounding
• Holiday shifting

Periodical Billing
Most of Japanese companies bill their regular customers every certain period, so that for this certain
period they summarise (shi-me process) the accounts receivable for each customer.
 Company can also bill customers for each transaction.
The Periodic Billing terms are as follows:
• Summarising date (date of shi-me)
a day when a company sums up accounts receivables for each customer
 The summarising date is unique to each customer (for example: the 5-th, the 10-th,
the 15-th, the 20-th, the 25-th, the end of the month).
• Billing (summarising) period (shi-me period)
the period between two successive summarising dates
• Billing date
the day when a company bills the customer
 Usually, a bill includes the account receivables until the summarising date, so that the
summarising date is earlier than the billing date.
• Due date
the last payment day for a customer;
the due date can be based on the billing date or the summarising date;
in any case:
Summarising date <= Billing date <= Due date
 See the Due Date Calculation section for details on the due date calculation
• Due term
a period between the billing or summarising date and the due date (for example: 30 days, 45 days,
60 days)


Settings: summarising date: the 20-th
billing date: the end of the month
due term: two months after the
summarising date
billing (summarising) period: 20 January – 20 February
summarising date: 20 February
billing date: 28 February
due term: 20 February – 20 April
due date: 20 April

• Billing slip
a regular invoice (sales order) that participates in the billing process and is included in the Billing
• Billing Statement
a list of billing slips issued during the billing (summarising) period
 Only one Billing Statement can be generated for one particular billing period.
 One billing slip can be included into only one Billing Statement. Any billing slip can be
marked as suspended or excluded from the Billing Statement Proposal. Suspended slips can
be included into the next Billing Statement.
• Suspended slip
an invoice excluded from a Billing Statement that can be included into the next Billing Statement
• Excluded invoice
an invoice excluded from billing and not included in any Billing Statement
• Slip ready for billing
either an invoice created in the current summarising period and not yet included in the Billing
Statement (billing slip) or an invoice that was not included in the previous Billing Statements but
can be included in the next Billing Statement (suspended slip)
• Tax correctional
tax invoices created to adjust Billing Statement total tax amount.
• Allowance
a taxable discount amount for a sales order.
• Surcharge
a taxable mark-up amount for a sales order

Tax Rounding and Calculation Methods

 The extended tax functionality is supported in the following Scala modules:
Sales Ledger
Purchase Ledger
Sales Order

There are the following tax rounding methods specified for each customer/supplier:
• rounding according to the rounding parameters specified in the Scala currency file
• rounding up to the number of decimals specified for the currency
• rounding down to the number of decimals specified for the currency


• normal rounding to the number of decimals specified for the currency

(if a digit is less than 5 – rounding down; otherwise – rounding up)

 Tax rounding method is used:

in the Sales Ledger module:
when entering Sales Ledger invoices;
when calculating tax correctionals
in the Purchase Ledger module:
when entering Purchase Ledger invoices;
in the Sales Order module:
when entering sales orders
(except for rounding parameters specified in the Scala currency file);
when enquiring sales orders
(except for rounding parameters specified in the Scala currency file);
when printing Sales Order documents;
when closing sales orders.

There are the following tax calculation methods specified for each customer:
• rounding the sales order tax amount by each order line
• rounding the sales order tax amount by order total

 Tax calculation method is used:

in the Sales Order module:
when entering sales orders;
when enquiring sales orders;
when printing Sales Order documents;
when closing sales orders.

Holiday Shifting
Holiday shifting is a mechanism of moving billing or due dates falling on a holiday forward or
backward to the nearest working day.

Billing Routines Overview

Extended billing functionality comprises routines in the Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger, Sales Order,
and Purchase Order modules.
 This section is only an overview of the extended billing routines; for detailed field descriptions,
refer to the next sections.
In general, the extended billing routines include:
• Setting up
• defining billing terms codes with the methods of calculating the summarising date,
summarising period, billing date, and due date
• linking the billing codes to the customers and suppliers
• Sales cycle
For the customers with the billing code specified:
• Working with sales invoices of the following supported types:
regular invoices, credit notes, debit notes, discount and other discount credit notes, advance
payments, tax correctionals to statements
• Working with sales orders
marking the sales orders to be included in the Billing Statement Proposal in the Sales Ledger
module; entering allowances, surcharges, and advances; using sales orders of type 9 to adjust


sales orders of the other types and to create the respective debit notes and credit notes in the
Sales Ledger module
• Working with Billing Statements
at the billing date, generating a Billing Statement containing all customer’s summarising
period’s invoices; after sending the Billing Statement to the customer and receiving customer’s
payment marking Billing Statement as paid; deleting paid Billing Statements
• Purchase cycle
For the suppliers with the billing code specified:
• Working with Consolidated Goods Received Note
at the billing date, generating a Consolidated Goods Received Note containing all supplier’s
summarising period’s goods received notes
 Extended billing functionality features are activated by the Periodical Billing license unless
otherwise noted;
Consolidated Goods Received Note functionality is activated by the Consolidated GRN license.

Setting Up
Set up the following billing functionality parameters.
• Planning Calendar
the holiday data for required years (Sales Ledger/Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous – Planning
 The Planning Calendar will be used when calculating billing or due date if:
– customer’s and/or supplier’s due date shifting method is set accordingly and
– billing date and/or due date falls on holiday.
• Number Series (Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Parameters, Parameters option,
Billing Statement Number Series, Number Series Tax Correctional Invoices, Sales Order –
Miscellaneous – Parameters, Other counters/Parameters option, Billing Slips Series parameter)
• Payment Terms
the method of calculating the due date (Sales Ledger/Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous –
Parameters – Payment Terms)
 The payment terms code will be linked with the billing terms code.
• Billing Terms
billing terms codes with the number of billing periods, methods of calculating summarising dates,
billing dates and the respective payment terms to be linked in the Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger
module (Sales Ledger/Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Billing Terms)
 The billing terms codes will be assigned to customers and suppliers.
• Customer File (Sales Ledger – Customer File – Enter/Adjust Customer)
• billing code (Order/Invoicing 2 option)
 The billing parameters are used for customer’s billing invoices.
• payment terms code (Credit/Payment 2 option)
 The payment terms parameters are used for customer’s invoices that do not participate in
• due date shifting method if billing or due date falls on a holiday (Order/Invoicing 2 option)
 When calculating billing or due date, the Planning Calendar will be used.
• tax rounding method (Currency/Tax option)
• tax calculation method (Currency/Tax option)
• possibility of tax recalculation (Currency/Tax option)


• Supplier File (Purchase Ledger – Supplier File – Enter Suppliers)

• billing code (Factoring/Billing option)
 The billing parameters are used for Consolidated Goods Received Notes.
• due date shifting method if billing or due date falls on a holiday (Factoring/Billing option)
 When calculating billing or due date, the Planning Calendar will be used.
• tax rounding method (Codes option)
• Billing Slips Printing Parameter (Sales Order – Miscellaneous – Parameters,
Document/Invoicing Switches option, Print Billing Slips is obligatory parameter)
• Invoice Menu Customisation
menu options for entering invoices (System Utilities/Office Autom – Access Rights/Menus – Adjust
Menus & Menu Passwords – Change Menu Type 2)

Working with Sales Invoices

Invoice Types
You can work with the following invoice types:
• regular invoice (type 0)
regular invoices (billing slips) are standard Scala invoices entered in the Sales Ledger and Sales
Order modules (Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices/Credit Notes or Sales Order
 Sales order of type 9 generates invoices of type 1 and 2; see the Working with Sales Orders of
Type 9 section for details.
• credit note (type 1)
credit notes are negative amount invoices created against regular invoices; reverse invoices and
Storno (reverse) or Red Storno (negative debit/credit) transactions are generated (Sales Ledger –
Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices/Credit Notes)
 Akaden can be treated as a Credit Note.
 Positive amount credit notes are allowed.
• debit note (type 2)
debit notes (re-invoices) are positive amount invoices (invoice adjustments) created against regular
invoices (Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices/Credit Notes)
 Kuroden can be treated as a Debit Note.
 Negative amount debit notes are allowed.
• discount and other discount (type 3 and type 4)
discounts and other discounts (volume, inventory discounts, penalties, rebates) are positive or
negative amount invoices (Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices/Credit Notes)
 For discounts, enter the negative invoice amounts.
 Uriage-nebiki can be treated as a Discount, and Uriage-warimodoshi can be treated as an
Other Discount.
 When creating credit notes or debit notes for discount or other discounts invoices, the invoices
of the same types (3 or 4 respectively) will be created (instead of invoices of types 1 or 2 for
regular invoices).
 Invoices of types 3 and 4 are included in different parts of the Billing Statement.
• advance payment (type 5)
advance payments are Scala prepayments (Sales Ledger – Payment/Journal/Cash Flow – Enter
Payments – Invoices Payment)
 Uriage-warimodoshi can be treated as an Advance Payment.


• tax correctional to statement (type 6)

tax correctionals to statement are positive or negative amount 100% tax invoices created to adjust
Billing Statement total tax amount; the amount for the tax correctional can be calculated when
adjusting a Billing Statement Proposal based on the Billing Statement’s taxable net amount for
each tax code; the respective invoices are generated and booked on the customer’s account
receivable when converting the Billing Statement Proposal to Billing Statements (Sales Ledger –
Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing)
Tax correctionals to statement can be created only for customers with allowed tax
recalculation (Sales Ledger – Customer File – Enter/Adjust Customer, Currency/Tax option,
Tax Recalculation field).
When entering an invoice, the respective invoice type is assigned (Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal –
Enter Invoices/Credit Notes, Miscellaneous option, Invoice Type field).
You can change the invoice type for a particular invoice (Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Enter
Invoices/Credit Notes, Miscellaneous option or Sales Ledger – Customer File – Other Customer Files
– Adjust Customer Invoice, Invoice Type field).
The types 5 and 6 cannot be changed.

Working with Sales Orders

• Entering/Adjusting Sales Orders
When entering/adjusting sales orders, in the order parameters (Sales Order – Order
Entry/Enquiries – Enter/Adjust Order) set up:
Payment option
for sales orders to be included in Billing Statements:
• set the Include in statement switch to yes
 The sales order that is included in the Billing Statement is billing slip.
Allowance/Advance/Surcharge option
• Allowance /Surcharge/Advance

• Enquiring Sales Order Tax Details (Sales Order – Order Entry/Enquiries – Enquire Order File –
Show order Tax details)
• Working with Sales Orders of Type 9
Use the sales orders of type 9 (Sales Order – Order Entry/Enquiries – Enter/Adjust Order,
Change Order Parameters – Payment option) to adjust sales orders of the other types. The sales
order of type 9 is based on the sales order of the other type and generates the respective debit note
and credit note (invoices of types 1 and 2 respectively) in the Sales Ledger module.
 The sales orders of other types generate regular invoices (of type 0) in the Sales Ledger

Working with Billing Statements

Work with Billing Statements can be divided into the following stages:
1. If required, delete the previous Billing Statement Proposal (Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous –
Periodic Billing – Delete Statement Proposal).
2. If required, print slips ready for billing (Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Print
Slips Ready for Billing).
3. Set up the selection criteria for a new Billing Statement Proposal (Sales Ledger –
Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Set up selection terms).


4. Create and print the Billing Statement Proposal containing preliminary Billing Statements with
the respective Reference numbers grouped by customers and currency codes
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statement Proposal).
 Only Billing Statements containing invoices can be created;
to reprint a Billing Statement taking into consideration the payments made up to the specified
date, use the Reprint existing Billing Statement option (Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous –
Periodic Billing – Reprint/Adjust existing Billing Statement – Reprint Billing Statement).
5. If required, reprint the entire Billing Statement Proposal or one preliminary Billing Statement
with the Reference number specified
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Adjust/Reprint Billing Statement Proposal –
Reprint All Statement Proposals or Reprint Statement Proposal Number respectively).
6. If required, adjust the preliminary Billing Statement with the Reference number specified
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Adjust/Reprint Billing Statement Proposal –
Adjust proposal).
When adjusting the Billing Statement Proposal, you can adjust Billing Statement Proposal’s header
(Adjust Statement Header option) and contents (Adjust Statement Contents option), recalculate the
Billing Statement Proposal tax to adjust Billing Statement total tax amount (Recalculate TAX
option), and delete a Statement from the Billing Statement Proposal (Delete Statement from
Proposal option).
7. Print Billing Statements; the respective Statement numbers (from the Sales Ledger Billing
Statements number series parameter) will be assigned to a Billing Proposal’s Statement
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statements – Print
8. If required, reprint Billing Statements
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statements – Print
Statements or Re-print Statement respectively).
9. Convert Billing Statement Proposal to Billing Statements including generating the respective
tax correctional to statement; the Billing Statement’s invoices are marked as included in Statement
– the invoice’s statement number field is filled in.
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statements – Update
10. If required, enquire Billing Statement invoices
(Sales Ledger – Enquiries and Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics).
11. If required, adjust Billing Statements with the customer code and Statement number specified
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Reprint/Adjust existing Billing Statement).
When adjusting the Billing Statement, you can reprint the Billing Statement (Reprint Billing
Statement option), adjust Billing Statement’s contents (Adjust Billing Statement – Adjust
Statements Contents option), recalculate the Billing Statement tax to adjust Billing Statement total
tax amount (Adjust Billing Statement – Recalculate TAX option), and update the Billing Statement
(Accept correction – Updating option).
12. Settle up a Billing Statement (fully or partially)
(Sales Ledger – Payment/Journal/Cash Flow – Enter Payments – Statement Payment,
General Ledger – Transactions – Enter Transactions – Billing Statement Payments,
General Ledger – Transactions – Enter Bank Transactions – Billing Statement Payments).
 Only one Billing Statement at one time can be settled up.
13. If required, reprint the Billing Statement taking into consideration payments up to the specified
(Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Reprint/Adjust existing Billing Statement –
Reprint Billing Statement).
14. If required, delete a paid Billing Statement
(Sales Ledger – Customer File – Other Customer File – Delete Paid Statements)


 For information on DDF codes, see the DDF section.

Working with Consolidating Goods Received Note

For the suppliers with the billing code specified, you can create the Consolidated Goods Received Note
containing all supplier’s summarising period’s goods received notes; the Consolidated Goods Received
Note can be adjusted, reprinted, and deleted.

Due Date Calculation

For billing customers (with the billing code specified), the procedure of calculating the due date is as
• Billing period is defined based on the invoice BE date and invoice customer’s billing terms.
 In the Sales Order, Direct Invoicing, Project Management, and Service Management modules,
the planned BE date (according to the current customer and order settings) is used instead of
the invoice BE date.
• Due date is calculated based on the payment terms specified in the invoice customer’s billing
• If Due date falls on a holiday, the customer’s shifting method specified in the customer file

Setting Up
Planning Calendar
 The Planning Calendar will be used when calculating billing or due date if:
– customer’s and/or supplier’s due date shifting method is set accordingly and
– billing date and/or due date falls on holiday.

Entering/Adjusting Holidays
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Planning Calendar – Enter/Adjust Holidays
Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous – Planning Calendar – Enter/Adjust Holidays
• ENTER THE YEAR in the yyyy format (1950-2049) to enter/adjust the holiday data. To return to
the previous menu, press Esc.
? (registered years)
The specified year’s holiday calendar is displayed.
For a newly entered year, Saturdays and Sundays are displayed as holidays by default.
 Up to 150 holidays for a year can be specified.
To add a holiday, in a free cell, enter the date in the format specified in the Scala Company File;
the holiday calendar will be re-loaded.
To delete a holiday, select and clear the cell required; the holiday calendar will be re-loaded.
To adjust a holiday, select the cell required and make the adjustment; the holiday calendar will be
The entered dates are validated for invalid entries, date repetition, and entries outside the scope of
the specified year.
To exit the holiday calendar, click OK or Cancel or press PgDn.


Deleting Holidays
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Planning Calendar – Delete Holidays
Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous – Planning Calendar – Delete Holidays
• ENTER THE YEAR in the yyyy format (1950-2049) to be deleted from the holiday calendar. To
return to the previous menu, press Esc.
? (registered years)
y The specified year will be deleted from the holiday calendar.
n The specified year will not be deleted from the holiday calendar.

Number Series
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Parameters
• Billing statements number series
Enter the first of the sequential number series to be used for numbering Billing Statements; after a
new Billing Statement is generated, this number will be increased by one.
• No Series Tax Correctional Invoices
Enter the first of the sequential number series to be used for numbering tax correctional invoices;
after a new tax correctional invoice is generated, this number will be increased by one.

Search Path:
Sales Order – Miscellaneous – Parameters
• Billing Slip Series
Enter the first of the sequential number series to be used for numbering billing slips; after a billing
slip is generated, this number will be increased by one.

Payment Terms
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Payments Terms
Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Payments Terms
• Due Date based on
I Due date is based on the invoice date.
D Due date is based on the delivery date.
B Due date is based on the billing date.
S Due date is based on the summarising date.
In the Sales Ledger module, only payment terms based on the billing date or summarising date can
be linked with the billing terms.

Billing Terms
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Billing Terms


Purchase Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters – Billing Terms
• Language
Enter the code of the language to enter billing terms.
• Billing Terms
Enter either the code for new payment terms (0-9999) or for existing ones which information you
want to adjust.
To delete payments terms, enter a minus (–), the code of the payment terms to be deleted, confirm
deletion, and press Esc to return to entering/adjusting payment terms routine.
? (billing terms with descriptions)
• for SL or PL
S Billing terms will be linked with Sales Ledger payment terms.
P Billing terms will be linked with Purchase Ledger payment terms.
• Description
Enter the billing terms description (up to 25 characters) in any language available in Scala.
• Number of Billing Periods in one month
Enter the number of billing periods in one month (1-3).
• Summarising Date
Enter the summarising date’s day(s) of the month (1-31) for the billing period(s) specified in the
previous field.
 If number of days in a month is less than the specified day, the summarising date’s day is
shifted to the end of the month.
Example 1:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 1
Summarising Date = 20
Summarising dates: 20 January, 20 February, …, 20 December
Billing periods: 21 January – 20 February, …, 21 November – 20 December

Example 2:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 2
Summarising Date 1 = 15
Summarising Date 2 = 30
Summarising dates 1: 15 January, 15 February, …, 15 December
Summarising dates 2: 30 January, 28 (29) February, …, 30 December
Billing periods: 16 January – 30 January, 31 January – 15 February,
16 February – 28 (29) February,…, 16 December – 30 December

• Billing Date
• Shift in months
For the billing date’s month, enter the number(s) of months (1-12) shifted forward from the
summarising date(s)’s month for the billing period(s) specified.
• Mentioned date
Enter the billing date’s day(s) of the month for the billing period(s) specified.
The Billing Date is calculated as follows:


Billing Date’ month = Summarising Date’s month + Shift in months

Billing Date’ day = Mentioned date
 If Shift in months = 0, Mentioned date cannot be earlier than Summarising Date.
 If number of days in a month is less than the specified day, the billing date’s day is shifted to
the end of the month.
Example 1:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 1
Summarising Date = 25
Shift in months = 0
Mentioned date = 25
Summarising dates: 25 January, 25 February, …
Billing dates: 25 January, 25 February, …
the same as Summarising Date

Example 2:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 1
Summarising Date = 25
Shift in months = 0
Mentioned date = 30
Summarising dates: 25 January, 25 February, …
Billing dates: 30 January, 28 (29) February, …

Example 3:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 1
Summarising Date = 25
Shift in months = 1
Mentioned date = 30
Summarising dates: 25 January, 25 February, …
Billing dates: 28 (29) February, 30 March

Example 4:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 1
Summarising Date = 25
Shift in months = 3
Mentioned date = 25
Summarising dates: 25 January, …
Billing dates: 25 April, …


Example 5:
Settings: Number of Billing Periods in one month = 1
Summarising Date = 25
Shift in months = 2
Mentioned date = 5
Summarising dates: 25 January, …
Billing dates: 5 March, …

• Payment term code

Enter the code of the payments terms linked with these billing terms and used for the due date
 In the Sales Ledger module, only payment terms based on the billing date or summarising date
can be linked with the billing terms.
F4 (payment terms specified in the Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger module parameters
depending on the for SL or PL field setting)

Customer File
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Customer File – Enter/Adjust Customer
• Payment Terms
Enter the payment terms for the customer; the payment terms parameters are used for customer’s
invoices that do not participate in billing (invoice’s Included in Billing flag set to no).
? (payment terms)

CURRENCY/TAX (5) option

 To use the Tax Rounding and Tax Calculation Mehods, activate the JAP-02 TAX rounding and
calculation feature (System Utilities/Office Autom. – Miscellaneous – Feature Activation set-up –
Edit Feature set-up).
• Tax Rounding Method
0 rounding according to the rounding parameters specified in the Scala
currency file
1 rounding up to the number of decimals specified for the currency
2 rounding down to the number of decimals specified for the currency
3 normal rounding to the number of decimals specified for the currency
(if a digit is less than 5 – rounding down; otherwise – rounding up)
• Tax Calculation Method
0 sales order tax amount will be rounded by each order line
1 sales order tax amount will be rounded by order total
• Tax Recalculation
y tax correctionals to statement (invoices of type 6) can be created for this
customer and booked on the customer’s account receivable
n tax correctionals to statement (invoices of type 6) cannot be created for
this c stomer


this customer

ORDER/INVOICING 2 (8) option

• Billing Code
Enter the billing terms for the customer.
? (billing terms)
• Due Date Shifting Method
0 no shifting if the billing date and/or due date fall on a holiday
– shifting to the previous working day if the billing date and/or due date fall on a holiday
 If, because of shifting, the billing date and/or due date becomes earlier than the
summarising date, shifting to the next working day applies.
+ shifting to the next working day if the billing date and/or due date fall on a holiday

 If Due Date Shifting Method is set as shifting to the previous working day (–) or shifting to
the next working day (+), when calculating billing or due date, the Planning Calendar will be

Supplier File
Search Path:
Purchase Ledger – Supplier File – Enter Suppliers
• Billing Code
Enter the billing terms for the supplier.
? (billing terms)
• Due Date Shifting Method
0 no shifting if the billing date and/or due date fall on a holiday
– shifting to the previous working day if the billing date and/or due date fall on a holiday
 If, because of shifting, the billing date and/or due date becomes earlier than the
summarising date, shifting to the next working day applies.
+ shifting to the next working day if the billing date and/or due date fall on a holiday

 If Due Date Shifting Method is set as shifting to the previous working day (–) or shifting to
the next working day (+), when calculating billing or due date, the Planning Calendar will be

CODES (3) option

 To use the Tax Rounding Mehod, activate the JAP-02 TAX rounding and calculation feature
(System Utilities/Office Autom. – Miscellaneous – Feature Activation set-up – Edit Feature
• Tax Rounding Method
0 rounding according to the rounding parameters specified in the Scala currency file
1 rounding up to the number of decimals specified for the currency
2 rounding down to the number of decimals specified for the currency
3 normal rounding to the number of decimals specified for the currency
(if a digit is less than 5 – rounding down; otherwise – rounding up)


Billing Slips Printing Parameter

Search Path:
Sales Order – Miscellaneous – Parameters
• Print Billing Slips is obligatory?
 The field is available if the Sales Order BE date is the delivery date
(the Sales Order BE-date=delivery date parameter is set to yes).
y Billing slips that were not printed (Sales Order – Deliveries/Invoicing – Print Invoices &
Credit Notes) cannot be closed.
n Not printed billing slips can be closed.

Invoice Menu Customisation

Search Path:
System Utilities/Office Autom – Access Rights/Menus – Adjust Menus & Menu Passwords – Change
Menu Type 2
You can customise menu for entering regular invoices, discount, and other discounts (types 0, 3, and 4
respectively). To this end, in the menu structure adjusting routine enter sl0030 in the PGM/MENU field
and set the Alt field as follows:
Option Alt field’s content

Popup menu with Regular Invoice, Discount, and Other Discount options 0
Enter Regular Invoice 1
Enter Discount 2
Enter Other Discount 3

Querying Invoices
When querying invoices in the Invoice Number field, the invoices will be filtered as follows:
Option Invoice types to be displayed on query

Enter Regular Invoice 0,1,2,5

Enter Discount 3
Enter Other Discount 4

Working with Sales Invoices

Credit Note/Debit Notes
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices/Credit Notes
• Customer Code
Enter the code of the customer to generate a credit/debit note for.
? (customers)
• Invoice Number
Enter the number of the regular invoice to generate a credit/debit note for.
? (invoices of the respective type(s))
The credit/debit note dialog box pops up:


• Create Credit Note/Re-invoice?

R create Red Storno invoice
S create Storno invoice
D create debit note (re-invoice)
N return to the main Invoice Number field
• Invoice Number
The user-adjustable numbers are generated as follows:
for Red Storno invoices: main Invoice Number + R (for example, 10R)
for Storno invoices: main Invoice Number + S (for example, 10S)
for debit notes (re-invoices): main Invoice Number + D (for example, 10D)
 By default, for Storno, Red Storno invoices, and debit notes, the invoice reference number is
generated as the original regular invoice number and can be adjusted (Miscellaneous option,
Reference No field). (For other invoice types, the invoice reference number is the same as the
invoice number.)
After the credit/debit note parameters are specified, proceed with entering credit/debit notes as regular

Changing Invoice Type and Included In Billing Flag

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices/Credit Notes, Miscellaneous option
Sales Ledger – Customer File – Other Customer Files – Adjust Customer Invoice
• Invoice Type
Change the invoice type as required.
The types 5 and 6 cannot be changed.
For invoices of type 5 that were not included in any Billing Statement, you can change the
invoice type from 5 to 0 if you enter a regular invoice for this advance payment.
• Included in Billing
y invoice may be included in Billing Statements
n invoice is excluded from billing
Use this setting for newly created invoices and suspended billing slips.
Do not use this setting for invoices included in the current Billing Statement
Proposal or in any Billing Statement, because the Billing Statement’s total amounts
will differ from Billing Statement’s invoices’ amounts; if required, use Billing
Statement adjustment routines (see the Adjusting Billing Statement Proposal section
for details).
When changing the invoice’s Included in Billing flag, you have the following options
Yes to recalculate the invoice’s payment terms based on the payment terms specified for the invoice
No not to recalculate the invoice’s payment terms


Working with Sales Orders

Entering/Adjusting Sales Orders
Search Path:
Sales Order – Order Entry/Enquiries – Enter/Adjust Orders, Change Order Parameters
Payment option
• Include in statement?
 The field is available if the sales order is not included in consolidation (the Consolidated
parameter above set to N).
y After closing, the sales order will be converted to the Sales Ledger invoice(s) to be included in
the Billing Statement Proposal in the Sales Ledger module.
 This type of sales order is called billing slip.
n The sales order will not be converted to the Sales Ledger invoice.

Allowance/Surcharge/Advance option
• Allowance
Enter the amount and tax code for the order allowance (taxable discount).
 The allowance amount will be posted to the respective account specified in the Sales Ledger
Automatic Accounting Schedule (position 5).
• Surcharge
Enter the amount and tax code for the order surcharge (taxable mark-up).
 The surcharge amount will be posted to the respective account specified in the Sales Ledger
Automatic Accounting Schedule (position 6).
Allowance and/or surcharge are included in Sales Order invoices only after full delivery.
• Advance
Enter the order advance amount.
 To use this option, activate the JAP-03 Advance allocation in OR feature (System
Utilities/Office Autom. – Miscellaneous – Feature Activation set-up – Edit Feature set-up).
 The advance amount cannot exceed the order amount and the amount of advance payments
entered in the Sales Ledger module reduced by the advance amounts allocated to other
unclosed sales orders of this customer.
 The advance amounts will be printed on Sales Order invoices.
Working with Sales Orders of Type 9
Search Path:
Sales Order – Order Entry/Enquiries – Enter/Adjust Orders
• Type
9 re-invoicing order used to adjust sales orders of the other types
 The type 9 is available if the Save Detailed Order History parameter is on (Sales Order –
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Parameters – Default Values option, Save Order History =
2 or 3).
Working with the re-invoicing order is as follows:
Enter the code of the invoice customer of the order that you want to adjust.


Enter the order you want to adjust.

 The base order for the sales order of type 9 must be closed.
 Only one re-invoice for an order invoice is allowed.
• Full return
y All order lines based on the selected sales order invoice are returned to the
warehouse; the respective stock transactions are generated in the Stock Control
In case of full return (if you do not make any changes), when you close this order,
only credit note (the invoice of type 1) will be generated in the Sales Ledger
n Adjust order lines
Make the necessary adjustments in the original order’s lines; the respective stock
transactions are generated in the Stock Control module.
 Other order parameters except for order and invoice customers can also be
When you close this order, credit note and debit note (invoices of type 1 and 2
respectively) are generated in the Sales Ledger module
Only invoices (no other Sales Order documents) can be printed for the credit part of
the sales order of type 9.

Printing Billing Slips

Search Path:
Sales Order – Deliveries/Invoicing – Print Invoices & Credit Notes
• Print billing slips
y billing slips will be printed
n billing slips will not be printed

Working with Billing Statements

Deleting Billing Statement Proposal
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Delete Statement Proposal
Confirm deletion of the Billing Statement Proposal and the respective Billing Statement Proposal
selection criteria in the following dialog boxes:
y delete the Billing Statement Proposal and proceed with deleting Billing Statement Proposal
selection criteria
n return to the Periodic Billing menu
y delete the Billing Statement Proposal selection criteria
n remain the Billing Statement Proposal selection criteria for creating the next Billing Statements


Printing Slips Ready for Billing

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Print Slips Ready for Billing
Set up the following selection criteria for the report on slips that can be included in the Billing
Statement Proposal:
• Customer Code range
Enter the customer code range for the customers to be included in the report.
? (customers)
• Slip Date range
Enter the invoice date range for the invoices to be included in the report.

Setting Up Selection Criteria

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Set up selection terms
Set up the following selection criteria for the Billing Statement Proposal:
• Customer Code range
Enter the customer code range for the customers to be included in the Billing Statement Proposal.
? (customers)
• Invoice No range
Enter the invoice number range for the invoices to be included in the Billing Statement Proposal.
• Invoice Date range
Enter the invoice date range for the invoices to be included in the Billing Statement Proposal.
• Account range
Enter the account range for the accounts to be included in the Billing Statement Proposal.
? (accounts)
! (accounts with current balances)
# (accounts with descriptions)
• Accounting Dimensions (1–9) range
Enter the account dimension entry range for the accounting dimensions 1–9 to be included in the
Billing Statement Proposal.
? (entries within the accounting dimension)
! (entries within the accounting dimension sorted by manager)
• Selection Date
 Selection date cannot be later than the system date.
Enter the boundary selection date.
Invoices to be included in the Billing Statement Proposal are defined as follows:
• for invoice customer, the customer billing period is defined as the last billing period when
the customer’s summarising date (defined by the customer’s billing code) is earlier than or
equal to the entered boundary selection date
• customer invoices with the invoice BE date within the customer billing period will be
included in the Billing Statement Proposal


Selection 20 December
Customer 1:

Billing Period: 30 October – 30 November

Summarising 30 November
Customer 2:

Billing Period: 25 November – 25 December

Summarising 25 December
Customer 3:

Billing Period: 1 November – 1 December

Summarising 1 December
Customer 4:

Billing Period: 15 November – 15 December

Summarising 15 December
Billing Customer 1’s, Customer 3’s and Customer 4’s invoices with BE date within the
Statement respective customer’s billing period will be included in the Billing Statement
Proposal: Proposal

• Include Suspended?
y All invoices that were not included in previous Billing Statements Proposals and invoices for
the current billing period will be included in this Billing Statement Proposal.
Invoices marked as not Included in Billing in previous Billing Statements Proposals will
not be included in this Billing Statement Proposal.
n Only invoices for the current billing period will be included in the Billing Statement Proposal.

For customers that already have Billing Statements for the billing period, the same billing period’s
Billing Statement Proposal cannot be created.


Creating and Printing Billing Statement Proposal

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statement Proposal
All type invoices that comply with the selection criteria specified are included in the Billing Statement
Proposal. The Billing Statement Proposal consists of Billing Statements grouped by customers and
currency codes; one Billing Statement contains invoices of one customer and one currency. In each
statement the invoices are grouped by invoice types: regular invoices, credit and debit notes (types 0, 1,
and 2 respectively) are grouped together, and invoices of all other invoice types are grouped separately
by each invoice type. At this stage, Billing Statements do not have Statement numbers, they are linked
with the respective Reference Numbers to be used when reprinting and adjusting the Billing Statement
Proposal’s Statements.
 Only one Billing Statement at one time can be created.
Reprinting One Billing Statement from Billing Statement Proposal
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Adjust/Reprint Billing Statement Proposal – Reprint
Statement Proposal Number
• Statement Reference Number
Specify the reference number for the Billing Statement Proposal’s Statement to be reprinted.

Adjusting Billing Statement Proposal

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Adjust/Reprint Billing Statement Proposal – Adjust
• Statement Reference Number
Specify the reference number for the Billing Statement Proposal’s Statement to be adjusted.
You have the following options:
• adjusting the Statement header (Adjust Statement Header option)
• adjusting the Statement contents (Adjust Statement Contents option)
• adjusting the Statement’s total tax amount (Recalculating TAX option)
• deleting a Statement from the Billing Statement Proposal (Delete Statement from Proposal
If you delete a Statement from the Billing Statement Proposal, you will not be able to
include it into other Billing Statements Proposals until the former Billing Statement
Proposal is converted into Billing Statements.

Adjusting Proposal’s Statement Header

The following non-adjustable Statement header details are displayed for information:
• Statement Reference Number
• Customer Code
• Customer Name
• Summarising Period
You can adjust:
• Billing Date
• Due Date


• Discount Dates and % (percentages)

After the necessary adjustments are made, confirm changes:
• Accept Correction?
y The Statement header will be adjusted.
n The Statement header will not be adjusted.

Adjusting Proposal’s Statement Contents

The table containing all invoices in the Statement with the specified reference number is displayed;
each invoice line comprises the following fields:
Information (non-user-adjustable) fields:
User-adjustable fields:
y Invoice will be included in this Billing Statement Proposal.
n Invoice will not be included in this Billing Statement Proposal and
marked as suspended (will be included in the next Billing Statement
 For invoice excluded from the Billing Statement Proposal, the
invoice’s statement number field is reset.
 Invoices within the closing accounting periods cannot be excluded
from the Billing Statement Proposal.
 After excluding invoices from the Billing Statement Proposal, adjust
the Proposal’s Total Tax Amount in the Recalculating TAX option.
y Invoice will or will not be included in this Billing Statement Proposal
depending on the SELECTED parameter (see above).
n Invoice will not be included in this Billing Statement Proposal and not
marked as suspended (will not be included in any next Billing Statement
 For invoice excluded from billing, the invoice’s statement number
field is reset.
 You can change this flag in the Invoice Adjustment routine (Sales
Ledger – Customer File – Other Customer Files – Adjust Customer
Invoices, Included in billing parameter).
• Accept Correction?
y The Statement contents will be adjusted; you return to the Billing
Statement Proposal adjustment options.
n The Statement contents will not be adjusted.

• Close All?
y return to the Billing Statement Proposal adjustment options


n continue with the Statement contents adjustment

Adjusting Proposal’s Total Tax Amount

 The option is available only for Billing Statements in the accounting currency.
Tax correctionals to statement can be created only for customers with allowed tax recalculation
(Sales Ledger – Customer File – Enter/Adjust Customer, Currency/Tax option, Tax Recalculation
Use this option to adjust the Billing Statement Proposal’s total tax amount. The tax amount for all
Billing Statement Proposal’s invoices will be recalculated based on the invoices’ base taxable net
amounts and tax code percentages and compared with the Billing Statement Proposal‘s total tax
amount. The difference in amounts (if any) will be displayed on screen, and, in this case, the tax
correctional invoice (with the number specified in the Sales Ledger No Series Tax Correctional
Invoices parameter) will be generated when converting the Billing Statement Proposal to Billing
Statements and booked on the customer’s account receivable.
 The tax correctional invoice cannot be adjusted and excluded from the Billing Statement Proposal.

Printing/Reprinting Billing Statement

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statements
• Statement Reference Number range
Specify the range of reference numbers for the Billing Statement Proposal’s Statements to be
You have two options:
• print Billing Statement Proposal’s Statements with the respective assigned Statement numbers
(Print Statements option)
• reprint the Billing Statement Proposal’s Statement (Re-print Statement option)

Converting Billing Statement Proposal to Billing Statements

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing Statements
• Statement Reference Number range
Specify the range of reference numbers for the Billing Statement Proposal’s Statements to be
• Select the Updating option.
• Confirm Updating OK?
y The Billing Statement Proposal will be converted to Billing Statements.
 The Billing Statement Proposal must have been printed.
n The Billing Statement Proposal will not be converted to Billing Statements; in this case
confirm returning to the Periodic Billing menu without updating or continuing with the
Generating/Printing Billing Statements option:
• Confirm Return Without Updating?

y return to the Periodic Billing Menu option

n continue with the Generating/Printing option


Enquiring Billing Statement Invoices

To enquire Billing Statement invoices, use Scala enquiries or reports; the results are displayed on-
screen or printed respectively.

Enquiry Routines
Search Path:
Sales Ledger queries:
The statement number is displayed in the STATEM. NO column.

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Enquiries – Enquiry Cust. & Ledger Files, Customer billing details
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Enquiries – Customer Statement, menu Statement type: By Statement
The invoices included in Billing Statements are displayed with the respective Billing Statement

Search Paths:
Sales Ledger – Reminders/Interest Invoices – Print Reminders/Statements – Reminders
Sales Ledger – Reminders/Interest Invoices – Print Reminders/Statements – Statements
Sales Ledger – Reminders/Interest Invoices – Print Reminders/Statements – Statements by Date
Sales Ledger – Reminders/Interest Invoices – Print Interest Invoices – Periodic Interest Charging
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Balance Report, all reports
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Balance Summary
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Exception Report
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Collection Reports, all reports
• Include not billing Invoices?
y Invoices that do not participate in billing will be included in the report.
n Invoices that do not participate in billing will not be included in the report.
• Include Suspended Slips?
y Suspended slips will be included in the report.
n Suspended slips will not be included in the report.
• Include Billing Slips?
y Billing slips will be included in the report.
n Billing slips will not be included in the report.

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Balance Report – Balance List Detailed
• Print Statement Invoices?
y Billing Statement with invoice details will be printed.
n Billing Statement without invoice details will be printed.

 To use this option, select the Sort Order 8: Customer Code – Statement Number – Invoice
Type – Invoice Number


Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Balance List Detailed, Sort Order: Customer Code – Statement
Number – Invoice Number
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Reports/Statistics – Balance Summary, Selection criteria’s Statement = yes, Statement
type: By Statement

Adjusting Billing Statement

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Miscellaneous – Periodic Billing – Reprint/Adjust existing Billing Statement
Set up the following selection criteria for the Billing Statement to be adjusted:
• Customer Code
Specify the customer code for the Billing Statement to be adjusted.
? (customers)
• Billing Statement Number
Specify the Number of the Billing Statement to be adjusted.
? (Billing Statements)
• Accept Selection?
y proceed with adjusting the selected Billing Statement
n return to the Periodic Billing menu
When adjusting the Billing Statement, you have the following options:
When adjusting the Billing Statement, you can reprint the Billing Statement (Reprint Billing
Statement option), adjust Billing Statement’s contents (Adjust Billing Statement – Adjust
Statements Contents option), and recalculate the Billing Statement tax to adjust the Billing
Statement total tax amount (Adjust Billing Statement – Recalculate TAX option).
• reprinting the Billing Statement (Reprint Billing Statement option)
• Printout Type
1 print the Billing Statement as it was created
2 print the Billing Statement considering the payments up to the date
specified in the next field
• Include Payments per Date
For the printout type 2, enter the date up to which the payments to this Billing Statement
will be considered.
• Start Printout
1 print the Billing Statement
2 return to the Reprint/Adjust existing Billing Statement menu

• adjusting the Billing Statement contents (Adjust Billing Statement – Adjust Statement Contents
 For detailed field description, refer to the Adjusting Proposal’s Statement Contents
 When adjusting Billing Statement contents, in addition to the Billing Statement’s invoices,
all invoices of the Billings Statement’s customer and currency, corresponding to the
Billing Statement’s billing period, not excluded from Billing, and not included in any
Billing Statement are displayed. You have an option to include these invoices into the
Billing Statement by setting the respective SELECTED column to yes.


• adjusting the Billing Statement’s total tax amount (Adjust Billing Statement – Recalculating
TAX option)
 For detailed field description, refer to the Adjusting Proposal’s Total Tax Amount section.
• updating the Billing Statement (Accept correction – Updating option)
 For detailed field description, refer to the Converting Billing Statement Proposal to
Billing Statements section.

Settling Up Billing Statement

Settling Up Billing Statement in Sales Ledger
Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Payment/Journal/Cash Flow – Enter Payments – Statement Payment
Use this routine to settle up a Billing Statement.
 Invoices included in the Billing Statement can be settled up separately with the Invoice Payment
 For general information on payment entering details, see the Invoice Payment routine description
in the Scala Sales Ledger User’s Guide.
Selecting Billing Statement
• Customer Code
Enter the customer code for the Billing Statement to be settled.
? (customers)
• Statement
Enter the customer’s Billing Statement to be settled.
? (customer’s unpaid Billing Statements)
! (all customer’s Billing Statements)
Enter the payment BE date.
 If the Sales Ledger is integrated with the General Ledger, the BE date must be within the
accounting periods opened for the Sales Ledger module as specified in the General Ledger
Open from Period (SL) parameter (General Ledger – Miscellaneous – Parameters/Book-
Entry Periods). For more information on accounting periods, see the Scala General Ledger
User’s Guide.
 Cash discount will be calculated only if the payment BE date is earlier than the Billing
Statement due date.
The cash discount percentage is defined by the payment terms linked with the customer’s
billing terms. (In the Invoice Payment routine, the cash discount percentage is defined by the
customer’s payment terms).
 In case of promissory note payments, cash discounts do not apply.
The following non-adjustable Billing Statement details are displayed for information:
• Statement Currency
Sales Amount = total amount of Billing Statement’s regular invoices with the respective
credit/debit notes (invoices of type 0, 1, 2)
Credit Amount = total amount of Billing Statement’s discounts and other discounts (invoices of
type 3, 4)
Statement Total = total amount of Billing Statement’s regular invoices, discounts and other
discounts, and tax correctionals (invoices of type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
Total to Pay = [Statement Total – already paid amount including advanced payments (invoices of


type 5)]
Total to Pay (with discount) = Total to Pay with cash discounts applied in case of the early
• OK to Accept?
y enter a payment for the selected Billing Statement
n continue with selecting a Billing Statement

Settling Up Billing Statement

The payment-entering screen pops up. As in the Invoice Payment routine, the account and invoice
modes are available.
 For details on account/invoice modes, see the Invoice Payment routine description.
In addition, in the Statement Payment routine, the statement mode is available.
In the statement mode, the Billing Statement’s invoices are displayed in the following order:
• negative amount discounts, other discounts, advance payments, tax correctionals
(invoices of types 3, 4, 5, 6)
• regular invoices (invoices of type 0) grouped together with the respective credit notes and debit
(invoices of types 1 and 2)
• positive amount discounts, other discounts, advance payments, tax correctionals
(invoices of types 3, 4, 5, 6)
To switch from/to modes: In the column: Type/press:
Account mode → Statement mode ACC * (an asterisk)
Statement mode → Invoice mode AMOUNT Esc
Invoice mode → Statement mode STATEMENT NO S
Invoice mode → Account mode CUST CODE * (an asterisk)

To settle up the Billing Statement, the recommended sequence of steps is as follows:

• In the account mode, enter the payment part (bank transfers, promissory notes)
• In the statement or customer/invoice mode, fully or partially settle up the Billing Statement as
described in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: Payment part amount = Total to Pay (with discounts) amount
Press Enter in the CUST CODE column to complete the
payment transaction; the Billing Statement will be marked as
fully paid.


Scenario 2: Payment part amount < Total to Pay (with discounts) amount
(credit difference)
Two options are available:
1. For small differences, you can manually adjust the Billing
Statement cash discount in the DISC/RATE column; the
Billing Statement will be marked as fully paid.
2. Reduce the Billing Statement amount in the AMOUNT
After you reduce the Billing Statement amount, the cash
discount is set to zero as cash discounts apply only to
full amount payments.
Adjust the invoice amounts to balance the transaction and
press Enter in the CUST CODE column to complete the
payment transaction; the Billing Statement will be marked
as partly paid.

Scenario 3: Payment part amount > Total to Pay (with discounts) amount
(debit difference)
In the account mode, enter the payment part account (for
example, advance payment account) with the debit difference
amount to balance the transaction; then press Enter in the
CUST CODE column to complete the payment transaction; the
Billing Statement will be marked as fully paid.

Settling Up Billing Statement in General Ledger

Search Paths:
General Ledger – Transactions – Enter Transactions – Billing Statement Payments
General Ledger – Transactions – Enter Bank Transactions – Billing Statement Payments
To settle up a Billing Statement in the General Ledger module, do the following:
• select the Billing Statement to be settled up as in the Sales Ledger module
• in the payment-entering screen, to switch to the statement-payment-entering mode similar to the
statement-payment-entering mode in the Sales Ledger module, in the ACC column, type sl
 For more information, see the Settling Up Billing Statement in Sales Ledger section and
descriptions on transaction and bank transaction entering routines in the Scala General Ledger
User’s Guide.

Menu Customisation
Search Path:
System Utilities/Office Autom – Access Rights/Menus – Adjust Menus & Menu Passwords – Change
Menu Type 2
You can customise menu for settling up Billing Statements in the General Ledger module. To this end,
in the menu structure adjusting routine enter gl0030 in the PGM/MENU field and set the Alt field as
Option Alt field’s content

Popup menu with blank

GL Transactions and Billing Statement Payments options


Enter GL Transactions 1
Enter Billing Statement Payments 2
Popup menu with 32
GL Bank Transactions and Billing Statement Payments options
Enter GL Bank Transactions 33
Enter Bank Billing Statement Payments 34

Deleting Paid Billing Statement

Search Path:
Sales Ledger – Customer File – Other Customer File – Delete Paid Statements
 Only fully paid Billing Statements can be deleted.
 An invoice included in any Billing Statement cannot be deleted in the Delete Paid Invoice routine.
Set up the following selection criteria for the paid Billing Statement to be deleted:
• Up to Payment Date
Specify the boundary date up to which the paid Billing Statements will be deleted.
• Customer Code range
Specify the range of the customer codes for the customers that paid Billing Statements will be
? (customers)
• Category range
Specify the range of customer categories for the customers that paid Billing Statements will be
? (categories)
• Statement range
Specify the range of Billing Statements to be deleted.
? (Billing Statements)
• Deletion OK?
y proceed with deleting the selected paid Billing Statements
n return to the selection criteria

Working with Consolidated Goods Received Note

Search Path:
Purchase Order – Print Document – Consolidated Goods Received Note
You have the following options:
• creating the Consolidated Goods Received Note (Create Consolidated Goods Received Note
• adjusting the Consolidated Goods Received Note (Adjust Consolidated Goods Received Note
• reprinting the Consolidated Goods Received Note (Reprint Consolidated Goods Received Note
• deleting the Consolidated Goods Received Note (Delete Consolidated Goods Received Note


Creating Consolidated Goods Received Note

• Supplier Code range
Specify the range of the supplier codes for the suppliers that goods received notes will be included
in the Consolidated Goods Received Note.
? (suppliers)
• Billing Date
Enter the billing date for the Consolidated Goods Received Note.
• Create?
y proceed with creating the Consolidated Goods Received Note
n return to the Consolidated Goods Received Note menu

Adjusting Consolidated Goods Received Note

• Supplier Code
Specify the code of the supplier that Consolidated Goods Received Note you want to adjust.
? (suppliers)
• Consolidated GRN
If for the selected supplier, the Consolidated Goods Received Note exists, its number is displayed
(cannot be adjusted).
• Adjust?
y proceed with adjusting the Consolidated Goods Received Note
n return to the Consolidated Goods Received Note menu

The screen with the table containing all goods received notes (grn) included in the Consolidated Goods
Received Note (CGRN) pops up. Each goods received note line comprises the following fields:
Information (non-user-adjustable) fields:
• Line
• GRN Number
User-adjustable field:
y Goods received note will be included in this Consolidated Goods
Received Note.
n Goods received note will not be included in this Consolidated Goods
Received Note.
After the necessary adjustments are made, press Esc and confirm changes:
y Consolidated Goods Received Note will be adjusted.
n Consolidated Goods Received Note will not be adjusted.

Reprinting Consolidated Goods Received Note

• Supplier Code
Specify the code of the supplier that Consolidated Goods Received Note you want to reprint.
? (suppliers)
• Consolidated GRN
If for the selected supplier, the Consolidated Goods Received Note exists, its number is displayed
(cannot be adjusted).


• Reprint?
y proceed with reprinting the Consolidated Goods Received Note
n return to the Consolidated Goods Received Note menu

Deleting Consolidated Goods Received Note

• Supplier Code
Specify the code of the supplier that Consolidated Goods Received Note you want to delete.
? (suppliers)
• Consolidated GRN
If for the selected supplier, the Consolidated Goods Received Note exists, its number is displayed
(cannot be adjusted).
• Delete?
y delete the Consolidated Goods Received Note
n return to the Consolidated Goods Received Note menu

Billing Statement
Program: sl0316.dll

Search Path: DDF-files:

Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing
Statement Proposal

Periodic Billing – Adjust/Reprint Billing

Statement Proposal – Reprint All Statement
Proposals or Reprint Statement Proposal
Number sl09cc00.ddf
Periodic Billing – Generate/Print Billing
Statements sl10cc00.ddf
Periodic Billing – Reprint/Adjust existing
Billing Statement
cc = company code
If this file is not found, a search is made for the
DDF-file for Company 01.
If this file is not found, the program displays an
error message and terminates.

Structure of DDF-File
The invoices included in the Billing statement are printed in the following order:
• regular invoices (invoices of type 0)
• credit notes (invoices of type 1)
• debit notes (invoices of type 2)
• totals for invoices of type 0, 1, 2
• discounts (invoices of type 3)
• totals for invoices of type 3
• other discounts (invoices of type 4)


• totals for invoices of type 4

• advance payments (invoices of type 5)
• totals for invoices of type 5
• totals for invoices of type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• tax correctionals:
tax codes with the respective tax percentages and tax amounts
• totals for tax correctionals
• totals for the Billing Statement

Document head printed at the top of each page.
Number of lines in the document body.
C O P Y N O. :
Text for copy.
Invoice information.
Order line information.
Totals by groups.
Tax correctional information.
• Lines starting with *1 are printed only if the tax amount is not zero.
Text for the end of document; the block is printed after the last document line.
• Lines starting with *1 are printed only if the tax amount is not zero.
Definition of the end of the document printed when lines have been added to the document body.
The block must also contain the document footer as described for the FORMEND block below.
The block can be used for printing bank and postal giro slips.
Definition of the end of each page of the document (for example, address lines). Not printed on the
last page as the END block above. Must contain a line for the balance brought forward to the next
Block for feeding lines to the printer. Can be used for documents with graphics. By default this
block contains only one blank line (mandatory).

Terms and Definitions

Outstanding amount sum of unpaid amounts of all open (not fully paid) billing slips included in
previous Billing Statements
Payment amount for sum of all payments to previous Billing Statements’ received during the


previous periods current billing period (current payments to previous Billing Statements)
Balance carried over Outstanding amount – Payment amount for previous periods
Gross sales amount sum of all invoice amounts including taxes for invoices included in the
for the current period current Billing Statement
Net sales amount for sum of all invoice amounts without taxes for invoices included in the current
the current period Billing Statement
Payment amount for sum of all payment amounts for invoices included in the current Billing
the current period Statement
 For existing Billing Statements, payments until the date specified as the
last payment date, will be considered.
Total tax amount sum of all tax amounts for invoices included in the current Billing Statement
Amount to pay Balance carried over + Net sales amount for the current period + Total
tax amount – Payment amount for the current period

DDF Codes
Header Block
Company file data (DDF codes 85–99). See Table 1 in the chapter General DDF Codes.
Customer file data (DDF codes 400–599). See Table 3.1 in the chapter General DDF Codes.
In addition:
13 Page number
33 Reference number
34 Statement number
32 Billing Statement currency code
82 Billing Statement currency name
41 Accounting currency name
77 Start summarising date
78 End summarising date
35 Billing date
70 Payment due date
14 Last payment date
26 Balance carried over in the accounting currency
29 Balance carried over in the Billing Statement currency
27 Gross sales amount for the current period in the accounting currency
30 Gross sales amount for the current period in the Billing Statement currency
28 Net sales amount for the current period in the accounting currency
37 Outstanding amount in the accounting currency
38 Outstanding amount in the Billing Statement currency
39 Payment amount for previous periods in the accounting currency
40 Payment amount for previous periods in the Billing Statement currency
83 Payment amount for current period in the accounting currency
84 Payment amount for current period in the Billing Statement currency
46 Total tax amount in the accounting currency
80 Amount to pay in the accounting currency


81 Amount to pay in the Billing Statement currency

Body0 Block
132 Invoice number
133 Invoice type
136 Invoice BE date
137 Invoice net amount in the accounting currency
138 Invoice tax amount in the accounting currency
139 Invoice gross amount in the accounting currency
140 Invoice gross amount in the invoice currency
141 Invoice prepayment amount in the accounting currency
142 Invoice prepayment amount in the invoice currency

Body1 Block
130 Order delivery date
143 Order currency code
148 Stock item description 1
149 Stock item description 2
150 Stock item code
151 Stock item quantity
152 Stock item price in the order currency
153 Order tax amount in the accounting currency
154 Order net amount in the accounting currency
155 Order net amount in the invoice currency
157 Order gross amount in the accounting currency

Body2 Block
100 Total gross amount in the accounting currency
101 Total gross amount in the Billing Statement currency
124 Tax amount in the accounting currency
125 Total taxable gross amount in the accounting currency
126 Non-taxable amount in the accounting currency
133 Invoice type

Body3 Block
22 Tax code
21 Tax percentage
20 Tax amount in the accounting currency
171 Total tax amount in the accounting currency

20 Tax amount per tax code in the accounting currency
21 Tax percentage
63 Taxable gross amount for Statement in the accounting currency
65 Non-taxable amount in the accounting currency
66 Total tax amount in the accounting currency


72 Total prepayment amount in the accounting currency

73 Total prepayment amount in the Billing Statement currency
69 Total gross amount for Statement in the accounting currency
71 Total gross amount for Statement in the Billing Statement currency

In addition, the DDF codes from the Header block (see above) can be used.

Example of DDF-File
COMPANY <85> <86> PAGE <13>

CUSTOMER <400> <401>

CURRENCY <32> <82>

Outstanding Payment amount Balance Net Sales Amount for Total Tax Payment amount for Amount
Amount for previous periods carried over the current period Amount current period be paid
<41> <37> <39> <26> <28> <46> <83> <80>
<82> <38> <40> <29> Gross Sales Amount <30> <84> <81>
BE Date Inv.No Inv Type Sales Net <41> Tax <41> Sales Gross <41> Sales Gross <82> Prepayment <82>
Delivery Item Name with Qty Amount <82> Amount <41> Tax <41>
date Item Code Net Net Amount
<136> <132> Type <133> <137> <138> <139> <140> <142>

<130> <150> <151> <155> <154> <153>
TOTAL FOR INV. TYPE <133> <41> <100> <82> <101>
TAXABLE SALES <41> <125> <124>

*1 TAX <21> % <20>
TOTAL GROSS <41> <69> <82> <71>
TAXABLE <41> <63> TAX <41> <66>
NONE TAXABLE <41> <65>
*1 TAX <21> % <20>
TOTAL PREPAYMENT <41> <72> <82> <73>



Sales Order Reports

Text for the end of document. Printed after the last line of the invoice.
• Lines starting with *N are printed only if the order contains an allowance.
• Lines starting with *O are printed only if the order contains a surcharge.
• Lines starting with *P are printed only if the order contains an advance.

DDF Codes for FLOATEND Block

1010 Tax name
1011 Allowance
1012 Surcharge
1013 Advance


Extended Promissory Notes

Functionality (SP13)
Setting Up Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques
Search path:
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Enter/Adjust Parameters
• Default Portfolio number for CR
Enter the portfolio code to be put to the relative field of the Partner file when a new partner is
?/?. (available codes)
• Default Portfolio number for CP
Enter the portfolio code to be put to the relative field of the Partner file when a new partner is
?/?. (available codes)
• Default Portfolio number for NR
Enter the portfolio code to be put to the relative field of the Partner file when a new partner is
?/?. (available codes)
• Default Portfolio number for NP
Enter the portfolio code to be put to the relative field of the Partner file when a new partner is
?/?. (available codes)
 The portfolio codes must have been created.

Entering/Adjusting Transactions Definition

Search path:
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Enter/Adjust Transactions Definition
This routine is used to adjust the Operation Definition and the Automatic Allocation Table for each
operation type. Each operation type has a code number. Enter an Operation code or select one from the
option’s list available after pressing the F4 key (first 20 operations). Operation types 20–30 are user-
definable. For each PN/PDC operation type, the user can define the operation name, explanation texts
(up to two), the transaction text, the initial and the final PN/PDC statuses.
 Explanation text can be used for precise description of the selected operation or for use in
multilingual environment. Transaction text can be used for generating the description of the
relevant transaction in the General Ledger, e.g., for explaining the transaction’s origin.
The transaction line (or lines) description to be used for generating a transaction when the Operation
type is to be defined is created by the user while entering into the accounting table columns. The real
account numbers are to be entered to the relevant Portfolio description. The percentages (from the
relevant PN/PDC face amount) allow creating transactions with automatic allocation. The percentages’
values are to be set up in the respective Portfolio description.
 Any PN/PDC received against invoice is considered as a special type of payment and does not
effect the customer's balance. The invoice is marked as paid by PN/PDC; to make the invoice fully


paid and thus effect the customer's balance, the operation of type 2 (Collection) should be applied
or/and the flag Settled should be switched to yes.

• Operation
Enter the desired operation.
? (available operations)
• Type
Enter the registration type for the selected operation. The following values are possible:
0 undefined
1 reception
2 collection
3 return from supplier
4 protest
5 operations within portfolios
6 return to customer
7 lost note
8 jumped note
9 return from supplier with reversal
 The Return to Customer operation (16) with the registration type 6, once applied, presumes
that the relevant PN/PDC will be considered as settled; i.e., customer's balance will be
retained, the respective invoice will become unpaid, and the respective accounting
transactions (including the reversing transaction for payment against invoice) will be created.
 The Lost Customer's Note operation (17) with the registration type 7, once applied, presumes
that the relevant PN/PDC will be considered as fully collected and settled; i.e., customer's
balance will be decreased and the respective accounting transactions will be created.
 For automatic accounting with lost PN/PDC, set code 13 in SL (Miscellaneous – Parameters –
Automatic Accounting Schedule)
• In/Out
Set up the Input/Output flag. The following values are available:
0 internal
1 input
2 output
The Input/Output flag defines the sign of the balance percentage the total of which should always be
100%. If the input parameter is equal to 1, the balance will be positive (debit); if the output parameter
is equal to 2, the balance will be negative (credit). The following combinations of the parameters are
Registration type: 0–9
In/Out: 0–2

Reg. Type 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Balance sign

0 x x x any
1 x x x x +
2 x x x x x -
Settled x x x x

Registration type affects the Partner Promissory Behaviour entries.


Portfolio Data
Entering/Adjusting Portfolios
Search path
Miscellaneous – Portfolio File – Enter/Adjust Portfolio
 You may define and use unlimited number of portfolios.
• Number
Portfolio number of up to two numeric or alphanumeric characters can be entered either manually
or automatically; in the last case, selection is made from the already existing portfolios, provided
the portfolio needs to be adjusted.
? (available portfolios)

Partner Data
Entering/Adjusting Partners
Search path:
Miscellaneous – Partner File – Enter/Adjust Partner
• Default P/F (Cheques)
Enter the partner’s default portfolio (payable for Suppliers, receivable for Customers). The
portfolio content will be used for all transactions related to this partner.
?/?. (default portfolios)
• Default P/F (Notes)
Enter the partner’s default portfolio (payable for Suppliers, receivable for Customers). The
portfolio content will be used for all transactions related to this partner.
?/?. (default portfolios)
• Bank Code
The data for this field is automatically taken from SL/PL during entering/adjusting or importing a
partner; nevertheless, data can also be entered manually.
?/?. (available codes)
 If a non-existent Bank Code is entered, the respective warning will be displayed.
• Bank Account No
The data for this field is automatically taken from SL/PL during entering/adjusting or importing a
partner; nevertheless, data can also be entered manually.

Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques Data

Entering/Adjusting Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques
Search path
Promissory Notes – Promissory Notes File – Enter/Adjust Note/Cheque
• Serial Number
The field is to be entered manually. Enter the PN/PDC’s serial number.
 The system controls the uniqueness of serial numbers. If an existing serial number is entered,
the user is warned about it; however, the number can be entered. Uniqueness control is
applied only with the Payable/Receivable type of PN/PDC.
• Date Received
The field is for the date of actual receipt of PN/PDC. The date can be entered/adjusted manually.
 The Date Received cannot be earlier than the Issue Date and later that the Due Date;
otherwise, respective warnings are displayed.


• Process Date
The field shows the date of the last operation with PN/PDC and is updated automatically.
• Payment Bank Code
Enter the code of the payment bank.
F4 (available bank codes)
 If you try to enter a non-existent bank code, the system will suggest that you save the code in
the bank file through the standard enter/adjust bank procedure. If you try to delete an entered
bank from the PN/PDC record, the respective confirmation will be required.

Operational Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal
This routine is for handling mass operations with PN/PDCs. Using this routine you can:
• Select a proposal
• Create a proposal
 The following options become available once the proposal has been either created or selected.
• Adjust a proposal
• Reprint a proposal
• Print covering documents
• Delete a proposal
• Approve a proposal
• Export a proposal to file
Selecting Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Select Proposal
• Proposal Number
Enter the number of the proposal to be selected.
? (available proposals)
Creating Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Create Proposal
For creating a proposal, fill in the following fields:
• Due Date
Specify the date interval for the items to be included into the printout. If the selection by this
criterion is not required, enter zeroes (0000000) for the start date and ninths (9999999) for the end
• Notes Type
Specify the type of the PN/PDC to be included into the printout.
R (PN/PDC receivable)
P (PN/PDC payable)
• Internal Number
Enter the minimum and maximum values. Only items within the specified interval will be included
into the printout.
? (available internal numbers)
• Note Status
Specify the range of statuses. Only items within the specified range will be included into the


? (available statuses)
• Endorser
Enter the range of the type of endorsers to the first field and the range of the respective codes to the
second field.
C Customer
S Supplier
B Bank
X Extraneous
Y Temporary
? (available partners)
 This field is optional.
• Endorsee
Enter the range of the type of endorsees to the first field and the range of the respective codes to
the second field.
C Customer
S Supplier
B Bank
X Extraneous
Y Temporary
? (available partners)
 This field is optional.
• Portfolio
Specify the type of portfolio.
R (receivable portfolio)
P (payable portfolio)
• Payment Bank Code
Enter the range of the payment banks codes. Only the items within the range will be included into
the report.
? (available bank codes)
• Currency
Enter the currency code for the Face Amount.
• Note Amount
Enter the minimum and maximum values. Only items within the specified interval will be included
into the report.
• OK to Print
Confirm or reject the printing of the created proposal by yes/no respectively. The proposal will be
either printed or the system will bring you back to the selection criteria's first field.
Once the proposal has been printed, the routine's options become available.

Adjusting Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Adjust Proposal
Use this routine for excluding a PN/PDC from the proposal. Select an item to be excluded by
positioning the cursor to the respective line and pressing Space. Press Shift and the asterisk (*) key
simultaneously to select all items. Press the minus key (-) to deselect all or individual items. Once the
desired items have been selected, press Enter to complete the operation.


Reprinting Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Reprint Proposal
Use this routine for reprinting the selected proposal. Set the sorting order according to the available
criteria by entering the respective sort number. If the criteria are not set, the Internal Type and Number
will sort the PN/PDCs. Affirm to continue with printing; if otherwise, you will be brought to the select
printer menu.

Printing Covering Documents

Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Print Covering Documents
Use this routine for printing covering documents.
• Enter Operation Code
Enter the code of the operation.
? (available operations)
Once the operation has been selected, the operation name will be displayed. Confirm printing the
covering document by selecting yes/no in the respective field. Set the sorting order according to the
available criteria by entering the respective sort number. If the criteria are not set, the Internal Type and
Number will sort the PN/PDCs. Affirm to continue with printing; if otherwise, you will be brought
back to the initial menu.

Deleting Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Delete Proposal
Use this routine for deleting the selected proposal.

Approving Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Approve Proposal
Use this routine for approving the selected proposal. Once the proposal has been approved it cannot be

Exporting Proposal
Search path
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal/Export Proposal
Use this routine for exporting the operational proposal to a text file.
 The file must have been defined.

Proposal File Definition

Search path:
Promissory Notes – Operational Proposal – Export Proposal – Define Proposal File

Use this routine for defining the text file for exporting the operational proposal to.

• Position
Indicate the position of the left field column in the text file, i.e. the starting position of the field.
• Length
The length of the field is the length of the appropriate data file and is inserted automatically once
the field has been inserted.


• Field
Select the appropriate field from the list and press Enter.
F4 (available field descriptions)
• Description
The description of the previously selected field will be displayed.
To complete the operation, enter 0000 to the POS field and press Enter.

Data Update Block CLEARLIST

Information from Master File
The following DDF codes have been added:

Field Length Field Name DDF Code Ryemarks

8 Received Date <02:070> Date
10 Settlement/Pledged Bank <02:071
10 Payment Bank Code <02:072
35 Payment Bank Name <02:073>
35 Payment Bank Address1 <02:074>
35 Payment Bank Address2 <02:075
35 Payment Bank Address3 <02:076>
35 Payment Bank Address4 <02:077>
8 Process Date <02:078> Date

Partner File

Field Length Field Name DDF number Remarks

2 Default Portfolio (Cheques) <3x:031> >(x =1:4)
2 Default Portfolio (Notes) <3x:047> >(x =1:4)
10 Bank Code <3x:048> >(x=1:4)

Search path:
Enquiries – PN Receivable/Payable Maturity
• Maturity Date Range
Enter the minimum and the maximum maturity dates of the range for the PN/PDCs to be included
into the PN Statement For The Period report. You can also set the dates in the following way:
(+ number of days) system date + specified number of days = desired date
 Maturity date 2 should be equal to or later than the maturity date 1.
• Payment Bank Code
Enter the range of codes of the Payment Banks to be included into the PN Statement For The
Period report.


• Include Status Code

Enter the statuses of the PN/PDCs to be included into the PN Statement For The Period report.
F4 (available statuses)
 Statuses 16, 17 and 19 are not allowed.
• Select Sorting Type
Select the sorting type. The following types are available:
1 (maturity date)
2 (payment bank)

Customer/Supplier Payments
Entering Payments
Search path
Promissory Notes – Promissory Notes Receivable/Payable
When you make payments by PN/PDC and need to shift Due Date, use operation 18; after entering
payments, the following window will pop up:

You can change the Due Date of the respective PN/PDC by inputting a new date to the field New Due
 You can trace the PN/PDC's Due Date history from the transaction file in the constructed reports.
For Saved Due Dates use the ddf code <04:024>.

Promissory Notes General

Entering/Adjusting Transactions
Search path
Promissory Notes – Promissory Notes General
• T-Endorsee
Enter the type of partner who is to cash the relevant Promissory Note/Post Dated Cheque.
? ?. (available partners)
If no Endorsee is required, i.e., the operation is acceptance to a portfolio, press Enter to move to
the next field. If the Endorsee is your company, leave this field blank. To select an operational
proposal, enter p.
 If the first line is other than operational proposal line, the operational proposal cannot be
entered to the next line and vice versa. Operational proposal's lines cannot be adjusted in this
routine. The previous proposal line can be deleted by pressing Esc.

 You can trace the information about the Endorsee/Endorser, PN/PDC Type and Number in every
transaction line that comes to GL as well as to SL and PL from the PN module.


Printing Reports
Search path:
Promissory Notes – Reports – Print out reports
 All successful printings of a report will update the Document Log file. Information about the user,
date, time and number of the printed report will be saved in the data file SY27cc00. To activate this
feature, set the parameter Document Log (SY – Access Rights/Menus – Company files) to yes. To
print the file, go to SY – Access Rights/Menus – Print Document Log and put 98 to the Document
Type field. PN report number in the REFERENCE column is in the following format: MMMRR,
where MMM is the menu number (001 or 002) and RR is the report number minus one. Example:
00209 means that the report #10 was printed from the second menu.

PN/PDC Deemed Settlement

Search path
Miscellaneous – Special Utilities – Deemed Settlement
Creating Proposal
This is a special utility for Deemed Settlement of the endorsed Promissory Notes and Post Dated
Cheques. The program finds the PN/PDCs with the statuses 09 and/or 10 “Endorsed" and checks the
Due Date. If the Settlement Date of such PN/PDCs is greater than the Due Date + Grace Period +
Settlement Period + Contingent Liability Period (with a proper date shift due to weekends), the
proposal can be created, adjusted, printed, deleted and updated.

• Up to date
Enter the date before which the endorsed PN/PDCs should be included to the proposal. All
PN/PDCs, which meet the above-mentioned requirements, will be included to the proposal.
• Include PNs
y The PNs will be included to the proposal.
n The PNs will not be included to the proposal.
• Include Cheques
y The PDCs will be included to the proposal.
n The PDCs will not be included to the proposal.
• Portfolio
The PN/PDCs in the portfolios of the specified range will be included to the proposal.
• Currency Code
The PN/PDCs with the currencies in the specified range will be included to the proposal.
• Partner
The PN/PDCs of the partners' types and partners of the specified ranges will be included to the
proposal. If you do not need selection by types and partners, leave the fields blank.
 The following types of partners are available: C (Customer) – Endorser; S (Supplier), B
(Bank), X (eXtraneous), Y (temporarY) – Endorsee.
• OK to create proposal
Confirm that the proposal is to be created or return to selecting criteria.
 Once all fields have been completed and the creation of the proposal confirmed, you will be able
to adjust, print, delete and update the created proposal. After the proposal have been updated, the
respective PN/PDCs will be considered as settled. If there were invoices against PN/PDCs, the
invoices will be considered as paid by cash.


Proposal for Draft PN/PDC Receivable (SL)

Setting Up Parameters
Search path:
Miscellaneous – Parameters – Parameters
Reminders, Statements, and Interest
• Payment Proposal Counter
Enter the initial number. Each subsequent number of the payment proposal will be incremented by

Entering Invoices/Credit Notes

Search path:
Invoices/Journal – Enter Invoices and Credit Notes
Adjusting Other Invoice Details
• Way of Payments
The setting from the customer file (Credit/Payment option, Way of Payments field) is displayed by
default and can be adjusted.
? (payment methods)
 If payment methods 4 and/or 5 are set as the invoice payment method, the reminder can be
printed just after entering the invoice despite its due date.

Automatic Payments
Use this routine to handle the direct debiting procedure, i.e. compulsory money collection from your
customers’ banks if stipulated in the contract. The direct debiting method is specified in the customer
file, Credit/Payments option, Way of payments field and can be adjusted in the invoices entering
routine (Miscellaneous option, Way of Payment field).
The Scala payment methods are as follows:
0 Not automatic
1 Transfer to the Payment Ledger
2 German collection method
3 German collection method 2
4 PN/PDC domestic payment
5 PN/PDC foreign payment
 Invoices linked with the payment method zero (0) will not be automatically processed.
With the automatic payment routines you can create or select, adjust, print and delete automatic
payment proposals, print draft notes and transfer lists, etc.

Selecting Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments – Select Proposal
Use this routine for selecting an automatic payment proposal to be handled.
• Proposal No
Enter the number of the proposal to be selected.
? (available proposals)


Creating Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments – Create Proposal
Use this routine for creating an automatic payment proposal, i.e., specifying the selection criteria for
the invoices to be included in the automatic payment proposal.
The following selection criteria are available:
• Due Date
Enter the boundary invoice due date; the invoices due before this date will be selected.
• Payment Date
Enter the date on which the payment is normally booked.
• Payment Ledger
Enter the payment method for the automatic payment proposal.
? (payment methods)
 Payment method zero (0) is not allowed.
• Currency Code range
Set the interval of currency codes. The respective payment proposal will contain payments in
defined currencies. For EURO compatible domestic payments, the range of codes will be
considered as a series rather than an interval.
? (available currencies)
• Customer Code range
Enter the range of the customers to be selected for the automatic payment proposal.
? ?. (customers)
?+ (customers by telephone number)
?- (customers by postcode)
?@ (customers by bank code)
?* (customers by EDI code)
• Category range
Enter the customer category code range for the customers to be selected for the automatic payment
? (customer categories)
 In the customer file the category is specified in the Statistics/Budget routine, Category field.
• Payment Currency
y The invoice currency will be converted to the payment currency.
n The invoice currency will be the payment currency.

• Payment Currency Code

Enter the code of the currency in which payments will be made.
? (available currencies)
• Due Date Credit Notes
Enter the due date for credits.
• Use Invoice Discounts
y Discount will be calculated for each invoice according to the specified
discount value of the invoice.
n Discount value will be the same for all invoices.

• Discounts
Enter the percentage of the discount the amount of the invoice will be reduced by.
 The field is available if the-same-discount-for-all-invoices option was chosen.


• Account range
Enter the range for the accounts receivable specified for the customers to be selected for the
automatic payment proposal.
? ?. (accounts)
! !. (accounts with current balances)
# #. (accounts with descriptions)
 The query options are available if the Sales Ledger is integrated with the General Ledger.
• Entries Within Accounting Dimensions 1 to 9 range
Enter the range of the accounting dimensions 1-9 specified for the customers to be selected for the
automatic payment proposal.
? ?. (entries within the accounting dimension)
! (entries within the accounting dimension sorted by manager)
 The query options are available if the Sales Ledger is integrated with the General Ledger.
The letter R stands for the reporting level entries; i.e., for the entries that represent the totals
for the lower level entries.
After you have entered the above selection criteria, the payment proposal will be created and printed.

Adjusting Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments – Adjust Proposal
Use this routine for adjusting the details of invoices included in the automatic payment proposal (e.g.,
for excluding some invoices, etc).
3. Amount
The amount to be paid by the customer.
 This amount, excluding the discount you enter in the Discount field, must not exceed the initial
invoice amount.
 If you enter a zero (0) amount, you will be able to cancel adjustment, block an invoice line for
further activities or delete an invoice line from the payment proposal.

Approving Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments – Approve Proposal
Use this routine to approve the printed proposal.
 Once the proposal has been approved, the Print Payment Notice option becomes available.

Draft Notes (Payment Methods 4 and 5)

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments – Print Payment Notice
Use this routine for:
• Setting up Parameters (Parameters)
• Printing Draft Notes (Printout of Draft Note)
• Printing Transfer Lists (Printout of Transfer List)
• Putting Draft PN/PDC in 00 P/F (Store Draft PN/PDC in 00 P/F)

Setting Up Parameters
Use this routine for setting up the parameters for printing a draft note (payment methods 4 and 5):
• City
Enter the city to be included in the printout. If no city information is required, leave the field blank.


• Authorised By
Enter the name of the person who authorised the invoice. If this information is not required, leave
the field blank.
• Last Printed Note Number
The field shows the number of the last printed note.
• Continuous Printing
y The documents will be printed continuously.
n Single documents will be printed; a new document will be requested
before creating each printout.
• Payment Ledger Entry
y Payment information will be stored in the proposal file for automated
match of the PN/PDC with the invoices when the customer accepts the
n Payment information will not be stored in the proposal file.
• Layout (0-9)
Indicate the layout for printing the draft note.
 The layout zero (0) is preinstalled. The other layouts can be ordered.

• Invoice per Note

Define how many invoices will be printed for one PN/PDC. Enter zero (0) for all invoices to be
• Detailed List
y Detailed information about the invoices will be included in the transfer
list printout.
n Generalised information about the invoices will be included in the
transfer list printout.
• Reprint with new numbers
y PN/PDCs will be reprinted with new numbers taken from the counter.
n PN/PDCs will be reprinted with retained numbers.
• Language Code
Select the code of the language to be used in the printout.
? (available languages)
• Reserved
The field is reserved.
Printing Draft Note
Use this routine for printing a draft note. To customise the layout, use the appropriate DDF codes.
 To print a draft note, the parameters must have been set up. You can define the printout's layout in
the SL070100.ddx file where x stands for the payment method number.

Printing Transfer List

Use this routine for printing a transfer list.

Storing Draft PN/PDC

Use this routine for storing a draft PN/PDC in the default receivable portfolio (portfolio 00).
 The transfer list must have been printed.
 Receivable Portfolio 00 must have been created in the PN module; otherwise, the appropriate
warning will be displayed and user will be stopped.


To exit the routine without updating and to return to the payment proposal routines, confirm such
exiting. Once you exit from the printing routine and return to the payment proposal, the next time
repeat all steps even they have already been completed.

Deleting Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments – Print Payment Notices
Use this routine to delete a payment proposal.
 When a new payment proposal is created, you can also delete the old one.

 If a proposal contains invoices with printed PN/PDCs, deletion will be done individually for each
PN/PDC with the following options:
Cancel – relative line will not be deleted.
Delete – current line will be deleted.
OK for All – all lines in the proposal will be deleted.

Update with Note Payments

Search path:
Payment/Journal/ Cash Flow –Update with Note Payments
Use this routine for automated matching of the invoices, included to the proposal, with the signed
PN/PDC received from the Customer and creating the appropriate transactions in the GL Journal
(debit: accounts receivable; credit: portfolio account).
• Transaction Number
The transaction number is set automatically.
• Customer
Enter the customer's code for PN/PDC.
! (all customers)
? (customers with draft PN/PDCs)
 An asterisk (*) marks the customers with draft notes.
• Note/Cheque
Enter the type of the PN/PDC (NR/CR – Note/Cheque receivable), then in the next field enter the
number of the PN/PDC.
? (draft PN/PDCs for selected customer by number)
• Journal Code
Enter the code of the GL Journal to be used for payment transactions.
• Payment Date
Enter the date of payment.
• Target Portfolio
Enter the code of the portfolio for storing the PN/PDC; then either confirm or cancel updating and
proceed with adjustment if required.
 This portfolio will replace the default 00 portfolio. The PN/PDC status will be changed to 02
(available in portfolio).


Payments by PN/PDC in SL Reports

Printing Payment Receipts
Search path:
Payments/Journal/Cash Flow – Print Receipts of Payments – Printout Receipts
 To customise the printout's layout so that you can have the remark information in payment lines
for payments made by PN/PDC, use DDF code <52> in the Data for Document Line part of the
LAN-file SL050100.ddf. If not specified otherwise in the Enter/Change Text Lines option, the
word CHEQUE will be printed by default.

Enquiring Customer Statements

Search path:
Enquiries – Customer Statement
 An asterisk (*) marks all payments made by PN/PDC.

Enquiring Customer File

Search path:
Enquiries – Enquiry Cust. & Ledger Files
• Invoice Number
Enter the number of the customer's invoice you want to enquire. To get the code of the first/next
invoice, press Enter.
? (open invoices)
! (all invoices)
 All partial payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN in the S column when you quire
available invoices.

• Transactions
– to view invoice and payment transactions.
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN at the beginning of each respective payment
line. If not specified otherwise in the Remark field, the word CHEQUE will be input by default.
Separate subtotal for open PN/PDCs is available.

Printing Reminders and Statements

Search path:
Reminders/Interest Invoices – Print Reminders and Statements – Reminders/Statements/Statements by
Reminders/Statements/Statements by Date
 Remark text in payment lines for each payment made by PN/PDC contains the word CHEQUE by
default. To this end, use DDF code <41> in the Data for Document Line part of the LAN-files
SL010100.ddf, SL020100.ddf and SL060100.ddf respectively.

Balance List
Search path:
Reports/Statistics – Balance Report
• Balance List Detailed
The detailed balance list comprises the details of the customers' invoices; the report can be more or
less detailed depending on the parameter set in the selection criteria, Summary/Customer field.


 The Remark text in payment lines for payments made by PN/PDC contains the word
CHEQUE if not specified otherwise. To this end, use options 1 or 2 in the Remark field when
setting up the selection criteria.

Balance Summary
Search path
Reports/Statistics – Balance Summary
 Payment lines with payment made by PN/PDC are marked by PN.


Automatic Payment Methods with PN/PDC (PL)

Automatic Payments by PN/PDC (Methods C1 and C2)
Two new automatic payment methods – C1 and C2, domestic and foreign payments by PN/PDC
respectively, have been introduced.
Selecting Automatic Payment Proposal
Search path:
Payments/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Select Proposal
Use this routine for selecting an automatic payment proposal to be handled.
• Proposal No
Enter the number of the proposal to be selected.
? (available proposals)
Creating Automatic Payment Proposal
Search path:
Payments/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Create Proposal
The selection criteria for the automatic payment by PN/PDC proposal are as for the automatic

Adjusting Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payments/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Adjust Proposal
You can adjust a proposal in the normal way.
 If you enter a zero (0) amount, you will be able to cancel adjustment, block an invoice line for
further activities or delete an invoice line from the payment proposal.

Reprinting Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payments/Journal/Cash-Flow – Automatic Payments – Reprint Payment Proposal
You can reprint an adjusted proposal in the normal way.

Deleting Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payments/Journal/Cash-Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Delete Payment Proposal
 If a proposal contains invoices with printed PN/PDCs, deletion will be done individually for each
PN/PDC with the following options:
Cancel – relative line will not be deleted.
Delete – current line will be deleted.
OK for All – all lines in the proposal will be deleted.

Approving Automatic Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payments/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Approve Proposal
Use this routine for approving the printed proposal.
 Once the proposal has been approved, the Print Payment Notice routine becomes available.


Printing Payment Notice

Search path:
Payments/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Print Payment Notice
Use this routine for:
• Setting up Parameters (Parameters)
• Printing PN/PDCs (Printout of Note)
• Printing Transfer List (Printout of Transfer List)
• Storing PN/PDC in 00 P/F (Updating)

Setting Up Parameters
Use this routine for setting up the parameters for printing a PN/PDC (payment methods C1 and C2):
• Postal Town
Enter the name of the Town where the PN/PDC has been issued. If the name of the Postal Town is
pre-printed on the form, leave the field blank.
• Note Signature
Enter the name of the person who signed the PN/PDC. If this information is not required, leave the
field blank.
• Next Note Number
Enter the number of the next PN/PDC. This information will be printed on the payment list and to
the Outstanding Payments File if used.
• Continuous Printing
y Multiple invoices will be printed for one PN/PDC. Depends on the value
entered to the Invoices per Note field.
n One invoice will be printed for one PN/PDC.
• Payment Ledger Entry
y Payment information will be stored in the Outstanding Payment file for
later check when the PN/PDC is presented.
n Payment information will not be stored in the Outstanding Payment file.
• Layout (0-9)
Indicate the layout for printing the PN/PDC.
 The layout zero (0) is preinstalled. The other layouts can be ordered.

• Invoice per Note

Define how many invoices will be printed for one PN/PDC. Enter zero (0) for all invoices to be
• Detailed List
y Detailed information about the invoices will be included in the PN/PDC
printout. The Continuous Printing field must have been set to no
n Generalised information about the invoices will be included in the
PN/PDC printout.
• Print only the Note/Cheque's Amount
y Only the PN/PDC's amount will be printed.
n PN/PDC will be printed in a detailed form.
• Language Code
Select the code of the language for the printout.
? (available languages)
• Total Amount per Supplier
y Multiple Remittances and one PN/PDC will be printed.


n Each PN/PDC and Remittance will be reprinted.

Printing Note/Cheque
Use this routine for printing a PN/PDC. To customise the layout, use the appropriate DDF codes.
 To print a PN/PDC, the parameters must have been set up. You can define the printout's layout in
the PL070100.ddc file.

Printing Transfer List

Use this routine for printing a transfer list.

Use this routine for storing a PN/PDC in the default payable portfolio (portfolio 00).
 The transfer list must have been printed.
 Payable Portfolio 00 must have been created in the PN module; otherwise, the appropriate
warning will be displayed and user will be stopped.

• Due Date
Enter the due date for the Note/Cheque.
• Note/Cheque
Enter the respective payment document (either a PN Payable or a PDC Payable).
• Journal Code
Enter the code of the GL Journal the respective transactions will be registered in.
To exit the routine without updating and to return to the payment proposal routines, confirm such
exiting. Once you exit from the printing routine and return to the payment proposal, the next time
repeat all steps even they have already been completed.

Deleting Payment Proposal

Search path:
Payments/Journal/ Cash Flow – Automatic Payments by PN/PDC – Print Payment Notices/Delete
Payment Proposal
Use this routine for deleting a payment proposal.
 When a new payment proposal is created, you can also delete the old one.

 If a proposal contains invoices with printed PN/PDCs, deletion will be done individually for each
PN/PDC with the following options:
Cancel – relative line will not be deleted.
Delete – current line will be deleted.
OK for All – all lines in the proposal will be deleted.

Payments by PN/PDC in PL Reports

Enquiring Supplier File
Search path:
Enquiries – Enquiry Suppl. & Ledger Files
• Invoice Number
Enter the number of the supplier's invoice you want to enquire. To get the code of the first/next
invoice, press Enter.


? ?. (open invoices)
! !. (all invoices)
 All partial payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN in the last column when you quire
available invoices.

• Transactions
– to view invoice and payment transactions.
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN at the beginning of each respective payment
line. Separate subtotal for open PN/PDCs is available.

Enquiring Supplier Statements

Search path:
Enquiries – Supplier Statement
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN in the last column.

Supplier Statement
Search path:
Reports/Statistics – Print Statements – Statement/Statement by Supplier/Statement by Date
 Remark text in payment lines for each payment made by PN/PDC contains the word CHEQUE by
default; to this effect, use DDF code <41> in the Data for Document Line part of the LAN-files
PL010100.ddf and PL020100.ddf respectively.

Balance Lists
Detailed Balance List for Purchase Ledger
Search path:
Balance Reports – Purchase Ledger – Detailed Printout
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN in the last column.

Balance List for Unauthorised Invoices

Search path:
Balance Reports – Unauthorised Invoices – Detailed Printout
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN in the last column.

Balance List for Payment Blocked Invoices

Search path:
Balance Reports – Payment Blocked Invoices
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN.

Balance Summary for Purchase Ledger

Search path:
Balance Reports – Purchase Ledger – Balance Summary
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN.

Exception List
Search path:
Reports/Statistics – Exception Reports
 All payments made by PN/PDC are marked by PN.


List of New Features and

Corrected Bugs

License Protected Features (PR, Scala 5.1 SP12)
License on Invoicing at the sub-project level has been removed (PR, Scala 5.1 SP13)
- License on Invoicing at the sub-project level has been removed (PR, Scala 5.1 SP13)

Currency in Projects (PR)
ZIP Code Validation Availability (PR)
Deleting Main Project (PR)
Activity Prices Recalculation (PR)
No Sorting on Report Code (PR)
No Sorting on Report Code (PR)
Parameters for Non-chargeable Activities (PR)
Sub Project Level Invoicing (PR, Scala 5.1 SP11)
License Protected Features (PR, Scala 5.1 SP12)
License on Invoicing at the sub-project level has been removed (PR, Scala 5.1 SP13)
- License on Invoicing at the sub-project level has been removed (PR, Scala 5.1 SP13)

Purchase Order Connectivity from Project Management (PR, Scala 5.1 SP11)
License Protected Features (PR, Scala 5.1 SP12)
License Protected Features (PR, Scala 5.1 SP12)
Special Invoice Processing (PR, Scala 5.1 SR13)
Using Accruals in Service Contract (SM, Scala 5.1, SP08-10)
– Using Accruals in Service Contract (SM, Scala 5.1, SP08-10)
– Using Accruals in Service Contract (SM, Scala 5.1, SP08-10)
– Using Accruals in Service Contract (SM, Scala 5.1, SP08-10)
Index Clause (SM)
Rebuilding User-defined Data files (MA)
Exporting User-defined Data files (MA)
Additional Options for Copying from Customer and Supplier Files routines (MA)
– Additional Options for Copying from Customer and Supplier Files routines (MA)
– Additional Options for Copying from Customer and Supplier Files routines (MA)
Additional Options when Defining Attributes (MA)


Manual Unlocking of Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques (PN, Scala 5.1 SP09)
– Manual Unlocking of Promissory Notes/Post Dated Cheques (PN, Scala 5.1 SP09)
WIP Changes (MPC, Scala 5.1 SP11)
Additional Date Selection when Creating WIP Transactions (MPC, Scala 5.1 SP12)
Statistical Calculation Model (PA, Scala 5.1 SP13)
– Statistical Calculation Model (PA, Scala 5.1 SP13)
Wage Type Counter for Results in the Accounting Currency (PA, Scala 5.1 SP08)
Precision Tables for Payroll Additional Tables (PA, Scala 5.1 SP11)
– Precision Tables for Payroll Additional Tables (PA, Scala 5.1 SP11)
New Wildcard for Fixed Wage Type (PA, Scala 5.0 SP 28, Scala 5.1 SP08)
– New Wildcard for Fixed Wage Type (PA, Scala 5.0 SP 28, Scala 5.1 SP08)
Posting Social Benefits to given Wage Types (PA)
Currency Handling (PA)
New command for extracting dictionary values (PA, Scala 5.1 SP10)
– New command for extracting dictionary values (PA, Scala 5.1 SP10)
New command for calling chain wage type (PA, Scala 5.1 SP10)
– New command for calling chain wage type (PA, Scala 5.1 SP10)
Multi-model Payroll Calculation (PA, Scala 5.1 SP10)
– Multi-model Payroll Calculation (PA, Scala 5.1 SP10)
Currency Codes in Enquiries (PA)
Currency Codes in Reports (PA)
Currency Codes when Adjusting Payroll Calculation (PA)
Russian Social Security Number Validation (PA, Scala 5.1 SP09)
– Russian Social Security Number Validation (PA, Scala 5.1 SP09)

Enhanced Validation of Employee Fields (Scala 5.0 SP30, Scala 5.1 SP10)
– Enhanced Validation of Employee Fields (PA, Scala 5.0 SP30, Scala 5.1 SP10)
– Enhanced Validation of Employee Fields (PA, Scala 5.0 SP30, Scala 5.1 SP10)
Scala Billing Functionality (Scala 5.1 SP13)
Scala PN Functionality (Scala 5.1 SP13)


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