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Submitted to;
Mr. Zahid Yasin

Submitted by;
Warda Saqib
IIDC, BDS 1st Year


1. Introduction
2. Ashraf – ul – Makhlooq
3. Morality
4. Equality among all
5. Rights of various groups:
 Rights of parents
 Rights of children
 Rights of minorities
6. Economic welfare of the poor:
 Zakat
 Sadqah
7. After death:
 Rewards after death
 Respect of the dead
8. Conclusion
Islam is the religion of peace. Unlike other religion, doesn’t hold hatred for any
other religion. It is evident from the Holy Quran and the life of Holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) that humanity is above every religion.

A human being is very honorable in the Qur’an and higher than all other
creatures. He is created by the best Creator in the best possible form. He is
created by God and chosen by Him to be His representative on earth. God
ordered the angels to prostrate before the human being and disposed the sun,
the moon, the stars, and the day and night for him.
A human being has been honored with endless potential for knowledge and the
only creature to whom God has granted the potential perfection of supremacy
over universal forces and other creatures.
A human being is a noble-natured creature who is guided to two ways of good
and evil and is inspired to become perfect in his struggle. This feature is exclusive
to him among all creatures and this enables him to elevate higher than angels.

The Islamic teachings have stressed over and again on basic morals like
forgiveness, kindness, equality, generosity and goodwill. Many instances from the
life of Holy Prophet (SAW) highlight the importance of these basic virtues in our
When Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) started preaching Islam his enemies would hurt
him in every possible way. It is quoted that a lady would throw garbage on him
every day when he would pass across her house. One day, when the lady was not
present, he went inside the house to inquire if she was alright. This is the basic
teaching Islam has given us.
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) presented to the world perfect model of brotherhood
among human beings. He taught that no race is superior to another and all are
equal in origin. His companions, from different continents of worlds, both Arabs
and non – Arabs, were given equal opportunities to serve the religion.
There is a Hadith on equality as Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: 
“O mankind, your Lord is One and your father is one. You all descended from
Aadam, and Aadam was created from the earth. He is most honored among you
in the sight of God who is most upright. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab, no
colored person to a white person, or a white person to a colored person except by
Taqwa (piety).” (At-Tirmidhi)
This frees the human being from full submission to any natural being or any other
human being of whatever position and rank, and this freedom saves him from
being confined to any material limits.


 Rights of Parents:
In Islam, special importance has been given to the service and rights of parents.
Respecting and obeying one's parents has been made a religious obligation, and
ill-treatment to them is forbidden in Islamic tradition. With regard to the rights of
parents, the Quranic teachings is to behave well with them, to take care of them
especially in their old age, not to be rude to them, and to show highest respect to
them. This is to be applied regardless of parents' religious identity, that is, a
Muslim person is to respect and serve their parents whether they be Muslim or
The Holy Quran says:
‘’And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents. In travail upon travail
did his mother bear him, and in two years was his weaning. Show gratitude to Me
and to thy parents; to Me is thy final goal.” (Quran, 31:14)
 Rights of Children:
Islamic law and the traditions have laid out the rights of children in Islam. Children
have the rights to be fed, clothed, and protected until reaching adulthood; rights
to be treated equally among the siblings; and rights to education. The Holy Quran
“And don’t kill your children with the fear of poverty, we shall provide (food) them
and for you.”
 Rights of minorities:
The protection of minority rights is regarded as imperative under Islamic law
which is in harmony with other international laws for the minority.


 Zakat:
In Islam, zakat is a form of compulsory alms-giving, and a religious obligation for
those Muslims who are financially stable. They are required to pay one-fortieth
(2.5%) of their total income per year to those Muslims who are poor and helpless.
The Quran says:
'And woe to those who join gods with Allah, who practice not regular charity, and
who deny the Hereafter' (41:6-7).
 Sadqah:
Sadqah means voluntary charity which is given out of compassion, friendship
(fraternity), religious duty, or generosity. Both the Holy Quran and the Sunnah
have put much emphasis on spending money for the welfare of needy people.
The Quran says:
'Spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed on
you, before Death should come to any of you' (63:10).


 Rewards after death:
Human life is full of challenges at every turn, and sometimes the sacrifices and
good deeds of people go unacknowledged. Islam generates a trust in the person’s
heart in that his visible and invisible efforts will not be wasted. It assures that if
one’s efforts are made sincerely, they will be accepted and rewarded.
Thus, a person who merely attempts to act with sincerity, Allah (swt) will
undoubtedly reward him or. In addition to that, Islamic scholars agree upon the
fact that even if one has unintentionally made a mistake while he is trying to
achieve good deed, he will have a reward before God.
 Respect to human body after death:
The Islamic system of funeral is held in such a way that the dead body is not
disrespected. Prayer is held for the deceased and the body is buried respectfully
in grave yards. Contrary to this, no other religion has given this respect to the
body of dead, they are either burned or thrown into flowing waters.

Islam is the religion of eternal peace. It doesn’t enforce its teachings on anyone, it
rather convinces its readers as to why it should be followed. It has provided
humanity with a complete code of life, to live a life that is significant here and
rewarding in the other world. Its teachings are applicable 14,000 years after its
revelation and is provides a solution to all our worldly problems .Humanity needs
Islam for its spiritual transformation. It needs Islam to live happily and successfully
in this life. It needs Islam to find salvation in the life to come. Islam is the religion
of truth and it guides to all that is good.


Sadir, Sayyid Musa. "Islam, humanity and human values ." n.d.

Shaddy, Dr.Adil bin Ali. "What Prophet Muhammad SAW gave to humanity ." 2012.

Siddiqui, Abdul Hameed. What Islam gave to humanity. KAZI PUBLICATIONS, 1979.

The Holy Qura’an

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