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Participative Sales Planning and Behavioural Considerations:-

It is critical to identify selling behaviors salespeople must use to determine

how and where they need to be modified to meet or exceed goals. The top
ten behaviors that salespeople effectively execute on a consistent basis are
the key to sustained success; it is imperative that they understand their
impact on the bottom line of any business. These behaviors are:

1. lead generation
2. building relationships
3. qualifying opportunities
4. making presentations
5. servicing customers
6. account management
7. territory development
8. building a behavior cookbook
9. continuous education

10.execution of the organization’s selling system

Five Behaviours of sales people that drive their success:-

Here are the behaviours of sales people that drive their success.

1. Selling Value:- Some sales people will focus only on their solution’s
price point in order to try to make the sale. They think that price is the
main reason buyers make their final purchasing decisions and that they
must focus on overcoming price objections to get the sale. But the best sales
people know that buyers care more about the value they’ll receive. Thus,
they learn how to demonstrate value to sales prospects. They ensure that
the offered solution addresses the buyer’s recognized needs and then they
communicate the value that will be delivered efficiently and effectively to
ensure that the buyer can picture how their life will improve with the

2. Asking Questions and Listening:- Successful sales people don’t

waste their time on unqualified prospects. They successfully qualify leads
by asking probing questions about budget, decision-making authority,
timeframes, competing solutions, needs, and challenges in order to discover
whether or not the prospect is ready and able to buy and to learn what’s
driving their decisions. They do not attempt to sell without understanding
the prospects’ needs, wants, and pain points. The best sales professionals
ask more questions than the less talented sales reps that assume they know
it all. And after asking these questions, they listen closely to the answers
and absorb what they’re hearing to ensure that they truly understand.

3. Creativity:- The best sales reps understand the importance of

creativityin sales. They know that they must combat many challenges and
overcome many obstacles to close the deal. They use their ingenuity and
creativity to find alternative out-of-the-box solutions to problems in order
to get the sale. They know that one-size-fits-all products and services don’t
actually fit everyone. They’re diligent in tailoring their solutions to
customers’ needs. Their flair for creative solutions and problem solving
helps them close deals that stymie less talented reps.

4. Nurturing:- One of the behaviours of sales people that truly drives

success is the act of nurturing. Some reps are only after the sale—and it
shows. They care about nothing more than the transaction that will lead to
a bigger commission cheque. Successful sales people, on the other hand,
take the time required to build relationships, create trust, boost credibility,
and nurture prospects and customers. They know that buyers want to feel a
connection with the companies they do business with. They know that to
make the sale, to get referrals, and to create brand ambassadors, they must
focus on prospect nurturing and customer service. And their efforts pay

5. Continuous Learning:- Where some veteran sales people refuse to

change their ways and start to fall behind, successful sales people thrive
because of their thirst for learning. These reps are constantly looking up
news, trends, and best practices in the ever-changing sales industry.
They’re always working towards learning new skills, strategies, and
methods that will help them close more. They change their ways when it’s
required. They adapt. And this is one of the most critical behaviours of sales
people in today’s digital world.

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