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Half-\' early Examination

Session -2022-23
Noll no.
----- Subject- Social Science Date-
Class- IX
n,,ration- 03: 00 !\rs M.M- 80

Gene ral Instruction s:

771is Quesrion paper is divided inro four secrions-Secrion A, 13, C. D .
11. All questions arc comp ulso,y.
1. Section-A: Quesrion 110. 1 ro Sare ve,y short answer type questions of I marks each. Answer lo
each question should nor exceed 40 words.
1\'. Sectio11-B: Question no. 6 10 IO are short answer type questions, car,y ing 2 marh each. Answer to
each question should nor exceed 80 words.
v. S ection-C: Question no. I J and 15 are long answer type quesrions, car,ying 3mark5 each. Answer
ro each q uestion should 110 1 exceed JOO words.
vi. S ectio11-D: Question no. 16 and 17 are very long answer type questions, carrying 5marks each.
Answer ro each question sho uld not exceed 170 words.Along lvith a map work of2 marks.
Q. l Which group was the supporter of women's Suffragette Movement?
Q.2 Suffragette Movement gave the women the right to _ _ _ __
Q.3 Who led the Bolshevik group in Russia during Russian revobtion?
QA He was 1he propaganda minister of Hitler _ _ _ __
Q.5 \Vhcn did Hitler the chancellor of Germany _ _ __ _
Q.6 \Vhat is the role of citizen in promoting the democracy?
Q.7 \Vim are the constitutional amendments?
Q.8 What do you mean by the socialist?
Q.9 Assertion (A):- Leaders keep changing in democracy.
Reason (R):- Elected leaders do not know the interest of people.
(a) Both A & R are correct & R is the correct explanation for A.
(b) Both A & R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A ;s fa lse but R is true. . . _ .. . .
Q. lo Assertion (A):- The Weimar Republic had to s1~n the hu":1tl~atmg treaty _of Vers~1lles. _
Reason (R):- In Weimar Republic both the Commums~s & Soc1ahsts became 1rreconctlabl e enemies.
(a) Both A & R are correct & R is the correct explanation for A.

(b) Both A & R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A.

(c) A is true but R is false.

(d) is false but R is true. . th t follow-·

11. Read the source given below and ar.swer t~e qu;st1on~ t~m nurtur: d by it fanned the foundation for Ir.dia's
Values that inspired and guided the frce~omt;g :~ ~,: o;:~: ::dian Constitution. They guide all !he articles of the
embedded mt e re L' t· of i·ts bas'c values/This is called the Preamble to th~
. . values are · · b ·ns with a s,;ort statemen
democracy. These
tries in the contemporary world have chosen to begin

Indian Constitul!on . The Constttut1on eg1 . dI

Constitution. Taking inspiration from .A.mencan mo e ' mos coun
their Constitutions witlra Pre~ble. . ?
(1 What formed l he foundation fo r India s democracy . . . ?
f h p ble to our Const1tut1on.
(ii) What is the importan_c~ o t ~ ~earn brined in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution.
(ii i) Explain any four gu1d111g principles ens
Q.12. How did the com mon rco plc reac
t to N azir n,?
(J.1 3 Wha l do you mean by Bl cod y Sun
day wha t eve nts took a fter it?
Q.14 What maj or chan ges were intro duc
ed in indu stry by Stal in?
Q.1 5 T he prin cipl e of One person. One
vote. One value. i s not follo wed by
Q. 16 I lit\c r dest royed the dem ocra cy. Ana eve ry cou ntry . Just ify the stat eme
lyse the statement.
[nu mer ate the step s taken by Naz
is to elim inat e Jews.
Q .17 Whal i s a con stitu tion? Wha t i s its
imp orta nce?
Des crib e the silen t features features
of Con stitu tion of lndi a.
Q. 18 O n an outl ine map of France mar
k the: -
(a) Reg ion under great fear .
(b) Epic ente r of great pan ic m ove men
Answ er the following questions .
I. Choose the right answer from the 5
four alternative given below.
1.The Western coastal strip e sout h of
Goa is refe rred to as :
a.Coromande l b. kannad
c.A<onkan. d Nort hern Circar
2. M ountain ranges in the eastern part
of Indi a forming its bou ndary with Mya
a. Himachal b. Purvanchal c. Uttarakh nma r are collective ly called as:
and . .Ii'. None of the above
3. In which of the following state is the
Wul ar lake located?
a. Raja sthan b. U:ta r Pradesh
c. Punjab d. Jammu and Kashmir
4. Whi ch one of the followi ng is the
longest river of t he peninsular India
a. Narmada b. Godavari ?

c. Krishna d. Mahanadi
5. Whi ch one among the follo wing r:ve
rs flow s thro ugh a rift valley?
a. Mah anadi b. Krishna
c .Tun gbh adra d.Ta pi
II. Sho rt answ er type questions
Q6. Wha t is corals? 3x3= 9
Q7. Name major physiogr aphic divis
ion of India ?
Q8. Stat e som e economic ben efits of
rivers and lakes
Long Answers type que stion s.
Q9. Discuss the sign ifica nt diffe renc 4
e betw een the Himalayan and the pen
insular rivers.
com pare the east flow ing and the wes
t flow ing rive rs of the peninsular plat
10. On an outl ine map of Indi a show
the follo wing :
i. Chota Nagpur plateau 2

ii . The Indian dese rt

iii. Wes tern gha ts
iv. Lakshad weep Island

Economics [20)
1.W hat do you mea n by peo ple as
resource? (2 MARKS)
.How seasonal unempl oym ent is diffe
2 rent from disguise d unempl oym ent. (2 MARKS)
• · d'iffe rent from
3.Ho w 1s hum an reso urce 1s othe r resources like land and physical (3MARKS)
capi tal.
4 wha t is the role of edu catior. in hum (3MARKS)
· an capi tal form ation?
5.W hat are vari ous acti vitie s und erta k · · -
en 1r. pnm 0 ry, seco ndary and terti ary sect ors in the economy? (3MARKS)
&.Di ffere ntiate be,wer-;n eco noi: iic
activ ities and non econ omi c activ ities (3 MARKS)
7 .Wh ich capi tal w o uld ynu con!.idcr .
th~ best - land,labour,physical capital (4 MARKS)
or hum an capital? .Wh y?

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