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Equivalent Slope Method for Construction of Master Curves

Article · February 2018

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2 authors:

Nikhil Saboo Praveen Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


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Time Temperature Superposition (TTSP) has been used since a long time for construction of master curves
for polymers which are thermorheologically simple. A new method has been developed through MATLAB
program which can automatically create master curve at any reference temperature provided the material
obeys thermorheological simplicity. The new method has been compared with other existing shift factor laws
using graphical interpretations. It was found that this method can be successfully employed for master curve
construction at any reference temperature chosen. Relationship between shift factor and temperature was
established using mathematical equations.

1 INTRODUCTION temperatures for a measurable range of frequency,

Engineering behavior of any material can be judged a master curve could be plotted at a single reference
by its stress and strain analysis. Dynamic Shear temperature that could cover many decades of
Rheometer (DSR) has been used since a long time frequency/time. A material to which this technique is
for judging and describing the rheological properties applicable is said to be thermorheologically simple
of polymers like bitumen. A single rheometer can be (Maxwell., Airey).
operated to give values only over a range of three Temperature dependent shift factors are used for
to four decades at a particular temperature (Dealy the magnitude of stresses (vertical shift) and time/
and Plazek). For bitumen and modified binders frequency (horizontal shift) on log-log plots of
comprising polymers, this data is insufficient to material functions, like complex modulus, phase
describe the complete rheological and viscoelastic angle and creep compliance. The temperature
response from the high frequency end of the plateau dependent, vertical shift factor multiplies a stress,
zone to the low-frequency terminal zone. Time determined at temperature T to yield a “reduced
Temperature Superposition (TTSP) is a competent stress”, that is the value at the reference temperature
tool for describing the viscoelastic behavior of linear chosen. Similarly, the horizontal shift factor divides
polymers over a broad range of time and frequency, a time or multiplies a frequency to yield a reduced
by shifting data obtained at several temperatures to frequency/time scale of ω aT or t / aT . This principle
a common reference temperature (Benedetto et al., can be mathematically written as
Airey G.D). In linear polymers viscoelasticity arises bT E (ZaT , T ) E (Z, T0 )
from a molecular rearrangement process, which (1.1)
occurs from a stress or from a diffusion process 1.1 Shift Factors
under stress. The speed of these processes depends
1.1.1 Vertical shift factor
on the speed of molecular motion, where temperature
is a measure. In such materials, all the processes Research (Doi and Edwards) has shown that
contributing to the viscoelasticity of a material stress functions of linear viscoelastic materials
are accelerated to the same extent by temperature are proportional to the product of density and
rise (Lakes). Thus, by obtaining data at several temperature. The vertical shift factor represents
Ph.D. Scholar, Transportation Engg Group, Civil Engg Deptt. IIT Roorkee
Professor and Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Group, Civil Engg Deptt., IIT Roorkee,



temperature induced density changes and involves Arrhenius equation

shift along the modulus or stress function axis. This Observation of the dependence of viscosity of
implies that the vertical shift factor can be written liquids on temperature led to the empirical Arrhenius
as relationship that can be expressed as
bT (T0 U0 ) / (T U ) Ea
(1.2) aT (T ) = exp[ (1/ T − 1/ TR )] (1.5)
Where, T0 is the reference T temperature, is the
Where Ea is called the activation energy, typically
temperature at which shift factor has to be applied,
ρ0 and ρ are the corresponding densities. 250 kJ/mol for bituminous binders (Airey). It is the
minimum energy required for any intermolecular
The vertical shift factor is also sometimes determined movement. R is the universal gas constant 8.314
directly from the variation with temperature of J/0K-mol. Arrhenius equation has been found to
a distinctive value of a modulus or compliance, fit data at the terminal and plateau zones for linear
such as a maximum or minimum in loss modulus. polymers as long as the temperature is well above
Plateau of the material functions can also be used. the glass transition temperature Tg. Also meaningful
Determining horizontal shift of loss angle, in loss activation energy has not been defined so far.
angle versus log |G*| plot (Van Gurp-Palmen plot) Variation in Ea with frequency and modulus has also
is another way of determining vertical shift factor been reported. So a logical value must be chosen
that is independent of time or frequency shift. which could have some significance regarding the
However, most of the research to date on binders physical and/or chemical nature of bitumen.
and bituminous materials, mastercurve construction William-Landel-Ferry equation
does not normally consider vertical shift and it is
assumed to be unity (Airey). This equation is based on the free volume concept
of Doolittle. It has been widely used to describe
1.1.2 Horizontal shift factor
relation between aT and temperature dependency of
Horizontal shift factor aT is a number which is bitumens.
required to be multiplied to the time/ frequency −C1 (T − Tref )
log aT = (1.6)
to shift data at a particular temperature T to the C2 + (T − Tref )
reference temperature T0. Different researches had
been conducted in finding a suitable value of aT for Where, C1 and C2 are empirical constants. The
bituminous materials which could be employed implication of this model lies in the determination
based on its thermal behavior. These studies focuses of these constants. Moreover, this equation has been
from the physical molecular aspect of the binder to mainly found suitable when reference temperature
its chemical behavior. is close to Tg. Many universal constants have been
proposed based on the reference temperature. The Shift based on viscosity most famous and frequently used values are 8.86 and
Viscosity is a parameter which comprises of stress 101.6 for C1 and C2 as proposed by Williams et al.
and time. It requires the application of both the These values have shown good fit when T-Tr>-20oC.
shift factors. If complex viscosity η is used as the
Another values proposed by Anderson were 19 and
rheological parameter then the master curve for 92 which were based on some defining temperature
complex viscosity is plotted between aT η (T ) and Td. This defining temperature is not very clear and is

ω aT . This implies that if zero shear viscosity is taken bitumen specific.

into consideration one can write, Williams et al. proposed that the reference
bT (T ) temperature is related to glass transition temperature
η0 (T ) = η0 (T0 ) as
aT (T ) (1.3)
Considering the vertical shift factor as unity, vertical Tr − Tg = 500 C (1.7)
shift factor can be written as, But master curve should be such that, one must
η (T ) be able to view the rheological behavior at any
aT (T ) = 0
η0 (T0 ) (1.4) reference temperature desired. This limits the use of



WLF equation which has strong dependence on the reference temperature, it would be more convenient
selection of reference temperature. to introduce a process which will provide shift till a Manual shift procedure best fit is obtained, and will return the shift factors
once the shifting process is accomplished. Finally,
This is a simple procedure in which the data are the graph so obtained can be analyzed visually to see
shifted manually in MS EXCEL or similar workbook if the material obeys time temperature superposition
till a best and smooth fit is obtained. The smoothness principle.
of the curved is judged visually. If smooth curve
cannot be obtained, it implies that the binder is not A new procedure was hence introduced and was
thermorheologically simple. programmed using MATLAB. The method is named
as ‘Equivalent Slope Method’ (ESM) and could
1.2 Equivalent Slope Method (ESM) be used to plot master curve for any rheological
The shift factor laws, as given by Arrhenius and parameter requiring horizontal shift at any reference
WLF equations give satisfactory results provided the temperature. The base behind the development of
reference temperature is chosen properly. Mostly the this procedure is that, the stress function for two
laws are valid near the glass transition temperature different temperatures merges to a single or nearly
of the polymer, which is very low for bitumen as well similar value, but at different frequency. So, shifting
as polymer modified binder. Bitumen as a binder is the curve till the slope at few desired points become
exposed to service temperatures ranging from about similar would yield a smooth master curve, provided
-50C to 600C. So, it is more appropriate to construct thermorheological simplicity prevails.
the master curve at a reference temperature which The algorithm adopted for preparing the program for
is under service conditions. Given the rheological obtaining shift factor is presented below. Few terms
data, a user should be able to construct master curve are defined formerly to understand the procedure.
at any reference temperature under interest. i → Frequency , i ∈ [1, k ]
Appreciating the fact that thermorheological j → Temperature, j ∈ [10, 70]
simplicity can be validated if a smooth curve TR → Reference Temperatrure
, R⊂ j
is obtained after shifting the data at a particular Yi , j → Value of Y variable at Frequency i and Temperature j

Input Frequency sweep data from excel sheet and p lot Parameter Y versus Frequency i

Select the reference temperature, TR

For curve R and R +1, calculate [Yi , R − Yi −( k +1−i ), R +1 ]

Find the value of i for which the above is minimum. let it be x th p oint, x ∈ [1,k]

th th
Take (x +1) and (x - 1) p oint and assuming a straight line find 25 points between them
Let it be called cm th p oint, c ∈ [x +1,x - 1],m ∈ [1,25]

Find [Yc , R − Yx −( k +1− x ), R +1 ]

Find the value of m for which the above is minimum. Let it be called pth point, p ∈ c

Frequency p , R
Shift factor f or temperature TR +1 = [ ]
Frequencyx −( k +1− x ), R +1



The above concept is extended similarly for other 3.1 Validation of Shift Factors
temperatures, below and above the reference Manual shift was employed first at each reference
temperature. This method can be used to construct temperature to obtain a smooth complex modulus
master curve for stress functions in which horizontal master curve. Next, different shift factors as
shift is required. mentioned above were used to make a comparison
2 MATERIALS and their validation in obtaining master curves at
Three binders were used in the study for validation any reference temperature chosen. Variation of shift
of different shift factor laws in construction of factor was found by plotting the manual shift factors
master curves, at any chosen reference temperature. as the abscissa and the shift factors of various other
A VG-10 viscosity graded binder was used models as ordinate. Deviation from the equality line
and was modified with an elastomer SBS and a would mean poor correlation.
plastomer EVA. The concentration of polymers William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) shift factors were
were optimized in an earlier study with respect to obtained using the universal constants given by
proper homogeneity to be obtained. The respective Williams et al. (8.86 and 101.6). These values were
percentages for SBS and EVA were 3% and 5%. used to see its application at different reference
The conventional properties of these binders are temperatures considered in the study. The value of
presented in Table 1. Ea in Arrhenius equation was found by optimizing
Table 1. Conventional Properties of Binders the sum of least squares with respect to manual shift
using SOLVER function in MS EXCEL.
Properties Standard VG 10 VG 10+ VG 10+
3% 5% From the isothermal plots, it was found that for
Penetration ASTM 82 62 55 modified binders the decrease in stiffness with
D5 increase in temperature is lower as compared to
Softening ASTM 46 55 63 base binder. This indicates that higher shift factor
point D36 has to be employed at each temperature to obtain
Specific ASTM 1.01 0.99 1 master curve. This may be attributed to the fact
Gravity D70 that modification leads to increase in viscoelastic
Penetration - -1.07 0.52 1.86 response of the base binder.
Index Figs. 1, 2 and 3 shows the deviation of different shift
3 EXPERIMENTAL factor laws with respect to the manual shift for VG-
10, SBS PMB and EVA PMB. The graphical plots
Frequency sweep test was done on all the binders are shown for reference temperatures of 10, 30, 50
using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR). In the
and 70°C. The plots at other reference temperature,
initial part of the study, linear viscoelastic (LVE)
though plotted, but are not shown for space limits.
strain was measured using strain sweep test at
different frequencies and temperatures for all the WLF equation showed the highest deviation at all
binders. The magnitude of strain in the frequency reference temperatures. As the reference temperature
sweep test was chosen to ensure that the asphalt increased the shift factor obtained by WLF equation
binders remain in the LVE domain. The following were found to be much higher than that required for
test variables were chosen for the study getting a smooth curve. This may be due to the fact,
Frequency: 0.1-100 rad/sec that the Williams constant adopted is only suitable
for temperatures near the glass transition temperature
Test Temperature: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and of the binder. The deviations were found to be least
70 °C.
at 30 and 40 °C. So, these constants cannot be used
Spindle specification: 8mm dia. and 2mm gap at operating temperatures and the constants need to
for 10-30 °C. be found by optimization techniques for different
25mm dia. and 1mm gap for 40-70 °C. reference temperatures.



Arrhenius equation gave better results than the poor for construction of master curves at pavement
WLF equation. The optimized value of Ea were working temperatures, though they have been found
found to be higher for modified binders, the highest successful at temperatures near to the glass transition
value being obtained for EVA PMB. This should of the polymer.
be true because modification leads to increase in It can be seen that ESM yielded the best fit
stiffness and crosslinking of polymers, which will at all the reference temperatures. The shift
require higher energy for triggering intermolecular factors almost coincided with the equality line
movements. Though the deviation were not very indicating least deviation from the manual shift
high for Arrhenius plot, still a smooth master curve factors. Fig. 6 shows the master curve plots
was not obtained. obtained from MATLAB program using this
Both WLF and Arrhenius plot were found to be method at three different reference temperatures
sensitive to the reference temperature chosen. As an for VG 10. Very smooth master curves were
example, master curve obtained by using these shift obtained by using the shift factor obtained by
factor laws are presented in Figs. 4 and 5 at three the method. It was found to be successful tool
different reference temperature of 10, 30 and 70 °C for plotting master curve for thermorheological
for VG 10. These shift factor laws were found to be simple binders.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 1 (a-d) Validation of Shift Factor Laws for VG 10



(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 2 (a-d) Validation of Shift Factor Laws for SBS PMB

(a) (b)



(c) (d)
Fig. 3 (a-d) Validation of Shift Factor Laws for EVA PMB



Fig. 4 (a-c) Master Curves Obtained Using WLF Shift Factor





Fig. 5 (a-c) Master Curves Obtained Using Arrhenius Shift Factor

(a) (b)

Fig. 6 (a & b) Master Curves Obtained Using ESM in MATLAB



Fig. 6 (c) Master Curves Obtained Using ESM in MATLAB

4.1 Modelling of Shift Factor

The factors obtained by the equivalent slope
method were used for plotting log-log graph
between aT and Temperature. It was found
that the plot followed a polynomial function
irrespective of the type of binder and reference
temperature. As an example plot for VG 10, SBS
and EVA PMB at all three reference temperatures
are shown in Fig. 7 (a-c). The shift factor can be
written mathematically as
Y = A1 X 2 + A2 X + A3 (b)


Y = log aT ; X= logT
A1, A2, A3 are the coefficients whose value
depend on the type of binder and the reference
temperature. The constants represent the amount
of shift required for any particular binder at a
specific temperature. So no universal constants
could be assumed for them. It should be found
with curve fitting techniques. (c)
Fig. 7 (a-c) Log aT versus Log T at the three
reference Temperatures Chosen in the Study for all
the Binders.

The study mainly focused on the validation of
various shift factor laws most commonly used
for construction of master curves. The study
also attempted in development of an automated
process for construction of master curve for
polymers resembling thermorheological simplicity
(a) and modelling the same. It has been named as



“Equivalent Slope Method”. It was found that WLF specifications, where knowledge regarding the
and Arrhenius laws for obtaining shift factors cannot construction and study of mastercurves will become
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simplicity of asphalt binders and will aid in smooth 7. Lakes R.S. (2009). Viscoelastic materials.
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Roads Congress currently has limited guidelines 9. Yusoff N.I.M., Jakarni F.M., Nguyen V.H.,
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the performance of bitumen. However, in the near Rheological Properties of Bituminous Binders
future it is expected that studying the rheology of Using Mathematical Equations. Construction and
bitumen will be an inherent part of various upcoming Building Materials, 174-188.





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