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Good morning,
And members of the floor.
Today, WE would like to share a story with all of you here. I would like to bring back our
memory to the legend of Mount of Santubung.
Long time ago, there was a myth about Mount of Santubung which became as the legendary
story to the Sarawakian.
This story began on the land of Hornbill when the King of the celestial kingdom found out
dispute occurred on earth between Kampung Pasir Putih and Kampung Pasir Kuning.
The fighting became more serious from day to day and did not show any sign of abating. Thus,
the king decided to send two of his princesses to the two villages to bring about peace.
“My dear Princess Santubung, I command you to go to the earth and teach the people of Pasir
Kuning the skill of weaving. And you my dear Princess Sejinjang, I command you to go to the
earth and teach the people of Pasir Putih to pound paddy for rice”. Said the king of the celestial
kingdom to his beautiful and skillful princesses.
“We are receiving your gracious command, Your Majesty. We will pay our duty in your present”
Said the beautiful princesses.
Ladies and gentlemen…
Thus, the two princesses were sent from the celestial kingdom to help bring about peace between
the two feuding villages on earth.
With their beauty and charms they were able to stop the fighting. The people were so grateful that they
begged them to stay. Puteri  Santubong took up weaving and Puteri Sejinjang planted and pounded paddy to get
Puteri Santubong was a skilled weaver and she weaved many beautiful pieces of fabric. The fabric she weaved
was very beautiful and unmatched by anyone in the celestial kingdom. Puteri Sejinjang on the other hand, was
well known for her skills in pounding rice. She pounded the tastiest rice in the kingdom. Then, they taught their
skills to the villagers.
The two villagers forgot about their fight and concentrated on their activities. As a result, peace was gained in the two
villages. Both villages soon became prosperous.
However, the two princesses could not keep their promise. They were always fighting about who was the
most beautiful in the kingdom.
“I am the most beautiful princess on earth. I have long and beautiful fingers since I can weave
beautiful fabric. Nobody is as good as me” Said Puteri Santubung one fine day when they were
together doing their works.
“I think you had made a mistake my dear sister… have you ever heard who can produce tastiest
rice on earth? It is me…the most beautiful princess on earth…” said Puteri Sejinjang.
One day the argument became so heated that Sejinjang became violent. They exchanged harsh word. Their
quarrel got out of hand and started hitting one another. Puteri Sejinjang used the pestle she used for pounding rice to
hit Puteri Santubong and caused a crack on her cheeks.
Immediately, Puteri Santubong used her sharp and heavy weaving tool to hit Puteri Sejinjang’s head and
caused it to break into many pieces. The pieces fell into the sea.

The Princesses had broken their promise. All of sudden, the lightning flashed along with a loud
thunder. The king was furious. The king of the celestial kingdom was very angry with the two
princesses because they fought over a mere man. It was then both Princesses were cursed into two mounts.

Members of the floor,

The moral of the story is we shall not quarrel with our own siblings just because of trivial
matter. It will bring to a very bad result. Otherwise we should love and take care of each other.
We must also keep our promise in order to avoid dispute.

Thank you.

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