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Facts about the Female Reproductive System

- The female reproductive system includes both external genital organs (outside
the body) and internal genital organs (inside the body).
- The Uterus is the internal organ where a fetus grows and develops before birth.
- Ovaries are pairs of organs that make the egg cells and female hormones.
- The Occurrence of the Monthly Menstrual cycle is because of egg production
that causes the bleeding.
- The Cervix is a thick, round end of the uterus which is both the opening for
menstrual blood to flow out and the path for when babies are delivered.
- The Fallopian tubes are the path where eggs pass from the ovaries to the
- Ovulation is the process wherein the eggs develop and are released.
- Menopause is the occurance wherein the menstrual cycle stops, It typically
happens when the woman is middle aged or have complications.

Overview of the Female Reproductive System - MSD Manuals

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