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Group Displacement Law

Soddy, Fajans and Russell (1911-1913) observed that when an a-particle is lost, a new element
with atomic number less by 2 and mass number less by 4 is formed. Similarly, when b-particle
is lost, new element with atomic number greater by 1 is obtained. The element emitting then
alpha or beta particle is called parent element and the new element formed is called daughter
element. The above results have been summarized as,

 If an α-particle is emitted by a radioactive element from its nucleus, the atomic no. of
new element or daughter element formed is decreased by 2 units & atomic weight is
decreased by 4 units. Therefore the position of new element formed is displaced by
two groups towards the left in the periodic table

+2He4 (α-particle)

 If a β–particle is emitted by a radioactive element, the atomic number of daughter

element or new element is increased by one unit. Therefore the position of new element
is displaced by one group towards the right in periodic table.

+ -1β0 (β-particle)
 If an α-particle is emitted from the nucleus of radioactive element and then 2β-particles
are emitted in next two transformations, the daughter element is an isotope of parent
element. The daughter & parent element have the same atomic number. Hence
according to Group displacement law position of daughter & parent element in the
periodic table will remain same.


Question 1) 84Po215 emits an α–particle from its nucleus. Find the position of new element in
the periodic table. Polonium is present in 6th group of periodic table.

When α-particle is emitted, the atomic No. of new element is decreased by 2 units & atomic
weight by 4 units. Its position is displaced by two group towards left in periodic table
215 ——->
84Po 82Pb
+ 2He4 (α-particle)

(VI Group) (IV group)

New element 82Pb211 is present in IV group of periodic table.

(V group) (III group) (IV group)

Question 2) What is the atomic number & mass no. of daughter elements. Find their position
in periodic table X is present in Vth group of periodic table.

83x Y – -beta–> Z
— beta——>
— alpha—–> 81Y 205 82Z

(V group) (III group) (IV group)

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