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By Dr Usha
Topic Outcomes
• At the end of this session, the student would be
able to :
• Explain the concept of internal environment
• Difference between adaptation & homeostasis
• Negative feedback mechanism with examples
• Positive feedback mechanism with examples
• Feed forward control system
• Differences between the negative, positive
feedback with feed forward mechanisms
• Explain how positive feedback control may be
helpful or harmful in different situations.
• Homeo : Same; Stasis - Standing still.
• Definition:
• Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain a
relatively constant internal environment within
physiological limits despite changes in the external

• A physiological state in which the physical and

chemical conditions of the internal environment are
being maintained within tolerable ranges.

External Internal
environment(atm environment
Body ICF
Internal environment
• 60% of human body is composed of fluid.
Out of that 1/3rd fluid is in the space outside
the cell, Extracellular Fluid ECF.

• ECF contains water, ions and nutrients for the cells.

• All cells live in the same environment, i.e. the ECF is

called as the Internal environment.
• Internal environment is the watery
medium that bathes all the cells of the
• This is termed the EXTRACELLULAR FLUID
• ECF comprises the PLASMA of blood and
the INTERCELLULAR FLUID (interstitial
fluid-between the cells) surrounding the
cells of the body
External environment /external factors

• External factors which influence the body functions

and balance.
• Example
• Atmospheric gas content
• Partial pressure of gases
• Temperature etc
• Unicellular organisms – e.g.; Amoeba – totally
dependent on the external aquatic medium

• Multicellular organisms , by and large, are

independent of the external environment
• Reason - ‘ milieu interior’ or the internal
environment – Claude Bernard (1887)
• Homeostasis:
The term coined by Walter B. Cannon
• “milieu interior”

The term coined by the French Physiologist

Claude Bernard.
milieu : Ocean
interior : Internal
Levels to be maintained within the narrow range; Few Examples:
1. Body temperature
2. Pulse
3. Blood volume
4. Blood pressure
5. pH
6. Electrolytes balance
7. Levels of hormones
8. Blood sugar

“ Homeostasis is a primary requirement for the

wellbeing of the human body”
Internal environment
………the balance
has to be maintained
Major control Systems maintaining

1. Neural system
Quick to act - But short lived

2. Hormonal system
Slow to act - But Long lasting
What will happen when internal
environment is disturbed?

Option.1 Option.2.
Homeostasis Adaptation

Body will try to bring back Body makes changes to

normalcy through suit the changed
regulatory mechanisms environment (changes in
(means some parameters the cells etc., when there
back to normal) is long-term treat to
homeostasis, over long
Homeostasis VS Adaptation

S. No Homeostasis Adaptation
1 Aims to bring the Changes occur in the body to
parameter within the suit the change happened in
normal range to the environment to maintain
maintain stable stable functions, over longer
functions periods
2 No change in the Change in the normal range
normal range
3 No pathology May lead to Pathology
Adaptation: Example

AT high altitude, Hypoxia occurs

Adaptive changes that occur (acclimitization) in our body are

Increased Respiration
increase in RBC count
increase in Mitochondria, many more----
• Example for easy understanding:
• When your room temperature cools, your room
thermostat will pick up this information and turn on
the heating system.
• When the room temp stabilizes with the set
thermostat temperature, the heating system shuts
• This is how homeostasis controls our body systems
to keep our bodies regulating at set normal ranges.
• In some cases, homeostasis may not receive correct
information, like a broken thermostat ( body leads
to diseases, e.g. abnormal increase in blood glucose,
hypertension, hyperthermia etc.)
Since the body temperature does rise & fall within it’s normal
range we can legitimately say that it is relatively constant
• Question arises;
• “well if oral body temperature is actually set at a
point, then why don’t we have an absolute
constancy of temp with no change in it’s value
whatsoever ?
• Answer; numerous stressors won’t allow it
(stressors are the changes in the internal or
external environment that disturbs the parameter
from the set point).
Heat stressors increasing body
temperature above set point
Cold stressors lowering body
temperature below set point
• We emphasize intimate relationship
between physiology and medicine.

• Physicians for the most part, diagnose and

treat disease-induced disruptions of the
• How drinking might be controlled by an internal
feed back system.

• When we feel thirsty, at a suitable opportunity,

drinking begins: an internal model of the
behavior of the system predicts the ultimate
degree of hydration, and when this matches the
set point the drinking stops.
• Sensory receptor cells detect specific changes (stimuli) in the
environment. A specialized cell responds to a specific stimulus
• Afferent pathway information sent to center by this pathway
• Control center/Integrators (brain and spinal cord)
determines the point at which controlled system, and
act to direct impulses to the place where a response
can be made.
• Afferent pathway information sent to effector organs
by this pathway
• Effectors (muscles and glands)that responds to the
output from the integrator and perform the
appropriate response .
• Components of refelex:
• Two (2) main stages:

1. Detection: A receptor detects the

changes from the stable state

2. Counteraction: An effector
• Two (2) different mechanisms (body

• 1. Negative feedback: cancels or counteracts original

Definition: Negative feedback: (A principle governing most
control systems) a mechanism of response in which a
stimulus initiates action that reverse or reduce the stimulus

• 2. Positive feedback: increases original stimulus

Definition: Positive feedback: a mechanism of response in
which a stimulus initiates action that enhances the stimulus.
1. Negative feedback
• predominant mechanism homeostatic control
• maintain physiological functions within narrow
• control events which require continuous
adjustment for moment-to-moment well-being

• It works by detecting
a change in the internal
environment that brings about a response that
tends to return conditions to the original state.
• Body temperature regulation when too
1. Controlled Condition (Homeostasis --- 37°C)

2. Stimulus (Stress --- Sunny, body becomes too hot â37.2°C)

3. RECEPTOR (e.g., skin thermoreceptors) Registers that

body is too hot
4. INPUT (sensory neuron impulse to the Integrator)
5. II. INTEGRATOR (brain --- hypothalamus)
6. OUTPUT (motor neuron impulse to the Effector)
7. III. EFFECTOR (e.g., sweat glands)
8. Response
(see next page)
• 8. Response

i. Blood vessels dilate

ii. Increased blood flow to skin
iii. Sweat glands activated
iv. Sweating begins
v. Water from sweat evaporates
Result: Body temperature lowers

• 9. Return to Controlled Condition (Homeostasis ---

• Body temperature Regulation when it is too cold:

1. Controlled Condition (Homeostasis --- 37°C)

2. Stimulus (Stress --- Cloudy, windy, body becomes too cold


3. RECEPTOR (e.g., skin thermoreceptors) Registers that body is

too cold
4. INPUT (sensory neuron impulse to the Integrator)
5. INTEGRATOR (brain --- hypothalamus)
6. OUTPUT (motor neuron impulse to the Effector)
7. EFFECTOR (e.g., sweat glands, muscles)
8. Response (see next page)
• 8. Response
i. Blood vessels constrict
ii. Decreased blood flow to skin
iii. Sweat glands inactivate
iv. No sweating
v. Shivering
vi. Muscle friction generates heat
Result: Body temperature rises

• 9. Return to Controlled Condition (Homeostasis ---

Negative feedback
mechanism; example

• Increase/ decrease
T3 / T4


T3 / T4

• Positive feedback mechanisms
• usually control infrequent events that are self perpetuating
and explosive
• do not control events which require continuous adjustments
to promote moment-to-moment well-being
• some activity alters the internal environment & triggers a
response. Response intensifies the change in the internal
• Positive feedback mechanisms may intensify the original

• Vicious cycle of sodium entry during action potential
• Oxytocin release during child birth
Positive feedback

1. Approximately 1% only 1. 99%
2. Two variables
2. May be > Two variables
3. Intensifies the strength of 3. diminishes the strength
the stimulus of the stimulus
4. Seen in isolated events 4. Seen in events that
that do not require require frequent
frequent monitoring monitoring

5. In physiological (parturition, 5. Physiological conditions

milk ejection)& pathological
3. Feed-forward control
• Nervous system employs this mechanism
• During muscle movements, signals from the
contracting muscles inform the brain whether the
movements are occurring correctly
• If not, by feed-forward signals the brain corrects
the muscles when the movement occurs next time
Homeostatic mechanisms may fail due to
Ageing ( Homeostenosis) with aging: from maturity to
senescence, diminishing physiologic reserves available
to meet challenges to homeostasis
• Body organs and control systems become less
• Internal environment becomes less and less stable
Failure of Homeostatic mechanisms

➢ Environmental Factors
UV radiation
Chemical pollutants
➢ Congenital metabolic disorders
➢ Chromosomal abnormalities

Many more---
Homeostatic Imbalances
• Disturbances of homeostasis or the body`s
normal equilibrium.
• Overwhelming of negative feedback
mechanism by destructive positive
feedback mechanisms.
• Moderate dysfunction of homeostatic
mechanisms leads to sickness
• Extreme dysfunction may be fatal
Homeostatic Imbalances In The Body
Few examples:
Skeletal System – Rickets, Abnormal spinal
curvatures, Osteoporosis.
Muscular System – Muscular Dystrophy, Myasthenia
Nervous system – Multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s
disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's disease.
Endocrine System – Goiter, Grave’s disease, Pituitary
dwarfism, Infertility.
CVS – Pericarditis. Valvular stenosis, Varicose veins,

External factors always disturb our internal

➢Body tries to keep all parameters within normal
limits by few [+, -] mechanisms- Homeostasis
➢Sometimes, body changes itself to suit the
external environment. Adaptation
➢Sometimes, in anticipation, body makes some
changes- Feed forward

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