Composite Exam

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1- Transformation of stresses at a point in a coordinate system to another is dependet on (Angle

between two coordinate systems)
2- How many independet constants are there in the general stiffness matrix of monoclinic
material (13)
3- An example of an isontropic material is (steel)
4- Most common fibers used in advanced polymer composite are (glass, graphite, kelvar)
5- The stiffness and compliance matrix for an isotropic material can be calculated by knowing
the following two material properties? (modules of elasticity and poisson ratio)
6- Macromechanical analysis of a lamina is based on average properties by considering the
lamina to be (homogeneos)
7- The definition of isotropic material means a material with (same properties for all directions)
8- The definition of stress is (load per unit area of body)
9- A general working definition of strain can be given as the (the change in length divided by the
initial length)
10- The most common fiber cross-sectional shape is (circular)
11- The most commonly used advanced composite (Polymer Matrix Composite)
12- A typical example of thermoplastic is (Polyethylene) (another ex. Polysterine, polyether-
ether-keton, thermosets;epoxies,polyesters,phenolics,polyomide)
13- How many independet constants are there in the general stiffness matrix of isotropic material
14- How many independent constants are there in the general stiffness matrix of a 3D anisotropic
material (21)
15- The definitions of homogeneous materai means a material (Same properties from point to
16- What fiber factors contribute to the mechanical performance of a composite (shape,
oriantation, length… )
17- How many independent constants are there in the general stiffness matrix of orthotropic
material (9)
18- How many independent constants are there in the general stiffness matrix of a 3D isotropic
material (2)
19- Which of the following definition describes an otrhotropic material? A material with ………… of
material symmetry. (Three mutually perpendicular planes)

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