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1. Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words in languages. Words are used to express
something and also conveys feelings about we are describing. Words are used not in isolation but related to
human situation. It is through our experience with them in human situation that they take on meaning. If we talk
about words, we can’t avoid talking about the study of meaning (semantics).
2. 1. The example conceptual meaning: Boy:=+human+male+adult
2. The example connotative meaning: night is evil, lamb refers to innocence, while beauty is the connotative
meaning of moon
3. Collocative meaning for example: boy collocates with handsome
4. Stylistic meaning for example: he died, he expired, he left for heavenly aboard in these sentence the same
meaning has been expressed in different styles
5. Reflective meaning for example: synonymous expression of the comforter and the holy ghost both reffering to
the third person of the trinity, one may find one’s reactions to these term conditioned by the everyday non-
religious meanings of the comforting and ghost.
6. Affective meaning
7. It is often felt that an active sentence, such as mr john donated the first prize has a different meaning from its
passive equivalent

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