Sum Up of 2nd Audio Drama

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>> TRACK 01 SUM UP: Hira learns that someone in is family (due to divorce) is going to live in the house

him (and also Kiyoi) is staying at.

Hira being Hira, he straight away goes into "depression mode" and thinks this the end of his relationship
with Kiyoi.

Kiyoi comes back home and hear the whole story. He, on the other hand, takes it as a way for them to
have their own apprt.

They dissuss about the rent and at 1st Kiyoi (who is earning quite the money from his gigs) wants to pay
it all. But they then settle on the fact it's normal for Hira to contribute too and that he needs to find a
small job.

Here comes one issue for Hira: how can he find a job considering his social skills are really bad ?

>> TRACK 02 SUM UP: Hira decides to first to do some job hunting. It begins by inquiring into a
convinience store. Although, as expected, his interview doesn't go well (due to his lack of answer and
him stuttering into the middle of it). He seems kinda down after that.

However, Koyama (yep in the audio drama they are still friends) helped him find something else through
an agency.

He easily find cause he chose to work at a factory (so basically low pay, crazy shift, boring as hell)

Kiyoi isn't super happy about it and doesn't want Hira to have a job he doesn't like, plus the hours mean
they won't see eachother as much.

Although Hira is now living his dream life with Kiyoi, he still has a massive problem with his self esteem.
He is still convinced this dream will stop at some point and still sees Kiyoi as some kind of king (you
cannot realistically change in 6 months after all).

[They probably have sex in that track but it has been cut due to censorship]

He starts his part time job and he likes it (so Hira like) and is also glad he can contribute to their life as

Then he goes on and talk to his parents about the situation, they heard about the story and expect Hira
to come back to live at home.
Hira starts explaining he lives for the time being with is friend Kiyoi. But he quickly got exicted and goes
on listing every gig, job Kiyoi as done and how he is so impressed by him etc...

His mom tells him his is more is fan than his friend, and at some point Hira almost says that they are, in
fact, boyfriends.

He lets slip the fact that he need to go back in their house cause he plans to cook for Kiyoi. His mom
finds it super odd and gets suspicious.

He overhears a discussion between his parents : his mom is scared Kiyoi is just using Hira cause how
come a celebrity like him would want to live with Hira ? (parenting skills A+ lmao).

He reports the whole situation to Kiyoi who obviously is disturbed by that.

Hira is basically ruining everything by having negative thoughts again and miss interpreting things:
because Kiyoi is stressed by that he thinks the solution is to reassure Kiyoi by letting him know he will
never meet his parents anyway.

Of course Kiyoi is far from pleased with that answer. They kinda fight but Kiyoi puts his feeling into

Then they go to visit their future flat. It belongs to Kiyoi's agency and half of the rent is paid by them.

The only condition is that the boss meet Kiyoi's boyfriend first.

Kiyoi chooses clothes for Hira so he can look really nice for the visit. He tries to compliment Hira but his
ego comes back full force and he don't go all the way.

The visit is fine. Kiyoi's boss is nice (although kinda cheeky), he tries to bribe Hira into working for them
as well but more in movies at the cinema's as his mysterious aura and beautiful look are nice to see on
the big screen.

They finally got the keys and enter the flat. It is nice and they start envisioning their life in it. Hira yet
again sort of spoil the mood by being negative again and thinking he needs to enjoy it before it ends.

Next scene, they are into a book shop, looking at magazines. Hira is looking at a photography's magazine.
Kiyoi sees they launched a contest for student and they can win a price. He tries to convince Hira to
participate cause his pictures are really great (again he is not going 100% with his compliments but well).

However, Hira isn't really sure. First it seems photography is more of a mean for him to become invisible
and doesn't wish to compete. He actually thinks Kiyoi is hoping for him to change)

>> TRACK 03 SUM UP: Hira is now back at the photography club and is still thinking about entering the
contest. His friends are also encouraging him.

He is torn between his lack of motivation/self esteem (he is sure he cannot win, his pictures doesn't
express anything and people might be embarrased to look at them) and Kiyoi and his friends'
encouragements. Kiyoi thinks he could win the contest and become a professionel photograph if he
wanted to.

Hira is really scared by all of that but still sign in.

He then go to see Kiyoi who is filming some outdoor scene. There he meets a fan of another actrice
(Anna). The guy is basically Hira 1.0 (never got close to her, keeps having negative thoughts, got bullied,
feel lonely as hell but still thinks she saved him just by her mere existence).

Hira realises he is so lucky cause contrary to that fan, he can be with Kiyoi, touch him, kiss him, have sex
with him etc... that why he has to work on himself and go forward in life and don't say at the same point
complaining all the time.

Fast forward to the moving day. Kiyoi and some staff did put the furnitures up. Hira arrives and sees Kiyoi
is bed and he instantly stops to take picture of him. After some casual home chat they have sex [again
cut in that version].

As gift for their new life, Kiyoi bought him a rubber duck (which as this point I am not sure what the idea
behind is really lmao). They decide to take a bath together.

>> TRACK 04 SUM UP: Hira gets the results of the contest and unfortunately he was eliminated at first

His depression is creeping again: he is torn between a feeling of jealousy and self loathing.

Later he has a discussion with Kiyoi. Kiyoi received some good news concerning his upcoming series : he
is going to share the screen with Anna. He said his director helped and the timing was right (other actors
were unavailable), but he still thinks he is up to it otherwise they wouldn't have thought of him to play in
the series.

Hira admires his way of thinking, being confidant yet down to earth.

He finally says that he failed the contest, he expects Kiyoi to be mad and disappointed in him. However
Kiyoi tells him it's okay to fail at the 1st attempt, that's how life works and he still has to work hard and
participate to more challanges.

Kiyoi once again motivates him and he starts doing some more reasearches for new photo contests to

Even though he still thinks it's going to be hard and that he will get a lot of rejections, he still feels like he
has to be doing it for Kiyoi.

>> TRACK 05 SUM UP: The whole photography club is participating to a photo session where they can
meet a professionnal photographer.

They meet Mr. Noguchi, a famous photographer who is known to do photo books for artists. He is also a
member of the review panel of the 1st contest (the one he failed).

However due to his schedule, the location of the meeting is changed last minute. All the sudents are
exicted to meet him and want advice.

However Hira isn't impressed and think that guy is really impolite, he didn't appologised and he takes
things too lightly.

Everyone is supposed to send him the pictures they took and if he is impressed by someone's work he
will contact them.

But Hira decides to not sending them. He thinks it is a waste of time and that his pictures aren't
impressive anyway.

Hira later receives a phone call from the president of the photography club who tells him Mr. Noguchi is
mad at him cause Hira didn't send his work. The president urges Hira to go appologise in person.

Therefore Hira goes to Mr. Noguchi's photo studio to meet him.

He starts appologising but realises Mr. Noguchi isn't angry at all and the president overreacted. Mr.
Noguchi actually wanted to meet Hira.

Mr. Noguchi saw Hira's participation at the contest and noticed his work. He finds his technique (of
earising people from picture) to be a true reflection of his withdrawn personnality, it's weird but that's
what made him remember his pictures.

The teacher goes on to explain that he chose Hira cause he used to be exactly like him (introvert etc).

Mr. Noguchi wants hira to become his personnal assistant since the previous one left unexpectedly.

Even though Hira has his studies plus works on the side he accepts cause he understands it is an
opportinity for him to evolve in that field.
The same day he is with Kiyoi and they have a chat. Hira tells him about Mr. Noguchi. Kiyoi does know
him cause he is really famous and also created a photo book for Anna.

His agent wants him to have his photobook done by Mr. Noguchi as well and he considers it.

However Hira is really conflicted and doesn't take the news well. He is really jealous of Mr. Noguchi
cause he is the one chosen by Kiyoi to do his pictures.

Due to Hira's nature of interiorizing everything, he suddendly feels sick and goes in the bathroom to

He understands that it is best for Kiyoi to have his photos done by a professional and that he shouldn't
be jealous. But he still has issues accepting it and controling his jealousy.

>> TRACK 06 SUM UP: Hira meets the assistant (Koda) he will be replacing.

They go to meet the teacher on a set, here Hira gets stressed and realises the complexity of the job. They
are doing a photoshoot of Anna.

Although it looks effortless for the teacher, the pictures came up really great.

While talking with Koda he learns the teacher used to like shooting landscapes too but he couldn't really
earn a living with it and so he changed and shoots people instead.

Hira snoops into the shelves to try to find some of his old photos. He cannot find a single landscape. He
find the photos beautiful but inconsistent and messy.

Mr Noguchi comes back at that time and Hira tells him he finds the photos good (liar lmao)

Hira then starts to explain that he doesn't know what is it he wants to shoot. For him taking pictures was
always a mean to let go of his depression. But of course there is on thing (or rather on person he likes to
shoot) : Kiyoi.

He then compares his work to Mr. Noguchi's one and again thinks he is not as good as him to shoot Kiyoi.

He feels jealousy yet again and hates himself for it.

Mr Noguchi tells him it reminds him his own self: in his case he used to have too much confidence. But
have too much or too little is the same, things can change so quickly.

The teacher's dreams came to an end at some point but he bounced bacck and now is quite successful.

It turns out the anonymous reply on the forum was Mr Noguchi, although he still doesn't know it's Hira
who posted the question. The teacher did have a good laugh. Hira embarassed just says he wonders how
can people be so stupid.

The teacher then says he used to be but won't be even again.

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