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m2 SR Wen ‘Appendix HAW saeY = corer. Lim Fue Pease comets the fo eving Fantty ate ove uber 1 the apace belo place ite the first nee we Ge Begala eee ie Ozer aae i Fail ave ge ame Te our owe fe etierent fron natures aiere plete write Ga fall Ms) FU wee (Pot om mane fist) fem ves | sex + a Oo we a O 15, Reval of Stain of the Aweland Health Status Survey 203 ‘aoass ucsromue (PY (or prs 6 years and eee) MsTnrins fon oescTNE THs axstMAte na yt Hak fe the bon or beet abIch mer Ue gusto bent tor you. Sone qustint sequen 4 brlaf written set Cone tty) We recopite tt meh OF he Iaforaitton He the completed quntlooaie 8 poate, cael cantante ane or adeenes canbe Udestf0d oth ay tate Que WI ppt tn ay epee 1, Reval of Stoic of the Aueland Health Statat Survey 203 os gusiiomaee (PY (oe persns 6 years ad eee? statins son coeur sus qustanatee for you. Sone qustnscequtre brie wttten ante, OLDIE LLII: We racoyeen tA mah of thr Latarntton tthe en cnpetey cantante ees or dress tae ean be aed han ‘ntuentin Nh open tn ny cope oF an wana 2 ow aie O) toate tee tn ar co Yow Yong hve you ive tm sur present atatiett Al catch nh in ten Yel peas stops he service 2 SR Wat 4. ane of cose beak eserves your aaa sate of explant? (Het ore bes Fuitcae pate] Lenton after toe artim te Leoaten for wrk Llacadag mangoratt Onley yormtary wore] om senette or sin o« OO Oe Denaic sree yay foe your tay or you F sane) Demme a SR We hen of these beat eserbes your asia state of eeplemat ore (ed on tol o Futian gate] Lathog otter dom and fotty fatetin 7] force mle] tg torn cates anornt Se ant or gr maaatin a t Soeiny exter the sonploymeee sant] seen stant ad Ser preview oregon ito rome (0) Mes muh eacetan he you ha (0) ty re yee arnt wen earns or cs 0 1 ae a G ‘arlf ted tenting course or apnea ont ontversity of Teaatng Cottene oo0000 wf be you tate part in ony slabs or groups? ita (et Sirs ala, nr) «oO “oO a 18, Reus of Sais fhe Auckland Heh Satur Survey 205 1. Ne foovtay acciecies ‘SUITI at stheod o es an tT seu at Sesatury seeot 2 oe mre are a8 Secondary Sct} o Certtedteantes course or apprenticeship] niversty oF Teantng Catege o ~O *O o sry sibs or args? oe ecg Sear, Seta, rend oy +6 a 13, Results of Studies of he Auchan Health Status Survey, 208, Weary ad ay “Oo Te OOO SRI a OA “ater eC] EL “OAD 7 eSeths heartnswettans resets) %**(] **(C] wegen INE Ly ". eur cursor hearing Yee ental ness us ana iestRUCTIONS 4 Yeu sere ESTAR OF TE aE Mx ox [a0 0 on YF 109 MHD YO" 10 KL TH ACH THe Bex(~] 4 ca 706 wow nnwerad ye8 10 any 1s De trate, 206 SR.Wet 1D tn peas aon yur tole resets ha eh or ake te et gee wt ct wer ath J Amite CY cues ate Ease] \ (0) Far ht mich af Yor tae done 1 tet pt ors. fore] GE] weave] meme) | Mont yur tre ret cee pa er icelrty om “O *O 4] bow much of your time dees IL worry yout — eer Mate] ete] ate ea] we my YY Mw bad Ys 18 nung we] Meterate seve ©) dees ante pain tial your Cringe Meceuat he “oO 15, Hot indepencen art you ted Yow mud ney de you ees (HYG Um bor whlch ncrbey ovr pol ion bert) na restnat snd 0 help o 11 meanest nd ” on ” 1 gett on print fap otis seat ome] 1) Dependent on Relp atl 9 the tine a cmt emt = te marian weer tt = (5) 06 sou recetve practicat help and anettonst purport fooe Mile te ES we ES . d fe) Conmuntey seviter” res Oe aa 13, Resa of Studies ofthe Aucland Heal Status Survey 207 1 ARVERIAG TA QUESTIONS OF TS Pt, MASE THOME (OWL OF THE PAST 20 MOS, UE HO ALLOWINCE FOR om. You MAYE LACAN 16a you My JLLuL oF 41m oF sottAlng wrong eth sour ‘alth ne ant 20 hope? Aincldteg any coed Oy Qrowbe yeu my hae Usted in @ 12) mm em TLLPREY 1D, Rents of Stes ofthe Auckland Heath Satus Survey 207 SYRINGAE QUESTIONS DUS PE, MASE THOME OnLy OF SAE PAST 20 OURS. EEO ALLOMNCE FO oman You MAKE ALEEADY GIR Um of sesetnng wrong wth your Sorcerers Ainedtog any ches Oy Aro you ty Mae Tatas 19 @ 12) ag oO turer a We You aescecvnesT0 THe ane, Tek tor (mo co 10 Q 17 1 You ansehen? 10 TH ANE, Thee sox] mo co To 0 20, 17. you saered yea" co 06 plese expate riety wat was rang with you. 208 SR. Wet 1H, Horney. 11 tected shat you could ort wot of 24 hours (Tek ee rae) foamy oot setts at abet sre sey Q oO ed oF cou but con de tog fr eet] agin tee win ions 1) antined to ted a needed fu weesing o Mm 1) Needeg fut ted nursing and net folly vary of Re EE SE: 208 SR. Wee Uh, Hee 8 U8 attested sat po could te ver matt ot 2A poured (THek oon boat a ” 1 aT nd cold 6 the wound lap tor ut 4 yet setting at wal at ey mots bot 6 veel activins a 01 te gaet i arin eit bt te tone | oO ed or couch bat contd de tate fr asatt [] orien 1) uncanetous we he wah 1 necensy) mata oan g | a nisi B15 Se aan a vee tempeh 5 nn 5 ea al iin Bia in fin 5 we me CT | ase tm ee alo 1, Results of Stade of the Auckland Health Status Survey. 208 a PRE ARE Deh: Wandin and wnrespeasve rconctout ) Ppsteany ene actlve than ool moe getttng about mans In be 00000 oo0d 1, Resa of Stadio of the Auctland Health Status Survey teas] wee wor 1 the Yast 12 eth Os 2 ene tn yur gotttan or tye of wart A martes ebunge 19 tect day tree safer ign a your 1 210 SR West ng things happened yur wo woo woe ~O"O ww} * C5 ww ™E) =O*o Eo a a oo0o:0 wsteise o ae ak Py Uo to describe hae arealiy te lac OSes 11 CL reagent te de ths eo Sia Cegiete Ba we | tind te nares let at ah rata ria ss Festa hae time ‘nd hat 171 tad te tad amaty 9 fie isto oo0q00nudgo Hone tte Fert anes ‘w0 elty more oF o sectat tefneratin |__| ssa bcry | 13, Revue of Stale ofthe Awcand Health Status Survey 241 Fis BIS pr tem ie in esd foe mortem o rsh] 28, tp li he oS Te 5 a ee wet uaa a tna aerati Fi ee Gi op I op ervetont (~) tous evra: [J tery waerectnt Oo R O; {bu (yen a eso te se f= A Fes a and esusttation od sash Maid cre og ou cf Cevtrvcpten and tatty planing oa cot ise oo tor 1 matron a seat laetog oo ane 10 cts fr cancers aed mart vane = Joes 12 SR Wee + HeLAbe Last egatn ow many thas have you seen» fuel doctor Oe you feel canttdant that yeu can contact» doctor at short aottce [ He tare igen othe te at Ap pty pad a] Flest ald and resusettation oa ee Wi cana are oo ane ef Genraapt en a any planlag oo nea as oo tor oo puree oo eves a oe ey | ee ie wero ao ee RG itera oe ™ OO or doctor at yur place af work? If gone wette © hen you ed met Yes] to J t's tree] 8 dactr whe you Cam ath far advice er omene Is the hove te Hirst tee? eC] ce acjoae ate eee Py ome 1 ane write 0 yes leh typ8 9F heaton werner was 14, cre H nose write ro Vern tod C7] Sent Pate] Poor (vers voor} or om beth lenis ‘SS 1A 9:54 wt € Select text 246 N Benen ea ‘Appendix* ‘Translated questionnaires with univariate fequency distributions. ‘Questionnaires used inthe inital interview about health status: 1, Functional limitations 2 Physical abilities 3: Social activities 4 Health perveptions 5. General well-being (mental health) (Questionnaires used in the closing pout interview: 1. Child eth status 2. Health statu (similar te the abore—and omitted here) (18) Household reference number: — Are you (indicate by 2) 2 Hovsewite Husband FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS, Inthe following, number of questions will be asked about imitations of your ‘activities, de to your health. Please indicate hy X at each question. 1. Are you unable to drive a ear because of your health? % 34] Yes, unable to drive a How long have you been unable to car because of health drive a car because of your health? % 965] No 1.7] Less than | month 34) 1-3 months 948 | More than 3 months n= 2241 mast 2, When you travel around your community, does someone have 1 assis you because of your heal? How long have you needed someone to assist you in traveling around your community? * Adapt tom Hoth sree Stay CHS) 17. The Danish Heath Study 247 Less than {month 1-3 months o 9:54 wl SF € Select text 17. The Darin Heath Study 247 [3] No 34] Lest than 1 month 27] 1-3 months BE] More than 3 months n=223 n= 3. Do youhave te stay indoors most or aloe day because of your heath? i 20] ves How long have you had 10 say indoors mos orall ofthe day because of your beat? % 960 |No 159] Les than { month 43) 13 months F855} More than 3 months na2am neat 4 Are youn bed ora ess for mos! oral ofthe day beease of your health? % (1a) ve How long have you been in bed or car mon or allo the day beets of your heath? % w86 |No TS] Les than 1 ronth $7) 1-3 months F765] More thar 3 months n=2219 1=90 5. Doss your healt fait the kind of vigorous activities you can Josh as running, iting heavy objets, or participating in tenuous sports? Yee How longhss your health mid the df vigorous activites you can dor % 793 [No 16] Les than | month “44] 123 months SHED] Move than 3 months na2221 a5 {6 Do you have any trouble citer walking 1km of walking upstairs othe 4rd flor % (aa) vee How Jong have you had trouble ether walking tem or walking up- stairs to the 3rd floor? 2S N.Bemaen era. % 916 [No 22] Less than 1 month 39] 1-3 months <€ Select text 2s N. Beotaen eh ee waukng en UE WALK ape stairs to the 3rd floor? % 918 |No n= 2200 22] Lass than 1 month 33] 1-3 months (33.3) More than 3 months n= 179 11. Do you have trouble bending or liting because of your health? 116] Yes How long have you had (rouble bending or liting because of your Death? wa [No = 2223 ‘Less than month 13 months ‘More than 3 months 0 8, Do you have any trouble ither walking 100m or climbing one fight of stairs because of your heath? [28] ves How long have you had trouble either walking 100m or climbiog one ight of stars because of your health? % 972 [No 3s] Les than 1 month [3s 1-3 months 930] More than 3 months n=2201 nei 9, Are you unable to walk unlest you are assisted by another person or by fans, crutches, artificial ibs, or braces? Yes How long have you been unable to ‘walk without assistance? % 978 [No —] Less than 1 month 4a] 1-3 months 95.5] More than 3 months nore aaaS 10. Are you unable to do certain kinds oF amounts of work, housework, oF feo! work because of your health? ve How long have you been unable tod ezrin Kinds or amounts of we housework, or schooler becaus your bealth? 17. The Danish Heath Study 249 % o 17. The Danish Health Study 299, % 2.3 | Lets than U month “45 j1-3 months [B82] More than 3 months 3 11, Does yourhealth keep vou ftom working at job, doing work around the house, oF going to schoo? How long has your health kept you from working at a job, doing work around the house, oF going to schoo? % 952 |No n=220 20] Less than 1 month 53-] 1-3 months Bea |More than 3 months n= 12, Doyou nee help wthcating. dressing, bathing or using the toe because of your health? ve How long have you needed help with ating deessng, bathing, or using the toilet because of your health? 2223 — Less than 1 month TS] 1-3 months EA6 |More than 3 months aa 13. Does your health limit you in any way ftom doing anything you want to or Yes How lonahas yourbealthimited you in doing things you want to do? 300 ]No ess than 1 month 153 months More than 3 mnths nm2202 i = on 3 weno] oF of og = 2g a a 3g a1 a1 a1 eet a) os % £ 2 6 2 © no 20 i <€ 9:55 wa os 1 a1 oO ofa o blo oO or 5] 6 33 son lon mi vom og ay seme rst ou a 80 49H, of a1 utd Br or Select text i <€ 9:55 wa ole o clo o 3 are meu no x80 6 ea sa Lucene NEE Pom ene omer oreo ace >| at 9:56 wt F <€ Select text a: Ja oT ai 28 og og a8 au_| oi a1 a ol al a a ai | ai a) 2) po dy or a 31 pepe gested? oc: |bc [Boo |b oo z Poa fBoa {Poo lb oo E ‘ 5. : i; sae ere 3 i i i i : 2 oo fe a) [f a |e oF E tally 1 io fog [fon [Poo |G ==) er pe a a ane of al a a1 Tenn) oo) | a a San ree! oor | al 2) a1 Te) oo | a a1 ge 1 o) 31 a1 wile bell |i z i ded28 adn 17, The Dash Health Sindy 253 ‘SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 1. About how many families are you so well tequainted with that you vise O ee 040 UII BOP pay “SIANSUE BuOd, “ywowareys pee yim soufesp 10 saxBe MOK WAXD TENA OF svepUH 2s02]g "yrEaY AMOK IMOgD aZe SiGRLIeI “sone “fod op enn you of JOHN) NOK xOg 24 U SNOWAADNAd HLAVaH 1 Bentaen eta 256 n 2 oa oO Select text <€ 1 Bentaen etal 256 este eee owe wre were fe 06 t6 os] [ree vue 8 oe 9 ve eo sv 9 va] [eo 05 sz ov et 60 cat oa a a 9s cw ose oo. zor 55 wi ree, st oot sa vor % apm risa qonsn se $uio8 day, snk 09 Any 1 918 tHE HOUT ‘opsiayourys som uieen Aur ge Ai30% | “ET ‘2q01 pase 152 ou Ayuray st 00 u ap ySeowp | 2200 9 aydoad saqio ump yey 29709, ‘aby 01 ode | SHNIM|3KF UL “OL “We amyncwes we 16, 0120p 941008 019UH HOP | 8 2p. nun 8 x5 108 apdood SOW “L (onion) ewondoer2a QuEOH \ ast 17, The Daath Health Stody wore sect vere ere rete wee n 2 oa % £ 2 6 2 © no <€ ast 17 The Danish Health Stody sect wee is ce y oe oe fo ee ou coe} [oe o 6 59 ce] [ew “8 zz oer ve] [see So oe 15s om] [vs ot oo 3 ex] [oor oe 99% o & ¥ soc] [ave ote soa} [19 oz 6s vet cw] [wee “ap hus ‘9 wsz0000 6 5 MUSH AI “Fe Tse qe9q so Mog ‘ouisoue> a10w tu998 SHAD “UZ “Mort fun sou ats oF stue38 KpOq AWW “ST IN entzen et 238 seat wee geet ute 9:57 a F Gs} € Select text oO & £ =llell=lfellellells Z ALES) 18] s i 2 [3] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [3] [2 4 b< [3] [8] [2] fa] [2] [2] [8] [e BE [2] [5] [8] (a! [2] =|] [2 e.2i: : j Soa 3 $2 g a sig 2 2 fa; i oo Gib gigg : fia i fi il: 3 ip dep vedih i gs G2e HERES s| Hi hi vagy i 48 5 8 8 # a 8 17 The Danish Health Stady 259 (GENERAL WELL-BEING ‘The next questions are about your personal wellbeing. Do not think too ut give the answer you spontaneously think is Do you easily get “trembling n= 22. hands?” Do you often sulle ftom lack of n= 2,246 appetite” Do you often sufler from spells n= 2242 of bad headache? Do you often have sleeping n= 2241 O 9:57 wt F € Select text 17 The Danish Heath Study 259 ‘GENERAL WELL-BEING ‘The next questions are about your personel well-being. Do aot think too much about each question, but give the answer you spontaneously 0 General well-being (C IN Benteo eta ink is Do you easily get “trembling m=2.267 ands Do you often sulle ftom lack of m= 2286 appetite? Do you often sufler from spells m= 2242 of bad headache? Do you often have sleeping = 2241 problems? Do you often have spells of n= 2243 anniety? ‘Are you often very tired? Do you oftes take pills for instance sleeping pills? Do you often have pains. for m= 2235 instance chest or stomach pains? Are you often nervous? Do you often have spells of n= 2247 iazines? Do you thick that noise bothers you more than it bothers other people? ‘Are you almost always in ow n= 2243 spins? Do you have problems n= 2282 ‘concentrating on your work ‘when somebody is looking at you? (continued) ‘ominsed) Do your heart often beat very = 2241 fast without any specie reason? Gs} 9:58 tl SF Gs} € Select text 260 Bentao eta General well-being (Comfnaed) Ye No 4 % 14 |[/75] | [925]] Do your heart often beat very m= 2241 fast without any specie reason? 1s | [772] | [929]] Do you ottenteet poorly? n= 2280 16 | [4a] | [956] ] De you have problems making —n=2237 fiends? x. | [40] | [400] Do youtind i aime to w= 2237 coept that others come youfmake devsions for you? 1 |[asa] | [209]| Dosou preerto keep to nn 2216 | yourselt 1, | [ror] | [99] | Do soar shings bother youjget — n=2259 to you? w. us $8.2 | ‘Do you constantly have ne 2237 thoughts that torment and make you uneasy? 21, | [29] | [rer] | are you very shy and sensitive? n=2.230 x |[ 49] | [951] Do you often feet misunderstood a= 2,239 by otbees? 23. [et] } [169] | Are you usually mappy and n= 2235, ‘atised with your lie? 2, | [125] | [625] | Do you often fel that you have n= 2238 nothing to look forward to? 25, |[909] | [ 91]| De you often fet that your life = 2,254 is ful of things shat interest you? 26, | [92a] | [76]] Do you onten feet saistied with n= 2.228 carrying out your daily work? an |[ 77] | [923] De sou often eel downhearted n= 2241 and blue? 26 |[ava] | [109]] Do you usually feel cheerful, n= 2,200, Iightheacted about the future? o 17, The Danish Healt Stody ‘General well-being (Continued) Yes No ve. |[787] | [913]) 0 you often fee tat things do m= 2235 9:58 wl F Gs} € Select text 11. The Danish Heats Study 268 General well-being (Continued) Yes No ». Bo you often fel that things do n= 2.235 ot work out the way you want ‘hem? 0, When you get up in the n= 2206 ‘morning, do you often feet that ‘you are looking forward to an interesting day? 3 ‘Are you often broody? = 2238 2 ‘Are you vsually emotionally stable? o 282 Benen etl Postal Questionnaire on Children’s Health Status: To be answered forall children ving at home Oldest Child 282, Bentsen tl Postal Questionnaire on Children's Health Status: To be answered forall children ving at home Entce which Oldest Chikl Chik) Cutt child no.2 a3 mad loverat,tow do youevsiate | % 4% % % Jour chil'shiden' health? Good a7] [ese] (er) [ooo ily good as] [a9] [a6] [— Satshictory ao] [32] [32] = Ralanely poor oo] [oa] 7 Poot SJ Fey Fe noth x= was 'How, do you evaluate your ‘hia chiens health compared to oter clea of the 7 same ape? eter zo] [2 = About the same wee} [is 1000 Wore ze] [as = si wal aad Have any of your cikren alas lorehcone snes that Geran longer ueatment oF contro - Pi (foc example, diabetes) a te ‘No 948 | [60 | [too Yes 32) [32] [— Etce which eA) gel pe wed Jae ny of your elven . sabia? (For example, hearing KB % si orrivasalacscant | 560] [oro] [asa] [ioea Yo 40} [30] Fas} [— naa nao w=@ w=S

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