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a ``catch-crop,'' i.e.

rye, vetches, winter-oats or some

The disciplinary jurisdiction at one time exercised by

Among insects the most numerous and useful is the bee, honey

Islamism and the latter refused to pay tribute. He encountered

See Robert Nisbet Bain, The First Romanovs (London, 1905). (R. N. B.)

Sup. (Supra), Above.

wall. A flat surface was formed partly by smoothing off the

brazing and the blowpipe in the Cordilleran provinces are

boarding-school. In 1730 he entered the Mazarin College

Khorasan, and obtained possession of the Persian throne in

is identical with phycophaein: two varieties of it have

he substituted the thin ethereal fluid which he believed to

1903 63 1478 7,933

in 1519, is in the late Gothic style; a delicately carved

critic, and was in the custom of committing to writing

(1888; 2nd ed., 1904), of the Poems (1897) of Thomas Hood,

send letters twice a year to the kings of Abyssinia and Nubia,

strictly, for putting it into such a physical condition that

she is practically identical with Copia, Annona and similar

is now rather to be found in social, political and natural

agricultural produce is held there. Sixty-three miles S.W.

Africa, and the efforts made to supplement the insufficient and

atmosphere. John Welsh (1824-1859) of the Kew Observatory was


insecticides to destroy fruit and vegetable pests,--such are

that the islands were rich in fur-bearing animals. Siberian

are essential to distinguish them, the original causes of

then made his home in England, where he became prominent as a

termination of nerve tube. a, Olfactory ciliated pit on

outside, and this solution offers much less resistance to

Howe received no help from Byron, whose badly appointed fleet

of 8000 Greek mercenaries, gained considerable successes in

As the most commonly used chemical preservative is boric acid,

The Church had some doubts of him, and he laid his hands on

and ships were sent to bombard this nest of pirates. Two


on the French stage in the full costume of Louis XIV. down

the whig population scattered and without much organization

are later, has made rapid progress in the South Atlantic

been known to be formed in cases where the gas-distributing

point of view a tragedy, since the scene is laid in Persia,

kingdom of Afghanistan. Except in the river valleys it is a

Moreas and Gustave Kahn he founded the Symboliste, coming


and digressions, although tedious and introduced without

near the North Carolina border. On the other hand, daring

with instructions to travel in the interior and report on

and although his canonization is disputed his life is

to 90% of water; boiling this mixture; and keeping it well

and continues as far as Tabatinga, and thence up stream.

capitalis justiciarius Angliae, or chief-justice of England;

than woods and forests--but especially the barren lands

"Monitor" (March 8-9, 1862). McClellan's advance was opposed

out what is the greatest amount of thermal energy that can

of twenty-four letters. Egyptologists are at variance on the

fact is that the range of a balloon in mid-air is extremely

Welshpool. An attempt to break through the English lines

1819, and poll taxes, depend upon the appropriation of the

radiometer-pressure of the residual gas. (See RADIOMETER.)

a large part of his life, and the results fill five large

algebra. He follows the methods of Diophantus; his work

however, the magnification of the individual zones is the

was blowing, and it was dragged over the ground for 7 or 8

feast alone, and the Lord never used it of mere junketings.

artesian water-works. It was settled in 1836, was incorporated

of Alencon and heiress of this family (d. 1082 ), married

others. In the year 1500, Vicente Yanez Pinzon, in command

pleuro-pneumonia under the Diseases of Animals Act of that

possible in order that the drainage may be thorough. If tension

In 1470 Albert, who had inherited Bayreuth on the death of his

``Kandahar'' returns; but it does not appear that the value

built a fort, which at the time of the French occupation was

beauty in his doctrine of an appearance of purposiveness

Algiers are Tipasa (q.v.) and Castiglione (1634), formerly

When the outbreak of the second war with Great Britain in

Theagene et Chariclee from Heliodorus (1547 fol.),

the war which Vespasian carried on against the Jews Herod

Eudwighottfaed or Gotofredus, his earliest works of importance

dwell the Hadendoa. The country of the Amarar is called the

change in the attitude of public opinion towards legislative

Utrecht. In 1342 more extensive privileges were granted by

western portal which has been much disfigured. The crypt

takes possession. The most common use of the term is in

rivers which flow towards the Nile valley. Its head-waters

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