2ND Assighnment of Entrepreneurship Small B. MGT

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For Individual (2nd assignment) of Entrepreneurship and small business mgt.

Department: Computer Science 4th year

Submission date 05/01/2015

Please, write with clear and readable hand writing.

Use page limitation range 3-4. (Out of cover page).

Don’t forget to write your name and Id number.

To copy from other is strongly forbidden.

1. Explain a common mistake that entrepreneurs make in opportunity recognition process?

2. Describe the three means of identifying an opportunity? Give an example for each?

3. Elaborate the two techniques used to determine if there is demand for product or service? Give
an example for each?

4. Differentiate between bargaining power of supplier and bargaining power of buyer? Take one
producing company and indicate how both bargaining powers can influence it?

5. Elaborate, how the main body of one business plan writing begins and what issues has to be
discussed in marketing analysis part of the business plan?

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