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Evaluation of Flood-Resistant Capacity of Scoured Bridges

Article  in  Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities · February 2014

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000381

15 2,236

6 authors, including:

Jiunn-Shyang Chiou Helsin Wang

National Taiwan University HCK Geophysical


Chung-Yue Wang
National Central University


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Evaluation of Flood-Resistant Capacity of Scoured Bridges
Yung-Yen Ko1; Jiunn-Shyang Chiou2; Yu-Ching Tsai3; Cheng-Hsing Chen4; Helsin Wang5; and
Chung-Yue Wang6

Abstract: The exposure of pier foundations owing to scour significantly reduces the foundation-bearing capacity and diminishes the flood-
resistant capacity of a bridge. This paper proposes a nonlinear quasi-static analysis procedure for the performance of bridges with pile founda-
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tions under flow-induced loads for the evaluation on the flood-resistant capacity of scoured bridges. The Winkler beam model is adopted for the
modeling of the pile-soil system, and the distributed hinge model is utilized to simulate the possible flexural failure of the piles. Soil springs with
nonlinear p-y curves are used to represent the nonlinearity of the supporting soil. To demonstrate this procedure, a case study on the Shuang-
Yuan Bridge in Taiwan was performed for various flood and scour conditions. This bridge was partially demolished in a major flood event
caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009. According to the analysis results, a possible scenario for the failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge is
presented, and the proposed method is shown to give a reasonable assessment of the flood-resistant capacity of bridges with scoured pile
foundations. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000381. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Bridge scour; Foundation exposure; Flood-resistant capacity; Winkler beam model; Distributed hinge model; Nonlinear
p-y curve.

Introduction Such disasters can be prevented if the scoured foundation with

insufficient capacity can be recognized in order that necessary repair
Several major highway bridge failures have occurred in Taiwan in and retrofit works can be performed opportunely. Additionally, if the
recent years. Most of the bridges had suffered exposure of their pier warning and critical levels of foundation exposure with respect to
foundations owing to scour, which significantly reduced their foundation stability can be estimated in advance, the restraint or
foundation-bearing capacity, and were thus damaged, or even col- prohibition of passing can be accordingly executed before the
lapsed, during floods. For example, several days after Typhoon Bilis damage of the bridge occurs. Consequently, it is important to de-
hit Taiwan in 2000, pier P22 of the Kao-Ping Bridge settled because velop procedures for evaluation on the flood-resistant capacity of
its pile foundation was seriously exposed owing to scour, causing scoured bridges, which will be beneficial to disaster mitigation.
adjacent decks to drop [see Fig. 1(a)]. In 2008, during Typhoon In seismic performance evaluation of buildings, the nonlinear
Sinlaku, pier P2 of the Hou-Fong Bridge tipped over because of the pushover analysis is often utilized to obtain the lateral resistance of
significant scour of its caisson foundation, also causing adjacent a structure subjected to lateral seismic loads, usually in terms of the
decks to collapse [see Fig. 1(b)]. In 2009, during Typhoon Morakot, capacity curve, which gives the base shear versus the roof displace-
several bridges experienced severe foundation scour and were ment. Analogous to the seismic loads, the flow-induced loads are
destroyed in a major flood induced by the record-breaking rainfalls. primarily lateral loads that could possibly lead to flexural or shear
Of particular note was the failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge, of failures of vertical structural members in a bridge, such as piers and
which piers P2–P16 were destroyed [see Fig. 1(c)], possibly because piles. Therefore, to estimate the performance of bridges during flood,
of the severe scour of their pile foundations. All of these disasters led in this paper the authors propose to adopt the procedure similar to the
to major property losses and considerable casualties. nonlinear pushover analysis in seismic performance evaluation. The
focus will be on bridges with pile foundations because this is the most
frequently used foundation type for major highway bridges in Taiwan.
Associate Researcher, National Center for Research on Earthquake However, the procedures can also be applied to other deep foundation
Engineering, Taipei 10668, Taiwan (corresponding author). E-mail: yyko@ types (for example, the caisson foundation).
2 First, the soil-structure model of a bridge is established. The
Researcher, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,
Taipei 10668, Taiwan.
Winkler beam model is adopted for the modeling of the pile-soil
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan Univ., system. The distributed hinge model is used to represent the possi-
Taipei 10617, Taiwan. ble flexural failure of the piles. In addition, nonlinear p-y curves are
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei utilized for the soil springs to characterize the nonlinearity of soil.
10617, Taiwan. With water level and flow rate of the flood specified, the flow-
Senior Engineer, Institute of Bridge Engineering, China Engineering induced loads can be estimated as the driving forces. Thus, it is
Consultants, Inc., 185, Sec. 2, Hsinhai Rd., Taipei 10637, Taiwan. possible to perform a nonlinear quasi-static analysis to determine the
Director, Institute of Bridge Engineering, China Engineering Consul- flood-resistant capacity of a bridge in terms of the total flow-induced
tants, Inc., 185, Sec. 2, Hsinhai Rd., Taipei 10637, Taiwan.
load versus the lateral displacement at the top of bridge pier under
Note. This manuscript was submitted on February 28, 2012; approved on
July 23, 2012; published online on January 15, 2014. Discussion period open
a specified flood condition for different scour levels.
until July 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for individual Furthermore, the failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge during Ty-
papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Performance of Constructed phoon Morakot in 2009 is used as a case study. Although many in
Facilities, Vol. 28, No. 1, February 1, 2014. ©ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828/ situ investigations have been made after this event, the situations in
2014/1-61–75/$25.00. the field were much altered after the typhoon. Hence, existing data


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Fig. 1. Major highway bridge failures attributable to foundation scour in Taiwan: (a) Kao-Ping Bridge in 2000; (b) Hou-Fong Bridge in 2008;
(c) Shuang-Yuan Bridge in 2009 (images by Cheng-Hsing Chen and Yung-Yen Ko)

and evidence may not be sufficient to reveal the actual failure mode, Thus, the stability of the pier-soil system against a flood will be
flood condition, and scour level when the failure was initiated. Using reduced, and the pier may even be tilted if its stability is lower than
the proposed procedures, the performance of the Shuang-Yuan the allowance. If the scour becomes severe and the piles are exposed,
Bridge can be evaluated under various flood conditions and scour the vertical bearing capacity of the foundation, as well as the lateral
levels. The analysis results will help to speculate the possible sce- capacity, will be lowered, which might cause the settlement of the
nario for the failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge. pier. In addition, when the pile is significantly exposed, a lack of
lateral confinement could result in flexural failure of the pile at-
tributable to the flow-induced load and even cause the buckling of
Flood-Resistant Capacity of Scoured Bridge the pile under the axial load arising from the weight of the
Influence of Pier Foundation Scour
Analysis for Performance of Bridges under
As shown in Fig. 2, for a bridge pier located in a river, the lateral
Flow-Induced Loads
resistance of the pier-soil system will be decreased when the sup-
porting soil body around the pier and its foundation is partially Utilizing any structural-analysis software that is capable of non-
removed by scouring. Furthermore, scour will degrade the level of linear analysis, the soil-structure model of a bridge that consists of
the riverbed, leading to larger flow-induced loads applied on the pier. plastic hinges set in the pile and nonlinear soil springs distributed


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Fig. 2. Influence of scour on stability mechanism of pier foundation (adapted from Chen et al. 2009)

Modeling of Superstructure
In the evaluation on the flood-resistant capacity of a scoured bridge,
the focus is on the stability of the scoured foundation under the effect
of a flow-induced load. Therefore, the modeling of the superstruc-
ture of a bridge is generally similar to that in ordinary bridge
structural analysis, and the nonlinearity is neglected to reduce the
analysis cost. However, to include the P-D effect of the structure as
well as possible buckling of the exposed piles in analysis, the vertical
load from the superstructure must be treated appropriately.

Modeling of Pile-Soil System

The Winkler beam model (or the beam-on-nonlinear-Winkler-
foundation model) is often utilized for the modeling of pile-soil
system, in which the piles are simulated by beam elements, and
the soil reactions are simulated by spring elements spread along the
pile, as shown in Fig. 4.
To model the nonlinearity of the pile, the plastic hinge method is
applied. This is preferable in engineering practice because of its
simplicity and has been widely used in the nonlinear analysis of
Fig. 3. Soil-structure model of bridge under action of flow-induced frame-type structures. However, when the plastic hinge method is
load applied to simulate the flexural failure of piles, difficulties arise
when predicting the location of the plastic zone when a pile is em-
bedded in soil because the location of the maximum moment along
the pile may vary with the development of soil nonlinearity around
the pile.
along the pile can be established, as shown in Fig. 3. The flow- To solve this problem, the distributed hinge model, which was
induced load during a flood can be estimated by the theory of fluid used by Chiou et al. (2009) in the nonlinear pushover analysis for
mechanics or by fluid-solid interaction analysis. A nonlinear quasi- the lateral resistant capacity and responses of a pile subjected to
static analysis can then be performed to obtain the displacement of a lateral load, is adopted in this paper. In the concentrated hinge
the bridge, the evolution of the plasticity of the piles, and even the model, the total plastic flexural deformation within a plastic zone is
geometrical nonlinear stability of the structure (P-D effect) to represented by a point hinge, and the size of the plastic zone (the
identify the performance of the bridge under specified flood and plastic hinge length) should be given in advance for calculation of
scour conditions. the plastic rotation of the hinge. In contrast, the distributed plastic
The modeling of the bridge structure, including the superstruc- hinge model inserts many plastic hinges along the expected plastic
ture and the foundation, simulation of the nonlinearity of the pile and zone of a structural member with the tributary length lp of a plas-
the supporting soil, as well as calculation of the flow-induced load, tic hinge regarded as the plastic hinge length, as shown in Fig. 5.
will be presented in the following sections. The yielding plastic hinges define an actual plastic zone, and thus


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Fig. 6. Nonlinear relationship between soil reaction ( p) and lateral

displacement ( y)

Fig. 4. Winkler beam model for modeling of pile-soil system

used in Taiwan for the design of bridge foundation, is adopted as

kh ðy1 Þ ¼ 0:34ðaE0 Þ1:1 D20:31 ðEIÞ20:103 (1)

where kh ðy1 Þ (kg=cm3 ) 5 subgrade reaction coefficient when the

displacement at the pile head is equal to y1 ; y1 (cm) 5 reference
displacement (generally, y1 5 1 cm); a 5 condition constant (a 5 1
in the normal condition, and a 5 2 in earthquakes); E0 (kg=cm2 )
5 Young’s modulus of the soil and can be estimated by E0 5 28N
[where N 5 blow counts of the standard penetration test (SPT-N)];
D (cm) 5 diameter of the pile; and EI (kg=cm2 ) 5 flexural rigidity of
the pile.
For modeling of the nonlinear portion of the p-y curves when the
lateral displacement is larger than y1 , a reduced subgrade reaction
coefficient kh is used
kh ðyÞ ¼ kh ðy1 Þ (2)

In Eq. (2), kh acts as the secant modulus of the p-y curve to simulate
the stiffness degradation of the soil attributable to large displace-
ment. This equation is similar to those specified by Architectural
Institute of Japan (AIJ) (1988) and Ministry of Transport (MOT)
(1989), which are widely used in foundation engineering practice in

Fig. 5. Distributed hinge model for pile Calculation of Flow-Induced Load

The flow-induced load applied on a pier and its piles can be esti-
mated according to the suggestions in the AASHTO Standard spec-
the difficulty of locating the concentrated plastic hinge in advance ifications for highway bridges (AASHTO 2002, Section 3.18.1). The
is eliminated. average pressure acting on a bridge pier owing to flowing water is
To simulate the nonlinearity of the supporting soil at a large defined as
displacement, the nonlinear relationship between the soil reaction, p, 2
and the lateral displacement, y, or the nonlinear p-y curve, as shown Pavg ¼ 515 K Vavg (3)
in Fig. 6, is used to represent the soil springs. To calculate the initial
stiffness of the p-y curves, the subgrade reaction coefficient specified where Pavg (N=m2 ) 5 average stream pressure; Vavg (m=s) 5 average
by the Japan Road Association (JRA) (1996), which has been widely velocity of the water, which is computed by dividing the flow rate by


J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 2014.28:61-75.

the flow area (the flow rate can be obtained by hydrologic/hydraulic degradation to point D, and followed by final collapse and loss
studies or by the observed data); and K 5 constant based on the of gravity-load capacity at point E. Consequently, based on the
shape of the pier (for a square-ended pier, K 5 1:4; for a circular pier, development of plastic hinges obtained from the analysis, the
K 5 0:7; for pier ends that are angled at 30° or less, K 5 0:5). performance of the structure can be represented. This would be
The maximum streamflow pressure Pmax is equal to twice the a more straightforward way to define the flood resistance of
average stream pressure Pavg in Eq. (3); that is, a triangular distri- a bridge because it directly relates to the damage states of
bution is used with Pmax located at the water table and a pressure of structural members.
zero at the riverbed, as shown in Fig. 3. As long as the parameters For the case of the flood-resistant capacity of scoured bridges, the
of the flow condition concerned are available, such as the elevation focus of this study is on the performance of the pile foundation, or, to
of the water table, the average flow velocity, the elevation of the be more precise, on the performance of the exposed piles. Usually, the
riverbed, the scour depth, and the angle of attack, the flow-induced residual strength of the piles is less reliable than that of other structural
load can be obtained for evaluation on the flood resistance of bridges. members because they are installed below ground level, and thus their
quality is not easy to control. Therefore, the point D is regarded as the
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complete failure state for plastic hinges on piles in this study.

Interpretation of Analysis Results
For the evaluation of the flood-resistant capacity of scoured bridges,
the following two criteria can be used: Case Study of Shuang-Yuan Bridge in Taiwan
1. The drift ratio of the pier: in performance-based seismic design
for bridges, the displacement of a bridge in terms of the drift ratio
of the pier, which is the ratio of the lateral deflection at the top of Failure of Shuang-Yuan Bridge during Typhoon Morakot
pier to the pier height, is often introduced to quantify the seismic
The Shuang-Yuan Bridge of Provincial Highway 17, which crossed
performance levels of a bridge. Therefore, it is natural to use
the Kao-Ping River in southern Taiwan, played an important role in
the drift ratio as an indicator of the flood-resistant capacity of
local transportation. The Shuang-Yuan Bridge consisted of two
a bridge.
parallel I-type prestressed concrete bridges that were built in different
For the seismic design of bridges, Hutchinson et al. (2001)
years but of the same structural type; each was composed of three-span
indicated that a maximum drift ratio of 5% is expected in bridge
continuous units with a span length of 30.6 m, and the total length was
structures designed with a lateral strength and stiffness com-
2,083 m. Reinforced concrete group-pile foundations with original
patible with the intensity of the ground motion. Sun et al. (2011)
design depths of 33–44 m were used. Because of the salt damage and
proposed that a drift ratio larger than 4.83% could correspond to
foundation scour, retrofit work was made in 2003, including the re-
the damage level of collapse for regular highway bridges.
placement of cracked girders and enhancement of the scoured foun-
Therefore, a maximum drift ratio of 5% can be adopted to define
dations by adding 50-m-long piles and enlarging the pile cap.
the ultimate flood-resistant capacity of scoured bridges with pier
However, Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan in 2009 and brought
columns and piles that have sufficient ductility.
record-breaking rainfalls to middle and southern Taiwan, causing
The advantage of using the drift ratio to quantify the perfor-
major flooding in the affected area. In the Kao-Ping River, the ty-
mance of bridges is that it can be easily related to their ser-
phoon induced an over 200-year recurrence interval flood, which
viceability. However, it would be more reasonable to define the
severely damaged several bridges within the Kao-Ping River wa-
actual pier height as the extended length of the pier above the soil
tershed. Shuang-Yuan Bridge was also damaged and partially
surface in calculating the drift ratio of the scoured bridge. That is,
demolished on August 9, 2009. At approximately 12:45 a.m., the
the actual pier height is equal to the design pier height plus the
piers from P5–P16 were the first to collapse, and subsequently, at
scour depth. Consequently, it would be difficult to predetermine
4:00 a.m., piers P2–P4 were swept away.
the pier height because of the uncertainty in scour depth.
At the moment of collapse of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge, the ele-
2. The evolution of pile plasticity: in defining the properties of
vation of the water table nearby was estimated to be 5.94 m (Control
the plastic hinge simulating the flexural failure of frame mem-
Yuan 2010). Fig. 8 shows the hydrograph of the Kao-Ping Weir,
bers, a moment-curvature curve with the form shown in Fig. 7
located approximately 20 km upstream from the Shuang-Yuan
is often used. Based on the definitions by the Applied Tech-
Bridge [China Engineering Consultants (CECI) 2011]. Although
nology Council (ATC) in ATC-40 (ATC 1996), the moment-
there were no data recorded after 6:00 p.m. on August 8, 2009,
curvature relationship in Fig. 7 is linear from the initial point
because of power failure, it can still be presumed that the flow rate
A to an effective yield point B, followed by yielding (pos-
at Shuang-Yuan Bridge at its collapse could have been more than
sibly with strain hardening) to point C, followed by strength
30,000 m3 =s, beyond the peak flow rate of its 200-year recurrence
interval flood, 25,400 m3 =s (Wang et al. 2010). In addition, according
to the hydraulic analysis using the data presented, the average flow
velocity at the cross section of the main channel at the upper river
side of the bridge is approximately 3:5 m=s (CECI 2011).
During Typhoon Morakot, the main channel of the Kao-Ping
River shifted toward the right riverbank, and a concave bend was
formed (Wang et al. 2010), which possibly caused the powerful
torrent that led to a concentrated assault on the bridge section
spanning from piers P10–P16, as shown in Fig. 9. Therefore, the
failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge probably began at this section
and resulted in sequential damage that propagated to P2. The authors
believe that the cause of the failure was severe scour caused by the
high flow rate of the major flood. The piles were exposed as the
Fig. 7. Moment-curvature relationship defining flexural plastic hinge supporting soil was washed away, causing the foundation capacity to
be reduced. Thereupon, the foundations were damaged under the


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Fig. 8. Hydrograph at Kao-Ping Weir during Typhoon Morakot (adapted from CECI 2011)

Fig. 9. Location of target units for analysis of Shuang-Yuan Bridge; base photograph was taken June 19, 2010, when temporary bridge had been
constructed (Google Earth; DigitalGlobe 2013)

action of loads induced by the huge water flow. However, the failure P10–P13, where the foundations of the four piers had been ret-
mode of the foundation and the position of the initially damaged pier, rofitted in 2003, and the unit P13–P16, in which piers P13 and
as well as the scour depth at the moment the damage commenced, P14 had been retrofitted (piers P15 and P16 had not), were chosen
still need to be clarified. as the targets of interest in this study, as shown in Fig. 9. The
finite-element (FE) structural analysis software SAP2000 11.0
was employed. For each bridge unit, a soil-structure model
Analysis Model and Conditions
considering the nonlinearity of the pile-soil system was estab-
Because the initial failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge could lished (as shown in Fig. 10) according its structural design, the
possibly have occurred at the section from P10–P16, the unit of soil profile of the site (obtained from investigation data), and the


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Fig. 10. Analysis model of Shuang-Yuan Bridge: (a) unit P10–P13; (b) unit P13–P16

possible scour condition of the riverbed. The details of the exposure attributable to scour is represented by removing the soil
analysis model are given subsequently. springs.
The distributed hinge model was adopted to simulate the possible
Modeling of Superstructure and Piers flexural failure of the piles (see Fig. 5). The layouts of the original
For the superstructures, the deck is modeled by plate elements, and foundation and the retrofitted foundation with additional piles and an
the girder and the diaphragm are modeled by beam elements. The enlarged pile cap are as shown in Figs. 11(a and b), respectively. The
pier is also modeled by beam elements. The higher rigidity at the former is composed of six bored piles with a length of 33–44 m, and
beam-beam and beam-column joints is considered in the model for the latter has four additional bored piles with a length of 50 m. The
a more realistic simulation of the structural behavior. For the support design details are as listed in Table 1. Using the cross-section
conditions of the girders, the two piers at both ends of the three-span analysis software XTRACT 3.0, the moment-curvature curves of
unit had moving supports on their tops, which are regarded in the all the representative cross sections of the piles (seven sections for
model as rollers in the horizontal longitudinal direction (HL-DIR) the original piles and two sections for the additional piles) were
and as hinges in the horizontal transverse direction (HT-DIR), obtained, as shown in Fig. 12. The amount of longitudinal re-
whereas the other two piers in the middle part of the unit had fixed inforcement has a great beneficial influence on the flexural stiffness
supports, which are modeled as hinges in both the HL-DIR and HT- and strength of the piles, and thus the additional piles of the ret-
DIR. rofitted foundation show a much better flexural capacity than the
For the adjacent units, because the supports at both ends of the original ones. These moment-curvature envelopes can be simplified
bridge unit are moving supports, their constraint effect is not con- into bilinear curves by the equal area method, and thus the properties
sidered. However, the self-weights of their superstructures are of the flexural plastic hinges are specified accordingly.
simulated by mass points added to the top of each pier at both ends of
the unit to enable realistic modeling of the P-D effect.
Soil Profile and p-y Curves
Modeling of Group-Pile Foundation Available geological data include the boring logs coming from
The pile cap is relatively thick compared with its lateral size and a geological investigation conducted in 1972 for the first phase of the
therefore is modeled as a rigid plate. Utilizing the Winkler beam Shuang-Yuan Bridge (Directorate General of Highways 1974) and
model, the piles are simulated by beam elements, and the soil the geological investigation of the rebuilding project of the new
reactions are simulated by spring elements (see Fig. 4). The pile Shuang-Yuan Bridge (CECI 2010). Accordingly, soil properties in


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Fig. 11. Layouts of (a) original foundation and (b) retrofitted foundation

the area neighboring the failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge can be Approximately five layers can be distinguished, which are (from top
deduced. to bottom) (1) a silt layer, (2) a coarse sand layer, (3) a fine sand layer,
Fig. 13(a) shows a soil profile based on the geological data in (4) a silty clay layer, and (5) a silty sand layer.
1972, in which the pier positions of the units to be analyzed are Fig. 13(b) shows a soil profile based on the geological data in
marked. The soil layers of this site consist mainly of recent allu- 2010, in which the boreholes were located approximately 30 m to
vium from the Kao-Ping River, including silt, clay, sands, and gravels. the upper river side from the old Shuang-Yuan Bridge. The soil


J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 2014.28:61-75.

Table 1. Design Details of Group-Pile Foundations of Shuang-Yuan Bridge
Design details Original foundation Retrofitted foundation
Number of piles Six Four additional piles
Pile length 33–44 m 50 m
Pile diameter 0.9 m (for depth 5 0–10 m) 0.9 m
0.76 m (for depth . 10 m)
Compression strength of concrete, fc9 210 kg=cm2 265 kg=cm2
Yield stress of steel, fy 2,800 kg=cm2 25f above, fy $ 4,200 kg=cm2
22f below, fy $ 2,800 kg=cm2
Longitudinal reinforcement 16e25f ðFÞ; 16e22f ðMÞ ðfor depth 5 0e10 mÞ 24e32f ðfor depth 5 0e14 mÞ
8e25f ðFÞ; 8e22f ðMÞ ðfor depth 5 10e30 mÞ 12e32f ðfor depth 5 14e50 mÞ
8e19f ðfor depth . 30 mÞ
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Note: (F) 5 fixed-support piers; (M) 5 moving-support piers.

Fig. 12. Moment-curvature curves of all representative pile cross sections

layers at this location also consist mainly of recent alluvium. On the investigation, assuming these data are better representations of the
convex bend side [the right side in Fig. 13(b)], five layers can be real situation at the time of failure.
distinguished, which are (from top to bottom) (1) a silt layer, (2) The soil profile in the bridge section from P10–P16 at a dep-
a coarse sand layer with gravels, (3) a silty fine sand layer, (4) a silty th range of 0–50 m (the depth range of the additional piles of
clay layer, and (5) a silty fine sand layer; this soil layer sequence is the retrofitted foundations) can be simplified into four repre-
similar to that described in the 1972 data. On the other hand, six sentative layers, which are (from top to bottom) the silt layer, the
layers can be distinguished in the main channel near the concave silty sand layer, the silty clay layer, and the silty sand layer, as
bend side [the left side in Fig. 13(b)], which are (from top to shown on the left side of Fig. 14. Based on the distribution of
bottom) (1) a silt layer, (2) a fine sand layer, (3) a coarse sand layer SPT-N values, the simplified soil layers can be further divided
with gravels, (4) a silty fine sand layer, (5) a silty clay layer, and (6) into six sublayers, as shown on the right side of Fig. 14. Thus, the
a silty fine sand layer. It was found that the soil layers 2 and 3 nonlinear p-y curves can be obtained for each sublayer using
(concave bend side) are different from the two previously men- Eqs. (1) and (2) according to the corresponding SPT-N values, as
tioned soil layer sequences, and therefore it is assumed that these shown in Fig. 15.
two layers are deposits formed after the flood brought by Typhoon
Morakot, not original ones.
Although the soil profiles based on the geological data in 1972 Scour Depth
and 2010 are generally similar except for the postflood deposit zone, Comparing Figs. 13(a and b), the scour-depth distribution of the
the detailed sublayer sequence and the SPT-N values in the shallow Shuang-Yuan Bridge in the section from P10–P16 at a distance of 30
layers still show some dispersion because of the influence of chan- m from the bridge to the upper river side can be approximately
nel changes in the more than 30-year-long interval. Therefore, the estimated according to the thickness of the postflood sediments, with
soil properties were estimated mainly from the 2010 geological a maximum value of approximately 16 m. This distribution can be


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Fig. 13. Soil profile of Shuang-Yuan Bridge site: (a) based on geological data in 1972; (b) based on geological data in 2010


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Fig. 14. Simplified soil profile and corresponding SPT-N values for analysis

Fig. 15. Nonlinear p-y curves for analysis

regarded as the lower bound (LB) of the scour depth at the section However, whether there was further scour after the failure of the
P10–P16. piers cannot be affirmed because of insufficient data and evidence.
In addition, the locations of the remains of RC members (such That is, the failure might occur before the maximum scour depth is
as piles) were located by the on-water electrical-resistivity to- reached. Therefore, seven states of scour depth of the riverbed at the
mography (ERT) investigations performed after the failure of the bridge section P10–P16 are specified for analysis, as shown in
Shuang-Yuan Bridge (CECI 2011). Accordingly, it was presumed Fig. 16. For scour state I (as the LB), the scour depth is 16 m at P10,
that the piles of the foundations of piers P4–P12 were all washed 12 m at P13, and 6 m at P16, according to the thickness of the
away and that the scour depth at this section might be up to 30 m. postflood sediments estimated from the bore data, whereas the scour
The investigations also indicated that the remains of depths at the other piers are linearly interpolated. At scour state VII
the foundation of pier P13 were located at a depth of approxi- (as the UB), the scour depths are 30 m at P10 and 20 m at P13 based
mately 15–20 m (Wang et al. 2011). This information can be on the ERT investigations, whereas the scour depth at the other piers
considered as setting the maximum value of the scour depth, or an are linearly interpolated or extrapolated. The other scour states are
upper bound (UB). intermediates between LB and UB. The flood-resistant capacity


J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 2014.28:61-75.

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Fig. 16. Scour states of riverbed for analysis

Fig. 17. Flood-resistant capacity curves of unit P10–P13 at various scour states

curves in all the seven specified scour states will be evaluated, which can be transformed into equivalent nodal forces as the applied loads
will be helpful to speculate the possible scour state at the com- in the analysis.
mencement of the failure. First, the self-weight of the bridge unit is applied for a force-
control equilibrium analysis to check whether the exposed piles
will buckle owing to insufficient lateral confinement. Then,
Input Loads and Analysis Processes a displacement-control nonlinear quasi-static analysis is per-
According to the speculated water table and scour depths, the flow- formed under the action of the flow-induced load at each specified
induced loads as a function of the average flow velocity in terms of scour depth, enabling obtainment of the relationship between the
the pressure distribution form can be obtained using Eq. (3). For the total lateral load and the lateral displacement at the top of the pier,
elevation of the water table, a value of 5.94 m is adopted (Control which can be regarded as the flood-resistant capacity curve of the
Yuan 2010), and the scour depths are determined from Fig. 16. The bridge. On the capacity curve, each point represents a specific
hydraulic analysis (CECI 2011) indicated that the torrent acted on average flow velocity, and the damage state can be marked on it
the piers and piles at the bridge section P10–P16 with an attack angle for a judgment of the performance of the bridge at a specified flow
of approximately 10°. Accordingly, the flow pressure distribution velocity.


J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 2014.28:61-75.

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Fig. 18. Development of plastic hinges of unit P10–P13 during analysis

Fig. 19. Flood-resistant capacity curves of unit P13–P16 at various scour states

Analysis Results and Discussions displacement monitoring point. The flood-resistant capacity
Unit P10–P13 curves at the seven specified scour states are as shown in Fig. 17.
The foundations of all four piers of this unit had been retrofitted When the scour depth is larger, the slope of the capacity curve will
by adding piles and enlarging the pile cap. Because pier P10 be lower because of the lower stiffness of the pile-soil system.
had the greatest scour depth, the top of P10 was chosen as the Meanwhile, the corresponding yield load (at the yield point B on


J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 2014.28:61-75.

the capacity curve, where the first plastic hinge was formed on the capacity curve, the yield load, and the failure load are all lower
a pile and reached the yield state regarded as the initial damage) is when the scour depth is larger. The drift ratio corresponding to the
also smaller, as well as the failure load (at the point D, where the failure point D at each scour state is approximately 2.2–3.3%, which
first plastic hinge reached a strength-degradation state regarded as is also below 5% and is slightly smaller than that of unit P10–P13.
the complete failure). Therefore, foundation scour reduces the This indicates that the overall ductility of the piles of unit P13–P16
stiffness and strength of bridges significantly. Additionally, the were even lower than unit P10–P13, which is probably because two
drift ratio corresponding to the failure point D at each scour state of its piers had not been retrofitted.
ranges from approximately 2.6–3.5%, which is lower than the According to the equivelocity contour for an average flow ve-
proposed drift ratio of 5% to define the ultimate flood-resistant locity of 3:5 m=s, the structure is still elastic if the scour depth at
capacity of scoured bridges with structural members that have pier P13 is less than 16 m (scour state IV or below). If the scour depth
sufficient ductility. This implies that the ductility of the piles of at pier P13 is 18 m (scour state V), the structure will just reach the
this bridge might be insufficient. yield state. If the scour depth at pier P13 is 19 or 20 m (scour state VI
Because each point on the capacity curve stands for a specific or VII), the structure has gone beyond the yield state but has not yet
Downloaded from by National Taiwan University on 01/22/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

flow velocity, equivelocity contours can be drawn, as shown by the reached the complete failure state.
dashed lines in Fig. 17. A higher flow velocity will lead the bridge Although only two piers had been retrofitted in this unit, it shows
to a higher damage level. The average flow velocity at the cross a better flood-resistant capacity than unit P10–P13 because of its
section of the main channel at the upper river side of the bridge is smaller scour depth at the same scour state. In addition, the de-
estimated to be 3:5 m=s during the flood (CECI 2011). Accordingly, velopment of the plastic hinges in unit P10–P13 during the analysis is
the authors conclude that the structure remains elastic if the max- very similar to that in unit P10–P13 (see Fig. 18). The foundation of
imum scour depth, which occurred at pier P10, is 16 m (scour state I). pier P13 reached the yield state first; the foundation of P14 yielded
If the maximum scour depth is 18 m (scour state II), the structure will second; and then P15, and finally P13 reached the failure state. Be-
be close to the yield (initial damage) state. If the maximum scour cause the foundations of piers P13 and P14 had been retrofitted, yet the
depth is 20 m (scour state III), the structure has gone beyond the yield scour depths at their locations were larger, and piers P15 and P16 were
state. If the maximum scour depth is 22.5 m (scour state IV), the nonretrofitted and less scoured, it is concluded that the foundation
structure will be close to the complete failure state. For more severe scour has great influence on the flood-resistant capacity of bridges. In
scour states, a convergent solution cannot be obtained for the this Shuang-Yuan Bridge case, the capacity loss attributable to scour
condition with an average flow velocity of 3:5 m=s. These results exceeds the reinforcing effects of the foundation retrofit.
imply that the scour depth at the Shuang-Yuan Bridge could possibly However, because the focus of this paper is on the stability of the
have been larger than 22.5 m during Typhoon Morakot. scoured foundation under the flow-induced loads, the nonlinearity of the
Fig. 18 depicts the development of the plastic hinges during the superstructure was neglected as mentioned. Thus, the possible structural
displacement control nonlinear quasi-static analysis, using the internal stability between P14 and P15 in terms such as the flexural or
following processes: torsion failures of the girders was not considered in the analysis.
1. First, the original piles of pier P10, where the scour depth is
larger, reached the yield state at segments near the riverbed
because of their smaller flexural strength and the larger Conclusions
experienced moment.
2. The yield zone near the riverbed of the original piles of pier In this study, procedures for the evaluation on the flood-resistant
P10 spread upward and downward, yet the downward- capacity of scoured bridges with pile foundations were proposed,
spreading range is smaller because the pile body below the including the establishment of a soil-structure model for bridges,
riverbed is confined by the supporting soil. Meanwhile, the a simulation of the nonlinearity of the pile-soil system, an estimation
original piles of pier P11 also reached the yield state at of flow-induced loads, analysis processes, and an interpretation of
segments near the riverbed. the analysis results.
3. The piles of pier P10 reached the yield state at segments below The failure of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge during Typhoon Morakot
the pile cap. in 2009 was chosen as a case study for the proposed procedures. The
4. The yield zone below the pile cap of the piles of pier P10 spread possible scour states when the failure occurred were estimated by
downward, and the pile segments below the pile cap of pier comparing the geological data in 1972 and in 2010, and from the
P11 reached the yield state as well. In addition, the piles of pier postfailure ERT investigations. Along with the design details of the
P12 yielded at segments near the riverbed. structure and the soil profile of the site, a FE model of the bridge unit
5. The pile segments near the riverbed of pier P10 reached the was generated for a nonlinear quasi-static analysis under the action
complete failure state. of flow-induced loads.
It was noted that the development of plastic hinges at the addi- According to the analysis results, unit P10–P13 showed a higher
tional piles of the retrofitted foundation is rather minor because of failure potential than unit P13–P16, although the foundations
their better flexural strength. Hence, the authors’ statement that the of all four piers of the former had been retrofitted, as opposed to
ductility of the piles might be insufficient is more conformable to the only two piers of the latter. This is because the scour depth at unit
original ones rather than the additional ones of retrofit work. P10–P13 was apparently larger than at unit P13–P16 in the same
Moreover, the development of the plastic hinges is less severe for the scour state.
piers with smaller scour depths, showing the influence of the scour If the average flow velocity was 3:5 m=s at the cross section of the
depth. main channel at the upper river side of the bridge, the result indicates
that the exposed foundations of unit P10–P13 might reach an initial
Unit P13–P16 damage state if the local scour depth is more than 18 m. If the local
For this unit, two of the four piers had been retrofitted at the foun- scour depth is more than 22.5 m, the unit P10–P13 would possibly
dations. The top of P13 was chosen as the displacement monitoring attain a complete failure state.
point owing to its larger scour depth. The flood-resistant capacity These results also show that, using the procedures proposed in
curves at different scour states are as shown in Fig. 19. The slope of this study, the scour depths at which the yield state and the failure


J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 2014.28:61-75.

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