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Mammals at birth, the female eats its own amniotic fluid during delivery
(Amniophagy). After giving birth, and once expelled, the mother eats its own placenta
(placentophagy) avidly. Then continues with mothering, licking the muzzle of their
offspring to release the remains of membranes and facilitate free breathing.
This whole process concludes with breastfeeding, through which the babies receive
nutritious milk, whose chemical composition varies from species to species. This will be
the single and most complete food that will receive during this first period of life.
This set of actions are performed similarly in almost all species of placental mammals,
carnivorous and herbivorous (except camelids and cetaceans).
Scientific discoveries about genetics show us a gene called Peg3 that is activated in the
female mammal at the time of delivery. This gene is responsible for the behavior of
amniophagy, placentophagy, mothering and breast-feeding.
Mammals females that lacking this gene does not act in this way, her breasts do not
produce milk and leave both the placenta and to the offspring.
The amniotic fluid contains prostaglandins (that would allow the opening of the
cervix),the hormone oxytocin (to stimulate her uterine contractions) and POEF
(Placental Opioid Enhancing Factor ) an endorphinic substance that promotes
wellbeing and reduces pain perception.
Natural intelligence induces genetically Amniofagia.
The composition of the placenta, in addition to containing POEF, contains all the
immediate principles: Vitamins, minerals, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, hormones
and immune complexes.
It is noteworthy that the placenta contains lots of vitamin K, which anti hemorrhagic
activity will be particularly important in the postpartum bleeding, the most common
complication in these circumstances. Hormones such as placental lactogen, which
stimulate milk production in the mother. Large amounts of iron in the placenta
significantly increase the reserves of this metal in the mother's body, thus giving itself
terminate the pregnancy anemia.
The biochemical composition of the placenta is ultimately the functional nutrient par
excellence. The placenta is designed by nature through a personalized way in the
womb, and being eaten by the mother, it can influence the energy-nutritional status of
the mother, in her psycho-emotional balance, in the composition of breast milk and
therefore possibly in the evolution of the infant.
In 2001 it was discovered the Peg3 in our human genome which induces Amniofagia,
placentophagy and mothering.
Anthropological studies confirm that human beings of different populations around
the world, both ancient and current, and perform placentophagy made at the time of
childbirth as a natural part of human birth.
As a nutritional phenomenon, placentophagy is the way in which nature returns to the
mother's body all the nutrients needed to replenish energy and strength after
childbirth, prevent bleeding and stimulate the production of breast milk.

Perhaps in the near future, the mother eat her own placenta is the subject and the
result of further scientific research and provide us extrapolated to the rest of the
population in the field of physical, psycho-emotional and social health benefits.
It's a great opportunity to learn how nature does its own alchemy, turning life into
poetry, and born in medicine.

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