Creative Prose Final

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Usually every Sunday I have to go to my grandma’s house but

today wasn’t normal. My grandma was in hospital with cancer

and everything felt depressing. Everything felt like a blur. My
mum and dad was crying a lot and I didn’t feel like doing
anything. Lots of feeling rushed to my mind. Will she make it
out alive???
Time felt like it had stopped. I couldn’t even eat a morsel of
food. That’s how bad it got. My grandma meant the world to
me so that it why I didn’t want her to die. Every morning she
would get me changed, brush my teeth and take me to school
every day no matter what. To lose someone that is quite dear
to me is such difficult to even think of. I was a nervous wreck.
My mum came to comfort me and said that everything will be
alright. The only thing that I wanted was to talk to my grandma.
I pleaded many time to my parents that they could at least let
me got to the hospital but they just said I’ll think about it.
Then a few hours later my mum got a call from the doctor and
said its terminal cancer and she has a few days to live. My mum
passed out. I bursted into tears not knowing what the doctor
had said. Then my mum eventually regained consciousness and
said to me that grandma won’t be here with us soon. I asked
why but she didn’t say. I thought "why did she not tell me this
before?" I kept on begging my mum for an answer and
eventually she told me that grandma is going to die soon. All
the emotions overtook me. I thought that grandma would live
forever. I couldn't think straight. Time stood still! I just wanted
to turn the clock back twenty four hours as i didn’t want my
grandma to die! "Will she feel any pain" I thought.
I just wanted to see grandma one more time. My grandma has
done everything for me and going to see her is the littlest thing
that I could do. I pleaded to my mum that we should go see
grandma. She kept saying "no" until eventually she just said
“okay". The journey to the hospital felt like a age. Life wouldn't
feel the same without my grandma. Whose house would I got
to every Sunday? It would be a big hole in my life. Just like a
missing jigsaw piece. We finally reached the ward that grandma
was in. when I got a glimpse at grandma. I dashed towards her.
She didn’t look the same. She was pale and she looked quite
dull. But as soon as I started talking to her she beamed a little
smile and said that I love you. I couldn't ask for more. I gave my
grandma big hug and said “I will never forget you".
Then it was time for us to leave the hospital. Many days passed
then my mum sat me down and said that grandma had passed
away. I knew that life would never be the same again. But all
the memories that we have made would never be forgotten.
And I knew that my grandma’s legacy would live on forever. I
knew that this was a really difficult moment in my life but I
knew that there were better times to come.

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