DLP Health 1 Quarter 1

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Learning Area: HEALTH Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 1 Grade Level: 1
First 40 mins.
Learning Code:
Distinguishes healthful from less healthful food.
Competency/ies: H1N-Ia-b-1
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Healthful and less healthful food.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify what food is healthful and less healthful.
Skills Name healthful foods that they will eat more of.
Attitudes Infer the value of eating healthful foods.
2. Content/Topic Healthful and Less Healthful Foods
3. Learning K-12 MELCs http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph- TG pp. 7-12
Resources/ 1. Power Point Presentation
Materials / 2. Real or Pictures of vegetables
Equipment 3. Bag
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory
Have pupils share about their favorite food. As each pupil shares his/her favorite
food, ask, “Where does that food come from—plant or animal?”
(5 minutes)
4.2 Activity Sing the song “Bahay Kubo”
(5 minutes) Bahay kubo, kahit munti
ang halaman doon ay sari-Sari
Singkamas at talong,
Sigarilyas at mani,
Sitaw, bataw, patani
Kundol,patola, upo't kalabasa
At saka mayro’n pang
Labanos, mustasa,

Sibuyas, kamatis,
Bawang at luya
Sa paligid-ligid
Ay punô ng linga.
 Distribute the real vegetables or cut-out of vegetables to the different groups
 Tell the pupils that the vegetables mentioned in the song are all plants
 Divide the class into 18 groups, each representing a vegetable mentioned in the
Tell the pupils to sing the song and raise their vegetable as it is mentioned or as
each vegetable is mentioned, point to the vegetable in the poster.
4.3 Analysis 1. What foods are presented in the song?
(5 minutes) 2. What foods are good for children?
3. What foods are not good for children?
What do you think will happen if you eat less healthful food?

The food that we eat can either be healthful or less healthful. Adults are
responsible in teaching and encouraging children to eat foods that are
healthful and to limit eating less healthful food every day. Parents as well as
4.4 Abstraction
children should be reminded to read food labels carefully to check nutrients,
(5 minutes)
ingredients, and calories. Some foods such as some snack foods contain
mostly sugar and are high in calorie. Some contain high amount of sodium or
salt or even saturated fat which we need to avoid.
Healthy foods help children grow well.


Materials needed:
Bag big enough to hold real food or cut-out pictures of different food items

4.5 Application Show a bag with a variety of food commonly eaten by children. (The bag should
(20 minutes) contain a mixture of healthful and less healthful food.)
Tell the pupils to pick one item from the bag, name it, and tell if it is good for
children or not
Tell the pupils to pick one item from the bag, name it, and tell if it is good for
children or not

5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Mark a √ if the picture shows a healthy food and X if it’s not.

Practicum #

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Enrichment Bring a picture of a healthy food and less healthy food.
Concluding Activity The Food Song (All lines are repeated twice)
Do you like apples?
3 Minutes Yes, I like apples.
Do you like oranges?
Yes, I like oranges.
Do you like candy?
No, I don’t like candy.
Do you like chips?
No, I don’t like chips.
I like to eat
Healthy food
Not junk food.
Do you like carrots.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the healthy foods?
2. What are the less healthy foods?
3. What are they called? (junk food)
4. What should we eat more of?
5. What will happen if you eat too much candy?

Learning Area: HEALTH Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 2 Grade Level: 1
First 40 mins.
Learning Code:
Tells the consequences of eating less healthful foods.
Competency/ies: H1N-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Consequences of eating less healthful foods.
8. Objectives
Identify some foods that are less healthy.
Enumerate the consequences of eating less healthful food.
Skills Illustrate some less healthful foods.
Attitudes Infer the consequences of eating less healthful foods
Values Promotes healthiness by eating nutritious foods.
9. Content/Topic Consequences of eating healthful foods
10.Learning K-12 MELCshttp://lrmds.deped.gov.ph- TG pp. 7-12
Resources/ 4. Power Point Presentation
Materials / 5. Pictures
11.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
Singing the Action Song: Mangga, Mangga, Saging, Saging

4.1 Introductory Papaya, papaya, paghaluhaluin, paghaluhaluin,

Activity gilingin gilingin.(Lagyan ng ankop na kilos)
(5 minutes)
Ask: Who among you here loves to eat breakfast?
(Let the pupils share their ideas)
Show a picture showing children eating breakfast.
Rice, egg, milk, and vegetables on the table.

4.2 Activity
(5 minutes)

(Let the pupils observe the picture and let them give their thoughts and ideas about

4.3 Analysis 1.Is it right or needed to eat breakfast? Why or why not?
(6 minutes) 2.What are the benefits we can get if we eat breakfast?
3.What are the consequences if you eat less healthful food during breakfast?
(5 minutes) Eating too much animal food high in fat will raise blood cholesterol levels. High
blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of hypertension and heart disease.
Cholesterol in blood builds up as plaque that clogs arteries and is a risk factor for
heart disease. High intake of animal proteins is also associated with certain cancers,
such as cancer of the colon, especially if the person does not eat enough fiber. And
it is no secret that eating too much fatty food increases the chance of gaining weight
which is another risk factor of heart disease as well as Diabetes.

Cholesterol is found mostly in foods of animal origin. What we need to avoid are
food that contain high levels of cholesterol such as fatty red meat, egg yolks, butter,
cheese, whole milk, and organ meats (e.g. liver, kidney, pancreas, and brains). Egg
yolk and liver have the highest levels of cholesterol. One egg yolk contains 213
milligrams of cholesterol. About 4 ounces of meat, poultry, or fish (trimmed or
untrimmed) contain only 100 milligrams of cholesterol. Shrimp is also high in
cholesterol. Eggs, meat, and whole milk provide most of the cholesterol we eat and
are also rich sources of saturated fat. Duck has higher cholesterol than chicken.
(Note: Food is a mass noun while foods are a count noun).


Illustrate some less healthful foods.
(The output is graded using a rubrics)
Very Not
Criteria Evident Evident
4.5 Application (2)
(3) (1)
(20 minutes) 1. The artwork is original and
2. The story presented is value
3. Group cooperation is visible.
12.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Encircle the picture that shows less healthful foods.

Practicum #

13.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Enumerate some consequences if you eat less healthful foods.
Enrichment ____________________
Enumerate 3 consequences of eating less healthful foods.
Concluding Activity
3 Minutes

Learning Area: HEALTH Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 3 Grade Level: 1
First 40 mins.
Learning Code:
Practices good decision-making skill in food choices.
Competency/ies: H1N-Ie-f-3
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Good decision making in choosing a healthy food.
15. Objectives
Knowledge Identify some good eating habits that can help her/him to be healthy.
Perform the group activity with cooperation about the chosen variety of fruits and
Attitudes Practice good eating habits that can help her/him to be healthy.
Values Promote a balance diet.
Good eating habits
16.Content/Topic 1. Eat regular meals.
2. Eat a healthful breakfast daily.
17.Learning K-12 MELCs http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph - TG pp. 12-21
Resources/ 6. Power Point Presentation
7. Pictures
Materials /
8. Newspaper
9. Fruits/vegetables
18.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Who wants some party?
Activity Who among you here loves to eat fruits and vegetables?
(5 minutes) (Let the pupils share their thoughts and ideas)
Stuffed Vegetables/Fruits
Materials needed:
Newspaper cut in strips (to be prepared by the teacher with the children at least a
day before) to help them practice cutting in straight lines 1 x 1 ½ “craft paper with
4.2 Activity pre-drawn outline of fruit or vegetable back-to-back
Stapler and staple wire
(5 minutes) 1. Color the fruit or vegetable back-to-back.
2. Seal 2/3 of the side using the stapler.
3. Crumple the strips of paper into loose balls and stuff them inside the fruit or
4. When the fruit or vegetable is full, seal it close with stapler.
4.3 Analysis Ask:
(7 minutes) 1.Look at your fruit/vegetable.
Study it very well.
What is its shape?
What is its color?
2.Smell your fruit/vegetable?
What is its smell?
3.Feel your fruit/vegetable.
How does it feel?
4.Have you eaten the fruit/vegetable?
How does it taste?
Breakfast. Breakfast literally means “breaking the fast.” After going about 10
hours overnight without food, children’s energy reserves are low and their bodies,
and perhaps more importantly their brains, need fuel.
The most important meal of the day is breakfast, especially for children. Studies
show different effects of eating a good breakfast among children:
1. Children who eat a good breakfast have energy for the day and are in a better
mood than those who skip breakfast who become tired and easily get upset by
midmorning (Nemours, n.d.).
2. Children who eat a good breakfast do better in school than children who do not.
In one study, test scores of children who did not eat breakfast were generally lower
than those who had eaten a well-balanced morning meal (BarDayan, 2010).
Furthermore, children who eat a good breakfast come to school regularly and are
seldom late and absent (Seibell, 2010).
3. Children who eat a good breakfast will not suffer from stomachache because of
hunger. There will therefore be fewer cases of children going to the clinic because of
4. It is easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight when children eat a good
Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal or nibble on
high-calorie snacks that are high in sugar and fat but low in nutrients to ward off
hunger. Several studies suggest that people tend to accumulate more body fat when
they eat fewer, larger meals than when they eat the same number of calories in
smaller, more frequent meals (Seibell, 2010).
4.4 Abstraction 5. Children who eat a balanced breakfast, together with lunch and dinner, get
(5 minutes) enough vitamins and minerals that their body needs than those who eat only lunch
and dinner.

Lunch. A good lunch benefits a student by giving him the energy to remain alert
during class time. This is true whether the student is in elementary school, high
school or college. Many studies, such as one conducted by Tufts University School
of Nutrition, have confirmed that students who are hungry because they have
skipped lunch are distracted in the classroom. In addition, studies have shown that
malnutrition from habitual undereating can interfere with normal physical and mental
development (Tolliver, 2008). A healthy lunch should provide 14 a student with
enough calories to keep her going throughout the day no matter what her activity
level. The calories should come from nutritious foods that are low-calorie and low-fat.
Water. Water is a nutrient. Water is one of the main nutrients for any living
organism and its importance is much more in children than in the adults.
Milk. Just as water is important for health, milk is also an important part of child
nutrition. Health benefits of milk include good bone health, robust skin, good
immune system, prevention of illnesses, such as hypertension, dental decay,
hydration, respiratory problems, obesity, osteoporosis, and even some forms of
cancer. Milk is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are healthful; hence, they should
be a part of children’s daily diet. They contain vitamins and nutrients that reduce the
risk of heart disease and some cancers (DOH, 2012). We are advised to eat 2
servings of fruit and five of vegetables (or as the DOH says “fistful”).


(20 minutes) A variety of fruits and vegetables
The day before tell half of the children to bring a fruit and the other half a vegetable.
On the day of the lesson group children who brought similar fruits/vegetables. Tell
the children to put their fruit/vegetable on their tables and give the following
1. Look at your fruit/vegetable.
Study it very well.
What is its shape?
What is its color?
2.Smell your fruit/vegetable?
What is its smell?
3.Feel your fruit/vegetable.
How does it feel?
4.Have you eaten the fruit/vegetable?
How does it taste?

19.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes

Which of the picture below shows the correct food for breakfast?

2. What food is good for lunch?

Practicum #
3. Which of the following fruit is good for breakfast?

4. Which drink is good for children?

20.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Enrichment In a short bond paper, make a “Healthy Eating Plate”.
The fruits can be cut up by the teacher and shared with others.

Learning Area: HEALTH Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 4 Grade Level: 1
First 40 mins.
Learning Code:
Practices good eating habits that can help one become healthy.
Competency/ies: H1N-Ig-j-4
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Good eating habits
22. Objectives
Knowledge Enumerate some good eating habits that can help her/him to be healthy.
Skills Pick out the correct foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Attitudes Practice good eating habits that can help/him to be healthy.
Values Promote a balance diet
23.Content/Topic Good Eating Habits
Eat regular meals without skipping breakfast
24.Learning K-12 MELCs-http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph
Resources/ 10. Power Point Presentation
Materials / 11. Pictures
Equipment 3. Bag
25.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory
Activity Is eating breakfast important? Why?
(5 minutes)
4.2 Activity The teacher provides cut out pictures of different foods and three baskets to
(5 minutes) complete the correct food to be eaten during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
4. What foods are presented in the pictures?
4.3 Analysis 5. What foods are good for breakfast?
(8 minutes) 6. What foods are good for lunch?
7. What foods are good for dinner?
Is it a need to choose the correct foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Why?
(5 minutes) Good eating habits. Teaching the children to practice good eating habits, helps
achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, the healthy eating habits they
pick up when they are still young will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle when
they are adults. Healthy eating can stabilize children’s energy, sharpen their minds,
and even out their moods.
Breakfast. Breakfast literally means “breaking the fast.” After going about 10 hours
overnight without food, children’s energy reserves are low and their bodies, and
perhaps more importantly their brains, need fuel
When children skip breakfast, they can end up going for many hours without food,
and this period of semi-starvation can create a lot of physical, intellectual, and
behavioral problems for them.
The most important meal of the day is breakfast, especially for children. Studies
show different effects of eating a good breakfast among children:
1. Children who eat a good breakfast have energy for the day and are in a better
mood than those who skip breakfast who become tired and easily get upset by
midmorning (Nemours, n.d.).
2. Children who eat a good breakfast do better in school than children who do not. In
one study, test scores of children who did not eat breakfast were generally lower
than those who had eaten a well-balanced morning meal (BarDayan, 2010).
Furthermore, children who eat a good breakfast come to school regularly and are
seldom late and absent (Seibell, 2010).
3. Children who eat a good breakfast will not suffer from stomachache because of
hunger. There will therefore be fewer cases of children going to the clinic because of
4. It is easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight when children eat a good
Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal or nibble on
high-calorie snacks that are high in sugar and fat but low in nutrients to ward off
hunger. Several studies suggest that people tend to accumulate more body fat when
they eat fewer, larger meals than when they eat the same number of calories in
smaller, more frequent meals (Seibell, 2010).
6.Children who eat a balanced breakfast, together with lunch and dinner, get enough
vitamins and minerals that their body needs than those who eat only lunch and
Lunch. A good lunch benefits a student by giving him the energy to remain alert
during class time. This is true whether the student is in elementary school, high
school or college. Many studies, such as one conducted by Tufts University School
of Nutrition, have confirmed that students who are hungry because they have
skipped lunch are distracted in the classroom. In addition, studies have shown that
malnutrition from habitual undereating can interfere with normal physical and mental
development (Tolliver, 2008). A healthy lunch should provide 14 a student with
enough calories to keep her going throughout the day no matter what her activity
level. The calories should come from nutritious foods that are low-calorie and low-fat.


Materials needed:
Cut-out pictures of the children’s favorite breakfast foods, each punched with a
hole on the top
Rolls of string or yarn of different colors depending on the number of groups in the
Plastic hanger for each group (if possible, matching the color of the string)
Scissors for each child
4.5 Application 1. Prepare cut-out pictures of the different foods the children like to eat during
(20 minutes) breakfast.
2. Put them on the table and tell the children that they will pick the food/picture of
their favorite breakfast food.
3. Distribute the strings/yarn and hangers (one per group) and teach them to cut
the string/yarn so that each member of the group will have one (the strings do not
have to be of equal length.
4. Teach them to string the cut-out picture and tie the string with a knot.
5. Guide them in tying their favorite food on the hanger of their group.
6. After everyone is finished, let each member of the group share in class her/his
favorite food--the name of the dish or food, why they like it, how they feel about
eating it, etc.
7. The food mobile can be hung around the room, wherever appropriate.

26.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Mark √ if the food is good for breakfast and × if it is not on the blank.

_____________ 1. Champorado
Practicum # _____________ 2. Fried egg
3 _____________ 3. Chiz Curl
_____________ 4. Bread
_____________ 5. Rice and fried fish

27.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Draw a correct food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then placed it in the proper
Breakfast Lunch Dinner


Concluding Activity Cut out some pictures from newspaper, magazines and other sources showing some
practices of good eating habits.
3 Minutes


DLP No.: 5 Learning Area: HEALTH Grade Level: 1 Quarter: Duration:

First 40 mins.
Realizes the importance of practicing good health habits.
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: (Cough and Sneeze) H1PH-IIj-5

Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Practicing good health habits.
29. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the proper way of covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing.
Demonstrate the proper way of covering the mouth when coughing and the nose
when sneezing.
Attitudes Tell why the mouth and the nose should be covered when coughing and sneezing.
Values Practice healthy habits.
30.Content/Topic Cough and Sneeze Manners
31.Learning K to 12 MELCs, TG pp. 36-39
Resources/ Pictures
Materials / Video Clips
32.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
Have you experience coughing? What did you do when you cough?
4.1 Introductory Have you experience sneezing? What did you do when you sneezing?
(5 minutes) Sing the Song entitled, “Wash your Hands”
Materials needed: spray bottle with water
tissue paper
4.2 Activity Say: Children, watch what I will do.
(5 minutes)
Pretend to cough and sneeze. As you cough or sneeze, spray water on your hand.
Show your hand to the pupils and ask the following questions.

. What do you see on my palm?

4.3 Analysis 2. What happens when we cough?
(9 minutes) 3. What happens when we sneeze?
4. What happens when we cough into our hands?
(5 minutes) Germs that cause disease can be transmitted either through air droplets or
through contaminated objects. Any type of cough or sneeze contains airborne germs
that can be inhaled by someone else, causing illness. A sneeze, for instance, can
expel germs up to about one meter. These germs can contaminate objects in the
environment, such as chairs, tables, and doorknobs. Such germs can exist for many
days on environmental surfaces and still be infectious.
It is therefore important for everyone to learn and practice cough and sneeze
etiquette to prevent the spread of airborne respiratory infections.
When a sick person coughs or sneezes, s/he must cover his/her mouth and nose
with a mask, paper tissue or clean cloth. S/he can also cough or sneeze into the
crook of the arm to prevent infectious respiratory droplets from being inhaled by
others. However, after doing this, s/he should wash his/her arm with soap and water
or rub it with alcohol.


Pupils will construct a self- portrait demonstrating the proper way of covering their
mouth when they sneeze or cough.
• paper plate
• construction paper
• Scissors
4.5 Application • glue
(20 minutes)
• facial tissue (if not available, clean cloth)
1. Give the pupils a paper plate each.
2. Tell them to draw their face on it – eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
3. Have the pupils trace their hand on the construction paper and cut it out.
4. Make the pupils glue ONLY the rim of palm cut-out onto the chin of their drawn
faces. Remind everyone NOT to glue the fingers to the paper plate.
5. Tell the pupils to place a tissue between the mouth/nose and the hand.
33.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Rate the outputs of the pupils based on the given rubric below.
Pagsukod sa Kahanas 3 2 1
1. Ang mga nanagpasundayag nagpakita sa ilang
pagbati ug emosyon sa oras sa pasundayag.
Practicum #
2. Nagpakita ang pasundayag og maayong
3 pamatasan sa usa ka Pilipinhon.
3. Makita ang pagbulig ug pagsalmot sa kada
membro sa grupo.
4. Nakahuman ang pasundayag sa saktong oras
nga gihatag.
34.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Enrichment Practice the Song “Wash your Hands”
Concluding Activity Tell the pupils to demonstrate the different ways of coughing and sneezing properly,
while saying the slogan “Cover your cough/sneeze to prevent disease”
3 Minutes


DLP No.: 6 Learning Area: HEALTH Grade Level: 1 Quarter: Duration:

First 40 mins.
Realizes the importance of practicing good health habits.
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: (Cough and Sneeze) H1PH-IIj-5

Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Practicing good health habits.
36. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the proper way of covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing.
Demonstrate the proper way of covering the mouth when coughing and the nose
when sneezing.
Attitudes Tell why the mouth and the nose should be covered when coughing and sneezing.
Values Practice healthy habits.
37.Content/Topic Cough and Sneeze Manners
38.Learning K to 12 MELCs, TG pp. 36-39
Resources/ Pictures
Materials / Video Clips
39.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
Have you experience coughing? What did you do when you cough?
4.1 Introductory Have you experience sneezing? What did you do when you sneezing?
(5 minutes) Sing the Song entitled, “Wash your Hands”
Materials needed: spray bottle with water
tissue paper
4.2 Activity Say: Children, watch what I will do.
(5 minutes)
Pretend to cough and sneeze. As you cough or sneeze, spray water on your hand.
Show your hand to the pupils and ask the following questions.

. What do you see on my palm?

4.3 Analysis 2. What happens when we cough?
(10 minutes) 3. What happens when we sneeze?
4. What happens when we cough into our hands?
(5 minutes) Germs that cause disease can be transmitted either through air droplets or
through contaminated objects. Any type of cough or sneeze contains airborne germs
that can be inhaled by someone else, causing illness. A sneeze, for instance, can
expel germs up to about one meter. These germs can contaminate objects in the
environment, such as chairs, tables, and doorknobs. Such germs can exist for many
days on environmental surfaces and still be infectious.
It is therefore important for everyone to learn and practice cough and sneeze
etiquette to prevent the spread of airborne respiratory infections.
When a sick person coughs or sneezes, s/he must cover his/her mouth and nose
with a mask, paper tissue or clean cloth. S/he can also cough or sneeze into the
crook of the arm to prevent infectious respiratory droplets from being inhaled by
others. However, after doing this, s/he should wash his/her arm with soap and water
or rub it with alcohol.


Pupils will construct a self- portrait demonstrating the proper way of covering their
mouth when they sneeze or cough.
• paper plate
• construction paper
• Scissors
4.5 Application • glue
(20 minutes)
• facial tissue (if not available, clean cloth)
1. Give the pupils a paper plate each.
2. Tell them to draw their face on it – eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
3. Have the pupils trace their hand on the construction paper and cut it out.
4. Make the pupils glue ONLY the rim of palm cut-out onto the chin of their drawn
faces. Remind everyone NOT to glue the fingers to the paper plate.
5. Tell the pupils to place a tissue between the mouth/nose and the hand.
40.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Rate the outputs of the pupils based on the given rubric below.
Pagsukod sa Kahanas 3 2 1
1. Ang mga nanagpasundayag nagpakita sa ilang
pagbati ug emosyon sa oras sa pasundayag.
Practicum #
2. Nagpakita ang pasundayag og maayong
3 pamatasan sa usa ka Pilipinhon.
3. Makita ang pagbulig ug pagsalmot sa kada
membro sa grupo.
4. Nakahuman ang pasundayag sa saktong oras
nga gihatag.
41.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Enrichment Practice the Song “Wash your Hands”
Concluding Activity Tell the pupils to demonstrate the different ways of coughing and sneezing properly,
while saying the slogan “Cover your cough/sneeze to prevent disease”
3 Minutes

Learning Area: HEALTH Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 7 Grade Level: 1
First 40 mins.
Realizes the importance of practicing good health habits.
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: (Cough and Sneeze) H1PH-IIj-5
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Practicing good health habits.
43. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the proper way of covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing.
Demonstrate the proper way of covering the mouth when coughing and the nose
when sneezing.
Attitudes Tell why the mouth and the nose should be covered when coughing and sneezing.
Values Practice healthy habits.
44.Content/Topic Cough and Sneeze Manners
45.Learning K to 12 MELCs, TG pp. 36-39
Resources/ Pictures
Materials / Video Clips
46.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
Have you experience coughing? What did you do when you cough?
4.1 Introductory Have you experience sneezing? What did you do when you sneezing?
(5 minutes) Sing the Song entitled, “Wash your Hands”
Materials needed: spray bottle with water
tissue paper
4.2 Activity Say: Children, watch what I will do.
(5 minutes)
Pretend to cough and sneeze. As you cough or sneeze, spray water on your hand.
Show your hand to the pupils and ask the following questions.

. What do you see on my palm?

4.3 Analysis 2. What happens when we cough?
(11 minutes) 3. What happens when we sneeze?
4. What happens when we cough into our hands?
Germs that cause disease can be transmitted either through air droplets or
through contaminated objects. Any type of cough or sneeze contains airborne germs
that can be inhaled by someone else, causing illness. A sneeze, for instance, can
expel germs up to about one meter. These germs can contaminate objects in the
environment, such as chairs, tables, and doorknobs. Such germs can exist for many
4.4 Abstraction days on environmental surfaces and still be infectious.
(5 minutes) It is therefore important for everyone to learn and practice cough and sneeze
etiquette to prevent the spread of airborne respiratory infections.
When a sick person coughs or sneezes, s/he must cover his/her mouth and nose
with a mask, paper tissue or clean cloth. S/he can also cough or sneeze into the
crook of the arm to prevent infectious respiratory droplets from being inhaled by
others. However, after doing this, s/he should wash his/her arm with soap and water
or rub it with alcohol.


Pupils will construct a self- portrait demonstrating the proper way of covering their
mouth when they sneeze or cough.
• paper plate
• construction paper
• Scissors
4.5 Application • glue
(20 minutes)
• facial tissue (if not available, clean cloth)
1. Give the pupils a paper plate each.
2. Tell them to draw their face on it – eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
3. Have the pupils trace their hand on the construction paper and cut it out.
4. Make the pupils glue ONLY the rim of palm cut-out onto the chin of their drawn
faces. Remind everyone NOT to glue the fingers to the paper plate.
5. Tell the pupils to place a tissue between the mouth/nose and the hand.
47.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Rate the outputs of the pupils based on the given rubric below.
Pagsukod sa Kahanas 3 2 1
1. Ang mga nanagpasundayag nagpakita sa ilang
pagbati ug emosyon sa oras sa pasundayag.
Practicum #
2. Nagpakita ang pasundayag og maayong
3 pamatasan sa usa ka Pilipinhon.
3. Makita ang pagbulig ug pagsalmot sa kada
membro sa grupo.
4. Nakahuman ang pasundayag sa saktong oras
nga gihatag.
48.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Enrichment Practice the Song “Wash your Hands”
Concluding Activity Tell the pupils to demonstrate the different ways of coughing and sneezing properly,
while saying the slogan “Cover your cough/sneeze to prevent disease”
3 Minutes
Author: VANESSA A. DAMIAN School:
Position/Designation: Teacher III District: Mabinay Division: Negros Oriental
Contact Number: Email Address:

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