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The 30-60-90 Day Marketing Plan

Head of Marketing role

By Dean Mor
The First 30 Days: Learn

➢ Understand expectations of the role and the department

➢ Learn about our history and understand how that’s leveraged in current marketing
➢ Understand and review financial marketing budgets
➢ Study existing sales tools and marketing programs
➢ Review online product presentation
➢ Review and understand current social media and branding strategy and direction
➢ Review current marketing strategy and direction
➢ Gain an understanding of current and planned projects, urgency, costs, and expected results
➢ Define measurable goals to work towards
Day 30 to Day 60: Plan & Experiment

➢ Determine strengths and capacity of the marketing team

➢ Identify team gaps related to executing’s growth
➢ Meet with nonprofits of all sizes and identify how our marketing team can improve their overall
➢ Create and A/B test 10-20 unique advertisement creatives (a mix of images, GIFs, and videos)
➢ Write and A/B test 5-10 advertisement copies
➢ Google: Launch Search campaign
➢ Facebook: Launch Brand Awareness, Conversion, Retargeting, and LLA campaigns
➢ SMS and Emails: Optimize current campaigns
Day 60 to Day 90: Build & Scale

➢ Introduce future structure for marketing team

➢ Share vision, goals, and strategies for marketing
➢ Build and develop strategic partnerships (Influencer Marketing)
➢ Optimize and scale all marketing campaigns
➢ (Optional) Rewards program: Reward biggest donors ($1000~+) with a physical trophy, poster, or
T-shirt in order to celebrate and visualize their generosity | the objective of this program is to
increase the retention rate of these donors, increase brand awareness and encourage big donations
➢ (Optional) Community forum: Introduce a social forum to build and strengthen our community,
while also increasing organic traffic (SEO)
➢ Determine additional strategic methods to engage with website visitors and donors

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