BOM Questions Covid Pattern

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Business Organisation and Management

Unit I
10 & 20 marks

1. Explain the functions /Objectives of Business

2. What is Sole Propritorship. Explain its Characteristics
3. What are the differences between soleproprietorship and partnership?
4. Define Joint Stock Company. Explain its Characteristics.
5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of companies
6. What are the steps in incorporation of a company.
7. Define Memorandum of Association. Explain the clauses in it.
8. Define Management. Explain the functions of Management
9. what is Scientific management. What are its objectives.
10. Explain Fayols Principles of Management.
11. What is MBO. What are the steps in it.
12. Define Organising. Explain the principles of Organising
13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Line and Staff Organising
14. Define coordination. Explain the principles of co-ordination
15. What are the techniques of effective co-ordination.
16. Define Control. What are the requirements for effective control?

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