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SUBJECT NAME: Rural Marketing



No MCQ Answer ALL Questions:
1. Rural Marketing mix for products consist of _________.

A 4Ps Yes
B 7Ps
C 8Ps
D 5Ps
2. The term marketing mix describes ___________
A A composite analysis of all environmental factors inside
and outside the firm
B A series of business decisions that aid in selling a
C The relationship between a firm’s marketing strengths
and its business weakness.
D A blending of strategic elements to specific markets. Yes
3. Which of the following is not true about rural markets?
A Print media is not necessarily impactful in rural areas. Yes
B Rural customer is price sensitive
C No significant change may be required in the advertising
D Product should be simple ,easy to use, service and
4. A major portion of the rural population consists of __
income groups
A Low Yes
B high
C medium
D all of these
5. Many companies are now turning their attention to __
A Urban
B Rural Yes
C World
D None of these
6. If done through __ the rural marketing would be more
A Fairs
B Door to door campaign
C Village fairs.
D All of these Yes
7. The rural marketing is not required because __
A Rural people do not understand marketing
B It’s not practical from the cost point of 2 view
C It is sheer wastage of time
D All are wrong Yes
8. Marketing research is a part of __ stage of rural marketing
A Planning Yes

B Execution
C Feedback
D None of these
9. Money Lenders can be
A Rural
B Urban
C Non-professional.
D All of the above Yes
10 Which of the following would be the best illustration of a
A a religion Yes
B a group of close friends
C your university
D a fraternity or sorority
11 The relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a
society, which are hierarchically ordered and whose
members share similar values, interests, and behaviour
constitute ________.
A a culture Yes
B a subculture
C a social class
D a family
12 A person's ________ consist(s) of all the groups that have
a direct (face-to-face) or indirect
influence on his/her attitudes or behavior.
A person's ________ consist(s) of all the groups that have
a direct (face-to-face) or indirect influence on his/her
attitudes or behaviour.
A subculture
B family
C social class
D reference groups Yes
13 Social classes differ in media preferences, with upper-
class consumers often preferring ________ and lower-
class consumers often preferring television.
A movies
B radio
C video or computer games
D magazines and books Yes
14 Marriage, childbirth, and divorce constitute the ________
that shapes the consumption pattern of individuals.
A psychological life cycle
B product life cycle
C social status
D critical life events Yes

15 At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a
pyramid in the text) are
________ needs
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a
pyramid in the text) are
________ needs
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a
pyramid in the text) are
________ needs
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a
pyramid in the text) are
________ needs
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a
pyramid in the text) are
________ needs
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown as a
pyramid in the text) are ________ needs
A esteem
B self-actualization Yes
C social
D safety
16 ________________ is one of the most basic influences on
an individual’s needs, wants, and behaviour.
A Brand
B Product
C Price
D Culture Yes
17 In terms of consumer behaviour; culture, social class, and
reference group influences have been related to purchase
and _______________.
A Economic situations
B Situational influences
C Consumption decisions Yes
D Physiological influences
18 ___________ develop on the basis of wealth, skills and
A Economical classes
B Purchasing communities
C Competitors
D Social classes Yes
19 In large nations, the population is bound to lose a lot of its
homogeneity, and thus _________________ arise.
A Multilingual needs
B Cultures
C Subcultures Yes
D Product adaptation requirements

20. Marketing managers should adapt the marketing mix to
___________________ and constantly monitor value
changes and differences in both domestic and global
A Sales strategies
B Cultural values Yes
C Marketing concepts
D Brand images
21 _______________ are based on such things as
geographic areas, religions, nationalities, ethnic groups,
and age.
A Multilingual needs
B Cultures
C Subcultures Yes
D Product adaptation requirements
22 Which of the following is the most valuable piece of
information for determining the social class of your best
friend's parents?
A The number of years schooling that they had
B Their occupations Yes
C Their combined annual income
D Their ethnic backgrounds
23 Many sub cultural barriers are decreasing because of
mass communication, mass transit, and
A The use of new technology Yes
B A decline in the influence of religious values
C The rising unemployment situation
D An influence of political power
24 Different social classes tend to have different attitudinal
configurations and _______ that influence the behaviour
of individual members
A Personalities
B Values Yes
C Finances
D Decision makers
25 ____________ is the definition of reference groups
A Groups that an individual looks to when forming attitudes Yes
and opinions
B Groups of people who have been referred to by someone
they know
C Groups of office colleagues
D Chat groups on the internet
26 Secondary reference groups include ________________.
A Family and close friends
B Sports groups
C Ethnic and religious groups
D Fraternal organizations and professional associations Yes

27 One of the key tasks of marketers is ____________ and to
create consumer perceptions that the product is worth
A To make products easily visible and available
B To promote sales of products
C To differentiate their products from those of competitors Yes
D To do marketing surveys
28 ________ can influence the consumers’ thoughts about
A Marketing and popularity
B Advertising, sales promotions, salespeople, and publicity Yes
C Sales promotion, popularity, and marketing
D Billboards
29 What is the least pressing in Maslow's Hierarchy of
A Self-actualization
B safety need
C physiological needs Yes
D social needs
30 ___________ are the groups that individuals look to when
forming attitudes and opinions.
A Adult groups
B Commercial bills
C Reference groups Yes
D Religious groups
31 A ________________ is a group of people with shared
value systems based on common life experiences and
A culture Yes
B subculture
C lifestyle composite
D social class
32 Which of the following reflects the relatively stable
behavioural tendencies that individuals display across a
variety of situations?
A motivation Yes
B personality
C emotion
D perception
33 The basic premise of the _____________ is that people’s
possessions contribute to and reflect their identities; that
is, “we are what we have.
A lifestyle concept
B self-concept Yes
C personality concept
D cognitive concept
34 A _____________ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to
direct the person to seek satisfaction of the need.

A motive Yes
B want
C demand
D requirement
35 _______________ describes changes in an individual’s
behaviour arising from experience.
A modeling
B motivation
C perception
D learning Yes
36 Maslow's hierarchy of needs is based on which premise?
A All humans acquire a similar set of motives through
genetic endowment and social interaction.
B Some motives are more basic or critical than others.
C The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum
level before other motives are activated.
D all of the above Yes
37 Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes all EXCEPT which
of the following?
A cognition Yes
B physiological
C safety
D belongingness
38 Which need in Maslow's hierarchy reflects a desire for
love, friendship, affiliation, and group acceptance?
A safety
B self-actualization
C physiological
D belongingness Yes
39 Which of Maslow's needs reflects individuals' desires for
status, superiority, self-respect, and prestige?
A safety
B self-actualization
C esteem Yes
D physiological
40. Which of Maslow's needs involves the desire for self-
fulfilment, to become all that one is capable of becoming?
A safety
B self-actualization Yes
C physiological
D belongingness
41 Primary reference groups include ________________
A college students
B office colleague
C family and close friends Yes
D sports groups

42 ___________ develop on the basis of wealth, skills and
A Economical classes
B Purchasing communities
C Competitors
D Social classes Yes
43 _____________ has become increasingly important for
developing a marketing strategy in recent years.
A Change in consumers’ attitudes
B Inflation of the dollar
C The concept and the brand
D Age groups, such as the teen market, baby boomers, Yes
and the mature market
44 Which of the following is NOT part of group influence?
A Social Class
B Social Group
C Reference Group
D Personality Yes
45 What does SEC stand for?
A socio-economic class
B standard industry classification
C special individual category
D socio-economic classification Yes
46 Marketers who target consumers on the basis of their
________ believe that they can influence purchase
behaviour by appealing to people's inner selves.
A core values Yes
B sophistication
C money constrain
D social class
47 Which of the following is a situation in which consumer
behaviour occurs?
A communications situation
B purchase situation
C usage situation
D All of the above Yes
48 _____________ (is) are transmitted through three basic
organizations: the family, religious organizations, and
educational institutions; and in today’s society, educational
institutions are playing an increasingly greater role in this
A Consumer feedback
B Marketing information systems
C Market share estimates
D Cultural values Yes

49 If the purchase is for a high-involvement product,
consumers are likely to develop a high degree of
________________ so that they can be confident that the
item they purchase is just right for them. .
A Brand loyalty
B Society
C Product knowledge Yes
D References
50 Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural,
social, personal, and:
A Psychographic characteristics
B Psychological characteristics Yes
C Psychometric characteristics.
D supply and demand characteristics

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