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Discuss the 7ps 3


REG:- 1911188


SUBMITTED TO : Ma’am Arusa Khalid

Choose a service company local/international you are familiar with,

describe marketing challenges related to services characteristics, and discuss

possible marketing responses.

Discuss the 7 Ps marketing mix concept on the example of a selected service


Describe significant approaches to services market segmentation as well as

approaches to services target market selection.

PG 18 is an apparel selling brand. The following are the challenges faced generally by
companies and also in this case , faced by the brand in question. The following are also the
responses required to tackle said challenges

Firstly , the brand for me personally is reliable and it does maintain quality. The third factor
is consistency , which for me isn’t their forte. They aren’t able to consistently keep track of
their clients. Basically , they aren’t consistent in the after sale phase which is a huge
drawback in this day and age. The marketing response to this problem is to enhance the
promotional aspect of your brand. Promotional emails and offers would help me remember
that I used their service once

Secondly, the interaction between the provider and customer isn’t the best either. Once you
have ordered , the time the provider takes to return your messages is way longer than it
should be. After the moment of truth , the customer would either want to give positive
feedback , negative feedback or might have questions which need to be dealt with urgently.
The response would be to educate the purchasers in a more effective manner by staying
online at all times during work hours and by asking questions about the experience.

Lastly , the website did not specify about what products were in the most sold category. This
lead to me exploring the website for options I didn’t need to look for in the first place.
Reason behind what I said is that often the best products are in the most sold category. The
adequate response to this is to make sure the service personals enhance the website by adding
a few changes to make it customer friendly.


The Product is the main piece of the jigsaw. It is what ignites the desire to purchase through
activating the 5 senses of your potential customer. An excellent product will sell itself and
later on , create a value which cannot be either replicated or is the bench mark of the industry
you’re working in. The main product for Pg 18 is the shirt they’re selling. The concept is a
plain white or black shirt which comes with imprints on them.

Place:- The place for the brand doesn’t exist in terms of a proper store as it has no physical
store. The place the brand targets is mainly social media and relies on the word of mouth.

Price :- The prices are nominal and are competitive. The pricing method isn’t all that
complicated as mostly what they’re selling is T-shirts. All the shirts have similar prices,
excluding a couple of articles which required extensive designing on them.

Promotion:- Promotion is done mainly through social media platforms. As I have mentioned
before that they don’t send promotional emails , that is another segment they are not looking

Process:-Logistics, shipment and delivery, supply chain, staff, checkout process, wait times
are some of the examples of the process. The process from purchasing their item to receiving
it is comparatively slow.

Physical Environment:- The appreciation notes , the acknowledgment of your customers

effort and receipts are some of the examples of physical environment. Other than the billing
receipt which was both virtual and in paper , I didn’t receive any thing I wasn’t expecting.

People:- These are the hosts and employees of the brand. Since the shopping was done online
, I couldn’t reach to a person who was a representative of the company.

Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market into subsets of customers who
share common characteristics. The brand pg 18 is targeting people who as long as they live
anywhere, can find the website online. They are attracting a certain niche of people, people
who have a certain lifestyle. Even though they are attracting a specific niche, they are not
specific about the age category. The approaches the brand is taking are the vivid and constant
utilization of bright and shocking colors on top of funny content imprinted on the shirts
which makes their market selection clearly visible. The market they are trying to break into
and be successful is youth. They are succeeding in pulling the numbers as despite the lack in
effort put in to see that the business is operating at an optimal level , the quality of the
product is excellent and I can serve as a clear evidence for them by claiming that they are
actually good.

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