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3, MAY 2014 915

On the Parameter Extraction of a Five-Parameter

Double-Diode Model of Photovoltaic
Cells and Modules
Mohammad Hejri, Hossein Mokhtari, Mohammad Reza Azizian, Mehrdad Ghandhari, and Lennart Söder

Abstract—The main contribution of this paper is to present a derived equations for the estimation of a PV model parameters
new set of approximate analytical solutions for the parameters of are implicit and nonlinear and may not be analytically solved.
a photovoltaic (PV) five-parameter double-diode model that can Moreover, the numerical solutions require appropriate initial
be used as initial values for the numerical solutions based on the
Newton–Raphson method. The proposed formulations are devel- values to achieve convergence.
oped based on only the limited information given by the PV man- Two main methods exist to extract the parameters of a PV
ufacturers, i.e., the open-circuit voltage (Vo c ), the short circuit double-diode model. The first method is based on fitting theo-
current (Isc ), and the current and voltage at the maximum power retical I–V curves to some of the experimental ones. In the other
point (Im and Vm ). Compared with the existing techniques that re- method, the parameters are determined using a few selected key
quire the entire experimental I–V curve or additional information
such as the slope of the I–V curves of the open circuit and the short points of the experimental data [4], [6], [7], [22], [23]. This
circuit points, the proposed technique is quite independent of these approach is attractive in industrial applications because of its
additional data, and, it is therefore, a low cost and fast parameter speed and need for few data from the I–V curves which are
extraction method. The accuracy of the theoretical I–V curves is commonly available in the PV manufacturer catalogues. In this
evaluated through the comparison of the simulation results and technique, to solve the resulting nonlinear equations, one needs
experimental data. The results of the application of the proposed
technique to different PV modules show the accuracy and validity a suitable initial point to make sure that the numerical iterations
of the proposed analytical-numerical method. will converge. In [6], [7], and [20], some analytical solutions for
the parameters of the double-diode model have been derived.
Index Terms—Double-diode model, initial point, parameter
identification, photovoltaic (PV), PV cells and modules. However, these solutions need the slope of the I–V curves at
the open-circuit point which is not normally given by the PV
I. INTRODUCTION This paper presents a new set of analytical solutions for the pa-
rameters of a five-parameter double-diode model of PV cells and
EVELOPING suitable models for photovoltaic (PV) cells
D and modules to simulate and predict their behavior is of
particular importance for the design, manufacturing, and eval-
modules which only require the coordinates of three key points
of the I–V curves, i.e., the open-circuit (0, Vo c ), the short circuit
(Isc , 0) and the maximum power point (MPP) (Im , Vm ).These
uation of PV systems. There are two main models for PV cells
analytical solutions are successfully used in Newton–Raphson
and modules in the literature, i.e., single-diode [1]–[17] and
numerical iterations to achieve convergence and obtain more
double-diode [7], [18]–[26] models. These models differ in the
accurate solutions. It is shown that the extracted numerical and
accuracy and number of parameters involved in the calculation
analytical solutions by the proposed method in this paper may
of PV current–voltage characteristics. It has been shown that the
serve as a suitable initial point for other approaches on the basis
double-diode model is a more accurate model in representing the
of curve-fitting techniques.
solar panel behavior as compared with the single-diode model,
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
specifically at low irradiation levels [7], [18], [27]. To use these
Section II, the original nonlinear equations of the double-diode
models in the simulation and evaluation of PV systems, one
model of PV panels are given. Section III deals with the deriva-
needs to determine the models parameters. However, parameter
tion of initial point for the numerical solutions. In Section IV,
identification of such models is a challenging problem, since the
the dependence of the PV module parameters on the operating
condition is discussed. Section V illustrates the results by apply-
Manuscript received July 13, 2013; revised February 10, 2014; accepted
ing the proposed method to different PV modules, and proves
February 16, 2014. Date of publication March 5, 2014; date of current version the validity of the suggested parameter identification scheme in
April 18, 2014. comparison with the experimental data. Finally, the concluding
M. Hejri and M. R. Azizian are with the Department of Electrical Engi-
neering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz 51335-1996, Iran (e-mail:
remarks are made in Section VI.;
H. Mokhtari is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif Univer-
sity of Technology, Tehran 1392, Iran (e-mail:
M. Ghandhari and L. Söder are with the Department of Electric Power
Systems, School of Electrical Engineering, KTH-Royal Institute of Technol- NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS
ogy, Stockholm SE-100 44, Sweden (e-mail:; Fig. 1, shows the double-diode equivalent circuit of a PV
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2307161 cell. It should be noted that PV modules are manufactured from

2156-3381 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

(STC). In the STC, the radiation level is 1 kW/m2 with an air

mass AM1.5 at the cell or module temperature of 25 ◦ C [8].
Available data in the manufactures datasheets are: the open-
circuit voltage (Vo c ), the short-circuit current (Isc ), the voltage
at MPP (Vm ), and the current at MPP (Im ).
Equation (1) is now evaluated at three points of the I–V curve
Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of a double-diode model of a PV cell. of the PV module, i.e., the open circuit (0, Vo c ), the short circuit
(Isc , 0) and the MPP (Im , Vm ) as follows:
the series connection of PV cells to achieve high power and    
Vo c
voltage levels. Moreover, some bypass diodes are installed in 0 = Iph − Is1 exp −1
Ns V t
PV modules to avoid avalanche breakdown and hot spots during    
partial shading. It is a common practice to assume that the Vo c Vo c
−Is2 exp −1 − (4)
characteristics of the series cells inside a module are nearly 2Ns Vt Rsh
identical [20], [28]. As a result, a PV module model is considered    
Rs Isc
as a single cell with some multipliers that are incorporated in Isc = Iph − Is1 exp −1
Ns V t
the cell model dependent upon the number of series-connected    
cells in the module. According to the equivalent circuit given Rs Isc Rs Isc
−Is2 exp −1 − (5)
in Fig. 1, the general PV panel current–voltage relationship in a 2Ns Vt Rsh
specified illumination and temperature is given as    
    Vm + Rs Im
V + Rs I Im = Iph − Is1 exp −1
I = Iph − Is1 exp −1 Ns V t
n1 Ns Vt    
    Vm + Rs Im Vm + Rs Im
V + Rs I V + Rs I −Is2 exp −1 − . (6)
−Is2 exp −1 − (1) 2Ns Vt Rsh
n2 Ns Vt Rsh
The power transferred at each point on the PV module I–V curve
where, I and V are the terminal current and voltage of the PV is given by
panel, Is1 is the saturation current due to diffusion mechanism,
Is2 is the saturation current because of carrier recombination P = V I. (7)
in space-charge region, n1 diode ideality factor for diffusion
current, n2 diode ideality factor for generation-recombination Next, the power term in (7) is differentiated with respect to V
current, Ns is the number of series-connected PV cells in the as follows:
PV panel, Rs and Rsh are the series and shunt resistances, and  
dP dI
Vt is cell thermal voltage defined as = V + I. (8)
dV dV
Vt = (2) The derivative of the power with respect to the voltage at the
MPP is zero. Thus,
where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 × 10−23 J/K), q is the
dI Im
elementary charge (1.6 × 10−19 C), and T is p-n junction tem- =− . (9)
perature in Kelvin. To reduce the complexity of the computa- dV Vm
tions in practical cases, the values of the ideality factors are Next, the term dVdI
is obtained by taking the derivative of (1)
commonly approximated as n1 = 1 and n2 = 2 with a reason- with respect to V as follows:
able accuracy that is based on Shockley’s diffusion theory [7],
[19]–[23]. Although this assumption is widely used in the liter- dI Is1 dI V + Rs I Is2
ature, however, it may not be always true [18], [29]. Therefore, =− 1 + Rs exp −
dV Ns V t dV Ns V t 2Ns Vt
(1) can be rewritten as      
    dI V + Rs I 1 dI
V + Rs I × 1 + Rs exp − 1 + Rs .
I = Iph − Is1 exp −1 dV 2Ns Vt Rsh dV
Ns V t
V + Rs I V + Rs I
−Is2 exp −1 − . (3) By substituting (10) into (9), the following equation is obtained:
2Ns Vt Rsh
Thus, the number of unknown parameters is reduced from 7 in Im Is1 Im Vm + Rs Im Is2
= 1 − Rs exp +
(1) to 5 in (3). Our main goal is to determine the five parameters Vm Ns V t Vm Ns V t 2Ns Vt
Rs , Rsh , Is1 , Is2 , and Iph only based on the available data in a      
Im Vm + Rs Im 1 Im
PV module datasheets. × 1 − Rs exp + 1 − Rs .
Datasheet information is given for specified radiation and Vm 2Ns Vt Rsh Vm
temperature conditions that is called as standard test condition (11)

Using (4), one can write fore, (13) can be rewritten as

Vo c Vo c Vo c Vo c Vo c − Rs Isc
Iph = + Is1 exp −1 Isc = Is1 exp + Is2 exp + .
Rsh Ns V t Ns V t 2Ns Vt Rsh
Vo c Solving the set of equations in (17) and (14) with respect to the
+Is2 exp − 1 . (12)
2Ns Vt unknown variables Is1 and Is2 yields
Substituting (12) into (5) and (6) yields a exp(− 2NV os cv t ) − b exp(− V m2N
+R s I m
s vt
     Is1 = (18)
Vo c Rs Isc exp( 2NV os cv t ) − exp( V m2N
+R s I m
s vt
Isc = Is1 exp − exp
Ns V t Ns V t a exp(− NVsovc t ) − b exp(− V m N+R s Im
     Is2 = s vt
Vo c Rs Isc Vo c − Rs Isc exp(− 2NV os cv t ) − exp(− V m2N
+R s I m
+ Is2 exp − exp + s vt
2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt Rsh
(13) where, a = (1 + R s h )Isc − R s h and b = (1 + R s h )(Isc −
Rs Vo c Rs

       Im ) − V m .
Rs Vo c Vm + Rs Im Rs h
Im 1 + = Is1 exp − exp By substituting (18) and (19) into (11) and (16) and after
Rsh Ns V t Ns V t
     some mathematical manipulations one can obtain
Vo c Vm + Rs Im Vo c − Vm      
+ Is2 exp −exp + . 1 Rs Im Im Vo c − Vm − Rs Im
2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt Rsh 1− − 2 − exp
Rsh Vm Vm 2Ns Vt
Vm − Vo c + Rs Im 1 Rs Im
− exp + 1−
Equations (11), (13), and (14) are three independent equations 2Ns Vt Ns V t Vm
with four unknown variables Rs , Rsh , Is1 , and Is2 . Therefore,     
a −Vo c + Vm + Rs Im
one further equation is needed. × − + b exp
At the short-circuit point on the I–V curve, I = Isc , V = 2 2Ns Vt
0, dV |V =0 = − R s h o . Substituting these values into (10) and
dI 1
a −Vo c + Vm + Rs Im
after some mathematical manipulations, one can obtain + exp
2 Ns V t
1 Is1 Rs Isc b Vo c − Vm − Rs Im 3b
(Rsho − Rs ) + exp − exp + =0 (20)
Rsh Ns V t Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt 2
Is2 Rs Isc Rsh − Rs Rs Isc − Vo c Rs Isc
+ exp − 1 = 0. (15) a exp − (a + b) exp
2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt Ns V t Ns V t Ns V t
Now, a new unknown variable Rsho is created. Vm + Vo c + Rs Im Rs Isc Vm + Rs Im
− + b exp −
As shown in [6], assuming Rsho , Rsh  Rs , and 2Ns Vt Ns V t Ns V t
Is 1
exp( R s Is c
), Is 2
exp( R s Is c
)  1
, from (15) one can   
Ns Vt Ns Vt 2N s V t 2N s V t Rs h a Rs Isc − Vo c b Vo c + Rs Isc
conclude that Rsho ≈ Rsh . Therefore, (15) can be rewritten as + exp − exp
2 2Ns Vt 2 2Ns Vt
1 Is1 Rs Isc Vm + Rs Im a Vm + Rs Im + Rs Isc Vo c
(Rsh − Rs ) + exp − − exp −
Rsh Ns V t Ns V t Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt Ns V t
Is2 Rs Isc b Rs Isc − Vm − Rs Im
+ exp − 1 = 0. (16) + exp
2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt 2 2Ns Vt
Equations (11), (13), (14), and (16) are four independent equa- Rs Vo c − Vm − Rs Im
− 2 − exp
tions with four unknown variables Rs , Rsh , Is1 , and Is2 . These Rsh 2Ns Vt
equations can be solved by the Newton–Raphson method. How-  
Vm − Vo c + Rs Im
ever, as it will be shown in Section IV, because of the very small − exp = 0. (21)
terms of Is1 and Is2 in the Jacobian matrix, this matrix is close 2Ns Vt
to singularity and for some PV modules the Newton–Raphson Now, (20) and (21) are a set of nonlinear equations with only
method may not converge. To overcome this problem, Is1 and two unknown variables Rs and Rsh . In Section IV, it is shown
Is2 have been eliminated from (11), (13), (14), and (16) by ap- that the solution of (20), (21) is very close to the solution of (11),
plying some mathematical manipulations which result in a set (13), (14), and (16). Therefore, (20), (21) can be used instead of
of equations with only unknown variables of Rs , Rsh . (11), (13), (14), and (16). To solve these equations numerically,
For PV modules, the approximations exp( NVsoVc t )  exp one needs a good initial point. We obtain a set of approximate
( RNss IVstc ) and exp( 2NV os cV t )  exp( 2N R s Is c
s Vt
) are valid [7]. There- analytical solutions and use them as a candidate for the initial

point. In the next section, it is shown how these initial points into (22) and (23) to compute the saturation currents Is1 and Is2 .
can be derived based on reasonable assumptions. Next, an estimation of Rsh is calculated by (16). This equation
can be rewritten in the following form:
1 Is1 Rs Isc
AN INITIAL POINT Rsh (Rsh − Rs ) + exp
Rsh Ns V t Ns V t
Considering Rsh  Rs [7], 1 + RRssh is approximated by 1.  
Is2 Rs Isc
In addition, according to the typical available values for the + exp − Rs = 0. (27)
PV module parameters in the datasheets and literatures [6], 2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt
the approximations Isc  RV os ch , Isc − Im  RV smh are valid. Ac- Since Rsh  Rs , from (27), one can obtain
cording to these reasonable assumptions, the terms a = (1 + 
R s h )Isc − R s h and b = (1 + R s h )(Isc − Im ) − R s h are ap-
Rs Vo c Rs Vm
Rsh = Is 1 R s Is c Is 2 R s Is c
proximated with a = Isc and b = Isc − Im . Thus, they become Ns Vt exp( Ns Vt ) + 2N s V t exp( 2N s V t )
independent of Rs and Rsh . The term R1s h (1 − RVs mI m ) − VI mm in
where Is1 and Is2 are calculated via (22) and (23). Therefore,
(20) is also estimated as − VI mm . According to these simplifica-
(25), (22), (23), and (28) provide approximate analytical solu-
tions, (18) and (19) can be rewritten as
tions, and at the same time they are suitable initial points for
Isc exp(− 2NV os cv t ) − (Isc − Im ) exp(− V m2N
+R s I m
s vt
) the implicit nonlinear equations of (11), (13), (14), and (16) or
Is1 = (22) (20), (21).
exp( 2NV os cv t ) − exp( V m2N
+R s I m
s vt
A comprehensive discussion on the analytic solution of the
Isc exp(− NVsovc t ) − (Isc − Im ) exp(− V m N+R s Im
s vt
) cubic and quartic equations in (25) can be found in any classic
Is2 = . (23) book on the theory of equations [30]. Based on the Abel–Ruffini
exp(− 2NV os cv t ) − exp(− V m2N
+R s I m
s vt
theorem, the quartic or the fourth-order equation is the highest
Also, (20) is simplified as degree of a general polynomial for which the analytical solutions
   based on radicals can be found [31].
Im Vo c − Vm − Rs Im
− 2 − exp Note that in (11), (13), (14), and (16) or (20), (21), the param-
Vm 2Ns Vt eter Iph is eliminated, and therefore, it needs no initial value.
Vm − Vo c + Rs Im 1 Rs Im However, one can find a good estimation of this parameter via
− exp + 1− (5). This equation can be rewritten as
2Ns Vt Ns V t Vm
3Isc −Vo c + Vm + Rs Im Rs Isc
× − − Im exp Iph = Isc + Is1 exp −1
2 2Ns Vt Ns V t
Isc −Vo c + Vm + Rs Im Isc − Im Rs Isc Rs Isc
+ exp − +Is2 exp −1 + . (29)
2 Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt Rsh
   Now, since Isc is much greater than the other terms on the right-
Vo c − Vm − Rs Im 3(Isc − Im )
× exp + = 0. (24) hand side of (29), therefore, the value of Iph is estimated as
2Ns Vt 2
Isc .
We use the first-, second-, and third-order approxima-
tions exp(kRs ) = 1 + kRs , exp(kRs ) = 1 + kRs + k 2 Rs2 /2, A. Zero Series Resistance Initial Condition
and exp(kRs ) = 1 + kRs + k 2 Rs2 /2 + k 3 Rs3 /6 to transform
the exponential terms in (24) to polynomial ones. Therefore, the As it will be shown in Section IV, sometimes during param-
following quadratic, cubic, and quartic equations are obtained: eter determination of the PV modules, the algebraic equations
in (25) do not result in any feasible solution for the series re-
A2 Rs2 + B2 Rs + C2 = 0 sistance. It means that the proposed real positive solutions for
A3 Rs3 + B3 Rs2 + C3 Rs + D3 = 0 Rs in (25) do not yield any feasible initial point that makes the
numerical solutions of (11), (13), (14), and (16) or (20), (21)
A4 Rs4 + B4 Rs3 + C4 Rs2 + D4 Rs + E4 = 0. (25) converge. This problem is appeared for the PV modules with a
small series resistance. In such cases, the initial value of Rs is
Coefficients Ai , Bi , Ci , i ∈ {2, 3, 4}, D3 , D4 , E4 are provided
set to zero. Since setting Rs = 0 results in nonfeasible solution
in Appendix. Comparing the calculated coefficients to each
of Rsh = 0 in (28), the value of Rsh is estimated via (21).
other, one can obtain
Assuming Rs = 0, the parameters a = (1 + RRssh )Isc − RV os hc
E4 = D3 = C2 and b = (1 + RRssh )(Isc − Im ) − RV smh in (21) are simplified as
D4 = C3 = B2 a = Isc − RV os ch and b = Isc − Im − RV smh . Now, setting Rs = 0
and substituting parameters a, b into (21) and after some math-
C4 = B3 . (26) ematical manipulations one can obtain
After analytical solving of the proposed classic equations in (25) N
and obtaining a feasible solution for Rs , one can substitute it Rsh = (30)

where TABLE I
Vo c Vo c + Vm KC200GT VIA THE NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF (11), (13), (14), AND (16)
D = Isc exp − − (2Isc − Im ) exp −
Ns V t 2Ns Vt
Vm Isc Vo c
+ (Isc − Im ) exp + exp −
Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt
Isc − Im Vo c Vm Isc
− exp − −
2 2Ns Vt Ns V t 2
Vm Vo c Isc − Im Vm
× exp − + exp −
2Ns Vt Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt
Vo c Vo c + Vm
N = Vo c exp − − (Vm + Vo c ) exp −
Ns V t 2Ns Vt
Vm Vo c Vo c
+ Vm exp − + exp −
Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt
Vm Vo c Vm
− exp −
2 2Ns Vt Ns V t
Vo c Vm Vo c Vm Vm
− exp − − + exp − .
2 2Ns Vt Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt The value of Eg as a function of the cell temperature is given
Therefore in cases that (25) do not suggest any feasible value by [2], [32]
for Rs , the initial values of Rs = 0 and Rsh in (29) are used for Eg
the numerical solution of (20), (21). Now, an idea arises that one = 1 − 0.0002677(T − TSTC ). (34)
Eg ,T S T C
can use the proposed estimated values of Rs and Rsh , to obtain
an approximate value of saturation currents Is1 , Is2 via (18) and The dependence of the photo current on the temperature and
(19). However, as it will be shown in Section IV, the proposed irradiation level can be stated as [28]
initial values for Rs and Rsh do not guarantee reasonable values Iph G
for Is1 or Is2 . It means that they may result unrealistic nega- = [1 + ki (T − TSTC )] (35)
tive values in (18), (19). However, it does not matter, because
the numerical solution of (20), (21) is independent from the where ki (%/◦ C) is the temperature coefficient of the short-
parameters Is1 and Is2 . circuit current.
In [33], a proportional relation for Is2 as a function of the
IV. DEPENDENCE OF THE PARAMETERS ON THE TEMPERATURE cell temperature has been developed as
5 Eg
Is2 ∝ T 2 exp − . (36)
The information in PV manufacturers’ catalogues refers to the 2kT
STC, and therefore, the parameter identified from the datasheets By proposing the proportional constant C, (36) can be written
is valid only under the STC. However, generally the dependence as
of the PV model parameters on T and G can be inserted in the  
5 Eg
mathematical model via a set of suitable translational formu- Is2 = CT 2 exp − . (37)
las. With this approach, the current–voltage (I–V) relationship 2kT
which considers the irradiance and temperature conditions is Evaluating (37) at STC and after some algebra, one can obtain
realized. Mathematically, in this relationship, the dependence   52   
on the temperature and irradiation levels is taken into account Is2 T 1 Eg ,STC Eg
= exp − . (38)
by using the principle of supervision [2], [28]. In this paper, for Is2,STC TSTC 2k TSTC T
Rs , Rsh , and Is1 , the same relations in [2], [32] are used as Therefore, the parameters in (31), (32), (33), (35), and (38) can
Rs = RSTC (31) be inserted into (3) to extract the PV module I–V curves in
different operating conditions.
Rsh = Rsh,STC (32)
Is1 T 1 Eg ,STC Eg
= exp − (33) Two case studies are studied in this section. The first case is
Is1,STC TSTC k TSTC T the PV module KC200GT [34] with a high value of the series
where the subscript STC stands for the values of different param- resistance, and the second one is the PV module GEPV110
eters in STC. Eg is the material band gap energy and its value [35] with a small value of the series resistance. The datasheet
in TSTC = 25 ◦ C is set to 1.121 eV for silicon cells [2], [32]. parameters of the PV module KC200GT in STC is given in


Table I. This table also shows the solutions of the quadratic,

cubic, and quartic equations in (25). The term Error(%) in this
table is the relative error between the accurate numerical and
approximate analytical solutions as the initial point which is
given by
Xnum erical − Xanalytical
Error(%) = × 100 (39)
Xnum erical
Fig. 2. Experimental data and theoretical I–V curves for the PV module
where Xnum erical is the estimated parameter by the numerical KC200GT.
solutions and Xanalytical is the estimated parameter by the ap-
proximate analytical solution. TABLE III
The identified parameters for five-parameter model in this EVALUATION OF NRMSE(%) FOR THE PV MODULE KC200GT VIA THE
table are extracted from the numerical solutions of (11), (13),
(14), and (16) including Is1 and Is2 . The proposed analytical so-
lutions serve as a suitable initial point for the convergence of the
numerical iterations. Table II provides the identified parameters
for the PV module of Table I via the numerical solution of (20),
(21) excluding the saturation currents Is1 and Is2 . The required
initial values for numerical solving of (20), (21) are the same
as those required for the analytical solution of Rs and Rsh in
Table I. Comparing the results of Tables I and II, one can see that
there is a good agreement between the numerical solution of the in STC. Table III gives the corresponding normalized root mean
set of equations in (20), (21) and (11), (13), (14), (16). This con- square error percentage [nRMSE(%)] calculated by
firms the reasonable approximations exp( NVsoVc t )  exp( RNss IVstc )

i=1 (Ei − Mi )
1 2
and exp( 2NV os cV t )  exp( 2N
R s Is c
s Vt
) which are used to derive (20, nRMSE(%) =

× 100 (40)
(21) from (11), (13, (14), and (16). This means that one can 1 N
M 2
N i=1 i
use (20, (21) rather than (11), (13), (14), and (16) in the nu-
merical analysis with an acceptable degree of accuracy and where N is the number of measurements, Ei is the estimated
convergence reliability. The proposed approach in this study value, and Mi represents the measured data. As it can be
is compared with the curve-fitting technique proposed in [20]. seen from this table, the curve-fitting approach exhibits lower
The identification procedure in [20] utilizes the Levenberg– nRMSE(%). This observation is expected because the curve-
Marquardt optimization method to obtain a solution for the fitting methods use the whole data of the I–V curves, in our
parameters of the five-parameter double-diode model in (3). study only three remarkable points of the I–V curve are used
To start the Levenberg–Marquardt method, one needs to deter- for the parameter identification. These results show that the pro-
mine the appropriate initial point. However, the proposed initial posed approach has comparable accuracy levels but requires
values in [20] need the slope of the I–V curves at the short- less data. During testing of the proposed parameter identifica-
circuit and the open-circuit points which are not available in tion technique on different PV module datasheets, it has been
the manufacturer catalogues. As a consequence, for the imple- observed that for some PV modules, the algebraic equations in
mentation of the method, the proposed analytical and numerical (25) do not result in any suitable value for Rs , i.e., no feasible
solutions in this study are used as the initial point for the pro- initial point was found to solve the set of equations in (11), (13),
posed method in [20]. In the case of PV module KC200GT, (14), (16) or in (20), (21). In Table IV, the parameters of the PV
the proposed analytical and numerical solutions in Table I are module GEPV110 are given in the STC. This table also con-
accurate enough to achieve a convergence in the Levenberg– tains the solutions of the algebraic equations in (25). None of
Marquardt method. Fig. 2 presents the simulated I–V curves for the given real positive numbers for Rs resulted in any feasible
the proposed approach in this study and the method proposed initial point. Therefore, as it was mentioned in Section III-A,
in [20] in conjunction with the experimental data in different ir- Rs is set to zero, and the value of Rsh in (29) is chosen as an
radiation levels for the PV module KC200GT. Table II provides initial point for the numerical analysis of (20), (21). As it can be
the estimated parameters by the curve-fitting technique in [20] seen from this table, substituting the proposed initial values of


Fig. 3. Experimental data and theoretical I–V curves for the PV module

(14), AND (16)

equations in (20), (21) and (11), (13), (14), and (16). In the case
of the PV module GEPV110, the application of the curve-fitting
approach in [20] does not result in further improvements in the
Rs and Rsh into (18), (19) results in unrealistic negative value
numerical solutions that are suggested in Tables IV and V. There
for Is2 . However, this does not affect our method since only the
are two main reasons for this fact. The first reason is the proposed
initial values for Rs and Rsh are required to solve (20), (21).
solutions in this study are so accurate that they are equal with the
From Table IV, one can see, even though there is a large dif-
global optimal solutions of the curve-fitting optimization–based
ference between the accurate numerical and the proposed initial
approach in case PV module GEPV110. The second reason
values of Rs = 0 and Rsh in (29), the convergence is however
is since the resulting optimization problem for the parameter
successfully achieved. This reflects some kind of robustness
extraction of PV cells and modules is highly nonlinear and a
with respect to the initial point in (20), (21) as compared with
nonconvex problem, the conventional Newton–Raphson-based
(11), (13), (14), and (16).
approaches like Levenberg–Marquardt tend to get stuck with
As it was shown in Tables I and II, the numerical solutions
the local optimal solutions that have been suggested by the pro-
of the nonlinear equations in (20), (21) are very close to the
posed approach in this paper as the initial values. Fig. 3 shows
ones of (11), (13), (14), and (16). Therefore, in cases that the
the theoretical I–V curves for the PV module GEPV110 which
numerical iterations in (11), (13), (14), and (16) fail to converge,
is plotted along with the experimental data taken from the pub-
one can use the equations in (20), (21) to obtain a solution with
lished I–V curve in the manufacturer datasheets. Table VI gives
enough accuracy. The main reason for the high possibility of
the evaluated nRMSE(%) corresponding to the theoretical I–
the numerical divergence in the set of equations in (11), (13),
V curves and experimental data. It can be observed that the
(14), and (16) is due to the high sensitivity of these equations to
theoretical I–V curves are sufficiently accurate for the experi-
the accuracy of the initial guess. This stems from the existing of
mental data. This proves the validity of the proposed parameter
the very small terms Is1 and Is2 in the Jacobian matrix and the
identification technique for PV modules.
high dimension of the parameter space in the set of equations in
(11), (13), (14), and (16) as compared with the set of equations
in (20), (21) [4]. Another idea is to use the proposed numerical VI. CONCLUSION
solution of (20, (21) as an initial point for (11), (13), (14), and A new set of approximate analytical solutions for the ex-
(16). The results are shown in Table V. traction of double-diode model parameters that are based on
As it can be seen from this table, the solutions are very close only manufacturer datasheet values has been derived. The PV
to the values presented in Table IV, and again, this confirms current–voltage relationship is evaluated at three key points
the consistency of the numerical solutions between the set of namely, the open circuit, the short circuit, and the MPP to obtain

(4), (6). Moreover, the derivative of the PV power with respect aIm2
1 1 Vm − Vo c
to the voltage is made equal to zero at the MPP as the fourth + − exp
2Ns2 Vt2 2Ns Vt Vm Ns V t
equation in (11). The fifth equation in (16) is derived on the    
basis of the evaluation of the slope of the I–V curve at the bIm2
1 1 Vo c − Vm
− + exp
short-circuit point via the assumption Rsh ≈ Rsho . Next, the (2Ns Vt )2 4Ns Vt Vm 2Ns Vt
resulting nonlinear set of five equations in (4), (6), (11), and 2Im 3b Im 1  a
(16) with five unknown variables Rs , Rsh , Is1 , Is2 , and Iph is D3 = − + + − b+
Vm 2Ns Vt Vm Ns V t 2
simplified on the basis of the reasonable assumptions which are    
valid in PV cells and modules with a high degree of accuracy. Vm − Vo c Im b  a
× exp + − b+
The simplified set of equations in (22), (23), (25), and (28), (29) 2Ns Vt Vm 2Ns Vt 2
is solved to obtain a set of approximate analytical solutions. It    
Vo c − Vm a Vm − Vo c
has been shown that these solutions are suitable candidates as × exp + exp
initial points for the numerical analysis of the original equations 2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt Ns V t
that are based on the Newton–Raphson method. The validity of Im4
Vm − Vo c
the theoretical I–V curves has been evaluated by comparing the A4 = (a + 2b) exp
6Vm (2Ns Vt )4 2Ns Vt
results with those obtained based on the experimental data. It is    
shown that the simulated I–V curves are sufficiently accurate. Vo c − Vm 4
aIm Vm − Vo c
− b exp − exp
2Ns Vt 12Ns4 Vt4 Vm Ns V t
Vm − Vo c Vo c − Vm
APPENDIX B4 = exp − exp
COEFFICIENTS IN (25) AND (26) 6Vm (2Ns Vt )3 2Ns Vt 2Ns Vt
In the following formulations, a = Isc and b = Isc − Im .
Im 1 1  a Vm − Vo c
− − b+ exp
(2Ns Vt )3 6Ns Vt Vm 2 2Ns Vt
a Vm − Vo c b Im3
1 1 Vo c − Vm
A2 = b + exp + + exp
2Ns2 Vt2 Vm 2 2Ns Vt 2 (2Ns Vt )3 6Ns Vt Vm 2Ns Vt
Vm − Vo c b Vo c − Vm aIm3
1 1 Vm − Vo c
− a exp − exp + − exp .
Ns V t 2 2Ns Vt 4Ns3 Vt3 3Ns Vt Vm Ns V t
Vm − Vo c Vo c − Vm
B2 = exp − exp REFERENCES
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