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Activity Sheet Quarter 1 - MELC 9

Determining the standard form of equation
of a Hyperbola

Mathematics — SHS Pre-Calculus

RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9
Determining the standard form of equation of a hyperbola
First Edition, 2021
Published in the Philippines
By the Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 — Western

Development Team of Basic Calculus Learning Activity Sheet

Writer: May Ann A. Maquerme, Eden Rose M. Maquiling
Illustrator: Patrick T. Lomigo
Layout Artist: Krishea Mae P. Jaruda, Jenny Anne L. Gange
Division Quality Assurance Team: Kim S. Arceṅa Arthur J. Cotimo
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Roel F. Bermejo Ma. Roselyn J. Palcat
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Lilibeth T. Estoque Rowena S. Carillo
Azucena T. Falales Rosemarie D. Aclan
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Introductory Message
Welcome to Senior High School Grade 11 Mathematics (Pre-Calculus).

The Pre-calculus Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Iloilo and DepEd Regional Office VI — Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is develop
to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents, and responsible adults) in
helping our learners to meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education
The Pre-calculus Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional
materials aimed to guide our learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace
and time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist
learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills knowledge and attitudes for
productivity and employment.

For the learning facilitator:

The Learning Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Competency (MELC) with minimal or no
face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made available to the
learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Learning Activity Sheet is develop to help you continue learning even if
you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and
engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, read and
understand carefully the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be return to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Quarter 1, Week 4

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No. 9

Name of Learner: ______________________________________ Grade and
Section: ______________________ Date: __________________


Determining the standard form of equation of a hyperbola

I. Learning Competency with Code

Determine the standard form of equation of a hyperbola.


II. Background Information for the Learners

The hyperbola with the center at the origin has the standard equation
2 2
x y
− 2 =1 If the transverse axis of the hyperbola is on the x- axis (Figure 1)
a b
2 2
y x
or 2
− 2
=1 if the transverse axis of the hyperbola is on the y –axis
a b

The distance from the center to each vertex is a unit; hence, the length
of the transverse axis is 2a. The distance from the center to each co-vertex is
b units; hence, the length of the conjugate axis is 2b. The distance from the
center to each focus is c units where
C2 = a2 + b2.
RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9
For any point on the hyperbola, the absolute value of the difference of
its distances from the two foci is 2a.


Find the standard equation of the hyperbola with foci at (5, 0) and (-5, 0) and
whose difference of the distances from any point on it and the foci is 6.


Given that the foci are (5, 0) and (-5, 0), the center of the hyperbola is at the
origin, c = 5 and the transverse axis is on the x-axis. The distance between the
foci and any point on the hyperbola is 6; hence, 2a = 6 and a = 3, then solve for

b=√ c 2−a2

b=√ 5 −3
2 2

b=√ 25−9

b=√ 16 = 4

If a = 3, b = 4and c = 5, then, a 2=9 , b2=16 ,

2 2
x y
Thus, the standard equation of the hyperbola is − =1
9 16
Example 2

Determine the standard equation of the hyperbola with vertices at (0,4) and
(0,-4) and co-vertices at (2,0) and (-2,0).


Based on the given vertices, the center of the hyperbola is at the origin and
the transverse axis is on the y- axis. Given the vertices at (0,4) and (0,-4) and
co-vertices at (2,0) and (-2,0), and the values of a and b are 4 and 2,
respectively. Hence, a 2=16 and b2= 4.
2 2
y x
Thus, the standard equation of the hyperbola is − =1
16 4
Example 3

Determine the standard equation of the hyperbola with co-vertices at (0,

3) and (0,-3) and whose difference of the distances from any point from the foci
is 10.


RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9
Based on the given co-vertices, the center of the hyperbola is at the origin,
b=3 and the conjugate axis is on the y- axis; hence, the transverse axis is on the
x-axis the distance between the foci and any point on the hyperbola is 10;
hence, 2a = 10 and a=5.

If a=5 and b=3, then a 2=25∧b2=9

x 2 y2
Thus, the standard equation of the hyperbola is − =1.
25 9

You have already learned the standard equation of the hyperbola, its
vertices, co-vertices, and its foci with the center of origin. What about if the
center of the hyperbola is not at the origin?
This time you will learn the standard equation of the hyperbola with the
center is at (h,k).
( x−h)2 ( y −k )2
A hyperbola with the equation − =1 has a horizontal
a2 b2
transverse axis, as shown in figure 1.
2 2
( y−k ) (x −h)
A hyperbola with the equation 2
− 2
=1 has a vertical
a b
transverse axis, as shown in figure 2.

Example 4
Determine the center, vertices, co-vertices, foci and the asymptotes of the
2 2
(x−2) ( y +3)
hyperbola with the standard equation − =1
64 36

RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9
2 2 2 2
( x−2) ( y +3) ( x−h) ( y −k )
Given − =1 , Since the given equation − =1
64 36 a2 b2
therefore, a=8 and b= 6. The center (h,k) is (2,-3). To solve for c, use the formula
c2=a2 +b2 since it has horizontal transverse axis.
c2=a2 +b2
c2= 64 + 36
c2 = 100
c = 10

Center: (2,-3), Foci: F1 (-8,-3) and F2 (12, 3),

Vertices: V1 (-6,-3) and V2 (10, -3), Co-vertices: (2,-9) and (2, 3)
6 3
Asymptotes: y=−3± ( x−2 )∨ y=−3 ± (x−2)
8 4

Example 5
Find the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola centered at (1, 2)
with transverse axis length 10 and foci at (-5,2) and (7,2).
Given: center: (1, 2), foci: Foci: F1 (-5, 2) and F2 (7, 2), transverse axis:
The distance from the center to the foci is c, so c =7 -1 = 6 and a = 5. To find b,
we use, c 2=a2+ b2since the transverse axis is horizontal.
6 2=52 +b2
2 2 2
b =6 −5
Since the given center is (1, 2) which is our (h, k), the value of a is 5 and b
is 11, we can now substitute these values to the standard equation of a
( x−h)2 ( y −k )2
hyperbola with the horizontal transversal, 2
− 2
a b
2 2
( x−1) ( y−2)
Answer − =1
25 11
III. Accompanying DepEd textbook and Educational sites

Pre- calculus Learner’s Material. First Edition. (2016). Pasig City: department of
Education- Bureau of Learning Resources ( DepEd- BLR), pp 46-50

IV.Activity Proper

RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9
Activity 1
A. Directions: Find the center, vertices, co-vertices, foci and the asymptotes of the
following hyperbola. Write your answers on your answer sheets.
2 2
( x−1) ( y +2)
1. − =1
25 4
( x−4) 2
2. −( y −6) =1
2 2
( y−1) ( x−2)
3. − =1
25 11
2 2
( y + 4) ( x−3)
4. − =1
4 9
B. Directions: Determine the standard equation of the hyperbola centered at the
origin with the given conditions. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
a) Foci (4,-2), and (-6,-2), vertices (2,-2) and (-4,-2)
b) Foci (1,7), and (1,-3), vertices (1,6) and (1,-2)
c) Foci at (10,0) and (-10,0) and the difference of the distances from any point on it
and the foci is 8
d) Vertices at(0,9) and (0,-9), co-vertices at (4,0) and (-4,0)
e) Co-vertices at (2,0) and (-2,0) and the difference of the distances of any point
from the foci is 12
f) Foci at (0,10) and (0,-10), co-vertices at (6,0) and ( -6,0)

Activity 2
To summarize, what you have learned in this lesson, answer the
following questions:
1. What is the standard equation of hyperbola centered at the origin? How about if
the hyperbola centered is not the origin?
2. What is the important in determining standard form of equation of hyperbola?

V. Reflection

In this lesson, I learned that _________________________________________


RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9

VI. Answer key

Activity 1
1. Center: (1,-2), Vertices: V1(6,-2)and V2 (-4,-2)
Co-vertices: (1,0)and (1,-4), Foci: F1 (-4.4,-2) and F2(6.4,-2)
2 2
Asymptotes: y +2=± ( x−1) or y=−2± ( x−1)
5 5
2. Center: (4,6), Vertices: V1(9,6)and V2 (-1,6)
Co-vertices: (4,7)and (4,5), Foci: F1 (-1.1,6) and F2(9.1,6)
1 1
Asymptotes: y−6=± (x −4) or y=6 ± ( x−4)
5 5
3. Center: (2,1), Vertices: V1(2,6)and V2 (2,-4)
Co-vertices: (5.3,1)and (-1.3,1), Foci: F1 (2,7) and F2(2,-5)
5 5
Asymptotes: y−1=± ( x −2) or y=1 ± ( x−2)
√ 11 √11
4. Center: (3,-4), Vertices: V1(3,-2)and V2 (3,-6)
Co-vertices: (6,-4)and (0,-4), Foci: F1 (3,-0.4) and F2(3,-7.6)
2 2
Asymptotes: y + 4=± (x−3) or y=−4 ± (x −3)
3 3
2 2
( x +1) ( y +2)
a. − =1
9 16
2 2
( y−2) ( x−1)
b. − =1
16 9
x2 y2
c. − =1
16 √ 84
y 2 x2
d. − =1
81 16
y2 x2
e. − =1
36 4
RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS 9
y2 x2 RO_Q1_Precalculus_LAS
[Sidebars are great for 9
f. − =1
64 36 calling out important

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