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1) Gamified learning

● The gamification of learning is an educational approach that seeks to motivate

students by using video game design and game elements in learning
environments.The goal is to maximise enjoyment and engagement by capturing the
interest of learners and inspiring them to continue learning.
● Common gamification elements are points, scoring, leaderboards, progress bars,
ranks, rewards or incentives, all of which often appear in the implementation of
gamification. The addition of a story or narratives is also part of gamification.
● The main concept is to teach financial education to students with the help of gamified
● The basic concept is to create a game to maximise the attention span of students.
The game will consist of different difficulty levels to keep the kids encouraged and

2) Adding subject to the curriculum

● Teaching students about financial matters like a regular subject in the curriculum
● But using more practical based learning than theoretical so that students are
● Or using different learning techniques such as experiential learning, it is a great
teaching method because it encourages creativity, helps students learn from
mistakes, fosters reflective thinking, and prepares students for future experiences. It
can be effective for several subjects.
● The schools can also arrange field trips to banks for the students to have a proper
practical knowledge.
● Apart from that campaigns can also be conducted in schools by the important
financial institutions to promote financial literacy.

3) Software or application to improve connectivity

● Creating an application or a software which is common for every school, hence it will
improve and increase the connectivity between the students of different schools.
● Students are in class with teachers, but they primarily use online learning methods.
Teachers are there for support and instruction whenever needed.
● This app will consist of different lectures from well trained teachers and will consist of
different assignments that would keep the students engaged.And regular
assessments will be conducted.
● It can be like a social media platform where the students can write their views on
specific matters.
● This way student interaction will also improve hence resulting in a more open and
free environment.

4) Can be a part of extracurricular

● Students can also be taught by making it a part of extracurricular meaning no exams
would be conducted.
● Schools can indulge students in different weekly activities that can help students
develop their skills and improve their financial literacy.
● Schools can start with basics such as teaching students about basic income. They
can have a bake sale where every kid needs to bake something and in return they
can sell them and earn money.
● This way schools can keep different activities every week. To keep the students

5) AR/VR learning

● As smart education is growing immensely it can be a good way to teach students

through these mediums.
● Virtual Reality. Students are in a physical classroom but are able to use virtual reality
(VR) to immerse themselves in an environment.
● As VR is made for educational purposes this could be a great way to teach students
about financial matters as we can change the environment while being in the
● Hence students can actually experience all the real life problems related to financial
matters in a virtual reality which will give them both experience and learning.
● Augmented reality is another feature that can be used to bring real life scenarios into
the classroom with the help of an application.
● All they need is a device which could be handled by the teachers while teaching them
about financial matters.
● The benefits and application of visual language for financial simulations, defines the
scope of low- and mid-fidelity simulations for financial literacy, and includes analysis
of example simulations for financial education and decision support.

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