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Roll No. EG
PREBOARD EXAMINATION-I(2022-23)2 c 2 2 - 2 :

Time 3 hrs

General Instructions
1. There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

Section B, Section
2 This paper has five sections: Section A,
C, Section D and Section E. All the sections are compulsory.

3 Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section
contains seven questions of two marks each, Section C
five questions of three marks each, section. D contains three long
Section E contains two case
questions of five marks each and
study based questions of 4 marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been

provided in section B, C, D and E. You have to attempt only


of the choices in such questions.

5. Use of calculators is not allowed.


in uniform electrical field will
1. Electrical dipole placed a non


a- Only Force b- Only torque

c- Both d- None of them

QQQ-1204 2
Electric potential at a point on the axis of a short electrical dipole
at a distance x from the midpoint off a dipole is proportional to
a- 1/x
b- 1/x3/2
C- 1/x3
d- 1/x2
3. Wo resistances R, R, are connected in series. The equivalent
resistance R will be
a) R,<R<R2
b) R,>R,+Ra
c) R<R+R2
d) R>R>R2
4 If the speed of a
charged particle moving in a
magnetic field B
(when velocity is perpendicular to
its path will be
B) is Halfed, then the radius of

a- Become double
b- Become 114
C- Become 1/2
d- Does not
5. The SI unit of
magnetic field intensity is
a- AmN-1
b- NA- m1
c- NA m
d- NA- m2
6. Relative magnetic permeability H, of diamagnetic substance has a
a- Greater than 1 b- Equal to 1
c- Less then 1 d- Zero
7.Lenz law is the in consequence
of law of conservation of
a- Energy b- Charge
C- Mass d- Momentum
8 Light is a
electromagnetic wave its speed in vacuum is
given by the
3 QQ0-1204
b- VH/E


9 The source frequency of an AC source for which a 5 microfarad

capacitor has a resistance of 1000 Ohmis
a- 100/T Hz b- 50 Hz
c- 50/T Hz d-1000/ Hz
10. In young's double slit experiment the distance between the slitis
reduced to half and the distance between the slit and the screen
is doubled then the fringe width

a- Will not change b- Will become half

C- Will be double d- Will become 4 times

11. The work function of photoelectric material is 3.3 ev, then the
threshold frequency will be

a- 8x1014 Hz b- 8x1034 Hz
c- 5x1015 Hz d- 5x1019 Hz
12. The energy of electron in first excited state of hydrogen atom is
-3.4 ev find out its kinetic energy

a- -3.4 electron volt b- 3.4 electron volt

C--6.8 electron volt d- 6.8 electron volt

13. Two nuclei have their mass number in the ratio of 1:3. The ratio of
their nuclear density would be

a- 1:1 b- 1:3

C- 3:1 d- 1.73:1


QQQ-1204 4
14 In an AC circuit the current lags behind the voltage by t/3 the

component of the circuit are

a. R andL b. L andC

c. Only R d. R and C

15 Three capacitor of 2uF, 3uF and 6uF microfarad are joined in

series with each other find out the equivalent capacitance

a- 0.5 (uF) b- 1 F

c- 2 (uF) d- 11 F


Read the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) carefully and mark the
correct option out of the options given below:

(a)If both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and the reason
is the correct explanation of the assetion.

(b) If both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but reason is
not the correct explanation of the assertion.

(c) If Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.

(d) If the Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is also false.

16 Assertion- Conductivity of N-type semi-conductor is more than

P- type semi-conductor

Reason- Electrons have more mobility than holes.

17. Assertion- no interference pattern is detected when two coherent

sources are very close to each other

Reason- the fringe width is inversely proportional to the distance

between the two slit

18. Assertion the energy and momentum of a photon is related as

5 QQQ-1204
Reason - the photon behave like a particle
19 Arrange the following electromagnetic radiation in ascending order
of their frequency

Microwave, radio waves, x-ray, gamma rays

Write two uses of any one of the above

20 The susceptibility of a magnetic material is 0.9853, identify the type

of magnetic material. Draw the modification of the field pattern on
keeping a piece of thin material in a uniform magnetic field

21. Draw a graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon
with the mass number of different nuclei. State two inferences from
this graph

22 Calculate the radius of curvature of a equiconcave lens of refractive

index 1.5 when it is kept in a medium of 1.4 to have a power of

23. Draw the graph showing the variation of the current with voltage for
a PN junction diode in forward and reverse bias both.

24 Yellow light (wavelength 6000 A) illuminates a single slit of width
1x 104 m.


a. The distance between two dark lines on either side of the

central Maxima when the diffraction pattern is viewed on a
Screen kept 1.5 m from the slit

b. The angular width of the first diffraction minima

25. A charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal
charges Q. Show that that system of charges will be in equilibrium
QQ0-1204 6
26. Derive an expression for the force acting on a current carrying
conductor placed in a a uniform magnetic field. Name the rule
which gives the direction of the force.

Write the condition for which this force will have

(i) maximum value (i) minimum value

27. a)a)
27. Derive expression for self inductance of a solenoid
b) The current through the two inductor of self inductance is 12
mH and 30 mH
respectively, is increasing with time at the
same rate. Draw
graph showing the variation of the Emf induce
with the rate of change of current in each
28 ) In a series LCR circuit connected to AC source obtain
expression for impedence
(i) Write the expression for Maximum power
dissipated in the


What do you understand by sharpness of resonance in a

series LCR circuit. Find the expression for the Q factor of the

29 (a) Write Einstein Photoelectric Equation and State clearly how

this equation is obtained using the photon picture of
electromagnetic radiation
(b) Write three salient feature of the in Photoelectric effect which
can be explained using this equation

(a) An electron is accelerated by potential "V'. show that its de

Broglie wavelength is

7 QQQ-1204
(b) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron beam
accelerated through a potential diference of 60 V
30. Electron in a given bohr Orbit has a total energy of of -1.5 ev.
() Kinetic energy

(i) Potential energy

(ii) Wavelength of light emitted when the electron make transition
to the ground state


31. (a) State the expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate
capacitor. Hence obtain the expression for the energy density
of the electrical field.

(b) A fully charged parallel plate capacitor is connected across an

uncharged identical capacitor. Show that the energy stored in
the combination is less then stored initially in a single capacitor


(a) Using Gauss"s law Deriveexpression for the electric field


at any point outside a uniformly charged thin spherical shell of

radius rand uniform charge density. Draw the field lines when
the charge density of the sphere is

) Positive (i) Negative

(b) A uniformly charged conductive sphere of 2.5 in diameter has
a surface charge density of 100uc/m calculate the

Charge on the sphere

Total electric flux through the sphere
QQQ-1204 8
electron in a
32 ) Derive and expression for the Drift velocity of
conductor and hence Deduce ohm's law

(ii) A wire whose cross section area is increasing linearly from its
one end to the other end is connected across a battery of VV
volt. Which of the following quantities remains constant in the

(a) Drift speed (b) Current densityY

(c) Electrical current (d) Electrical field

Justify your answer

() Define the term Drift velocity
(i) On the basis of electron drift, derive an expression for
resistivity of conductor in terms of number density a free
electron and relaxation time. On what factors resistivity of the
conductor depend?

(ii) Why alloys like constant and Magnanin are used for making
standard resistances

33. State Huygen's principle. Show with the help of suitable diagram
how this principle is used to obtain the diffraction pattern by a
single slit

Draw a plot of intensity distribution and explain clearly why the

secondary Maxima become weaker with increasing order (n) of the
secondary Maxima


(i) In Young's double slit experiment deduce the condition for

Constructive interference
(b) Destructive interference, at a point on the screen.

9 QQQ-12004
Draw a graph showing variation of intensity in the
interference pattern against positionx on the screen
(i) Compare the interference pattern observed in young's double
slit experiment and single slit diffraction pattern pointing out
three distinguished features



Read the following and answer any four questions from (1) to (5):


Cutting of lens Lens maker's formula is a formula correlating the

power P (or focal length) of
a lens to radii of curvature of the two surfaces of the lens and the
refractive index of lens material
with respect to its surroundings. The formula is expressed as

where n= refractive index of the material of lens with respect to

its surroundings (ordinarily air) and R, and R2 are the radii of
curvature of two surfaces of the lens. The relation is true under all
conditions but while applying it we should put values of P, f, R, and
R2, with their proper signs as per sign convention being followed by us.

Also lens changes its behavior in different media in which it is

Let us have a bi-convex lens and let radii of curvature of both its
curved surfaces are same1. Power P of given biconvex lens may
be expressed as

(a) P (2n-1)/R
QQ0-1204 10
(b) P (2n+1)/R
(c) P 2(n-1)/R
(d) P- 2(n+1)/R
(2) Let given biconvex lens be cut into 2 parts L1, and L2, from the
middle as shown.
then power P, of A single part is
(a) P
(b) 2P
(c) P/2
(d) 4P
(3) What will be the
power of lens with focal
distance 20 cm
(a) 5D
(b) -5D
(c) 10D
(d) -10D
(4) If a convex lens of glass is
focal length placed in water what will
happen to its

(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remains same
(d) unpredictable
(5) Under which condition
image formed by convex lens is erect
(a) object placed at infinite
(b) object placed at 2f
(c) object placed at f
(d) object placed between optical center and f

Energy Bands in Crystalline Solids As per Bohr atom

an isolated atom the energy of any of model, in
its electrons depends on the
orbit in which it revolves and it is
characterized by a sharp energy
11 each
level. HOwever, inside crvstalline solid atoms are
dnathe outer orbits of electrons from neighboring
WOuld come very close or could even overlap. As a resUt, aeach
different energy
electron will have a different energy level. These
levels with continuous energy variation form energy
includes the energy levels of the
ne energy band which
band. All the valence electrons
Electrons IS called the valence
band is
band above the valence
In the valence band. The enerqy
the conduction band is empty.
called the conduction band. Normally
band happens to be lower than
If the lowest level in the conduction
band, electrons from the
the highest level of the valence
the solid
into the conduction band and
band may easily move
behaves as a conductor.
conduction band and the
If there is gap between the

valence band remain confined

to it and no
band, electrons in the
conduction band, It makes the
free electrons are available in the
from the valence band
solid an insulator. If some of the electrons
to cross the gap between the
may gain external energy
band and valence band, these electrons
will move into the

conduction band and simultaneously create vacant energy levels in

the valence band. Therefore, there is a possibility of
due to electrons in conduction band as well as due to
in the valence band.

() The conduction band in a solid is partially filled at 0 K. The given

solid is

(a) a conductor.

(b) an insulator.

(c) a semiconductor.

(d) p-type semiconductor.


QQQ-1204 12
(i) Doping is semiconductor is done so that its conductivity
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) Remain same
(d) None of these
(ii) In an insulator the forbidden energy gap between the valence band
and conduction band is of the order of

(a) 1 MeV (b) 0.1 MeV

(c) 1 ev (d) 5 eV

(iv) The energy gap between the conduction band and valance band of
a solid is 0.7 e. The given solidis

(a) an insulator. (b) a conductor.

(c) a semiconductor (d) an alloy.

(v)A P-N junction diode acts as a low resistance device if it is

(a) Forward biased (b) Reverse biased

(c) Both a & b (d) Neither a nor b



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