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Motivation (The One thing

everyone here needs.)

Requirements of an Effective Direction.

1. Harmony of Objectives

2. Unity Of Command

3. Direct Supervision

4. Efficient Communication

5. Follow Through.

Giving Orders
I. Mary Parker Falot’s Principles:
1. Order should be clear and complete.

2. Order should be compatible with purpose of the organization.

3. Order should be compatible with employee’s personal interests.

4. Order should be operationally feasible.

II. Types of Method utilized by manager for compliance of his

1. Force

Motivation (The One thing everyone here needs.) 1

2. Paternalism

3. Bargain

4. Harmony of Objectives.

1. Motivation → Latin word ‘movere’ which means “to move”

2. Motivation concerns those dynamic processes which produces goal directive


Nature of Motivation
The following points reveal the complexities involved in understanding the true

1. Individual Differ in their motives.

2. Sometimes individual himself is unaware of his/her motive

3. Motives are expressed differently

4. Motives are complex.

5. Motives change

6. Multiple Motives makes it difficult for an individual to choose goals.

Motivation Theories

i. Maslow’s Need-Heirarchy Theory:

1. Theory states that, ‘An unsatisfied need is the starting point of the motivation

2. Order of priority for human motivation.

Motivation (The One thing everyone here needs.) 2

ii. Herzberg’s Two factor theory.
According to Herzberg abscence of certain job factors make people dissatisfied, but
presence of same factors themselves doesn’t result in high motivation.
Herzberg called these factors maintenance or hygiene factors since they are necessary
to maintain reasonable level of satisfaction to serve as a takeoff point for motivation.
The 10 maintenance factors according to him are:

1. Fair company policy and administration.

2. A supervisor who knows to work.

3. A good relationship with one’s peers.

4. A good relationship with one’s supervisor,

5. A good relationship with one’s subordinates.

6. A fair salary.

7. A job security

8. Personal Life.

9. Good working condition.

Motivation (The One thing everyone here needs.) 3

10. Status.

Following factors lead to high level of motivation but abscence of them doesn’t cause
high dissatisfaction. These are called satisfiers or motivators.

1. Opportunity to accomplish something significant.

2. Recognition of complete significance.

3. Chance of Advancements

4. Opportunity to grow and develop the job.

5. Chance for increased responsibility.

6. The job itself.

iii. McClelland’s Need for Achievement Theory

According to him three important things are,

1. Need for affiliation.

2. Need for power.

3. Need for achievement.

Motivation (The One thing everyone here needs.) 4

The person with need for achievement has three distinct characteristics.

1. Preference for selecting moderately difficult but potentially achievable goals.

2. Doing most things themselves rather than getting them done by others. They want
to take personal responsibility for their success or failure without holding others

3. Seeking situations where concrete feedback is needed.

Motivation (The One thing everyone here needs.) 5

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