The Light Issue 8 FINAL

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Worldwide America Right Said Fred: Open Letter

Freedom Opening Up ‘Pop Has To Medical
Protests Withdrawn Itself’ Professionals

THE Issue 8 People-Funded Paper

Are You Ready For Anything?
How To Be Prepared For Any Emergency PAGES 10-11

Gates Top Virologist: Vaccines

Threatening Humanity
D r. Geert Vanden Bossche phD,
DVM is a world-renowned
vaccine developer, headed projects
loudly and strongly enough.
I’ve alerted all responsible health
and regulatory authorities, including
global implementation of infection
for Glaxo-Smithkline and Novartis, WHO, CDC, FDA etc. and have asked
prevention measures)?
worked for the Bill & Melinda them to consider my concern and
Vaccine deployment in the ongoing
Gates Foundation and GAVI, was to immediately open the discussion
mass immunisation campaigns are
Head of the Vaccine Development about the disastrous consequences any
highly likely to further enhance
Office for the German Centre for further immune escape of covid-19
(adaptive) immune escape as none
Infection Research (DZIF) and had would have.
of the current vaccines will prevent
a vaccine consultancy business from I know, of course, that current
replication/transmission of viral
2012 to 2019. Photo: Arek Socha mass vaccination campaigns enjoy
With over 30 years’ experience variants. The more we use these
vigorous and world-wide support
in the field Dr. Bossche can hardly vaccines for immunising people from a multitude of different parties/
be described as an ‘anti-vaxxer’, but in the midst of a pandemic, stakeholders. However, unless I am
neverthelesss has issued a dire and the more infectious the virus proven wrong, this cannot be an
urgent warning about the serious will become. With increasing excuse for ignoring that mankind
dangers of creating uncontrollable infectiousness comes an increased may currently be transforming a quite
pandemics due to the way in which the likelihood of viral resistance to the harmless virus into an uncontrollable
new covid experimental genetic drugs vaccines. It’s not exactly rocket monster. I’ve never been that serious
being pushed hard around the world science, it’s a basic principle taught in about a statement I made.”
actually work. He writes: a student’s first vaccinology class: One Now while Dr. Bossche’s answer
“Immediate cancellation shouldn’t use a prophylactic vaccine in is yet for more mass vaccines (of a
of all ongoing covid-19 mass populations exposed to high infectious kind he proposes) no professional
vaccination campaigns should pressure (which is now certainly the health practitioner should ignore the
now become THE most case as multiple highly infectious warnings this highly-credentialled
acute health emergency of variants are currently circulating in expert is giving, and anybody
many parts of the world). To fully considering (or being coerced into)
international concern.
escape selective immune pressure getting these injections certainly owes
I don’t see how mass vaccination
campaigns would not lead to a exerted by vaccinal antibodies, it to themselves to research into what
disastrous aggravation of the covid-19, a highly mutable virus, only mRNA vaccines do to the cells in the
covid-19 pandemic. However, no needs to add another few mutations in body, and whether being part of a
one else seems to realise; instead, its receptor-binding domain. mass clinical drug trial, for which the
vaccinologists, clinicians and scientists I am beyond worried about the companies producing the drugs have
are merely focusing on the (positive) disastrous impact this would have no liability, is the best route to optimal
short-term results and impact at an on our human ‘race’. Not only health.
individual level. Nobody seems to be would people lose vaccine-mediated Tried and tested ancient wisdom,
looking at the consequences and risk protection but also their precious, which managed to take mankind
at a human population level (which, variant-nonspecific, innate immunity from first steps to shiny cities, such as
according to my understanding, will will be gone (this is because vaccinal eating nutritious, natural, soil-grown
become manifest quite soon). antibodies outcompete natural and raised food, regular exercise and
Why is nobody worried about antibodies for binding to covid-19, authorities allow vaccines situation forces me to spread this avoiding all the poisons, chemicals
‘immune escape’ whereas covid-19 even when their affinity for the viral to be administered in ways emergency call. As the unprecedented and electromagnetic radiation as best
has already escaped people’s innate variant is relatively low). that threaten public health, extent of human intervention in the we can in the modern world, are what
immunity as reflected by multiple As a dedicated virologist most certainly when scientific covid-19 pandemic is now at risk most non-Pharma affiliated doctors
emerging, much more infectious, and vaccine expert I only make evidence is being ignored. of resulting in a global catastrophe and nurses promote, and we heartily
viral variants (most likely due to the an exception when health The present extremely critical without equal, this call cannot sound agree.

THE LIGHT PAPER April 2021 What Is An mRNA Vaccine?

Distributed independently to remain fiercely free from the
establishment we seek to hold to account.
Original content is © 2021
For all distribution enquiries,
please email:
For news article submissions please email: STORAGE SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS
DNA stores instructions mRNA is a temporary set of Proteins form the basis of life for proteins in the nucleus instructions for cells to make a by performing the functions
For bulk orders, subscriptions, advertising, donations protein; mRNA is made using DNA required by every cell; proteins are
made using mRNA
and any other enquiries, please visit our website at

P eople believe that the covid-19 by FRANCES LEADER are actually those exosomes that
vaccine will use our immune carry mRNA around to other cells
Editor: Darren S systems to attack proteins that our to cause immune responses and
Layout: Miki K abominable spike protein.
cells make and that’s it. stimulate other functions. They
Administration: Cath A & Matt C When our healthy cells receive
Once our cells have released the clean cells (collect cell junk), heal
Advertising: Nicola K an mRNA instruction, it overrides
covid-19’s ‘harmless protein’, our DNA by recombination, and they are
Subscriptions: Ross & Rebecca P immune systems will magically just
the original DNA instructions
packaged with lots of healing proteins
Social Media: Andrea J focus only on that and we are safe and then alters that cell’s DNA
such as the so-called spike protein
Proof-Reading: Tracy, Nicola, Gill, Romilly & Jess from covid forever. by recombination via reverse
to interact with ACE-2 receptors
Lighthouse logo: Artist Samantha S This is lies and trickery! transcriptase, using the enzymes from
and cause chemical reactions. They
and Adrian W Photographic A sleight of hand magic trick, major histocompatibility complex
create antibodies for many different
based in the world of make-believe (MHC) after creating the spike
Special thanks to our warehouse hubs, and all those giving their antigens.
that most people seem to be living protein.
valuable time to distribute The Light around the country. They can carry junk DNA
in right now, as they cling onto That cell will then make vesicles
Thank you also to all those who have generously donated to make and RNA around in and out of
anything that seems positive without to carry that abomination spike
this truthpaper a reality. Although the paper is FREE, it costs us to cells but they do this as garbage
questioning it at all. I’m going to call protein from the ribosome into the
produce, print and distribute it. collection, not to infect cells. These
it an ‘ignorance spell’. cytoplasm and out of the cell.
little nanoparticles show pure
If you believe in what we do, All of us are affected because, During this process, that cell will
unconditional obedience to the DNA
please help the truth be told by supporting us. to be honest, living in ignorance is make a new mRNA instruction from
that programmed it. That’s why we
the creation of that abomination
Donate/Subscribe at – Thank You. how many find bliss. But this is too should never inject ourselves with
important to blissfully accept the spike protein, which leads to DNA
one programmed from a eugenics
nonsense and pseudo-science any recombination and it will insert it into
longer. an endosome.
The biogenesis of the naturally
The covid-19 vaccine mRNA Then this endosome will go
made exosome membrane is different
forces cells to make a genetically through exocytosis where lots
from the biogenesis of the covid-19
sequenced ‘harmless’ spike protein, of exosomes will bud out of the
vaccine exosome membrane; this
or so they claim. The immune cell carrying this new synthetic
residual code manipulation will signal
system creates an immune response genetically modified mRNA sequence
to the T-cells that some trickery has
to the spike protein and gets rid of from the covid-19 vaccine, and will
been done, so it will respond by
it and only it. The immune system go on to instruct more cells to make
causing apoptosis (cell death) and
then builds immunity from the yet more abomination spike proteins
will remember this to kill all these
spike protein, when a virus appears and more exosomes with the same
abomination cells.
similarly constructed. mRNA from the covid-19 vaccine.
If these abomination cells get
Many questions should be asked: All these cells will divide and
infected by common antigens they
If our cells are making a spike multiply with the new transcripted
will break down the antigens and
protein that our immune systems do DNA.
create antibodies using the covid-19
not like, then why should we believe So in essence, we have damaged
vaccine sequence instead of the
that our immune systems will not our healthy cells on purpose with
original one. This will cause more
start attacking the cells that make it? the covid-19 vaccine. They are now
confusion for our immune systems.
Surely our adaptive immune recognized by our immune system as
as now the proper polymorphism
system will respond to this spike foreign. And people are begging and
reaction has occurred and will instead
protein and the abomination cell that demanding this?
create antibodies only for the spike
created it? The mRNA used is a foreign body
protein on exosomes instead of the
Our immune systems will consider so why would our immune system not
actual toxic antigens, due to the
those cells as damaged or genetically attack the cells that make it? Because
wrong RNA sequence being present
corrupted cells and initiate a cytokine of this the immune system will start
in the DNA coding instructions.
storm. The damaged cells are seen attacking more and more cells that
We are officially told by the
as a poison, stimulating an attack to have been instructed to make these
manufacturer that the covid-19
destroy the spike protein. abomination spike proteins, which
vaccine has artificially sequenced
The vaccine is using genetically will lead to more and more cytokine
mRNA inside of it. The vaccine
engineered exosomal membrane storms. This happens naturally when
company admits to this because the
coated with polyethylene glycol DNA is damaged and produces
virus was never fully isolated or
(PEG) for extra protection to transfer autoimmune diseases like type 1
purified. They are not shy to admit
artificially sequenced RNA into our diabetes for example, or cancer cells
that they made the vaccine from
cells for reverse transcriptase: which convert into senescent cells.
an artificially created computer-
“Using cell derived enzymes to All I hear is people shouting
generated virus sequence.
snip away our original DNA and that ‘we need to prime our immune
So my question is: why do people
replace it with the GMO sequence”. systems to protect against this virus!
still believe that this virus is real?
We have to understand how It’s better to do something rather than
exosome mRNA works and what nothing!’
happens when cells use this mRNA This is simply more ignorance. francesleader/email-exchange-with-
to instruct cells to change DNA We are ignoring the reality of uk-mhra-exposing-the-genomic-
and perform a task like making the what viruses actually are. Viruses sequence-of-sarscov2

PAGE 2 Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it.


Worldwide Rallies For Freedom


Hundred of thousands of people

across the world demonstrated
against the extreme, draconian
year-long overreach of their
governments on Saturday 20th
March 2021, as they peacefully
rallied in major cities across
Argentina, Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy,
Japan, Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Serbia,
Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S.
They all know from actual
evidence there is no contagious
pandemic, and therefore no
justification for the tyrannical
measures. Aside from April 2020
when disastrous policies made sure
there was a spike in deaths, which
professionals were paid to put as
‘covid’ no matter what the actual
cause, the death rate last year was
average for the last 30 years, as a
percentage of the population.
In London, despite the lame
attempts by the bought media
to portray the crowds as “a few
hundred”, more than 70,000 rallied
and marched through the capital,
people from all walks of life coming
together in solidarity against the
insanity and tyranny of our times.
The police attempted to continue
their recent violent tactics to break
up peaceful marches, but failed
due to the size of the crowds, their
determination and the smarts of the
organisers. In Manchester, police
facilitated the 6 mile march from the
National Football Museum to Central
Police Headquarters and back, being
as hundreds of the 2500-strong crowd
were handing in crime reports to
Greater Manchester Police.
Over 20,000 people turned out for
protests in the central German city
of Kassel, where police used water
cannons, pepper spray and batons to
keep the public safe.
Most events went off without
police violence - these scenes in more
than 20 western ‘democracies’ must
surely raise the alarm for many more
people – if only to ask ‘how come all
these people, without masks or a care
for social distancing, never seem to
get covid or ill from anything, in a
so-called pandemic?’
People are clearly rising,
together, with confidence, peace
and determination, and you should
join with them on April 24th if you
have also found out for yourself
using independent research that
your government are, as ever, lying
through their teeth to take away your
freedom and wealth.


Preparing Our Children For Totalitarianism

I ’m a child of the 1980’s. In terms
of school, I left in the morning,
had lessons, had a break, had some
put in place and the need for testing
and mask-wearing. This time, I got
straight to the point, refusing consent
behavioural expectations and basic
more lessons, had dinner, had a few for testing and telling the school
‘do’s and don’ts’. However, it was
more lessons and it was suddenly that my son wouldn’t be wearing a
a segment relating to school dinners
3.30pm. The only thing I had to mask and that I didn’t want him to be
which raised my eyebrows, as it
worry about was negotiating my forced or coerced into wearing one. I
mentioned biometric finger-scanning
way home, which due to there received a cordial “that’s absolutely
in order to pay for food and drink.
being a few other schools clustered fine” in response. As of writing this,
It stated that unless we contacted
together in the same locale, was my son has been sent home for the
the school, it would be assumed that
often like the movie ‘Warriors’. umpteenth time, because one of
consent was given. I emailed the
There were a few psychopathic his friends has tested ‘positive’ for
school and told them that I preferred
teachers who’d be facing jail coronavirus.
our son to pay for his dinners by
nowadays, and we were made Life at my son’s secondary
regularly aware of the possibility either cash or a swipe-card that we
school in 2021 consists of their
of nuclear holocaust at the hands could allocate funds to, via an app being locked inside the building,
of the ‘dastardly’ USSR. We knew called ‘School Gateway’. To be fair to needing a ‘pass’ to go to the toilet,
where we stood back then. the school, they were fine with it. being watched by CCTV, paying
The following year, we received Artwork: Andrea Grottick
Since having children of my own, for dinners by biometric scan, being
it’s impossible not to notice the huge another information pack from the pressured into taking unnecessary,
boys in the first place. Again, they were contacted by the school, this
difference in the school ‘experience’. school, this time relating to the HPV didn’t know, which led me to state experimental vaccines, being
time with a list of restrictions and
In the plus column, you don’t get vaccine, which they were keen for that if they didn’t know who made it, swabbed twice a week and pointlessly
behaviours expected by the pupils
your head kicked in by mentally my son to receive. After a lengthy what was in it, and what data there that would have put Guantanamo masked-up in class. I swear, if the
unstable teaching staff for committing debate with my wife, it was agreed was to support having it, they had no Bay to shame. I emailed the school government insisted on pupils having
the cardinal sin of missing church to refuse consent. A few weeks later, business contacting me. A few weeks expressing my concerns, asking a toe amputated in order to return to
on Sunday. Bullies seem to be a lot I was contacted via a local NHS later, they sent me a document from to see risk assessments in relation school, there’d be barely a whisper of
thinner on the ground and getting to ‘Immunisations Team’ member, who the Joint Committee on Vaccination to mask-wearing and stating that opposition.
and from school is (for the most part) (politely) challenged our decision and Immunisation (JCVI), which the school would have to take full This is neither progress, following
free of violent incident. However, to refuse consent. I asked them who outlined the decision to roll out the responsibility for any physical or ‘the science’, protecting children
despite all of that, there’s something made the vaccine and what was in it. HPV vaccine for boys. In there, it mental impediment to my son, arising nor saving lives. This is totalitarian
truly sinister going on that’s gone They didn’t know. Luckily, I’d boned stated that the driver behind making from any of the measures they’d put control, fascism and tyranny writ
from lurking in the shadows to up on the subject and told her. I then it available to them was ‘equality’ in place. I received a phone call from large. War has been well and truly
hiding in plain sight as a result of the asked how effective it was for boys, and ‘herd immunity’. There was the head teacher, who told me that declared on our children and unless
‘boiling frog’ effect. considering they don’t have cervixes no evidence at all to support its she disagreed with what was going parents stop complying and start
A few weeks prior to my eldest and what harm it could cause. They necessity. Suffice to say, we stayed on, blamed the local authority for pushing back defiantly against
son’s starting secondary school back told me that they wouldn’t know for clear of it. everything and backed off. this madness, the world we’ll
in 2018, we received an information ten years. I then asked what number Fast forward to September 2020 After the second lockdown and leave behind for them will be an
pack containing all manner of of HPV related cancers in males had and my son’s return to school after planned return to school in March abomination that we stood by and
information relating to dress code, prompted a roll out of the vaccine for the first ‘lockdown’. Again, we 2021, we were informed of measures enabled.

‘The World Is A Business, Mr. Beale’

P ublic-private partnership and
stakeholder capitalism are
the euphemisms for the wholly
the military-industrial complex,
even more established today than
when Ned Beatty boomed it across
but we can’t quite see how until
we delve beneath the surface of
the ‘news’ and well beyond our
with each other directly? The most
radical breakthrough solution for the
preservation of personal freedom
unaccountable, private running of the boardroom at Peter Finch in debate over big tech censorship permitted education window. Who could well be the simplest: going
the entire country, where board the 1976 film Network - and now many times recently, Facebook, is it that decides what goes into our back to basics and cutting out the
directors set public policy and there is little anyone can do about Twitter, Alphabet et al are private textbooks, exactly? middleman. Public, local economies
the complaints department has it. Maybe you can complain to companies, they don’t have to So is the situation completely which are free of evil psychopathic
no obligation to listen to your their company officials, go to the follow the law and allow freedom hopeless for the future? Not at parasites keeping the people down
grievances, or ever get back to company press outlets, organise a of speech - but when the company all. We simply need to choose an and poor by controlling the fiat
you. protest to declare you don’t like the has a monopoly (or cartel) over an alternative to working for, and currency system and establishing
Imagine a not-so-distant future company’s policies? Even today, industry, what choice is there but to spending our earnings with, the cartels over all resources and
where your transport, refuse while we still have a thin veneer of accept their terms? These companies corporation. We all have a choice services. Some may say it has
collection and police force are supposedly accountable government, are effectively in charge and set the right now, they can’t force us to always been this way, that nothing
run by Serco for example, who politicians are passing acts to ‘law’. use it, but their aim is to give us no ever changes and the rulers will
are under no obligation to treat severely restrict and penalise any This is how freedom was choice so Amazon will be the only always rule, but at least in the past
you fairly or humanely in any form of protest, attempting to nullify removed and slavery established online shop in the end, like all those people didn’t actually go out and
situation. If you choose to use their the Bill of Rights 1689 which will without a shot being fired or most dystopian sci-fi films portrayed; one vote for their oppressive tyrants.
services, and there probably won’t lead to many false arrests and which people even noticing. People know monolithic beast delivering your There are lots of local groups
be any alternative, you consent to the Courts will probably strike down they’re getting screwed - accepting every need, as long as you stay springing up with this aim. Crops
their terms and conditions. They (already have in the case of Reclaim longer hours, lower pay and less solvent and compliant to their rules. Not Shops is one such movement,
really won’t work for you, but the These Streets v Metropolitan Police benefits year by year, no longer able That choice though, is very quickly Farmacy Co-op have featured in
shareholders. Judicial Review, Justice Holgate to afford many of the things we are disappearing - it’s a garden that The Light paper, and of course
The world has become a 12th March 2021.) used to. The screw gets tightened needs tending or it will die. is a great
corporation under the hidden Of course, you are under no each generation with the help of real What is an alternative? springboard for connecting to other
guidance of the ‘big club’ – central obligation to use the company’s price inflation, the hidden evil tax Remember when people used to local ‘dissidents’, where the rights of
bankers and giant corporations, services. As has been said in the on everyone who’s not a billionaire, produce items and food and trade the individual are paramount.


The Covid 1984 Act

A ll the focus is put on the
Coronavirus Act 2020 but in
many ways this is to distract us
power lies in the use of the Public
Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.
Using Section 45 of this 1984 Act
3. These would be made under full
Parliamentary and Public scrutiny;
in a bottom up instead of a top-down
way of resolving an emergency and
4. They would be limited by law has a whole Local Resilience network
from how they are really making (which ‘conveniently’ was rewritten and local Scientific Advisory Groups
to 30 days and would have to be
these ‘laws’ that are dictating every in 2008 before the so-called Swine that would have been mobilised in the
reviewed by Parliament before any
aspect of our lives. We are led to Flu ‘pandemic’ of 2009 to facilitate
renewal; event of its being used.
believe that it is the Coronavirus Act unlimited government powers),
that is the cause of all of these laws 5. They would have to be proportional Just going by this alone, if this
Hancock or any other minister can
creating all this misery in our lives literally immediately make any ‘law’ to any risk. ‘pandemic’ was not a criminal even-
and it is this that the MPs vote on they like without any public debate or greater-power grab by the ruling
6. Furthermore under the CCA,
every six months. However, all these Parliamentary scrutiny. This is done by billionaire class, why would you
legislation is supposed to be
laws just sail through Parliament claiming it is ‘in response to a serious not use the CCA 2004 that was set
avoided and only used as a last
without debate or scrutiny totally and imminent threat to public health’. up to protect us and our rights in an
independent of the Coronavirus It is also fraudulent to keep passing emergency, unless your real aim is the
Act and are just rubber stamped. continual legislation on this basis So business closures, lockdowns, actual removal of those rights towards
It also gives the illusion of these when it is clearly a lie. mask wearing, travel bans,
the end goal of totalitarianism?
laws as being legitimate, as people Another big deception is the quarantines, the severe restriction of
It is the so-called laws (at last count
are deceived into thinking they pretence that there is a State of our rights and the ruin of our economy
would never have happened. totalling well over 320) made under
are being made in the normal Photo: Paolo Nicolello Emergency in the UK, when there is
Parliamentary way. So how is this not. If the government declared an Another thing about the Civil this 1984 Act that we are currently
possible? the German people; in fact he needed official State of Emergency (as they Contingencies Act is that previous challenging with our two cases against
The answer to this is a little two to reach his aim, but Johnson, should have done), this would have governments had spent the last 16 the government.
known fact that this Government of Hancock and their cronies are triggered the Civil Contingencies Act years claiming they were planning It is more important than ever that
Occupation is abusing the law and achieving everything they want with 2004 (the CCA), which would have: to use it prior to 2020 and it appears people get to know about our legal
using an Act from 1984 (yes, really!) just the one. in all the numerous government action.
Whilst the Coronavirus Act 2020 1. Protected and respected our Human
as an Enabling Act to control and ruin ‘pandemic’ planning reports, but then
is important to the Government for Rights; Please share our link: https://
every aspect of our lives! An Enabling they completely ignore it when an
Act is what Hitler used in 1933 to aspects of manipulation and control 2. Made Parliament, not individual actual event happens, as it does not
take ultimate control of Germany and and also as a smokescreen, the real ministers, responsible for any laws; suit the ‘agenda’. The CCA also acts coronavirus-act-2020/

Whatever Happened To Rock And Roll?

“After silence, that which by MARK CHRISISTOPHER LEE for our freedoms.
comes nearest to expressing the If anyone in the music industry
inexpressible is music.” Aldous does speak out such as Van Morrison,
Huxley The most worrying aspect of all is Eric Clapton, Ian Brown, Liam

M the prospect of a vaccine passport to Gallagher or Right Said Fred they

usic has always played an
allow access to gigs, pubs and music are dismissed by main stream media
important part in society and
as deluded, selfish ‘covidiots’ and
cultures. Shamans of the past would festivals.
attacked for putting the public at risk
use drums and chants that would To some extent I can understand
with their ‘antisocial’ views on masks,
put people into collective trance why an 80 year old would want to take
family separation, hugging etc.
like states. Now it’s the moshpit, a chance with a vaccine but why would
I myself only know of a handful
head-banging, ecstasy fueled beats, an 18 year old in an up and coming
of musicians who are challenging the
or hipster folk singalongs, but like indie band want a vaccine, whose side
official narrative. Most, including
most other things in this pandemic effects could be more damaging than
many friends, have fallen for the
the state have ordered these things the actual disease, in order to play a
scamdemic hook, line and sinker - the
as dangerous to public health and gig? This is the absurd situation we
greater good, mask up, shut up and line
shut them down - and like most will have very soon if the government
up for your experimental therapeutics
other things in their long term goes ahead with this apartheid/forced or vaccine - have they not seen the film
AI algorithmic plan have been medical intervention. Photo: Sam Moqadam Hot Fuzz, or any zombie films? They
driven online - people congregating We may even end up with a social nearly all start with injecting things
especially those with open minds credit system like China, where only Vaccine uptake is especially low “Where have all the protest singers into people.
and ideas are dangerous to the state those deemed as good, compliant in black communities for various gone?” - Paul Jones - The Bangs Rock and Roll used to be
and the common good - just ask the citizens and that have racked up reasons including distrust of those in dangerous, edgy risk-taking, which
The Bangs are an indie band on my
Chinese Communist Party! enough points from brown-nosing the power. Where will the up and coming is why it was so loved by teenagers
black artists go to play? Maybe the label and their latest song is about the
So bands and artists have been hit bureaucrats are allowed out to gigs. all across the world, but now it’s dull,
Where is Franz Kafka when you need emergence of a new underground lack of fight against the taking away
hard and not just them it’s the road safe, stay at home with your parents
him? scene a la Grime is what we can all of our freedoms and civil liberties. It’s
crew, sound engineers, studios, there and just be careful that you don’t
What will the so called hippie hope for. like no one in the music business cares
is no/little work for them on online offend anyone. It’s like we’re living
festival Glastonbury be like with This gave me an idea of setting up - where are The Kaiser Chiefs, Bob
gigs - Dua Lipa might be able to make in an inverse rock and roll paradigm
it work with the backing of Warner vaccine passports, covid checks and freedom venues/festivals for those of Dylan, Stomzy...anyone?
where the poles have shifted, and
music but for the average indie artist track and trace look like? Not exactly us who want to remain vaccine-free It seems the whole music industry going along with the establishment
playing a Facebook gig with tinny peace love and freedom is it, especially or have vaccine choice, no masks, no have accepted the government/ is somehow the cool thing to do. It’s
sound quality to a bunch of disparate as those who choose not to do all that social distancing - just normal human SAGE narrative and ‘oh well, no gigs really not, and never was.
mates, it’s not the same. will not be welcome? interaction. There are millions of us for a year at least!’ The same artists
that are usually slagging off a Tory “It’s better to burn out, than to
This mad descent into an out there, so maybe this is our time
fade away” - Neil Young
“I’ve seen the needle and the authoritarian nightmare may lead to come together and create our own government are now siding with them
damage done” - Neil Young to even more divisions in society. communities? against the ‘covidiots’ who dare protest

Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it. PAGE 5


A Psychologist’s Perspective On The Regime

by DR HARRIET GARROD are entire generations of people who agree, including those in the helping and the encouragement of people a time for bribing those involved in
have lost everything, their homes, professions. telling on each other, ultimately the black market for basic services

I have been accused of hating

the NHS and giving doctors
a bad name, and have been
their jobs, their businesses and their
education as a result of lockdown.
There are people who are denied
By far the most terrifying
element of all is the compliance
of the people. The manipulation
turning against anyone who dares to
not follow orders that causes me the
most psychological disturbance, not
like a haircut or to organise a secret
gathering of like-minded folks to
enjoy conversations and laughter,
called anti-establishment and the basic right to medical treatment of society through instigating fear only as a practitioner but ultimately and God forbid to sing and to
anti-authoritarian. My younger, and as a result will die, or those via the media has been successful as an ordinary human being. I am dance to wonderful music. Sadly, I
punk-rocker student self would seeking to marry or for the dead in dividing families, neighbours, surrounded by paranoid neurotic have lost many friends due to my
have relished such compliments, to have a respectable funeral, and colleagues and friends irretrievably. fascists, and I cannot breathe. It is disagreement with the regime and
but now I am seen as a pariah there are the elderly who haven’t We are encouraged to call the police this which has caused me the most have a growing concern about the
of humanity for daring to ask seen anybody for over a year and on our nearest and dearest, and anger, the most sadness and the most changing dynamics amongst people,
questions that I feel any decent, live their last days effectively under I have seen first-hand an elderly despair. People I considered my and the increasing mental health
intelligent person might ask when house arrest. I am likely to be grandma carted off by the police for friends pre-covid are now enemies pandemic that will follow.
living under an increasingly fascist picking up the pieces of the impact visiting her 6-year-old grandson on who have spoken to me like I am In the wake of the March for
regime, where the right to protest of this for the rest of my clinical his birthday. I also have witnessed a stupid ungrateful child, and it is Freedom in central London on
has just been criminalised and career. There has been an increase a man being shouted at by shop unlikely those friendships will ever Saturday 20th March 2021, I feel a
social media posts are censored. in attempted and actual suicides, staff, who was only collecting be repaired. surge of excitement about possible
As a Consultant Psychologist, emotional dysregulation, anger, some printer ink so that he could I am deeply offended by the changes to our society as the
I know first hand how the impact obesity and alcoholism. Though work from home, and I have been apparent personality transplants establishment is challenged in more
of isolation, lack of interaction and these elements of this regime are screamed at for accidentally walking most people I know seem to ways than one. I am looking forward
lack of meaningful activity has devastating, they are not the most through the wrong door in a café; have had, and how draconian and to joining hands with people who are
a devastating impact on morale, frightening. There is something when we were slightly liberated last Orwellian they have become in daily passionate about our freedoms and
mental health and ultimately can infinitely more sinister at play here. summer. communications that are filled with to also pay tribute to all those who
evoke suicide amongst the most I have said this from day one, and it It is this display of sudden, secret- self-righteous puritanical drivel. It is have lost their lives as a result of
desperate and the least helped. There is only now that there are others who police level authority of shop staff a time in which we trust no one. It is lockdown.

Climate Change Fraud And The Club Of Rome


T he patently false notion

of Anthropogenic Global
Warming (AGW) and climate
change was first conceived of by
the Club of Rome in its efforts to
promote the need for population
reduction based on the restricted
availability of energy, under the
guidance of a united worldwide
The movement took root in
October 1975 when Dr. Margaret
Mead, president of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS), aided by associates
Paul Ehrlich, Stephen Schneider, John
Holdren and George Woodwell, held Photo: Walter Frehner
the “Atmosphere: Endangered and
Endangering” conference in North
Carolina where Mead used global hold hearings and issued subpoenas to and science, and funds given to other The media, public and political Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
warming caused by Carbon Dioxide the leaders of the EPA to investigate nations as a result of the climate establishment constantly recite the Change (IPCC) along with the Club
(CO2) as the predicate for population why CO2 was improperly defined change hoax, from 1993 to 2017. assertion that 97% of scientists say of Rome have become political bodies
reduction and eugenics. as a pollutant. This resulted in The government has systematically the problem is real and man-made whose intentions are the restriction of
Subsequently, individuals in outright lies, lack of responses and enabled the continuation of this carbon dioxide is the cause. However, energy availability, the reduction of
the United States fraudulently the resignation of the Director of the fraud through billions of dollars increased concentrations of CO2 population and the establishment of
established and promulgated “carbon EPA. spent annually, by funding university in the atmosphere do not lead to a one world government institution.
trading” institutions for purposes The scientific community research and government labs doing global warming and climate change. As a result of this reckless activity,
of levying taxes on those who unknowingly and unwittingly aided “climate research”. Carbon dioxide is a trace gas in the millions of people’s lives will be
purchase hydrocarbon based fuels. and abetted the deceit based on the The false notion of AGW and/ atmosphere. negatively impacted, including a
As a component of this scheme computer generated hockey stick or man induced climate change The major “greenhouse gas” is tremendous loss of life.
to initiate, mandate and facilitate curve created by Dr. Michael Mann, has spawned tens of thousands of water vapour. An intricate feedback This entire set of facts and their
carbon taxes, the U.S. Environmental et al, and first publically discredited new businesses worldwide. The system regulates the Earth’s basis in fact must be brought to the
Protection Agency (EPA) was by “MIT Technology Review” in total Climate-Industrial Complex temperature, maintaining immunity attention of the vast majority of the
fraudulently induced to define CO2 as October of 2004. is a $2-trillion-per-year business. from temperature increases and
American people and then to the
a “pollutant”; a ruling which was later Government published statistics These companies are virtually 100% decreases due to such trace gases. The
people of all nations.
upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court show that $178 billion dollars of tax dependent on the politically driven global warming hoax has taken root
during litigation. payer funds has been spent on direct notion of “dangerous man-made the world over. Read more at www.
The U.S. Congress attempted to climate change related technology global warming and climate change”. The United Nation’s

PAGE 6 Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it.


Is the UN’s ‘Relationship Education’

Sexualising Young Children?
A s part of their Agenda 2030,
the U.N. in conjunction with
the WHO and UNESCO have been
Could we be forgiven for thinking
that children are being encouraged
to use tenderness and pleasure as a
Some resource videos contain graphic
references to bondage, anal sex, facial
ejaculation, and some sexual practices
The use of the word ‘orgasm’ was
obviously a subjective one on the part
of the observer, which is one of many
position comes reproduction. Whilst
ushering in a revised form of sex thermometer for what does or does that many of us might never have reasons to discredit the science of
the UNESCO and UN literature
education in schools across the not constitute bodily violation? encountered before. such data.
provide guidelines for children from
world. So far over 50 countries The same children who have been Lastly, it is time to consider Kinsey once said “It is difficult
the age of 5 and above, the WHO
have been enrolled. Its introduction encouraged to explore their own some of the “experts” involved with to understand why a child, except
guidelines begin at age 0-3. All
has sparked heated controversy in genitalia in a pleasurable way from advising the UN on their sexual
literature on sex education, whether for its cultural conditioning, should
many countries, but to date, not birth? Could the emphasis on pleasure agenda. Some of them came from the
at an international level or local be disturbed at having its genitalia
one country has been able to halt it. from a young age become a barrier Kinsey Institute which has gained
The mission statements in government one, stresses the need to disclosure of sexual abuse in the global recognition in good and bad touched.” Another observation of
the various documents that these for material to be age/development- future? Perhaps none of us have the ways. Its founder, Alfred Kinsey felt his brings us back full circle to the
associations have produced appear appropriate. With this in mind, let’s answer. himself to be a victim of paternal WHO’s definition of sexuality: “We
to be benign in their intent on first skip to the syllabus matrix of the Another important area for and religious suppression. His aim are all sexual beings from birth.”
reading - to reduce STIs together with WHO’s document. consideration is the type of resources was to release society from its sexual We all look at a baby and
teenage pregnancies and promote One topic for 0-4 year old children that are being used to implement guilt. Some would argue that he recognise its aura of complete
sexual health and well-being whilst is “enjoyment and pleasure when this curriculum and the motivations always remained a victim, given his innocence. Could it be that Kinsey, in
championing gender equality and touching one’s own body, childhood of those charities and organisations masochistic sexual practises. In his his zeal to release society from sexual
children’s rights. masturbation”. Another is “the right involved in delivering them. book on male sexuality published guilt and repression, actually threw
Most parents would have no to explore gender identities”. In the Some of them are heavily in the late 1940s, he included tables the baby out with the bath water by
argument against such aims. So why 4-6 year old bracket we see the need involved in gender re-assignation. which correlated data that he had sacrificing childhood innocence in
the vociferous opposition? Are those for information to be provided on Indeed, the BBC itself has various acquired from the observations the name of pseudo-science? And
protesting narrow-minded bigots and “friendship and love towards people videos on transgender journeys of practising paedophiles. The could it be that this worldwide roll
puritans, or do they have legitimate of the same sex” together with this undertaken by teenagers on its perpetrators were referred to as
ethically and linguistically dubious out of dubious and explicit sexual
concerns? educational pages. In one BBC “partners” and the tables logged the
recommendation from another table: ‘education’ spearheaded by the
In order to decide, we firstly need video aimed at and involving duration of the children’s stimulation
to establish what is meant by the “If the experience /feeling is not good pre-pubescent children, they are by the adult and the length of time it UN is doing the same thing? If the
word ‘sexuality’. According to the you do not always have to comply”. “expertly” informed that there are took the children to reach an orgasm nature of their curriculum and the
WHO ‘sexuality starts at birth’ and is Is this clarified or muddied further 100 genders in existence. It strikes and the frequency of the orgasms. The resources used to teach it are such
“a central aspect of being human and by the insertion of another point of me that we all need to question ages of the children were between 2 that we normally have to refrain from
encompasses sex, gender identities... information for the same age group the wisdom of presenting children months and adolescence. One 4 year discussing them within earshot of
sexual orientation, eroticism, which states “some people pretend to with highly confusing and possibly old was “observed” over a 24 hour young children , then the answer is
pleasure, intimacy” and in last be good but they might be violent”? damaging concepts at such an age. period. probably a resounding “yes”.

The Democratic Network: A new vision for local politics

by MATTHEW REYNOLDS what are its main aims? candidates to support. This is their communities. There is no
the ‘network’ aspect, as we are Westminster party line to tow
We are a new, non-political
L ockdown has been a
disaster, but will it shake
up political participation in
network, registered earlier this
year. We formed as a result of
co-operating with similar parties
and candidates. If you want to
make a difference in May, fill
- our policy is to be practical,
accountable and represent the
people feeling abandoned by
Britain? With the promise of in the Network Survey on the
the main political parties. Our What makes you think you
a roadmap out, can the public Democratic Network web site.
candidates will represent the can do the job?
trust Boris’s ‘chumocracy’ to The long version of the survey
interests of all residents and
ease the coming recovery crisis? covers your views on health, In recent years my wife and
businesses. They will be standing
Where is the opposition? democracy, policing and media. I have had some interesting
in the local elections on May
Labour has cheered on Tory challenges with the local
6th. At a District, Borough and Are you contesting the
policy, only criticising the authorities which I think we’ve
County level the job is to take London Mayoral or PCC
government for not imposing met with determination. Our
practical decisions. Party politics elections?
lockdown harsher and sooner. personal experiences motivated
can get in the way of councillors
Such ‘consensus politics’ has Not this time; however, our us to get involved in local
representing the people.
long deterred voters. Surely the early survey results do not make politics.
time is ripe for new movements, How will it work? What comfortable reading for the police My day job as a statistician
steering away from Westminster support will you offer? and the PCC’s (Police and Crime and market researcher, is about
and its traditional main parties, Commissioners). using information to make better
200 people have already
now woefully out of touch with decisions, solving difficult
expressed an interest in standing, Would you like to be an MP?
the grassroots? problems. The next four years
many more in giving support. By
The Light raised these issues No. Our constitution clearly are likely to be challenging for
the time you read this we will
with Nigel Jacklin, founder of states ‘Career politicians need not everyone. We need some good
have completed the candidate
The Democratic Network, an apply!’A key part of our approach decision makers.
selection process. To find out if
organisation offering real voter is that we do not seek election The Light wishes Nigel and
there is a Network Candidate near
choice in May’s local elections. other candidates running every
you, please visit our website. in Westminster. This means our
success in May.
Nigel can you tell us more We are also running a Network Councillors can focus on local
about the Democratic Network, Survey which can help you find issues and serve the interests of


We Have To Move Quickly To

Halt The Covid-19 Coup
were over most of the recent attempts dared to speak out were demonised and enhance the fear. can produce long-term problems in
to scare us into compliance. His track libelled. It is normal to measure the some patients but it was never dignified
record is so appalling that if Ferguson The same bizarre things happened incidence of disease by using annual as ‘long flu’.)
were a race course tout, you’d steer all across the world. Billions were put figures. With flu the figures are totted It will all be our fault, of course. In
by DR. VERNON COLEMAN well clear. under house arrest. Economies were up in six monthly clumps. But with the same way that ‘global warming’
_______________________________________ Today’s fear is being created as wrecked (to ruin small businesses covid-19 the alleged deaths were added is `our’ fault – for which we must be
justification for a constant stream of and enrich billionaires). Schools were up on a rolling, never-ending basis to punished.

E verything that has happened in

the last year or so was planned.
Nothing related to covid-19 has
oppressive new legislation. They’re
banning protests, introducing
mandatory vaccinations and planning
closed. Many hospital departments
were shut leaving hospital staff so
underworked that they started dressing
try to make the total look terrifying.
No one mentioned that the flu can
affect a billion people a year, and kill
The rising number of deaths will
be blamed on those who refused the
‘vaccine’ and on those who told the
happened by accident. health passports. They’re even making up and doing silly dances to entertain 650,000 in a six month flu season. truth and campaigned against the coup.
Conspirators have been planning football illegal because it doesn’t fit the cancer patients being denied And all the while they promised There will be ever more oppressive
this coup for decades. Every detail has with the absurd Agenda 21 re-wilding treatment. The official figures showed us freedom when the experimental legislation. New laws are coming
been worked out and their plans reach plan. that hospitals had rarely been quieter. In ‘vaccines’ came. every day. Elections will be postponed
far into the future. On March 19th 2020, the public care homes thousands were murdered It was a lie. permanently. Regular vaccinations
It isn’t difficult to prove that health bodies in the UK, and the as the elderly were denied medical The ‘vaccines’ don’t stop anyone will be mandatory for those in certain
covid-19, the lockdowns, the face Advisory Committee on Dangerous care. The Government told us to protect catching covid-19. And they don’t stop occupations or for those wanting to
masks and the social distancing are all Pathogens decided that the new our grannies while doing everything it anyone passing it on. If the ‘vaccines’ enter public buildings or supermarkets.
part of a conspiracy designed to create coronavirus should no longer be could to kill them off. do anything they simply reduce Travel, even within the UK, will be
fear and compliance. As I predicted on classified as a `high consequence Classic brainwashing techniques the significance of the symptoms constrained. Cash will be banned.
March 18th 2020, the plan was always infectious disease’. The coronavirus were introduced to create terror and associated with covid-19. But since We will all be controlled by constant
to move onto mandatory vaccinations. was downgraded to flu level. (There’s compliance. The Government hired most people who get covid-19 don’t assessments of our behaviour, through
The exaggerated threat of an annual a link to the relevant page of the military psychologists to keep citizens have any symptoms that’s hardly much the intrusive programme of social
flu was chosen as a weapon to push UK Government website on www. frightened and a propaganda unit of the of an incentive to take an experimental credit scoring advocated by Agenda 21
us towards a programme described as British Army (the 77th Brigade) was injection. enthusiasts. If you want to know what
Agenda 21 – also known as the Great I published details of the downgrade used against those British citizens who So, the politicians and the life will be like, take a look at China or
Reset or the `new normal’. on my website the day it appeared defied the coup and chose to share the journalists and the doctors lied and said North Korea or think back to the USSR
The threat was created as an excuse and assumed, innocently, that the truth. that the `vaccines’ would prevent the or East Germany – and imagine things
for the `vaccine’ – rather than the other mainstream media would carry the It was clear that the lockdowns and infection. to be far worse.
way round. story, that everyone would breathe a closure of hospital departments would And they lied and said there weren’t They have everything planned and
The infamous virus being used as an sigh of relief and get on with their lives. kill far more people than covid-19. any side effects. time is running out. We have to move
excuse for permanent changes, started Doctors could see this but most obeyed Government agencies all over the quickly if we’re going to stop this:
But, the mainstream media
the Government’s instructions and, to world reported that thousands of those Don’t comply with pointless or
life as an ordinary winter flu. suppressed the news.
their shame, remained silent. who’d been vaccinated had fallen ill dangerous rules and regulations.
They’ve been trying to introduce the And hours later, the UK
These deaths were used, as planned, or died. But politicians and doctors Question everything.
Great Reset for many years, and they Government ignored its own advisors
to create the myth that covid-19 was a dismissed the figures (you can find The Government website states that
were getting impatient. Gates, Schwab, and introduced lockdowns and the most
deadly plague. Governments across the up-to-date figures on my website) and if ‘putting on, wearing or removing a
Blair, Prince Charles, etc. are getting oppressive Bill in British Parliamentary
world decided that anyone who died said that if anyone dropped dead five face covering will cause you severe
old – they want action now. history – a 358-page long Emergency
within a month or two of coughing, or minutes after an injection then it was distress’ then you are exempt from
The AIDS scare was probably the Bill which gave the Government and
testing positive for a coronavirus, must merely a coincidence. wearing one.
first time an infection was used in an the police unprecedented powers, and
have died of covid-19. Thousands of I suspect the experimental Use cash whenever you can. If your
attempt to frighten us into obedience. which turned Britain into a police state.
cash is refused then take your business
That failed when it became clear that Public meetings were banned and new patients dying of cancer, heart disease `vaccines’ will, in the end, kill more
elsewhere. A cashless society will lead
the forecasts made for it had been powers were taken to restrict the `use and other disorders were deliberately people than covid-19. (They’ve had
to enslavement.
wildly exaggerated. (They claimed and disclosure of information’. Those labelled as covid-19 deaths. The to change the dictionary definition
If you do visit online newspapers
that every family in Britain would be working for the NHS were prevented ordinary flu disappeared. No one in of `vaccine’ to accommodate these
share the facts about covid. Direct
`touched by AIDS by the year 2000’.) from speaking about the lies and deceit. the media took much notice of the fact experimental products which have
readers to websites and videos where
There were a number of recent Overnight, Britain became a police that governmental advisors had close about as much in common with
they’ll find the truth.
attempts with over-promoted state. Freedom, democracy and free links to vaccine manufacturers and the traditional `vaccines’ as Boris Johnson
Share the link (on my websites)
infections. Neil Ferguson’s fingerprints speech became history. Those who Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has with the word `statesman’.)
which shows that covid-19 was
which had big investments in vaccine Die within 28 days of having a
downgraded to flu level in March 2020.
manufacture. Around the world cough, or a false positive test, and
Governments have known for over a
politicians handed out billions of you died of covid-19. Die within 28
year that covid-19 is no worse than the
dollars’ worth of contracts for masks, minutes of having a covid-19 injection
rubber gloves and testing kits to their and it was a coincidence.
Don’t allow anyone to bully you
chums. Corruption went unnoticed. We are living in a world ruled by
into having the covid-19 vaccine. There
When even all these extra deaths liars.
is an updated list of vaccine deaths and
weren’t enough to keep people It’s only just begun, of course.
side effects on my website. Anyone
terrified, governments introduced a The `vaccines’ were promised as a who says there are no risks is lying.
faulty testing programme designed to panacea. But they aren’t and they won’t Read the books on my website.
create more false positives than real be. They weren’t designed to get rid Distrust the Government. Avoid
positives. Special testing stations were of covid-19. They were designed to mass media. Fight the lies.
set up and young schoolchildren (more control people and, I believe, to kill. And remember: you are not alone.
likely to die from a lightning strike than Next autumn and next winter More and more people are waking up.
covid-19) were forced to wear masks the `vaccines’ will kill thousands.
and have regular tests. The masks And those deaths will be blamed on
were designed to control people, not covid-19 variants and on the newly
viruses. The tests were manipulated to designated ‘long covid’. (The flu, too,


What A Cashless Society Would Mean Public Debt

from your home that you no longer will be traceable. and that has nothing to do with a
Now At 97.5%
want or need for a little cash in Access to your own money can be ‘virus’ nor has this ‘dirty money’
return. denied at the click of a button when/ propaganda that is currently being
hat does having no cash
if banks need ‘clarification’ from you heavily promoted. It has been the

actually entail? ● No more cash gifts from relatives
about any transaction they decide to case for several years that banks (a he government borrowed
A cashless society means no cash. or loved ones.
investigate, no matter how small. supposed public service) are more and £19.1bn last month, marking
Zero. It doesn’t mean ‘mostly ● On top of all that, how will You will have no choice but to more frequently refusing to accept the highest figure for February
cashless, but don’t worry you will homeless people get by without declare and be taxed on every pound large amounts of coins being paid in. since records began amid the
still be able to use a little bit of cash their small, daily cash collections? in your possession. Utterly outrageous as that has to be spiralling cost of support measures
here and there’. No. ‘Cashless’ They will probably starve whilst The government will decide what one of their primary functions, surely? during the pandemic.
means fully digital, fully traceable,
you can and cannot purchase. Please open your eyes. Please stop Figures from the Office for
fully controlled.
If your transactions are deemed in believing everything you are told by National Statistics (ONS) showed
Anyone outside the ‘power elite’
any way ‘questionable’ by those who the lying media and governments. public borrowing ballooned
who supports and promotes a cashless
create those questions, your money Almost everything in today’s world thirteenfold to £19.1bn in February
society cannot possibly be fully aware
will be frozen, ‘for your own good’. is tainted with corruption and hidden this year - up from £1.5bn in the same
of what they are asking for.
A cashless society would be utterly agendas. month a year earlier.
A wholly cashless society means:
disastrous for everyone. Please also stop telling me or Borrowing for the year so far
● If you are struggling with your And also please forget about others like me that we are what is has reached £278.8bn - marking a
mortgage on any particular month, cash being ‘dirty’. Stop being so wrong with the world as you hail first quarter record. Government
you cannot simply do an odd ‘cash easily misled. Cash has been around some of the most corrupt members of bodies have spent an estimated
in hand’ job to get you through. for a very, very long time, and it society as your heroes. Politics and £72.6bn on day-to-day activities in
● Your child cannot help the local gives us total control over how we greed is what is really wrong with February 2021, including £3.9bn on
farmer or storekeeper to earn a interact with the world. It gives us the world; not those who are trying coronavirus job support schemes.
little summer cash. independence. to alert you to the reality which you The figure easily dwarfs the levels
I recently read a story whereby refuse to see or acknowledge whilst of borrowing seen in the aftermath of
● No more cash slipped into the a man supposedly contracted being immobilised by your own the financial crisis in the UK.
hands of a child from their Photo: Vadim Artyukhin
covid because of a £20 note he had irrational fear. Total public sector net debt
grandparent when visiting. handled. There is the same chance This fear is being deliberately has now risen to £2.13 trillion,
banks and governments all look of covid being on a card as being created to keep you trusting and after a £330bn rise over the first
● No more money in birthday cards. the other way as they proclaim on cash. If you cannot see the utter complacent about the future whilst eleven months of the financial year,
● No more piggy banks for your wide-eyed innocence and/or lay ridiculousness of this story, then there ‘they’ happily pursue their own according to the ONS.
child to save pocket money and to the blame on others – as always. is little hope. insidious agenda without fear of being It means public net debt now
learn about the value of money. However, what a cashless society So, if you are a customer, pay with held to account by ‘the people’. stands at 97.5 per cent of GDP - a
● No more ‘cash for a rainy day does guarantee: cash and if you are a business owner, So please, please continue to pay level not seen since the early 1960’s.
fund’ or for that something special Banks and governments will have remove those ridiculous signs that with cash and please say ‘no’ to a The Office for Budget
you may have been putting £20 a full control of every single penny you ask people to pay by card rather than cashless society while you still have Responsibility (OBR) has said that
week away for. own. cash. the chance. public debt levels are expected to
Every transaction you make will Cash is legal tender. It is our right And above all else… please pass push through the 100 per cent mark
● No more charity collections.
be recorded. to pay with cash. Banks are making on this message to everyone you and hit levels not seen since the
● No more selling bits and pieces All your movements and actions it increasingly difficult to lodge cash know! Second World War.

Covid Ushering In Great Reset Economy

B ack in February of this year
the UK Office for national
statistics reported that the UK
supposedly necessary to keep us all
safe from an expanding range of
ever present but invisible evils.
order to justify the continuation of
the extraordinary fiscal measures.
It should be clear that there is no
new state planned covid economy of
economy had shrunk by an ‘Test & Trace’, vaccinations, health With the real economy moribund return once a central bank has taken
unprecedented 9.9% in 2020, which passports, unabating propaganda and and tax revenue falling off a cliff, rates negative and a government
“was more than twice as much as an enlarged and megalomaniacal how will the government finance has become habituated to zero cost
the previous largest annual fall on public sector determined to dictate these sinister ventures? The answer debt. From then on we are sailing in
record” they explained. However and control every facet of our lives. came recently from the Bank uncharted and possibly dangerous
what the ONS didn’t make quite Make no mistake with so many of England governor Andrew waters.
as clear was that this figure would jobs for the boys and billions of Bailey who told the BBC’s Today
have been much much worse if it pounds of GDP reliant on this new programme he was looking at ‘new
wasn’t for the fact we now have a ‘covid economy’, it won’t be going tools’ to deal with the economic UK economy suffered record
totally new sector of the national away anytime soon, despite the fallout from lockdown. With ‘new annual slump in 2020:
economy, namely the ‘covid promises of politicians. Photo: Gert Altmann tools’ being a euphemistic way of
economy’. The pre-covid economy where saying negative interest rates or in business-56037123
ONS deputy national statistician 60% of all jobs were created by Trace Baroness Harding considers to other words the government in effect
Covid-19: Test and Trace boss
Jonathan Athow gave the game small and medium sized businesses be ‘very competitive’. being paid to borrow money.
Dido Harding defends ‘essential’
away when he said: “An increase has been destroyed and sadly it looks Going forward it seems probable If the Bank of England base rate
£37bn service:
in covid-19 testing and tracing like it shall never return. Instead that schemes such as Test & Trace does turn negative, then any return to
also boosted output. The economy we have schemes like NHS ‘Test & will unfortunately be the model normality can be ruled out regardless
continued to grow in the fourth Trace’ created for the bargain price for our recalibrated post Great of what happens with ‘covid’. There
quarter as a whole, despite the of £37 billion. Recently it emerged Reset economy. Centrally planned will be no desire whatsoever from
additional [lockdown] restrictions in that they currently employ over institutions using technology to within the government to attempt to Bank of England ‘not out of
November.” In other words our pre- 2,500 private sector consultants with keep tabs on us all, making sure roll back the clock. A manufactured firepower’ on covid:
pandemic economy and way of life some charging as much as £6,624 our behaviour and actions comply state of unresolvable perpetual
is being replaced piece by piece by a per day, a rate that the boss of Test & with the latest rules and regulations emergency will be constructed in business-56399830

Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it. PAGE 9


A 21st Century Plantation In Ireland

T he Irish government are
planning to transfer vast
amounts of state land and property
without any accountability”.
Many are concerned that local
councils will be stripped of their
half of which comes from the Irish
government and the other half in
loans from the European Investment
opens the doors to the privatisation
of land and property in Ireland by
giving carte blanche to a dubious
Opposition in the Irish Parliament
to a private company called the believe it will drive up house prices powers regarding land and property. Bank. company. There are worries that
Land Development Agency (LDA). instead. Richard Boyd Barrett, The controversial Bill allows the Unfortunately, Ireland has been many thousands of families and
The LDA and the Irish government who is a Teacher Dála (MP) for the LDA to have first refusal to purchase here before. The National Asset first-time buyers will be locked out of
are hoping that a legislative Bill Solidarity-People Before Profit party, public land being put up for sale. Management Agency or NAMA was securing affordable housing and be at
will be passed before the summer says, “The LDA is a Trojan Horse for The Bill will also allow the LDA not a government initiative set up in 2009 the perils of greedy developers, again.
allowing the LDA to deliver housing aimed at fixing the corrupt and broken According to the Dublin Renters
projects in state owned land across Irish banking system. The aim of the Union, “The set-up of this private
the Republic of Ireland. The move agency was to take over property agency is completely pro-landlord
will bypass local authority in the loans from the banks in Ireland. Its and developers”.
sale and purchase of public land job was to restore economic recovery Others simply view the Bill as
and property. and a functioning property market. a land and power grab and have
The Land Development Agency A rallying cry from NAMA at the renamed the private company the
Bill 2021 sets out the commercial, time was “We will chase developers ‘Landlord Development Agency’. The
state-sponsored body’s goal of to the ends of the earth”. As proposed legislation aligns with the
undertaking strategic land assembly expected with government-approved goal of the World Economic Forum,
and building affordable homes and agencies, NAMA was engulfed “You will own nothing, and you will
sustainable communities. Housing Photo: Wagrati Photo in controversies including close (still) be happy”.
Minister Darragh O’Brien has said the connections to property developers, The Irish government are
agency will drive up housing delivery. the pillaging of the public land bank”. to require pre-consent from elected and accumulating billions of Euros of currently engaging with the European
The aim of the Bill, according to the He went on to say that “the Bill will officials in local authorities in making losses to the Irish taxpayer. Commission that the legislation is
Housing Minister, is to fulfil one of do nothing to guarantee affordable purchases. A major advantage that Many Irish people are naturally in line with EU state-aid rules. The
the governments key objectives of housing but will create a mechanism the LDA has over local authorities concerned and sceptical about the Land Development Agency Bill has
increasing housing supply during a through which public land will be is their funding. They have at their motives behind the state-approved already passed its first vote in the
housing crisis in Ireland. transferred out of direct public control current disposal 2.5 billion Euros, and sponsored agency. Many feel it Irish Parliament.

Tanzanian President Who Refused Covid Narrative Dies at 61


A fter spending the last year

disputing the global narrative
about covid-19, lockdowns and
vaccines, Tanzanian President John
Pombe Magufuli was pronounced
dead on March 17 at age 61 as
mystery and suspicion surrounded
the circumstances of his passing.
The official announcement came
March 17, when Vice President
Samia Suluhu Hassan disclosed Eucharistic body of Christ; it will have all those ‘positive’ tests been
Magufuli’s death to the nation soon be burnt away,” he said. finding?’ and ‘how can they declare a
during a television address. “Dear Contrary to the majority of the public health emergnecy and initiate
Tanzanians, it is sad to announce that Western world, Magufuli declined draconian lockdown policies on such
today 17 March 2021 around 6 p.m. to lock the country down, and ridiculously unreliable tests?’
we lost our brave leader, President the country has not reported any Magufuli, who had a doctorate in
John Magufuli, who died from heart information about covid-19 to the chemistry, also warned Tanzanians
disease at Mzena hospital in Dar World Health Organization (WHO) against becoming ‘guinea pigs’
es Salaam where he was getting since April 29, 2020. On that day, 509 for the various experimental covid
treatment,” proclaimed Hassan. cases and 21 deaths were reported. injecions, saying: “If the white
Hassan said Magufuli had been In June, Magufuli declared that the man was able to come up with
admitted to the hospital on March 6 country had eradicated the disease.
vaccinations, then vaccinations for
but discharged the next day. A week Nor is this the only way that
AIDS would have been brought,
later, he was taken in again for his Tanzania’s former president is likely
tuberculosis would be a thing of the
heart condition, which Hassan and to have angered globalist politicians.
past, vaccines for malaria and cancer
government authorities have insisted After PCR tests famously yielded
positive results from a goat and a would have been found.”
was the cause of his death.
Magufuli made headlines for pawpaw, Magufuli rejected them as He was replaced by Hassan, who
defying the globalist narrative and unreliable, saying they had “technical was sworn in March 19 with her
response to covid-19 since the disease errors.” His words have since been hand on the Koran. She will serve the
was found in Tanzania. He rejected supported by an independent group remainder of Magufuli’s 2nd five-
closing churches, calling on people to of 22 scientists, who identified “10 year term, which began in November
pray to God instead of being afraid, fatal problems” with the widely used 2020. She was employed as a project
and reassuring fellow Catholics that PCR tests, noting that each problem manager for the UN’s World Food
the virus would not be transmitted on its own was enough to render the Programme and is a member of Klaus
through the Holy Eucharist. “The tests useless in identifying covid-19. Schwab’s unelected policy-shaping
Photo: Issa Michuzi
coronavirus cannot survive in the This should beg the question ‘what World Economic Forum.

PAGE 12 Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it.


America Opening Up

P resident Biden made a

statement last week that
Americans might be able to
gather in small groups by July 4,
to celebrate Independence Day.
One wonders who is protecting
him from the reality: most of the
country is almost entirely back to
Outside of California and some
Northeast states, the lockdowns
have largely ended, with ever more
states repealing restrictions and
mandates. Reimposing them for any
reason seems almost unthinkable at
this point. Anthony Fauci’s constant
prattle about the dangers of opening
up are falling on deaf ears.
The few states that are still locked
down are rapidly losing residents and
businesses. States that are entirely
open are gaining them. As for travel,
against which the CDC warns, the
nation’s airports and highways are
back to pre-lockdown levels of
normal. The slogan ‘land of the free’
is starting to mean something again.
Even the New York Times,
which has led the lockdown effort
for longer than a year, is starting to
back-pedal, finally. An article called
“I Would Much Rather Be in Florida”
points out: “much of the state has a
boomtown feel, a sense of making
up for months of lost time. Realtors
cold-knock on doors looking to
recruit sellers to the sizzling housing
Photo: Free Photos
market, in part because New Yorkers
and Californians keep moving in. The
the better part of a year. Research) calls “Sim City Thinking” marriages may occur before the devastating, and many are questioning
unemployment rate is 5.1 percent,
Meanwhile, the science behind – the belief that society can be end of the decade, threatening whether any of it was necessary.
compared to 9.3 percent in California,
accepted postulates such as the 6-feet- operated the way people play with years of progress in reducing the As Florida governor Ron DeSantis
8.7 percent in New York and 6.9
of-distance rule is unraveling by the computer games. It might have been practice. says now with some frequency:
percent in Texas. That debate about
day. A study from Massachusetts wiser to have looked more critically “lockdowns do not work and they
opening schools? It came and went ● At least 1 in 7 children and young
found essentially no differences in at those models before adopting them cause immense harm.” More opinion
months ago. Children have been in people has lived under stay-at-
rates of infection in students whether the whole world over in the midst of a pages are admitting, as the Las Vegas
classrooms since the fall…. home policies for most of the
they are standing 6 feet or 3 feet disease panic. Review Journal has said: “Virus
“Florida’s death rate is no worse last year, leading to increases in
than the national average, and better apart. This prompted even Fauci to The terrible damage of the lockdowns don’t appear to have
anxiety, depression and isolation.
than that of some other states that walk back his long-standing demand lockdowns has become palpably worked as advertised.” Don’t hold
imposed more restrictions, despite that students be 6 feet apart – just the obvious. UNICEF reports: ● As of November 2020, an your breath waiting for the New York
its large numbers of retirees, young latest of many flip flops. The study additional 6 to 7 million Times editorial page to admit that.
● In developing countries, child
partyers and tourists. Caseloads and didn’t examine what would happen children under age 5 may have Perhaps someday, but it won’t come
poverty is expected to increase by
hospitalizations across most of the if everyone just behaved normally, as suffered from wasting or acute soon enough for many.
around 15 per cent. An additional
state are down…. they do in Florida. In fact, one of the malnutrition, resulting in almost The lockdowners committed
140 million children in these
“Try to buy a home and the missing pieces of research for a whole 54 million wasted children, a 14 themselves to something previously
countries are also projected to be
experience is frustrating for a year would have compared a normal- per cent rise that could translate unthinkable. To admit error at
in households pushed below the
different reason: an open house behaving, maskless community into more than 10,000 additional this point is too intellectually and
poverty line.
will have 30 cars parked outside. with one that complied with all the child deaths per month – mostly psychologically upsetting. Regardless,
Though Florida’s population growth extreme lockdown measures. The ● Schools for more than 168 million in sub-Saharan Africa and South we can be confident that as the years
has slowed during the pandemic, closest we have to this are the many schoolchildren globally have Asia. With a 40 per cent decline roll on, there will be a growing
documentary stamps, an excise tax studies showing no correlation at been closed for almost a year. in nutrition services for children consensus that, as Jay Bhattacharya
on real estate sales, were 15 percent all between lockdowns and disease Two-thirds of countries with full and women, many other nutrition (Professor of Medicine at Stanford
higher in January than they were control. or partial closures are in Latin outcomes can worsen. University and co-author of The
a year ago. Filing fees for new Remember that the whole notion America and the Caribbean. Great Barrington declaration) has
● As of November 2020, more than
corporations were 14 percent higher.” of managing people’s lives to control said, “lockdowns are the worst policy
● At least 1 in 3 schoolchildren 94 million people were at risk of
Also notable is that the heavily a virus stemmed from untested error of our lifetimes and many
has been unable to access remote missing measles vaccines due to
curated comment section of the article models. That people should be generations.”
learning while their schools were paused campaigns in 26 countries.
is packed with people saying that we compelled to stand apart is related to
never should have locked down – a what Edward Stringham (President of The toll on civil liberties at home
point of view practically banned for the American Institute for Economic ● Around 10 million additional child and around the world has been gradual-return-of-good-sense/


Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - The Truth

M uammar Gaddafi was
certainly an unusual so-
called ‘dictator’. In fact, Libya
a farmer was given free use of land,
true – and nothing was more terrifying
to the banksters than a developed,
united Africa.
was ambushed and assassinated on the
So who else would like to play
including Financial analyst Anthony
Wile, editor of the ‘Daily Bell’.
According to Wile, Gaddafi’s plan
under Gaddafi was Africa’s most a house, farm equipment, livestock He was also planning a return to assassination-roulette with the all- would have strengthened the entire
prosperous democracy. Their and seed. a ‘gold standard’ and to introduce the powerful wizards of the banking continent of Africa in the eyes of
government was much more Gold Dinar, a single African currency cartels, with US foreign policy and economists backing sound money,
● Gaddafi vowed that his own
responsive to the people than the that would serve as an alternative to the dollar supremacy? No one else has the not to mention international investors
parents, who lived in a tent in the
United States, Britain or any other US dollar and allow African nations military might, nor the courage to play who had long been concerned over
desert, would not be housed until
western democracy. Given the lies to share the wealth. But most of all it such a dangerous game… except for America’s insolvency. It would have
every Libyan was housed.
and distortions of the bankster- was Gaddafi’s ‘golden oil’ plan, which perhaps Russia and China. been especially devastating for the US
controlled media, this does not ● Under Gaddafi, Libya had attained would have wrecked the banksters’ The French President at the time, economy, the American dollar, and
seem possible, but the fundamental the highest standard of living in monopoly over the global economy, Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly went so particularly the banksters.
difference between our so-called Africa. that signed and sealed his death far as to call Libya a, “threat to the “If Arab and African nations
‘democratic’ systems and Libya’s had begun adopting a gold-backed
direct democracy was that in Libya, currency, it would have had major
citizens were given the chance to repercussions for debt-laden western
contribute directly to the political
governments that would be far
decision-making process.
more significant than the purported
We have a very tightly Zionist-
‘democratic’ uprisings sweeping the
controlled, indirect form of democracy
region this year. And it would have
with no real say in how the government
spelled big trouble for the elite who
is run. We only get to pretend to
benefit from ‘freshly counterfeited
elect the puppet-criminals who run
funny-money’. Had Gaddafi sparked
the country only for the benefit of
the bankster-elite. By contrast, all a gold-driven monetary revolution,
Libyans were allowed to voice their he would have done well for his own
views directly, not simply in one people, and for the world at large.
parliament or ‘house’ of a few hundred But a Gaddafi-driven gold revolution
elite politicians, but in hundreds would have imperilled the positions of
of committees, manned by tens of central bankers and their political and
thousands of ordinary citizens. Far media power-brokers” - Ilana Mercer,
from being a military dictatorship, ‘WorldNetDaily’.
Libya, before the murder of Gaddafi, Of course, none of this was reported
was the most prosperous and in the Western mainstream media.
democratic nation in Africa, and this Adding credence to the theory of
was the real problem. why Gaddafi had to be eliminated,
as The New American reported, was
● He raised the literacy rate from 20 the strange decision of the ‘rebel’
per cent to 83 per cent. opposition to Gaddafi to create a
Central Bank to replace Gaddafi’s
● He built one of the finest health
state-owned monetary authority. This
care systems in the ‘Third World’,
decision was broadcast to the world
whereby everyone had access
to doctors, hospitals, clinics and in the early weeks of the conflict.
medicines, free of charge and In a statement, the rebel council
should a Libyan need surgery that announced, among other things, the
was unavailable in Libya, funding creation of a new oil company, and
was provided for the surgery more significantly, “Designation
● Gaddafi put up a communications warrant. The proposed Gold Dinar financial security of the world”. The
overseas. of the Central Bank of Benghazi
satellite, the first by an African instituted by Libya would have had elite were apparently panicking over
as a monetary authority competent
● He raised the life expectancy from nation, to bring the continent of serious consequences for the corrupt Gaddafi’s plans.
in monetary policies in Libya and
44 to 75 years of age. Africa into line with 21st century world financial system, but would also “Any move such as that would
appointment of a Governor to the
technology. This also bypassed have empowered the people of Africa, certainly not be welcomed by the
● Basic food items were subsidised Central Bank of Libya, with a
the massive fees that European which the banksters wanted to avoid at power-elite, who are responsible
and electricity was made available temporary headquarters in Benghazi”.
companies had been charging all costs. for controlling the world’s central
throughout the country. Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar plan and his banks. So yes, that would certainly So in just a few short weeks, amid
intention to cease selling Libyan oil be something that would cause his complete unrest in Libya, not knowing
● He developed huge irrigation
● He gave women full access to if they would or could maintain
projects in order to support a drive in US dollars, demanding payment immediate dismissal and the need for
education and employment. their new-found power, these mostly
towards agricultural development instead in gold-backed dinars, would other reasons to be brought forward
● Gaddafi nationalised his nation’s have destroyed the US dollar according for removing him from power. The financially-illiterate ‘rebels’ thought
and food self-sufficiency.
oil reserves and used the revenue to to many observers. The regime, central banking Ponzi scheme requires that a Central Bank would be a good
● Recognising that water, not oil, idea? Why change something that had
build schools, universities, hospitals sitting on massive amounts of gold, an ever-increasing base of demand and
would be the scarcest resource of worked perfectly for years, had brought
and infrastructure. estimated at close to 150 tonnes, was the immediate silencing of those who
the future, Gaddafi initiated the Libya out of poverty, something that
also pushing other African and Middle would threaten its existence. Perhaps
construction of the ‘Great Man ● Money from Libya’s oil revenue the nation owned, into a new central
Eastern governments to follow suit. that is what the hurry was in removing
Made River’, which took years to was regularly deposited into the bank owned by the same elitist
Saddam Hussein attempted Gaddafi in particular and those who
complete. Referred to as a ‘wonder bank account of every citizen. criminals that own America’s Federal
something similar in 2000 with the might have been sympathetic to his
of the modern world’, this river Reserve? Why hand over all of their
In 2010 Gaddafi offered to invest result that Iraq was invaded and he monetary idea. Investor newsletters and
pumps millions of gallons of resources to an international banking
$97bn in Africa to free it from western was eliminated. Iran began selling oil commentaries had been buzzing for
water daily from the heart of the cartel? To thoughtfully and generously
influence, on condition that African in euros rather than US dollars and the months with speculation about the link
Sahara desert to the coastal region, prevent a ‘world-wide financial panic’
states rid themselves of corruption and country was immediately placed on between Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar and the
where the land is suitable for
nepotism. Gaddafi always dreamed the ‘hit list’ and totally vilified. And NATO-backed overthrow of the Libyan or because they were under the control
of a well-developed, united Africa and as soon as Gaddafi began plans for regime. Conservative analysts pounced of the international banksters in the
● Any Libyan who wanted to become was about to make that dream come the Gold Dinar and ‘gold for oil’, he on the potential relationship, too, first place?


Forest Occupation Movement Germany

L ignite mining, express
highways, gravel mining,
parking decks, lime pits, and

the risk to activists. The city politics

candy factories all have something
rewarded the investors’ misdeeds
in common that might not be
by ordering more police to attack
obvious at first glance. Capitalists
and evict the occupation at the very
need to cut down forests to make
moment that Flensburg was one of
way for them. But all around
the covid-19 mutation hotspots in
Germany, people are mobilizing to
stop them. Over the past decade,
Speaking of the pandemic, the
forest occupations and forest
Green Party in Hessen has lost
defence actions have proliferated
support even among middle-class
to such a point that we can now people, as they not only argued
reflect on the movement as a for the new express highway A-49
whole. and as a result for large cuttings in
Together against the Dannenröder Forest, Herrenwald and
megamachine: in this photo from Maulbacher Wald, but additionally
2014, a year before the mass initiated an eviction that lasted
“EndeGelände” actions began, we weeks in November 2020, even
see a small group of people on their though the region was also a
way to interrupt one of the massive covid-19 ‘hotspot’. The occupations
diggers at a coal mine. Even facing in these forests had started in
seemingly impossible odds, small 2019; some protesters still remain
groups can experiment with tactics nearby, as the highway is not yet
that later serve as the basis for mass constructed, even though the trees
actions and victories. on the future trail have been hacked
Since 26 February 2021, people down. One of the most spectacular
have been occupying a forest near actions involved a 300-meter-long
Ravensburg called Altdorfer Wald. A traverse of rope connecting Danni
gravel pit is threatening the forest’s and Herri. capitalists who are profiting from but this is probably not the kind of that Hambi should not be completely
existence and some activists who Likely to the surprise of many of destroyed forests seek to frame development politicians appreciate. destroyed - after most of it already
had earlier built climate camps those involved, another occupation their propaganda as “objective Furthermore, people are
and tree houses in the inner city of had been - but the occupation still
has been successful: On 21 discussion”, they complain about maintaining forest occupations in
Ravensburg decided to live in the February, near Halle (Westfalen), alleged “defamation” and emphasize two villages in Rhineland that are remains. Recently, some people from
forest to protect it. At the moment demonstrators occupied the that their business is of systemic threatened by lignite mining. The Hambi published issue number 5 of
this occupation is not facing Steinhausener Forest where the importance. Indeed, any capitalist occupation in Keyenberg dates to the bilingual zine Shitbarricade.
eviction. candy factory Storck intended to business is of systemic importance September 2020, while the one in
On the day of the occupation And for those who like to travel
expand. Less than a week later, - but as the system itself is the root Lützerath just began on 16 January
near Ravensburg, at the other end of while the occupiers were awaiting of the problem, this argument is 2021. The resistance there is closely internationally, there are occupations
Germany police began the eviction eviction, the company decided to not convincing for those who want connected to those people who in Poland, Switzerland and France
of an occupied inner-city forest. In change plans. At least for the present to change the system. In any case, are trying to save the villages by as well as fights in Sweden and
Flensburg, in October 2020, people the forest is safe. at the moment, they are not being occupying houses that the coal
Belgium that are networked with the
had begun building tree houses and In Wuppertal, at Osterholz, five permitted to cut down the forest. company RWE wants to destroy or
platforms to save the trees, which hectares of forest are endangered In Wilhelmsburg, in Hamburg, in by squatting construction equipment. fights in Germany.
were slated to be cut down to make because of a lime pit. The Kalkwerke a forest called WiWa (Wilder Wald Finally, the most famous forest https://crimethinc.
way for a hotel and parking deck. A Oetelshofen aims to store the earth wild forest), people constructed tree defence occupation of all, in the com/2021/03/10/the-forest-
matter of days before the end of the that they excavate where there are houses because the city declared Hambach Forest, is still occupied.
legal cutting season, the investors trees. People have been occupying the area a potential development First squatted in 2012, it has been
sent cold-blooded mercenaries with the area since August 2019. Just area. The activists in the forest evicted and reoccupied several times. tactics-strategy-and-culture-of-
chainsaws to attack the trees despite as occurs everywhere else, the developed platforms in the trees - In January 2020, politicians decided resistance

Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it. PAGE 15


Right Said Fred Interview

R ight Said Fred have made their
mark in multiple ways.
They were the first UK band

socialise, how many vegetables and

to debut at number one in the
salads to eat and when to watch the
US since the Beatles. They have
clocked number one hits in over 70
It’s the salami-slicing of intrusion.
countries. Millions sing their classic
They used to say, people were only
‘I’m too sexy’.
aware of the British state three times
Now they stand out again by being
in their life. When they got married,
one of the very few bands with the
bought a stamp or when they died
courage to not only have spoken out
Now, the State is in your face 24/7,
against the current state of politics,
even to the point of putting footprints
but have put their feelings and
on the floor, so you know where to
observations into the lyrics of ‘We are
stand when out and about.
FRED: It definitely feels like a
What happened twenty years ago,
spiritual war. People are being divided.
that made you click?
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that
FRED: When the band first kicked there has been an attack on everything
off, there were lots of lies told about to do with mass gathering. Pubs,
us. They said we were both gay, or that community centres, churches, parks,
we were lovers. It struck me that was gyms, there’s been an attack all of
if they were happy to tell such easy them. This is meant to be about our
health and well-being, yet they close Photo: Camille Mitchell Hall
lies about us, the lies can’t stop there.
I started reading authors like Paulo down gyms? We used to manage gyms
at work and neighbours think she absolutely vital. must do the right thing in terms of
Coelho. back in the 80s before Sexy broke.
is bonkers. Being with like-minded I read and listen to people that I representing yourself, the record label
I was introduced to Alex Jones and The one thing you do is you keep
people was psychologically really find inspiring, and not put record sales at risk,
liked him until he started shouting. gyms really clean, not far off from a
important for her. I listen to music that resonates or Back in 1995, we decided to go
I moved on to The Power Hour and doctor’s surgery.
makes me feel good. Although you independent, so we are free to speak.
Richie Allen, then CIA whistleblowers FRED: We’ve both had problems
RICHARD: It’s all been about might want a burger and chips, you’ve
like Ray McGovern. I’m not a David with depression. Richard deals with RICHARD: If you go back to the
fines, gloom, finger wagging, control got to be careful not to shovel too
Icke fan. I just don’t click with his it better than me. I fell apart about six 60’s, music was at the forefront of
and coercion. There has been no sort much rubbish into your body.
style, probably in the same way he of spiritual uplifting message at all. weeks ago. I could feel, my spirit and protest. Pop has withdrawn itself.
When the government is waging
might not like our band, but that said, People want some hope. well-being just disintegrating. I felt war on us, we need to be fit and FRED: It’s us, Ian Brown, Jim
many of his predictions have come really lost and adrift. It was horrible.
Which reminds me of the lyrics healthy to deal with it. Corr and Van Morrison.
true. Things like last Saturday’s 20th March
to your Nov 2020 song, ‘We are We’re surprised how quiet people
I followed the Media Monarchy protest are really important to people’s Back to the 20th March. The
Criminals’ - “Can’t Kiss, Can’t hug. like Gallagher or Stormzy have been,
and the Corbett report. I then came mental and spiritual state. protest took over Central London.
Can’t dance. Can’t Love.” even though Liam Gallagher has said
across the Q-Anon people. I don’t A stunningly peaceful and upbeat a few things about masks and stuff.
agree with them all, but find them atmosphere. How many people do
interesting. And the older punk bands? The
you think there were there? Damned even have a promo with them
I’ve now been down the rabbit hole
for 20 years. Because the ‘Operation wearing masks.
FRED: There were three marches.
Lockstep’ plans have been discussed On a positive note, we came out of
Oxford Street. The Millennium
since 2010, what is happening now the March 20th protest of 100,000 or
to Downing Street. And Trafalgar
isn’t as shocking for me as it might be more with an amazing feeling.
Square. I reckon there must have been
for some. 120,000 people. What would you say to everybody
RICHARD: I think it all started going forward?
RICHARD: The BBC said there
with seatbelts. When you buy a car, were twelve people! FRED: Vote with your feet and
you buy the space inside, yet we have shop locally.
allowed the state inside our spaces to Did you notice the difference
Non-compliance might sound like
tell us how to behave. Now you’re with the drivers beeping, giving their
a cliche, but millions are a force that
not allowed to even look at cigarette support?
cannot be reckoned with. People don’t
packets in a shop. When bad things FRED: Huge difference. seem to understand their collective
happen, it’s not God, it’s the state. We I was stunned. The response power.
then expect the state to put it right. was incredible. I found it really I expect that the spirit of like-
And now the state takes heartwarming. A friend of ours who’s minded people coming together will
responsibility for our health. The State Tell us how the song come about? There will be a lot of people never been on a march before came make the change. I think the numbers
also has God-like all-seeing eyes with FRED: Although Right Said Fred suffering at home, feeling desperate. along and screamed, “This is great!” will be massive at the London protest
CCTV cameras. are meant to be happy we needed to What advice can you give them? on April 24th.
As famous artists, you guys have
FRED: And also they’re getting purge our system of some dark cynical
FRED: It’s difficult. On the had the courage to put these songs What’s next for Right Said Fred?
thoughts and that became ‘We are
people to snitch on each other. one hand, you don’t want to isolate out there. Where are the other pop
Crimimals.’ FRED: We’ve been commissioned
RICHARD: When growing up, if yourself. On the other hand, if you stars?
Our latest song is ‘Your Inner Light to write an autobiography and one of
the Second World War was mentioned, is Love’ is much more of an upbeat, go out, you can feel more isolated FRED: My gut feeling is they
because you’re surrounded by lunatics our films has been has now been fully
people would say, “Well, it couldn’t positive vibe. On the march through have got managers, agents, sponsors
in masks. funded. We’ll create another EP for
happen here.” London on Sat 20th March, the inner or record labels breathing down their
Finding like-minded people online June or July. Upbeat. Feel good. We’ll
British people are not thinking for light was very obvious. necks. Anyone who has a sponsorship
or in real life helps. (Editor: Help just keep doing what we’re doing!
themselves any more and just doing deal with a sports company or the
exactly what they’re told. The state RICHARD: I was with the lady distribute The Light paper!) perfume will have a clause for best To see the full video interview go
tells them how to behave, how to from Portsmouth. She said her friends Exercise, even if it’s a walk, is endeavours, meaning at all times you to

PAGE 16 Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it.


Open Letter To Medical Professionals

A n open letter to the peoples
of the world, especially to the
medical profession:
We are letting people suffer and
die by leaving them without medical
care. We are letting people suffer
when you need help, to be told “we
can’t do anything for you, so we can
protect you from covid”??
will you justify it to their families
and friends? How will you justify to
yourself that while claiming you were
December, and once more cancelled.
She lay in bed in a half-delirium, and die by ensuring detrimental Why are you certifying on death overwhelmed by severe cases, you
His pain became insufferable; he only
strongly sedated with morphine, conditions, by misdiagnosing certificates an unidentified disease posted videos of dance routines?
survived with high doses of morphine.
hardly aware of her surroundings. them and then giving them the as the cause of death, and ignoring Read and question: all the
He went to emergency. They only
She was barely 19. She, like every wrong treatment. According to an the real causes? “She was 80, she information is there. Is there truly a
tested him for covid and sent him
other patient, had no right to any administrator in one of the world’s had cardiopulmonary disease with dangerous pandemic? What are the
home, then pestered him through
visits. She begged the doctor to most prestigious hospitals: “all of our increased breathlessness over the variants of, if in the first place no
calls and visits because he had tested
phone her mother. He refused. She non-covid patients caught covid while last 18 months, thyroid and stomach virus has been identified? You do not
positive. He was finally operated
had a panic attack and could hardly hospitalised and have all died.” Was problems, and metal pins holding need a Phd to comprehend. Science
in late February, but by then his
breathe. condition had worsened. He has been this a consequence of misdiagnosis her extremely crooked leg together is not a matter of experts: trust
They refused to wear a mask as it experiencing excessive post-surgical based on a test whose inventor said is for the last 8 years. She was on 10 should not be automatic. Questioning
was too painful. The nurses refused pain. He is only 41. not fit for this purpose? different medications, including accepted ideas, not taking anything
to attend to them. One of them was She suffers from low blood a long-term and relatively high at face value, are characteristics of a
being given oxygen. In her early 80s, pressure and needs to regularly go to dosage of morphine. She came down scientific approach. The criticality of
she was so desperate for help that she Accident & Emergency; each time her with cold/flu-like symptoms a few doubting has been insisted upon by
complied and nearly suffocated. Her heart and other organ functions are weeks ago, had a ‘test’, it came back scientific thinkers from all epochs and
younger fellow patient who had lost properly checked. Unable to breathe positive, which made her anxious, and traditions.
her mobility refused and could not when she went recently, she was only one morning she fell while getting Whatever you do, never lose
therefore go to the toilet for so long tested for covid, and she was pestered out of bed and broke her leg. They your own humanity. Tolstoy wrote
that her blood pressure went up to 20. because she had tested positive. She couldn’t operate. Her oxygen levels in 1902: “the majority have entirely
He began to have a chest pain. is in her 30s. plummeted. Her morphine intake lost the capacity of differentiating
It would not go away. His difficulty She had serious knee pains and increased massively. Her body shut between good and evil, falsehood and
breathing kept worsening. His wife went to emergency. They refused to down, and the Doctor gave covid-19 truth.” Today have we not also lost
drove him to emergency. He was not even consider her case because she as the cause of death.” This sadly is the capacity to differentiate between
admitted because he did not present refused to wear a mask. She is 80, also an all too familiar story by now. reality and virtuality, between life
any ‘covid’ symptoms. He was sent she returned home, and had to nurse Think about your colleagues and death? For, are we not so lost
home. Within hours he passed away. herself alone. around the world who have refused that out of the fear of death for us
He was barely 70 and was known She broke her tibia bone. Where to accept orders detrimental to their or others, we are precipitating our
to be in good health. Only his wife she is, the mask is compulsory patients, preferring to lose their jobs own death and that of everyone
was allowed to attend the funeral. outside. She suffocates with it, and The existence of a virus has not than lose their humanity. Now is else? Those of you enforcing or
She was banned from praying in the even more so now that every step yet been evidenced. Not only has not the time to blindly accept the participating in the enforcement of
church. The priest was so afraid that is such a physical effort. Her GP causality not been established, no protocols being placed in front of you. a cruel dehumanization process on
he remained far apart and rapidly refused the certificate necessary for specimens have been isolated. What Look into the eyes of the people under populations, are you not possibly for
disappeared. His son, in his late 40s, exemption. This is her response: “the are the tests, treatments and vaccines your care. Should your empathy not the sake of some all too ephemeral
unable to cope with a death which severity of the pandemic does not about in that case? What is the logic be with them instead of with a system power or financial gain or security
should not have occurred, prevented accept any exception to the wearing behind their development? based on false premises? How will forgetting the most essential, that
from attending the funeral, had a of a mask; the physiotherapist can Whether doctor, nurse, admin you justify that you demanded or which makes you a human being?
nervous breakdown. He was left teach you to breathe well [through the or orderly, you who chose the supported policies listed in Amnesty Whoever you are, remember that
without care: after all, he might infect mask]...before going out with you, responsibility to care for your fellow International’s 1973 Report on Torture you can lie to everyone you can lie
everyone with ‘covid’. both masked.” This leaves her unable human beings in their greatest hour of as methods of coercion used on to your spouse, to your parents, to
His kidney stone problem was to practice walking outside. She is in need, step back and think about what prisoners of war and opponents by your children; you can lie to the entire
diagnosed in September. He was her 50s. you are doing, and are being asked to repressive regimes? How will you world, you can never lie to yourself,
supposed to be operated in November. These have since last year become do. Talk to one other about concerns justify it to all whose health is fast you can never lie to life. Lying to life
The operation was postponed to commonplace stories. you may have. Is it not nonsensical deteriorating as a consequence? How has consequences.

Every Official UK Covid Death To Be Investigated

C ovid19 Assembly announces
today that for the first time
in the UK it is setting up a team
‘Covid’ although the deceased was
never exposed to an outbreak, never
showed any Covid symptoms and DR CLARE CRAIG
David Fleming states:
“In a pandemic, it is crucial
that the public, as well as those
pathologist, Dr Clare Craig, Harvard
Professor of Medicine, Dr Martin
Kulldorff, barrister, Francis Hoar,
which will audit all Covid deaths.
Many concerns about the coding
never tested positive to the virus.
The government has not responded
LAUNCHED THE who mandate medical, social and
economic policy, have full access
and journalist, Toby Young.
The project’s success relies on
of Covid deaths have been raised to calls for a public enquiry. COVID DEATHS to accurate and reliable data. The help from you, the public.
including: Overseen by pathologist, Dr scope of our audit is ambitious. If you or anyone you know has
The sidelining of inquests. Clare Craig, the Covid19 Assembly AUDIT We shall be collecting evidence lost someone whose death has been
The deficiencies of tests. team comprises experienced health nationwide and are confident that
The alleged pressure on medical professionals, researchers, data
COVID19 ASSEMBLY many professionals and members of
officially recorded as Covid-19,
please come forward and let us
and care home staff to enter ‘Covid’ analysts and legal experts. They on 23 MARCH 2021 the public will respond to our call
know. All communication will be in
on certificates if a death has occurred are now collecting evidence from for information”.
within 28 days of a positive test. medical staff, coroners, bereaved Covid19 Assembly was founded strictest confidence and a member of
our team will get in touch with you
This follows the publication of
an article by Bel Mooney about the
family members, registrars, funeral
directors and mortuary staff. The We Need in September 2020 to provide
accurate data to the public and to to discuss the matter further.
death of her father (Daily Mail and
others 19/02/21). Since then many
aim is to ascertain to what extent
official figures have been skewed by Your serve as a centrepoint for groups
requiring neutral, evidence-based Visit the Covid Deaths Audit
page here:
similar cases have been recorded by legislative changes to the registration information on a wide range of
Covid19 Assembly in which a loved of deaths. matters concerning the covid crisis. https://www.covid19assembly.
one’s cause of death was recorded as Public Health expert and CEO The Assembly’s advisors include org/covid-deaths-audit/

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