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MASS TRANSFER & DIFFUSION PRESENTED BY:- HARERAM MISHRA GCT/1830155 EMAIL DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEE: SANT LONGOWAL INSTITUTE OF Ei & TECHNOLOGY LONGOWAL,SUNGRUR, {PUB. }, 148106 CONTENTS:- 1.INTRODUCTION TO MASS TRANSFER 2.MECHANISM OF MASS TRASFER 3.CLASSIFICATION OF MASS TRANSFER 4.CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER 5.MASS TRANSFER COEFFICIENT 6. THEORIES OF MASS TRANSFER 7,.MOMENTUM ,HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER ANALOGIES 8. INTERPHASE MASS TRANSFER \9.DIFFUSION & MOLECULAR DIFFUSION 10.KNUDSEN ,SURFACE&SELF DIFFUSION @/NTRODUCTION TO MASS TRANSFER: DEFINITION:- “The process of transfer of mass as result o1 difference of a component in a mixture or two phase in conta transfer”. Ex:-Evaporation of water from a pool of water In to a stream oi over the water surface. ®> Absorption of oxygen of air into blood occurs in the lungs of a the process of respiration. Example of diffusion mass transfer ™® In mass transfer operations, mass Atthesurfecaotithelina: transfer may occur:- 7 (a)In one direction e.g Gas Absorption. Air Blood (b)In opposite direction e.g Distillation. ‘c)With simultaneous heat transfer e.g Drying & crystallisation. el Sei So cna | gt Sass ton ‘d )With simultaneous chemical reaction .g absorption of CO2 in an aqueous ution of KOH. With a exchange of one or more components. hilt Oxygen Carbon dioxide => The phenomena those must exit in a mass transfer operation (aJAt least two phases must come in contact with each other (b) Materials must flow from one phase to other. (CJA part of total flow of material from one phase to other must occur DB) molecular diffusion. @ MECHANISM OF MASS TRANSFER: - (Equilibrium between the phases is attained after a sufficiently long ti phase contact between them. (b)Material transfer is caused by the combined effect of molecular diffusit and turbulence. (c)There is no resistance to mass transfer at the phase interphase(l of the existence of equilibrium at the interphase). (d)Rate of mass transfer is evaluated by deviation/departure from equil concentration. QeLissirica TION OF MASS TRANSFER OPERA TIOS:- => ACCORDING TO THE PHASE IN CONTACT:- PHASES IN MASSTRANS. CONTACT _ OPERATIONS Liquid-vapour Distillation (gas) | (fractionation) Liquid-gas Gas absorption Stripping Humidification | Oehumidification | Liquid-solid Crystallisation Leaching _ Adsorption Liquid-liquid Extraction Solid-vapour | Sublimation DRIVING FORCE | Vapour pressure diff. Solubility diff. Solubility diff. Conc. diff. Conc. difference | Diff. in solubil- Ity of solute ‘DEGREE OF F-DOM. FaC-P+opmax) Posies Bag VARIALES OF OPERATIONS. Solid-gas Adsorption CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER INTRODUCTION:- Mass transfer occurring under the the influence of motion in a fluid medium is called the ‘convective mass transfer’. Ex:- A simple mechanism of dissolution of sugar crystals ina stirred cup of water. The water just in contact with a crystals i.e. liquid at solid- liquid interface, get saturated with the sugar almost instantly. The dissolved sugar diffuses from the interface to the bulk of liquid through’ or film of the solution adhering the crystals. More sugar dissolves in the liquid in the simultaneously the interface. he thickness of the film decreases, if the stirring rate is more rapid, which results in uicker rate of dissolution or rate of mass transfer. PES OF CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER:- Similar to the convective heat o types of convective mass transfer:- forced convection mass transfer 2. free or natural convection mass t 1.Free convection mass transfer:- ——— In this ra mechanism of mass transfer,the motion or flow in the medium is caused by the diff. Water in density. 2, forced convection mass transfer:- This Pe. type of mass transfer involves that the motion in the medium is poroduced by wee” an external agency such as pump, blower on aes and agitator. (slower) (faster) : Convective mass transfer is strongly influenced by the flow field, If the flow field defined,then mass transfer rate can be determined by mathematical analysis of ma: jomentum balance sach as in the case of- Dissolution of the solid coated on a plate lowing over it, the absorption of solute gas in a laminar liquid film falling down a For more complex situation sach as the dissolution of solid in a mechani ,theor. calculation is difficult bez flow field is complex. Quis esr COEFICENT- => The mass transfer coefficient is defined as:- Rate of mass transfer conc. Driving force Rate of mass transfer co area of contact between the phases W, c aAC= W ,= k,aAC, Where k, = mass transfer coefficient And,- W, = aNq = kad, So, Ng = kK AC, Mass transfer coefficient, Ke = N,/ AC, Or k- = molar flux/ conc. DV For the purpose of comparison- Heat transfer coefficient, h=Heat flux/temp.driving force. Mass transfer resistence co 1/mass transfer coefficient Local flux/local driving force=local mass transfer coefficient. Avg. flux/Avg.driving force=Avg. mass transfer coefficient Units of k = unit of molar flux/ unit of driving force = kmol/m.m.s/unit of driving force If driving force Is taken as conc. Diff, then-unit of k =m.m/s(as unit of vel According to the units of D.funits of mass trans.coff.(k ) will be changed. es of mass transfer coefficient: nt types of mass transfer coefficients have been defined depending on:- jether mass transfer occurs in gas phase or in liquid phase e choice of driving force ,and er-diffusion. Hux, Mass transfer coefficient Gas-phase mass transfer coff. k(P,:-Pa) )aP/RTBP any K(YarVa2) ky=One?/RTB Paw K(Cas-Cao) 1naP/ BPay, Liquid-phase mass transfer coff. k(Car-Caa) =D p0/B Xam Ky ParXaad =CDjo/BXy, Conversion:- kgRT=RTKy/P=k.5 k= Cu, (C) Whether it is a case of diffusion of A through non- diff Flux,N, Mass transfer coefficient Ko(ParP, K(VarVaa) K’Car-Caa) Ke=Dg/B RCar Can) Ki =Dae/B K'(Xar%aa) y= CD 0/5 Kick’ RT=RTK’/P; KEK IC, Mol/t(A)4p, Mol/t(A)Ay, Mol/t(A)ac, Mol/t(A)AC, Mol/t(A)ay, Baap )IMENSIONLESS GROUPS IN MASS TRANSFER:- There are most important dimensionless groups in mass transfer ar Reynolds number,Re=interia/viscous force The same =he/palv/v Schmidt number,Sc=momentum/mol. Diffu. Pr=cp/k=(1u/ p)/(k/pcp)}=v/er=momentum =/pD=v/D diffusivity/thermal diffusivity Sherwood numberSh=convective mass flux/ diffusive flux Nu=hI/k=convective heat flux/conduction heat flux across a layer of thick.! across a thickness of | #k,|/D=k,AC/(D/I)AC Stanton number,St,=convective mass flux/flux due to _St,=Nu/(Re)(Pr)=hAT/vaT=convective heat flux/heat bulk flow of amedium flux due to bulk flow Sh/(Re)(Sc}=k,/v=k,AC/vAC Peclet number,Pey=flux due to bulk flow of Pey=(Re)(Pr)=(vppc,)AT/(k/)AT=heat flux due to bulk medium/diff. flux across a layer of | flow/conduction heat flux across a thickness | 1e) (Sc)=Iv/D=vAC/ (I/D) AC Colburn factor,jg=Sty,(Se)?/*=$h/(Re)(Se)"* The same Grashof number,Gr=PAge/uv The same 1 EORIES OF MASS TRANSFER: There are no. of theories of mass transfer which aim at visualizing the mechanism and developing the exp] for mass transfer coefficient fact,any such theory is based on a conceptual model for mass These important theories are:- Lhe Film theory (film model) 2.The Penetration Theory 3.The surface renewal theory THE FILM THEORY (FILM MODEL):- This theory was developed by Whitman, in 1923.According to this theory, when the mass transfer occurred ff solid surface to a flowing fluid, even though the bulk liquid is in turbulent motion, the flow near the wall considered to be laminar. ‘The concentration of dissolved solid (A) will decreses from C,,at the solid liquid interphase to C,, at the | liquid. In reality the concentration profile will be very steep near the solid surface,where the effect is practically absent. Molecular diff it This theory is based on following assumptions such as:- responsible for mass transfer near the wall while convection dominates affittle« {a) Mass transfer occurs by purely molecular diffusion through a stagnant fluid layer at the this film,the fluid is well mixed having a concentration which is the same at that of bulk flui (b) Mass transfer through a film occurs at steady state. (c)The bulk flow term [(N,+tNg)C,/C] is small. For the many practical situations, this assumption is satisfactory. Concentration profile in stagnant film Actual concentration profile Ca Can > Zz er eiig se ete ENE HiguEe eS we we ‘and of unit area normal to the z-direction. Making a steady-state mass balance over t Rate of input of solute at z = Naj, Rate of output of solute at 2402 = Naj..g, Rate of accumulation = 0 (at steady state) By the mass balance over the elementary volume- Input + accumulation = output =H, Dividing by Az throughout and taking the limit Az-0, we get,- -dN,/dz=0, and putting N,= -D,,dC,/dz EEDBNC,/dz?=0, or- d?C,/dz* = 0; integrating and using the following boundary conditions (1) & (2)- (1) at the z= 0 (i. the wall or the phase boundary or the interphase ), Cx = Cy: (2) at the z= (ie. the ather end of film of thickness,5), C, = then, In| zsaz =O Ca =Cy—(Cai— Can) 2/8, according to this- The theorectical concentration profile is linear as shown in figure.whereas the true concentration type. Atthe steady state condition, the mass transfer flux through the film is constant. Id, Na =-Dag [dC g/d] 2-0 = Dye / B(CaiCay on portant points :- The film theory has been extremely useful in the analysis of mass transfer accompanied by a The film thickness, is the thickness of the stagnant layer that offers a mass transfer resi Duy /B : istence of mass transfer offered the fluid 3.The film theory predicts linear dependence of k, upon the diffusivity, i.e. De k, 4. According to the experimental data on diverse system,- coefficient of mass transfer to a t {Djs)”, where n varies between 0-0. THE PENETRATION THEORY:- This theory was developed by Higbie This theory can be explained by a simple phenomenon of mass transfer from a rising gas bubbles-for example, absorption of oxygen from an air bubble in a fermenter. According to the figure as shown- as the bubble rises,the liquid element from the bulk of fluid reach the top of bubble move along its spherical surface, reach its bottom and then deteached detached from it. The detached liquid element eventually get mixed up with the bulk liquid. Absorption of oxygen in a small liquid element occurs as long as the elements remains at gas-liquid interface (i.e. in contact with gas ). hus the above theory concluded that- in the case of mass transfer at the phase boundary, an elem: aches the interface (by any mechanism whatsoever) and stay there for a short while when itr ‘om other phase. At the end of its stay at the interface, the liquid element moves back into the by jth it the solute it picked up during its brief stay at the interface. this process, the liquid element makes room for another liquid element, fresh from bulk, ble. BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF PENETRATION THEORY: 1.Unsteady state mass transfer occurs to a liquid element so long as it is in contact with the 2.equilibrium exists at the gas- liquid interface. 3.Each of the liquid element stays in contact with the gas(or other phase) for the same period of time. Consider the mass transfer of gas bubble of the diameter d, rising at velocity u,, the contact tim during this period of time can be described by partial differential equation as- OC,/dt = Dygd2C,/022 The appropriate boundary and intial conditions arei- Boundary condition 1:- t>0, z= Boundary condition2:- t>0, z Initial condition: t=0, 220; The initial condition implies that in a fresh liquid element coming from the bulk, the concentration is is equal to the bulk concentration. ‘he boundary condition 1 assumes that “interfacial equilibrium” exits at all time. \ The last condition implies that if the contact time of an element with the gas is small, the ‘deapth ‘tration’ of the solute in the element should also be small and effectively the element can n be coy Yinfinite thickness’ in relative sense. Due to subjected to initial and boundary conditions, the equation can be solved for the tral distribution of the solute in the element by introducing a ‘similarity variable’ n :~ Cy-Car/CarCay =1-erfy; where = 2/2VD jot The mass flux to the element at any time t is- Nalt) = -Dygl3C,/82),-9 = VDgg(Cai-Cag)/FAt The avg. mass flux over the contact time Naawe = Wte So'Na(tldt = 2VDpQ(Cy-C,,)/I ‘On comparing- Instantaneous mass transfer coefficient, k=VDa,/MIt Average mass transfer coefficient, =2VD,,/MH IMPORTANT POINTS:- 1. The flux decreases with the time because of a gradual build-up of solute concentration within the resulting decreases in the driving force. 2. Ata large time, the element becomes nearly saturated and the flux becomes vanishingly small. 3. According to this theory, the mass transfer coefficient is proportional to the square root of diffusi . On comparing with film theory, the contact time t, is a model parameter like the film thickness & in eory. Kaw’ THE SURFACE RENEWAL THEORY:- One of the major drawback of penetration theory is the assumption that the contact time o elements is same for all. In the turbulent medium, it is much more probable that some of the liquid elements are swep' young, from the interface by eddies while some others, unaffected by eddies for the time bein, in contact with the gas for longer times. Asa result, there will be a ‘distribution of age’ of the liquid element present at the interface at a This is how danckwert (1951) visualized the phenomenon. This theory contains the following assur 1. The liquid element at the interface are being randomly displaced by the fresh elements from the. 2. Atany moment, each of the liquid elements at the surface has the same probability of being rep! element 3. Unsteady state mass transfer occurs to an element during its stay at the interface The Danckwert'’s theory is thus called the surface renewal theory. The model parameter is the fractional rate of surface renewal (s, the fraction of surface area renewed j The equation for the mass transfer coefficient is:~ K, Days IMPORTANT POINTS:- 1. Surface Renewal theory also predicts the square root dependence of mass transfer coe! diffusivity, i.e. k,2°VDjo, 2.\t has also similar dependence on the fractional rate of surface renewal, s. 3. Increasing the turbulence in medium causes more brick surface renewal mass transfer coefficient. THE BOUNDARY LAYER THEORY:- “gS 7 Mass transfer in the boundary layer flows Cc la occurs ina way similar to that of heat tran. ‘ab If the plate is located with a soluable subs. And the liquid (or gas ) flows over it, two boundary layers are formed- the ‘velocity boundary layer’ and the ‘concentration’ or ‘mass boundary layer’. It maybe recalled that in boundary layer flow ver a heated plate, a thermal boundary layer formed along with the velocity or moment- boundary layer (thickness = 8 ). Flat plate e concentration distribution in the boundary layer is a function of position, C,(sy), and its thickness is a function of distance from the leading edge, 5 ,(x). The relative thickness of the velocity and the concentration boundary layer de midt number, Sc. larger s) there! Theoretical analysis of the mass transfer in laminar boundary layer is given by following col Sh, =k, /D4g=0.332(Re,)#/3(Sc)#2 where, x =distance of a point from leading age of the plate k, = local mass transfer coefficient Re,=local Reynold number {f*V’is the length of the plate then ‘average Sherwood number’ is- Sh, =k; gl/Dqg=0.664(Re))!(Sc)" where,- k, 4.2 Mass transfer coefficient averaged over the length of the plate, Re, = pV.I/.= ‘plate Reynold number’ based on the length of the plate. IMPORTANT POINTS:- 1. Boundary layer theory predicts that the mass transfer coefficient k, varies as (Dg,)*/?, which reasonal the experimental findings in many cases. \ 2. if the Schmidt number is greater than unity, the thickness of momentum boundary layer at any location ate is more than the concentration boundary layer,it can be shown as, 3/6,, (Sc)" COMBINED STUDY OF MASS TRANSFER THEORY ALONG WITH MASSTRANSFER COEFFICIENT: ‘THEORY FILM THEORY PENETRATION ‘THEORY ‘SURFACE RENEWAL ‘THEORY BOUNDARY LAYER ‘THEORY STEADYOR ‘UNSTEADY STATE, Unsteady state Steady state EXPRESSION FOR MASS: ‘TRANSFER COEFFICIENT, kd k,,.=[d/Nt]"2 Kio,-2l DMI]? K ag [Dsl Boundary layer correlation ‘Dependence difisty Kyoed. Koo dl Kod K,ood"* Kood! ‘MODEL (unm) 5(m) t.(s) s(s*) volume of experimental data:- Laminar flow through a circular tube Turbulent flow through a tube Boundary layer flow over a flat plate Flow through a wetted-wall tower Gas-phase flow through a packed bed Liquid flow through a packed bed 35*10° jp=0.664(Re,)°5 1in=0.037(Re,)° 3,000water system temperature and this process of absorption and desorption (stripping) continues. Eventually a time comes, at which the rate of absorption becomes equal to the rate of desorption. he parital pressure of SO, in air and its concentration in water will no longer change, thus the syste quilibrium’. some sulphur dioxide gas is fed into the vessel and sufficient time is allowed thereafter the sy -w equilibrium state and a new sets of equilibrium value (x,',p,) is obtained. sts of equilibrium values at constant temp. and at a constant total pressure is called the ‘Ei lot of these data is called the ‘Equilibrium line’ or ‘Equilibrium curve’. fb water + 809 (9%) LAW OF EQUILIBRIUM:- Two important law of equilibrium between the phases are Raoult’s Law and Henry's Law. Raoult’s Law: For the ideal gas-liquid or vapour-liquid system, the equilibrium relationship is Statement:- “The equilibrium partial pressure of a component in a solution at a given temp. is of its vapour pressure in pure state and its mole fraction in liquid phase”. Mathmatically,- = Ps Xn Henry's Law: Equilibrium relationship for many non-ideal gas-liquid system at the low concentrat Henry's Law- Statement:- “The mole fraction of a solute gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the equill partial pressure of the solute gas above the liquid surface”. Jathmatically,- Xq= 1/H, Pa OF Pa=Xq Hy here H, = Henry's Law contact , which is strongly depends on Temperture (Increases). The pendence of the Henry’s Law constant sometimes follows as- m = m,exp(-E/RT). Equilibrium diagram of SO, in water at different temp. is shown in figure Equilibrium lines become steeper because the solubility of SO, in water decreases with increase with temperature. IMPORTANT POINTS:- 1. Ina system at the equilibrium, the number of phases p Y P, the number of components C, and the number of variants F, also called ‘The Degree of Freedom’ and are related by ‘Phase Rule’ F=C-P+2 " DT 0.003 0.008 0.009 0012 0.018 0018 In the above case Mole fraction of SO>in water, F=3-24253 And, these three variants should be specified to define the system completely. 2. if two phase at equilibrium, there is no net transfer of solute from one phase to another. it rather m: molecules go from phase-1 to phase-2, the same number of molecules move from phase-2 to phase-1 intain the concentrations in the phases constant This equilibrium is sometimes called ‘Dynamic | . If two phase are not at equilibrium, mass transfer from phase-1 to phase-2 occurs so long as the lute in phase-2 is lower than the equilibrium concentration. the extent of Deviation from Equilibrium state is a measure of driving force”. 1d for the system at the equilibrium, the driving force is zero. MASS TRANSFER BETWEEN TWO PHASES:- Concentration profile near the interface:- Mass transfer between two phases involves the following sequential steps:- 1. The solute (A) is transported from the bulk of the gas phase (G) to the gas-liquid interface 2. The solute (A) is picked-up or absorbed by the liquid phase (L) at the gas-liquid interface. 3, The absorbed solute (A) is transported from the interface to the bulk of liquid (L) The steps 1 & 3 are facilitated by the turbulence in the fluid medium. Interface means, geometrical plane or surface of contact between two phases. From the figure, p, and C, are the function of distance (z) along the mass transfer path and z = means the interface. lim py = Pai (220) and = limC,=C,, (z0*) hese are called ‘Interfacial concentration’. In most it is assumed that equilibrium exits at the inter y= @ (Cy) ihere @ represents the dependence of p, on C, at the equilibrium. This function is also call ation’. If it so happens that the Henry’s Law is valid for solute-solvent pair, the equilibriu Pai = MCy, TWO FILM THEOR' Lewis and Whitman (1924) visualized that in the case of mass transfer involving two phases in contac fluid film exits on either side of interface and mass transfer through these films , in sequence, purely b Beyond these films the concentration in a phase is equal to the bulk concentration.This is “Two film the Whitman”. The two films and concentration distributions are schematically shown in the figure, Determination of interfacial concentration:- Interfacial concentration can be determined either, graphically or algebraically. lf the mass transfer occurs from a gas phase to a liquid phase at the steady state, the mass flux of solute A from the bulk gas to the interface must be equal to that from the interface to the bulk liquid. This is because, at the steady state, there cannot be any accumulation of solute anywhere. In the term of gas and liquid phase coefficient- Na = Ky (Yas — Yar) = Keepin) Gas-phase flux to the liquid-phase flux interface to interface \d from the figure- Yq —Vq /Xap—%ai =-k/ky slope of the line PM DIFFUSION:- it is the movement of molecules or individual component through a mixture from a region toa region of lower concentration at a fixed temperature and pressure with or without the hi Ex:- A drop of ink released in water in a glass gradually spreads to make the water uniformaly coloured. The fragrance of a bunch of rose kept on the centre table of drawing reaches out even to a remote corner of the room. Molecular Diffusion semipermeable membrane DIFFUSION Figure 1 © Low ton concentration @ Eddy or Turbulent Diffusion = jolecular Diffusion:- Diffusion result from random joverment of Molecules. irbulent Diffusion:- When the movement of the molecule ee curs with the help of an external force such as High ton concentration chanical stirring and convective movement of fluid,then it is callec atid IMPORTANT POINTS:- 1. Diffusion is a passive process. 2. The molecular diffusion is a slow process, whereas eddy diffusion is a fast process. 3. The molecular diffusion is a mechanism of stationary fluid i.e., a fluid at rest and flow is lami whereas in the case of fluid in the turbulent flow ,the mechanism of mass transfer is by eddy mi eddy transfer. ROLE OF DIFFUSION IN MASS TRANSFER:- Diffusion may occur in one phase or in both phases in all the mass transfer operations. In the case of Distillation- ‘The more volatile component diffuses through the liquid phase to the interface between the phases and away from interface into the vapour phase, the less volatile component diffuses in opposite direction. In the case of gas absorption - The solute gas diffuses through the gas phase to the interface ind then through liquid phase from the interface between the phases. in the case of crystallization- The solid solute diffuses through a mother liquor to the crystals ani posit on the solid surface . the case of drying operation- The liquid water (moisture) diffuses through a solid tows face of solid,evaporates and diffuses as a vapour into gas phase (Drying medium). FICK’S LAW OF DIFFUSION:- The basic law of diffusion, called fick’s Law was enunciated by adolf Eugen Fick, a physiologi in 1885. According to this law , the molar flux of a species relative to an observer moving wit molar average velocity is proportional to the concentration gradient of the species. Mathematicaly,- EE-D,, dC, /dz molar flux ~ 1,22 dC, /dz molecular diffusivity concentration gradient i or diffusion coefficient rection The diffusional flux J, is a positive quantity by the convection. Since Diffusion occurs spontaneously in the direction of decreasing concentration [(dC,/dz) < 0],negative sign. Is involved in mathematical representation of Fick’s law for diffusion. nd, Ng = Na +N (Cy/C)—Dag dC, / de Ny +Ng(Cq/C) = Bulk Flow j Dag dC, /dz Molecular diffusion or Ny = J, = -Dyg dC, /dz (for small conc. OF A) fusion velocity:- Diffusing velocity of species A, vyy= Uy -U For the gas phase diffusion- Na =(Nq+Ng )P, /P— Dag dp, /RTdz In term of mole fraction- Na=(Na+Ng Wa-CDyg dyy/dz and J, = -CDgg dy, /dz Average total molar concentration of mixture If the gas mixture is ideal, the mutual diffusivities of A and B are equal, that is- Daa = Dan STEADY STATE MOLECULAR DIFFUSION IN A BINARY GAS MIXTURE- © Diffusion of A through non- diffusing 8- For the steady state diffusion of A through non-diffusing 8,- Nq= constant and N,=0 And, Molar flux- Ng = Dag P IN (yo ~ Pay /RTI* Pg Where pyy = log mean partial pressure of B OF-Ng = DagP In (P— Dg)/RT2*P-Da ‘quimolar counter current diffusion of A & B:-For the equimolar ounter-current diffusion of A and B- Ny = Dg (Py ~ Py /RTH KNUDSEN DIFFUSION,SURFACE DIFFUSION AND SELF-DIFFUSION:- (a)Knudsen Diffusion:- If the gas diffusion occurs in a very fine pore, particularly at a low pressure ,the mean free path of the molecules may be larger than the diameter of passage. Then collision with the wall becomes much more frequent than collision with other molecules. The rate of diffusional transport of a species is now governed by its molecular velocity, the dia. Of passage, and Of course, the gradient of concentration or partial pressure . This is called “Knudsen Diffusion” and becomes important if pore size is normally below 50 mm. Ex :-Intra-particle transport in a catalyst containing fine pores. (b) Surface diffusioi Surface diffusion is the transport of adsorbed molecules on a surface in the presence of a cone. radient. Molecules adsorbed on a surface remain anchored the active sites, if the fractional surface converage is less than ity,some of active sites remains vacant. The flux due to the surface diffusion is- J,=-D, dC, /dz ei Yi “acces ee HG G g TE Hdl Blocking Efect sa Surtace Diffusion os Self-diffusion:- The molecules of a gas or a liquid continuously move from one position ther as a result a mixture of uniform composition also diffuses but net rate is not chi

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